Prospective Reception Visits available 12th and 26th November. Please contact the school office to arrange a visit
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Bromet Primary School Excellence, Enjoyment and Achievement for All

Robin - Reception

Welcome to Robin Class

Class Teacher:

Mrs Michaels Monday & Tuesday

Mrs Constanda - Wednesday- Friday
Teaching Partner (AM): Miss C Quarrell

Teaching Partner (PM): Ms A Kelly

Our Classroom

Robin Class Spring Term Timetable

Robin Class Home Learning Spring Term

Robin Class Home Learning Summer Term

Week Beginning 20.6.22

Our week! A huge well done to Robin Class for their excellent behaviour and enthusiasm during their Willows Farm trip. We are so proud of you all!



Phonics - We are working on reading and spelling CVC+ words and polysyllabic words.


English - We are continuing our work based on 'Where the Wild Things Are' working on understanding the story and characters


Maths - This week we are looking at odd and even numbers.


Topic - We will be focusing on animals and recounting our Willows farm trip.


Have a super week everyone!



Tuesday - PE is back to Tuesday afternoon this week.

Week Beginning 13.6.22

Hello Robins!



Phonics - We are working on reading and spelling CVC+ words and polysyllabic words.


English - We read 'Where the Wild Things Are' last week and we will be working on understanding the story and characters this week.


Maths - We focused on doubling last week and this week we are moving on to sharing equally. Our key vocabulary this week includes, sharing, share, fair and unfair.


Topic - We will be focusing on animals this week due to our Willows farm trip!


Have a wonderful week everyone!



Monday - PE is today this week due to our trip on Tuesday.

Please ensure children are wearing green or black shorts and a green t-shirt for PE, with suitable trainers. Please make sure long hair is tied up and that jewellery is not worn.

Thank you

Tuesday - Willows Farm School Trip! Please make sure children are dropped off at school on time with their packed lunch, sun hat and water bottle. It looks like it will be a warm day therefore please apply sun cream in the morning.


Week Beginning 23.5.22

Hello everyone! We hope you have had a lovely weekend and are ready for a busy week ahead!



Phonics - We are continuing our work segmenting and blending CVC words (consonant, vowel, consonant words e.g. fox).


English - Our work this week will continue with the book the 'Night Pirates'. Continuing from out visit from the pirates last week, we will be writing letters back to them.


Maths - We will continue our work focusing on our key vocabulary - first, then, now - and using this to add and take away.


Topic - This week we will be celebrating and learning about the jubilee, learning about Queen Elizabeth and thinking about what changes we would make if we were king or queen for the day!


Have a super week everyone!



Monday - Victorian Day!

Tuesday - Reading morning 8:30 - 9:00

Thursday - Jubilee Day, dress in red, white and blue!

Friday -  Sports afternoon, dress in house colours.

Week Beginning 16.5.22

Welcome to a new week Robin Class!



Phonics - We are continuing our work segmenting and blending CVC words (consonant, vowel, consonant words e.g. fox).


English - We will begin work focusing on our new class book 'Night Pirates.'


Maths - We will continuing our work focusing on our key vocabulary - first, then, now - and using this to add and take away.


Topic - This week we will be learning about Kings and Queens with a focus on Queen Victoria on Friday. 


Have an excellent week everyone!



Reading Morning begins on Tuesday! We look forward to seeing you at 8.30 am!

Week Beginning 9.5.22

Hello everybody! I hope you have enjoyed the sunny weekend!



Phonics - We are continuing our work segmenting and blending CVC words (consonant, vowel, consonant words e.g. fox).


English - We have been reading the story Willy the Wimp and have already discussed how Willy felt in the story and what he changed in order to feel more confident. One of the things Willy did was wear red, as it made him feel happier. So we are having a dress up day on Monday 9th May - everyone in Robin class is excused from wearing their school uniform and instead can choose an outfit that makes them feel confident and happy, just like Willy did!


Maths - We will be learning and using new maths vocabulary - first, then, now - and using this vocabulary to make stories. E.g. First 3 people were on the bus, then 2 more people got on the bus, now we have 5 people on the bus!


Topic - Our afternoon lessons will focus on using and exploring bee bots this week.


