Welcome to Swift Class 2021/22!
Class Teacher: Miss N Langley Higgs
PPA Cover (Wed AM): Mrs M Humphreys
Teaching Partner: Mrs B Morris
WB: 18th July
I cannot believe that we are at the last week of Swift Class 2022! The children have done amazingly well and I am looking forward to our final days together!
This week we are focusing on keeping cool! We will be doing some transition activities. On Tuesday we are taking part in a circus skills workshop! A movie with some popcorn will be on offer too to help us beat the heat!
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
for always being positive about change and for her excitement to face a challenge!
WB: 11th July
It's going to be a hot one this week! Please remember water bottles and sunhats. The children are allowed suncream which they can apply themselves. I hope you enjoyed reading your child's report. They have worked very hard this year and I am very proud!
Mrs Humphreys will be teaching on Wednesday AM.
Our Learning:
Maths- We are learning all about time. We will be reading the time to the hour and half hour.
English- We will be writing a letter too our new teacher as well as practising some grammar.
Phonics- We are revising the graphemes: 'ar' and the split digraphs.
PSHE- Transition Activities
PE- We are completing our Athletics unit.
Geography- To compare the UK and another place in the world.
DT- To research, design and make a healthy fruit kebab.
Science- To explore circuits.
Reminders and Events:
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
for being positive about change and always making good choices!
WB: 4th July
A super exciting week this week. We are off on our Class Trip on Monday and we have transition morning on Thursday.
Miss Kirby will be teaching on Wednesday AM and Mrs Morris will be teaching in the PM.
Our Learning:
Maths- We are learning all about money. We will recognise coins and notes and begin to compare amounts.
English- We will be writing a newspaper report about our trip. We will also be writing a letter to our new teacher all about ourselves.
Phonics- We are revising the graphemes: 'oy' and the spl;it digraphs.
Computing- To program a device.
PSHE- To name different body parts.
PE- We are completing our Athletics unit.
Art- To draw a self portrait.
Science- To take part in a scales, fur and feathers workshop at Woburn Zoo.
Reminders and Events:
Lots going on this week-
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
who is always accepting and respectful of others!
WB: 27th June
Thank you for all your support with our Summer Fete!
Mrs Fox will be teaching on Tuesday PM. Mrs Humphreys will be teaching on Wednesday AM.
Our Learning:
This week is assessment week. Year 1 will be completing Maths and Reading papers.
Phonics- We are revising the graphemes: 've', 'ai,' 'oi', 'ay' and some of the 200 HFW: iant, find, laughed, again, friends, different, door, jumped, stopped
Geography- To compare weather patterns across the world.
Computing- To write a program.
PE- We are completing our Athletics unit.
Art- To create a painting inspired by Henri Matisse using printing.
RE- To recognise a local holy place and know why it is special to a religious family.
Reminders and Events:
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
For always giving his best effort in his learning!
WB: 20th June
I hope all the daddies and special males liked their cards and presents on Sunday! The children were certainly very proud! On Monday Reception have a special library assembly with a Gruffalo theme!
Don't forget to bring in Jazzy Jars! Thank you for the ones you have already brought in.
Mrs Humphreys will be teaching on Wednesday AM.
Mrs Morris will be teaching Thursday and Friday as I am on school journey with Year 5.
Our Learning:
Maths- In Maths we will be comparing 2 digit numbers and ordering numbers thinking about the place value.
English- We are continuing with our new text 'Pig the Pug' by Aaron Blabey, thinking about the order of the story and creating a story mountain.
Phonics- We are learning the graphemes: 'tch', 'nk' and double consonants and some of the 200 HFW: animals, dragon, head, which, door, couldn't, eyes, live, lived
PSHE- I can tell you some of the things I can do and foods I can eat to be healthy.
Geography- Explore daily weather patterns in the Watford and one other contrasting place in the UK
PE- We are completing our Athletics unit.
Computing- To plan and follow a set of instrucitions precisely.
Art- To create a collage inspired by Henri Matisse.
Reminders and Events:
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
For sharing proudly about big changes in her life.
WB: 13th June
The children loved their walk on Thursday and helping the community. Thank you again to all our helpers!
Mrs Humphreys will be teaching on Wednesday AM.
Our Learning:
Maths- In Maths we will counting forwards and backwards to 100, thinking about place value and partitioning tens and ones.
English- We are continuing with our new text 'Pig the Pug' by Aaron Blabey.
Phonics- We are learning the graphemes: 'are', 'y' (Green Froggy), 'ph' and some of the 200 HFW: want, wanted, great, us, has, white, inside, liked, can’t, didn’t, key, hear
PSHE- I understand that we all grow from babies to adults.
Geography- Explore daily weather patterns
PE- We are completing our Athletics unit. This week we will be practising our sprinting skills.
Computing- To create a demonstration video for Bee Bots.
Art- Fathers Day Art
Reminders and Events:
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
Leo P
For always being kind and including others.
WB: 6th June
I hope you all had a wonderful half term and lots of jubilee fun! We now begin our final half term and we have lots of fun and learning in store!
