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Assessment at Bromet


Assessment is the thread that links teaching and learning and informs teacher planning. It is something that is done in formal and informal ways throughout the academic year. 


Teacher assessment


Teachers plan their lessons using our schemes of work which ensure there is progression. Teachers are informally making judgements through questioning and feedback in books. Planning and resources are adapted to suit the needs of their learners. This is done most frequently in maths, guided reading and english as children do these lessons daily. For other subjects, this would happen on a weekly or fortnightly basis. 


Formal assessment


In year 2 - 6 children complete assessment papers in maths, reading, spelling, punctuation and grammar on a termly basis. Year 1 also complete assessment papers but only in the summer term. These assessments help to inform the teacher about how their lesson plans can be adapted and also highlight children who are achieving as we’d expect them to, who are achieving beyond what we expected or who may need some additional support. 


Statutory Assessments


Throughout the academic year there are statutory assessments which need to be administered. They include;


Reception Baseline Assessment 

In the first 6 weeks of starting in reception all children complete a reception baseline assessment.

Early years Foundation Stage Profile Assessment

Towards the end of a child's reception year, an early years foundation stage profile assessment is completed. Each child’s level of development is assessed against 17 early learning goals (ELGs) across all 7 areas of learning in the EYFS. For each ELG, teachers must assess whether a child is meeting the level of development expected at the end of the EYFS, or if they are not yet reaching this level and should be assessed as ‘emerging’. 

Year 1

Phonics screening check

In the summer term of year 1, children will complete their phonics screening check. The phonics screening checks your child’s phonics knowledge. The phonics screening check contains 40 words divided into two sections of 20 words. Both sections contain a mixture of real words and pseudo-words. 

Year 2

Optional Key stage 1 tests

In the summer term of year 2, children complete optional tests in reading, grammar, spelling, punctuation and maths. 

Year 4

Multiplication Tables check

In the summer term of year 4, children complete a Multiplication tables check. It is an online assessment where children are asked 25 multiplication questions assessing their knowledge on their tables up to and including 12x12. 

Year 6

Key stage 2 tests

At the end of year 6 children complete the statutory key stage 2 assessments in maths (arithmetic and reasoning), reading, spelling, punctuation and grammar.  


Pupil Attainment Meeting

Each term senior leaders meet with class teachers to discuss the progress the children are making. This is an opportunity to arrange intervention groups, decide which intervention would have the greatest impact and what adaptations could be made to ensure all children can reach their full potential. Teachers exercise their professional judgement and will make changes to the focus children or the focus of the intervention. 

