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Bromet Primary School Excellence, Enjoyment and Achievement for All

Falcon - Year 5 and Year 6

Welcome to Falcon Class!



Have you seen the Kids’ Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites.

Class Teacher: Miss Charalambous

Supported by: Mrs Andrews and Mrs Lewis

NQT Time: Mrs White

PPA Cover: Mme Lawson and Mrs Bastable


Wider Curriculum Overview Falcon Class Year B 2019/20

Spring Timetable 2020

Home Learning Grid Summer 2020

Week 12 Learning

Week Commencing 13th July



I cannot believe it is the last week of school before summer! Whilst it has been a very unusual year, I am so proud of all the hard work you have put in, both at school and  at home. It has been an absolute pleasure to teach you all and I hope you enjoy your final tasks as Falcon pupils!


Attached is a collection of activities to support transition between classes; something we were not able to do in school. Please have a go at the daily activities and let me know how you get on!


If you do find yourself looking for a little something extra to do, BBC Bitesize has a bank of daily lessons that you can have a go at. 


For the last time, happy learning Falcons!
Miss Charalambous 

Week 12 - Transition Tasks

Week 11 Learning

Week Commencing 5th July

Good morning Falcon class,


Thank you for all your continued hard work. Only 2 more weeks until the summer holidays! 


This weeks work:
English - script writing, comic strips, newspaper report and a writing challenge!
Reading - book of choice
SPaG - ellipsis, direct and indirect speech, spellings
Maths Year 5 - shapes including translation and reflection
Maths Year 6 - ratio and proportion
Additional learning - evolution
Wider curriculum - see grid


Hope you all have a wonderful week and please continue to send pictures of what you are getting up to!

Miss Charalambous :)

Week 10 Learning

Week Commencing 29th June

Well done for another week of hard work! I was so impressed by your lockdown poems! I know it has been a long time since we have all been at school, but keep going with all your hard work - only 3 weeks until summer!


I'd also like to say a massive well done to everyone who took part in the TTRockstars Inter School Competition. As a school we came 2nd overall and Falcon Class came 4th out of all of the schools and classes across the competition. Also, a big well done to Maggie, Leila, Caleb and Luka for earning an incredible amount of points!


This weeks learning is below.
Maths Year 5 - decimals
Maths Year 6 - area and volume
English - Narrative writing
Guided Reading - book of choice and comprehension
SPaG - subordinating conjunctions, fronted adverbials, spellings


Please do keep sending me pictures for the website and the newsletter. It is also a lovely way to stay in touch!


Missing you all,

Miss Charalambous :-)

Week Commencing 22nd June

Falcon Class,


Thank you all so much for so many brilliant autobiographies! It has been so lovely to find out even more about you all and the baby pics were all very adorable!


This week:
Maths Year 5 - after last weeks mix up (sorry!!) this week we will be looking at line graphs and multi-step problems. This should all be revision but use the videos to remind yourself.
Maths Year 6 - looking at metric measures - this should be revision but you will need to use the videos to remind yourselves.
English - poetry - I have linked BBC bitesize lessons to help you. You will be revising and writing some of your own poetry!
Guided reading - continuing with Skellig if you are yet to complete it and a poetry comprehension is attached.
SPaG - Relative clauses - there is a presentation to help you and then 2 worksheets to work through (choose one for Wednesday and one for Friday).
Wider Curriculum - see wider curriculum grid - I have also added a history lesson that you may wish to do as additional work.


Happy learning,
Miss Charalambous :-)

Guided Reading

Week 8 Learning

Week Commencing 15th June

Hello Falcon Class,


Once again, a big thank you to anyone who has sent in work and pictures - I really enjoy keeping in touch with you all! 


This weeks work is as follows:
Maths - year 5 - percentages and decimals
Maths - year 6 - algebra
English - autobiographical writing
SPaG - understanding apostrophes, spellings and commas for clarity
Guided reading - Skellig and reading comprehension
Additional learning - I have linked a little Spanish lesson for you to have a go at!
Wider curriculum - see summer 2 grid


As most of you now know, I am in school with year 6 so will not be able to reply as quickly as I may have been doing previously. I will do my best to respond to you as soon as possible!


Have a lovely week!
Miss Charalambous :-)

Week Commencing 8th June

Happy Sunday Falcon Class,


Once again I have been so pleased to see all of the fantastic work you have been doing at home, as well as seeing all the extra fun you've been having!


This weeks work is below.

Maths - WhiteRose - focusing on fractions.

English - biography writing; all information on the timetable.

Guided Reading - Skellig and Sir Tom Moore comprehension (there are 3 answer sheets to choose from that get progressively difficult).

SPaG - Similes/metaphors; spellings; SPaG mat 6.

