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Happy Summer Holidays!!

Curriculum Map 2018-19

Kingfisher Topic Overview Autumn, Spring and Summer 2018/2019

Summer Timetable

The children have enjoyed writing biographies about the life of Amelia Earhart.

Congratulations to Alfie for being our Star this week!

Congratulations to Amelie, Lauren and Brooke for the end of term awards

Week Commencing 15th July:

This week we are focusing on the 50th Anniversary of the moon landings. 

In Maths we will be focusing on place value – Mathletics is open for the rest of the year. Weekly Times Tables are set up on TT RockStars. 

In Topic we are finishing our unit on WW2 (children request after our DDay 75 lesson!)

In Jigsaw we are focusing on ‘Looking forward to change’ 


Book Bags, Comprehension Books and Water Bottles due in

Relax Kids this afternoon


NO Reading Morning 



Thank you Assembly

Pop Corn and Movie afternoon


Awards Assembly

End of Term 1:30pm

Yoga in the sunshine and Alfie's WW2 Teddy!

The children have enjoyed writing biographies about the life of Amelia Earhart.

Congratulations to Alfie for being our Star this week!

Congratulations to Amelie, Lauren and Brooke for the end of term awards

Week Commencing 15th July:

This week in in English we are focusing on SPaG  

There is no speaking homework this week

In Maths we will be focusing on place value – Mathletics is open for the rest of the year. Weekly Times Tables are set up on TT RockStars.

In Topic we are finishing our unit on WW2 (children request after our DDay 75 lesson!)

In Jigsaw we are focusing on ‘Looking forward to change’


Book Bags, Comprehension Books and Water Bottles due in

Relax Kids this afternoon


NO Reading Morning



Thank you Assembly

Pop Corn and Movie afternoon


Awards Assembly

End of Term 1:30pm


The children have enjoyed writing their own adventure stories and learning about the Home Front!

Congratulations to Amelie for being our Star this week!

Week Commencing 8th July:

This week in in English we are writing biographies  

There is no speaking homework this week

In Maths we will be focusing on addition and subtraction calculations – Mathletics is open for the rest of the year. Weekly Times Tables are set up on TT RockStars.

In SPaG we will focusing question words and SPaG terms eg who why what how which where when adjective adverb verb

In Topic we are continuing our unit on WW2 (children request after our DDay 75 lesson!)

In Jigsaw we are focusing on ‘Looking forward to change’


Book Bags, Homework, outstanding Library Books, Comprehension Books and Water Bottles due in


Reading Morning until 9:10

Book Bags to go out


Relax Kids Yoga


Book Bags are due in


Children meet their new teacher

Book Bags and water bottles to go home

Film Night after school



Stone Painting

The children have worked really hard writing their own version of Grendel and describing position and movement in Maths. The children have also been painting stones!

Congratulations to Diggory for being our Star this week!


Week Commencing 1st July:

This week in in English we are writing adventure stories

There is no speaking homework this week

In Maths we will be focusing on place value and written calculations – Mathletics is open for the rest of the year. Weekly Times Tables are set up on TT RockStars.

In SPaG we will focusing months of the year and time eg November, December, afer, past, hour, half, minute, quarter, month, second

In Topic we are continuing our unit on WW2 (children request after our DDay 75 lesson!)

In Jigsaw we are focusing on ‘Caring about other people’s feelings’’


Book Bags, Homework, Library Books, Comprehension Books and Water Bottles due in


Reading Morning until 9:10

Book Bags to go out


Homework and Comprehension Books to go out

Relax Kids Yoga


Book Bags are due in


Book Bags and water bottles to go home


The children really enjoyed Crearuve Week and I have been really impressed with their perseverance when weaving. Yoga is proving really popular! 

Congratulations to Emilia for being our Star this week!

Week Commencing 24th June:

This week in in English we are writing our own version of  Grendel: A Cautionary Tale by David Lucas

There is no speaking homework this week

In Maths we will be focusing on position and movement  – Mathletics is open for the rest of the year. Weekly Times Tables are set up on TT RockStars. 

In SPaG we will focusing on months of the year. 

In Topic we are continuing our unit on WW2 (children request after our DDay 75 lesson!)

In Jigsaw we are continuing to focus on ‘Respect’


Book Bags, Homework, Library Books, Comprehension Books and Water Bottles due in


Reading Morning until 9:10

Book Bags to go out


Homework and Comprehension Books to go out

Relax Kids Yoga 


Book Bags are due in


Book Bags and water bottles to go home

The children really enjoyed their ALife workshop this week. We finished our cress investigations. The children have worked hard on describing Grendel and can now draw brilliant illustrations!

Congratulations to Emilia for being our Star this week!

Week Commencing 17th June:

It is creative week and Well Being day Friday!

This week in in English we are continuing Grendel: A Cautionary Tale by David Lucas

There is no speaking homework this week

In Maths we will be focusing on mental calculations – Mathletics is open for the rest of the year. Weekly Times Tables are set up on TT RockStars.

