Have you seen the Kids’ Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites.
Class Teacher:
Mrs C Burns
Supported by:
Mrs Ridout
Mrs Bastable teaches R.E. and Madame Lawson teaches French
Subject Time:
Mrs White
Week 12
Well Nightingale we have reached our final week of the year. It has been an unusual year; we had half the year in class then, half the year at home. You have all worked really hard and I have been impressed with the way you have completed the work and faced your challenges. Although I have not seen you in person it has been great to see you holding your work so proudly and seeing that smile on your face in all the photos.
This week in school would be our transition week, were we think about the year that we have had and also the year that is ahead of us. Therefore all the activities are focused on transition. Have a go at the daily tasks and don’t forget to send those photos. You can also continue to use Mathletics and TTRockstars. BBC Bitesize also has some great learning activities for all subjects.
Enjoy your final week’s learning as a Nightingale. Keep working hard, I am very proud of you all.
Mrs Burns
Week 11 6-10 July
What fantastic work you all produced last week, I was so impressed. Lots of you have tried the science experiments and the non-screen activities and created great things.
I am really interested to see what you do this week.
Your writing this week is poetry and all about ‘colours’. I know you have written some really interesting poetry before so I am looking forward to reading your colour poems.
I don’t have a PE challenge for you this week, but I would like to say well done to Alfie, who took part in last week’s challenge and who has completed all the other challenges that have been set. Well done Alfie.
Have a great week, not long now before the holidays.
Take care and stay safe
Mrs Burns
Week 10 29-3 July
Well done everyone for all your hard work. This week we celebrate Ashleana’s birthday on 2 July, I hope you have a lovely day.
Your writing this week is all about ‘flying’, and I look forward to what you think this week. There have been some very different ideas from the pictures we have used so far.
Don’t forget to look on the home learning grid for the second half term for activities to complete.
This week there is also a PE Challenge, which your scores will be forwarded to the Herts Sports Partnership, follow the information on the sheets included in this week’s learning. I have also included a sheet of non-screen activities.
Have a great week, miss you all.
Mrs Burns
Week 9 22-26 June
Well done to all those who took part in the TTRockstars, Top of the Rock, tournament. Bromet came second against 7 other schools. There we quite a few from Nightingale who took part including; Muhammad, Joseph, Lily, Inaaya, Callum, Karim, Ali-Reza, Alfie, Imogen, and our top four players were Joshua H, Ibrahim, Jasmine, and Daniel. Congratulations to you all a great achievement.
Once again this week your writing activities are below the weekly timetable. I have seen some excellent descriptive writing. This week I would like you to include some adverbs. The grammar work is focusing on speech marks.
Mme Lawson has asked for me to share some activities for you to try. These are linked to an International Challenge and part of the Schools' International Award. Have a look and have a go, then sent them in either through the Google classroom or admin email.
Check that you are up to date with your Mathletics work and that you are completing the activities on the home learning grid for this half term. I have already seen some excellent work so far.
There are a few people who have not sent a recipe in yet for the Nightingale Lockdown recipe book. It would be great to have one from everyone in the class.
Muhammad’s sister has done a great job of compiling all the recipes, I have seen the first draft and it is looking really good.
Mrs Burns
Week 8 15-10 June
This week all your writing tasks are below the timetable. Once again, try to use paragraphs and check for repetition in your writing, try to avoid using words like:- got, get, then, and said.
It has been great to have a chat with a few of you about your work.
Mme Lawson has asked for me to share some activities for you to try. These are linked to an International Challenge and part of the Schools' International Award. Have a look and have a go, then sent them in either through the Google classroom or admin email.
There are a few people who have not sent a recipe in yet for the Nightingale Lockdown recipe book. It would be great to have one from everyone in the class.
On TT Rock Stars there is a challenge from different schools in the Watford area.
You can find this in Tournaments, Top of the Rocks. It is for one week only, so come on let’s get Bromet at the top of the list.
Mrs Burns
Week 7 8-12 June
Well done again for all your hard work, I have been very impressed this week with all the writing you have been doing, great descriptions, vocabulary, punctuation, fantastic.
This week I have written all your writing tasks below the timetable. A few points to remember, try to use paragraphs and check for repetition in your writing, and a little challenge, try to avoid using words like:- got, get, then, and said.
For maths I have chosen the alternative lessons for both year groups as you have already covered the other maths topic.
It is always good to hear from you, remember you can always reply to me in the google classroom about your work.
Mme Lawson has asked for me to share some activities for you to try. These are linked to an International Challenge and part of the Schools' International Award. Have a look and have a go, then sent them in either through the google classroom or admin email.
We now have lots of recipes for the book, but a few people have not sent one in yet. It would be great to have one from everyone in the class.
Birthdays this month. It was Callum's birthday on the 4th, it is Kishan's on the 14th and then at the end of the month 23rd it is Ethan and Harrison's. Happy Birthday to you all.
Have a good week and let's hope the sunshine comes back.
Mrs Burns
Week 6 1-5 June
I hope you have enjoyed the half term break and all the sunshine we have had.
I have attached a new home learning grid with new activities for you to choose from for this half term.
Muhammad's sister has been working on all the recipes that you have sent in so far and I thank her for her help in creating the recipe book. It would be great if we could have a recipe from everyone in the class (you could send more than one if you wish), and please try to include a photo of you with the food or just the food, this will make it more interesting to look at. Post your recipes in the google class room or sent them in through admin@bromet.herts.sch.uk
This is the draft of the front cover.
Let's fill the book with all our favourite lockdown recipes.
Keep posting photos of your work, it's great to see you all.
Missing you all, stay safe and well.
Mrs Burns.
I would just like to say well done to you all for all your hard work this half term.
Have a lovely half term rest.
Happy Eid Mubarak for those of you who are celebrating
Week 5 18-22 May
I hope you are all keeping safe and well.
I have been very impressed again with all the work you have been doing. You are all doing a brilliant job, keep going. You are all stars
There has been a lot of baking going on, we could create a feast. It would be great if we could create a Nightingale recipe book of all the dishes you have made. If you would like to include yours, type them up and send them to me through the google classroom and I will see what I can do. Just remember, think of Mrs Burns' computing skills!!!!
White Rose Maths, Friday challenge, now links to the BBC Bitesize, please click on the Year 4 or Year 5 Maths Link on the Home Learning document.
There are a few different activities to try this week, please have a go.
Keep well and safe
Mrs Burns
Week 4 11-15 May
Well done to everyone, I have seen some great work this week. Muhammad sent a video of his science experiments and recited a poem about VE Day which was extremely clear. Others sent videos of your speed jump challenge. I also had an update from Ethan who has been playing bingo online with his family and has decided to donate some of his winnings to charity, lovely idea Ethan.
Please keep sending your work in preferably through the google classroom, then I can post it on the website, twitter and newsletter.
It has been great to see some of you using the First News IHub and that you are enjoying reading and taking part in the activities.
This week we celebrate Inaaya's birthday (13th), I hope you have a lovely day.
Changes to Maths
Please note that White Rose Maths are not providing access to the work sheets. You will now have to access them through the class page of google classroom. Please do not pay for the access as school will do this. Remember you do not need to print off all the sheets, just complete the work in your book.
Also for the Friday challenge, White Rose Maths now links to BBC Bitesize, please click on the Year 4 or Year 5 Maths Link on the Home Learning document.
Have a great week and keep safe and well.
Mrs Burns
PE Challenge
If you would like to complete this and send me your results we can see who can do the most in the class. Mr Burns timed me and I managed 50, can you beat me, I bet you can 😊
Week 3
Well done everyone I have seen some lovely work being completed, you are all working extremely hard.
This week we see a change in the day for the May Bank Holiday, instead of Monday it is on Friday to celebrate VE Day 75. Our learning this week is linked to these celebrations.
As we think of celebrations we have missed celebrating a few birthdays in the class since we have not been together so a belated happy birthday to Daniel, Jasmine, Ali-Reza and today (3rd) Karim. I hope you all had a lovely day.
Well done to those who have used the First News IHub, we have two leaders at the moment for reading the most and these are Callum and Joshua H, great amount of reading boys.
Another well done goes to Ethan who has been working extremely hard keeping in touch with his family and friends, completing quizzes and other activities. He has also kept me entertained with his dairy entries for the last few weeks and I look forward to reading the next one. I hope the audition went well Ethan.
Please keep posting your work into the google classroom, then I can include this on the class web page and the twitter feed, you may also see it appear on the school news letter.
A Bit of Fun
Take a look at the attached link, scroll to the bottom and look how you can create your own super hero
I have been very impressed with all the work that you have been completing. I do look at every piece you send me even though I may not comment on every one. Keep your pictures coming in and please attach them to the google classroom, and watch out for them appearing here on the class web page, the weekly newsletter and on the Twitter feed.
Here is is this weeks learning, please remember to complete the tasks from the wider curriculum learning grid and try some of the science experiments, I've seen lots of fun being had with the water guns. Remember to use your book to record all the experiments you do (include, items used, how you set the experiment up, what you thought would happen and then the results).
Make sure that you check the Mathletics site for further maths activities and keep up your times table speeds using TTRockstars.
French learning from Madame Lawson
Babelzone (username and password both 'bromet') which contains loads of stuff - games, stories, phonics, songs, plus activities to print out such as wordsearches, puzzles, crosswords, etc. It is all topic based and the children can choose between French or Spanish.
Another good resource is BBC Bitesize. If the children search BBC BITESIZE FRENCH KS1 or KS2 then loads of topic work comes up: numbers, culture, places in town, food and drink, school, daily routine, hobbies, travel, weather, our planet and birds, bugs and beasts. There is also a section devoted to stories, poems and songs.
Week commencing 20 April 2020
I hope you have had a great Easter, eaten lots of chocolate and enjoyed the sunshine. Thank you to those of you who have already posted work for me to see, you're doing a great job, well done.
Each week I will be posting the Maths, English and SPaG learning as this will change weekly. All other areas of the curriculum will be covered in the learning grid and will stay the same with many activities to choose from.
It would be great if some of these activities could be recorded and posted into the google classroom (details of how to access this are included in the attachments. Document does show Kestrel but please make sure you add to Nightingale).
If you have any queries please email admin and it will be forwarded to me.
Have fun!
Message from Mrs Burns
I hope you are all keeping safe and well. As the Easter break begins try to remember to do the following
1. Keep safe
2. Have fun
3. Laugh lots
After Easter we will be sending out new home learning packs. I have set up an activity in the Google Classroom for you to try. Remember to log in you need to use google chrome, your email and password, as you do for the chrome books.
I am still waiting for someone to beat the 15 high tower using items from the kitchen.
Look after yourselves and I hope to see you all soon.
Happy Easter everyone.
31 March 2020
I hope you are all keeping safe and well.
I know that some of you have been working hard on your home learning packs. Some people have been playing boards games, Scrabble, well done Ava. Some of you have also been completing activities from the homework grid, well done Inaaya.
If you would like me to see some of your work you can post it in the Google classroom.
This is a very unusual time, please keep safe and I look forward to seeing you all again soon.
If you would like a further challenge, can you use items from the kitchen, pots, pans, food containers, packets, etc, and build the highest tower, can you beat 15 items?
Well done to pupil of the week, Ali-Reza.
We enjoyed a fantastic day at Merchant Taylors' on Friday, completing Harry Potter themed activities.
16 March 2020
Maths - Our learning will be a recap of previous learning through assessments.
English - We will be completing reading and grammar assessments.
Science - Our learning will be comparing, observing and recording information about how soluble they are.
PHSE - Delivered by Watford FC.
History - We will be learning about the hierarchy of the Shang Dynasty
Remember to complete your Mathletics homework set each week.
Try to improve your timings on TTRockstars.
Dates for your diary
Monday 30 March - Class trip to Wenzel's Bakery THIS HAS BEEN POSTPONED DUE TO THE CURRENT HEALTH ISSUES.
Friday 3 April - End of term 1.30pm.
Well done to pupil of the week, Harrison.
WORLD BOOK DAY - Thursday we wrote book reviews, created reading rivers, created ourselves as book characters and decorated our t-shirts. Great work!
9 March 2020
Maths - Our learning is about problem solving when finding the perimeter of different shapes.
English - We continue our own evacuee narrative writing.
Science - As it is science week we will be learning about our body clock, how much time we spent asleep and awake. We are also completing the challenge to make a tree from paper, no glue, tape, staples allowed.
PHSE - Delivered by Watford FC.
Geography - We will be learning about the effects of plastic pollution and how we can manage the problem.
Class trip to Merchant Taylors'
A big thank you to Merchant Taylors' for organising this event and providing the transport, food and materials the children will encounter during the day.
Thank you to Mrs MacDomnic, Mrs Gioiosa and Mrs Govani for giving up their time to help on this trip. Also thank you to those parents who volunteered to help but unfortunately are we cannot take this time.
Remember to complete your Mathletics homework set each week.
Try to improve your timings on TTRockstars.
Dates for your diary
Wednesday 4 March - Maths morning 8.45 - 9.30am
Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 March Parents Evenings
Friday 13 March - Class trip to Merchant Taylors'.
Monday 30 March - Class trip to Wenzel's Bakery, morning visit, details to follow.
Friday 3 April - End of term 1.30pm.
Well done to pupil of the week, Muhammad.
2 March 2020
Maths - Our learning is about decimal numbers, adding and subtracting decimals.
English - We continue our learning about 'The Lion and the Unicorn' by Shirley Hughes. We will be planning our own evacuation narrative.
WORLD BOOK DAY - Thursday we will be dressing in pyjamas and sharing our favourite book.
Science - Learning about the movement of the moon.
PHSE - Delivered by Watford FC.
History - We will be learning about the construction of the Tudor houses.
Remember to complete your Mathletics homework set each week.
Try to improve your timings on TTRockstars.
Dates for your diary
Tuesday 3 March - Sign up for Parents Evenings.
Wednesday 4 March - Maths morning 8.45 - 9.30am
Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 March Parents Evenings
Friday 13 March - Class trip to Merchant Taylors', all day, details to follow this week.
Monday 30 March - Class trip to Wenzel's Bakery, morning visit, details to follow this week.
Please let me know if you are able to help an either of these two trips.
Friday 3 April - End of term 1.30pm.