This week we will be taking part in our environmental workshop with Veolia Water on Thursday Morning.
Mrs Humphreys will be teaching on Wednesday AM.
Our Learning:
Maths- In Maths we will be learning about position and direction. We will think about making turns and describing position.
English- We are continuing with our new text 'Pig the Pug' by Aaron Blabey.
Phonics- We are learning the graphemes: 'are', 'y' (Green Froggy), 'ph' and some of the 200 HFW: want, wanted, great, us, has, white, inside, liked, can’t, didn’t, key, hear
PSHE- To name the parts of our body.
RE- To think about places that are special in our community.
Science- To discriminate between similar sounds.
Reminders and Events:
Congrations to our Star of the Week...
for being very helpful during Lunchtime.
WB: 23rd May
The children really enjoyed learning about Queen Victoria and have lots of facts to share ready for our Victorian Day on Monday. They also enjoyed dancing to 'Cotton Eyed Joe' during our 'Dancing Through the Decades.'
A very fun and busy week for us all. We will be having 2 work experience students learning with us this week.
On Monday is our Victorian Day. We look forward to seeing the children in their costumes and hope they enjoy a taste of the Victorian life!
On Thursday we are having our Jubilee Day. The children can come in wearing red, white or blue and there may be some suprises for them. We will also be having our House Morning to prepare for Sports Day.
Friday Afternoon is our Sports Afternoon. The children need to come in their house team colour.
Our Learning:
Maths- In Maths we will be learning about fractions. We will be learning about finding a quarter of shapes and quantities.
English- We are continuing with our new text 'Pig the Pug' by Aaron Blabey. We will be creating a story moutain with our own ideas for a story inspired by our visit from Georgie the hamster.
Phonics- We are learning the graphemes: 'ear', 'ear' (air) and some of the 200 HFW: floppy any many every everyone baby only suddenly pulled
Reminders and Events:
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
for always being kind and caring towards others if they are upset or sad.
WB: 16th May
This week we will be learning about Queen Victoria in preparation for our Victorian Day next Monday. We will also be taking part in 'Dancing Through the Decades' on Friday with the 90s our decade to groove to.
Our Learning:
Maths- In Maths we will be learning about fractions. We will be learning about finding half of shapes and quantities.
English- We are starting our new text 'Pig the Pug' by Aaron Blabey. We will be describing some of the characters and will be making notes.
Phonics- We are learning the graphemes: 'au', 'air' and the prefix 'un' and some of the 200 HFW: sea, tea, eat, each, really, these, other, mother, another
PE- This half term we are completing a 'games' unit.
Science- To find out how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching.
History- To understand who Queen Victoria was and the important events in her life.
Computing- To explore a new device (Bee Bots)
PSHE- I can think of ways to solve problems and stay friends.
Reminders and Events:
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
Leo L
For sharing his bike with others
WB: 9th May
I hope you had a lovely sunny weekend! The children are enjoying helping making things for our new under the sea role play and if they want to make anything at home to add they are more than welcome!
Mrs Humphreys will be teaching Wednesday AM.
Our Learning:
Maths- In Maths we will be learning about sharing between equal groups and will revisit arrays.
English- We are continuing our new text 'Stanley's Stick'. We will planning ideas for our own story and then beginning to write this.
Phonics- We are learning the graphemes: or, ore and aw
and some of the 200 HFW: he’s, we’re, even, began, before, because, girls, birds, first
PE- This half term we are completing a 'games' unit.
Science- To identify that most living things live in habitats to which they are suited and describe how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and plants and how they depend on each other.
Geography- To explore weather patterns in the UK.
RE- To explore places that are special in school.
PSHE- I know how to make friends to stop myself from feeling lonely.
Reminders and Events:
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
Jessica F
for including others in her group at playtime.
I hope you all enjoyed your Bank Holiday. The children looked fantastic in their photos last week. Please check bookbags for the order slip.
Mrs Humphreys will be teaching Wednesday AM. Mrs Morris will be teaching Tuesday and Thursday AM.
Our Learning:
Maths- In Maths we will be learning about arrays and will be doubling numbers to 20.
English- We are continuing our new text 'Stanley's Stick'. We will be retelling the story in our own words and then planning ideas for our own story based on it.
Phonics- We are learning the graphemes: ie (Yellow I), ie (Green Froggy) and igh (Yellow I)
and some of the 200 HFW: going, most, over, cold, told, gave, take, place
PE- This half term we are completing a 'games' unit.
Science- To investigate the basic needs of animals and humans.
Computing- I know/understand that we can encounter a range of things online including things we like and don’t like as well as things which are real or make believe/ a joke
PSHE- I know how to make friends to stop myself from feeling lonely.
Reminders and Events:
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
who is kind to her friends and tries to solve problems if they occur!
WB:25th April
It was great to see all the children this week and hear about their exciting breaks. We really enjoyed our science experiment on Friday which tested our sense of smell. Did you know humans can recognise around 10,000 different smells.
Mrs Fox will be teaching on Tuesday PM and Mrs Humphreys will be teaching the children on Wednesday AM.