In SPaG we will focusing on homophones and conjunctions eg  knight, night, blue, blew, hole, whole, because, so, that and or

In Topic we are continuing our unit on WW2 (children request after our DDay 75 lesson!)

In Jigsaw we are focusing on ‘Respect’


Book Bags, Homework, Library Books, Comprehension Books and Water Bottles due in


Reading Morning until 9:10

Book Bags to go out


Maths Morning until 9:10

Homework and Comprehension Books to go out

Relax Kids Yoga


Book Bags are due in

Recycled Craft due in 


Well Being Day - School Uniform as usual

Book Bags and water bottles to go home

Fun Run in the afternoon!

Matilda Book Bags!

The children have had a busy first week back, including planting cress and our class trip.  I was very proud of them; they behaved brilliantly and were a credit to the school.

Congratulations to Brooke for being our Star this week!

Week Commencing 10th June:

This week in in English we are studying Grendel: A Cautionary Tale by David Lucas

Speaking Homework will be linked to this

In Maths we will be continuing with multiplication and division – Mathletics is open for the rest of the year. Weekly Times Tables are set up on TT RockStars.

In SPaG we will focusing on homophones and near homophones eg  be, bee, bare, bear, won, one, son, sun, quite, quiet

In Topic we are starting our unit on WW2 (children request after our DDay 75 lesson!)

In Science we will be completing our Cress investigation

In Jigsaw we are focusing on ‘Expressing How We Feel’


Book Bags, Homework, Library Books, Comprehension Books and Water Bottles due in

A Life workshop


Reading Morning until 9:10

Book Bags to go out


Homework and Comprehension Books to go out

Relax Kids Yoga


Book Bags are due in


Book Bags and water bottles to go home

Father’s Day Sale in the afternoon

Week Commencing 3rd June!

Hope you all had a lovely break and looking forward to the final Half Term!

We are looking forward to our trip on Tuesday:

  • Please wear school uniform
  • If possible, please pack an extra drink
  • There will not be time to visit the shop as we have two workshops booked so please do not send in money (they will be coming home with something they have made as a souvenir of the trip)

In English we will be recounting our trip to Roald Dahl - Speaking Homework is linked to this.

In Maths we will be focusing on multiplication and division problems - Mathletics and TT Rockstars are available

In Science we will be planting cress seeds

In our topic we will be learning about the life of Grace Darling

Yoga starts on Wednesday!



Book Bags, water bottles and PE Kits are due in

Speaking Homework to go out



Book Bags to go out


Homework to go out

Yoga with Relax Kids starts

Grammar Workshops for parents/carers


Book Bags are due in


Book Bags and Water Bottles to go home 

Some of our Monster Guides!

It has been a really busy Half Term and I have been really proud of the effort and hard work that the children have put in to their learning! I would just like to say a big thank you for your support this Half Term and have a great break!

Congratulations to Otis for being our star!

Don't forget Sports Afternoon Friday - children can come to school in their house colours (I will send home PE Kits on Thursday)

After Half Term we will be starting Yoga on a Wednesday afternoon

Week Commencing 20th May

In English the children will be writing their own stories.

In Maths we are focusing on problem solving  - I have opened up all the remaining Mathletics challenges and they will be available until the end of July.

We will be finishing our seaside topic this week



Book Bags, Homework and Water Bottles due in


Reading Morning will resume after Half Term

Book Bags to go home


Homework will go out after Half Term - everyone needs a rest smiley


Book Bags to come in - I will send them out today as well as it is Sports Afternoon tomorrow.

PE Kits to go home


Sports Afternoon and PTFA Event!


French, Science, Clarinet and Troy!

Our Week!

The children have started to create their own Monster guide Books! They were over the moon to meet Troy Deeney and they posed some tough questions to him!

Congratulations to Rylee for being our Star this week!


Week Commencing 13th May:

This week in in English we are finishing our Monster Guide Books – No Speaking Homework

In Maths we will be revising addition and subtraction– Mathletics is linked to this. Weekly Times Tables are set up on TT RockStars.

In Jigsaw we are continuing our Relationship Unit


Book Bags, Homework, Comprehension Books and Water Bottles due in


No Reading Morning

Book Bags to go out


Homework and Comprehension Books to go out


Book Bags are due in


 Image result for watford badge

Book Bags and water bottles to go home

Non School Uniform in aid of PTFA – If you wish to wear Watford colours to celebrate the Cup Final please feel free to do so!

The children have created some really descriptions of their monsters ready to start to create their Monster Guide Books. The Heritage Boxes have been truly brilliant and I will post some more pictures. I am very jealous as my family history is very boring in comparison! 

Congratulations to Aiden for being our Star this week!

Week Commencing 7th May:

This week in in English we are compiling our own Monster Guide Book.