Have a super week everyone!



Monday 9th May 'Feeling Confident' dress up day (see English description above for more details)


Week Beginning 19.4.22

Welcome back Robin Class!

I hope that you all had a very happy and restful Easter break! We look forward to welcoming everyone back for our final term in Robin Class!



Phonics - We will be working on CCVC and CVCC words this week.


English - We will be reading and performing a variety of poetry this week.


Maths - We are exploring numbers to 20 this week.


Topic - Our afternoon lessons are linked with English this week and we will continue our focus on poetry. The children will explore a range of poetry and end the week writing a poem about the garden.


Have a lovely week everyone!

Wild Time Sessions Letter

Week Beginning 28.3.22

Good morning Robin Class!



Phonics - This week we will be looking at the 'ear' and 'ure' graphemes.


English - This week we will be finishing off our work about the book 'The Tiny Seed'. The children will be using their phonics to write sentences about what a seed must do to be able to grow.


Maths - In maths this week we will be making Easter chocolate baskets - please see me in the morning regarding any ingredients you would like to check. The children will also be consolidating prior learning through different Easter maths activities.


Topic - The children will be practising and filming their assembly this week (this will be shared by the end of the week) and also learning about Easter.



Monday Homework books due in.

Tuesday: Wild time footwear and clothing needed in a named bag.


Have a lovely week everyone!

Weekly Isolation Work (28.4.22 - 1.4.22)

Week Beginning 14.3.22

Good morning Robin Class!



Phonics - This week we will be looking at the 'air' grapheme.


English - This week we will be beginning to look at a new book 'The Tiny Seed'. 


Maths - In maths this week we will be looking at 3D shapes and making patterns.


Topic - We will be moving on from animal life cycles and instead looking at the life cycle of a bean plant.



Monday Homework books due in.

Tuesday: Wild time footwear and clothing needed in a named bag.


Have a super week everyone!

Weekly Isolation Tasks - Week Beginning 14.3.22

Week Beginning 7.3.22

Hello Robin Class!



Phonics - This week we will be looking at the 'igh' grapheme.


English - We are finishing our class book: 'Oi Frog!' This week we will be continuing writing rhyming sentences including the characters from the story.


Maths - In maths this week we will be working on number bonds to 10.


Topic - We will be looking at animal life cycles, focusing on butterflies. We will be linking our learning with the story 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar.'



Monday Homework books due in.

Tuesday: Wild time footwear and clothing needed in a named bag.


Have a super week everyone!

Week Beginning 28/2/22

Hello Robin Class!



Phonics - This week we will be looking at the 'er grapheme.


English - We are continuing our class book: 'Oi Frog!' This week we will be thinking about rhyming words and creating labels matching animals with a rhyming pattern.


Maths - In maths this week we will be focusing on the numbers 9 and 10: identifying, representing, sorting and representing these digits.


Topic - We are continuing our Spring focus and thinking about new life in this season. PLEASE COULD YOU SEND IN A BABY PHOTO OF YOUR CHILD FOR WEDNESDAY 2/3/33.



Monday Homework books due in.

Tuesday: Wild time footwear and clothing needed in a named bag.

Wednesday: Baby photo for our wider curriculum topic.

Thursday World Book Day.


Have a super week back everyone!

Week Beginning 21/2/22

Hello everybody and welcome back from half term! We hope you had a restful holiday and we are looking froward to seeing you all back in school on Monday!



Phonics - This week we will be looking at the 'oa' grapheme.


English - We will be starting our new class book called 'Oi Frog!' This week we will be reading sections of the story to familiarise ourselves with the characters and we are also going to be looking at the type of vocabulary used - rhyming words.


Maths - This week is all about length and height, time and measuring! We will be completing lots of activities including: sequencing the days of the week, looking at measuring length using non-standard measurements such as footprints and also making different length play-doh snakes.


Topic - All about seasons with a focus on Spring time.



We will begin our 'Wild Time' sessions on Tuesday and children will need appropriate footwear, including any waterproof clothing. Please make sure the children are able to put on and take off their boots and waterproof clothing. All 'Wild Time' clothing to be brought in every Tuesday morning in a named plastic bag.


