Prospective Reception Visits available 12th and 26th November. Please contact the school office to arrange a visit
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Bromet Primary School Excellence, Enjoyment and Achievement for All

Nightingale - Year 4 and Year 5

Welcome to Nightingale Class



Class Teacher - Mrs Burns

Teaching Partner - Mrs Ridout

Planning and Preparation Time - Mme Lawson (MFL) and Mrs Bastable (RE)

Subject Leadership Time - Mrs Fox

Our classroom

Week 13   12-16 July


Remember to bring water bottles and hats into school 

Our last week of the school year, you have all worked extremely hard, well done.


Olympic dance Tuesday

Uniform to be worn (School finishes at 1.30pm) Friday


Our learning this week will be;

Maths - Problem solving.

English - Shape poetry.

Art - Jamaican colourful art.

Jigsaw - Changing me. 

RE - Religious leaders.

French - Food tasting, make sure you have returned your permission slip.

Week 13 Work for those isolating (not whole class)

Summer week 12




Week 12   5-9 July


Remember to bring water bottles and hats into school 


Olympic athlete session Monday

Transition to new teacher on Thursday

Flip Theatre session on Friday

Author AM Howell - Mystery of the Night Watchers on Friday 

GOSH non uniform day (£1 donation) on Friday

Reports go out on Friday

Our learning this week will be;

Some of our learning this week will be around the country of Jamaica, part of our Olympic theme.

Maths - Our focus will be on symmetry and reflection.

English - Writing our own chapter, creating our own battle for Beowulf.

PE - Team games and athletics. (Friday)

Computing - Recapping all our learning about data and how it is stored.

Geography - Fact finding about Jamaica.

Art - Jamaican colourful art.

Jigsaw - Changing me. 

RE - Religious leaders.

French - Aux Magasins.

Week 12 Work for those isolating.

Please visit Nightingale Google Sites for this week’s work

Summer week 11


All the class

What great perseverance, resilience and patience you have all shown, FANTASTIC   

Week 11   28-2 July


Remember to bring water bottles and hats into school 


Flip Theatre session on Thursday

Online Road Safety Initiative Thursday


Our learning this week will be;

Maths - Our focus will be on coordinates, finding and plotting.

English - We will continue our work on Beowulf by Michael Morpurgo, looking at the ending of the book and begin thinking about writing our own chapter.

Science - We continue our learning of forces and magnets, focusing on the use of magnets.

PE - Team games and athletics. (Friday)

Computing - Recapping all our learning about data and how it is stored.

Geography - How atolls are formed.

DT - Textiles - the use of different materials.

Jigsaw - Changing me. 

RE - Religious leaders.

French - Aux Magasins.

Week 11 Work for those isolating (not whole class)

Summer week 10




Week 10   21-25 June


Remember to bring water bottles and hats into school 


Class and individual photos on Thursday

Flip Theatre session on Friday

School books from last year coming home on Friday - remember to bring a bag into school.


Our learning this week will be;

Maths - Our focus will be on coordinates, finding and plotting.

English - We will continue our work on Beowulf by Michael Morpurgo, looking at the sequence of events so far and making predictions.

Science - We continue our learning of forces and magnets, focusing on Newtons.

PE - Team games and athletics. (Friday)

Computing - Data Matters, considering our digital footprint.

History - How early Islamic discoveries influenced the world.

DT - Textiles - the use of different materials.

Jigsaw - Changing me. 

RE - Religious leaders.

French - Aux Magasins.

Week 10 Work for those isolating (not whole class)

Summer week 9




Week 9   14-18 June


Remember to bring water bottles and hats into school 


Flip Theatre session on Thursday


Our learning this week will be;

Maths - Our focus will be on angles, 2D and 3D shapes, triangles and quadrilaterals

English - We will begin our new book Beowulf by Michael Morpurgo, starting with understanding the language used and the style of writing.

Science - We begin a new topic looking at forces and magnets.

PE - Team games and athletics. (Friday)

Computing - Data Matters, exploring search operators.

Geography - Looking at the effect of pollution on the coral reefs.

DT - Textiles - the use of different materials.

Jigsaw - Changing me. 

RE - Religious leaders.

French - Aux Magasins.