In Maths we will be learning about 2D and 3D Shapes Mathletics is linked to this. Weekly Times Tables are set up on TT RockStars. 

We will discussing dispersal in Science!

In Jigsaw we are continuing our Relationships Unit 




Book Bags, Homework, Comprehension Books and Water Bottles due in

Reading Morning until 9:10

Book Bags to go out


We have a visitor playing their clarinet for us and WFC Reading Project are coming in to share a story with us.

Homework and Comprehension Books to go out


Book Bags are due in


Book Bags and water bottles to go home


Some of our Heritage Boxes shared so far and Gym!

We have had a great first week back. We became members of the Monstermatic Toy Company and helped the pirate find his treasure!

Congratulations to Harvey for being our star this week!


Week Commencing 29.04

Clubs start this week.  Reading Morning on Tuesday and Maths Morning on Wednesday. 

In English we will be describing a monster and looking at it's digestive system! There is no Speaking Homework this week 

In Maths we are starting on time, half past, quarter past and to. Mathletics will be linked to this.

In Science we start our plant topic

In Topic we will be looking at seaside photos from the past



Homework, Book Bags and Water Bottles due in


Reading Morning starts

Book Bags to go home


Maths Morning 

Homework goes out


Book Bags due in


Heritage Box sharing from 2:45 in the Hall

Book Bags and Water Bottles to go home



Week Commencing 23rd April 

Welcome back, hope you all had a lovely break and are ready for the busy term ahead. 

Show and Tell for the next two weeks will focus on our Heritage Boxes. 

If you have not done so, please return trip permission slips.

Please remember I am on a course on the first day back (Mrs Humphreys will be teaching as normal on Tuesday) therefore do not return Book Bags until the Thursday ( I added extra books per bag to cover over the holidays)

In English we will be starting our Non Fiction Topic on Monsters! - There is no speaking homework this week.

In Maths we will be learning about direction and movement  - Mathletics will be linked to this)

We will be starting our British Seaside Topic

Miss Hickey will be teaching Gym and Music on a Friday afternoon for the first Half Term and I will be teaching her topic!

In Jigsaw we will be starting our 'Relationships' unit 



Easter Monday


PE Kits, Homework and Water Bottles are due in 



Homework goes out


Book Bags due in


Book Bags and water bottles to go home


Congratulations to Faith, Harvey and Aaron for being our end of term awards winners.

Well done to George and Bobby for 100% attendance! 

Emilia is our star of the week! 

Have a great break, thank you for all your support. 

See you in two weeks! 

Potatoes and Pop Socks!

The children have had a great week, investigating potatoes and pop socks, writing their own versions of The Secret of Black Rock and creating their own Easter Cards using Sliders and Levers!

Congratulations to Kika for being our Star this week!

Congratulations to Aaron, Harvey and Faith for being our End of Term Award Winners! 


Week Commencing 1st April:

This week in in English we are writing letters on behalf of the PTFA

There is no Speaking Homework

In Maths we will be completing our unit on fractions– Mathletics is linked to this. Weekly Times Tables are set up on TT RockStars.

We will our DT is focused Cooking!



Book Bags, Homework, Comprehension Books and Water Bottles due in


Reading Morning until 9:10

Book Bags to go out


Last WFC Session

PE Kits to go home


Book Bags are due in

Easter Bonnet Assembly


Book Bags and water bottles to go home

Term ends at 1:30

Reversible Materials - Melting and then Freezing Crayons!

The children have created some really dramatic diary entries this week using alliteration, onomatopoeia and similes! We are looking forward to one of our Governors coming in next week to help us with a science investigation linked to potatoes!


Congratulations to Tommy for being our Star this week!


Week Commencing 25th March:

This week in in English we are retelling the story of the Legend of Black Rock

Speaking Homework will be linked to this

In Maths we will be learning about ¾ of amounts– Mathletics is linked to this. Weekly Times Tables are set up on TT RockStars.

In SPaG we will focusing on the /zh/ Sound Spelt ‘s’ television, treasure, division, usual, vision, pleasure, measure, occasion, usually, leisure


We will our DT is focused Easter Cards!


In Jigsaw we are focusing on ‘Knowing How to be a Good Friend’


Book Bags, Homework, Comprehension Books and Water Bottles due in


Reading Morning until 9:10

Book Bags to go out


Maths Morning until 9:10

Homework and Comprehension Books to go out


Book Bags are due in


Book Bags and water bottles to go home

Mother’s Day Sale in the afternoon


Congratulations to Naomi for being our Star of the Week! 

This week we have written exciting stories about Black Rock, made origami birds in Science and researched different types of flags 


Week commencing 18th March

In English we are writing from the point of view of our main character. Speaking homework links to this. 