Homework books are due in every Monday.

Show and tell every Monday afternoon.


Have a great week back everyone!

Weekly Isolation Work (21.2.22 - 25.2.22)

Week Beginning 7.2/22

Hello everybody!



Phonics - This week we will be looking at the 'or' grapheme.


English - This week we will be finishing our work based on the story 'Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain.' The children will be writing informative leaflets about Kapiti Plain and using their phonics in order to spell words.


Maths - In maths this week we are continuing our learning about the numbers 6, 7 and 8. We are also looking at making pairs and combining two numbers. We will also be creating number sentences to match our numbers.


Topic - We will be looking at technology this week. We will be exploring hardware such as telephones, compuers, rempte controls and keyboards. The children will experience taking photos and creating albums.



Our Talent Show auditions will be on Monday afternoon (7.2.22), with the 2 winning acts taking part in the final on Friday (11.2.22). Good luck Robins!


Homework books are due in every Monday.

Show and tell will be every Monday afternoon for anything the children would like to share with the class. Please pass on anything that is to be shown to the adult at the gate in the morning in a named bag.


Have a great week everyone!

Weekly Isolation Work (7.2.22)

Week Beginning 31/1/22

Welcome to another week!



Phonics - This week we will be looking at the 'ai' grapheme.


English - This week we are continuing our learning based on the book 'Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain.' We will continue reading and revisiting different sections of the book and recounting the events.


Maths - In maths we are looking at the numbers 6, 7 and 8. We will be comparing them, looking at their value and how we can make these numbers. We will begin writing numbers sentences to represent different ways of making 6, 7 or 8.


Topic - Happy Chinese New Year! We will be learning about Chinese New Year this week!



Homework books are due in every Monday.

Show and tell will be every Monday afternoon for anything the children would like to share with the class. Please pass on anything that is to be shown to the adult at the gate in the morning in a named bag.


Have a super week everyone!

Weekly Isolation Week (31.1.22 - 4.2.22)

Week Beginning 24/1/22

Hello everybody!



Phonics - This week we will be looking at the 'ur' grapheme.


English - This week we are beginning a new topic based on the book 'Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain.' We will read the book and discuss the events. The children will also be writing captions and re-telling the story using musical instruments.


Maths - We are comparing capacity. The children will be comparing bottles filled to different levels and using key vocabulary such as full, empty, half empty/full, more and less.


Topic - This week we are focusing on the Winter season. We will be reading winter stories, looking at winter pictures and experimenting with water and seeing what happens when it freezes.



Homework books are due in every Monday.

Show and tell will be every Monday afternoon for anything the children would like to share with the class. Please pass on anything that is to be shown to the adult at the gate in the morning in a named bag.


Have a lovely week everyone!

Weekly Isolation Work (24.1.22 - 28.1.22)

Week Beginning 17/1/22

What a busy week we all had last week! It was lovely to welcome Mrs Constanda to our Reception team on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday each week.



Phonics - This week we will be looking at the 'ee' grapheme.


English - We are continuing our whole school book - 'Here We Are'. We will be thinking about what wonderful things we have on Earth and writing messages.


Maths - We are comparing size and mass. We will be using scales to weigh fruit and vegetables and comparing size. We are also making Rice Krispie Cakes. See below for our ingredients list. Please see a member of Robin Class if you have any questions regarding the ingredients we will be using.

  • As part of our Maths 'Comparing size and mass' topic this week, we will be making chocolate Rice Krispie Cakes. Children will be weighing out ingredients, comparing mass, melting and mixing in order to create cakes. There will only be one baking group a day, so by the end of the week everyone will have had a chance to compare maths and create a yummy chocolate treat!


  • Ingredients list:
  1. Rice Krispies
  2. Tesco Golden Syrup
  3. Lurpak unsalted butter
  4. Tesco milk chocolate


Topic - This week we are continuing our whole school book focus into the afternoons. Here We Are book will be the theme of our afternoons.



Homework folders are due in every Monday.

Show and tell will be every Monday afternoon for anything the children would like to share with the class. Please pass on anything that is to be shown to the adult at the gate in the morning in a named bag.