Our Learning:
Maths- This week we are starting to learn multiplication. We will be thinking about equal groups and counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
English- We are starting our new text 'Stanley's Stick'. We will be making predictions about the text, sequencing the story and writing an alternative ending.
Phonics- We are learning the graphemes: ew (U- Hoo) and the Spelling Rule k before e, i and y and some of the 200 HFW: good, took, book, looks, looking, car, dark, park, hard, garden, found, round, around, mouse, shouted.
PE- This half term we are completing a 'games' unit. Thinkign about multi skills and scoring.
Science- To investigate and compare the differences between things
that are living, that are dead and have never been alive.
Art- Who was Henri Matisse?
History- Why was Amy Johnson famous?
PSHE- I can identify some of the jobs I do in my family and how I feel like I belong.
Reminders and Events:
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
for settling in well and making new friends!
WB:19th April
We hope you all had a wonderful Easter Break and are ready for our final term!
Mrs Humphreys will be teaching the children on Wednesday AM.
Our Learning:
Maths- In Maths we are learning about volume and capacity. We will be measuring different capacities and will be comparing different containers.
English- We are finishing our learning on our text 'The Odd Egg' by Emily Gravett. We will writing our own 'Egg Spotters Guide. '
Phonics- We are learning the graphemes: 'ue' (Cool Blue and U-Hoo), 'ew (Cool Blue) and some of the 200 HFW: three, tree, trees, green, sleep, queen, please, ever, never, river, under, better, after
PE- This half term we are completing a 'games' unit. This week we are developing our accuracy when throwing and practise keeping score.
Science- We will be learning about Linda Brown Buck and will have a smell investigation.
RE- We will be creating a Spring picture.
Computing- We will be editing photos.
Reminders and Events:
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
for being very brave over this week!
WB:28th March
The children enjoyed making their Mothers Day tote bags this week and I hope all the mummies liked their gift! The Year 1s enjoyed a performance from Electric Umbrella too. We are looking forward to our Easter Bonnet Parade this week and also our special assembly from Mrs Bastable.
Mrs Humphreys will be teaching the children on Wednesday AM.
Our Learning:
Maths- In Maths we are learning mass and weight. The children will be using balancing scales to measure.
English- Wewill continue our new text 'The Odd Egg' by Emily Gravett. We will write speech bubbles, predictions, look at onomatopoeic words and begin our 'Egg Spotters Guide'
Phonics- We are learning the graphemes: 'ou', 'ow' (Brown Owl/ Miss Oh No) and some of the 200 HFW: play, way, say, may, away, been, need, keep, feet, snow. grow, window. know
Handwriting- We are focusing on the letters: c, a, d, e, s, g, f, q and o.
PE- We are developing our dance skills this half term.
Music- We are learning the song 'round and round' focusing on the pulse and pitch of songs.
Computing- To take and edit photos.
RE- What made Jesus' friends happy and unhappy at Easter Time?
Reminders and Events:
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
for including his friends and making sure they weren't left out or on their own.
WB:21st March
It was wonderful to speak to so many of you at Parents Evening last week. The children also enjoyed their Red Nose hunt on Friday as well as enjoying the sun on the castle and looking at the daffodils they have grown! We recorded our Class Assembly and this will be published later this week.
Mrs Morris will be teaching the children on Wednesday AM.
Our Learning:
Maths- In Maths we are continuing our topic of measurements. The children will be introduced to rulers and measuring in cm.
English- We begin our new text 'The Odd Egg' by Emily Gravett. We will be writing predictions, writing thought bubbles for characters and writing a diary entry.
Phonics- We are learning the graphemes: 'oo' (Cool Blue), 'oo' (Tricky Witch) and 'oa' (Miss Oh No) and a revision of all HFWs.
Handwriting- We are focusing on the letters: c, a, d, e, s, g, f, q and o.
PE- We are developing our dance skills this half term.
Music- We are learning the song 'round and round' focusing on the pulse and pitch of songs.
DT- We will be decorating a tote bag.
Art- Mothers Day
PSHE- To know what a stranger is and how to stay safe if a stranger approaches me.
Science- To discriminate between different sounds
Reminders and Events:
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
who has helped keep others safe when they have got stuck!
WB:14th March
The children were excellent scientists last week, finding out which material would be best for Howard's umbrella! See the pictures below. I look forward to talking to you all at our virtual Parents Evenings this week.
Mrs Humphreys will be teaching the children on Wednesday AM.
Mrs Morris will be teaching the children on Friday.
Our Learning:
Maths- We begin our new topic of measurments. We will be measuring the length and heights of different objects using non-standard measurements.
English- This week we are finishing off our own alien stories and will be rehersing our class assembly.
Phonics- We are learning the graphemes: 'er', 'ir' and 'ur' and the HFW 'Mr, Mrs, what, their, little, called'
Handwriting- We are focusing on the letters: c, a, d, e, s, g, f, q and o.
PE- We are developing our dance skills this half term.
