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Bromet Primary School Excellence, Enjoyment and Achievement for All

Eagle - Year 6

Welcome to Eagle Class!



Have you seen the Kids’ Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites.

Class Teacher: Mrs Wambeek

Supported by: Ms Richman

PPA/ Management time: Mrs M Fox

Mrs Lawson teaches MFL

Mrs Bastable teaches RE 

2019-2020 Overview of Curriculum

Autumn 2019 Timetable

Home Learning Grid Autumn 2019

Spring Timetable 2020

Home Learning Grid Spring 2020

SATs Information Power Point 2020

The last few photos of a great 6 weeks!

Week 12. Week commencing 13th July

I cannot believe that you are in the last week of term I hope by now you have all had contact with your secondary school. You may have even had your uniform fitted or met your new teachers. These are unique but memorable times. This week I would like for you to look back on your time at Bromet and think of the most important or funny events that you have experienced. Write them down, or create a small book that you can look back on in the future. Your task this week is to find out as much as you can about your new school.

Have a look at the transition attachment, if you haven't already done so. The tasks on here will help you prepare.

Final WWF:,121ML,32BBYS,41FQH,1

Have fun outdoors too!

Mrs W :)

Our Week

Week commencing  06.07.20

Hi Eagle Class,
This weeks WWF: All about plastic-,11Y30,32BBYS,40ZKJ,1
Maths: This week complete one per day of the starter activities Monday- Thursday. The White Rose is attached.
English is from Bitesize again this week- click on the links please. I hope I've got them correct!
Also if you have picked up the It's Your Move Booklet from School the website linked to the book is: 
(There is a message on here from Mrs Bastable)
Have a great week. 
Mrs W. :)

Photos from the week

Dear Eagles- Week 10 already! (Week commencing 29th June )
Maths is two sets of White Rose. Your starter task should be revision and the main a skill you know but haven't revisited for a while! Where you can, work in your book, I don't expect you to print everything.
English from Bitesize, looking at some Shakespeare and reading please.
Please send me photos of what you are doing at home so I can put then online for you.
Mrs W :)


Week 9, commencing 22nd June.

This week you will find arithmetic and White Rose Maths, as usual.
Check out the timetable for English. Monday and Tuesday's sessions require you to download the sheets 'A Day in the Life of' and 'An Icy Plunge'. You will need to look at the pictures and read the instructions on the sheet, answering the questions as you go. You can discuss the question, rather than write the answers, if you prefer. I would like you to write at least the next  2 paragraphs if you cannot complete each story. Wednesday will be easier for you if you look through the subjunctive PPT before attempting the sheets. Thursday there is some reading and comprehension to complete and a Bitesize lesson on Friday! Phew! you will be busy. 
Oh and of course Picture News!
Take good care of yourself! Mrs W:)


Pictures from our week! We've had fun!

Week Commencing 15th June

I hope you are well.
Maths this week: There are some algebra sheets for you to try for your starter activities. This week I would like you to work through the Reasoning and Problem Solving pack I have attached. If you can complete 20 questions a day you will finish the pack! :)
English is Bitesize looking at poetry- If you are feeling creative have a go at writing a Lock down limerick. The spelling link is to the Spellzone site- just have some fun playing the games whilst you learn.
Picture News attached for you to read of course!
This week's WWF will be at:,11OZD,32BBYS,3ZV45,1
Check out TT Rock Stars this week.There is a tournament at the top of the page for you to take part in! 
Have a great week- keep sharing!

PIctures from our week

Hi Eagles, week commencing 8th June.
This is the work we will be doing this week. Everyone has the same Maths and English tasks so even if we don't see you in person please share your learning. I would still like to know what you have been up to!
Maths: Arithmetic and White Rose There are some additional sheets that recap last week's learning. These are optional.
English: This is from Bitesize again. Picture News attached for you to read and reading tasks linked to your current reading books.

WWF is linked to Worlds Oceans Day-,11M0P,32BBYS,3ZIEA,1

You will also find a PPT and resources called transition resources. Work through these with your families they have some good activities in preparation for your transition to secondary school.

I will of course add any extra bits as I find them

Mrs W :)

Lots has been going on in week 7!

Dear Eagle Class, Week 6
I hope half- term has been relaxing and you have enjoyed the vast amount of sunshine we have had!

Maths and English this week is below.Use the  weekly timetable to help you access the links. 
English: The reading is linked to the book you are currently reading - Picture News is for you to read and discuss with your families.
I have used Bitesize again for your daily tasks as your feedback about this site was positive, the grammar is within the lessons and there is an extra sheet linked to antonyms.
Maths: Don't forget to complete the arithmetic each day, as well as the tasks.
The Home Learning Grid  has some activities for you to complete over the next few weeks.

Have fun Learning! Stay motivated and positive!
Mrs W. :)


Week 5 Photos

Hello Eagles! Week 5 already - it's half term next week- Wahoo!
Maths is below with  labelled daily sheets and the arithmetic and video links on single, separate pages.
Don't forget ,TT Rockstars and Mathletics. By the way what is your opinion, sensible please, of Numbots?


English is a little different this week- each day on the weekly timetable there is a link to click, to the day's Bitesize Daily Lesson. I will be interested to see what you think and how easy you find this. You will see I have also added a PSHE session to Friday - see below.
Reading is still from The Railway Children- we are nearly finished! I have also added the  Picture News, newspaper and don't forget First News.

WWF is an optional extra but I know some of you have really enjoyed these activities.,11EFM,32BBYS,3YKMH,1

On Tuesday, The Joy of Moving Festival Leaflet will be available to download. Again read through and if you join in send us photos.

This is additional work, called PSHE Friday – there is a PPT and 2 resource sheets attached. Read through the PPT complete the tasks and share the topic with a member of your family. You will need to download and complete the resource sheets.
You might need to ask an adult to guide you through.
Enjoy your learning!
Mrs W. :)

Some images from Week 4. Thank you- keep sending them!

Week 4 Maths and English


Morning, welcome to week 4! I hope you had a lovely Bank Holiday. ( Happy birthday if I have missed your's too)
Please read the weekly  timetable as each box contains information or instructions as to where to find what you need.

Maths:  STARTER=Arithmetic Daily Sheets- Look at the daily sheet and complete each daily task for fluency practise.
 MAIN=There is one PDF called video links- watch each appropriate daily clip before you begin the worksheets which are attached as PDFs and labelled Monday- Thursday. ( answers included) FRIDAY you need to go to Bitesize Daily
 (click on the link in the timetable  ) and complete the Weekly Challenge.
Reading: Make sure you have read The Railway Children so you can answer the questions. If you need a little longer to read, I trust you to reorganise your reading and answer the questions once you are ready. Don't forget First News ihub
and I have included Picture News for you to do some  extra reading.
English: There is a writing task set over 2 days this week. The instructions are in the materials. Read these first please, and do not rush to complete the writing in one day.
 Your diary writing continues on  a Tuesday and it is spellings - quick worksheet  and then spellzone games link this week, for Wednesday. 
Friday there is a comprehension. The reading and questions are in one file and the answers in another. Read and answer the questions before you take a peek at the answers!
I will of course add extras - this week's is the WWF link - it looks really interesting and thought you would enjoy it. Watch the video clips or read the challenges  and discuss or write about your thoughts and ideas as required.
Stay safe and well!
Mrs W:)


A day from Ava's diary!

A small selection- you have been busy!

Week 3 W/C 4th May

Hi All, 
Please read the instructions on the weekly timetable.

 We are already on week 3, you are all managing so well. Please keep posting or emailing, using admin,  your work. I am really interested in what you are doing.
This week ends with the VE Day Bank Holiday. We are having a front driveway street party where I live, if you do anything I would love to know.
Maths is mostly online this week, each day Mon- Weds is a link for you to click on (blue link each day) and complete the work! 
Thursday the work sheets are attached. Maths Everywhere.

English- no Picture News activity you will be pleased to know, but I have attached the paper for you to read, if you wish!
Comprehension is attached for Monday and  final write up of your Highwayman Report- having these emailed in, for me to read, would be lovely!
Stay safe and well and enjoy the short week!
Mrs W! :)

Extra task for VE Day- Design a medal activity Using the PowerPoint, read the information about WWII and VE Day with so you understand what is being remembered and celebrated. Read the information about war medals and look at the examples of war medals on the PowerPoint slides from World War II. Think about the questions on the slides. Then design a war medal for a member of the army, navy or air force returning home after World War II. You could use the paper worksheet or make your own medal using fabric, cardboard or anything else you have at home. The final task is to write a letter to a serviceman or woman, thanking them for their bravery, using the writing paper included. Bunting and flags Use the bunting and flag templates to help decorate your home for VE Day! To make them, you will need: colouring pens or pencils; glue, sticky tape or staples; a stick or lolly stick; and string or wool.

Thank you for showing me what you have been up to!

Home Learning Week 2 Week commencing 27th April 2020 

Please read before you start working.

Use the timetable  to guide you.

If you do not have a protractor to complete some maths questions then do not worry. I have uploaded a problem solving activity in Mathletics as well this week.
You need to look carefully at the success criteria for your Highwayman Writing task- it is in the instructions sheet which I have uploaded again. The box at the bottom. Have you included all of the features, is it the best vocabulary you could use, does it really engage the reader...etc? Please be your own critique, think how long it takes us in school to purple polish before you hand in your final piece.
You will see Weds has a file that says read first- to recap your skills, before you have a go at the work

If you do complete all of you English and Maths quickly this week- Please go to week 2 of BBC and complete the lessons that are on there. You can have a go at the maths too, if you wish!

And finally, Picture News. I have numbered the documents so work through them in that order. One of them is purely the newspaper for you to read and another the British Value that this week's story connects to. I hope its easier this way!
Work hard and stay in touch! I do look at everything you send me even if I don't respond straight away!

Lots of hard work going on!

Potato Printing!

Masterchef! AKA Martha!

Welcome  - Week commencing 20th April 2020.

Home Learning for Summer Term.


Dear Eagle Class, pupils and parents/carers. 

I hope you are all well and  have had an enjoyable Easter. Have you finished all of your chocolate?

You will find below attachments and instructions for learning from home activities. The tasks have been divided into separate sections. Maths, English and P.E. will be updated weekly, by 9am on a Monday.

The summer learning grid has been uploaded with instructions for you to work through over the next few weeks. Pupil choice so there is a mixture of activities

I have also uploaded resources in Google Classroom, these are scheduled to send by 8am tomorrow.  

Children, create a timetable that suits you, your family and any other learning that is going on in your house. Work on your maths and English everyday and make sure you exercise.

Add, email, or share your work if you can. I will be looking out for it.


Parents if you have any problems I am on the end of the email as always. Or will post a general comment in to our classroom, if it is something that can be answered in this way. I do not expect you to print everything where possible I hope the children can work online and record in their exercise books.