Well done to Bianca our pupil of the week.
24 February 2020
Maths - Our learning is about multiplying and dividing one and two digit numbers by 10, 100 and 1000
English - We continue our learning about 'The Lion and the Unicorn' by Shirley Hughes. We will also be working towards our class assembly on Friday.
PE - Year 4 Swimming, Year 5 Movement and Stretch.
DT - We will finish our work on cams and followers.
PHSE - Delivered by Watford FC. We will also be creating our Garden of Dreams, our hopes for the future, ready to display on Friday afternoon.
Remember to complete your Mathletics homework set each week.
Try to improve your timings on TTRockstars.
Dates for your diary
Friday 28 February - Nightingale Class Assembly 9am
Garden of Dreams display 2.45pm
Wednesday 4 March - Maths morning 8.45 - 9.30am
Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 March Parents Evenings
Friday 13 March - Class trip to Merchant Taylors', details to follow shortly
Friday 3 April - End of term 1.30pm
Well done to Alfie our pupil of the week.
Congratulations to all those who auditioned for the talent contest. We were entertained with singing, dancing, quiz shows, magic tricks, piano playing and comedy.
Well done Nabeelah and Alfie who were voted to represent our class on Friday.
Thank you for all your support for the NSPCC number day, the children enjoyed making their own tangrams and using them to create images. Nightingale also joined Falcon class to make fruits salads as part of their DT, food and nutrition.
10 February 2020
Maths - We continue our learning about decimals, tenths and hundredths
English - We continue our learning about 'The Lion and the Unicorn' by Shirley Hughes. Our writing will include diary entries, changing direct speech into reported speech and completing research to find out about the Land Girls during WW2.
PE - Year 4 Swimming, Year 5 Movement and Stretch.
DT - We will be making our finishes to our mechanical systems, watch out for the pictures
PHSE - Delivered by Watford FC
Remember to complete your Mathletics homework set each week.
Try to improve your timings on TTRockstars.
Dates for your diary
Tuesday 11 February - Times Table information workshop for parents/carers 2.30pm and 6.30pm
Friday 14 February - Whole school talent show
Monday 17 - 21 February - Half term
Friday 28 February - Nightingale Class Assembly 9am
Garden of Dreams display 2.45pm
Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 March Parents Evenings
Friday 3 April - End of term 1.30pm
Well done to Muhammad our pupil of the week.
We had a great time at the Athletics on Tuesday finishing third, well done everyone. A special thanks to Mrs MacDomnic and Mrs Gioiosa for their help.
3 February 2020
Maths - We begin our learning about decimals, tenths and hundredths
English - We continue our learning about 'The Lion and the Unicorn' by Shirley Hughes. Our writing will include using the present perfect tense, homophones and using conjunctions.
PE - Year 4 Swimming, Year 5 Movement and Stretch.
DT - We will be making our finishes to our mechanical systems, watch out for the pictures
PHSE - Delivered by Watford FC
Create your outfit for NSPCC Number Day, be as wacky as you want.
Prepare you act for the talent show ready to perform to the class, this will be on Wednesday this week. The winning act will go through to the final.
Remember to complete your Mathletics homework set each week.
Try to improve your timings on TTRockstars.
Dates for your diary
Friday 7 February - Number Day
Tuesday 11 February - Times Table information workshop for parents/carers 2.30pm and 6.30pm
Friday 14 February - Whole school talent show
Monday 17 - 21 February - Half term
Friday 28 February - Nightingale Class Assembly 9am
Garden of Dreams displaly 2.45pm
Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 March Parents Evenings
Friday 3 April - End of term 1.30pm
Well done to Karim our pupil of the week.
We have completed our work based on the book 'Flotsam' and shared our writing with Kingfisher class.
27 January 2020
Maths - The learning will be ordering, adding and subtracting fractions
English - Our learning will be focused on the book 'The Lion and the Unicorn' by Shirley Hughes. Our writing will include writing a letter and using the present perfect tense
PE - Year 4 Swimming, Year 5 Movement and Stretch. We also have our athletics at WGGS
DT - We will be adding our cams and followers to our mechanical systems
PHSE - Delivered by Watford FC
Create your outfit for NSPCC Number Day, be as wacky as you want.
Don't forget to prepare you act for the talent show ready to perform to the class.
Remember to complete your Mathletics homework set each week.
Try to improve your timings on TTRockstars.
Dates for your diary
Tuesday 28 January - Sports Hall Athletics
Friday 7 February - Number Day
Tuesday 11 February - Times Table information workshop for parents/carers 2.30pm and 6.30pm
Friday 14 February - Whole school talent show
Monday 17 - 21 February - Half term
Friday 28 February - Nightingale Class Assembly 9am
Garden of Dreams displaly 2.45pm
Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 March Parents Evenings
Friday 3 April - End of term 1.30pm
Well done to Laura our pupil of the week.
This week we have been fortunate to work with Affinity water, looking at the composition of our school soil and finding out about permeable materials.
20 January 2020
Maths - The learning will be around fractions, improper fractions and mixed numbers
English - We are continuing our writing linked to 'Flotsam', focusing on a diary entry written from the point of view of the camera, written using 1st person
Science - Earth and Space, looking at the different planets
PE - Year 4 Swimming, Year 5 Movement and Stretch
Art - This will be linked to the English book 'Flotsam' and our topic of surrealism
PHSE - Delivered by Watford FC
All consents need to be completed for the Athletics trip as soon as possible please and thank you to Mrs MacDomnic and Mrs Gioiosa for their offer of help.
Dates for your diary
Tuesday 28 January - Sports Hall Athletics
Friday 7 February - Number Day
Friday 14 February - Whole school talent show
Monday 17 - 21 February - Half term
Friday 28 February - Nightingale Class Assembly 9am
Garden of Dreams displaly 2.45pm
Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 March Parents Evenings
Friday 3 April - End of term 1.30pm
Well done to Joe our pupil of the week.
A great start to the term with Nightingale winning the attendance cup.
13 January 2020
Maths - The focus will be on division
English - We are continuing our writing linked to 'Flotsam', focusing on a descriptive piece written in the 3rd person
Science - Earth and Space, looking at the different planets
PE - Year 4 Swimming, Year 5 Movement and Stretch
History - The Vikings
Art - This will be linked to the English book 'Flotsam'
Please make sure that all home learning books are in school as this terms work will be sent home this week.
All consents need to be completed for the Athletics trip as soon as possible please and if you are able to accompany us on the trip please let me know.
Dates for your diary
Tuesday 28 January - Sports Hall Athletics
Friday 7 February - Number Day
Friday 14 February - Whole school talent show
Monday 17 - 21 February - Half term
Friday 28 February - Nightingale Class Assembly 9am
Garden of Dreams displaly 2.45pm
Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 March Parents Evenings
Friday 3 April - End of term 1.30pm
Happy New Year
I hope you have had a great break. I would like to say a huge THANK YOU for all the kind gifts, from myself, Mrs Lewis and Mrs Ridout. We are all looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday.
This week we will begin our writing project with the rest of the school and the schools in the partnership. Our writing will be focusing on the book 'Flotsam' by David Wiesner.
Maths - Multiplication and Division
English - Vocabulary building and drama
Science - Earth and Space
PE - Year 4 swimming, Year 5 Movement and stretch
Computing - E-Safety
Music - Water Music by a variety of composers
Please make sure that all reading records and homework books are brought into school on Tuesday as the new homework will be handed out.
Dates for your diary
Tuesday 21 January - Sports Hall Athletics, more information to follow
Friday 7 February - Number Day
Friday 14 February - Whole school talent show
Monday 17 - 21 February - Half term
Friday 28 February - Nightingale Class Assembly 9am
Garden of Dreams displaly 2.45pm
Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 March Parents Evenings
Friday 3 April - End of term 1.30pm
There are other events later in the term, all this information is to follow.
Well done to Daniel for Star of the week.
End of term awards go to Inaaya, Daisy Mae and Karim, congratulations. These will be presented in assembly on Friday 9am, family members of these children are welcome to attend.
This week we will be completing our English work based on the 'Coming Home' book by Michael Morpurgo.
We will be completing Christmas Maths problems looking at area and perimeter.
Wednesday is a busy day with 'Breakfast with Santa'. Also wear your Christmas jumper and Christmas Dinner.
On Thursday we will be having our Christmas breakfast, the children may bring in snacks, I will provide the drinks. Please remember NO NUTS. Any home-made foods should be accompanied with a full list of ingredients.
Thursday afternoon we will be watching the pantomime 'Jack and the Beanstalk'.
Friday is last day of term and we finish at 1.30pm.
Week commencing 9.12.19
Well done to Daisy D for pupil of the week last week
In English we will be working on a book called 'Coming Home' by Michael Morpurgo. We will be discussing how we feel by the use of language by the author.
Our Maths learning will be finding the area of regular, composite and irregular shapes.
We will be continuing the building of our moving toys using cams and followers in DT. They are looking really good so far, the children are working really hard.
Our Christmas production is nearly here, well done for learning all your words for the poems.
Upcoming Dates
Christmas service at St Matthew's Wednesday 11 December at 6.30pm, could we ask that all the children are in church by 6.15pm please.
Wednesday 18 is the PTFA Breakfast with Santa. Also Christmas lunch and jumper day (Children to exchange wearing their school sweatshirt or cardigan for a Christmas jumper).
Christmas class breakfast Thursday 19 December (Bring in snacks to share - remember no nuts).
Pantomime in school Thursday 19 December.
School finishes at 1.30pm on Friday 20 December.
Week commencing 2.12.19
Well done to Maria for pupil of the week last week
In English we will be continuing to write our own fantasy story focusing on an underwater adventure.
Our Maths learning will be finding the perimeter of regular and composite shapes.
We will be building our moving toy using cams and followers in DT.
Our build up to the Christmas celebrations is going well and the children are working hard to learn all their words.
Upcoming Dates
Flu vaccinations on Thursday 5 December
Christmas service at St Matthew's Wednesday 11 December 6.30pm
Wednesday 18 is the PTFA Breakfast with Santa. Also Christmas lunch and jumper day (Children to exchange wearing their school sweatshirt of cardigan for a Christmas jumper)
Pantomime in school Thursday 19 December
School finishes at 1.30pm on Friday 20 December
Well done to Mariam, pupil of the week.
Week commencing 25.11.19
In English we will be continuing our learning, how to write fantasy stories. We will be planning our own stories.
Maths learning will be about the different properties of 2D and 3D shapes.
In Geography we will be learning about the journey of a river into the sea or ocean.
We will be building our moving toy using cams and levers in DT.
All the children will be learning the Christmas songs and words of Christmas poems for the production at the Church.
Upcoming dates
School disco Friday 29 November
Flu immunisation Thursday 5 December
Christmas service at St Matthew’s Tuesday 10 December 6.30pm
Wednesday 18th is PTFA Breakfast, Christmas lunch and jumper day. (Children to exchange wearing their school sweatshirt or cardigan for a Christmas jumper)
Pantomime in school Thursday 19 December
School finishes at 1.30pm on Friday 20 December
Well done to Kishan, pupil of the week.
A great cheer in assembly as we won the attendance cup for the week, let’s make it two in a row!!
We said ‘goodbye’ to Thaisa on Friday and wish her every success in her learning at her new school.
We all enjoyed the activities this week, wearing odd socks, taking part in our drama workshop and wearing pyjamas for Children in Need.
Week commencing 18.11.19
In English we will be continuing our learning, how to write fantasy stories, looking at the books including ‘Water Babies’, ‘Underwater Farmyard’ and ‘Flotsam’. We will be describing settings and characters.
Maths learning will be learning about different approaches to short and long multiplication.
In Science we will be recapping previous learning of the different parts of a plant and dissecting one.
In Geography we will be learning how rivers and lakes are formed.
Upcoming dates
School disco Friday 29 November
Flu immunisation Thursday 5 December
Christmas service at St Matthew’s Tuesday 10 December 6.30pm
Pantomime in school Thursday 19 December
School finishes at 1.30pm on Friday 20 December
Well done to Imogen, pupil of the week
Also well done to the year 5 children who tried new activities including archery and shelter building at Woodrow.
Week commencing 11.11.19
We have a very busy week ahead of us.
On Monday we will be focusing our learning around Remembrance Day. The children will participate in a minute’s silence at 11am.
Tuesday the children are invited to wear odd socks to celebrate difference. No donation.
This week is also anti-bullying week and we will be learning how people are different.
On Wednesday we have Maths morning.
The children will also take part in a drama workshop focusing on ‘Kindness’.
Friday is Children in Need and our learning will be focused on the work of the charity. Wear your pyjamas and donate £1.
In English we will be learning how to write fantasy stories, looking at the book ‘Water Babies’ by Charles Kingsley.
Maths learning will be focusing on column addition and subtraction, spotting mistakes and giving explanations.
Week commencing 4.11.19
We hope you have had a great break and ready for a busy half term leading up to Christmas.
This week year 5 will be attending Woodrow High House for their residential visit, let's hope the weather is kind to us.
Maths - we will be learning about regrouping when adding and subtracting, and estimation.
English - our learning is about writing and performing poetry.
PE - This half term we will be working with Relax Kids.
Please make sure that all reading books and reading records are in school every day.
This week we will be sending last years books home, please have a bag in school ready.
Well done to Daisy Mae our star of the week for being kind, polite and always giving her best in all subjects.
Our final week before half term and what a busy week ahead.
In Maths we will be learning how to use strategies for multiplying and dividing mentally.
In English we will be learning about how effective different grammar forms are in poetry.
Also this week:
Could Year 5 please return all forms for the Woodrow residential trip
Parent meetings on Wednesday and Thursday
On Thursday the children will be taking part in an Indian Dance workshop
On Friday we have our class photo taken
We finish at normal time on Friday.
Enjoy the break.
Well done to Joshua C, star of the week for working well with others and always listening to other people's ideas.
Cassiobury Park Trip Monday 14 October
Please remember to wear wellies or suitable footwear as it will be wet. Take a change of shoes with you.
ALL need to take a home packed lunch.
Thursday 17 October at 3.30pm
Year 5 Parent meeting for those attending Woodrow High House.
Our learning this week will be focused on Black History month, producing work about Nelson Mandela.
In Maths we will be learning about composite and prime numbers.
