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Bromet Primary School Excellence, Enjoyment and Achievement for All

Eagle - Year 6

Welcome to Eagle Class 2021/22

Class Teacher: Miss E. Charalambous

Teaching Partners: Mrs D. Rideout and Mrs N. Bridgeman 

PPA Cover: Mrs A. Michaels (History and Geography), Mrs T. Bastable (R.E.)

MFL: Mrs E. Edwards 

Our Classroom

Final Week!

This week, you are all my stars of the week - I am so proud of you all for your fantastic leavers performance and your year of hard work!


This week:

Monday - leavers performance for KS1 and KS2, and leavers books (please remember to bring your year books!), film

Tuesday - Pizza Party and T-Shirt Signing - please remember sharpies!

Wednesday - Final Farewells!


Please bring in a game that you would like to play during our free time this week (no electronics!!)

Week Commencing 11th July

A big well done to our Star of the Week - Aimee - for understanding who to talk to about her worries.


This week:

Monday - art (self-portraits), assembly practice, Puttshack

Tuesday - enterprise!

Wednesday - assembly practice, science, french, PE

Thursday - secondary transition day

Friday - assembly practice, PSHE, leavers assembly (2:30pm)

Week commencing 4th July

After what was a fantastic week away, I hope you have rested and are ready for school tomorrow! 


This week:

Maths - revision

English - A Beautiful Lie

Science - revision

Art - Spiritual arts project

RE - with Mrs Bastable

French - with Madame Edwards

PSHE - changing me

PE - Netball

Debating club - with Merchant Taylor

Computing - presentations and Scratch

Leavers assembly - preparation!

Enterprise - advertising and posters

Transition - with Mrs Pace and Mrs Doonan

Northern Heights Information

Summer Fun!

Week commencing 20th June

Congratulations to the whole class for being this weeks Stars of the Week!


This week:

Maths - Smarties investigation! (A reminder that maths morning is on Wednesday between 8:30am-9:00am)

English - reading VIPERS and letter writing for enterprise

Science - fair tests and variables

History - local history including comparisons of World War 2 to now

Art - RE project

French - with Madame Edwards

RE - with Mrs Bastable

PE - netball and swimming (Wednesday PE kits, Thursday swimming kits!)

PSHE - Changing Me

Debating club - with Merchant Taylors

Transition - with Mrs Pace and Mrs Doonan


Week Commencing 13th June

Well done to our star of the week - Ibrahim A - for working really hard this week and joining in discussions during PSHE.


This week:

Maths - number revision, including problem solving

English - The Lighthouse - narrative writing, newspaper reports and letter writing

Science - light investigation write-up


French with Madame Edwards

RE with Mrs Bastable

Debating club with Merchant Taylors

Art - project

Transition with Mrs Pace and Mrs Doonana

Swimming - Thursday at St Margarets - please remember kit

Week Commencing June 6th

Well done to our Star of the Week - Ibrahim J - for being a great friend!


I hope you have all had a fun and restful half term, and enjoyed the Jubilee celebrations!


This week:

Maths - revision - shape and number

English - letter writing based on 'Pig Heart Boy'; narrative writing based on 'The Lighthouse'

Science - light and shadows

French - with Madame Edwards

PE - swimming and athletics (please remember PE kits on Wednesday and swimming kits on Thursday)

PSHE - transition

Debating club - with Merchant Taylors

Enterprise - research and confirming ideas

Transition - with Mrs Pace, Mrs Doonan and Mr Hambleton

Week Commencing 23rd May

Firstly, a big well done to our Star of the Week - Karim - for knowing how to help himself and others when feeling upset.


This week, we have a very exciting week of activities! 

Monday - Victorian Day! We will be transporting back in time to the Victorian era where we will be thinking about what we have learnt about Queen Victoria, and taking part in some very fun activities. Please remember that you are invited to dress up for the day.


Tuesday - please wear PE kits to school. We will be having a run through of sports afternoon with Swift class. 

In English, we will be writing a discussion text. In science we will be learning about light, and in PSHE we will be focusing on relationships.


Wednesday - please wear PE kits to school.