Important Message

In this technological age many of the activities are internet linked, please remind your children of  safe use when on the internet . 


Thank you all for your hard work and continued support in these most unusual times.I really hope we see each other soon but in the meantime stay safe and well.

Mrs W. smiley



Maths and English will be posted weekly- some of the activities in English will be for more than one week. The Maths should be worked through daily, week by week. Use the hyperlinks to access the maths and additional worksheets. The files/ folders below also contain information and/or instructions to support you with your work. Read the Picture News main folder before completing the written tasks in the home learning pack. (The other Picture News home learning challenges are optional.) Read attachments first to help you. Keep Working hard!

You have been busy this week

The grid is for you to work through during the next few weeks. Hopefully it includes instructions and links with additional information to help you work through. There is no particular order in which to complete each task however set aside time to work and organise yourself. This will really help you in preparation for future learning. Find ways to save on printing if you don't need to print information, don't. Use your exercise books to record handwritten entries, share word processed work and or photos in the classroom.

(Please note PowerPoint for R.E. Story is in Google Classroom as it the file was too large)

From us to you!

More photos

Some photos attached

As the Easter Break begins- Keep safe, be kind, have fun and laugh a lot! Make a Rainbow.

Some work came in during the holiday


Work linked to Picture News

More packaging and report writing!

Action for Happiness- April

Updated Home Learning and Artwork

Easter Egg packaging ideas, already coming in!

Thank you Martha and Sienna - Easter Egg Timelines!

 W/C 23rd March 

Dear Eagle Class, over the next few unusual weeks please keep checking the class page and Google Classroom. For the next two weeks complete the learning packs that were sent home. Even the test papers, as they will keep your brains ticking!

When reading The Railway Children make sure you get to the end of chapter 5 by the end of the Easter Holidays. Read further if you wish to.  


You are all stars and have worked incredibly hard so far this year. Keep it going!

 Most important of all is to stay safe and well! 


Week 9- Trees,Class Book T-Shirt Designers and Food Tasting!

Week commencing 16th March(10)

Maths: Ratio and Proportion.

English:  The Highwayman: Completing our narratives, paying attention to language and punctuation choices. SPAG and Reading Tests

Guided reading: Looking at developing our fluency and comprehension skills. The Railway Children. E. Nesbit

SPAG: With Mrs White. Spelling practise. 

Wider Curriculum : Art (Realism) and History. (Battle of Britain)

Science: Looking through further  skills. Electricity and circuits.


PSHE: Healthy Me. Mrs Doonan.


We will be helping the PTFA on Friday afternoon.

Please check you have all your passwords for Mathletics, TT Rock Stars and Google. Please let me know if you do not.

Well done Nathan- someone who is always active!


Week commencing 9th March(9)

Maths: Applying fluency,estimation, problem-solving and reasoning!

English:  The Highwayman: Beginning our narratives, paying attention to language and punctuation choices. FORMAL LETTERS, SEE BELOW

Guided reading: Looking at developing our fluency and comprehension skills. The Railway Children. E. Nesbit

SPAG: With Mrs White. Spelling practise. 

Wider Curriculum : DT and Geography. ( continuing our biographies)

Science: British Science Week Create- a -Tree.Testing our knowledge of properties of Materials and revision of skills.


PSHE: Healthy Me. Mrs Doonan.







Reading Rivers, Book Characters and Designing T-Shirts. World Book Day!

Mrs Pace came to read us Little Red on World Book Day

The Reading Corner

Maths Morning!

Week commencing 2nd March(8)

Maths: Area, perimeter and  volume. Fluency.

English:  The Highwayman: Performance, diary entry, poetic devices, language choices.

Guided reading: Looking at developing our fluency and comprehension skills. The Railway Children.

SPAG: With Mrs White. Spelling practise. 

Wider Curriculum :  Art, Realism and Geography.

Music: From WW2.

Science: Separating Solids- The conclusion, and revision of skills.


PSHE: Healthy Me. Mrs Doonan.




Maths Morning: Weds 9.00-9.30am




CAKE SALE: FRIDAY at  3.15pm


Congratulations to Leo Fr!


Garden of Dreams 2020

SCIENCE AND R.E. Separating Solids and Stained Glass Windows

Week commencing 24th February(7)

Maths: Area and perimeter and  revision of skills.

English:  The Templeton Twins- prediction and looking at character description. Poetry, Villainous Verses.

Guided reading: Looking at developing our fluency and comprehension skills. 

SPAG: With Mrs White. Spelling practise. 

Wider Curriculum : Realism and WW2

Computing: Sound Works. Digital sound

Science: Completing an investigation. Separating Solids


PSHE: Healthy Me. Mrs Doonan.


Monday: Dog Safety Talk

Thursday: Mother Tongue Day

Friday: Garden of Dreams, 2.45pm in the hall





Masroor, overall winner and Leanna



Week commencing 10th February(6)

Maths: Algebra

English:  'Reading, SPAG and Poetry- The Highwayman

Guided reading: Looking at developing our fluency and comprehension skills. Holes by Louis Sachar.

SPAG: With Mrs White. Spelling practise. Commas for meaning

Wider Curriculum : Grasslands and WW2


Science: Planning an investigation. Separating Solids


PSHE: Hopes and Dreams. Mrs Doonan




Art- Oil Pastels

Week commencing 3rd February(5)

Maths: Algebra

English:  'Reading, SPAG and Poetry- Charge of the Light Brigade 

Guided reading: Looking at developing our fluency and comprehension skills. Holes by Louis Sachar.

SPAG: With Mrs White. Spelling practise. Parenthesis

Wider Curriculum : Place2 Be Activities

POSITIVE MENTAL HEALTH: Mindfulness with Natasha. Last Session

Science: Shadows ( weather permitting + test of knowledge so far )


PSHE: Hopes and Dreams. Mrs Doonan

Computing: E- Safety



SATs information presentation. 3.30pm Thursday

Number Day and Film Night Friday

Arianna- for your positive attitude!


Week commencing 27th January(4)

Maths:  Percentages 


English:  'Reading, SPAG and Poetry- Momentos by Charlotte Bronte 

Guided reading: Looking at developing our fluency and comprehension skills. Holes by Louis Sachar.

SPAG: With Mrs White. Spelling practise.

Wider Curriculum : Art, realism. Planets. Geography, grasslands

POSITIVE MENTAL HEALTH: Mindfulness with Natasha. 

Science: Space Presenters- Looking at the planets, night and day and the lunar month


PSHE: Hopes and Dreams. Mrs Doonan

Computing: E- Safety

Joe- Well Done!


Don't forget:

Purple Science books in please

Reading Records and Home Learning due in for checking

Thursday-Walk to Oxhey Wood ( Erasmus Trip Pupils)

Friday-Boys Football Tournament ( Football team )


Have a good week!

Week commencing 20th January(3)

​​​​​​​Maths:  Arithmetic, Reasoning and Problem Solving Skills. 


English:  'Flotsam'. Report writing task.

Guided reading: Looking at developing our fluency and comprehension skills. Holes by Louis Sachar.

SPAG: With Mrs White. Spelling practise.

Wider Curriculum : Art, realism. Victorian Seaside, postcards to complete. Geography, letters to Jo to explain our learning.

POSITIVE MENTAL HEALTH: Mindfulness with Natasha. 

Science: Space Presenters- Looking at the planets, night and day and the lunar month


PSHE: Hopes and Dreams. Mrs Doonan

Computing: E- Safety

Leanna, for not giving up in your trial  and error maths question!


Rocks and Soils, thank you Jo from Affinity Water

Amazing Assembly- Led by amazing young people

Week commencing 13th January(2)

Maths:  Morning, Reasoning and Problem Solving Skills. Decimals to 3dp continued.

English:  'Flotsam'. Descriptive writing task.

Guided reading: Looking at developing our fluency and comprehension skills. Holes by Louis Sachar.

SPAG: verb tenses, with Mrs White. Spelling practise.

Wider Curriculum : Art, realism. Art for display linked to English. Victorian Seaside, postcards to complete. 

POSITIVE MENTAL HEALTH: Mindfulness with Rachel 

Drama: Assembly Practice! Please join us on FRIDAY- 9am


PSHE: Hopes and Dreams.

 The Rule of Law- The magistrate  is visiting on Monday to deliver an assembly and then meet and talk to you at greater length.


Millie, you should be incredibly proud of your positive attitude and resilience this week!

Welcome back to Spring term,we hope you have all enjoyed a great festive break. We would like to wish you all a hard-working and Happy 2020!


Week commencing 6th January(1)

Maths:  Morning, Reasoning and Problem Solving Skills. Decimals to 3dp

English:  'Flotsam'. Drama and vocabulary development week

Guided reading: Looking at developing our fluency and comprehension skills. Holes by Louis Sachar.

SPAG: Assessing skills learnt to date, with Mrs White. Spelling practise.

Wider Curriculum : Art, realism. Art for display linked to English. Victorian Seaside 

Science: Earth and Space- working  towards being ' Space Presenters'

Music: Music and composers of choice- Song for assembly!


PSHE: Hopes and Dreams. We will also be thinking about The Rule of Law- we have a local magistrate visiting next week.


We will also be planning and writing our assembly- this is on 17th January!

Thank you for your generous gifts and kind wishes, from the Eagles team

Week commencing 16th December (15)

Maths:  Morning Fluency-Skills. Santa Maths.


English:  Floodland, including drama and freeze framing.

Guided reading: Looking at developing our fluency and comprehension skills. Pig Heart Boy.

Wider Curriculum : Biomes. Completing  our passports. Christmas biscuit baking. Christmas cards

Wednesday: Christmas Breakfast, Christmas Dinner all wrapped up in your Christmas Jumper! (please wear your jumper in place of your usual cardigan or sweatshirt along with the rest of your normal school uniform) We will be watching Pig Heart Boy today


Thursday: Jack and the Beanstalk,in the afternoon for KS2.


Friday: Awards assembly- last day of term. School ends at 1.30pm today.


We cannot believe how fast the time has passed, the children have worked extremely hard this term and are all ready for a well-earned-break.

Tuesday night at St Matthew's made a fitting end to the busy term, we hope you enjoyed it!

May we take this opportunity to say a huge thank you for your support with your children's reading, home learning, attendance and extra-curricular activities, it is very much appreciated.

Seasons Greetings to you all!



Haani, well done.

Our tree decorations

Week commencing 9th December (14)

Maths:  Morning Fluency-Skills. Reasoning and Problem Solving Skills.

English:  Floodland, including text mapping and visualisation techniques.

Guided reading: Looking at developing our fluency and comprehension skills. Pig Heart Boy.

SPAG: Skills continued. Plus spellings Recapping words to date.

Wider Curriculum : Biomes. Continuing with our passports.

Science: Writing our Stomp Rocket News Stories.

Music: Christmas Singing- It's on the 10th, 6.15pm for a 6.30pm start. School Uniform and a bit of sparkle to be worn please.