Well done to Ashleana, our star of the week, for always being kind and helpful to everyone.
This week we have our Harvest Assembly. We are collecting this year for Red Trust, please send in your donations by Wednesday ready for the assembly on Thursday.
Maths - we will be learning about factors and multiples.
English - we will be publishing our sequel to 'Boy' by James Mayhew.
Black History
Our English and History learning will also be linked to the life and work of Nelson Mandela.
Science - we will be learning about the life cycle of an insect.
All the children will be taking part in an African Drumming Workshop on Wednesday
Monday 14 October - Class trip to Cassiobury Park. Please remember all children need to bring a packed lunch on this day. Thank you to all those parents who have offered to help we will be leaving school around 9.15 am.
Thursday 17 October - Parent information meeting for Year 5, 3.30pm.
Wednesday 23 and Thursday 24 October - Parents Evening
Star of the week was Zoi, settling in really well and learning two new languages, English and French.
Week Commencing 30.9.19
Maths - we will be learning about how to multiply and dividing whole numbers and decimals by 10, 100 and 1000.
English - we will be writing a sequel to the book 'Boy' by James Mayhew.
DT - discussing how cams have an effect on the movement of objects.
Geography - we will be learning about the difference between and atlas and an OS map and the symbols that are used.
Science - we will be continuing our work about plants and focusing on seed dispersal.
Please make sure that you have given consent for your child to attend the class trip to Cassiobury Park on Monday 14 October. All children will need to bring a packed lunch on the day. All help is greatly appreciated on trips. If you are able to join us on this trip please let me know as soon as possible, thank you.
Star of the week was Phoebe and Alex, they were democratically voted our class representatives for the school council.
English - We will be completing our biography work, then we will be learning about play scripts and then writing a sequel to a story. The book we will be using is call 'Boy' by James Mayhew.
Maths - We will be learning about place value of numbers with up to three decimal places.
Science - We will be continue our work about plants, focusing on photosynthesis.
Art - Drawing in the style of Takashi Murakami
History - Our learning will be about the Shang Dynasty.
Diary Dates
Wednesday 25 6pm Erasmus meeting for Parents of year 5 and 6.
Monday 30 PTFA Coffee morning.
October 3 at 2.30pm and 6.30pm Phonics - Parent information meetings.
Wednesday 23 and Thursday 24 Parents evenings
Well done to Inaaya, our star of the week, for helping others with their learning.
WC 16.9.9
English - We will be continuing to write biographies about famous people.
Maths - We will be learning about negative numbers, how we add and subtract them and solving word problems.
Geography - We will be using our map skills and learning about symbols used on them.
DT we will be learning about different mechanical systems used to control and move objects.
What a great start to the year, well done everyone.
First star of the week goes to Ava for supporting others with their work.
We hope that Alex and Bianca have had a great weekend looking after Cookie.
Week 2 9.9.19
Maths - Place Value and rounding large numbers up to 1,000,000
English - We will be looking at biographies
Topic - In art we will be looking at and comparing a variety of contemporary artists, we will also be discussing the local area.
Science - The structure of plants.
Homework will be set on Mathletics and TTRockstars along with homework books being sent home on Wednesday.
On Friday please come and visit the classroom between 3.30pm and 4pm.
Welcome Back
We hope you all had a lovely break and enjoyed the sunshine.
Our first three days back will be based around SEMH (Social, Emotional and Mental Health), we will be thinking about our own feelings and those of others.
I am looking forward to hearing about your holiday activities and also you sharing your mini animal projects.
Homework will go out next week.
Looking forward to seeing you all on the 4th September. Don't forget your water bottles and caps.
Week Commencing 15th July-(12)
Your final week has arrived!
Just a few reminders for the week ahead:
All the best everyone. Enjoy your summer holidays and have a great year next year!! From Miss Lawrence and Mrs White
Week commencing 8th July (11)
Maths: Review of various topics; equivalent and improper fractions
English: Fiction writing and Reading Comprehension
TOPIC: Ancient Greece
Thursday :Move and Learn Project:OUTDOOR PE KITS MUST BE IN PLEASE.
Please ensure water bottles are taken to school during the hot weather and children are wearing sunblock
Week commencing 1st July (10)
Maths: Line Graphs
English: Fiction writing and Reading Comprehension
TOPIC: Ancient Greece
Tuesday: Athletics trip at Watford Boys School 1-3pm
Thursday :Move and Learn Project:OUTDOOR PE KITS MUST BE IN PLEASE.
Please remember to consent to your child's attendance for our Athletics trip on Tuesday. This can be done on Parent Pay. The event finishes at 3pm so we may be back late to school.
As the weather is hotting up, please ensure the children are wearing sunscreen and have their water bottles in school.
Well done Ed for being star of the week!!
Week commencing 24th June (9)
Maths: Revision of topics covered this term
English: Fiction writing and Reading Comprehension
TOPIC: Ancient Greece
Thursday :Move and Learn Project:OUTDOOR PE KITS MUST BE IN PLEASE.
Week commencing 17th June (8)
Maths: Angles
English: SpaG and Reading Comprehension
TOPIC: Ancient Greece
Thursday :Move and Learn Project:OUTDOOR PE KITS MUST BE IN PLEASE.
Week commencing 10th June (7)
Maths: Properties of Triangles
English: SpaG and Reading Comprehension
Move and Learn Project
TOPIC: Ancient Greece
JIGSAW: Changing Me
Week commencing 3rd June (6)
Maths: Negative numbers
English: Non-Fiction and Reading Comprehension
Science: All living things
TOPIC: Ancient Greece
JIGSAW: Changing Me
Week commencing 20th May (5)Maths: Roman Numerals
English: Reading Comprehension
Science: Sound
TOPIC: Ancient Greece
JIGSAW: Relationships
Sports Afternoon: Children to come in wearing house colours and Bromet bottoms on Friday (weather permitting)
Week commencing 13th May (4)
English: SPAG, Spelling Papers and reading comprehension
Maths: Statistics
Science: Sound
Topic: Ancient Greece
JIGSAW: Relationships
Week commencing 6th May (3)
Maths: Time Duration
English: Macbeth comprehension
TOPIC: Ancient Greece
JIGSAW: Relationships
Science: Sound
Week commencing 29TH April (2)
Maths: Working through questions and learning more complex multiplication and division!
English: Macbeth
Topic: Ancient Greece. Developing skills in all areas of the curriculum
Science: Sound
JIGSAW: Relationships
Well done **Eila** for being star of the week!
Week commencing 22nd April (1)
Maths: Working though questions and learning more complex multiplication and division!
English: Presenting slideshow about Native Americans and learning about Shakespeare
Topic: Ancient Greece. Developing skills in all areas of the curriculum
Science: Sound
JIGSAW: Healthy Me
Congratulations to our Stars of the term:
Khaim for Behaviour for learning
Scarlett for being an excellent Role model
Olivia for Resilience
Well done **Meadow** for being star of the week!
This is the link for Times Tables Check Game:
Have a great break!!!
Week: 01.04
Maths: Volume and Capacity
English: Comprehension Skills- ( Finish reading Boy in the Tower)
Topic: Native America
No PE this week
JIGSAW: Healthy Me
Science: Circulatory system
Well done **Ava Mundy** for being star of the week!
Maths: Finding area of regular and irregular shapes
English and Topic: Writing a newspaper report on Native America
No Science as we have cultural afternoon
PE: Netball skills
JIGSAW: Healthy Me
Well done **Ed** for being star of the week!
Maths: Finding area of regular and irregular shapes
English: Assembly planning and practice
Science: Muscles and skeletons of human and animals
PE: Netball
JIGSAW: Healthy Me
Well done **Ava Turner** our Star of the week!!
Maths: Assessment and metric and fractional measurements
English: Assessment and Boy in the Tower guided reading
Science: Nutrition
PE: Netball
JIGSAW: Healthy Me
Week: 05.03
Well done to **Olivia** our star of the week !!!
This week our focus was on book week and encouraging the children to read more!!
Our English lesson is writing a story for a picture book called the Flood! The whole school is focusing on this book in lessons as apart of World book week. We spent most of the week completing our class book and the children worked very hard to create this book. Please have a look at our class book and display to see the excellent story and presentation the class produced.
In our Maths lesson this week we revised solving equations on the 4 main operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Next week is assessment week so please help your child to revise.
The children dressed up as their favourite book character for World Book day on thursday. They were very creative and it was impressive to see the effort they put into the day. Below are a few pictures from Nightingale class. Well done Eila who won best dressed from our class.
Week: 25.02
Welcome back Nightingale class!
Well done to **Nancy** our star of the week for making healthy choices!!
This half term we are learning new and interesting things!
Our English lesson is writing a story for a picture book called the Flood! The whole school is focusing on this book in lessons as apart of World book week. We have started this week by look at the introduction and did lots of brainstorming and started writing sentences. We are looking forward to continuing to build our story so we can create a class book.
In our Maths lesson this week we learnt about interpreting data and rehearsed the working backwards strategy so that we can solve a problem.
In Science we have looked at the causes and effects of floods and how we can protect ourselves from the effects of a flood. This is linked to our theme for book week.
In Topic we have been discovering Mexico. This week we have been looking at the impact of pollution on marine habitats and at the ephemeral artist Alejandro Duran and his project called All Washed up. It would be fantastic if you could send in any old newspapers or plastic drinks bottles for our design and technology project.
In P.E. we started learning the basics of the game of netball.
PSHE this week was about our dreams and goals and we made a garden of dreams display.
Next week is world book week and on Thursday it is World Book Day, children are invited to dress up as their favourite book character. We would like to have a display of children and parents reading in unusual places so can you please take pictures of the family reading in various and unusual places.
Spring Week 6
Well done to Luca for being star of the week for working towards your goals and dreams!
In English we are continuing with the Mystery and Suspense unit using the book 'The boy in the Tower'. We have been looking at character descriptions and interpreting text. Then we did shared writing and produced amazing work.
In Maths we practiced lots of maths based activities.
In Art we are researching British artist Andy Goldsworthy. We will be gaining an understanding of ephemeral art and creating our own pieces outdoors.
In Science we completed our lessons about Marvellous Mechanisms which teaches us about simple machines and how they help us with simple tasks. We designed our own simple machines as well.
In P.E. we performed our routines to our class. Every one did really well
The talent show was very enjoyable and well done to : Maggie, Violet, Alisa, Nancy and Eila for winning for KS2!!!
Have a wonderful Halfterm
Spring Week 5
Well done to Jessica for being star of the week for ”always being kind, positive and helpful to her peers”.
In English we are continuing with the Mystery and Suspense unit using the book 'The boy in the Tower'. We have been looking at character descriptions and interpreting text.
In Maths we are learning how to multiply mixed numbers by a whole number.
In Art we are researching British artist Andy Goldsworthy. We will be gaining an understanding of ephemeral art and creating our own pieces outdoors.
In Science we are learning about Marvellous Mechanisms which teaches us about simple machines and how they help us with simple tasks.
In Pshe we talked about how eating healthy foods helps us to have good mental health.
In P.E. we are continuing to learn gymnastic exercises focusing on counter balance and working with a partner. We are putting together a routine to perform to our class.
We are also looking forward to the Talent show which takes place on the 15th of February.
Have a lovely weekend!!
Spring Week 4
Well done to Jessee Lee for being star of the week for ”working well with a partner”.
In English we are continuing with the Mystery and Suspense unit using a new book: The boy in the Tower to develop our understanding of these literary features. It is a very interesting and intense book that we are enjoying.
In Maths we are continuing to learn about equivalent fractions and mixed numbers. We will combine our knowledge of fraction equivalents, mixed numbers and improper fractions to solve equivalence problems. On Wednesday we will have a Maths morning and on Friday is NSPCC numbers day!!!
In Art we are researching British artist Andy Goldsworthy. We will be gaining an understanding of ephemeral art and creating our own pieces outdoors.
In Science we are learning about the forces of air resistance and how it affects our lives.
In Pshe we are focusing on our goals and dreams.
In P.E. we are continuing to learn gymnastic exercises focusing on rolling.
Spring Week 3
Well done to Scarlett for being star of the week for “ keep trying even when something is hard”.
In English we are continuing with the Mystery and Suspense unit using a new book: The boy in the Tower to develop our understanding of these literary features.
In Maths we are learning about equivalent fractions and mixed numbers. We will also learn what is an improper fraction and mixed numbers and how to convert improper fractions to mixed numbers.
In Art we are researching British artist Andy Goldsworthy. We will be gaining an understanding of ephemeral art and creating our own pieces outdoors.
In Science we are learning about the forces of gravity. We will find out how these forces work in our world.
In Pshe we are looking at how we will keep trying even when we face a challenging task.
In P.E. we are continuing to learn gymnastic exercises focusing on balancing.
Please send in your Relax Kids permission slips as soon as possible.
Spring Week 2
Well done to Millie for being star of the week for not giving up when tackling challenging maths problems.
In English we are continuing with the Mystery and Suspense unit which they are thoroughly enjoying. We are using strong vocabulary and varying sentence length and complexity and using the correct punctuation for effect.
In Maths we are learning how to express remainders as fractions and decimals when dividing numbers.
In Art we are going to be researching British artist Andy Goldsworthy. We will be gaining an understanding of ephemeral art and creating our own pieces outdoors.
In Science we are continuing with our study of the properties and uses of Magnets.
In P.E. we are continuing to learn gymnastic exercises focusing on travelling.
Please send in your Relax Kids permission slips as soon as possible.
Week 16 (17th December)
Congratulations to Maggie for being ¶Star of the Week ¶– Well done for giving and receiving kind compliments and for fantastic science work.
What we will be learning this week:
In English this week we are working on a Winter Wonderland Project where we will be creating individual wonderlands with exciting attractions. We will be using a variety of writing skills including persuasive writing to entice our friends to want to choose to visit our wonderlands.
In Maths this week we are doing various Maths quizzes and activities.
In Science this week we are looking at and recreating optical illusions.
Home Learning
Please keep reading and learn your times tables but most importantly rest and have fun.
Ms Lawrence and Mrs White would like to wish you all a magical Christmas and a wonderful 2019.