Week 9 Work for those isolating (not whole class)

Summer week 8




Week 8   7-11 June


This week we begin our five week drama sessions with the Flip Theatre Company. 


Our learning this week will be;

Maths - Our focus will be on angles, naming and measuring

English - We will be writing, editing and publishing our own version of  'The Lion and the Unicorn' by Shirley Hughes.

Science - Conducting an experiment all about sound.

PE - Team games and athletics. (Friday)

Computing - Data Matters, the use of IP addresses.

History - The Early Islamic Civilization focusing on the House of Wisdom.

DT - Textiles - the use of different materials.

Jigsaw - Good to be me 

RE - Religious leaders.

French - Aux Magasins.



Week 8 Work for those isolating (not whole class)

Summer week 7




Week 7   24-28 May


Our learning this week will be;

Maths - We will continue our learning about graphs and charts.

English - Continuing our work on 'The Lion and the Unicorn' by Shirley Hughes, we will be writing instructions and planning our own story about an evacuee.

Science - Sound, focusing on acoustics.

PE - Team games and athletics. (Friday)

Computing - Data Matters.

History - The Early Islamic Civilization.

Art - Street Art.

Jigsaw - Relationships - RSE Girl and Boy Talks on Thursday

RE - Religious leaders.

French - Aux Magasins.


On Wednesday 26 at 11am we will be joining the children’s author, Cressida Cowell, for a live-streamed event to speak about her work as a writer and her latest book.


Week 7 Work for those isolating (not whole class)

Summer week 6




Week 6   17-21 May


Our learning this week will be;

Maths - We will be learning about how to interpret and draw graphs and charts

English - This week we will be writing a non-chronological report making links with the people of WWII and 'The Lion and the Unicorn' by Shirley Hughes.

Science - Sound, focusing on amplitude.

PE - Team games and athletics. (Friday)

Computing - Data Matters.

Geography - Coral Reefs.

Art - Street Art.

Jigsaw - Relationships

RE - Religious leaders.

French - Aux Magasins.


This week is Walk to School week


Just a few reminders.

  • Please supply a box of tissues as the hayfever season begins.
  • Have a water bottle in school every day.
  • Sun cream and hat as the weather warms up!
  • PE kits worn on FRIDAY.
  • Reading record books in school everyday.

Week 5 Work for those isolating (not whole class)

Summer week 5




Week 5   10-14 May


Our learning this week will be;

Maths - We will focusing on time, both analogue and digital.

English - Our writing will include diary entries and describing settings using description and feelings.  'The Lion and the Unicorn' by Shirley Hughes.

Science - Sound, focusing on amplitude.

PE - Team games and athletics. (Friday)

Computing - Data Matters.

Geography - Coral Reefs.

Art - Street Art.

Jigsaw - Relationships

RE - Religious leaders.

French - Aux Magasins.


This week we also have two virtual visits.  The first is on Monday from an Iman to talk about Ramadan and the second if on Tuesday with the author of 'Coming to England', Floella Benjamin.


Just a few reminders.

  • Please supply a box of tissues as the hayfever season begins.
  • Have a water bottle in school every day.
  • Sun cream and hat as the weather warms up!
  • PE kits worn on FRIDAY.
  • Reading record books in school everyday.

Week 5 Work for those isolating (not whole class)

Summer week 4




Week 4   3-6 May


Our learning this week will be;

Maths - We will continue our focus on decimal numbers, including money.

English - Our work writing a sequel to the book, FArTHER will come to an end and we will be moving on to 'The Lion and the Unicorn by Shirley Hughes.

Science - Sound, focusing on pitch and frequency.

PE - Team games and athletics. (Friday)

Computing - Data Matters.

Geography - Coral Reefs.

Art - Street Art.

RE - Religious leaders.

French - Aux Magasins.


Just a few reminders.

  • Please supply a box of tissues as the hayfever season begins.
  • Have a water bottle in school every day.
  • Sun cream and hat as the weather warms up!
  • PE kits worn on FRIDAY.
  • Reading record book in school everyday.

Week 4 Work for those isolating (not whole class)

We had great fun on Friday celebrating Captain Tom.  We joined Falcon and Eagle class in the playground completing 100 star jumps, knees up, and 100 seconds in the plank position.

We also created our art work using 100 match sticks.

We spent two days in the hall whilst the classroom was fitted with new windows, well done everyone, it was a little noisy at times.