PSHE: Recognising risk part 2. Safe Place Activity.


Well Done Mas!

Week commencing 2nd December (13)

Maths:  Morning Fluency-Skills. Arithmetic

English:  Floodland, including text mapping and diary entries

Guided reading: Looking at developing our comprehension skills. Pig Heart Boy

SPAG: Skills continued. Plus spellings Recapping words to date.

Wider Curriculum : Biomes. Continuing with our passports

Science: Separating Mixtures

Music: Christmas Singing- We will be in touch if your support is needed on 9th. Thank you to all who have offered.


PSHE: Recognising risk

Well Done Honey!

Science with Mr Cooper- Stomp Rockets!


Week commencing 25th November (12)

Maths:  Morning Fluency-Skills. Arithmetic

English:  Floodland and research skills.

Guided reading: Looking at developing our comprehension skills. Pig Heart Boy

SPAG: Skills continued. Plus spellings

Wider Curriculum : Biomes. William Morris- painting our design. More textiles making our stockings for next week's tree assembly.

Science: Planning, presenting and following a line of enquiry. PLASTIC BOTTLES REQUIRED

Music: Christmas Singing- Please send back your 'permission to walk to the church' slips, asap.



Well done to Olivia!

Week commencing 18th November  (11)

Maths:  Morning Fluency-Skills. Algebra

English:  Floodland by Marcus Sedgwick

Guided reading: Looking at developing our comprehension skills

SPAG: Progressive tenses and Inverted Commas 

Wider Curriculum :   Biomes passport and singing

Computing: Robotics and systems- Research linked to Science - Rockets

Science: Investigation Skills - A visitor will help us begin the investigation

If you have any empty 2 litre plastic bottles these will come in useful for Tuesday 


PSHE: Positive Minds- only 2 session left!



Well done Aaron!




 Thank you again to the parents that came to the  hockey with us. I am very proud to say our A-team have made it through The District Finals!!

Textiles: Blanket stitching to create felt poppies.

Week commencing 11th November (10)

Maths:  Morning Fluency-Skills. 3D Shape, drawing nets, circles and Pi

English:  Dulce et Decorum est by Wilfred Owen

Guided reading: Looking at developing our comprehension skills. Pig Heart Boy

SPAG: Skills continued. 

Wider Curriculum : History WW1 activities. 

 Additional PSHE: Anti bullying and Children in Need



Well done to Lily!


Points to note

'Change Start with Us'


We will hold an assembly with a  silence at 11am tomorrow for Remembrance.




Kindness workshop is on Wednesday and 

Please donate £1 and wear pyjamas on Friday!

Have a great week!

Week commencing 4th November (9)


I hope you have enjoyed your holiday!


Maths:  Morning Fluency-Skills.  % of amount and reverse %. Problem solving and reasoning.

English:  Cinquains

Guided reading: Looking at developing our comprehension skills. Pig Heart Boy - New Book


SPAG: Active/passive voice

Wider Curriculum : Textiles- Poppies and Temperate Forest Biome. Food Chains

Computing: Robotics and systems- sensors

Science:  Skills -Test


PSHE: Week 7 of Positive Mind


AVA, well done!


See you Monday!

Week commencing 21st October (8)

Maths:  Morning Fluency-Skills. Fractions, decimals and %

English:  Grammar skills this week

Guided reading: Looking at developing our comprehension skills

SPAG: Skills test. 

Wider Curriculum : Drawing- William Morris and Temperate Forest Biome. 

Computing: Robotics and systems- variables

Science: Investigation Skills - writing the investigation


PSHE: Week 6 of Positive Minds





Week commencing 14th October (7)

Maths:  Morning Fluency-Skills. Skills in subtraction and chunking in division

English:  The Lighthouse- News Story and description

Guided reading: Looking at developing our comprehension skills

SPAG: Skills test. Semi colons

Wider Curriculum : Victorians through different sources of information. Christmas Art for Cards

Computing: Robotics and systems- variables

Science: Investigation Skills 


PSHE: Week 5 of our Positive Mental Health Sessions



 Well done to Malek!




Great fun travelling across,under and through the apparatus in P.E. When hockey was postponed!








Problem Solving in Maths




Week commencing 7th October (6)

Maths:  Morning Fluency-Skills. Area of triangles and parallelograms 

English:  Black History Links. Writing to inform- Life Story

Guided reading: Looking at developing our comprehension skills

SPAG: Skills test. Colons

Wider Curriculum : Tiaga Boreal Forest, Art Deco, Victorian Composers

Science: Classification Keys 


PSHE: Week 4 of our Positive Mental Health Sessions




please send in your donations towards our harvest 


collection for Red Trust, Bushey Foodbank.




Week commencing 30th September (5)

Maths:  Morning Fluency-Skills. Problem Solving -4 operations

English:  Report writing- precise and relevant vocabulary choices.  cohesion,editing and improving writing against success criteria. Planning our field guide page.

Guided reading: Looking at developing our comprehension skills

SPAG: Semi-colons and hyphens

Computing: Robotics and Systems: Debugging

Wider Curriculum :  Art Deco, Seasonal Menus

Science: Life Cycles 


PSHE:Watford Learning Week 3



Martha. A fabulous role-model!

Week commencing 23rd September (4)

Maths:  Morning Fluency-Skills. The order of operations BIDMAS and fractions

English:  Report writing- precise and relevant vocabulary choices. editing and improving writing against success criteria. Writing to inform- Autobiography

Guided reading: Looking at developing our comprehension skills

SPAG: Skills test. Noun Phrases and determiners 

Computing: Robotics and Systems

Wider Curriculum : Peoples of the Tundra, Art Deco, Victorian Composers

Science: 'Biomes in a Bottle' investigation- linked to our plants revision


PSHE:Week 2 of Positive Minds.


Thank you to the boys who have been in the dining hall running the salad bar. Ben, Leo Fr, Adrian and Aaron. You have helped our school community. Well done.


Busy learning algorithms!

 I  am proud  of  year 6 who have already shown their developing maturity, whilst  helping our youngest children, who are just beginning their learning journeys at Bromet. There have been some exceptional role models amongst the year 6 children this past week.

Week commencing 16th September (3)

Maths:  Morning Fluency-Skills tests and conversion of measure using knowledge of place value 

English: Reading Skills Tests. Report writing- precise and relevant vocabulary choices. editing and improving writing against success criteria

Guided reading: Looking at developing our comprehension skills

SPAG: Skills test. Noun Phrases 

Computing: Robotics and Systems

Wider Curriculum : Water Cycle, Art Deco

Science: 'Biomes in a Bottle' investigation


PSHE:Watford Learning are back to work with the children for 10 sessions all about Positive Mental Health!





Have a great week! 



Week commencing 9th September (2)

Maths:  Morning Fluency-Place value comparing,ordering and rounding numbers to 10 million

English: Report writing- precise and relevant vocabulary choices

Guided reading: Looking at developing our comprehension skills

SPAG: Spelling revision of year 3 and 4 word list. Grammar terms

Computing: Robotics and Systems

Wider Curriculum : Biomes, Victorian Composers, Art Deco


JIGSAW:  Being Me in My World


 A great few days spent building our class team and welcoming the new school year.

Well Done !


The children talked with confidence and maturity about Mental Health on Friday.


See you soon.

                                               2019-20 WELCOME BACK


I hope you have had a good summer break and  are refreshed and ready to start  next Wednesday.

The first few days we will be team building, setting rules, talking about our Mental Health and how we can build resilience for the year ahead.

One final reminder, please remember to bring in your project as this will support your presentation and Geography skills

Enjoy the last few days and I look forward to seeing you all soon. It's going to be a great year!

Spring Master Timetable

Spring 2 Timetable

Summer 1 Timetable

Summer 2 Timetable

Trip Information


 Week Commencing 15th July-Week 12


Your final week has arrived.

It only seems like yesterday you were at the start of  year 6! 

Just a few reminders for the week ahead:

  • Cycling this week. Remember your helmets and padlocks. Please dismount your bikes when arriving at, or leaving school
  • WFC will be in on Wednesday so if you are not cycling you will have P.E.
  • Thank you assembly on Thursday morning
  • Leavers assembly on Thursday afternoon at 2.30pm
  • Awards assembly Friday
  • Friday Lunchtime- BBQ for all. Please bring your own allergy aware choice if necessary
  • School Ends at 1.30pm on Friday!

Good Luck to each and everyone of you as you move on, you are incredible young people and it has been a privilege to have taught you! 


It's been busy!

Week commencing 1st July (10)

Maths: Getting ready for KS3

English: Research  The Amazon Rainforest. Deforestation 

Computing: Robotics and Systems


ART: Using art from another culture as a starting point for our ideas The Incas (Peru)-  We  will be using clay.

Drama: With Mrs White and Wednesday with Mrs Wambeek


On Wednesday afternoon the year 6 children will be taking part in their Moving On to Secondary School session led by Mrs Bastable 

Our DT will comprise of us getting prepared for Friday's Tuck Shop! 2.30pm onwards.  

and finally......


Year 6, your behaviour, manners, enthusiasm and teamwork were impeccable during our stay at Northern Heights!

What a fantastic bunch of young people you are! 


Week 8 17th June

It's Creative Week.

In English we will be reading and understanding a text before researching rainforest animals and their adaptations, to create an animal of our own.

Maths will be consolidation of skills and enterprise costings

Our creative activities will include drama, singing and art.

Purcell School will be performing on Monday.

The children in Year 6 will begin mosaic making from Tuesday onward.


Don't forget your baking, to be judged on Thursday by The School Council.


Join us for some fun, running to keep our mind and bodies healthy from 2.30pm- 3.00pm on Friday. Then treat yourself to some cakes for your effort!




Week commencing 10th June (7)

Maths: Finance and Enterprise

English: Research  The Amazon Rainforest. The Lighthouse, report writing on Thursday.

Computing: Robotics and Systems

TOPIC: Seven Wonders of the New World. Developing skills in all areas of the curriculum



ART: Using art from another culture as a starting point for our ideas The Incas (Peru)-  We  will be using clay.

Drama: With Mrs White



A- Life workshop on Monday - first session.

Meeting on Wednesday in Eagle Class 3.30pm - Northern Heights ( All medical and consent forms must be in)

Cake competition is next Thursday- 20th June


   Congratulations Ben! 




Week commencing 3rd June (6)

Maths: Further Algebra

English: Love that Book- Hermelin diary entries, writing to persuade linked to topic 

Computing: Robotics and Systems

TOPIC: Seven Wonders of the New World. Developing skills in all areas of the curriculum


JIGSAW: Changing Me

ART: Using art from another culture as a starting point for our ideas 

Drama: With Mrs White



A lovely end to a week of SATs. Well Done to all of year 6 your conduct and behaviour throughout the week was exemplary!

A safe and enjoyable trip to all who are traveling to Tenerife this week!