Diary Dates
Wednesday 19h December – Christmas Jumper Day and PTFA Breakfast with Santa event
Friday 21st December – School ends at 1.30pm
Week 15 (10th December)
Congratulations to Adrian for being ¶Star of the Week ¶– Well done for using kind words.
What we will be learning this week:
In English this week we are learning about note taking and how to write open-ended questions so we can write interview questions. Then we become detectives and news reporters using this information.
Our Grammar focus will be to continue with using fronted adverbials and subordinate clauses.
Spelling lists will be stuck into Home Learning books, if parents would like to go through the meanings and spellings of the words with their children. We will normally have a dictation every week or every two weeks.
Guided Reading – we will continue reading ‘Friend or Foe’ by Michael Morpurgo and do guided reading activities based around the book.
In Maths, this week we revising addition, subtraction and multiplication in various calculations at different levels of complexities.
In Science we are still learning about the different types of forces that exist around us for e.g. Gravity, Friction etc and how they affect us. We will be identifying different scenarios where forces may happen. We are also doing an experiment using paper planes, helicopters and gliders.
There is also the Christmas Performance the children have been working hard on.
Well done Nightingale class!
Ms Lawrence and Mrs White
Diary Dates
Friday 14th December – Flu Vaccines and PFTA School disco
Wednesday 19th December – Christmas Jumper Day and PTFA Breakfast with Santa event
Week 14 (3rd December)
Congratulations to Masroor for being ¶Star of the Week ¶– Well done for doing excellent problem solving in your Maths work!
What we will be learning this week:
Our English sessions will be taken over by our Christmas singing practice sessions. However, we will be using English skills in other areas of the curriculum throughout the week.
Our Grammar focus will be to continue with using fronted adverbials and subordinate clauses.
Spelling Lists will be stuck into Home Learning books, if parents would like to go through the meanings and spellings of the words with their children. We will normally have a dictation every week or every two weeks.
Guided Reading – we will continue reading ‘Friend or Foe’ by Michael Morpurgo and do guided reading activities based around the book.
In Maths, this week we will be looking at multiplying numbers up to 4 digits by a one or two digit number using a formal written method, including long multiplication for two digit numbers.
Our Topic work is going to focus around WWI, continuing to work on our timelines – learning about the key events that took place. We will be taking a detailed look at how life was in the trenches and the children will be writing a letter home, in the first person as if they were a soldier.
In Science we will be learning about the different forces that exist around us for e.g. Gravity, Friction etc and how they affect us. We will also look at how we can use these forces to make things work.
We are looking forward to teaching your wonderful children and we hope that you have a good week!
Ms Lawrence and Mrs White
Week 13 (26 November)
Congratulations to Meadow for being ¶Star of the Week ¶– knowing how to stand up for others if they are being bullied and seeking assistance from adults if needed!
What we will be learning this week:
Our English sessions will be taken over by our Christmas singing practice sessions.
Spelling Lists will be stuck into Home Learning books, if parents would like to go through the meanings and spellings of the words with their children. We will normally have a dictation every week or every two weeks.
Spelling Dictation will be held next week for List 13!
Guided Reading – we will continue reading ‘Friend or Foe’ by Michael Morpurgo and do guided reading activities based around the book.
In Maths, this week we will be looking at how to add and subtract numbers using the formal written method (column addition and column subtraction), including decimal numbers.
Our Topic work is going to focus around WWI– learning about the key events that took place (such as the Christmas Truce) and learn about life in the trenches. We were very fortunate enough to have a parent (Jazzy’s dad) come in to give the class a talk about Jazz music and its importance during WWI, how and when it was introduced to the UK, and the way it has changed over the decades.
Diary Dates
Friday 30 November – Previous year school books to go home (PLEASE bring a CARRIER BAG!)
Monday 3 December – KS1 Costumes due in
Monday 10 December – KS2 Dress Rehearsal at Church
Tuesday 11 December – 6:30pm KS2 at the Church
Wednesday 12 December - 6:30pm KS2 at the Church
Thursday 13 December – 9:15 and 2:30 – Kingfisher and Robin Production
Friday 14 December – Flu Vaccinations + PTFA Christmas Disco
Tuesday 18 December – 9:15 and 2:30 – Sparrow and Swift Production
Wednesday 19 December – Christmas Jumper Day + PTFA Christmas Breakfast
Thursday 20 December – Pantomime
Friday 21 December – 9 am Awards Assembly
Week 12 (19 November)
Congratulations to Bobbi for being ¶Star of the Week ¶– you are always willing to work / play with anyone. Well done for being so open-minded and caring!
What we will be learning this week:
In English, pupils will be learning how to summarize key information in a text, how to structure a text to create cohesion between sentences and paragraphs, using clear sentence structure to order details and create flow to a text, using devices to build cohesion within a paragraph and to create notes and group them logically.
Our grammar focus will be on using fronted adverbials and subordinate clauses.
Spelling Lists will be stuck into Home Learning books, if parents would like to go through the meanings and spellings of the words with their children. We will normally have a dictation every week or every two weeks.
Spelling Dictation will be held in 1 weeks’ time (Monday November 25) for Lists 11 and 12!
Guided Reading – we will continue reading ‘Friend or Foe’ by Michael Morpurgo and do guided reading activities based around the book.
In Maths, this week we will be looking at how to add and subtract numbers mentally with increasingly large numbers, such as using rounding for estimation, using place value, regrouping, using equal sum and equal difference for adding and subtracting.
Our Topic work is going to focus around WWI, continuing to work on our timelines – learning about the key events that took place (such as the Christmas Truce) and learn about life in the trenches.
Diary Dates
Friday 23 November – 2:45 and 4:00 Tea Party (All welcome!)
Week 11 (12 November)
Congratulations to Ben for being ¶Star of the Week ¶– you are open to learning about others’ cultures and languages and never hesitate to share information about your own culture and language.
What we will be learning this week:
In English, pupils will read and respond to cinquains. They will experiment with writing their own. They will explore imagery including metaphor and personification; compare different forms of poetry and describe impact on reader; and comment on use of language using terminology including onomatopoeia, metaphor, and personification.
By mid-week, we will move onto looking at biographies (specifically focusing on Mary Anning – which will tie in nicely to our Science topic on Rocks & Fossils).
Our grammar focus will be on vocabulary choice, word order, sentence length, sentence complexity and punctuation for effect. They will also use expressive and figurative language.
For our biography unit, we will look at adverbials for time and place that will help to create cohesion in our biographies.
Spelling Lists will be stuck into Home Learning books, if parents would like to go through the meanings and spellings of the words with their children. We will normally have a dictation every week or every two weeks.
Spelling Dictation will be held in 2 weeks’ time (Monday November 25) for Lists 11 and 12!
Guided Reading – we will continue reading ‘Friend or Foe’ by Michael Morpurgo and do guided reading activities based around the book.
In Maths, this week we will be finishing up multiplying and dividing mentally drawing upon known facts and move onto solving number and practical problems that involve place value and using knowledge of factors and multiples. |
Our Topic work is going to focus around WWI, looking at its origins (how it all began), timeline and life in the trenches.
Diary Dates
Anti-bullying Week
Wednesday 14 November – 2:30 and 6:30 Maths Parent Event
Week 10 (5 November)
What we will be learning this week:
In English, pupils will read and respond to cinquains. They will experiment with writing their own. They will explore imagery including metaphor and personification; compare different forms of poetry and describe impact on reader; and comment on use of language using terminology including onomatopoeia, metaphor, and personification.
Our grammar focus will be on vocabulary choice, word order, sentence length, sentence complexity and punctuation for effect. They will also use expressive and figurative language.
Spelling Lists will be stuck into Home Learning books, if parents would like to go through the meanings and spellings of the words with their children. We will normally have a dictation every week or every two weeks.
Spelling Dictation will be held next Monday for List 10!
Guided Reading – we will continue reading ‘Friend or Foe’ by Michael Morpurgo and do guided reading activities based around the book.
In Maths, this week we will be looking at multiplying and dividing mentally drawing upon known facts. |
Our Topic work is going to focus around WWI, specifically preparing our Remembrance Day display for Friday.
Diary Dates
Thursday 8 November – Year 5 at Woodrow
Thursday 8 November – Football Festival at 3:50pm for Years 3 & 4
Friday 9 November – Year 5 at Woodrow
Friday 9 November – Mayor’s Visit to Bromet + Remembrance Day Assembly
Friday 9 November – Poppy Display & Non-school uniform da
Last week, we looked at an African-American artist - Horace Pippin - and what inspired his art back during the first and second world war periods. We learnt about his childhood, how his grandparents were slaves (before the Civil War), his parents were domestic workers and how he chose to pursue painting. He was just 10 years old (not that much older than our Nightingale children) when he won his first box of crayons through a magazine drawing contest and started coloring. We learnt how he injured his right arm in the first World War and how he used his left arm to support his right arm when painting.
We looked at some of his paintings, in particular the one titled Interior, 1944. Horace used a secret number in the painting and the children were eager to find out what it was. Can you figure it out?
We then, drew our own rooms and used only 3-4 pastel colours to colour them in for simplicity. We made sure to include a secret number to our own drawings! Some were so difficult to figure out!
Week 8 (22 October)
This week, we learnt about:
In English, we have moved onto instructional texts. We looked at features of instructional texts. We wrote up instructions on ‘How to Trap a Dragon’!
Our grammar focus was on the use of imperative (‘bossy’) verbs, time openers and the use of commas after each.
Spelling Lists will be stuck into Home Learning books, if parents would like to go through the meanings and spellings of the words with their children. We will normally have a dictation every week or every two weeks.
New spelling words will go out on the Wednesday after half-term – Week 10.
Guided Reading – we have started a new reader ‘Friend or Foe’ by Michael Morpurgo (a story set in the war time) to prepare for our new unit on World War I next half term.
In Maths, we looked at Prime and Composite Numbers and Revisited strategies for recalling known multiplication/division facts. |
Our Topic work comparing Watford and Hong Kong has come to an end this week (although a session will be spent after half-term to finish up our Chinese Opera Masks). The children thoroughly enjoyed learning about a new city and comparing it to Watford. We have even got news that our Pen Pals have written back replies to the letters we have sent, and we will be receiving their letters the week we come back from half-term! We will then be working on sending a video showcasing school life in Bromet!
In Science, we have completed our unit on Evolution and Inheritance and are looking forward to next half-term’s topic on Rocks and Fossils.
Week 7 (15 October)
Congratulations to Tabitha for being ¶Star of the Week ¶– you are always willing to work with anyone in the class and always do it without complaints and with a very big smile J.
As for what we will be learning this week:
In English this term, we are bringing to an end our unit on narrative writing (focusing on ‘The Eye of the Wolf’). The children really enjoyed the text and were awed by the way the author brought in revelations at the end of the story. For example, we found out that the hyena did not actually eat the Abyssinian doves, that all the animals Africa met on his journey ended up in the same zoo, how Africa himself ended up in the zoo (with Pa Bia getting a job as a cleaner at the zoo), and the fact that Blue Wolf’s injured eye was already healed (even though he kept it closed on purpose)! This week, we will finish off the unit by using our story plans to retell a section of the book from one of the animals’ point of view.
We will then move onto instructional texts and spend the next 1.5 weeks on this unit.
Our grammar focus will be on using all of the grammar we have learnt thus far: use of commas for lists, colons, expanded noun phrases, and apostrophes. Students will also be encouraged to use fronted adverbials and descriptive writing with appropriate punctuation.
Spelling Lists will be stuck into Home Learning books, if parents would like to go through the meanings and spellings of the words with their children. We will normally have a dictation every week or every two weeks.
Spelling Dictation will be held this Monday for Lists 5 & 6!
Guided Reading – we will start a new reader ‘Friend or Foe’ by Michael Morpurgo (a story set in the war time) to prepare for our new unit on World War I next half term.
In Maths, this week we will be looking at Properties of Number – Multiples, Factors and Common Factors and Prime and Composite Numbers. |
Our Topic work is comparing Watford and Hong Kong. We will be making Chinese Vegetarian Fried Rice (date has been moved to Wednesday 17 October). Please make sure to sign the consent form and return along with your child by Monday 15 October the latest, so I can purchase the ingredients. We will also be looking at music in both the places, concentrating on brass band music for Watford and Chinese Opera for Hong Kong.
If you have any interesting facts, photos or articles about Watford, please do bring them in to share.
Diary Dates
Wednesday 17 October – Parent Meeting for Woodrow Trip (3:30pm in Falcon class)
Monday 22 October – Fire Safety Assembly
Wednesday 24 October – Author Nick Butterworth visiting & book signing (3pm in the hall and book signing table at Parents Evening on the day).
Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25 October - Parents Evening (please book in a time to see me)
Thursday 25 October – NO Y4 SWIMMING LESSON (please bring in your P.E. kits instead)
Friday 26 October – Home Start Assembly – Kindness Afternoon
Friday 26 October – Photo Day!
Monday 29 October – Friday 2 November – Half-term Holidays
Week 6 (8 October)
Congratulations to Khaim for being ¶Star of the Week ¶– you are always following our class charter and are always ready for your learning.
As for what we will be learning this week:
In English this term, our work will be centered on the book “Eye of the Wolf” by Daniel Pennac. We will be paying close attention to the author’s use of language and specific devices such as flashback and character viewpoint - and how point of view affects our view of events. We will consider examples of adding more detail in a variety of ways using noun phrases. We will look at the impact of narrative viewpoint: who is telling the story, the impact of this on the listeners, and themes within the story (particularly humans as a destructive force). For composition, we will re-write a scene from the perspective of a different character and complete the unit by retelling a section of the story from the point of view of one of the animals.
Our grammar focus will be on using apostrophes for possession and contraction.
Spelling Lists will be stuck into Home Learning books, if parents would like to go through the meanings and spellings of the words with their children. We will normally have a dictation every week or every two weeks.
Spelling Dictation will be held on next Monday for Lists 5 & 6!
Guided Reading – we will continue to focus on “Eye of the Wolf”.
In Maths, this week we will be continuing to look at multiplying and dividing whole numbers and those involving decimals by 10, 100 and 1000.
Our Topic work is comparing Watford and Hong Kong. We have completed our city skylines in Chinese ink and the results were beautiful! Nightingale students learnt how to use the tips of the brushes for finer details and how diluting the ink with the water could be used for softer shades and water effects.