Maths - drawing nets of 3D shapes

English - formal letters to the Queen

PE - athletics

French - with Madame Edwards


Thursday - Jubilee celebrations day - you are invited to wear red, white or blue!

Swimming will be in the morning - please remember swimming costumes, hats and goggles, as well as towels!

House colours will take place in the morning too.

The afternoon will be full of whole school Jubilee celebrations!


Friday - please wear PE kits for sports afternoon.

English - newspaper report writing

Enterprise planning

Sports afternoon!


Week Commencing 16th May

Congratulations to you all for completing a very intense SATs week - I am very proud of you all! You have all worked so hard - I hope you enjoyed Friday's celebrations! 


Well done to this week's Star of the Week - Imogen - for always being respectful. Keep it up!


This week:

Maths - properties of shape

English - Narrative writing, diary entries, setting description

Science - light

Art - optical art

History - Queen Victoria

PE - athletics (please wear kit on Wednesday)

Computing - scracth

PSHE - relationships

RE - with Mrs Bastable

French - with Madame Edwards

Debating club - with Merchant Taylors

Transition - with Mrs Pace and Mrs Doonan


Reminder - swimming begins this week on Thursday. Please remember that you will need a swimming hat and goggles. Arrive at school promptly as we will be leaving shortly after school starts.

Week Commencing 9th May

Well done to our Star of the Week - Alfie - for working well with others in class and on the playground. Keep up the good work!


As you know, this week is an important week for you all, with the upcoming SATs tests. I am so proud of how hard you have all been working and I want you to all remember that you can only try your best. Please remember a little bit of nerves is completely normal - I am always here for a chat if you feel you need it. 

Remember that we are having our SATs breakfast each day (Monday - Thursday) from 8am. 


This week:

RE with Mrs Bastable

Revision / PSHE with Mrs Burns

French with Madame Edwards

Debating Club with Merchant Taylors

PSHE - relationships

Circle Time with Mrs Doonan

PE on Wednesday - athletics

Transition with Mrs Pace and Mrs Doonan


Please also wear PE kits on Friday as we will be playing some rounders in the morning!


On Friday, to celebrate the end of SATs week, we will be having a class celebration. If you would like to contribute an item of food for the celebration, it would be hugely appreciated. Please make sure that any food does not contain nuts.

Summer Term Week 3

Congratulations to our Star of the Week - Jemima - for understanding how best to resolve friendship issues - keep it up!


This week:

With only a week until our SATs, it is important to get keep ourselves healthy! Make sure you are getting lots of rest - please see me if you have any worries you want to discuss. 

Maths - properties of shape and revision

English - comprehension, VIPERS, grammar

Science - light

PSHE - dealing with grief

Circle time - with Mrs Doonan

PE - athletics (please remember to wear PE kit on Wednesday)

French - with Madame Edwards

Debating club - with Merchant Taylors

Music - African drums

Art - optical art

Summer Term Week 2

Well done to this week's Star of the Week - George - for showing a positive attitude towards learning and friendships. Keep it up!


This week:

Maths - statistics

English - comprehension including VIPERS

Science - light

PSHE - relationships and mental health

PE - athletics (please remember to wear PE kit on Wednesday)

French with Madame Edwards

RE with Mrs Bastable

Art - optical art

History - The Ancient Maya

Debating Club with Merchant Taylors

Summer Term

Week 1

I hope you have all had a lovely and restful Easter break. We have a busy but exciting term ahead of us! 


This week:

Maths - revision and statistics, including line graphs

English - comprehension and grammar

Science - light

PSHE - relationships and one page profiles / network hand / safe place

PE - athletics (please remember to wear PE kit on Wednesday)

Debating club - Thursday

Art - Optical art

French - Wednesday with Mrs Edwards


See you all on Tuesday to commence your last term at Bromet!!

Maths Easter Homework Answers

W/C 27th March

Well done to this week's Star of the Week - Mariam - for always being kind to her peers and being a great friend.


This week:

Maths - ratio and proportion

English - comprehension - range of text types including poetry

Science - electricity

PE - gymnastics (remember PE kits on Wednesday)

PSHE - healthy me

Geography - biomes and presentations

Computing - binary code


I am looking forward to seeing all of your Easter artwork. Please remember to bring to school this week.