Week commencing 20th May (5)

Maths: Statistics and Investigations

English: Love that Book- Hermelin

Computing: Robotics and Systems

TOPIC: Seven Wonders of the New World. Developing skills in all areas of the curriculum


JIGSAW: Relationships

Green Tree Art Work: A Different View. Looking at nature from a different perspective



Sports Afternoon: Children to come in wearing house colours and Bromet bottoms on Friday  (weather permitting)

Week commencing 13th May (4) SATs WEEK

Monday 13th: SPAG and Spelling Papers

Tuesday 14th: Reading Paper

Wednesday 15th: Arithmetic 1 and Reasoning 2 Papers

Thursday 16th: Reasoning 3 Paper

Computing: Robotics and Systems

TOPIC: Seven Wonders of the New World. Developing skills in all areas of the curriculum


JIGSAW: Relationships

DRAMA: With Mrs White. ( Singing practice this week)

 Well Done Jack, always considerate of others in a group.

We had a visitor on Wednesday!

Well done Zoe!

Week commencing 6th May (3)

Maths: Pie Charts and revision 

English: Visual Literacy - New painting to discuss

SPAG: Verb tenses- Past and present perfect forms 

Computing: Robotics and Systems

TOPIC: Seven Wonders of the New World. Developing skills in all areas of the curriculum


JIGSAW: Relationships

DRAMA: With Mrs White. ( Singing practice this week)


Keep working hard year 6!



Week commencing 29th April (2)

Maths: Volume and workshops 

English: Visual Literacy 

SPAG: Subjunctive, relative and conditional

Computing: Robotics and Systems

TOPIC: Seven Wonders of the New World. Developing skills in all areas of the curriculum


JIGSAW: Relationships

DRAMA: With Mrs White.



Recycling assembly on Monday

Heritage Box Display is Friday at 2.45pm. We are looking forward to sharing some of  these,  they have been really interesting.

Please remember to reply to the SATs breakfast and cycling letters.


Have a great week! 


I hope you are resting ready for a busy final term!


Week commencing 22nd April (1)

Maths: Working through papers this week!

English: Comprehension Skills-  SATs revision 

SPAG: Spelling rules and  SATs revision

Computing: Robotics and Systems

TOPIC: Seven Wonders of the New World. Developing skills in all areas of the curriculum


JIGSAW: Relationships

DRAMA: With Mrs White.



Week commencing 1st April (12)

Maths: Arithmetic Monday and Workshop Tuesday!

English: Comprehension Skills- ( Finish letter writing and PP discussions)

SPAG: Spelling rules and  SATs revision

Computing: KS2 Revision 

DT: Mayan Shadow Theatres 

PE: Relax Kids - Thursday this week

JIGSAW: Healthy Me 

DRAMA: With Mrs White.



We have come to the last week of term 2- how did that happen?

  • Please bring in your Easter Art, if entering, and Heritage Boxes 
  • Easter Raffle until Wednesday
  • Relax Kids will be Thursday afternoon ( PE Kits Home)
  • Breakfast and games ( usual request please- no electronics) on Thursday
  • Term Ends 1.30pm on Friday 




Lucy G, what a great friend!

Week commencing 25th March (11)

Maths: Arithmetic Monday ( fractions) and finding the Mean, Median,Mode and Range

English: Comprehension Skills- Debates and discussions

SPAG: Spelling rules and  SATs revision

Science: Electricity 

Computing: KS2 Revision 

Topic: Mayan Culture 

PE: Relax Kids 

JIGSAW: Healthy Me 

DRAMA: With Mrs White.



On Wednesday afternoon we will be celebrating different cultures, with a performance of a  play in the hall presented by parents and children from our Muslim families.


Please send in any Sponsored Read forms and money.


Maths Morning is on Wednesday. (8.45-9.30am)


Spanish Breakfast is 8.00-8.30am on Thursday.


Heritage Boxes and Easter Art due in next week.


Easter Raffle - 4th April




Congratulations to John, who knew all about First Aid!

Week commencing 18th March (10)

Maths: Arithmetic Monday and scale factors

English: Comprehension Skills

SPAG: Spelling rules and  SATs revision

Science: Electricity

Computing: KS2 Revision 

Topic: Mayan Culture 

PE: Relax Kids 

JIGSAW: Healthy Me 

DRAMA: Planning our backdrops for Mrs White.


Thank you for your donations for Comic Relief. Don't forget the Easter Raffle ( £1 per Strip)



Eagle Class demonstrated their developing maturity when attending the 'Show Racism the Red Card' Event at WFC on Thursday. Well done Lucy for winning a signed football for asking a thought provoking question.


Tom, someone who is always active and enjoys any sport!

Week commencing 11th March (9)

Maths: Fraction, decimal and percentage revision - 

English: Biographies linked to Science 

SPAG: Spelling rules and  SATs revision

Science: Edison and light 

Computing: KS2 Revision 

Topic: Mayan Culture 

PE: Relax Kids 

JIGSAW: Healthy Me 

DRAMA: With Mrs White.


                    CONGRATULATIONS TO SKYE!



Parents' Evenings are this week. I look forward to seeing you then.

We will be walking to WFC on Thursday, expected return approx 3.30pm



£1 to wear something red on Friday, donations to Comic Relief.




        Tickets now on Sale for Easter Raffle. £1 per strip- Thank you.



Week 8

Maths: Arithmetic Monday- 

English: Book Week text,  Information writing and completing narratives 

SPAG: Spelling rules and  SATs revision

Science: Inventors

Computing: KS2 Revision 

Topic: Mayan Culture 

PE: Relax Kids 

JIGSAW: Healthy Me 

DRAMA: With Mrs White





Congratulations to Holli, someone who makes positive,healthy choices.

Our Hopes and Dreams Display

I hope you have all had a good half term and enjoyed the beautiful sunshine we have had the past few days! 


Week 7

Maths: Arithmetic Monday- Division and Revision!

English: Book Week text, SPAG and Reading Practice

SPAG: Spelling rules and  SATs revision

Science: Light to complete 

Computing: KS2 Revision 

Foundation Subjects: Mayan Culture 

PE: Relax Kids 

JIGSAW: Healthy Me 

DRAMA: With Mrs White



PE KITS and WATER BOTTLES in school please.

Group 2 for World of Work - we still need one more volunteer!

Have a good week !





See you all next week!

World of Work at John Lewis today!

What a great team! 


Week 6

Maths: Arithmetic Monday- Division 

English: 500 word stories, SPAG and Reading Practice

SPAG: Spelling rules and  SATs revision

Science: Light

Computing: E- safety 

Foundation Subjects: Changing World

PE: Fitter Futures

JIGSAW: Hopes and Dreams

DRAMA: With Mrs White




Good luck to the girls in the football tournament on Tuesday.

Congratulations to Bethany and Ava, through to the talent show finals on Friday afternoon

First group to John Lewis 'World of Work' this Wednesday 

Cake Sale for Erasmus 


Half term 18th - 22nd February! WOW! That's halfway already year 6!

Thank you all for your continued support.

Have a great week!

Well Done to Bethany- someone always willing to help others.

A great end to our Positive Mental Health Afternoon!

A person with such a positive attitude. Amelia, well done!

I hope your 'Snow Day' was safe and filled with  fun!



Week 5

Maths: Arithmetic Monday- Angles

English: Discussion Text, SPAG and Reading Practice

SPAG: Spelling rules and  SATs revision

Science: Light

Computing: E- safety- E-safety day is 5th February

Foundation Subjects: Changing World

PE: Sports Hall Athletics 

JIGSAW: Hopes and Dreams

DRAMA: With Mrs White

Please Note

We will be walking to Watford Girls Grammar for Sportshall Athletics on Tuesday


Tuesday is also E- Safety Day


Talent Show: Class heats this Friday afternoon


Have a great week!


SATs Information for those that were unable to attend

Yoga with Mrs Roberts!

Hot Choc awarded to Zoe this week!

Star of the Week - Well done Liv!

Week 4

Maths: Arithmetic Monday- Perimeter and area problem solving

English: Discussion Text, SPAG and Reading Practice

SPAG: Spelling rules and  SATs revision

Science: Light

Computing: E- safety

Foundation Subjects: Changing World

PE: Balance

JIGSAW: Hopes and Dreams

DRAMA: With Mrs White


Making periscopes- Science

Week 3

Maths: Formula and Equations

English: Discussion Text, SPAG and Reading Practice

SPAG: Spelling rules and  SATs revision

Science: Light

Computing: E- safety

Foundation Subjects: Changing World

PE: Yoga- Thank you Mrs R!

JIGSAW: Hopes and Dreams

DRAMA: With Mrs White


PE KITS must be in school. If you take part in lunchtime activities, please have a spare set of suitable outdoor clothes and a plastic bag in which to keep them.




Well done Rosie!





PLAY 10 games to set your baseline.



What a great day!

Week 2

Maths: SATs Revision

English: Class Assembly, discursive text 

SPAG: Spelling rules and  SATs revision

Science: Light

Computing: E- safety

Foundation Subjects: Changing World

PE: Balance

JIGSAW: Hopes and Dreams

DRAMA: With Mrs White



Well done Deane!

Bromet Lottery


Happy New Year and Welcome back to you all. Please join me in welcoming Mrs Chandoo to Eagle Class. 

Week 1

Maths: Algebra

English: Class Assembly, writing and rehearsing 

SPAG: Spelling rules and  SATs revision

Science: Light

Computing: E- safety

Foundation Subjects: Changing World

PE: Balance

JIGSAW: Hopes and Dreams

DRAMA: With Mrs White


Please remember your PE kits  and water bottles. Make sure you have a pen and pencil in school. Be prepared for your  learning everyday!




A huge thank you  from Mrs D and myself. Thank you all for your generosity.

Have  a great break and a happy new year!

Last week of Autumn Term

What a fantastic first term we have had!

Next week will be busy!

Monday- writing up The Highwayman stories and thinking ahead towards goals for next term!

Tuesday- we will be finishing our Christmas art activities.


Thursday- CLASS BREAKFAST - a treat from Mrs D and myself! CHILDREN MAY ALSO BRING IN GAMES.  PANTOMIME in the afternoon!We say good bye to Mrs Michaels and Mrs Forty.




Please bring in Cup-a Soup or Porridge as we are collecting for Christmas in aid of 

The New Hope Trust


Congratulations GRACIE.











English:  The Highwayman turning poetry into fiction

Maths: Number and Division 

Science: Evolution and Inheritance

Jigsaw: Celebrating Difference. P4C

RE: Christianity and Christmas 

MFL: Spanish

PE: Fitness and Team Games

History:  WW1. 

Music: Christmas Singing

Young Minds on Friday- final session.


We have a visit from Richard Harrington on Friday morning. We will spend some time this week preparing questions we would like to ask him.