Music- We are learning the song 'round and round' focusing on the pulse and pitch of songs.
DT- We will be designing a tote bag.
PSHE- To wash my hands thoroughly and understand why this is important especially before I eat and after I go to the toilet.
Science- To understand that we see sources of light because the light travels from the source to our eyes.
Reminders and Events:
On Friday we are supporting Comic Relief £1 donation and Ukraine Appeal £1 donation. Children can wear non-school uniform.
For this week's home learning we would like you to create an Easter Bonnet that you can wear in an assembly parade on Friday 1st April.
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
who is always moving and grooving in our Wake and Shake ups!
WB:7th March
We loved seeing the children's costumes on Thursday and they enjoyed drawing their own Queens and sharing with Falcon Class. The children also loved making pancakes on Tuesday! At the end of the week I will be sending home a line to learn for our class assembly. Please practise these as much as possible.
This week Mrs Humphreys will be teaching on Wednesday AM.
Our Learning:
Maths- We are ordering numbers to 50, including representations. We will also be counting in multiples of 2s and 5s this week.
English- This week we are writing our own versions of Beegu based on our aliens we designed last week.
Phonics- We are learning the digraphs: ‘ea' (Green Froggy), 'ea' (Silent Ghost) and the HFW 'down now look looked asked could saw all'
Handwriting- We are focusing on the letters: r, b, n, m, h, k, p
PE- We are developing our dance skills this half term.
DT- We will be looking at different types of bags.
PSHE-To know how to help myself go to sleep and understand why sleep is good for me.
History- Scott of Antartica
Science- To investigate which materials are waterproof.
Reminders and Events:
Next week we will celebrating Red Nose Day by wearing something red and bringing in £1 as a donation.
WB:28th Feb
We have a busy week as we are celebrating both Pancake Day and World Book Day this week. Don't forget your royal costume on Thursday!
This week Mrs Humphreys will be teaching on Wednesday AM.
Our Learning:
Maths- We are continuing to learn place value to 50. We will find 1 more/less of numbers to 50 and compare objects and numbers to 50.
English- We will continue our text 'Beegu'. We will be writing city scapes, designing new aliens for our own story and creating a profile on them. We will also be celebrating World Book Day focusing on the book 'The Queen's Knickers' by Nicholas Allen.
Phonics- We are learning the digraphs: ‘ee' (Green Froggy) and rules for adding -er and -ed
Handwriting- We are focusing on the letters:
PE- We are developing our dance skills this half term.
DT- We will be cooking pancakes!
PSHE- To know which foods are healthy and not so healthy and can make healthy eating
RE- Shrove Tuesday
Reminders and Events:
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
who always makes a healthy choice and enjoys eating her fruit and veg!
WB:21st Feb
Hope you all had a wonderful half term and didn't get blown away in the storms!
This week Mrs Humphreys will be teaching on Wednesday AM.
Our Learning:
Maths- We are learning place value to 50. We will be counting backwards and forwards to 50, recognise tens and ones and represent these numbers in pictures and equipment.
English- We will begin our new text 'Beegu' starting with an alien space crash in the playground! We will be writing questions, creating posters and letters using adjectives.
Phonics- We are learning the digraphs: ‘u-e (Cool Blue), u-e (U-Hoo), ar’ and the CEW:
made, make, came, like, time, by, my, I, I’m, into, too, don’t
Handwriting- We are focusing on the letters:
PE- We are developing our dance skills this half term.
RE- We will be thinking about what makes us happy and unhappy.
DT- We setting our design challenge of making Joseph's Coat! We will be looking at coat designs and different joining techniques.
History- The Moon Landings
PSHE- To understand that I need to exercise to keep my body healthy
Science- Describe the simple properties of a variety of everyday
materials. Compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties.
Reminders and Events:
Have a great half term everyone!
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
who has been working very hard to write all her numbers correctly!
WB: 7th Feb
We really enjoyed our talent show heats this week and all the children are looking forward to seeing the final on Friday PM! Dont forget visit the Valentines day cake sale after school on Friday. It is also a non-uniform day on Friday, celebrating Children's Mental Health Week, collecting £1 for school funds.
This week Mrs Burns will be teaching on Thursday AM.
Our Learning:
Maths- We are learning about fact families and will be using tens frames, part whole models and bar models to create these addition and subtraction families. We will also be comparing statements.
English- We will be naming different features of non-fiction texts, finding facts about the moon and using these to write our own moon fact-file.
Phonics- We are learning the split digraphs: ‘e-e, i-e, o-e’ and the CEW: from, help, back, will, this, that, then, them, with, went
Handwriting- We are focusing on the letters: j, m, n, h
PE- We are developing our gymnastic skills this half term.
Computing- We will be taking part in Safer Internet Day on Tuesday.
Art- Starry Night Painting
History- The Moon Landings
PSHE- Whole School Talent Show
Science- Animals and their offspring
Reminders and Events:
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
for fantastic attitude to his learning, especially in his reading!
LILY (dancing)
LEO L (basketball skills)
A HUGE well done to all the children who performed their amazing talents for us today! We enjoyed dancing, football skills, gymnastics and magic!