If you have any interesting facts, photos or articles about Watford, please do bring them in to share.
Diary Dates
Wednesday 10 October – Maths Morning (8:50 – 9:30 for KS2 – please come and join us!)
Wednesday 10 October – Erasmus Meeting for parents (6:30pm)
Wednesday 17 October – Parent Meeting for Woodrow Trip (3:30pm in Falcon class)
Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25 October - Parents Evening
Thursday 25 October – NO Y4 SWIMMING LESSON (please bring in your P.E. kits instead)
Friday 26 October – Home Start Assembly – Kindness Afternoon
Monday 29 October – Friday 2 November – Half-term Holidays
Week 5 (1 October)
Congratulations to CJ for being ¶Star of the Week ¶– you have shown your patience and understanding when helping out your friend with her learning.
As for what we will be learning this week:
In English this term, our work will be centered on the book “Eye of the Wolf” by Daniel Pennac. We will be paying close attention to the author’s use of language and specific devices such as flashback and character viewpoint - and how point of view affects our view of events. We will consider examples of adding more detail in a variety of ways using noun phrases. We will look at the impact of narrative viewpoint: who is telling the story, the impact of this on the listeners, and themes within the story (particularly humans as a destructive force). For composition, we will re-write a scene from the perspective of a different character and complete the unit by retelling a section of the story from the point of view of one of the animals.
Our grammar focus will be on using expanded noun phrases.
Spelling Lists will be stuck into Home Learning books, if parents would like to go through the meanings and spellings of the words with their children. We will normally have a dictation every week or every two weeks.
Spelling Dictation will be held this Monday!
Guided Reading – we will continue to focus on “Eye of the Wolf”.
In Maths, this week we will be continuing to look at decimal numbers and rounding them. We will then move onto multiplying and dividing whole numbers and those involving decimals by 10, 100 and 1000. |
Our Topic work is comparing Watford and Hong Kong. We will look at traditional Chinese ink art (mainly look at city skylines) and learn about the different tools and materials they use.
REMINDER: Bring in your art aprons / old shirts by Monday (latest!) – as Chinese ink can stain!
Watford Heath Walk – Friday October 5, 2018 – we will be taking a short walk to Watford Heath to look at all the period houses and learn more about them. Children will also have the opportunity to make sketches of the buildings.
If you have any interesting facts, photos or articles about Watford, please do bring them in to share.
Diary Dates
Friday 5 October - Nightingale class local visit walk. (A letter will be going out this coming week.)
Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25 October - Parents Evening
Thursday 25 October – NO Y4 SWIMMING LESSON (please bring in your P.E. kits instead)
Friday 26 October – Home Start Assembly – Kindness Afternoon
Monday 29 October – Friday 2 November – Half-term Holidays
Harvest Assembly
September 28, 2018
Assembly led by Mrs. Bastable
This year, we will collect for The Rest Trust Bushey food bank
Week 4 (24 September)
Congratulations to Millie for being Star of the Week – you have shown your dedication as the recycling box monitor for the past couple of weeks.
As for what we will be learning this week:
In English this term, our work will be centered on the book “Eye of the Wolf” by Daniel Pennac. We will be paying close attention to the author’s use of language and specific devices such as flashback and character viewpoint - and how point of view affects our view of events. We will consider examples of adding more detail in a variety of ways using noun phrases. We will look at the impact of narrative viewpoint: who is telling the story, the impact of this on the listeners, and themes within the story (particularly humans as a destructive force). For composition, we will re-write a scene from the perspective of a different character and complete the unit by retelling a section of the story from the point of view of one of the animals.
Our grammar focus will be on using expanded noun phrases.
Spelling Lists will be stuck into Home Learning books, if parents would like to go through the meanings and spellings of the words with their children. We will normally have a dictation every week or every two weeks.
Spelling Dictation will be held this Monday!
Guided Reading – we will continue to focus on “Eye of the Wolf”.
In Maths, this week we will be continuing to look at negative numbers and start to work with decimals – mainly read, write, order and compare numbers with up to 3 decimal places.
Our Topic work is comparing Watford and Hong Kong. Students have already finished researching in groups on their chosen sub-topics (for example: transport & traffic, weather/climate, housing, demographics, topography) and we will finish off presentations this week. We will look at traditional Chinese ink art (mainly look at city skylines) and learn about the different tools and materials they use.
REMINDER: Bring in your art aprons / old shirts by Friday (or latest by next Monday) – as Chinese ink can stain!
If you have any interesting facts, photos or articles about Watford, please do bring them in to share.
Diary Dates
Friday 28 September – Harvest Assembly + collection of food for The Rest Trust Bushey food bank.
Friday 28 September - Macmillan Cake Sale
Friday 5 October - Nightingale class local visit walk. (A letter will be going out this coming week.)
Sunday 7 October - Car boot sale 9 am-12 pm
Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25 October - Parents Evening
Week 3 (17 September)
What a fantastic start to the year! Well done to Nightingale Class for being Star of the Week! You have all shown me what a brilliant class you can be – keep it up!
Congratulations to Maggie for thoroughly deserving to share a cup of hot chocolate with the Head as she has shown tremendous perserverance in Maths!
As for what we will be learning this week:
In English this term, our work will be centered on the book “Eye of the Wolf” by Daniel Pennac. We will be paying close attention to the author’s use of language and specific devices such as flashback and character viewpoint - and how point of view affects our view of events. We will consider examples of adding more detail in a variety of ways using noun phrases. We will look at the impact of narrative viewpoint: who is telling the story, the impact of this on the listeners, and themes within the story (particularly humans as a destructive force). For composition, we will re-write a scene from the perspective of a different character and complete the unit by retelling a section of the story from the point of view of one of the animals.
Our grammar focus will be on adjectives and adverbs/adverbials.
Spelling Lists will be stuck into Home Learning books, if parents would like to go through the meanings and spellings of the words with their children. We will normally have a dictation every week or every two weeks. For Weeks 2 & 3 (we’ll have one next Monday!)
Guided Reading will start this week – we will focus on “Eye of the Wolf”.
In Maths, this week we will be continuing to look at ordering numbers, counting in steps of powers of 10 and rounding numbers. Then, we’ll move onto investigating negative numbers. Start thinking about where you have used / seen negative numbers before!
Our Topic work is comparing Watford and Hong Kong, focusing on housing, industry and land use. If you have any interesting facts, photos or articles please bring them in to share.
We have started looking at maps, how to locate places using the index, what an equator line is, and introduced Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn. We have looked at where Hong Kong is on the map in comparison to Watford and used what we know to guess what the area, temperature, and rainfall is like in both places. We then used laptops to research and find the accurate measurements for each of the categories, as well as the population! The students were shocked to find out that, although Hong Kong is 10x larger than Watford, its population is 70x that of Watford – meaning it is an extremely dense place to live in! We discussed how this has impacted the lifestyle of people of Hong Kong, especially how they are crammed into tiny flats in very tall buildings! Lots of amazing facts learned! J
This week, we’ll continue to compare Hong Kong and Watford – and will delve into the world of news and look into land use of the two places - let’s see where our learning takes us this week!
Diary Dates
Thursday 20 September - Volunteer Safeguarding 9am, 2.30pm and 4pm
Friday 28 September – Harvest Assembly + collection of food for The Rest Trust Bushey food bank.
Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25 October - Parents Evening.
Year 4s will begin their swimming lessons this Thursday (13th Sep).
The children will be leaving school at 2pm and will return at approx 3:30pm.
They will each need a swimming kit bag, ideally a drawstring, containing their swimming costume/trunks, a swimming hat, goggles and a towel. They will need these items every week.
Week 2 (10 September)
Year 5 will be meeting their Reception Buddies and will be working with them throughout the year.
In English this term, our work will be centered on the book “Eye of the Wolf” by Daniel Pennac. We will be paying close attention to the author’s use of language and specific devices such as flashback and character viewpoint - and how point of view affects our view of events. We will consider examples of adding more detail in a variety of ways using noun phrases. We will look at the impact of narrative viewpoint: who is telling the story, the impact of this on the listeners, and themes within the story (particularly humans as a destructive force). For composition, we will re-write a scene from the perspective of a different character and complete the unit by retelling a section of the story from the point of view of one of the animals.
In Maths, this week we will be looking at the value of digits within larger numbers, number magnitude and conservation of a million, comparing and ordering numbers, counting in steps of powers of 10 and rounding numbers.
Our topic work is comparing Watford and Hong Kong, focusing on housing, industry and land use. If you have any interesting facts, photos or articles please bring them in to share.
Diary Dates
Thursday 13 September - Meet the teacher, Nightingale classroom at 3.30pm (if you cannot make it, I will upload my PowerPoint to the Class Page for your reference.)
Thursday 20 September - Volunteer Safeguarding 9am, 2.30pm and 4pm
Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25 October - Parents Evening.
Week 1
Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely holiday and are looking forward to the new school year!
This week, the whole school will be focusing on Team Work and being a Global Citizen.
Our focus will be on Ourselves - our identity and diversity and What is a Team? We will be going over the class rules, and why rules are important. We will be making our Hand Network and where we can feel safe, both in school and at home. As a class, we will make a crest to represent our skills.
Reminder: Year 5 students, please bring PE Kits (our PE day is a Thursday) water bottles and sun hats.
Our focus on the day will be British Values and Teamwork. We will focus on the class as a team – as part of the school and take part in some team building activities. We will have a discussion on the British Values and what it means to be a global citizen.
On this day, we will be focusing on our emotional wellbeing and mental health. We will do some mindfulness activities and arts & crafts. Book bags and water bottles will go home today.
Behaviour for Learning - Eva Shah
Resilience - Ellis Mundy
Excellent Role Model - Olivia Hall
Well done!
Awards Assembly will take place this Thursday at 9am.
Please bring a carrier bag/bags this week to take all your work home!
Friday will be half-day - school finishes at 1:30pm for Summer Holidays!
Nightingale Class pupils Sonny Brett & Ellis Mundy were both part of the Chorleywood U9 Cricket team that became Herts County U9 League Champions last Sunday, beating the reigning champions and then winning the final match on the last ball of the day.
Nightingale Class had a blast during the Circus Workshop!
The children demonstrated perseverance and were very determined to succeed with all the equipment available to them.
**Photos to be uploaded soon!**
Congratulations to Arianna!
A person who is not judgemental towards others and respects the changes she sees in others.
Week 11
Our Learning
Maths: We are looking at how to read timetables and calculate with time. Most children have never seen or used a bus / train timetable before, therefore, this was a good opportunity for them to learn how to use a time number line to calculate and understand the different ways that timetables are laid out.
English: We have started looking at persuasive writing with the children. We specifically looked at features of persuasive writing, the different ways of persuading, and coming up with convincing reasons to counter people’s reasons of not going to their place of interest.
Spellings and Grammar: Words with suffix - ice. In grammar, we revisited coordinate and subordinate conjunctions in writing sentences.
Art: We have begun looking at perspective in drawing. The children are working on pencil sketches of Watford streets in the olden days, like St. Alban’s Road, Watford High Street, Watford West Railway Station and Bushey Arches.
Science: We learned about the Earth’s orbit around the Sun and how that determines our year and seasons.
PSHE: This week, we continued looking at the characteristics we share with our parents and our own unique characteristics that make us who we are.
P.E. (Year 5): We practised triple long jumps and the technique athletes use to propel themselves forward and further away.
Week 12 reminders
Have a lovely week!
Week 11 Spelling Words
Suffix –ice
Congratulations to Niam!
A person who is mature about the changes he sees in himself and others.
Haani for thoroughly deserving to share a cup of hot chocolate with the Head as he always puts in great effort into his work!
Our Learning
Monday – Sports Morning & Afternoon
We started off our morning with a small activity looking at teams from Group F in the World Cup. We researched and made a fact files on the countries. Later that morning, we got into our house groups and worked on coming up with our team names! In the afternoon, we got our game on for the Sports Afternoon, which was such as success as we had lovely weather and great team spirits! Thank you to all the parents who came to watch and join in the races!
Tuesday – Thursday – Revision & Assessment
Friday – Well-being Day
Well-being day was such a relaxing and enjoyable day – we started off with Circle time to discuss how we felt about Year 4/5, what we enjoyed, how we are feeling about moving up to Year 5/6, what we are looking forward to in Year 5/6 and just letting out our feelings! Then, we had a fun drama workshop with Mrs. White to act out emotions and create mini performances about what we imagine our lives to be like in 20 years’ time. Afterwards, we went to the nature trail to hunt for leaves, petals, grass and anything we needed to make our nature bookmarks. In the afternoon, we had more fun activities followed by the Sponsored Fun Run!
Week 11 reminders
Have a lovely week!
Week 10 Spelling Words
Prefix –aff
Spelling Dictation will be held on Monday.
Congratulations to Amber!
A person who expresses herself clearly and confidently.
Alisha for thoroughly deserving to share a cup of hot chocolate with the Head as she has been having such a positive week!
Week 9
Our Learning
Science Week
This week, in Science week, Nightingale class went on a Bug Hunt on our Nature Trail. They learned about the International Space Station (ISS), the space agencies responsible for building, running and manning it, and even had a go at building their own model of the ISS as a team! Furthermore, we were fortunate to have a Mad Science Assembly and a Night birds Assembly, where we got to meet lots of beautiful (and CUTE!) owls! We had a visit from a BBC Engineer (Ishaan’s mum), who told us all about what it takes to be an engineer, the different types of engineers and her job as a BBC engineer. We had Mrs Andrews come in to share with us what a medical microbiologist was, what bacteria and viruses were and told us all about how they make us ill and how we can prevent and treat infections. Finally, we had Mrs. Ippolito (Jake’s mum) and her colleague (a neuroscientist) come in to do a Brain workshop with our Year 5s. They learned all about the different sections of the brain and what they are responsible for. We learned how important it is to keep our brains safe (MUST WEAR OUR HELMETS WHEN CYCLING!) and how the different equipment they use to study the brains. What an awesome week we’ve had!
Additional learning
Maths: We looked at how we can use formal division and multiplication strategies in increasingly complex problems.
English: We started our sci-fi adventure stories last week and are nearly finished them. We looked at how to bring in characters in a subtle way into our opening and build up, rather than just listing out the characteristics and personalities.