Please arrive at the church at 6.10pm on Wednesday, performance begins at 6.30pm 


English: The Highwayman

Maths: Dividing decimals

Jigsaw: Celebrating Difference. P4C

RE: Christianity and Christmas 

MFL: Spanish

History:  WW1. 

Art: Christmas Cards

Music: Christmas Singing

Young Minds on Friday

 Zainab, well done!



Have a good week!


THANK YOU! So proud of year 2,Falcon and Eagle Class, their team effort raised over £330! Thank you for your support.


English:  Draft, edit and improve to write our Flashback Narrative- The Piano. Spelling dictation

Maths: Percentages and  multiplying with decimals

Science: Evolution and Inheritance

Jigsaw: Celebrating Difference. P4C

RE: Christianity and Christmas 

MFL: Spanish

PE: Fitness and Team Games

History:  WW1. 

Art: Christmas Decorations

Music: Christmas Singing

Young Minds on Friday

 Theo, someone who is always fair and a good friend to all!



TT ROCK STARS! Play 10 times in order  to set your baseline! 



English: Finishing 'War Game' by Michael Foreman.  New unit Flashback Story- The Piano. Spelling dictation

Maths: Shape

Science: Evolution and Inheritance

Jigsaw: Celebrating Difference. P4C

RE: Hinduism

MFL: Spanish

PE: Fitness and Team Games

History: Local area and WW1. 


Tea 2.45- 4.00 pm this Friday. Any cake-storage tins would be greatly appreciated for the start of the week

Positive Minds on Friday

Please bring in a carrier bag to collect your exercise books from last year. By 30th November please.




Week 9


I hope you have all had a safe and happy half-term!

We return to school with a very busy schedule. We are off to the Town Hall on Thursday morning and The Mayor is back to hold an assembly and view our Garden of Remembrance on Friday. The following week we have a visit from a local heritage expert: to talk to us about Watford's History linked to WW1. We are planning a walk to a local memorial, more information will follow later this week.

Other learning will include 

English: Poetry, in honour of the fallen soldiers. Spelling dictation

Maths: Fractions, decimals and percentages, converting fractions to decimals

Geography: Local Area, writing to persuade

Science: Evolution and Inheritance

Jigsaw: Celebrating Difference

Art: Completing poppy art 

RE: Hinduism

MFL: Spanish

PE: Fitness

Computing: Morphing Image

History: Local area and WW1


Please wear your coat to school,  it is getting colder.

P.E. Kits back in school please.

Poppies remain on sale this week.



English: Work linked to Nick Butterworth's book The Whisperer- turning prose into play script.

Spelling dictation and looking at ei and ie strategies

Maths: Area of triangles and parallelograms

History: Local Area and industry

Science: Evolution and Inheritance 

RE: Hinduism

MFL: Spanish

PE: Hockey

Computing: Morphing Image

    Well done Ria! Someone who always makes a positive choice.



Positive Minds Parent Information Evening on Monday at 6pm

( children welcome )


Wednesday and Thursday: Parents' Evenings- I look forward to seeing you there.


Thursday: Non- uniform, £1 voluntary contribution for 


Friday: PHOTOS in the morning  and 'KINDNESS AFTERNOON'


We have reached  the end of our first half- term. The children have worked incredibly hard and have become  valuable members of the whole-school community; supporting younger members of Bromet in their learning and participation in different areas of the curriculum. 


A well- earned and relaxing break is thoroughly deserved!





English: Reports continued. Editing and writing our own 'Sprite' page. Second biography linked to Black History

Maths: Problem solving, subtraction and finding the difference using different methods

Geography: Local Area and In the News ( Your Watford Projects are needed)

Science: Evolution and Inheritance

Jigsaw: Being me in my World

Art: Completing poppy art 

RE: Hinduism

MFL: Spanish

PE: Hockey

Computing: Morphing Image



                                                               WELL DONE OLLIE!






Fantastic examples of teamwork and effort at the hockey today- Proud of you all!

Some fabulous poetry linked to Black History!

English: Reports continued. Planning our own 'Sprite' page

Maths: Problem solving, finding starting points and written explanations

DON'T forget: Maths games morning until 9.30am on Wednesday. We would love to challenge you to a game of Countdown!

Geography: Local Area and In the News

Science: Evolution and Inheritance

Jigsaw: Being me in my World

History: Black History Month, worked linked to this

RE: Hinduism

MFL: Spanish

PE: Hockey

Computing: Morphing Image


 Wednesday 6.30 pm Erasmus information meeting.











Week 5


English: Reports continued. We will be continuing to look at use of  precise vocabulary  and putting our ideas into sentences that passive and active verb choices clauses. On Friday we will be completing  work on our biographies. Linked to Black History Month

Maths: Multiplying and dividing  proper fractions and mixed numbers

Geography: Local Area and In the News

Science: Evolution and Inheritance

Jigsaw: Being me in my World

History: Black History Month, worked linked to this

RE: Hinduism

MFL: Spanish

PE: Hockey

Computing: Morphing Image


Well done to Hannah- such a positive role model!



TUCK SHOP UPDATE: It's going well, the children are taking orders, collating information and providing me with a list of items needed. On the Friday, they are preparing the food, organising the sale and working out our turnover and profit.

I have seen some great teamwork and effort from all involved so far. Well done!

Thank you to all who have supported us.

Week 4

English: Reports continued. We will be continuing to look at use of vocabulary for effect and putting our ideas into sentences that contain adverbials and use subordinate clauses. On Friday we will be completing further work on our autobiographies.

Maths: Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 including decimals

Geography: Local Area and In the News

Science: Evolution and Inheritance

Jigsaw: Being me in my World

Art: L.S. Lowry

RE: Hinduism

MFL: Spanish

PE: Hockey

Computing: Morphing Image



 Emmanuel and Thanisshka are this week's stars. They are already helping to make the school community a better place in their roles as School Council Representatives for this year.


Don't  forget to bring in your news story to share and donations for The Red Trust for our Harvest on Friday. Thank you!

Have a good week. 



Attached is the year 3-4 spelling list. Your children will be learning these spellings and spelling rules in class. Our aim is for the children to know the spelling, including prefix and suffix addition. Therefore your support in practising these words at home with your children is greatly appreciated.

Week 4 Timetable

Thank you if you were able to come to our Meet the Teacher presentation.

The website linked to end of year assessments is


Please let me know if you are able to accompany us on our trip to The Houses of Parliament on 5th November. 



Week 3

This week we will be practising past  papers in English and Maths

MFL: Spanish Greetings and planning letters to Pen-pals

RE: Hinduism

Computing:Morphing Image and History of Leavesden

PE:Hockey, team games

Geography: Looking at change in our local area

History: The Industrial Revolution and it's impact on towns like ours

Science: Evolution and Inheritance

Jigsaw: Being Me in My world

Other news:

Tuck Shop will be rolled out to 2 classes this week. We made a good start with a profit of £9.

Thank you to those of you that came to Meet the Teacher, please let me know if you require any further information via

Have a great week!





I would like to mention how proud I am of all of year 6 who have already shown their developing maturity, whilst  helping our youngest children, who are just beginning their learning journeys at Bromet. There have been some exceptional role models amongst the year 6 children. Staff have paid great compliments regarding their support. Well done to them all!


Congratulations to Joe- Who has one of the most positive attitudes to learning I know!





Zoe your help at lunchtime has been fantastic. 

Hot Chocolate well and truly deserved!

A great start!

Autumn timetable - first half

Week 2

We had a great start to year 6 and used the time to build our class team , share our expectations and discuss our roles and responsibilities for the year. On Friday we talked in depth about sharing our feelings, positive mental health and being resilient. I can already see how the children are maturing as they took part in our shared discussions. 

Our Learning

Home learning will begin again this week.

English: Report writing unit begins. Looking at features of this text type leading to extended writing as the unit progresses

SPAG: Adverbial and prepositional phrases

Maths: Place value, arithmetic and negative number revision 

Topic: Why does change happen? The question that will introduce the skill of map reading, how the human and physical nature of our local area has changed and some aspects of  social and industrial  history and their link to Watford. 

Science: Evolution and Inheritance

Computing: Morphing image

P.E. Hockey.Team games 

R.E. Hinduism

MFL: Spanish


Our School Council  Representatives for this year will be Thanisshka and Emmanuel. Everyone that applied for the role and shared their application with the rest of the class should feel incredibly proud of themselves. Well done!




I hope you are able to come to our 'Meet the Teacher', Monday 10th, it will begin at 3.30pm in Eagle Class!

I look forward to seeing you there.

Have a good week. 

I hope you have all had a wonderful summer and are looking forward to your final year at Bromet. During the first three days back we will be spending time developing our sense of community and teamwork. We will work in collaboration to create our rules and discuss our responsibilities as Bromet and Global Citizens.

Wednesday: Ourselves, we will complete profiles about ourselves, our aims and what helps us to learn. As part of our protective behaviours we will consider our network of friends and adults that support us and share what makes us feel safe. 

Thursday: Class rules, expectations, roles in the class and  school community, the importance of teamwork and the meaning of being a Global Citizen. Philosophy for children (P4C) will focus on kindness.

Friday: Positive Mental Health. What does this mean and the importance of talking and sharing our feelings. Art  will be linked to this.


No home Learning this week due to Consortium Tests.

Don't forget your PE Kits and water bottles

Watford Projects due, they will be needed later this half term for your geography topic.

Rolling morning-I will be in the classroom from 8.35am. ( Break duty is Thursday)



See you On Wednesday! 

As we enter our final week.

Well done to Daisy, Henry and Millie for their end of year awards.  These will be presented at the assembly on Friday.

Well done to all of year 6 for their great SATs results.


This week the children will be taking part in their cycling training (for those who have enrolled).  We will be preparing for our end of year assembly on Friday at 9am.  


Also on Friday we will be having a BBQ lunch so no need for packed lunches or dinners.


This term finishes at 1.30pm on Friday.


I would like to take this opportunity to say that it has been a pleasure to teach everyone of you this year.  Seeing you grow in confidence and maturity.  I wish you all every success as you move onto your new venture in secondary school.  Follow your dreams and believe in yourselves.

A huge well done to all year 6 for their enthusiasm, sales techniques and team work for their Enterprise Day on Friday.  They should all be proud of themselves as they made a great profit of £375.


This week is another busy week as they perform their end of year productions to both Key Stages, visiting schools and head teachers, and parents.  The performances to parents are Tuesday 2pm and a change of time to 5pm on the Wednesday evening to avoid clashing with the England, World Cup game.  Please make sure that you have completed the slip to request tickets.


On Thursday the majority of the children will be visiting their secondary schools.  Please make sure that you have checked any correspondence from the school, ensuring you have the correct equipment for the day and that you wear your full Bromet uniform.


This then takes us to our final week.  Those who will be taking part in Cycling Proficiency please check that your bike is in full working order and that you have a helmet.


There will be a Leavers assembly at 9am on the Friday were all parents are invited to attend.

The school year will end at 1.30pm.