We were amazed and proud of you all!
WB: 31st January
We will be having our Talent Show Heats this week on Thursday PM in which we will choose 2 acts to go through to the whole school final next week! We will be finding out who wants to take part on Monday. Please send in any music the children might need.
This week Mrs Humphreys will be teaching on Wednesday AM.
Our Learning:
Maths- We are learning how to subtract within 20. We will be using think 10 and number lines to help us.
English- This week we start our new text: Sidney, Stella and the Moon by Emma Yarlett. We will be writing statements about the moon, writing questions and thinking about homophones.
Phonics- We will be learning the graphemes: 'a-e' split a digraph and the CEW:
where, were, they, says, are, house, our, ask, put, push, pull, full
PE- We are developing our gymnastic skills this half term.
Geography- The 5 Oceans of the world
RE/History/PSHE- Chinese New Year
Science- Describe and compare the structure of: Birds fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and invertebrates.
Reminders and Events:
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
for wokring really hard in his learning with Mrs Ridout!
WB: 24th January
The children proudly shared their learning so far on our whole school text 'Here We Are' last week and enjoyed hearing about what others have been learning. I was also impressed with the children's winter pictures they created. They also really being botanists like Jane Colden!
This week Mrs Humphreys will be teaching on Wednesday AM.
Our Learning:
Maths- We are learning how to use and record the 'Think 10' strategy for addition crossing over 10.
English- This week we are publishing our leaflets all about Planet Earth.
Phonics- We will be learning the graphemes: 'oi, ay, oy' and the CEW: the, of, said, here, there, you, school
PSHE- We will set ourself a goal to achieve.
PE- We are developing our gymnastic skills this half term.
History- Moon Landings.
Art- To find out more about our artist Van Gogh.
Science- To discuss the structure of a tree.
Computing -I can describe ways that some people can be unkind online.
I can explain what bullying is, how people may bully others and how bullying can make someone feel.
Reminders and Events:
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
for perservering with zipping up her coat on her own!
WB: 17th January
The children worked increbily hard last week and demonstrated their knowledge and love for learning during our inspection. Well done all!
We particularly enjoyed learning all about Neil Armstrong and will keep with our Space theme in our whole school text- Here We are! We will also be sharing our learning with the whole school and within our academy!
Show and Tell dates were sent by email last Friday so please check for your child's day.
This week Mrs Humphreys will be teaching on Wednesday AM.
Our Learning:
Maths- We are learning additon and subtrction within 20. We wil be finding number bonds to 20 and will be calculating using 'Think 10' strategy.
English- We are continuing with our whole school text: 'Here We Are' by Oliver Jeffers. We will be creating a leaflet.
Phonics- We will be learning the graphemes: 'tch, ve, ai' and the CEW: love, some, come, was, his, is, has, one, once, friend, your
PSHE- To tell you about a time I didn’t give up until I achieved my goal.
PE- We are developing our gymnastic skills this half term.
Geography- To identify the 7 continents.
Science- To know the botanist Jane Colden and anme the parts of a plant.
RE- To notice what is happening outside in Winter.
Reminders and Events:
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
for not giving up and staying motivated during our tricky card stacking challenge!
Show and Tell dates have been emailed to you all! They will be on Tuesdays and try if possible to link to our learning! It could also be a picture or something from an experience a child has had.
WB: 10th January
It was great getting to speak with the children last week and hearing about all the wonderful things they have been up to. We spoke alot about British Values and hope the children start to share this with you at home!
This week Mrs Fox will be teaching Tuesday PM and Mrs Humphreys will be teaching Wednesday AM.
Our Learning:
Maths- We are consolidating our prior learning of addition and subtraction. We will be reminding ourselves of number bonds to 10 and how to use equipment for addition and subtracting including using a numberline.
English- This week we begin our whole school text: 'Here We Are' by Oliver Jeffers. We will be predicting, asking questions and more!
Phonics- We will be learning the graphemes: ff, ll, ss, zz, ck, nk and begin our Year 1 CEW.
PSHE- We begin our new unit- Dreams and Goals. We will think about staying motivated if something is challenging.
PE- We are developing our gymnastic skills this half term.
Geography- To identify the 7 continents.
Art- Introduce this term's Artist- Vincent Van Gogh.
Science- To identify sound sources.
Computing- E-Safety- To describe what information I should not put online without asking a trusted adult first.
Reminders and Events:
WB: 6th January
Happy New Year Swift Class!
Welcome to 2022!
We hope that you had a wonderful Christmas break and are ready and rested for the busy term ahead! There is lots of learning to do! We are excited to hear what you have been up to!
Our Learning:
For our first two days back at school we will be reconnecting and focusing on British Values and PSHE. We will revisit our network hands, think about feeling safe and our emotional wellbeing.
Reminders & Events:
School begins on Thursday 6th January.
PE Kits to be worn on Thursday.
Book bags to be brought in on Thursday as reading books will be sent out.
Don't forget your water bottles.
See you Thursday!