W/C 21st March 2022

A big well done to this weeks Star of the Week - Grace - for knowing how to keep herself and others safe.


This week:

Maths - ratio and proportion  

English - reading comprehension

Science - electricity experiment

PSHE - healthy me

PE - gymnastics (please remember to wear PE kit on Wednesday)

History - WW2

Art - realism

Computing - binary code

Thursday debating club

Music - singing

Remember that there is no homework due tomorrow. I'm looking forward to seeing your Easter artwork next week! Reading records should be returned tomorrow - remember signed by an adult 3 times for Star Reader!

W/C 14th March 2022

Well done to this week's Star of the Week - Maria - for staying healthy and active, and demonstrating in PE! 


Friday is non-school uniform day. Please remember that we are asking for a £2 donation, to support both comic relief and the Ukrainian Appeal.


This week:

Maths - volume and area

English - reading and comprehension skills

Science - electricity - planning an investigation / fair test

DT - electrical systems

Music - rhythm and harmonies

PE - gymnastics

PSHE - healthy me

Geography - biomes


Debating club will be on Thursday. Please remember to research a statistic about screen time.


W/C 7th March 2022

A big well done to this week's Star of the Week - Jaabir - for always working hard and leading a healthy, active lifestyle.


This week:

English - The Children of Benin, non-chronological report

Maths - Perimeter and area - including area of a triangle

Science - Electricity - voltage

Art - Realism - sketching

PSHE - Healthy Me - the effects of drugs

History - Role of Women in WW2

Computing - Mars Rover

PE - Gymnastics


This week, on Thursday, we will be beginning debating club, led by Merchant Taylors.


This year for Comic Relief, children are invited to wear something red on 18th March for Red Nose Day. We are asking for a £1 voluntary donation to support the fantastic charity.

W/C 28th February 2022

A big well done to this weeks Star of the Week - Daisy H - for knowing what makes a healthy lifestyle and understanding the importance of exercise!


This week:

Maths - converting units, including both imperial and metric

English - The Children of the Benin Kingdom

Science - Electricity

Art - Realism

PE - Gymnastics

History - World War 2

PSHE - Healthy Me


World Book Day is on Thursday. Children are invited to dress up with our theme of royalty in mind!

W/C 21st February

I hope you all had a lovely half term and a restful break!


This week:

Maths - algebra, solving equations, substitution

English - Children of the Benin Kingdom - inference, investigating, diary writing

Science - electricity

Geography - scrublands

PE - gymnastics (This will be on Wednesday, please remember to wear kit to school)

Computing - Mars Rover

PSHE - Healthy Me

RE - With Mrs Bastable

French - With Madame Edwards

Circle Time - With Mrs Doonan


We will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 3rd March. This years theme is royalty to link with the Queen's  Jubilee. Start thinking about a royal themed dress up, or you could just wear a crown!

W/C 7th February

It is already the last week of this half term, meaning that we will be finishing the week with the school talent show! A big well done to everyone who auditioned, I am very proud of you all! An extra well done to Josh and George, who will be representing Eagle Class in the talent show.


Another congratulations, this time for our Star of the Week, Phoebe - who always has a positive attitude. 


Remember, this week PE is back to Wednesday, so please wear kits then. 

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and Tuesday is Safer Internet Day.

Friday is non-uniform day - we are asking for a £1 donation please.


This week's learning:

Maths - Algebra

English - Balanced arguments, report writing - Suffragettes, The Battle for Equality

Science - Diet and exercise

Geography - Alpine (Mountainous)

DT - Design

PE - Hockey rules and game play

PSHE - Mental health

Computing - How to Stay Safe Online

French - Talking about where you live


W/C 31st January

Well done to this week's Star of the Week - Elizabeth - for helping others and being a great talk partner.


This week's learning:

Maths - percentages and algebra

English - Suffragettes - The Battle for Equality - newspaper reports, balanced argument

Science - healthy lifestyles and the effect of diet

History - The Victorians, rich vs poor

Computing - Mars Rover

French - Counting to 100

RE - Buddhism

DT - Planning a game

PE - hockey (This week PE will be on Friday - please wear kit on Friday not Wednesday)


On Friday, we have an exciting virtual event with author Annelise Gray!