Spellings and Grammar: Words with the prefix –ass (e.g. assassin). We continued to look at expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials.
DT: We finished off our paintings of our clay models. Some students went onto looking at proportion by practising sketching a picture but resizing it to be larger.
PSHE: This week, we looked at what characteristics we share with our parents and how we have our own unique characteristics as well.
Week 10 reminders
Have a lovely week!
Week 9
Prefix –ass
Week 6
Our Learning
Maths: We looked at angles: the types of angles and how to measure and draw them using a protractor.
English: We finished writing up our balanced arguments, making sure we proof-read our work before publishing.
Spellings and Grammar: Changing singular words ending in –f or –fe to plural words (changing them to –ves, e.g. safe = saves, calf = calves). In grammar, we looked at openers and connectives for balanced arguments.
DT: We modelled our river animals out of clay using our prototypes as a guide. Most of us even put in details, such as scales, patterns, eyes, teeth, and lots more! After half term, we will paint our models!
Science: We looked at load and effort in everyday objects and the uses of pulleys and gears.
PSHE: This week, we thought about one special person / pet and how we can show our love and appreciation and know that we are loved.
P.E. (Year 5): We ended off the half-term by playing dodgeball!
Week 8 reminders
Have a lovely half term!
Week 6
Plurals – words ending in -f, -fe
Week 5
Suffixes – ise and –ify
Converting nouns and adjectives into verbs
Week 5
Our Learning
Maths: We looked at translating and reflecting points and shapes in the first quadrant. We then went onto looking at perimeter of rectilinear shapes and composite rectilinear shapes.
English: We have started looking into features of balanced arguments and writing our own arguments for and against an issue using the appropriate conjunctions.
Spellings and Grammar: Words ending in the suffixes –ise and -ify. These words change from being adjectives or nouns to verbs with the addition of the suffix (e.g. note = notify, personal = personalise). In grammar, we looked at the difference between simple present tense and present progressive tense.
DT: We used recycled materials to create prototypes of our river animals in preparation for our clay modelling this coming week.
Science: We explored the effects of drag on an object and how it affects different types of sports. We looked into the braking system as an additional force used to stop a moving object and further investigated the amount of time it takes for a car to come to a stop depending on the speed it was traveling at and the road conditions.
PSHE: This week, we talked about animals and what makes them special to us. We then went to talk about vegetarianism and what leads a person to become a vegetarian.
P.E. (Year 5): We played rounders and worked on several drills to help us build up our running techniques.
Week 6 reminders
Have a lovely week!
Week 4 Spelling Words
Suffix –ic
Suffix –ary
Challenge Cup!
Max, Leo, Honey and Maya from Year 4 took part in the Music Round of the local Challenge Cup and came 3rd!
Congratulations to Aaron!
A person who is polite and respectful to those around him.
Leanna for thoroughly deserving to share a cup of hot chocolate with the Head as she has been putting so much effort into her writing even with a broken arm!
Week 4
Our Learning
Maths: We looked into defining and describing cubes and cuboids by creating our very own models of the shapes using modelling clay. We explored nets of cubes and cuboids and how to draw nets with given measurements and scaling them.
English: We continued expanding our ideas for our poems, by looking at alliteration, rhythm and including adverbs for details. We even got to perform a wind poem by Christina Rossetti, by reciting it with added sound effects to create an appropriate atmosphere and looking at how rhythm of the poems help to create different effects.
Spellings and Grammar: Words ending in the suffixes – ic and -ary. In grammar, we looked at expanded noun phrases and the use of adverbs.
DT: We are currently exploring sculpting and famous sculptors and their creations around the world. We have finished our planning of our very own river animal sculptures, which we will be creating out of clay in 2 weeks’ time.
Science: We looked at friction and used Newton meters to measure the force it takes to move a shoe across different types of surfaces (from smooth ones – like our floor to rough ones – like the grass).
PSHE: In the last two weeks, we have been looking at relationships between ourselves and those around us. We talked about the emotions we go through when losing a person or a pet – whether it be death, when someone moves away, or when we no longer see each other. This week, we shared with each other special memento / souvenirs that mean a lot to us and what makes them so special.
P.E. (Year 5): We looked at improving our running techniques by having shuttle run, compass run, 80m sprint and slalom run drills.
Week 5 reminders
It is SATs week this week – Wishing all the Year 6s all the best!
Please be mindful as you walk around the school this week, keep noise to a minimum Nightingales!
Please note: There will be a France Trip Meeting on Wednesday 23 May, 2018, which will be held in Falcon Class at 3:30pm for all the Year 5s who are going to France and their parents.
Have a lovely week!
Congratulations to Theo!
A person who tries his best to solve problems among his friends and classmates.
Week 3
Our Learning
Maths: We looked into problem solving with percentages, by converting between fractions, decimals and percentages, drawing models to calculate percentages and wholes, and solving a range of percentage problems in various contexts.
English: We are looking at imagery in poetry – specifically in poems by Christina Rossetti. We compared poems by this poet, looking at how she used figurative and expressive language to create images and atmosphere. We researched more about our poet to see what events and in her life influenced her writing. We have also begun to come up with ideas for our own poems for next week – thinking of similes and rhyming words we are going to use.
Spellings and Grammar: Words ending in the suffix –ness. In grammar, we looked at rules for plurals.
DT: We looked at Food – Celebrating Cultures (Greek culture) and Seasonality. We had an amazing afternoon of cooking apple crumble and making Greek salad!
Science: We looked at air resistance and water resistance and streamlining in natural and man-made objects, which allows them travel more efficiently and quickly in the two mediums.
P.E. (Year 5): We looked at how we can sustain running at a consistent pace.
Week 4 reminders
Have a lovely week!
Week 3 Spelling Words
Suffix –ness
Congratulations to Ellis!
A person who is always kind and considerate to not only his friends, but anyone around him.Chloe for thoroughly deserving to share a cup of hot chocolate with the Head as she continues trying her best in every single lesson this week.
Week 2
Our Learning
Maths: We looked into percentages, specifically how to express parts per hundred as fractions, decimals and percentages, using scaling to identify percentages, identifying common equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages and calculating percentages by finding fractions of a number.
English: We researched about two animals of our choice and compared and contrasted them using transition (signal) words. We looked specifically at the similarities and differences in their physical characteristics, habitat and diet. Once completed, we published our report as a leaflet.
Spellings and Grammar: Words that are spelt differently but sound the same (homophones)! We looked into transition (signal) words for comparing and contrasting, such as whereas, in contrast to, on the other hand, etc. We also revised on the appropriate use of commas after fronted adverbials.
History: We finished our research about Ancient Greek lifestyle – including homes, roles of men, women, children and slaves, clothing and childhood toys. We then published all our information on a leaflet for display in our class.
Science: We looked at balanced and unbalanced forces through a series of demonstrations.
Computing: We learned how to stream audio online and found some interesting radio stations on Tune In Kids.
P.E. (Year 5): We looked at relay races and practised related skills, such as starting positions, passing a baton, and working as a team.
Week 3 reminders
Have a lovely week!
Week 2 Spelling Words
Week 1
Our Learning
Maths: We learned about squared numbers, cubed numbers and touched on how to calculate volume of a cuboid.
English: We have begun looking at comparative reports – why we compare and contrast, how to choose appropriate subjects for comparison and the structure of a comparative report.
Spellings and Grammar: Words with a ‘ch’ that sounds like ‘k’ (e.g. archaeologist) and words with a ‘y’ that sounds like the ‘i’ in ‘it’ (e.g. dynasty). We looked into coordinating conjunctions (e.g. FANBOYS – for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) and subordinating conjunctions (e.g. because, while, since, etc.).
History: We finished our research about Aesop and his fables and begun our research on Ancient Greek lifestyle – including homes, roles of men, women, children and slaves, clothing and childhood toys.
Science: We looked at the different types of forces acting on objects, such as gravity, friction, air resistance, tension, and applied force.
Computing: We looked at what makes an object an input or and output device.
P.E. (Year 5): It was a very hot day this week, but we still managed to do some games that involved team-work, running and reflexes and we even had a go on the balancing equipment on the field.
Jigsaw: We looked into alcohol and the damaging effects it has on the body, specifically the liver.
Week 2 reminders
Have a lovely week!
Week 1 Spelling Words
Words with a ‘ch’ that sounds like ‘k’ archaeologist
Words with a ‘y’ that sounds like the ‘i’ in ‘it’
Spellings Week 1
Words with a ‘ch’ that sounds like ‘k’
Words with a ‘y’ that sounds like the ‘i’ in ‘it’
Dictation to be held on Monday April 23, 2018
Sorry for the delay! The rest of the photos from our Merchant Taylor's Trip have been uploaded below. Please scroll down to see them!
- Ms. Khangura
We wish Nightingale class and their families a very Happy Easter!
Enjoy your holidays and we'll see you back on April 16th!
This year's Earth Day campaign is:
The End Plastic Pollution campaign
As part of the Home Learning Grid from last term, the children are encouraged to create a useful item out of any disposable or recyclable materials. Their creations will be displayed around the school.
The deadline has been extended to April 16, 2018.
Spellings Week 13
words beginning with the prefix -im and -in
Dictation to be held on Monday April 16, 2018
Week 13
Our Learning
Maths: We looked at area of irregular shapes and revised how to calculate the area of a rectangle (including finding the measurement of the missing side). |
English: This week, we completed our newspaper articles, using nursery rhymes as our inspiration to create our news story.
Spellings and Grammar: Students were given new spelling words to be studied over the holidays. The words include those with the prefix –im and –in. In grammar, we looked at the use of connectives and used our editing skills to purple polish our English newspaper articles.
Science: The children finished preparing and presenting their information on an inventor of their choice, their invention and the impact of their invention.
History: In history, we looked at Greek theatre - to learn about the role of the theatre in the way of life of the Greeks. We discussed the structure, acoustics and use of a Greek theatre. We then went onto looking at the different plays they used to stage – tragedies and comedies. Finally, we created an ancient Greek mask based on a Greek mythological character from some of our favourite ancient Greek stories, such as Perseus and Medusa, Pandora’s box, Icarus and Daedalus, King Midas and the golden touch, the 12 Labours of Hercules, and others.
Summer Term - Week 1 reminders
Joe has tried to keep himself and others safe by showing positive behaviour throughout this week.
Malek for thoroughly deserving to share a cup of hot chocolate with the Head as he is able to show empathy for others!
Week 12
Our Learning
Maths: We continued working on Measurement – converting from a smaller unit to a larger unit of measure (e.g. g to kg or m to km) and moved on to looking at estimating the area of irregular shapes. |
English: This week, we started looking at newspaper articles, their layout and features. We focused on what makes an effective and eye-catchy headline and what is considered a fact and opinion.
Spellings and Grammar: Spellings have been put on hold, so students will have their dictation on the words ending in –sion and –ssion this Monday. In grammar, we looked at the use of homophones and direct speech, both which will be very useful when children write up their newspaper articles next week.
Science: In Science, we researched about inventors, their lives, inventions and impact of their inventions. Students will prepare a presentation on their findings using PowerPoint next week.
Jigsaw: We continued our discussion into smoking, why people pick up smoking (for example, due to peer pressure or to help them relax) and created anti-smoking posters.
History: After missing 2 Fridays due to our Merchant Taylors trip and a snow day, we finally have been able to start our History topic on Ancient Greece. The children researched about 2 of the biggest city-states of Ancient Greece, Athens and Sparta – looking into clothing, food, childhood, army, religion, and lots more! They used an online tool, called Padlet, whereby information can be shared with the rest of the class on one ‘wall’.
Week 13 reminders
Have a lovely weekend everybody!
Spelling Dictation has been postponed to the following Monday - March 26!
Spelling List 11
words ending in -sion and -ssion
**Easter Bonnet Assembly - Easter Art Activity**
A special reminder for students - Please complete an Easter art activity by Monday 26th March to be shared in our 'Easter Bonnet Assembly' on Wednesday 28th March.
(**There will be a prize for the winners!!**)
Congratulations to Ollie!
Ollie ensures he is being healthy by keeping physically active every day, including during break times and swimming lessons.
Week 11
Our Learning
Maths: We have moved onto Measurement, looking into decimal and fractional equivalences of metric measures and converting from a larger unit to a smaller unit of measure (e.g. kg to g or km to cm). |
English: This week, we have written up our complaint letters. We used persuasive language, like bribery, flattery, rhetorical questions, warnings and powerful vocabulary.
Spellings and Grammar: Words ending in –sion and -ssion. We learned the rules of when to use who, which, that and whose in writing. In our complaint letters, we even brought in fronted adverbials and time openers.
Science: In Science, we looked at the effect of heat on different foods, such as chocolate, rice, butter, milk, toast and egg. We were surprised to find out that some foods go soft when heated, such as rice, while others like eggs turn solid when boiled / heated! From this experiment, we were able to tell which foods had a reversible change (i.e. milk, butter and chocolate) and which had an irreversible change (i.e. egg, toast, and rice).
Jigsaw: We looked at the harmful effects of smoking on our health and bodies.
Computing: For the past few weeks, we have been creating spreadsheets to calculate the costs of taking our class on a trip (e.g. to Legoland). We took into account cost of transport, entrance fees, food, and lots more!
French: This week in French, we brought our knowledge of our favourite sports and activities, along with the seasons, to create a dialogue on which sports or activities we do in which season.
Week 12 reminders
Have a lovely weekend!
Sonny ensures he is being healthy by adopting a healthy and balanced lifestyle and diet.
Week 10
Our Learning
Maths: As this week was Assessment Week, we did some revision papers to help us with our reasoning skills. We finished the week off with a recap on everything we have learned in the past 2 months about Fractions. We are ready to move onto a new unit – on MEASUREMENT! |
English: This week we finished writing up our Shark poems, which will be displayed outside our classroom. Please do have a look when you come in for Parent’s Evening! We have now moved on to look at complaint letters – the features and layout. Next week, we will write up our own complaint letters!
Spellings and Grammar: Words ending in –ation. We revised the use of capital letters – especially for job titles, where the job title comes immediately before the person’s name or is used as part of their name (e.g. Prime Minister Bull) or is used instead of a person’s name (e.g. Chief-in-Command). We also revised the use of full-stops, question marks and exclamation marks – many students were confused with when to use full-stops versus exclamation marks.