On behalf of Mrs Morris, Mrs Humphreys and I, we wanted to say Thank you so much for your kind and generous gifts and cards!
We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!
WB: 20th December
The children were excellent in their Christmas recoridng and I was super proud of the way they confidently delivered their lines. The children also enjoyed the Panto on Friday! There were some very excited faces!
This week we are lucky to have the PTFA's Santa's grotto and breakfast on Monday Morning. We will be completing lots of arts and crafts this week as well as a Movie and Popcorn treat!
Please keep sending in bookbags for all their goodies to travel in.
Remember school finishes on Tuesday at 1:30pm.
Have a wonderful Christmas and a well deserved rest with lots of festive fun thrown in!
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
Ben D
for giving out compliments to others!
We will miss you Ben, best of luck!
WB: 13th December
We have another busy week planned this week. We have our filming of our production on Tuesday, our final Forest School session, Christmas Jumper/ Lunch jumper day and Panto!
This week Mrs Humphreys will be teaching Swifts on Tuesday AM.
Reading Books and homework will be collected in this Monday for the rest of the term.
Reading Morning & Stay and Play have unfortuantely are cancelled this week.
Our Learning:
Maths- This week we will be consolidating all our learning this term with a winter theme.
English- This week we will be finishing our books and completing soem winter writing.
Phonics- We will be practising reading and writing CVC, CVCC, CCVC and CCVCC, with a review of all our taught graphemes from this term.
PE- We are developing our ball skills this half term.
DT- We will be evaluating our houses against our Little Red Riding Hood brief.
Science- To identify sound sources.
Computing- To create digital art work.
RE- To begin to think about our key question- how do Christians celebrate Jesus' Birthday?
Reminders and Events:
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
who is always complimentary and kind about other children's learning or ideas.
WB: 6th December
So its all a little different this week as we are in bubbles. The children enjoyed making their own Christmas placemats and liked eating their lunches in the classroom! We will be making a change to our production so the children will be learning a line this week. Please keep practising this at home! COSTUMES ARE DUE ON MONDAY.
We loved Forest School being back and will have our next session on Tuesday.
This week Mrs Humphreys will be teaching Swifts on Tuesday AM.
Reading Morning & Stay and Play have unfortuantely been cancelled this week.
Our Learning:
Maths- This week we will be continuing learning place value to 20. We will compare numbers and groups of objects and will be ordering numbers.
English- We are writing our own stories based on the character Cod Benson. We are publishing these as mini books.
Phonics- We will be learning the graphemes ‘oi’ , 'ear' and 'ure' (Tricky Witch). HFW:
PE- We are developing our ball skills this half term.
DT- We will be finishing building our houses out of junk modelling. These were really impressive on Friday!
Science- To observe and name a variety of light sources.
Art- To create a 3D form from clay.
RE- To begin to think about our key question- how do Christians celebrate Jesus' Birthday?
Reminders and Events:
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
who always has kind, positive things to say!
WB: 29th November
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and liked seeing a brief sprinkling of snow!
Christmas singing is well underway and this week we are hoping practising on the stage! Just a reminder for costumes to be in school next Monday 6th December. Forest School is back on this week. Mrs Pace would love to have some photographs of the children reading in unusual places. Please send these in!
This week Mrs Humphreys will be teaching Swifts on Tuesday AM.
Stay and Play is taking place on Friday for Reception children.
Our Learning:
Maths- This week we will be learning place value to 20. We will read, writing and representing numbers to 20 and will introducde tens and ones.
English- We will conclude our learning on 'Halibut Jackson' creating our own stories based on the character Cod Benson.
Phonics- We will be learning the graphemes ‘igh’ (Yellow I) and ‘air' (Tricky Witch). HFW: like, when, little, what
PE- We are developing our ball skills this half term.
Computing- To use mouse skills to draw and manipulate shapes/ use a range of tools to create a desired effect.
Science- To observe and name a variety of light sources.
Art- To create a 3D form from clay.
RE- To begin to think about our key question- how do Christians celebrate Jesus' Birthday?
Reminders and Events:
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
for always trying to solve problems and find solutions.
WB: 22nd November
We had a great week supporting Anti-Bullying Week and enjoyed shafring our learning with Kestrel Class and Reception's Buddies. This week we are taking part in Year 5 Play leader training and will start practising for our Christmas production.
This week Mrs Humphreys will be teaching Swifts on Tuesday AM and Mrs Fox will be teaching in the PM.
Stay and Play is taking place on Friday for Reception children.
Our Learning:
Maths- This week we will identify 2D and 3D shapes and will sort them and make aptterns.
English- We will be continuing our learning on our text of 'Halibut Jackson'. We will be writign adverts and advise letters on how to be confident.
Phonics- We will be learning the graphemes ‘oa’ (Miss Oh No) and ‘er' (Tricky Witch). HFW: come, some, were, one
RE- To begin to think about our key question- how do Christians celebrate Jesus' Birthday?
History- Who was Florence Nightingale and why should we remember?
PSHE- To know we are all different but the same in some ways.