W/C 24th January

A big well done to our Star of the Week - Sherali - for working hard and persevering even when things are difficult.

Also, a massive well done to the whole class for a fantastic class assembly! If you haven't had a chance to watch it yet, please do have a look on the class page - the children did a brilliant job!


This week's learning:

Maths - percentages

English - Suffragettes - diary writing, debate, formal letter writing

Science - circulatory system, transporting water and nutrients

Art - realism

PE - hockey

PSHE - dreams and goals

French - counting

Computing - Mars Rover

W/C 17th January 2022

Well done to this weeks Star of the Week - Zoya - for persevering through challenging times. Keep up the good work!


This week's learning:

Maths - decimals, fractions and percentages

English - Here We Are, fiction outcomes including narratives; non-fiction outcomes including reports

Science - functions of the circulatory system

History - The Ancient Maya - to understand what happened to the Maya's

French - in my town

PE - hockey, passing

DT - research

PSHE - dreams and goals


W/C 10th January 2022

Welcome back to our first full week back after Christmas! I was so impressed with the fantastic work that you all produced last week, particularly around dreams and goals, and economics.


This week:

English - Here We Are by Oliver Jeffers. Poetry, speech, narrative writing

Maths - Decimals, including multiplication and division

Science - Circulatory system

PE -  Hockey (remember to wear PE kits on Wednesday)

Geography - Grasslands

PSHE - identifying dreams and goals

Circle Time - bullying

Art - realism

Computing - Mars Rover


W/C 3rd January 2022 (!!!!)

Happy New Year to you all! I hope you have had a great Christmas and a good rest ahead of the Spring term! I am very much looking forward to seeing you on Thursday.




Welcome back - settling in, worries, looking ahead at the term

Pupil voice, thinking about what we remember from last term and what we are looking forward to this term

Bullying - what is it? What are the different types? How can we stay safe both at home and online?



Money and careers - thinking ahead to the future and how we are going to achieve our goals

Dreams and goals - dream catchers




British Values - what they are and where we see them in school and wider society

Network hand and one page profile



5 Ways to Wellbeing

Team building - hopefully we will get outside for some activities!

Week Commencing 20th December

Congratulations Nya - our Star of the Week - for always trying your best and being kind.


We have so nearly finished our first term together and what a term it has been! Whilst it has been a strange term full of ups and downs, I am so proud of how hard you have all worked! 


Monday: The children can bring in toys/games from home, (named and their responsibility) no electronic devices. 

Film afternoon!

Tuesday: Quiz and games morning!


I hope you all have a fantastic and safe Christmas, and a happy New Year! I will see you all in 2022!

Miss Charalambous laugh

The Elf is Back!

W/C 13th December 2021

Our final full week of school in 2021 - how this term has flown! I am very much looking forward to returning to school this week and seeing you all for a fun-filled week! We have lots of exciting things to look forward to, including our Thursday fun afternoon! 

Well done to our Star of the Week - Wasema - for being helpful and kind.


This week:

Maths - revision, including rounding, fractions of an amount, translations and multi-step word problems

English - Christmas dialogue, narratives and poetry

Science - order of the planets 

PE - dance

PSHE - celebrating difference - anti-bullying

DT - making phone cases

RE - Christmas!

W/C 6th December

What an unusual week last week was for us all! I am very proud of you all for maintaining focus throughout! A big well done to Jasmine, our Star of the Week, for always being kind to others.


This weeks learning:

Maths - fractions and decimals, including revision

English - cohesive devices and narrative writing

Science - phases of the moon

PE - dance

RE - Christmas

PSHE - celebrating our differences and understanding what makes us different

DT - sewing

Circle Time - compliments

Please take a picture of yourself reading somewhere unusual and bring it into school for our library display! Get creative!

Christmas Songs to Learn

W/C 29th November 2021

Christmas practice is most definitely underway, and I would like to remind everyone that you should be learning your lines and your songs for our performance. 