Science: In Science, we wrote up our final results and conclusion for our experiment from last week, where we looked at how evaporation can be used as a means of recovering a dissolved solid (i.e. salt, sugar and Epsom salt) from water. We were surprised to see the different types of crystals forming in each of the dishes after an entire week! What was left in the petri dish containing the sugar and water solution was very different to the others - there were no crystals formed, but rather a rubbery / plastic-like substance!
We also looked at irreversible and reversible changes.
Salt Sugar Epsom Salt
Art: We sewed our purses / wallets during art lesson. Some of us decorated them with sequins, put pockets on and even sewed on buttons as closings!
Jigsaw: We discussed how we act / behave towards our friends when in situations where we do not agree with one another or when we do not want to participate in the same activity.
Week 11 reminders
Looking forward to meeting all the parents during Parent’s Evening.
Have a lovely weekend!
Spelling List 10
words ending in -ation
There will be a dictation on Monday!
Alisha has demonstrated a positive attitude towards her learning.
Keep it up!
Week 9
Our Learning
Maths: We learned how to multiply fractions (including mixed numbers) with a whole number using a variety of methods and representations. |
English: This week was Book Week and we had a poet visit our class! Mr. Stewart Henderson showed us how to create our own poems about our playground using our observational skills. In class, we looked at one of his poems The Shark of Many Names and have begun writing a poem about a specific type of shark. We will finish up our poems next week and are looking forward to adopting our very own shark!
Spellings and Grammar: Words ending in –ous. We looked at poetic devices, such as similes, metaphors, alliteration, repetition, personification and onomatopoeia.
Science: In Science, we conducted an experiment to look at how evaporation can be used as a means of recovering a dissolved solid. We have noticed long crystals forming in the petri dish which contained a solution of Epsom salt mixed with water. We cannot wait to see what shows up in the other dishes, which contained salt mixed with water and sugar mixed with water.
Jigsaw: We learnt how to recognise how different friendship groups are formed, how we fit into them and the friends we value the most!
Week 10 reminders
Hope you had a lovely snow day and enjoy the rest of the weekend!
Spelling List 9
Words ending in -ous
Please complete your Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check Worksheet by Wednesday.
Spelling Dictation is held every Monday.
Week 8 Spelling Words
Words ending in -ed and -ing
Dictation to be held on Monday.
Week 8
Our Learning
Maths: We learned how to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator and multiples of the same number. We have also started looking at how to multiply fractions with a whole number. |
English: This week we looked at the story Tuesday by David Weisner, which is a wordless book. We took on roles of being a news reporter and witnesses to report on the strange incidents that occurred in the story.
Spellings and Grammar: Words ending in –ed and -ing. We looked at synonyms and first person point of view.
Geography: We finished off our Greek menus and our Geography topic on Greece by writing what we had learnt over the past half term. Next half term, our topic will be on Ancient Greece!
Science: In Science, we conducted an experiment to test which materials dissolve in water and which do not. We were able to conclude which materials which are soluble and insoluble in water.
Art: We practised the running stitch, cross-stitch and a new stich called the hemming stitch. We are now ready to create our very own wallets / purses next week using all the stitches we have learnt.
P.E. (Year 4): Moving into gymnastics this week, we did some strengthening exercises: camel walks, crab walks, making bridges, bunny hops and frog hopping. The camel walk, crab walk and bridge making were by far the toughest! We then practised a variety of asymmetrical balances with our partners and held our poses for at least 9 seconds!
Jigsaw: We put our finishing touches on our products for the Garden of Dreams fête! We were all very proud of our display and hope you enjoyed looking at our finished products!
Week 9 reminders
Have a lovely weekend!
Week 6 Spelling Words
Words ending in -ly (Adverbs)
Dictation to be held on the first Monday after half-term.
Well done to Ted for coming in Nightingale's top 2 Talent Show auditions!
Also, well done to all the rest of the acts for showcasing their talents during the auditions :)
Week 6
Our Learning
Maths: We learned how to compare fractions using visual representations, identify equivalent fractions where denominators are all multiples of the same number, and compare and order fractions whose denominators are all multiples of the same number.
English: We have looked at how the build-up leads to a problem and how to resolve those problems and end our stories using a variety of techniques, including cliff hangers, twisted endings, unhappy endings, and unfinished endings. The children published their suspense stories towards the end of the week.
Spellings and Grammar: Words ending in –ly (adverbs). We looked at how to improve our sentences using openers, adjectives, adverbs and prepositions. We incorporated dramatic openers and speech into our writing.
Geography: There was no Topic lesson due to Talent Show this Friday.
Science: There was no Science lesson due to the NSPCC workshop for the Year 5s on Wednesday.
Computing: As Tuesday was Internet Safety Day, we looked at how we can keep safe online and created our own online safety posters on computers and presented them to our classmates.
P.E. (Year 4): Learned about shot-put and javelin throw. We practised these throwing skills and had a competition to see who can aim directly at the target and who can throw the furthest.
Jigsaw: We designed our products for the Garden of Dreams fête! There were lots of creative ideas and the products look stunning! We can’t wait to show them off during the fête!
Week 8 reminders
Have a lovely half-term!
Week 5
Our Learning
Maths: We learned about equivalence of tenths and hundredths, matched equivalent fractions in a range of contexts through the Fraction Families game, and compared fractions to ½.
English: We have looked at the exposition of our suspense stories and how to develop our setting and characters into our stories.
Spellings and Grammar: High frequency words – from the Year 4 list and some adverbs. We looked into the use of apostrophes for contractions and possession.
Geography: We used what we have learned last week about Greek foods to design our own Greek Menu – incorporating Euros for pricing and the Greek alphabet for the lettering.
Science: We looked at the thermal conductivity of different materials and discussed about fair testing and how we can apply our findings to real-life situations.
Computing: We continued to explore Microsoft Excel, using the formula bar to do different calculations using the =SUM() function.
P.E. (Year 4): Learned about long jump and triple jump and practised doing standing long jump.
Jigsaw: We started planning and designing our products for the Garden of Dreams fête.
Week 6 reminders
Have a lovely week!
Week 5 Spelling Words
a mixture of High Frequency Words and adverbs (ending in -ly)
Dictation will take place on Monday.
Week 4
Our Learning
Maths: We learned about equivalent fractions, mixed numbers, improper fractions and how to convert mixed numbers to improper fractions and vice versa. We then applied this knowledge to solving problems.
English: We have started looking into suspense / mystery writing and have come up with lots of features and techniques author’s use to entice their readers, such as short, snappy sentences, the use of ellipsis, similes and metaphors, and using our senses to provide detailed description.
Spellings and Grammar: High frequency words – from the Year 4 list. We will eventually go onto the Year 5 list. We revised the use of similes and metaphors to give a more vivid description for what we sensed.
Geography: Human geographical features of Greece (looking specifically at famous Greek products – like food) and researching about a product – which region it comes from, where is it exported to and can it be found in other products.
Science: There was no Science lesson this week due to the Viking Workshop.
Computing: We continued to explore Microsoft Excel, looking at how to resize and format the colour of the cells, resizing the font and using the increase and decrease decimal number buttons.
Music: We practised a tune on our recorder, individually, as part of a group and as a class.
P.E. (Year 4): Learned about hurdles and did some trailing leg drills. We used these techniques during our hurdle race. We also did some skipping to help with our jumping.
Jigsaw: We looked at how we can recreate dreams that we have not succeeded in using a 3-step approach.
Week 5 reminders
Have a lovely week!
Week 3
We have started our Greece topic, so any information you can find at home will be gratefully received.
Our Learning
Maths: Revising Multiplication and Division skills and moving on now to Fractions – types of fractions.
English: Researched about a famous person and wrote a biography about him/her, making sure to include fronted adverbials and making sure we met all the criteria for writing a biography.
Spellings and Grammar: Words with an –ion, -sion, and –cian suffix; looked at fronted adverbials and sorting them under manner, time, place, duration and reason/cause categories.
Geography: Physical geographical features of Greece (looking specifically at the mountains) and making a persuasive skiing holiday poster using facts we researched.
Science: Tested the response of magnets to different materials and drawing conclusions based on our findings.
Computing: We continued to explore Microsoft Excel, specifically how to use editing tools and format words and numbers.
Music: We practised notes B A G D E and came up with our own tune using the notes.
P.E. (Year 4): Learned about 800m races and the techniques the athletes use to develop their endurance. We used these techniques during our 800m race.
Jigsaw: We role-played scenarios of disappointing situations and some groups got to perform them. Next week, we will look at how to solve the situations and show this through role-play again.
Week 4 reminders
Reminder: Talent show auditions will be held on January 30 for Nightingale class. If your child would like to participate, please let me know!
Have a lovely week!
Dear parents,
We are going to be holding our school’s Talent Show on Friday, February 9. We are holding in-class auditions on Tuesday, January 30 where we will choose 2 acts to represent our class in the final show.
If your child would like to participate, please do let me know.
Kindest regards,
Mrs. Khangura
*Groups of no more than 4.*
Reading Records
A gentle reminder: Please make sure to sign and date your child's Reading Record after you have heard them read. Reading Records need to be brought in every Monday and Thursday.
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas Break and are looking forward to the Spring Term!
I am excited to be teaching Nightingale Class for the remainder of this academic year and hope to meet with and get to know all the children, parents and guardians in due time.
Nightingale class’s first week with me included: ice breaking and team building games, we started on our first piece of our Jigsaw learning – Goals and Dreams, created some get to know me Selfies, practised our number and place value, addition and multiplication skills through some fun Maths activities, and reviewed some key vocabulary for Geography – such as Northern and Southern Hemispheres, Equator, Longitudinal and Latitudinal lines, Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn, Arctic Circle and Antarctic Circle, along with researching a bit about Greece using our Atlases.
Below is our overview for the Spring term. Home Learning will be sent out this week and weekly updates will be posted to this site, so do keep a look out!
The star of the week was awarded to Martha Jones for being helpful, aiding her classmates and working well with all students.
The children had an assembly earlier in the term. This is the link for more information, we have a lot of KS2 children register for this every year, all who take this opportunity find it worthwhile. http://www.childrensuniversity.co.uk/ Please return application forms to Miss Weyer
I wanted to say a HUGE congratulations to the children that took part in our (slightly wet) cross country competition this afternoon.
All the children completed the 1500m course and represented the school fantastically, showing good sportsmanship to the other runners. I was incredibly proud!
We did very well, with Zoe coming 3rd in the Girls race and Ben coming 2nd both winning medals! They, along with Rosie and Tom, will be taking part in county finals soon!
Once again, WELL DONE to all of the runners!
This week we will be learning the following:
English: Migration of the Wildebeest
Science: The Human Digestive System
Computers: Using the internet for researching various animals
Art: Indoor still life using pencil (sketching)
Maths: Multiply and divide mentally
Geography: Locating Geographical zones of the world
P.E: Travelling routine (linking movements together)
Music: Scottish musicians
Good luck to children running cross country tomorrow.
Friday: 14:45 – Remembrance display in the hall.
Have a good week!
For always accepting and helping out your peers, and not allowing their differences to affect how you treat them.
Hello, if you are intending to make space for Santa to drop off toys before Christmas Kingfisher Class would be very grateful for any unwanted construction (Lego , Knex etc) We have a small box at the minute and even though they are very good at sharing the children would like some more.
Thank you
Do you know a child aged between 5 and 11 years old who has a brilliant idea for a bedtime story? Would they love to see it published as a fantastic picture book? Book People, in association with Little Tiger, are on the lookout for the nation’s best storyteller!
Any child living in the UK aged between 5 and 11 years old can take part in Book People’s Bedtime Story Competition. Schools, libraries and community groups are welcome to submit entries for their children, too. All they will need to do is:
One winner will be selected from each age category and one overall winner will be chosen to have their book illustrated by Alison Brown, published by Little Tiger and sold exclusively through Book People!
To find out more, go towww.thebokpeople.co.uk/bedtimestory
Mr Libberton
Here are some events at local Hertfordshire Libraries. Click the link to find out about different events and activities on offer.
Weekend Stories – story time for under 8s
Weekend Stories are story time sessions in the library aimed at children under 8 years old. Come along to Saturday Stories or Sunday Stories and enjoy listening to old favourites and discovering new stories too.
This is a family event and all ages are welcome.
Chatterbooks – reading groups for 8-12 year olds
Whether your child is already an avid reader or needing some inspiration, joining Chatterbooks is a great way to encourage them to have fun with books.
Please find more information about when the groups meet and to apply for a space in the link
Welcome back Nightingale Class!
During the first week, we will be getting to know each other, establishing class rules, and organising children routines. Our Meet the Teacher meeting is Thursday 14th September 3:30 in our classroom. If you can’t make it, let me know and I’ll give you the handouts.
On Mondays, home learning/reading records are due in. Reading comprehension and handwriting practice will be completed by students. (RE/French during the afternoon)
Tuesday (Art/ PE during the afternoon)
Aprons, PE Kits, and water bottles are due in. During Tuesdays, I will check children home learning/reading records and if there are some comments or suggestions from parents. Timetables and spelling practice will be done by students.
Wednesday (Music/Jigsaw/History during the afternoon)
Home learning/ reading records are sent out. Homework books will go out and due back the following Monday (School Bags will go out for the first week). This will give us a day to hear all the children read and ensure their reading book is appropriate. Reading comprehension and handwriting practice will be completed by students.
Thursday (Science/Geography during the afternoon)
During this week students will be explained about doing experiments in Science. Every Thursday the students will have the opportunity to bring their own experiments related to our topic and show what they have done. This term is related to Living things and their habitats (Science experiments due in). Timetables and spelling practice will be done by students.
Friday (Music/Jigsaw/Computing during the afternoon)
Reading comprehension and handwriting practice will be completed by students (Science experiments send out).
During the Autumn term the students will be learning the following:
In Literacy, the lessons will be divided between Units such as Poetry (Charles Causley and Michael Rosen poems), Fiction (Greek and Roman Myths and Legends), Non-fiction (Animals on the move) and comprehension (Reports/Relative Clauses).