PE- We are developoing our ball skills this half term.
DT- We will be designing our own houses and explore ways of building/joining materials together.
Computing- To use mouse skills to draw and manipulate shapes.
Science- To distinguish between an object and the material they are made from.
Reminders and Events:
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
for being a super Maths teacher and supporting others in their learning and play!
WB: 15th November
Thank you to those of you who were able to stay for Reading Morning! I know the children have really enjoyed listening to stories with you all. The children were very respectful last week celebrating Remembrance Day and created some wonderful artwork inspired by this for our class display.
This week we are supporting Anti Bullying Week starting with Odd Socks Day on Monday. Please wear odd socks on Monday-the brighter the better!
This week Mrs Humphreys will be teaching Swifts on Monday PM.
Stay and Play is taking place on Friday for Reception children.
Our Learning:
Maths- This week we will continue our learning on finding the difference and will be comparing number sentences.
English- We will be starting our new text of 'Halibut Jackson'.
Phonics- We will be learning the graphemes ‘ai’ (Angry Red A) and ‘or’ (Black Cat). HFW: it’s, do, so
Geography- To know the different countries and capital cities of the UK.
DT- We will be designing our own houses and explore ways of building/joining materials together.
Computing- To use mouse skills to draw and manipulate shapes.
PSHE: To know we are all different but the same in some ways.
Science- To distinguish between an object and the material they are made from.
Reminders and Events:
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
who accepts everyone is different and has been very kind helping others this week.
WB: 8th November
The children really enjoyed taking part in our Climate Change Day and took part in some real inspirational learning! Forest School and Stay and Play were also a big success so thank you for all of your support with these.
This week Mrs Burns will be teaching Swifts on Monday PM.
We have Reading Morning on Tuesday (8:30-9am) under the canopy.
Stay and Play is taking place on Friday for Reception children.
Our Learning:
Maths- To create a fact family, to count back, to count back using a numberline, to find the difference.
English- We will be writing our own versions of our text and publishing our books.
Phonics- We will be learning the graphemes ‘ee’ (Green Froggy) and ‘ur’ (Black Cat). HFW: see, going, just, have.
History/ Art - What is Remembrance?
Computing- To use mouse skills to draw and manipulate shapes
PSHE: To understand that being different makes us special
Science- To introduce a range of everyday materials.
PE/ Forest School.
Reminders and Events:
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
for celebrating others differences and being complimentary of these.
WB: 1st November
It was lovely to meet so many of you at Parents Consultations. The children have been working so hard this term!
I hope you all had a wonderful half term with both a rest and some fun! We cannot wait to ehar what the children have been up to.
Just a reminder that we begin our Forest School sessions on Tuesday. The children need to bring in suitable clothing and footwear to change into in the afternoon. Hopefully you have all been practising!
On Tuesday we are also celebrating Climate Change Day and will be sharing the book ‘Somebody Swallowed Stanley’ with lots of activities linked to this.
Our Learning:
Maths- How many are left, subtraction- break apart and fact families.
English- We will be planning our own ideas for our story based on our text ‘ I will never ever eat a tomato’ and will begin writing our own book.
Phonics- We will be learning the graphemes ‘oo’ (Tricky Witch) and ‘ow’ (Brown Owl). HFW: now, look, down.
History- Who was Guy Fawkes and why do we celebrate Fireworks Night?
RE- The celebration of Diwali
PSHE: What am I good at?
Science- The parts of the human body adn their senses.
Reminders and Events:
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
Leo P
for always being ready to learn and following our class rules.
WB: 18th October
How this first half term has flown! I am looking forward to talking to you all at Parent Consultations on Wednesday and Thursday.If you are unable to make it I am able to organise a 10 minute Google Meet/ Phone call at another time. Don’t forget the PTFA Bakesale after school on Friday! No home learning over half term- enjoy your break!
Mrs Burns will be teaching Swift Class on Tuesday.
Our Learning:
Maths: addition fact families, find number bonds within 10, systematic number bonds, number bonds to 10 and compare Number bonds
Phonics: Long oo grapheme and ar grapheme HFW: then, them, this, that, said.
English: We will developing our own ideas in preparation for writing our own story
History: We will be continuing to learn about Mary Seacole, thinking about her life and why she is so significant.
DT: We will be exploring building a house structure out of lego. Over half term please collect some junk modelling. We would like boxes, tubes etc. as we will be building our own houses soon.
Art: We will be decorating our own “pumpkins” in polka dots.
RE: We will be thinking again about harvest and complete some autumn/harvest themed activities.
PSHE: We will be learning what the word “responsible” means.
Reminders and Events:
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
For always working well with others and for some super show and tells linked to our learning!
WB: 4th October
Thank you for your support on Hello Yellow day- it certainly cheered up the classroom with all that colour! This week is our first Reading Morning (for Year 1 only). Please come along on Tuesday (8:30-9am) and share some books under the canopy with the children.
Our Learning:
Maths- Part whole models, addition symbol, fact families, number bonds within 10 and systematic number bonds
English- We are beginning our new story ‘I will not ever never eat a Tomato’ by Lauren Child. We will be thinking about what we dislike to eat, writing sentences and using adjectives and will writing in role.