Maths will focus on fractions, mathletics links to this 

Science - Materials investigations 


Book Bags, water bottles and homework due in 

Speaking homework to go out 


Book Bags to go home 


Homework to go home


Book Bags due in 


Book Bags and water bottles to go home

Disco after school 

This week we have really enjoyed writing our own versions of The Flood, they should be very proud of themselves. 


Week commencing 11th March

In English we are starting to write an adventure story. Speaking homework links to this. 

Maths will focus on fractions, mathletics links to this 

Science - Materials investigations 


Book Bags, water bottles and homework due in 

Speaking homework to go out 


Book Bags to go home 


Homework to go home

Parents Evening


Book Bags due in 

Parents Evening 


Red Nose Day - wear something red £1 donation 

Book Bags and water bottles go home 

Our Week!

This Week we have really enjoyed writing our own versions of The Flood and researching India using Google Earth. 

Congratulations to Lauren for being our star this week!


Week commencing 4th March

English - we will be continuing writing The Flood - no speaking homework this week. 

Maths - Multiplication and Division- Mathletics and TTRockstars are linked to this 

SPaG - the sound /ee/ spelt with ‘ey’ donkey, key, chimney, valley, trolley, turkey, parsley and journey 

Science - Materials Investigation 

Topic - Comparing Watford to Delhi 


Book Bags, Homework and water bottles due in


Reading Morning until 9:10

Booj Bags to go home


Homework to go out


Book Bags due in

World Book Day!


Book Bags and water bottles to go home 


Welcome Back! Hope you all had a lovely break! Shelly has returned as well now that the weather at night is a bit warmer. 


Friday is Garden of Dreams please come along from 2:45 to have a look at what each class has created linked to their Hopes and Dreams unit in Jigsaw.

English - Spending two weeks writing our own version of Flood by Alvero Villa, therefore there will be no Speaking Homework.

Maths - Multiplication and Division - Mathletics and TTRockstars are linked to this

Science - Testing Materials

SPaG - The /u/ Sound Spelt with ‘o’ other mother brother nothing Monday money cover honey discover wonder
Jigsaw - Have made a healthy choice
Topic - Comparing Watford with Delhi


Book bags, PE Kits, Water Bottles and Homework is due in


Reading Morning until 9:10 am

Book Bags to go home


WFC PE 2pm 

Positive Mental Health Parent Session 2:30pm and 6:30pm

Homework to go home


Book Bags are due in


Book Bags and Water Bottles to go home

2:45pm Garden of Dreams in the Hall


In the run up to Book Week (4th to 8th March) we would like to create a display in the library of photos of parents/carers/grandparents reading with their children/grandchildren. If you have any, please send them in. Thank you and Happy Reading!

Congratulations to our Talent Show finalists!

Bobby not only had hot chocolate with Mrs Pace but was Star of the Week as well! 

Thank you for all your support this Half Term. Have a great break! 

Talent Show Auditions and Place2Be Show and Tell

Our Week!

The children have taken part in great discussions about ESafety and Positive Mental Health. They are also very proud of their shark books which they created this week. 


Congratulations to Diggory for being our Star this week! (to be announced in Assembly on Monday)


Week Commencing 11th February

This week in in English we are focusing on poetry skills. There is no Speaking Homework this week

In Maths we will be continuing to learn about Problem Solving and then time – Mathletics is linked to this. Weekly Times Tables are set up on TT RockStars.

In SPaG we will be having an assessment task. 

In Jigsaw we are focusing on ‘Working Hard to Achieve Own Dreams and Goals’



Book Bags, Water Bottles, Homework and Comprehension Books due in


Reading Morning until 9:10

Walk to St Matthews' Church

Book Bags to go out


Homework and Comprehension Books to go out


Book Bags are due in



Book Bags and water bottles to go home


Our Week!

The children have continued with their comprehension skills and really enjoyed creating stained glass windows! Thank you for coming to our Year 2 Meeting yesterday. Please do not hesitate in coming to see me if you have any further questions. If you could not make it, I will pop a pack in Book Bags.


Congratulations to ? for being our Star this week! (to be announced Monday)


Week Commencing 4th February

This week in in English we are creating our own non-fiction books, Sharks!

Speaking Homework will be describing a ‘potion shelf’

In Maths we will be learning about Problem Solving – Mathletics is linked to this. Weekly Times Tables are set up on TT RockStars.

In SPaG we will adding –ing to words ending in ‘y’ to words with one syllable eg patting, patted, humming, hummed, dropping, dropped, sadder, saddest, runner, runny

We will focus on ESafety and Well Being!

In Jigsaw we are focusing on ‘Help others to achieve their goals’



Homework and Comprehension Books due in


Reading Morning until 9:10

Book Bags to go out


Homework and Comprehension Books to go out


Book Bags are due in



Book Bags and water bottles to go home

Film Night!



Bromet Lottery!

Our Week!

The children have continued to work on their comprehension skills in English and in Big Writing described a Wizard in a Shed We went on a Materials Hunt in Science and explored the Great Barrier Reef!