What a great week we had away at PGL, many conquering fears and phobias along the way. Well done to you all for demonstrating team work and for supporting others when they weren't too sure.

This week we will be busy making the final preparations for our Puppet shows next week and also our Enterprise event on Friday this week, 6th July.



Please make sure that you apply sun cream before school, that you have a hat and a water bottle in school at all times.

World Cup and Well Being

Hope you are all enjoying this warm weather.


Don't forget to pack sun cream, a hat and a reusable water bottle for PGL.  Also remember you will need a pack lunch for the day of travel.



Week 9

We all had a great Science week, making rainbows, slime, branching keys with liquorice allsorts, building rockets with Woodpecker class, went on a bug hunt and measured the height of trees.


Well done to Claudia for being pupil of the week and Drew having hot chocolate.


This week we will be busy working on the end of year puppet production and preparing for out Enterprise Day.


On Monday it is our World Cup Day and we will be finding out about life in Poland.  Then in the afternoon it is our Sports Day.

Friday is our sponsored Fun Run.   For both these days the children are to arrive at school in their PE kits.  Please make sure that they also have a water bottle and a sun hat.

All parents, relatives and friends are welcome to both these events.


Could you please ensure that all PGL forms are returned by Tuesday at the latest.  Remember to bring in wrapped sweets and snacks to share during the week away.

Week 8 Monday 11 June


Monday morning all year 6 will be visiting the Science department at the Watford Girls Grammar, please make sure that you have returned your permission slips to the office or alternatively you can complete the consent request on Arbor.


Eagle class will also be working with Woodpecker class and completing other experiments and investigations throughout the week.  Come and see the display of work in the hall on Friday afternoon.

PGL Trip PowerPoint

Welcome back for the last half term.


Remember to come to school in your PE kit ready for the Kwik Cricket competition.  Also remember to bring your packed lunch and water bottle.


Lots of activities will be happening this half term so please make sure you check the diary dates.

This week we will be meeting Richard Harrington MP when the children will be able to ask the question we did not have time for on our visit to the Houses of Parliament.



Tuesday 6 June - Eagle class Kwik Cricket Competition at Queens'

Wednesday 6 June - Parent meeting at 3.30pm in Eagle Class for PGL trip.

Week commencing 11 June - Science Week.

Monday 11 June - Year 6 visit to Watford Grammar School for Girls.

Friday 15 June - Display in School hall of Science work completed by each class during Science week, 2.45-3.30pm

Monday 18 June - Sports Day afternoon.

Friday 22 June - Whole school Fun Run.

Week commencing 25 June - PGL trip.

Thursday 5 July - All year 6 will take part in a Secondary Transition workshop run by Mrs Bastable.

Friday 6 July - Year 6 Enterprise Day 2.30pm to 3.45pm.

Tuesday 10 July - Puppet Performance at 2pm (Separate letter to follow)

Wednesday 11 July - Puppet Performance at 6.30pm (Separate letter to follow)

Thursday 12 July - Secondary Transition Day.

Week commencing 16 July - Cycling Proficiency.

Friday 20 July - Leavers Assembly 9.00am.  BBQ lunch for all year 6 at 12noon.  End of term at 1.30pm.



Week 6


Well done to all year 6 for completing their SATs test, you all tried your hardest and you should be extremely proud of yourselves.


This week begins with our visit to the Houses of Parliament.

All children should bring a packed lunch and arrive at school at normal time.  We will leave at approximately 9.10am and be back at school for normal end of school time.

The children do not need any money for this trip and should not bring mobile phones or cameras.  


Over the coming weeks, before the Secondary Transition day, the secondary school teachers will be visiting school to speak to the children.  Therefore please make sure that your child is in school each day.



Monday 21 May - Houses of Parliament Trip

Monday 28 May - Monday 4 June - Half term

Tuesday 6 June - Eagle class Kwik Cricket Competition at Queens'

Wednesday 6 June - Parent meeting at 3.30pm in Eagle Class for PGL trip.

Week commencing 11 June - Science Week.

Friday 15 June - Display in School hall of Science work completed by each class during Science week, 2.45-3.30pm

Monday 18 June - Sports Day afternoon.

Friday 22 June - Whole school Fun Run.

Week commencing 25 June - PGL trip.

Thursday 5 July - All year 6 will take part in a Secondary Transition workshop run by Mrs Bastable.

Friday 6 July - Year 6 Enterprise Day 2.30pm to 3.45pm.

Tuesday 10 July - Puppet Performance at 2pm (Separate letter to follow)

Wednesday 11 July - Puppet Performance at 6.30pm (Separate letter to follow)

Thursday 12 July - Secondary Transition Day.

Week commencing 16 July - Cycling Proficiency.

Friday 20 July - Leavers Assembly 9.00am.  BBQ lunch for all year 6 at 12noon.  End of term at 1.30pm.



Week 5

Well done

Daisy for pupil of the week for always including others when working with a group, and Esme always making the right choices and having hot chocolate with Mrs Pace.


This week we will be completing the SATs and revising for the papers.


Enjoy the weekend, you have all worked extremely hard. So, make sure you do something really fun on Sunday and then you will be relaxed and ready to go on Monday.



Please keep myself and the school informed of any changes in secondary school allocations. The secondary schools are now booking their appointments to meet the children. We also need to keep our records up do date in order for their files to go to the correct secondary school.




SATs - 14-17 May.

SATs breakfast club running for these four mornings.

Friday 18 May  

Dress Smart for the Royal Wedding Day, were smart party clothes (and sensible shoes). Please remember no jeans or football kits, there is a prize for the best dressed.

Monday 18 June

Sports Afternoon

Friday 22 June

School Fun Run

Monday - Friday 25 June - 29 June

PGL trip.

Tuesday 10 July

Afternoon production of the Puppet Shows 2pm

Wednesday 11 July

Evening production of the Puppet Shows 6.30pm

Thursday 12 July

Secondary Transition Day

Monday 16 July

Cycling Proficiency for those children who have registered.

Friday 20 July

End of term BBQ lunch for all year 6, this day they will not be having school dinners.

End of Term 20 July finish at 1.30pm.

Week 4

Well done to Jodi, start of the week, for helping others and always being a good friend.


This week we will be writing our discussion texts, linking them to the work of UNICEF and the rights of the child.  We will also be completing revision for the SATs reading and grammar papers.

In maths we will be revising topics chosen by the children that they feel they would like to refresh.

Please keep going through your revision guides as well.


Thank you to all those parents who expressed an interest in helping on the trip to the Houses of Parliament.  I am sorry that it is not possible to take everyone, but I appreciate your support.



Please keep myself and the school informed of any changes in secondary school allocations.  The secondary schools are now booking their appointments to meet the children.  We also need to keep the records up do date in order for their files to go to the correct secondary school.



SATs - 14-17 May.  There will be a SATs breakfast club running for these four mornings, please complete the form and payment on ParentPay if you wish your child to join in.  It will be a relaxing time, were the children can sit, chat and have breakfast together.

Friday 18 May - Dress Smart for the Royal Wedding Day.  Please remember no jeans or football kits, there is a prize for the best dressed.

Monday 18 June - Sports Afternoon

Friday 22 June - School Fun Run

Monday - Friday 25 June - 29 June PGL trip.

Wednesday 11 July - Evening production of the Puppet Shows

Thursday 12 July - Secondary Transition Day

Monday 16 July - Cycling Proficiency for those children who have registered.

Friday 20 July - End of term BBQ lunch for all year 6, this day they will not be having school dinners.

End of Term 20 July finish at 1.30pm.


Summer Week 3


Well done to Keisha, star of the week, for always being kind, helpful and friendly.  Also, to Kyra, always smiling, who was chosen to have ‘Hot Chocolate’ with Mrs Pace.


This week we will be continuing to revise areas of mathematics for the SATs test which begin on 14 May.  We will be completing a practise in the hall so that all the children will be familiar with the surroundings and layout for the tests themselves.

During that week we will be running a breakfast club for all the year 6 children, were they will be able to have breakfast, chat and play games before school. A letter will be sent out in the next few days.



Please make sure that you child is in school the week of SATs, Monday 14 May to Friday 18 May.


If the Secondary School allocation changes for your child, please make sure that the office and myself are informed of the changes.  This ensures that when the Secondary teachers attend they speak to the respective children and their records are passed to the correct school.


SATs revision

Keep reading your revision guides.

Other resources include Mathletics

A new one is watch the Youtube explanation clips from Grammarsaurus using SATs questions.

Summer Week 2


This week we will be continuing our work on discussions and focusing on how the use of modal verbs can influence someone opinion.

In maths we will be revising the use of calculation strategies and how to find the mean or given data.

Mathletics home work has been set, this is a great revision tool.

On Friday there is a non-uniform day. The children are encouraged to dress wearing something which has an animal on or animal print, all the donations of a pound will be sent to the WWF.


PGL year 6 trip to Bawdsey is rapidly approaching. Please be aware of instalment due dates as detailed in the initial trip information letter.

Many thanks.

Summer Week 1

Welcome back, we hope you had a good break and are ready for your next sequence of learning.

This week on Thursday 19th we will be taking part in a workshop in connection with 'Earth Day'.

On Friday 20th it is our celebration assembly at 9am, of which the parents of those children receiving an award may attend.  Well done to Jaimy, Joscelin and Nicole for receiving the awards for the spring term.

Also on Friday 20th, Eagle have a non-uniform day for having the best overall attendance for the second half of the spring term, well done.  Let's keep it up smiley

In English this week we will be going through out SATs homework pack and then beginning our new topic of discussions, focusing on the work of UNICEF and local issues in preparation for our visit to the Houses of Parliament.

In Maths again we will be going through the SATs homework pack and then revising the concepts of 2-D shapes, Roman numerals and time, including analogue, digital and timetables.

On Wednesdays the children will be continuing with their puppet making, they are looking great.

Please make sure that you check the school website for up-to-date information and the class page as I will informing you of all the dates for this term.

Señora Lawson teaches Spanish


Learning for the Summer term

News 24 March

Well done to Nancy - star of the week for her calm approach to her work and asking for help when required.

Hot Chocolate this week was share by Eva.

Well done to you both.


This week, last week of term, we will be completing our narrative writing in English, focusing on vocabulary for effect, sentence structures and punctuation for speech.

In Maths our learning is about how we interpret information from pie charts and graphs.



Make sure your Easter posters are handed in on Monday 26th ready for judging before the Easter Bonnet Parade assembly on Wednesday.

Raffle tickets are still available for the class Easter raffle, winners will be drawn during the assembly on Wednesday, £1 per strip.

During the half term holiday the children will have a pack of SATs papers to complete for their homework, we will go through them when we return on Monday 16 April.



Monday 26th - 7pm - Mrs Merali will be holding a parenting workshop.  Let the office know if you wish to attend.

Thursday 29th - End of term, school finishes at 1.30pm.