Have a super week everyone!

Weekly Isolation Work - Week 17.1.22

Week Beginning 10/1/22

Our Week...

Hello everyone and welcome back to school!



Phonics - This week we will be looking at the 'ow' sound.


English - We are beginning our whole school book - 'Here We Are'. We shall be exploring the illustrations in the book and the theme of our planet Earth. The children will think about what they think is beautiful about our planet and what they would recommend about Earth.


Maths - We will be exploring the number zero.


Topic - This week we are focusing on winter through the story 'The Snowman'.



Homework folders are due in every Monday.

Show and tell will be every Monday afternoon for anything the children would like to share with the class. Please pass on anything that is to be shown to the adult at the gate in the morning in a named bag.


Have a wonderful week everyone!

Happy New Year 2022!

We hope that you have all had a fun and restful break! We are all looking forward to starting the new term and seeing everyone again!

Week 6th - 7th January

We will be spending the first 2 days welcoming the children back with lots of talking about the holidays and sharing of their experiences. We will be focusing on PSHE including feeling safe and network hands. We will also be looking at making resolutions for the new year.

Our first phonics sound will be 'oo' (look, foot, good etc).


PE will continue to be every Tuesday.

Homework folders will be sent home every Wednesday and must be back in school on Monday morning.


We look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday and hope you have a lovely first week back!

Robin Self Isolation Work Week 1 - 2 day week

Our Week!

I was so proud of the children when they were recorded for their Christmas Production. Their singing was wonderful and they looked very cute in their outfits!

Week Beginning 20th December

Santa's Breakfast is on Monday, thank you to the PTFA for organising! 

We will spend Monday and Tuesday focusing on arts and crafts.

School finishes after lunch on Tuesday. 

I hope you have a lovely Christmas holiday and look forward to seeing everyone in January!

Week Beginning 13/12/21

Our Week...

Hello everyone! I hope you have all had a great week!



Phonics - This week for phonics we will be consolidating and reviewing the sounds we have learnt so far this Autumn Term.


English - We are continuing with letter formation and ensuring the children are writing and forming the letters correctly. As we are so close to Christmas we will also be writing Christmas cards.


Maths - We will be exploring night and day: sequencing and the measurement of time.


Topic - This week we are continuing our learning about Christmas. We will be looking at how Christmas is celebrated around the world and looking at popular Christmas songs and poems. The children will also be exploring their creative side by making Christmas decorations and Christmas crowns.



Our Christmas performance will be filmed on Tuesday - please make sure your child has a named costume ready.

Christmas lunch - Wednesday.


Have a festive week everyone!

Isolation Tasks for those self isolating, not a whole class bubble

Week Beginning 6/12/21

Our Week...

Hello everyone! I hope you have all had a super week!



Phonics - We will be looking at the ar grapheme. When reading with your child, if you come across this sound please point it out.


English - We will be finishing the story 'Little Red' and creating our own version of the story. We are also continuing our focus on letter formation.


Maths - This week we are finishing our work on 4-sided shapes. Following this we will be looking at night and day: sequencing and the measurement of time.


Topic - This week we will be exploring Christmas! We will be looking at Christmas around the world and the nativity story. 



Homework books are due in every Monday and are sent back home again on Wednesday.


Have a wonderful week everyone!

Isolation Tasks for those self isolating, not a whole class bubble

Week Beginning 29/11/21

Our Week...

Hello everyone, I hope that you have had a lovely weekend!



Phonics - We will be looking at the long oo grapheme. When reading with your child, if you come across this sound please point it out.


English - We will be continuing the story 'Little Red' and thinking about using this as the base of our own stories. We are also continuing our focus on letter formation.


Maths - This week we are continuing our learning on one more and one less. Towards the end of the week we will be focusing on 4 sided shapes. Maybe you could go for a shape hunt around your house and find 4 sided shapes in your environment?


Topic - This week we will be exploring day and night. We will also begin Christmas activities by making decorations for the school Christmas tree! 



Homework books are due in every Monday and are sent back home again on Wednesday.


Have a wonderful week everyone!

Isolation Tasks for those self isolating, not a whole class bubble

Week Beginning 22/11/21

Our Week...