Congratulations to Katherine for being our Star this week!

Congratulations to Max for having hot chocolate with Mrs Pace! 

Week Commencing 28th January:

This week in in English we are continuing our topic, Sharks!

Speaking Homework will be describing a ‘potion shelf’

In Maths we will be learning that addition and subtraction – Mathletics is linked to this. Weekly Times Tables are set up on TT RockStars. 

In SPaG we will adding –ing, -ed, -ear, -est and -y to words ending in 'e' with a consonant before it eg hiking, hiked, hiker, nicer, nicest, shiny, being, shining, scary, scaring. 

We will continue our topic on Ocean Life!

In Jigsaw we are focusing on ‘Having a positive attitude’


Book Bags, Homework, Comprehension Books and Water Bottles due in


Reading Morning until 9:10

Book Bags to go out


Homework and Comprehension Books to go out 


Book Bags are due in

Year 2 SAT's Meeting Kingfisher Class 3:30pm 



Book Bags and water bottles to go home

Our Week!

The children have worked extremely hard on their new English Unit – focusing on comprehension skills and in Big Writing described a Tiny Dragon!  We started our Science unit on Materials and looked at camouflage in our topic!

Congratulations to Faith for being our Star this week!

Week Commencing 18th January:

This week in in English we are focusing on our new non-fiction topic, Sharks!

Speaking Homework will be describing a ‘shed at the bottom of your garden’

In Maths we will be learning that addition can be done in any order – Mathletics is linked to this. Weekly Times Tables are set up on TT RockStars.

In SPaG we will adding –ing to words ending in ‘y’ with a consonant before it eg copying, crying, replying, marrying, carrying, flying, trying, drying, skiing, taxiing

We will continue our topic on Ocean Life!

In Jigsaw we are focusing on ‘Working well with a partner or in a group’


Book Bags, Homework, Comprehension Books and Water Bottles due in


Reading Morning until 9:10

Book Bags to go out


Homework and Comprehension Books to go out


Book Bags are due in


Book Bags and water bottles to go home



The children have had a great first week back! They have created leaflets about Giant African Land Snails and have been very keen to get to know our new addition, Shelly.

I was really proud of the children in their Class Assembly. They spoke so well and learnt their lines in record time! 

Congratulations to Alfie for being our Star this week!

From Wednesday 16th we will be doing PE with WFC Project; therefore, the children will need clothing suitable for outdoor PE (tracksuit bottoms, trainers, sweatshirt)


Week Commencing 14th January:

This week in in English we are focusing on our new non-fiction topic, Sharks!

In Maths we will be learning about addition and subtraction – Mathletics is linked to this.

In SPaG we will be changing the meaning of adjectives and verbs by adding

-ed, -er and -est. copier, copied, happier, happiest, cried, replied, tried, dried, driest and funnier

Once I have learned how to do it properly I will set up weekly times tables on TT RockStars 😊

We will continue our topic on Ocean Life!

In Jigsaw we are focusing on ‘Keeping trying when something is difficult


Book Bags, Homework, Comprehension Books and Water Bottles due in


Reading Morning until 9:10

Book Bags to go out


Homework and Comprehension Books to go out


Book Bags are due in


Book Bags and water bottles to go home



Our New Friend!

Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely break and are looking forward to the new term.

Class Assembly is Friday at 9am!

We welcome Miss Lazarus for the next six weeks and hopes she enjoys her time with us.

Reading Morning starts Tuesday 15th January

From Monday 14th we will be doing PE with WFC Project; therefore, the children will need clothing suitable for outdoor PE (tracksuit bottoms, trainers, sweatshirt)

Week Commencing 8th January:

This week in in English we are focusing on writing information leaflets about our new class pet!

In Maths we will be learning about statistics including pictograms and tally charts – Mathletics is linked to this.

Once I have learned how to do it properly I will set up weekly times tables on TT RockStars 😊

We will start our topic on Ocean Life!

In Jigsaw we are focusing on ‘Staying motivated when doing something challenging




PE Kits and water bottles are due in (No PE until next Monday)

Book Bags to go out


Homework, including comprehension books to go out


Book Bags are due in


Class Assembly! 9am

Book Bags and water bottles to go home



Popcorn and a movie for the final morning!

The children have worked very hard this term and have been a pleasure to teach. Have a lovely, restful break and I look forward to seeing you all back in January!

Production Ready!

I was so proud of the children this week! They worked so hard on their Christmas Production  and should be very happy with themselves. 

After Christmas Mrs Henderson will be at her second school placement for six weeks and Miss Lazarus will be joining us for six weeks for her second school placement. I am sure she will enjoy her time with us. 

All book bags need to be in school over Christmas, however, the children might be getting a book as a Christmas gift surprise

Reading Morning will begin again the second week after we get back - Tuesday 15th January

Have a great week!

Our Week


Production is in full swing! We have been making paper toys and comparing measurements.