Monday 16 April - Summer term begins

Friday 27 April - Non-uniform day for WWF, Charlie's Charity Conservation Day

Monday 14 May - SATs week

Monday 21 May - Year 6 visit to the Houses of Parliament (Separate letter will be sent out soon)

28 - 4 June - Half term


News 16 March


Well done to star of the week, Alex, for taking part in school sporting activities, helping him to keep fit and making healthy choices.


This week in English we will be continuing our work on identifying features of fiction writing and will begin to plan our own action stories.

In Maths we will be finding the volume of cuboids and compound shapes and also converting measurements including imperial to metric.


Diary Dates

Tuesday 20 March - Class photos and whole school

Friday 23 March - School disco

Monday 26 March - Hand in Hand workshop with Mrs Merali, 7pm, please let the office know if you wish to attend

Thursday 29 March - End of term 1.30pm finish

News 9 March

On Monday we had a visitor from the English department from Queen's, Mrs Muller.  She was very impressed with the work of the children and how they spoke.  Previous to this we have had other members of Queen's staff, from the Maths and Science departments, visit our lessons.


Well done to Safah, star of the week, for making healthy choices and drinking her milk.



This week in English we will be continuing to study a variety of fiction genres, focusing on character descriptions, creating flashbacks, and improving sentence structures.

In Maths we will be finishing ration by solving problems and using scaling, then we will move onto calculating and comparing volumes.

Our puppet characters are really becoming individuals, all looking great.



Diary Dates

Wednesday 14 March - Parents Evening

Thursday 15 March - Parents Evening

Thursday 15 March - Last day for accepting secondary places

Thursday 29 March - End of term 1.30pm finish

News 2 March


Well done to Eva, pupil of the week, for making a healthy choice - dressing up as Handa from Handa's Surprise for World Book Day.


I am aware that Secondary school allocations were on Thursday and a reminder to all that if you are not happy with the allocation you should contact County, not the school, and notify them of your concerns and if you wish to be placed on a continued interest list for a particular school. 

Please keep myself and the school informed of any changes to your child's school allocation, both to keep our records straight and pass on information about your child to the correct school.


This week in Maths we will be focusing on ratio, creating bar models to demonstrate our working and recording.


For English we will be looking at a variety of fiction genre and identifying their features.


Diary Dates

Monday 5 March - Sign up for Parents Evening through the Arbor website

Wednesday 7 March - Hand in Hand workshop in the school hall, make sure you have booked your place.

14 &15 March (Wednesday and Thursday) - Parents evenings.

Thursday 15 March - Final Day for accepting secondary school places.


News 23 February


Well done to Inaaya, pupil of the week, for continually working hard in all lessons.  Also to Daisy having hot chocolate with Mrs Pace for always making the right choices.


We had a very busy week completing SATs papers in preparation for our tests in May. 


On Wednesday afternoon our puppets began to have a character.




On Friday we displayed our 'Garden of Dreams' our hopes and dreams for the future.  This was quite challenging to construct, including making the net of a cube, constructing the cube, then making sure that the writing was the correct way up.




This week we are fortunate to have a visiting author in school, Mr Stewart Henderson.  We will be working with Mr Henderson on Monday morning during our English lesson.

There will be an opportunity after school to purchase copies of Mr Henderson's books (£6.99) and have copies signed after school.


On Thursday it is World Book Day, everyone is encouraged to dress up as their favourite book character.  There will be a prize for the best dressed pupil from each class.


In English we will be writing poetry following our workshop with the author.


In maths we will be focusing on plotting shapes in all four quadrants, translating and reflecting them in the x and y axis.



Don't forget to hand in your slip if you wish to take part in the Cycling Proficency training at the end of the year.


Diary Dates

Thursday 1 March - Secondary allocation.  Remember you can be placed on the continued interest list if you are not happy with your allocation.

Wednesday 7 March - Hand in Hand workshop in the hall beginning at 2pm, please book your place.


Parents evening

These take place on Wednesday 14 and Thursday 15 March.

Sign up will be online using Arbor and will be available from 5 March.


News 19 February


I hope you have all enjoyed the half term.

This week we will be completing a set of SATs papers.


In maths we will be focusing on angles and their relationship with triangles, circles and straight lines.  We will then move on to looking at coordinates and plotting shapes onto a grid.


In English we will be moving on to writing fiction stories.  We will begin by looking at a variety of extracts from different authors focusing on use of vocabulary to create a vivid image of the events and characters.


Dairy Dates

Monday 19 February - PTFA - AGM 7.30-8.30pm.

Friday 23 February - Visit the hall to see our 'Garden of Dreams'. Displays from the children linked to Jigsaw open to parents/carers from 2:45pm.

Thursday 1 March - Secondary school allocation day.

Wednesday 7 March - Hand in Hand workshop in the school hall from 2pm.

Thursday 15 March - Final Day -Make sure you have accepted your secondary school.

Thursday 29 March - End of term 1.30pm

News 2 February


Star of the week went to Hana for always carrying out tasks and competing her work with a positive attitude.  

Hot Chocolate with Mrs Pace was enjoyed by Claudia.


On Wednesday the NSPCC delivered and assembly about who the children can take to if the have a worry or concern.  We had a discussion in class to confirm that the children understood who was a responsible person to go to is.  We also discussed stranger danger and the legal age limits for accounts such as Whatsapp, Facebook and Instagram.   This is all linked to E-Safety which is this coming week.


On Friday we all dressed wearing a number and completed tasks related to numbers.  As a school we raised £230 for NSPCC.  Thank you to everyone.


In Maths we will be exploring the relationships between perimeter and area; how shapes can have the same area but different perimeters and vice-versa.


In English we will be continuing to create our own creatures for our version of the Spiderwick Field Guide.


Diary Dates

Tuesday 6 February - Safer Internet Day.  Unfortunately this has been cancelled due to lack of numbers


Friday 9 February - Bromet Talent Show in school 1.15pm.  Our class representatives are Eva, Daisy and Nancy; good luck to you all.


12 - 16 February - Half term.



News 26 January


Well done!

Pupil of the week, Henry, for continually working hard whoever he works with, whether in small groups or with individuals.

Also Nancy for always making the right choices and having hot chocolate with Mrs Pace.


We had an extremely busy week with visitors from Queens' School to see what we do in Science and Maths.  They were very impressed with the children's work.


During the science lesson the children made rockets and rocket launchers.  One rocket landing on the roof of the shelter in the garden.


This week we will be continuing to look at the Spiderwick Field Guide for our English lessons.  In maths we will be using short and long multiplication in problem solving.


On Wednesday we will be taking part in a workshop from the NSPCC and on Friday we will be collecting money for the NSPCC by dressing up either as a number or wearing clothing with numbers on.


Diary Dates

Friday 2 February - NSPCC number day, all the children are encouraged to dress up as a number of something associated with numbers, for a £1 donation to NSPCC.  All our lessons that day will be number based. (See separate letter)



Tuesday 6 February - Safer Internet Day.  This very important and informative E-Safety workshop will be held in the hall 6-7.30pm.  (See separate letter for booking your place)


Friday 9 February - Bromet Talent Show in school 1.15pm


12 - 16 February - Half term.


News 19 January


Well done everyone for a great assembly, you all spoke clearly to share your great work.


Star of the week, well done Kyra for always working hard in all subjects and always having a smile on her face.  Also well done to Alice, who had hot chocolate with Mrs Pace for her positive attitude and being a good role model for others.


This week we will be completing SATs practise tests.  In Maths we will be comparing short and long division layout.  In English we will be continuing to focus our writing, proof reading, editing and the use of subordinate clauses with reference to the mythical creatures from Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide to the Fantastical World Around You.


We will also be having visiting teachers from Queens' School to observe our English, Maths and Science lessons.


Diary Dates

Thursday 25 January - SATs meeting in Eagle class 3.30pm

Friday 26 January - PTFA film night 3.15 - 5pm in the hall

Friday 2 February - NSPCC number day, all the children are encouraged to dress up as a number of something associated with numbers, for a £1 donation to NSPCC.  All our lessons that day will be number based. (See separate letter)

Tuesday 6 February - Safer Internet Day.  This very important and informative E-Safety workshop will be held in the hall 6-7.30pm.  (See separate letter for booking your place)

Friday 9 February - Bromet Talent Show in school 1.15pm

12 - 16 February - Half term



As the new term begins these are some dates for your diary.


Friday 5 January - Non uniform for Eagle class in recognition of highest attendance percentage last term.


Friday 5 January - Awards assembly 9am

Theo - Behaviour for learning.

Alice - Resilience to learning.

Jodi - Excellent Role Model to learning.

Parents of the above children welcome to attend.


Friday 19 January

Eagle class assembly 9am.  All welcome to come and share the learning we have completed so far this year.


Thursday 25 January

Year 6 parent meeting regarding SATs, 3.30pm in Eagle Class



Our new members of the class have arrived!!!

They are two boys, so names are now required.


Spring term learning

Merry Christmas



We reached the end of term and the children have  worked extremely hard.  Over the holidays please keep reading, try some of the activities on Mathletics particularly number, fractions and percentages; you could also try shape, area and perimeter.


Dates for your diary:

Friday 5 January is non-uniform for Eagle class for winning the attendance award for the term.  This is also the autumn end of term awards assembly 9.00am.


Friday 19 January is Eagle class assembly at 9.00am, you are all welcome.


Mrs Lewis and I would like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and thank you for our lovely cards and gifts.


Well done to all those that took part in the Smartie Challenge, we raised £265.  A special thank you to Jaimy who has raised £64 selling sweets and busking at the Christmas fair.  All money going towards the cost of the Puppet making.  Great work.  smiley


Enjoy the break and we will see you in the New Year.

Class Blog 8.12.17

Eagle News 03/12/17

Eagle week 9 and 10

Well done to Theo, pupil of the week, and also Henry who was chosen to have hot chocolate with Mrs Pace.

Over the last week the children have completed work focusing on Remembrance, looking at the work of John McCrae who wrote ‘In Flanders Fields’ and also a the words of a ballad by Eric Bogle about a 19 year old soldier called Willie McBride called ‘The Green Fields of France’.  The work was displayed on Friday and have been placed in a book in the classroom.  We also made our own poppy of remembrance.

his week we will be focusing our work on SATs revision by completing a set of papers.

We will also be looking at the work of Children in Need and the diversity of people during Anti-bullying week.

On Tuesday 16 year 6 children will be taking part in a basketball competition at Queens.

On Tuesday afternoon the class will be completing a drama workshop.

Friday is non-uniform day ‘Wear your Spots’ and donate £1 for Children in Need.

Don’t forget to book you place on the parent Drug and Alcohol workshop on Wednesday, 6pm to 7.30pm.  Book your place through or speaking to Miss Weyer.