Hello everyone!



Phonics - We will be looking at the letters ch, sh, th and ng. When reading with your child, if you come across these sounds please point them out.


English - We will be continuing the story 'Little Red' (based on a traditional tale with a twist) and exploring the characters and plot. We will also be focusing on correct letter formation.


Maths - This week we are focusing on more and less - finding one more and one less of a given number, extending to two more and less. The children will also be ordering numbers correctly and exploring the vocabulary before and after.


Topic - This week we will be exploring colour. We will be reading the story of Elmer and looking at the colours in the story and investigating these colours in our environment.


Have a wonderful week everyone!


Hello everyone!

Mrs Humphreys and I are very excited to be teaching in Robin Class and look forward to all the fun activities we have planned!

A few reminders:

Mrs Michaels will be teaching on Monday and Tuesday and Mrs Humphreys will be teaching Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Please do not hesitate to catch either of us at the end of the day if you have a question.

PE is now every Tuesday, children are to come to school in their PE kit - thank you.



Phonics - We will be looking at the letters y, z, zz and qu. When reading with your child, if you come across these sounds please point them out.


English - We will be looking at the story 'Little Red' (based on a traditional tale with a twist) and exploring the characters.


Maths - This week we are thinking about the number 5 - identifying and counting 5, finding one more and one less and using a 5 and 10 frame to help our counting.


Topic - We will be exploring what a good friendship needs and how we can be good friends. We are also thinking about how we are all different.


Have a great week!


Week beginning: 8th November

This week is my last week as Robins Class Teacher. Mrs Michaels and Mrs Humphreys will be teaching the children from Monday.
I just wanted to say that it has been so lovely to be apart of your Reception journey and getting to know every one of you. You are a wonderful class and I will miss teaching you all! I wish you all the best for the rest of the year - I know you will all be fantastic! I will be sure to pop in when baby arrives! Miss Evans :) 
We will be having a small classroom party on Friday afternoon. I will be bringing in chocolate nesquik and popcorn. If you do not want your child to have these things please let me or the TA know. 

Please kindly note that our new PE day will be Tuesday. Please come into school in PE kits on Tuesdays - thank you. 

Phonics:   j  v  w  x

English: We will be continuing with our story 'The Magic Paintbrush'. We will be discussing and writing what Shen might do when put in prison.

Maths: We will be concentrating on number 4 this week.

Topic: Nocturnal animals and Remembrance Day


Week beginning: 1st November 

I hope you all had a fun and relaxing half term! I look forward to hearing all about it. 

Phonics: f  ff  l  ll ss

English: Our focus story for the next 2 weeks will be 'The Magic Paintbrush' By Julia Donaldson. The children discover a magic paintbrush and are asked what they would paint with it. Then, through the story of The Magic Paintbrush, they meet Shen who loves to paint and draw. Shen is presented with a magic brush but she is to only use it for good. In the story, she overcomes a greedy Emperor who sets his dragon upon Shen. The children create their own dragon-like monsters through playing Mix and Match Monsters and record ideas by drawing and labelling a diagram. They then write an own-version narrative by changing the items that their main character paints and including their own monster that the main character overcomes. 

Maths: To be able to represent, count and compare the numbers 1, 2 and 3. 

Topic: Theme 'Light and Dark'. We will be comparing routines we usually do as part of the day or in the evening. 

On Tuesday we are also celebrating Climate Change Day and will be sharing the book ‘Somebody Swallowed Stanley’ with lots of activities linked to this.


You have all worked so hard this Autumn Term and I am so proud of you all! I hope you all have a restful week off and a spooky Halloween!

I will see you all on Monday 1st November!

Week beginning: 18th October

Phonics: h   b 

English: Our focus story this week will be 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'.

Maths: To be able to represent, count and compare the numbers 1 and 2.

Topic: We will be beginning our topic on 'Autumn' and creating Autumn pictures. 

I am looking forward to talking to you all at Parent Consultations on Wednesday and Thursday. If you are unable to make it I am able to organise a 10 minute Google Meet/Phone call at another time. 

Key Events

  • PFTA bake sale after school on Friday. 