Congratulations to Sienna for being our Star

Week Commencing 10th December:

This week in in English we are focusing on writing information leaflets

I have also set up activities on TT RockStars (this is a trial to see how parents feel about it)

In Jigsaw we are focusing on ‘Knowing How to Give and Receive Compliments’


Book Bags, Library Books, Homework and water bottles are due in


Reading Morning

Book Bags to go out


Homework to go out


Book Bags are due in



Book Bags (going home for the final time) and water bottles to go home

Flu Immunisations




Electricity Exploration!

Dear Teacher

We have begun to rehearse our Christmas Production, written descriptions about Dogs and continued to work on Place Value!

Congratulations to Brooke for being our Star and Alfie for having Hot Chocolate with Mrs Pace!

Week Commencing 3rd December:

Costumes by 3rd December

This week in in English we are focusing making up our own stories –There is no Speaking Homework

In Maths we are focusing on counting to 100 and comparing measurements – Mathletics is linked to this.


I have also set up activities on TT RockStars (this is a trial to see how parents feel about it)


In Jigsaw we are focusing on ‘Trying to use Kind Words’


In SPaG we are looking at adding ‘es’ to nouns and verbs ending in ‘y’. A noun is a person, place, thing or object. A verb is a doing word (an action). Flies, tries, replies, copies, babies, carries, cries, dries, marries, families



Book Bags, Library Books, Homework and water bottles are due in

costumes are also due in


Reading Morning

Book Bags to go out (no library books now until the new year)


Homework to go out


Book Bags are due in


Book Bags and water bottles to go home



Weekly News!

We have written stories about why we can’t come to school, made sandwiches and shared stories with Woodpecker Class!

Congratulations to Rosie H for being our Star!

Week Commencing 26th November:

Costumes by 3rd December please

Outdoor Learning on Thursday

This week in in English we are focusing on information texts linked to pets –Speaking Homework is linked to this

In Maths we are focusing on Place Value – Mathletics is linked to this.

I have also set up activities on TT RockStars (this is a trial to see how parents feel about it)

In Science we are exploring circuits in Electricity

In Jigsaw we are focusing on ‘Trying to Solve Problems’

In SPaG we are looking at /igh/ Spelt ‘-y’ The /igh/ sound at the end of these words is spelt with ‘-y’.cry, fly, dry, cry, reply, shy, sly, terrify, sky, multiply


Book Bags, Library Books, Homework and water bottles are due in

Speaking Homework will go out in preparation for extended writing on Friday


Reading Morning

Book Bags to go out


Homework to go out


Book Bags are due in



Book Bags and water bottles to go home



Our Week!

Weekly News!

We have had great fun making up excuses, learning about sound and playing percussion instruments!

Congratulations to Yaseen for being our Star and Rosie W for being on the Golden Table!

Week Commencing 19th November:

Photos deadline 22nd November

Outdoor Learning on Thursday

Tea Party Friday 2:30-4:00 we are making the sandwiches!

This week in in English we are focusing on writing stories linked to letters and ‘excuses’ –Speaking Homework is linked to this

In Maths we are focusing on using money – Mathletics is linked to this.

I have also set up activities on TT RockStars (this is a trial to see how parents feel about it)

In Science we are learning about Electricity

In Jigsaw we are focusing on Know how to help if someone is upset

In SPaG we are looking  at the sound /l/ spelt with ‘-le’ and ‘-el’ at the end of words. The /l/ sound at the end of these words is spelt with ‘-il’ instead. There is another way to spell the /l/ sound. The /l/ sound at the end of these words is spelt with ‘-al’ instead. Fossil, nostril, pupil, metal, pedal, capital, oval, hospital, animal Monday

Book Bags, Library Books, Homework and water bottles are due in

Speaking Homework will go out in preparation for extended writing on Friday


Reading Morning

Book Bags to go out


Homework to go out


Book Bags are due in



We are making sandwiches for the tea party!

Book Bags and water bottles to go home



Visit To St Matthew's

We have had a busy week including walking to St Matthew’s church and creating a display for Remembrance.

Congratulations to Sonny for being our Star!!  

Week Commencing 12th November:

Christmas Card Templates are due in this week!

Outdoor Learning on Thursday

This week in in English we are focusing on writing letters and ‘excuses’ –Speaking Homework is linked to this

In Maths we are focusing on using the inverse of addition and subtraction – Mathletics is linked to this.

In Science we are learning about Sound

In Jigsaw we are focusing on Including others when working and playing

In SPaG we are We have looked at the sound /l/ spelt with ‘le’ at the end of words. The /l/ sound at the end of these words is spelt with ‘el’ instead. Camel, squirrel, tunnel, travel, towel, tinsel, bagel, hazel, vowel, jewel.