This week:


Maths - fractions and geometry - position and direction

English - The Last Wild - narrative writing

Science - Movement of the Earth and the Moon

RE - Buddhism 

French - around school

PE - dance (choreography and story telling)

Art - Christmas decorations!

PSHE - budgeting money

Geography - Chapparal

Music - Christmas songs practice!

W/C 22nd November 2021

With Christmas fast approaching, we have been excited to begin learning our Christmas songs! Lyrics for these songs can be found on the class page - get practising!


Well done to our Star of the Week - Zoya - for being a great friend and looking out for her peers.


This week:

Maths - dividing fractions, fractions of an amount

English - The Last Wild - character building, hyphens, relative clauses, dialogue

Science - evolution and inheritance - the Dodo

French - PE lesson

PE - dance (please remember to wear kit on Wednesday)

PSHE - celebrating difference - recognising and understanding bullying

Art - art deco

Computing - Micro:bit coding

Music - Christmas songs!

W/C 15th November

Firstly, I am so proud of you all for organising a fantastic table top sale, where we raised £180 for the WWF. 

Well done to our Star of the Week - Nabeelah - for always including and respecting others.


This week is anti-bullying week. Please remember your odd sock tomorrow, to celebrate our uniqueness!


This week:

Maths - multiplying fractions by integers and fractions by fractions

English - formal and informal writing, expanded noun phrases (based on The Last Wild)

Science - fossilisation and evidence for plant evolution

PE - dance

Music - singing and music appreciation

French - school subjects

PSHE - anti-bullying

DT - designing a phone case

A fantastic table top sale, organised by the children, raising £180 for the WWF. So proud of you all!

W/C 8th November

A big well done to you all for your hard work last week in my absence; I have missed you all and look forward to seeing you on Monday! A special congratulations to this weeks Star of the Week, Inaaya, for being so helpful. 


This week we will be taking part in many activities in honour of Remembrance Day. We will also be reflecting on COP26 and what we learnt last week about climate change.


Our learning for this week:

Maths - adding and subtracting fractions

English - 'The Last Wild' - character and setting descriptions, relative clauses, formal language, predictions

Science - fossilisation

History - Remembrance

PSHE - celebrating difference

PE - dance (please wear PE kit on Wednesday)

Computing - Micro:bit

R.E - Buddhism


School Journey FAQs!


W/C 1st November 2021

I hope you all had a brilliant half term and got lots of rest ahead of our 7 week countdown to the Christmas holidays! I am very much looking forward to a busy yet enjoyable half term and am looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow for our first day back.


This weeks learning:

Maths - fractions

English - Rain Player - essay argument writing

Science - evolution and inheritance - theories of evolution and adaptation

PE - dance (remember to wear kit on Wednesday)

DT - textiles


Climate Change Day is on Tuesday this week and we have a range of activities planned to explore the effects of climate change on our earth and what we can do to help with this.

Halloween Cake Sale!

W/C 18th October 2021

Well done to this weeks Star of the Week - Eliza - for working and caring for others, and always trying her best!


This week we have an exciting author visit from Lenny Henry, introducing his new book - The Boy with Wings. 


This weeks learning:

Maths - four operations consolidation and mental calculations

English - Rain Player - research and debate

Science - adaptation (Evolution and Inheritance)

PE - Cricket - game play and rules

Music - singing

PSHE - understanding how our actions can affect others

Art - art deco and painting

Computing - E-safety

Lenny Henry Virtual Author Visit

W/C 11th October

We had another fantastic week in Eagle class last week. We enjoyed sharing our reading of the poem 'Refugees' on Thursday for National Poetry Day and celebrated Hello Yellow on Friday, where we considered the importance of talking about mental health.

A big well done to this weeks Star of the Week - Aimee - for caring about others feelings and working really hard, particularly in maths!


This weeks learning:

Maths - common multiples and factors, prime, square and cube numbers and order of operations

English - 'Rain Player' - describing scenes and characters, making predictions

Guided reading - Kensuke's Kingdom - retrieval, inference, clarifying meaning

Science - properties of materials

PSHE - being me in my world

RE - Buddhism 

Geography - Taiga

PE - cricket

Computing - polling

Music - instruments and singing

DT - textiles


Other reminders: 

Please bring a bag in before half term to take books from last year home. 