Children’s University – parent information

The children had an assembly earlier in the term. This is the link for more information, we have a lot of KS2 children register for this every year, all who take this opportunity find it worthwhile. Please return application forms to Miss Weyer


Year 5 Cross Country

I wanted to say a HUGE congratulations to the children that took part in our (slightly wet) cross country competition this afternoon.

All the children completed the 1500m course and represented the school fantastically, showing good sportsmanship to the other runners.  I was incredibly proud!

We did very well, with Zoe coming 3rd in the Girls race and Ben coming 2nd both winning medals!  They, along with Rosie and Tom, will be taking part in county finals soon!

Once again, WELL DONE to all of the runners!


Eagle Week 8

I hope you have all enjoyed the half term break.

This week we will be completing work on ‘Conversation poetry’ in English and in Maths we will be continuing our focus on fractions.

On Monday the photographer will be in school to take individual and family photos.

On Friday is the PTFA school disco.

IMPORTANT DATE  –  Tuesday 31 is the last date for all secondary school applications, please make sure you do not miss this deadline.

All dates can be found at


Secondary School Applications. 

Please remember deadline for applications is 31.10.17 For further details 


Star of the Week

Star of the week in Eagle class this week is Jaimy, well done, for being polite and kind, and always on task when completing his work.

Also this week, we have ‘Hot Chocolate Friday’, one member of the class is chosen to have hot chocolate at break with Mrs Pace (an idea from the School Council) and this week Hana will be having hot chocolate, well done.

Please make sure that your secondary applications are completed on time, these need to be submitted before the end of the month, October.

Have a great half term.


Year 6 PGL

Just a reminder that the deposit for the Year 6 PGL School Journey is due by tomorrow, Friday 20 October.  If you are experiencing problems with paying online please see the ladies in the office who will help.


Week 7

This week we will be completing our creative writing and also our work focusing on Black History Month.

Tuesday and Wednesday are parent evening meetings, make sure you allow time to share all the hard work your children have been completing during this half term.

Congratulations to Safa O, Mae and Claudia who have been our stars of the week recently.


A reminder that Monday 30 October the school photographer will be taking individual photos.


Kingfisher Plea for Construction 

Hello, if you are intending to make space for Santa to drop off toys before Christmas Kingfisher Class would be very grateful for any unwanted construction (Lego , Knex etc) We have a small box at the minute and even though they are very good at sharing the children would like some more. 

Thank you 


Eagle Class ‘Black History Month’ Poster

Eagle Class your posters are fantastic I can see how much detail is in the posters. Well done!


Miss Shah History coordinator


Sparrow Class ‘Black History Month’ Posters

Well done Sparrow Class your posters are fantastic, you have learnt loads.

Miss Shah History coordinator


Falcon Class Black History Month Posters

Well done Falcon Class your ‘Black History Month’ posters look really fantastic and I can see how much detail you have added.


Miss Shah History coordinator


Date reminders

Reminder dates for your diary.

Friday 6 October – Sign up for Parent Evenings held on Tuesday 17 from 4.30 – 7pm and Wednesday 18 October 3.30 – 6pm.

School photos will be taken on Monday 30 October, the first day after half term.


Celebrating Black History Month Poster!


Kingfisher Class Black History Month Learning

Kingfisher Class have started their learning to mark the start of ‘Black History Month’. I am really impressed with your research on ‘Katherine Johnson’ keep it up!


Miss Shah

History coordinator


Work in Eagle Class

Just a few examples of the work completed so far including some home learning.



Also spot Bert!


Eagle Class

Yet another busy week. On Tuesday we met with our Reception Buddies to prepare for Sports day, unfortunately the weather beat us on the day.

On Friday we were visited by the Peace Hospice bear, Harvey, and were told all about the work of the Peace Hospice.  Later Mrs Bastable held our Harvest assembly and spoke about the work of New Hope.  Thank you to Theo for taking part, taking on the role of Bert.  Thank you to all those who donated to the harvest collection.

Well done to Nicole, star of the week, for her descriptive and creative writing.

Next week, Friday, is our second church visit, this time to Bushey Baptist.


Sports Afternoon 2017

Just a reminder:

  • Please bring cakes in Thursday or Friday for our Peace Hospice cake sale.

  • Children need to come to school in their PE kits with a coloured top of their house colour (the colour they sit in at lunch) on Friday. If they do not have a top in that colour their teacher will give them a coloured sticker.

  • Please come and watch Sports Afternoon from 1:30pm. We will be having a parent and teacher race at the end of the results.

  • The children will return to their classrooms at the end of the day and you will collect them from the playground as normal.

    Thank you.              Miss LH


Eagle Class Week 3

Well we have had another busy week in Eagle Class.

First, congratulations to Daisy for ‘Star of the week’ as she continually makes sure that everything is tidied away after every lesson, without being asked.


On Friday morning we welcomed the Reception children to the school.  Well done to everyone in year 6, you did a fantastic job introducing yourselves and your ‘Buddies’ to the school and parents.


In the afternoon we had our trip to St Matthew’s Church as part of out RE studies, thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. A huge ‘Thank You’ to Mrs Bastable for organising this and Father David for allowing us to visit.  Thank you also goes to the parents that helped.  Our next church visit is on 6 October to Bushey Baptist.


Next week is our ‘Book Fair’ week.


On Friday we have 2 assemblies.  The first is about the work of the Peace Hospice and our second is our Harvest Assembly for which we are collecting food and other donations for the New Hope Trust, please see your separate leaflet for details.


Friday afternoon is our sports day, everyone is welcome, and we will be starting at 1.30.  Please send in your donations of cakes for the refreshment stall for this event.

Eagle Week 3

We had a very good week last week.  We spent time with the reception children and we all made ‘Buddies’.  This Friday 22nd we will be introducing the children to the rest of the school.

Congratulations to Henrick and Ryan for both being Pupil of the Week for their kind nature and perseverance when working with their reception buddies.

This week on Friday is our first church visit which is at St Matthews, this is part of the RE studies and we thank Mrs Bastable for arranging this.



I hope all went well for those who sat the Secondary Transfer test on Saturday.  May I remind you that if your child is attending an additional test at a particular school please inform the office of their absence.

This week we will be looking at biographies and autobiographies in English and place value in Maths.

Well done to Ruby for being our first pupil of the week for helping others in the class.

Monday this week is meet the teacher in the classroom from 3.30.

Thursday we begin swimming lessons.


Bedtime Story Competition 2017

Do you know a child aged between 5 and 11 years old who has a brilliant idea for a bedtime story? Would they love to see it published as a fantastic picture book? Book People, in association with Little Tiger, are on the lookout for the nation’s best storyteller!

 Any child living in the UK aged between 5 and 11 years old can take part in Book People’s Bedtime Story Competition. Schools, libraries and community groups are welcome to submit entries for their children, too. All they will need to do is:

  • Write a 200-800 word bedtime story about friendship
  • Have a parent or guardian submit their entry using the link below
  • All entries must be submitted by 11:59pm on Monday 2 October

One winner will be selected from each age category and one overall winner will be chosen to have their book illustrated by Alison Brown, published by Little Tiger and sold exclusively through Book People!

To find out more, go 

Mr Libberton

What is happening in Eagle Class this term

Eagle Class Autumn Term

Always check the blog for weekly updates and important dates to remember.

This blog tells you about the term ahead and what your children will be learning.


It is extremely important that you child does not miss any time from school.  The children will sit their SATs tests on Monday to Thursday the week beginning 14 May.

Maths:  This term the children will be revising areas of the mathematical curriculum in preparation for the SATs tests.  These skills will include place value, short and long multiplication, short and long division, shape and investigation skills.

English:  We will be developing our writing skills through a variety of genre including: fiction – story writing; persuasive – letter writing, this will also include editing and redrafting their writing.  We will be improving our speaking and listening skills through discussions, small group work and presentations.

Science:  We will cover Earth and Space and Forces including revision of other topics, including planning, preparing and conducting experiments.  This includes using scientific terms and making a hypothesis.

Jigsaw PSHE:  All Jigsaw lessons are delivered in an age-and stage-appropriate way so that they meet children’s needs.

Being Me in My World has a wide focus, looking at helping others to feel welcome, discussing ways to make the school community a better place.  We will also explore how everyone has a right to learn and the reward and consequences that go along with that. This will culminate in creating a class Learning Charter. All Jigsaw lessons are delivered in an age- and stage-appropriate way so that they meet children’s needs. 

Celebrating Difference: This will link with Anti Bullying week in November. We will discuss how everyone is different but we can include everyone when working and playing. We will also explore how we can start to solve problems, leading onto receiving and giving compliments.

Computing:  Through all our work we will be continuing to embed the importance of E-Safety.

We will be focusing on understanding the need to develop safe, respectful and responsible use of online technologies. We will investigate copyright conditions for materials, privacy settings and restrictions for age before signing up to a site. We will also discuss how and why location services are used.

PE:  We will be developing our swimming skills during the term, attending Central Sports centre.

Art:  Using a variety of mediums we will be focusing on art through the decades including artist such as Paul Nash and Evelyn Dunbar.  We will also be creating dreamcatchers linking with our North America topic

Design Technology:  This will focus working with materials, cutting, pinning and hand stitching to create a textile in the style of the Bayeux Tapestry.

Music:  The children will explore rhythm, pulse by listening to music throughout the decades from the 1940’s..

RE:  This will continue to be taught by Mrs Bastable and will cover Christianity including comparing the features of Christian churches within the Watford area.

History and Geography:  The children will be looking at the development and growth of North America and Canada including the physical features of the area.

MFL:  This will continue to be taught by Mme Lawson and this term will focus on Spanish talking about themselves, pets, colours and hobbies.  Work will also include the days, weeks, months and dates,  and at the end of term focusing on Christmas.


Hertfordshire Library Services

Here are some events at local Hertfordshire Libraries. Click the link to find out about different events and activities on offer.

Weekend Stories – story time for under 8s

Weekend Stories are story time sessions in the library aimed at children under 8 years old. Come along to Saturday Stories or Sunday Stories and enjoy listening to old favourites and discovering new stories too.

This is a family event and all ages are welcome.

  • £1 voluntary donation per family

Hertfordshire Weekend Stories


Chatterbooks – reading groups for 8-12 year olds
Whether your child is already an avid reader or needing some inspiration, joining Chatterbooks is a great way to encourage them to have fun with books.

Please find more information about when the groups meet and to apply for a space in the link

Hertfordshire Chatterbooks


If you take part in any of these activities please let us know at school it would be great to share experiences at the Library.
Many Thanks
Mr Libberton


Welcome Back Eagle Class

I hope you have had a great summer break and you are refreshed and ready to start on Tuesday.

The first date for your diary this year is the meet the teacher meeting on Monday 11 September at 3.30pm in Eagle classroom.

As part of our PE lessons this term we will be swimming on Thursday afternoons.

One final reminder, please remember to bring in your Autobiographies, as this is our first English unit of learning.

Enjoy the last few days and I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday

Maths Calculation Information