Week beginning: 11th October

Phonics: k   e   u   r

English: Our focus story this week will be 'Owl Babies' By Martin Waddell. We will be learning all about the characters and writing names using capital letters. 

Maths: To be able to represent and compare numbers 0 and 1. 

Topic: We will be continuing our topic on Houses and Homes and looking at our local area.

Week beginning: 4th October


Phonics:   o   c   k   ck

English: Our story this week will be 'The Three Little Pigs'. The children will be sequencing the story and beginning to write captions. 

Maths: To be able to to copy, create and continue simple patterns. 


Topic: Our focus will be on houses and homes. We will be looking at our journey into school and discussing different types of houses and homes. 
Can you please kindly bring in a picture of the outside of your home for Thursday so the children can discuss during circle time - thank you. 


Week beginning: 27th September

I hope you have all had a restful weekend and enjoyed the last bit of sun for a while!

Phonics: m   d   g

English: Our focus story this week will be 'The Enormous Turnip'. We will be using Talk for Writing to recall the story. 

Maths: To be able to compare objects by their size, mass and capacity and use mathematical language relating to measurement. 

Topic: Discussing how we are all different and ways to describe ourselves. 

Please could I kindly ask you all to bring in a photo of your child's family for them to be shared during a class circle time for our topic 'All About Me'. These photos will be used this Friday (1st) and returned the following Monday - thank you. 

Key Notes

  • Miss Best will be joining us from Monday until December as our PGCE student teacher. She will be with us in Robins class supporting the children. 

Week beginning: 20th September 

I am so proud of how well the children have settled into Robins class. They are quickly picking up the routines of the school day. I hope they enjoyed their first full week. 

Phonics: We will be learning the graphemes i, n

English: Our focus story this week will be one of my favourites 'We're going on a bear hunt'. The children will be using Talk for Writing to learn and act out the story. 

Maths: To be able to compare two groups of objects and say if one group has 'fewer', 'more' or if both groups are equal.


Topic: We will be meeting the 'Tooth Fairy' and looking at how to keep our teeth clean and healthy!

On Friday 24th it will be our Welcome Assembly! Last week the children met with their Year 5 buddies. They shared stories and got to know one another. We look forward to welcoming Robin class and their Year 5 buddies on Friday. 

Gentle Reminders

  • Reading books will be changed every Thursday. Please make sure reading logs have been signed and are in school everyday so we can read with the children. We cannot issue new books if they are not in school.
  • Please make sure jumpers and cardigans are clearly named. We have had numerous uniform gone missing because of this. 

Any questions please email the office and I will respond as soon as I can. 

Week beginning: 13th September

I hope you have all had a restful weekend. We hope you enjoy your first full week!

Phonics: We will be learning the graphemes s, a, t, p

English: Our focus story will be 'The Little Red Hen'. We will be predicting, learning, acting and mapping the story! 

Maths: To be able to match, sort and compare a range of objects. 

Topic: Our topic for the next few weeks will be 'All About Me'. This week the children will be looking at feelings and emotions, discussing how we are all different and creating self-portraits. 

Gentle reminders

  • Book bags and water bottles are to be in everyday.
  • Please make sure uniform, coats, hats are labelled. 
  • PE kits to be worn on Thursdays. 
  • Please choose your child's lunch via parent pay. 


Week beginning: 6th September

Welcome to Robins! We are really looking forward to meeting you all! We can't wait to hear all the exciting things you got up to over the summer holidays and learn more about you!

We want to make sure the children have a successful and smooth transition into Reception so they feel at ease and secure in their new provision. This week we are focusing on PSHE and well being. We will be finding out all about the children, talking about what we are looking forward to this year as well as any of our worries. We will be writing our class rules together, thinking about our different feelings and discussing teamwork!

Gentle reminders

  • Book bags and water bottles are to be brought in every day and will be sent home every day
  • Our PE day is Thursday. Please wear kits on this day! (PE will begin the 16th)
  • Please note that the children are only in 1/2 days (Tuesday to Thursday) and Friday will be staying for lunch.

Any questions please feel free to email the office and this will be forwarded to me


We can't wait to see all your smiley faces!
Robins Team