Summer week 3



On Friday we continued our food and nutrition work by making individual pizzas, the children had fun creating their own and hopefully eating it when they arrived home.

We have also visited the school garden and have decided that we would like to grow some herbs, salad items and flowers including sunflowers and nasturtiums.  


Week 3   26-30 April


On Friday we will be celebrating the life and achievements of Sir Captain Tom Moore


Our learning this week will be;

Maths - Our focus will be on decimal numbers.

English - We will continue our work writing a sequel to the book, FArTHER by Grahame Baker-Smith.

Science - Sound, focusing on pitch and volume.

PE - Team games and athletics. (Friday)

Computing - Data Matters.

Geography - Coral Reefs.

Art - Street Art.

RE - Religious leaders.

French - Aux Magasins.


Just a few reminders.

  • Please supply a box of tissues as the hayfever season begins.
  • Have a water bottle in school every day.
  • Sun cream and hat as the weather warms up!
  • PE kits worn on FRIDAY.
  • Home learning and star readers will begin again from Monday.
  • Reading record book in school everyday.

Week 3 Work for those isolating (not whole class)

Summer week 2




Work for those isolating (not whole class)

Summer week 1



Week 2   19-23 April


Our learning this week will be;

Maths - We will be recapping division.

English - We will be continuing our work writing diary entries and instruction linked to the book, FArTHER by Grahame Baker-Smith.

Science - Sound.

PE - Team games and athletics. (Friday)

Computing - Data Matters.

Geography - Coral Reefs.

Art - Street Art.

RE - Religious leaders.

French - Aux Magasins.


Just a few reminders.

  • Please supply a box of tissues as the hayfever season begins.
  • Have a water bottle in school every day.
  • Sun cream and hat as the weather warms up!
  • PE kits worn on FRIDAY.
  • Home learning and star readers will begin again from Monday.
  • Reading record book in school everyday.


Sequence of Lessons for Individual Children who are Self Isolating (not whole class bubble)

Week 1   12-16 April


Welcome back, we hope you have been able to spend some time outdoors and enjoyed the break.


Our learning this week will be;

Maths - We will be recapping place value and also multiplication and division.

English - We will be starting a new book, FArTHER by Grahame Baker-Smith.

Science - Sound.

DT - Food Nutrition and Textiles.

PE - Team games and athletics. (Friday)

Computing - Data Matters.

Geography - Coral Reefs.

Art - Street Art.

RE - Religious leaders.

French - Aux Magasins.


Just a few reminders.

  • Please supply a box of tissues as the hayfever season begins.
  • Have a water bottle in school every day.
  • Sun cream and hat as the weather warms up!
  • PE kits worn on FRIDAY.
  • Home learning and star readers will begin again from Monday.
  • Reading record book in school everyday.




Sequence of Lessons for Individual Children who are Self Isolating (not whole class bubble)

Week 11   22-26 March


We have reached the final week of the term and you have all worked extremely hard.  You all should feel proud of yourselves.  Well done everyone, parents included.


Our learning this week will include:

English - incorporating our history in our writing.

Maths - Checking our understanding of maths concepts learned. Check Mathletics for related homework task.

Science we will learning about living things, this week focusing on the reproduction of plants.

PE is on Wednesday so remember to come into school in your PE kit.  Let's hope the weather is fine.


PTFA Virtual Easter Panto Treasure Island and Doughnut from Krispy Kreme.  Thank you.



Star of the Week

Well done Jemima

Sequence of Lessons for Individual Children who are Self Isolating (not whole class bubble)

Week 10   15-19 March


We had a great time catching up on things we have done during our time away from school.  We will be completing our Erasmus work over the next week, sharing our experiences.


Our learning this week will include:

English - creating our own ending to the poem, 'The Highwayman'.

Maths we will continue to learn about tenths, hundredths, decimals and percentages for year 5.  Check Mathletics for related homework task.

Science we will learning about living things, this week focusing on the reproduction of plants.

PE is on Wednesday so remember to come into school in your PE kit.  Let's hope the weather is fine.

History - we will continue to learn about the Anglo-Saxons.


On Friday it is Comic Relief.  This will be a non-uniform day, wear a splash of red to celebrate.  Please refer to information sent by the office regarding donations.