In Maths, the lessons will be divided between Units such as Place Numbers in the 4 operations, Divisible/Multiple Numbers, Multiply and Divide using mental strategies, Place decimals, Measure angles, weight and time, and Geometry.
In Science, the children will explore the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird. They will describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals and they will describe the changes as humans develop to old age.
In History, the children will discover the Ancient Cultures from Greece and Rome. They will understand how the Roman withdrawal from Britain happened and the fall of the Roman Empire. In Geography, the children will understand about the physical geography of Greece and Rome.
In Music and Art, the children will learn about different artists from European countries and the influence of those artists nowadays.
In RE, the children will be comparing Judaism and Christianity and the rules for living.
In French, the children will be revising basic questions, answers, and numbers. They will talk about themselves and family.
In PE, the children will have Athletics, Future Fitters (Gym), Dance, and Team games.
Have a lovely week!
Have a wonderful Summer Holiday and enjoy the break.
Mrs Lewis and I thank you for all your support and the gifts and cards.
Best wishes for the future
Ben Morrow was nominated our Friend of the Term in Nightingale Class.
We have enjoyed reading poems in English this week – the focus has been on similes and metaphors. In Maths, we revised symmetry and moved on to reflective symmetry and co-ordinates.
Home Learning – English and Maths
We look forward to Pet Morning and those of you bringing in pets have been sent a note outlining the plan for the morning.
We had a wonderful trip to Knebworth House – the children enjoyed the interesting activities linked to the Tudors and we did follow up work yesterday. Also, we were fortunate to see the Year 6 puppet show this morning which was fun.
Please ensure permission slips are returned for Pet Morning (12th July) as soon as possible.
Home Learning – English and Maths
Star of Week – Hana Cunnane
Winning ticket for the Wacky Face game is – Pink 71-75
Second prize Aqua Blaster is – Pink 106-110
Third prize a Teddy Bear is – Pink 51 – 55
Thank you for all your support
We look forward to our local area walk to Watford Heath tomorrow and our class trip to Knebworth House next Tuesday.
The children did well in the Fun Run last Friday.
Enjoy the Summer Fete on Sunday!
Home Learning: Maths and English
Star of the Week: Alex
It looks like summer is here so please remember water bottles, hats and suncream tomorrow (if they don’t have all day suncream at home).
Non-uniform day (sportswear) for the Sponsored Run/Walk this afternoon and donations for Summer Fete – so a busy end to the week.
Please provide children with sun hats and water bottles during this period of hot weather!
Please return permission slips for Knebworth House trip on 27th June as soon as possible.
Date for diary – Pet Morning 12th July 2017 – please see separate letter and return permission slip asap.
Home Learning – Maths and Spellings
Star of the Week – Abdullahi Mohamed
Thank you to those who attended the Maths Workshop on Tuesday evening.
Attached is a copy of the PowerPoint from the evening.
This coming week is Maths Problem Solving Week.
All the children will be completing activities in their class rooms. Reception up to Year 4 will also be taking part in a Problem Solving Workshop run by The Happy Puzzle Company.
After school, in the hall from 3.15pm, on Monday only, you will have the opportunity to purchase games and puzzles for as little as 75p.
Please see the web link below for a voucher to use when making your purchase on Monday, you can print it off yourself, to claim the Happy Puzzle Voucher, or alternatively collect one on arrival at the school hall on Monday.
There is a Problem Solving workshop of Parents only on Tuesday at 6.30pm, please complete the return slip on the letter sent out previously to indicate your interest so that we are able to cater for the numbers.
Thank you.
The children have worked hard in Maths and calculated percentages and started to solve word problems! Next week is problem-solving week so they should enjoy working out the Maths Challenges …
We have completed the English Unit on Greek Myths, culminating in the children writing one of their own.
We wish Bon Voyage to those Year 5 children going to France tomorrow and we hope the weather is good for the rest of us on our walk to Merry Hill.
Thank you to the volunteers who have offered to walk with the class on 9th and 23rd June. I will confirm volunteers for 27th June when all the reply slips for Knebworth House have been received.
Star of week: Maryanne Cash
Home Learning – revision of percentages (Maths) and Spellings
Jazzy Jars are due in tomorrow. There will be tables in the playground for you to put them on.
Have a lovely half-term and enjoy the sunshine!
We are having a well-being day for the children on Friday 26th May when we will be doing some art activities. The children should enjoy a break from the normal timetable after a busy term.
For the summer term, please ensure your child has a sunhat, sun cream, water bottle and up-to-date asthma medication in school. Dates for next term: 9th June and 23rd June – local walks (9th June Year 5 French trip), 27th June – Knebworth House trip.
Home learning – English and Maths. The local area projects were amazing!
Star of Week: Thanisshka
Year 5 parents/carers of children going on day trip to France on 9th June, please note that there is an information meeting after school on 24th May.
Reminder for Nightingale Class that projects about local area (Watford) are due in next Tuesday.
Home learning – Maths and English/Spellings
Star of Week – Zainab
It was lovely to go to the garden on Wednesday afternoon in the sunshine and enjoy being outside. In English, we are continuing to read the Greek Myths and we wrote a character description of Perseus today. In Maths, we have been solving word problems.
Mrs Pace and Mrs Doonan visited the class for a brief circle time to discuss and fully explain the Behaviour Policy ;and to remind all children that unacceptable behaviour results in consequences.
Please remember to return reply slips for the walks on 9th June and 23r June (I am aware the majority of Year 5 children are going to France on the 9th).
Star of Week Maisie McBroom
Home Learning English/Spellings; Maths (revision of improper fractions and mixed numbers)
Hope you enjoyed the Bank Holiday weekend. The children have worked hard this week reading the Greek Myths in English and working on fractions in Maths. They produced some lovely detailed, charcoal drawings of shells and recorded the objects by taking photographs. We are looking forward to learning Science (Earth and Space) in French on Friday afternoon – merci to Mme Lawson.
Dates for diary: Local walks – 9th and 23rd June (separate letters being sent electronically)
Star of week: Kayden Lyons
Home Learning: English and Maths (revision)
Enjoy the May Bank Holiday weekend. Please remember the children are going to Merchant Taylors’ School tomorrow and they must come to school in PE tops and tracksuit bottoms/leggings as they will be doing some PE at the school. Children need to wear appropriate outer clothing for the weather conditions. We are looking forward to an interesting and informative day.
Home learning – Maths and English
Date for diary – Round the World Day 30th June and our class will be hosting the country of India on that day.
Star of the week: Henrick Lee
Hope you enjoyed the Easter holidays. This term we are learning about the following:
History – Local Area
Geography – Local Area – this topic will include walks to Merry Hill and Watford Heath – separate letters will be sent.
Science – Evolution and Inheritance – including a ‘Pet Day’ hopefully!
Design and Technology – model of playground equipment
Art and Music – linked to Geography
Computing – Information Models
PE – Athletics, tennis and rounders (Year 4 commence swimming on Thursday afternoons from 27th April)
Home Learning – project about an aspect of the Local Area (Watford)
Star of the Week – Keisha Lad
Thanks to all the parents and carers who accompanied us to Oxhey Park on Wednesday. The children enjoyed making river creature models out of clay this week to end our topic on Rivers. Also, their projects were amazing. Have a good Easter break! Home Learning is Science, Maths and English.
New school choir – sign up now!
The choir will be open to all KS2 children with no auditions needed. Rehearsals will take place at school on Thursdays from 3.15 to 4.00pm with Mrs Williams and Miss Langley Higgs.
The choir will provide a valuable opportunity for the children to develop their vocal technique and build confidence in their abilities, gaining knowledge of music theory and performance skills and, most of all, to enjoy singing together.
Please sign up now on the School Gateway!
Can you help with the choir?
We are looking for a volunteer piano/keyboard accompanist for occasional rehearsals and termly concerts.
We would also like to hear from any parents who want to help with the choir in other ways, whether by supporting children’s engagement during rehearsals, contributing ideas or helping to organise concerts – no musical experience necessary.
If you are interested in any of these roles, or you know someone else who might be, please contact Miss Langley Higgs.
We have had an exciting week – the finale being the Bromet School Talent Show held this afternoon. Well done to George and Saphie for being the contestants from our class. A special CONGRATULATIONS to Saphie for being the KS2 winner of the Show.
Thank you for coming to the Parents’ Evening and we look forward to our walk/visit to Oxhey Park on Wednesday afternoon (29th March).
Star of the Week – John
Home Learning – English and Maths
Thank you for reply slips for our walk to Oxhey Park on 29th March. The children have enjoyed painting scenes of the River Thames in Art this week and writing diary entries in English. The Home Learning is Maths (revision of shape and angles) and Spellings. Please remember the River projects are due in on Tuesday 28th March.
Star of week – Louis Gee
Another busy week when the children used switches within circuits during electricity investigation in Science, as well as completing a Science Challenge when they made a flower using 4 piece of paper and scissors only. Congratulations to Maisie and Danny for having the winning entries for our class!
A letter has been sent out via website regarding a walk to Oxhey Park – please complete the reply slips as soon as possible. Thank you
Star of Week – Gracie Cowell
Home learning – Geography project about a river in the UK; Spellings
The children have had an enjoyable week, especially when they dressed as a book character for World Book Day on Thursday. Congratulations to John for winning the interesting class character outfit. The children have written stories in English about a dog to link in with the book of the week – The Dog Who Could Dig, and they really enjoyed meeting my dog Rosie on Friday!!! Home Learning for this week is Maths and English. Star of the Week: Tom Charnock
Dates for diary: Art an Craft themed afternoons – Tuesday 21st and 28th March (sewing and clay). If you can help on these afternoons, please let me know.
Hope everyone had a good half-term and looking forward to better weather and the Spring!! We have had a busy week in Nightingale Class and the children have worked hard learning about common denominators when adding and subtracting fractions. In English, we have been reading ‘Oranges in No Man’s Land’ and the children can read this at home via their Active Learn log in. The highlight of our week was the talent show auditions – congratulations to all those children who took part and we wait to see who will be voted out 2 acts to go through to the KS2 Talent Show. Please remember Book Week from 27th February – the children will be writing stories and they can dress up as their favourite book character on Thursday 2nd March. In Maths, we will be learning about Roman Numerals. Home Learning – English and Maths. Star of the Week: Deane Adoum
This year World Book Day is on Thursday 2nd March to celebrate reading books, authors and illustrators. It is held in more than 100 countries around the world. A key aim is to give every child in the UK a book of their own to keep. Every child is eligible to receive a £1 World Book Day Token which can be exchanged for one of ten exclusive £1 World Book Day Books, or if you prefer, use it to get £1 off any full-priced book or audio book. Tokens must be redeemed by the end of March 2016.
We will be celebrating this great event on Thursday, 2nd March, by asking children to come dressed as their favourite book character. There will be prizes for the most original costume in each class and every child will receive their £1 World Book Token.
If you would like to find out more information about World Book Day, there are ideas, activities and resources at: http://worldbookday.com/
Hello, we are looking for empty shoe boxes for after half term. Any donations gratefully received!
Happy half-term!!! Thank you for coming to the Class Assembly this morning. The children did really well and they have been awarded a marble in the box and they are all Stars of the Week!!!
Next term we will be learning about Rivers in Geography and Electricity in Science. Book Week is week commencing 27th February.
Home Learning for the half-term is spellings only as the children need a rest and to enjoy reading for pleasure.
We look forward to welcoming you at our Class Assembly next Friday 10th February. The children have written down their own ideas for the Assembly and we hope you enjoy sharing their highlights of the year so far. The children have written explanation texts this week and been measuring in Maths. Next week in English we will be doing some grammar and sentence structure revision and continue reading The Railway Children. We enjoyed the walk to Bushey Station and thank you to those parents who accompanied us.
Star of the week: Lucy Gee
Home learning – Tudor projects due in on Tuesday 7th February.
Please remember Friday 10th February is “Wear a heart or something red for Home-Start” and donate £1
The children in Robin class are very creative! We need lots of boxes, plastic containers (not milk cartons), rolls of cardboard for our fantastic creations. The children love to make and invent, last week we had Robots, Planes and many more inventive ideas! If you have any of these we would be greatly appreciative.
Many Thanks,
Mr Libberton and Mrs Warner
Year 5 did well with their swimming on Thursday and the children wrote some super poems this week – including: riddles, raps and cinquains!
Home Learning: Science and Maths (Tudor project is ongoing)
Please remember walk to Bushey Station the morning of Friday 20th January. I will let parents/carers know if they are required to accompany the class.
The Watford Junior Challenge Run, organised by Watford Harriers, will take place on Saturday 18 March 2017 at Cassiobury Park from 11.15am.
There will be races for U8, U10, U12 and U14.
If your child is interested in entering ask them to collect an entry form from Mrs Burns
We have had an interesting week and the children were engaged in a practical Science session investigating opaque, translucent and transparent materials. Will add more later …
For every ticket bought by a Bromet Family the school receives ‘cashback’
Welcome back to a new term! For information, the children will be learning about the following:
English – explanation texts and poetry and the guided reading text is The Railway Children
Science – the topics are Light and Electricity
History – continue to develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British and world history – the Tudors
Geography – know about a selection of UK rivers and describe their physical features – Rivers (after half-term)
Computing – Staying Connected – safe use of online technologies
Music – learning to play basic notes on the recorder (please bring your own recorder to school – sessions scheduled for Wednesday before half-term
Art/DT – Textiles – sewing – use different types of stitches: Clay – design and make model of a river animal
PE – Year 5 Swimming on Thursday afternoons; PE sessions with Falcon Class. We will also keep up with Fitter Futures keep fit sessions
Jigsaw is the new PHSCE scheme – Dreams and Goals
MFL – French with Mme Lawson – Les Loisirs – hobbies
RE with Mrs Bastable – research celebrations related to key figures in Jewish religion and Christianity – Holy week/Easter
Maths will continue to cover the National Curriculum units
Any changes to these topics and up-dates will be included in the weekly class blog. The main timetable change is that I will be accompanying Year 5 swimming on Thursday afternoons from 2.00 pm so my PPA time is now on Monday afternoons when the children will be learning French and RE.
Separate letters will be sent out regarding visits and other events. Date for diary – Class Assembly – 10 February!
Thank you
Mrs Forty and Mrs Lewis