Book Bags, Library Books, Homework and water bottles are due in

Speaking Homework will go out in preparation for extended writing on Friday


Reading Morning

Book Bags to go out


Homework to go out


Book Bags are due in



Book Bags and water bottles to go home



Hope you have had a great Half term break!

Week Commencing 5th November:

Christmas Card Templates go out this week! Remembrance afternoon Friday from 2:45, come and look at our displays.

Outdoor Learning on Thursday

Walk to St Matthew’s on Thursday morning

This week in in English we are focusing on WW1 including our walk to St Matthew’s on Thursday morning –Speaking Homework is linked to this

In Maths we are focusing on Adding and Subtracting Numbers Mentally Using 1- and 2-Digit Numbers – Mathletics is linked to this.

In Science we are learning about Light

In Jigsaw we are focusing on ‘Accepting that everyone is different

In SPaG we are focusing on the sound /l/ is often spelt with ‘le’ at the end of words, after two consonants (such as ‘pp’, ‘tt’ or ‘dd’).  Apple, bottle, middle, little, wobble, dazzle and riddle


Book Bags, PE Kits, Library Books, Homework and water bottles are due in

Speaking Homework will go out in preparation for extended writing on Friday


Reading Morning

Book Bags to go out


Homework to go out


Book Bags are due in



Remembrance afternoon, come along and look at our displays in the Hall from 2:45pm

Book Bags and water bottles to go home



Kindness Afternoon and some examples of Homework this Half Term!

The Witch Point of View

Thank you for your support this Half Term! Have a great break! 

Description of Forest

This week we have been very busy! We have completed our Rapunzel Unit, collected leaves in outdoor learning and learnt about the life of Walter Tull!

Congratulations to Emma for being our star!

Week Commencing 22nd October:

This week in in English we are learning about the books of Nick Butterworth – There is no Speaking Homework this week

In Maths we are focusing on addition – Mathletics is linked to this.

In Topic we are learning about World War One

In Jigsaw we are focusing on ‘Being Kind’

In SPaG we are focusing on common exception words


Book Bags, Library Books, Homework and water bottles are due in (no library books over Half Term)


Book Bags to go out


No Homework over Half Term

Nick Butterworth Visit

Parents’ Evening


Non School Uniform Day in aid of Homestart £1

Book Bags are due in


Parents’ Evening


Individual Photos

Book Bags and water bottles and PE Kits to go home



Maths Morning, Outdoor Learning and 'Pound Fitness' with Falcon Class!

Our Witch Descriptions!

This week we have been very busy! We have completed our Science Unit, made collages in outdoor learning and described a forest!

Congratulations to Max for being our star! And to Rylee for Hot Chocolate!

Week Commencing 15th October:

This week in in English we are finishing our traditional tales unit based on Rapunzel – Speaking Homework is linked to this

In Maths we are focusing on ordering and comparing numbers – Mathletics is linked to this.

In Topic we are learning about the life of Walter Tull

In Jigsaw we are focusing on ‘Choosing to Follow the Learning Charter’

In SPaG we are focusing on past and present tense and learning The sound /j/ is often spelt with ‘g’ before e, i and y., gem, giant, magic, giraffe, energy, jacket, jar, jog, join, adjust


Book Bags, Library Books, Homework and water bottles are due in

Speaking Homework will go out in preparation for extended writing on Friday


Book Bags to go out


Homework to go out


Book Bags are due in



Book Bags and water bottles to go home



Black History and Fitter Futures

Our Story Machine Endings!

This week we have been very busy! We have investigated dependency, made bookmarks in outdoor learning and described a witch!

Congratulations to Amelie for being our star!

Week Commencing 8th October:

This week in in English we are continuing with our traditional tales unit based on Rapunzel – Speaking Homework is linked to this

In Maths we are focusing on counting on and back in ones and tens – Mathletics is linked to this.

In Science we are learning about food chains and for our topic we are starting our computing unit on databases.

In Jigsaw we are focusing on ‘Working well with others’

In SPaG we are focusing learning the sound /j/ spelt with ‘dge’ and ‘ge’ at the end of words badgfe, edge, bridge, dodge, fudge, age, huge, change, charge, village


Book Bags, Library Books, Homework and water bottles are due in

Speaking Homework will go out in preparation for extended writing on Friday


Book Bags to go out

Parent Meeting about Erasmus 6:30pm, led by Mme Lawson


Homework to go out


Book Bags are due in



Book Bags and water bottles to go home

Film Night!


Our Week! Yaseen sharing his prayer mat, Clay work inspired by Mary Bromet, Otis and Kika sharing School Council News, outdoor learning and pebble art!

What was behind the door?!

This week we have been very busy! We have investigated global habitats, created art inspired by Mary Pownall Bromet, wrote our own versions of The Story Machine

Congratulations to George for being our star!

Week Commencing 1st October:

This week in in English we are starting a traditional tales unit based on Rapunzel – Speaking Homework is linked to this

In Maths we are focusing on place value linked to tens and ones – Mathletics is linked to this.