Check your child's google site to book your parent consultation, using their gmail account.


Star of the Week

Well done Bobby


Sequence of Lessons for Individual Children who are Self Isolating (not whole class bubble)

Week 9   8-12 March

Welcome back to school.


It has been a while since we have all been together.  We will spend some time catching up and discussing what everyone has been up to during the last eight weeks. 


Our learning this week will include:

English we will be continuing our learning about the writing of 'The Highwayman'.

Maths we will learn about tenth, hundredths and decimals.  Check Mathletics for related homework task.

Science we will learning about living things, this week focusing on plants.

PE is on Wednesday so remember to come into school in your PE kit.

Geography we will focus on the hemispheres and tropics



Check your child's google site to book your parent consultation, using their gmail account.


Star of the Week

Well done Emma


Week 8   1-5 March


Please make sure you check the calendar for timings of events and lessons this week as things have changed, we have extra live sessions.


This week we celebrate World Book Day.

We will be meeting the author Camilla Chester, live, on Wednesday.  You will have the opportunity to ask questions about her writing.  


On Thursday you are invited to wear your PJ's to school (if you wish).  We will be reciting our poems in a live session.


In English we well be focusing on a poem by Kit Wright called The Magic Box.


In Maths we will be completing our fraction work.


DT - Don't forget to collect those recycling materials to help create your futuristic home one Friday.


Two more PE challenges have been added to the sites page!!



Check your gmail for your live reading session during the week, this will be your personal link for all your reading sessions.

Star of the Week

Harvey, well done.

Week 7  22 February


I hope you have enjoyed the half term break and completed activities that have not involved a computer screen.


This week we will continue our learning of fractions and also our work on The Highwayman.

PE this half term will be live sessions following our quick catch up at 1pm.  Check the google sites for more information and what you will need.


Reminder to check your school gmail for your one to one reading session.


I look forward to seeing you on Monday and hearing about all the things you have been doing during half term, see you all at 9am.

Well done our star of the week is Zoya.


You have been working really hard, have a great half term.


End of half term talent show and Chinese New Year work.

Week 6   8-12 February


Well done Henry our Star of the week.


This week, as we reach half term, we will continue our English unit, focusing on the poem 'The Highwayman' by Alfred Noyes.  In maths we are adding fractions.

We had great fun with the 'Express Yourself' activities last week (see the pictures).  This week we celebrate Chinese New Year.  You may want to look ahead to PHSE on Friday and begin to gather materials to complete the tasks.

Don't forget to send in your reading videos.

We will also have our talent show and show and tell on Friday afternoon from 1pm.  I will leave the live session open for you to drop in and out of to share your work and have a chat.

Have a good rest over half term you have worked really hard and I am proud of all you.  smiley 


Bobby's Ball Run

Still image for this video

Week 5   1-5 February


This week we will be starting a new English unit, focusing on the poem 'The Highwayman' by Alfred Noyes.

Mental health awareness week.  

This year, the theme is 'Express Yourself'.  We will begin on Monday by watching an assembly at 9am (see PHSE Monday) and then a live meet for a discussion about the assembly during guided reading. 

On Friday we will complete some alternative activities.

Those in school to wear non-uniform, those at home to wear uniform (tops at least for the live meets).

You can also use the Non-screen activities when you have completed your work.

Snowy pics

Week 4 25-29 January


I hope you have had some fun in the snow, send your pictures for us all to see.  I had this little visitor in my garden.


It is great to see your work being submitted.  There are a few different things this week, so I do hope they work ok.  There are videos and readings from me this week for guided reading.  The English is the final week of instructions and in Maths we will be learning about fractions.


Remember to follow the time table on the google calendar, it is lovely to see you all for the live sessions at 9am and 1pm and share what you have been doing.  

I am so proud of you all, keep working hard, have fun and stay safe.

Week 3 18-22 January


Well done everyone, you are all working extremely hard.  Keep sending your work in and the photos, it's great to see you at work and your results.  I have seen some great moves in PE, art work and PHSE money boxes.

This week we will be writing up the instructions for the chocolate making process.  For maths we will be completing our work on division and completing a mini assessment.

Make sure you follow the time table on the google calendar, it is lovely to see you all for the live sessions at 9am and 1pm.  Don't forget your money boxes to share on Monday 9am, I'm looking forward to seeing them all.