Harvest assembly will be on Tuesday.

Staying safe resource:


W/C 4th October 2021

A big well done to this weeks Star of the Week - Nya - for working well with others and persevering with her learning.


I wanted to say a personal thank you to everyone who donated and supported me ahead of the London Marathon. I am so grateful and very pleased to be able to say that I successfully completed the race! You will have to bear with me tomorrow whilst I recover!!


This weeks learning:

Maths - long division

English - poetry

Science - properties of material

Geography - Taiga

PE - cricket (please wear PE kit on Wednesday)

Art - Mackintosh rose

PSHE - Being me in my world

Music - 'Happy'

Experimenting in Science - Soluble and Insoluble Materials

Week 4 - W/C 26th September

Last week, we had a special visit from the local Police Community Support Officers where we learnt a lot about how to stay safe in the community. The children also enjoyed a day taught by Mrs Burns, which I hear was a massive success! A big well done to Tyrell - this weeks Star of the Week - for working hard and being resilient.


This week:

Maths - inverse operations, multiplication and division

English - narrative writing linked to 'The Arrival'

Science - Classification of materials

Geography - Tundra

Computing - Micro:bit

PE - Cricket including understanding the rules (Please wear PE kit to school on Wednesday)

Art - Art deco: drawing

PSHE - circle time and behaviour / consequences


A reminder that letters about school journey have been sent out. Deposits are payable via Parent Pay.

Visit from the Police Community Support Officers!

Week 3 - W/C 20th September

Another great week in Eagle class saw us learning about the the 5 ways to wellbeing alongside a fantastic first circle time with Mrs D! 

A special mention to this weeks Star of the Week - Lara - for her brilliant help at lunchtimes and ensuring that the reception children felt welcome!


This weeks learning:

Maths - four operations including assessments

English - The Arrival - including playscripts as well as assessment

Science - reversible and irreversible changes

History - The Ancient Maya

RE - Buddhism 

PE - cricket - catching skills (Please remember to wear PE kit on Wednesday)

DT - textiles

Music - Happy by Pharell Williams

PSHE - understanding the affect that our actions can have on others

5 Ways to Wellbeing

Week 2 - w/c 13th September

After a fantastic first week, I am very much looking forward to the upcoming week. We have lots planned, including 5 ways to wellbeing on Monday morning! 

A big well done to our first Star of the Week - Kiara - for making everyone feel welcome.


This week:

Maths - place value including numbers to 10 million, rounding and negative numbers.

English - The Arrival - diary writing, role play, expanded noun phrases

Science - assessment and revision

Guided reading - Kensuke's Kingdom

Geography - an introduction to biomes

PE - cricket (PE kits to be worn to school on Wednesday)

Art - self-portrait

PSHE - Being me in my world and circle time

Music - music appreciation

Computing - to tinker

French - greetings


Recognising what makes us unique!

We can sing again!

Week 1 - W/C 6th September 

A big welcome Eagle Class - I can't wait to see you all on Monday! I hope you are all as excited as I am for the term ahead! I can't quite believe summer is over - 6 weeks seem to have flown by - but I am very much looking forward to the Autumn term. The classroom is ready, I am ready and now I am very much hoping you are all ready too! 

Year 6 - your last year at Bromet and hopefully a year you will never forget for all the right reasons! Although I know lots of you very well from our time in Falcon class, I am looking forward to hearing all about your summer and getting to know our new classmates too! I can't wait to hear all about your holidays!


This week:

We will be spending a lot of the first few days focusing on PSHE. This will include our network hand, one-page profile and safe place activities. We will also be thinking about the British Values and how these link to us.

Maths - Place value including numbers to 10,000, 100,000 and a million

English - An introduction to our new book - The Arrival

Guided Reading - Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo

Science - What makes a scientist?

D.T. - Textiles

Computing - Micro:bit - tinkering

Geography - an introduction to biomes

PE - cricket - This will be on Wednesday, please remember to wear kit into school that day

Music - Music appreciation - 'Happy'