In Science we are learning about food chains and for our topic we are starting our computing unit on databases.

In Jigsaw we are focusing on ‘Caring about other people’s feelings’

In SPaG we are focusing learning that the /s/ sound can be spelt with ‘s’ and ‘ss’ but the /s/ sound can also be made with a ‘c’, if it comes before the letters e, i and y. race, ice, cell, city, fancy, face, space, bicycle, circle, spicy


Book Bags, Library Books, Homework and water bottles are due in

Speaking Homework will go out in preparation for extended writing on Friday


Book Bags to go out


Homework to go out


Book Bags are due in



Book Bags and water bottles to go home



Examples of our Fantastic Writing!

This week we have been very busy! We have investigated microhabitats, created art inspired by Hubert von Herkomer and Lucy Kemp-Welch and wrote some great predictions about what was behind the door!  

Congratulations to Rosie W for being our star and Sienna who was on the Golden Table!

Week Commencing 24th September:

Harvest Festival items being collected from Monday!


This week in in English we are focusing on rewriting our own versions of ‘The Story Machine’ by Tom McLaughlin – Speaking Homework is linked to this

In Maths we are adding 3 single digit numbers – Mathletics is linked to this.

In Science we are focusing on other habitats from around the world and for our topic we are looking at the local artist Mary Pownall Bromet.

In Jigsaw we are focusing on ‘Thinking about everyone’s right to learn’

In SPaG we are focusing on the sounds /r/ spelt ‘wr’ at the beginning of words: write, written, wrote, wrong, wrap, wrist, wreck, wrestle, wriggle, wren


Book Bags, Homework and water bottles are due in

Speaking Homework will go out in preparation for extended writing on Friday


Book Bags to go out


Homework to go out


Book Bags are due in



Harvest Festival

Book Bags and water bottles to go home



This Week!

This week we have started all our subjects, we searched for living things in the garden, explored maps from 1942, wrote some great descriptions of Elliott from the Story Machine and started our local artist topic!

Congratulations to Rosie B for being our star, Aaron who had Hot Chocolate and Otis who was on the Golden Table!

Week Commencing 17th September:

This week in in English we are focusing writing descriptions based on the book ‘The Story Machine’ by Tom McLaughlin

In SPaG we are focusing on the /n/ sound spelt using 'kn' and 'gn' knock, know, knee, knitting, knife, gnat, gnaw, gnash, gnome, gnarled

In Maths we are continuing counting and partitioning numbers.

In Science we are focusing on microhabitats and for our topic we are looking at the local artist Hubert von Herkomer and Lucy Kemp-Welch.

In Jigsaw we are focusing on ‘Making the School a Better Place’


Book Bags, Homework and water bottles are due in

Speaking Homework will go out in preparation for extended writing on Friday


Book Bags to go out


Homework to go out


Book Bags are due in


Book Bags and water bottles to go home


Mathletics logins will be sent home as soon as they have been allocated to our new class.

Mrs Bastable will be delivering our Harvest assembly 28th September This year we will collecting for the food bank at The Red Trust Bushey. Find out more information here: 




This Week!

This week we have spent the time getting to know each other through PSHE, talked about emotions and what makes us safe. Congratulations to Otis and Kika who are our School Council Representatives this year!

Week Commencing 10th September:

This week in in English we are focusing on writing letters based on the book ‘The Story Machine’ by Tom McLaughlin

In Maths we are counting and partitioning numbers.

In Science we are starting our Habitat topic and for our Local Area topic we are looking at local maps and a time line of artists, Hubert Herkomer, Lucy-Kemp Welch and Mary Pownall Bromet.

In Jigsaw we are focusing on Helping Others to Feel Welcome


Book Bags and water bottles are due in

Speaking Homework will go out in preparation for extended writing on Friday

Meet the Teacher in Kingfisher Class at 3:30pm


Book Bags to go out


Homework to go out


Book Bags are due in


Book Bags and water bottles to go home





I hope you all had a lovely break and are looking forward to next Wednesday.

If you have any photos of you reading in unusual places, please bring them in or email them to admin and they will forward them to me to print. 

If you have any shoeboxes, we can store them in the classroom for our topic work. 



Please bring in PE Kits, water bottles and sun hats. 

We will be focusing on introducing ourselves and I will start our Philosophy sessions (P4C) with discussion on whether fairness is a matter of equality (equal shares) or distribution according to needs - there will be cake involved 😉

We will talk about our Hand Network and the need for us all to feel safe 


Today we will focus on British Values, Global Citizenship and Teamwork. In the afternoon we will discuss our feelings through the book The Huge Bag of Worries 

We will hear all the children read. 


Book bags and water bottles will go home today. 

We will be focusing on emotions today and this will be through the film 'Inside Out' 

In the afternoon we will have a circle time linked with P4C focusing on friends and relationships. 

Have a great week! 