Keep working hard, have fun and stay safe.




Our IT Technical Support Team (Con Ed ) Google Certified Trainer Partner, The EdTech Guru, will be holding a live stream on Monday 18th January @ 7:30pm. This is a parent's edition to help with assisting children with accessing and submitting classroom work through Google Classroom. The link to the stream is below:



Some of our art, PE and PHSE work

Week 2   11-15 January


Well done everyone for all your hard work last week.  It certainly has been a learning curve for lots of us in many different ways.  You should be proud of yourselves and most of all you should thank the adults at home for helping you.  I have been impressed with how hard you have been working.  Let’s keep it going and give it 100% effort like you always do.  smiley

I hope you have enjoyed the weekend and ready for another week of learning.


Just a few reminders


Log into Google using your school email …… and your password.  You then need to open google sites and the google classroom.  All your learning can be found here.  Use the tabs across the top of google sites in each subject to find you learning for the day.  All lessons for the day can also be found in the calendar at the bottom of the google sites page.


Join the live sessions at 9am and 1pm to say hello, ask any questions about the learning and to share some of the things you have been doing.  It’s good to keep in touch.


Please keep up with your times table practise.  When you are reading continue to look up unknown vocabulary, the comprehension part of reading is very important.


If you have any problems, post a message in the classroom stream or send an email and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Have a great week.


Welcome Back

Happy New Year

I hope you have had a good break.  Well, due to the current circumstances we are not able to be together, but hopefully things will change.


I have uploaded your work for this week onto the Nightingale Google Sites.  Remember to login into Google using your school email and your password, then go to sites.  I have also posted your home learning grid for the spring term on this page.


Hope to see you all soon.

Mrs Burns

Nightingale Class team would like to wish you all a very happy Christmas and New Year.

We would also like to send a BIG thank you to everyone for your kind and generous words and gifts.  Have a restful and peaceful holiday.


Pupil of the Week

Well done to Naomi for being kind and thoughtful to others.

Week 15     14-18 December

Our leaning this week will be:


Maths - Recapping of time using analogue and digital recordings

English - Completion of writing linked to 'The Santa Trap' by Jonathan Emmett.  

Music - Christmas classics.

DT - Textiles, Christmas creations.

PE - Hockey skills (Remember to come into school in your PE kit on Monday).

Jigsaw - Celebrating Difference. Accept that  everyone is different.


Monday - Filming of our Christmas Poem, you can wear tinsel is you wish.

Wednesday - Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper (Wear your school uniform with a Christmas top).

Thursday - Virtual Christmas Panto.

Friday - Early finish at 1.30pm.


Have a lovely Christmas and enjoy the rest.


Remember to keep up your times table practice using

Hit the Button

and your maths skills by completing your Mathletics work.


Home learning for individuals who are self-isolating (NOT whole class)

Pupil of the Week

Well done to Emma for being a good listener to her friends and adults and always being kind to others.

7 - 11 December


As we approach the winter months could you please supply a box of tissues to catch all those sneezes.


Our leaning this week will be:


Maths - Recapping of time using analogue and digital recordings

English - Writing linked to 'The Santa Trap' by Jonathan Emmett.  

Music - Listening to ‘Here Comes Santa Claus’ by Elvis Presley.

Science - Rocks and Fossils.

DT - Textiles, Christmas creations.

History - Important inventions of the Industrial Revolution.

PE - Hockey skills (Remember to come into school in your PE kit on Monday).

Jigsaw - Celebrating Difference. Accept that  everyone is different.


Remember to keep up your times table practice using TTRockstars and your maths skills by completing your Mathletics work.

Work for those self-isolating (NOT whole class)

Pupil of the Week

Well done to Aaron for always being extremely polite and continually using good manners both to adults and his peers.

30-4 December


As we approach the winter months could you please supply a box of tissues to catch all those sneezes.


Our leaning this week will be:


Maths - We will be finding the perimeter and area of rectilinear shapes.

English - Writing linked to 'Coming Home' by Michael Morpurgo.  

Music - Listening and reflecting on music by Bach.

Computing - Focusing on the function keys and the use of Google classroom.

Science - Rocks and Fossils.

DT - Textiles, how these are used around us.