Phonics- ch, sh, th (v), th, ng Tricky words: she, no, go, I, the, to. HFW: too, her, with, are, yes.
Science- To understand how bulbs grow.
PE- An introduction to PE and basic skills
Computing- To develop mouse skills
Music - To listen to Big Bear Funk by Joanna Mangona and explore funk music.
Reminders and Events:
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
For always being kind and caring to others.
WB: 4th October
I cannot believe we are now in October! Get those pumpkins ready! This month is Black History Month and we will be learning about about significant figures in our lessons & assemblies over the next few weeks, including sharing our learning with Eagle Class!
Thursday is also National Poetry Day and we will be sharing a poem with the rest of the school so be prepared to hear us practise! On Friday we will be supporting Young Minds Mental Health Charity by taking part in 'Hello Yellow' non-uniform.
Our Learning:
Maths- order objects, order numbers, ordinal numbers and numberlines.
English- This week we are going to be learning and performing a poem to celebrate National Poetry Day on Thursday.
Phonics- j, v, w, x, y, z, zz and qu. HFW: if, off, you, my, they, for, was, will, all, went, from, help
Science- Introduce the names of common decidious and evergreen trees.
PE- An introduction to PE and basic skills
History- A signifcant person- Mary Seacole
Art- To experiment making different types of polka dots.
Reminders and Events:
Congratulations to our Star of the Week....
Jessica W
for always being ready to learn on the carpet.
WB: 27th September
It was wonderful to see so many of our Reception parents at our Welcome Assembly on Friday! They all did briliantly and I know their buddies were all proud! Who can believe it is October this week! We will be appreciating our natural environment and thinking about the changes around us this week.
Our Learning:
Maths- 1:1 correspondance, comparing objects, comparing numbers
English- This week we are going to be writing a leaflet all about spiders!
Phonics- E, U, R, H, B HFW: can, got, on, get, not, cat, dog.
Science- Introduce common garden plants
PE- An introduction to PE and basic skills
Geog- To describe where I live
RE- Harvest & Autumn
Reminders and Events:
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
for always being kind and caring to others
WB: 20th September
Reception enjoyed meeting their buddies last week and will be having a special assembly on Friday where the children will share in this. This week we also have the Book Fair starting and the children will have an opportunity to go and look around on Monday afternoon. Wednesday is National Fitness Day so why not challenge your family to a minute exercsie challenge?
Our Learning:
Maths- Counting forwards, backwards and one more/less
English- We are continuing on learning on our focus text 'Anansi the Spider.'
Phonics- M D G O C K CK, HFW: and, dad, am, to, into, go, no, the.
Science- Introduce the names of wild and garden plants.
PE- An introduction to PE and basic skills - Moving safely around a space.
History- Changes in technology
Art- To learn about who Yayoi Kusama is.
Computing- Logging on to a computer
Reminders and Events:
Congratulations to our Star of the Week...
for being so kind to her other classmates!
WB: 13th September
We had a wonderful first week and it was great getting to know all the children. I was proud of how they all came to school ready to learn and settled right in. We are looking forward to Reception staying for a full days! On Wednesday we have a special '5 Ways to Wellbeing' workshop! On Friday Mrs Burns will be returning to Bromet to teach Swift class.
Our Learning:
Maths- Sorting, counting and representing objects
English- We are beginning our focus text 'Anansi the Spider.'
Phonics- S A T P I N, HFW: a at as in it is I an, Continued assessment,
Science- Smashing Sterotypes- What is a scientist?
PE- An introduction to PE and basic skills - Moving safely around a space.
History- Changes in technology
DT- Exploring different types of houses
PSHE- Getting to know you
Reminders and Events:
Congratulations to our Star of the Week....
for helping the reception children to settle in!
WB: 6th September
Hello and welcome to a fresh new school year! We are really excited to welcome you all back on Monday for Year 1 and Tuesday for Reception and cannot wait to see your smiling faces! We are especially looking forward to hearing all your exciting summer holiday adventures and learn a lot more about you all! See you all soon!
Our Learning:
This week we are focusing on PSHE and wellbeing. We will be finding out all about the children, talking about what we are looking forward to this year as well as any of our worries. We will writing our class rules together, thinking about our different feelings, describing our safe places, completing network hands and will discussing teamwork!
Maths- Place Value
English- Postcard from Summer Holidays
Phonics- Assessment and Meeting the Monster Phonics
Geography- Making Maps of the school and a school scavenger hunt
Art- Self Portrait
PE- An introduction to PE and basic skills
Reminders and Events:
Monday - Book Bags and water bottles to be brought in (Water Bottles will stay in school and will be returned on a Friday) For this week reading books will go home on Thursday to give us time to hear each child read and assess their book band level.
Tuesday- Wear PE kit to school.
Wednesday - Homework (for Year 1) will go home tonight.
Thursday - Reading books and book bags will go home tonight.
Friday - Book Bags to be brought in.