Geography - Comparing areas of north and south America.

PE - Hockey skills (Remember to come into school in your PE kit on Monday).

Jigsaw - Celebrating Difference. Accept that  everyone is different.


Remember to keep up your times table practice using TTRockstars and your maths skills by completing your Mathletics work.

Work for those self-isolating (NOT whole class)

Pupil of the Week

Well done to Wanya for having a caring manner towards others


23-27 November

Our leaning this week will be:


Maths - We will be finding the perimeter and area of rectilinear shapes.

English - We will be writing our own adventure story in the style of Gulliver.  

Music - Listening and reflecting on The Lark Ascending by Vaughan Williams.

Computing - Focusing on the function keys and the use of Google classroom.

Science - Rocks and Fossils.

Art - Printing in the style of William Morris

History - Focusing on the production of paper in the local area.

PE - Hockey skills (Remember to come into school in your PE kit on Monday).

Jigsaw - Celebrating Difference. Accept that  everyone is different.


Remember to keep up your times table practice using TTRockstars and your maths skills by completing your Mathletics work





Work for those individuals self isolating (NOT whole class)

Pupil of the Week

Well done this week to Harvey for making sure people are involved and included in all activities.

Week 11   16-30 November



This week is Anti-bullying week and we begin on Monday by wearing odd socks.


Our learning this week will be:

Maths - Year 4 will be working on the 9 and 7 times tables.  Year 5 will be working with square, cube and prime numbers.

English - We will continue our work of Gulliver using descriptive language.  

Music - Listening and reflecting on the compositions of Vaughan Williams.

Computing - Focusing on the functions keys and the use of Google classroom.

Science - Rocks and Fossils.

Art - Printing in the style of William Morris

Geography - Human processes of North and South America.

PE - Hockey skills (Remember to come into school in your PE kit on Monday).

Jigsaw - Celebrating Difference. Accept that  everyone is different

Remember to keep up your times table practice using TTRockstars and your maths skills by completing your Mathletics work.


Work for those individuals isolating (NOT whole class)

Pupil of the Week

Well done this week to Bobby  for including others in games at playtime, during PE lessons and discussions in class work. 

Supporting Children in Need by wearing PJ's

Week 10   9-13 November

Our learning this week will be:


Maths - Focusing on times tables, including multiples and factors

English - We will continue our work of Gulliver using descriptive language.  We will also be writing poetry for Remembrance.

Music - Listening and reflecting on the compositions of Elgar.

Computing - Focusing on the functions keys and the use of Google classroom.

Science - Evolution and inheritance.

Art - Printing in the style of William Morris

Geography - Human processes of North and South America.

PE - Hockey skills (Remember to come into school in your PE kit on Monday).

Jigsaw - Celebrating Difference. Accept that  everyone is different


Remember to keep up your times table practice using TTRockstars and your maths skills by completing your Mathletics work.

Work for those individuals isolating (NOT whole class)

Pupil of the Week

Well done this week to Vivaan for always being helpful to those around him, helping them achieve their goal.

Work for those individuals isolating (NOT whole class)

Week 9   2-6 November

Our learning this week will be:


Maths - Measurements in mm, cm, m and km.  Also finding perimeters.

English - We will starting our new book called Jonathan Swift's Gulliver by Martin Jenkins and Chris Riddell. We will be writing character descriptions and using fronted adverbials.

Music - Listening and reflecting on the compositions of Beethoven.

Computing - Focusing on the functions keys and the use of Google classroom.

Science - Evolution and inheritance.

DT - Textiles and the uses of different materials.

Geography - Human processes of North and South America.

PE - Hockey skills (Remember to come into school in your PE kit on Monday).

Jigsaw - Celebrating Difference. Accept that  everyone is different


Remember to keep up your times table practice using TTRockstars and your maths skills by completing your Mathletics work.

Star of the Week

Star of the week this week is Zoya for always making the right choices and following the School and Class rules.

Week 8  19 - 23 October


Our learning this week will be:

Maths - Multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100

English - Tar Beach, focusing on writing a play script

Music - Listening to Chopin a composer during the industrial revolution

Computing - Research the Human and physical features of North and South America

Art - Creating a scene for the playscript in English

Science - Comparing skeletons

Jigsaw - Rewards and consequences 

PE - Basketball skills


Remember to keep practicing your times tables and completing your Mathletics work.


Star of the Week

Well done to Ibrahim for working well with a partner to help them achieve their goal.

Week 7   12-16 October


Our learning this week will be:

Maths - Problem solving using addition and subtraction

English - Tar Beach, focusing on the thoughts and feelings of others

Spellings - Homophones, see separate sheet

Music - African American composer Florence Price

Geography - Human and physical features of North and South America

DT - Mechanisms in machinery

Science - The digestive system

Jigsaw - Rewards and consequences 

PE - Basketball skills

Well being, wearing yellow and William Morris art work

Star of the Week

Star of the week is Daniel for always being kind and caring for those around him.

Week 6  2-9 October


This week we will be thinking about Mental Health and Wellbeing.  To celebrate this on Friday you can wear something yellow and donate £1.



Our learning this week.

English - Our focus is on a book called 'Tar Beach' by Faith Ringgold.

Maths - Subtraction and using estimation within calculations

PE - Basketball skills.  Come to school in PE on Monday.

History- Industries during the Industrial Revolution.

Art - The work of William Morris.

PSHE - Having respect for others.

Science - Parts of the digestive system.


Remember to check your home learning on Mathletics and practice your times tables with TTRockstars.






Star of the Week

This week is Jemima for helping others in lessons and always willing to have a go.


Week 5  28-2 October


This week we will be collecting bottles and tins for our Harvest.  These can be left on the trolley on the KS1 playground.  Thank you.


Please remember to bring your water bottles into school. 


This week our learning will be:

English - As it in National Poetry Day on Thursday we will be reading and performing poetry including our own.

Maths - The focus is on addition and regrouping.

PE - Basketball skills.  Come to school in PE on Monday.

Geography - We will be learning about the physical features of North and South America.

DT - We will be learning about the use of levers and pulleys.

PSHE - Understanding rights and wrongs and the rewards and consequences.

Science - We will learn about the digestive system and try to complete our experiment around pulse rates (weather permitting).

Computing - Using the Chromebooks we will learn more of the function keys.



Check the Mathletics webpage to complete the home learning tasks and use the TTRockstars to help with times tables.

Star of the Week

This week is Nya for willing to help others and always smiling.

Week 4 21-25 September

Please remember to bring your water bottles into school. 


This week our learning will be:

English - Writing a non-chronological report using headings and sub-headings.

Maths - We will be working with positive and negative numbers and Roman numerals.

PE - Basketball skills.  Come to school in PE on Monday.

History - We will be looking at the life of Martin Luther King.

Art - Our focus will be the work of William Morris, this week we will be drawing designs.

PSHE - We will learn about Rights, Responsibilities and Democracy.

Science - We will learn about the digestive system.

Computing - Using the Chromebooks we will be formatting a text.

Star of the Week

Well done to Diggory for supporting others in class.

Celebrating International Dot Day. Can you spot the dot we started with?

14-18 September

I have been so impressed with the work that the children have completed so far, they are all working extremely hard.


This week:

English - We will be continuing to look at 'The Matchbox Diary' and thinking about why people migrate and the journey they make.

Maths - Our learning is focused on place value and ordering numbers.

Science - We will be learning about the blood vessels.

PE - Basketball, bouncing and dribbling.  (Come in your PE kit on MONDAY).

Geography - We will begin our learning about North and South America.

DT - We will be learning about mechanisms used during the Industrial Revolution.

Computing - How we can change and improve a google doc.

Well done to Tyrell, our first 'Star of the Week'. 

7-11 September

I have been very impressed with the way the children have settled down into the new routine of our day at school.  Everyone worked really hard.  Well done everyone.


This week we will begin our Maths, English and curriculum lessons.

Maths will be work related to place value, year 4 to 1000 and year 5 to 10000. 

The book we will be using for English is 'The Matchbox Diary' by Paul Fleischman.

In art the children will be creating their own self-portrait and in history we will begin our learning about the Industrial Revolution and later linking this to our local history.

Don't forget to have your reading record and book in school everyday.  Have your book signed by and adult each day.  The star readers for the newsletter start again this week.


PE is on Monday, remember to come to school in your outdoor PE kit.





Some of our work this week and the book we read about being brave

We look forward to learning and having fun together in September.