PE - Hopefully you are all still joining in with PE with Joe or some form of exercise. Let me know some of your favourite exercises!

Wider Curriculum - see grid - 1 activity to be completed weekly.


Have a great week, missing you all lots!

Miss Charalambous :-)

Week Commencing 1st June

I hope you have had a fun filled half term! 

This weeks work is below. 

Maths - continuing with White Rose - all sheets and video links are on the timetable. Friday's maths challenge can be found on BBC Bitesize.

English - This week focuses on letter writing. 

Guided Reading - Skellig - focusing on chapter 12.

SPaG - semi colons, brackets and spellings.

Wider Curriculum - As we are now in Summer 2, I have attached a new wider curriculum grid. You will see there is one for year 5 and a slightly different one for year 6. Please complete one activity each week.

Remember, any work or pictures of activities you are doing can be uploaded to the 'Week 6 Learning' folder or sent to admin.

Happy learning!
Miss Charalambous

Week 6 Timetable

SPaG Mat Week 6

Below is a really cool opportunity to break a Guinness World Record by achieving the highest score on TTRockstars in 1 minute! All the details of how to enter are attached.

Let me know how you get on and if you do take part you can share your videos on Google Classroom too!

Week Commencing 18th May

Happy Sunday Falcon Class,

Another week of home school complete and once again I am so impressed by all the work I have been receiving. It is clear to see how hard you are all working!

This week, your maths worksheets are attached. The link to the videos remains on the weekly timetable.
Guided reading - Skellig
English - persuasive texts and instructions
SPaG - bullet points / note taking, statutory spellings
Wider curriculum - see grid

As usual, if you have any pictures please send these to admin or upload to Google Classroom. All home learning can be uploaded to the 'Week 5 Learning' folder on Google Classroom.

Any queries, please do email admin or leave a comment on the Google Classroom post and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Stay safe and take care,
Miss Charalambous

Week 4 Learning

Week Commencing 11th May

Hello Falcon Class,

Well done for all your hard work this week, once again I was very impressed with the work you have produced! I am also really pleased to see lots of pictures of you all having fun at home, you can send these to admin or post them on Google Classroom.

This week, your maths task are again on White Rose - the links are on the timetable. (As of next week, I will be downloading and supplying the worksheets as they will no longer be available online to everyone. As we are a week behind on White Rose, this will not impact you this week).

English - you will be planning and writing a story and explanation text.

SPaG - adverbials, SPaG mat and statutory spelling revision.

Guided reading - Skellig

Wider curriculum - see grid.

Any questions, do let me know!

Have a great week,
Miss Charalambous

Week 3 Learning

A big well done to Luka for winning the 'Players Player' trophy at his rugby clubs awards!

Week Commencing 4th May

Hello Falcon Class,

I am very impressed with all the work and pictures I have received this week. I hope you are all staying safe and enjoying your time at home.

This week your maths is on WhiteRose, Summer Week 2 W/C 27th April. If you finish this, please continue to use Mathletics and TTRockstars.

Your guided reading continues to look at the book Skellig. You also have your comprehension books to be working through.

For English this week we are looking again at the book Hidden Figures as we spent a lot of time on this text so you should all be familiar with it. I would like to see you producing some high quality writing this week based around it. If you need to jog your memory, a link to watch a video of the book being read is on your timetable.

SPaG this week can be completed straight into your school closure books.

Please continue to stay active by completing some form of exercise; this could be Joe Wicks.

You can also complete one activity from your wider curriculum grid.

You will see that there is no work set on Friday. This is because it is a bank holiday and I'd like you all to take some time to rest and have fun!

Happy learning and have a great week!
Miss Charalambous

Week 2 Learning!

Week Commencing 27th April

Below is the timetable for this weeks work. You will see that there is a maths task for each day, focusing on working with decimals. Your English tasks this week link to our wider curriculum topic of the Vikings and your guided reading continues to focus on the book Skellig. Please remember to complete one task from the wider curriculum grid. At the end of the week, please upload any work onto Google Classroom in the folder 'Week 2 Learning'. Have a great week!

Just a few examples of this weeks brilliant home learning!

Week Commencing 20th April

I hope you all had a lovely Easter and ate lots of chocolate! Here is your work for this week. All of the below with more information can be found on Google Classroom. The Week 1 document details daily expectations for math, English and guided reading. Children should also complete one piece of wider curriculum work from the grid each week. BBC Bitesize are now offering daily lessons - if you would like to have a go at these, the link is in the Wider Curriculum grid. I hope you all enjoy your home schools!

Week Commencing 23rd March

Falcon Class, over the next few unusual weeks please do check the class page and Google Classroom for any additional information or tasks. In the meantime, please do have a go at your home learning packs. I hope you are all enjoying reading Skellig too! This week you are all my stars for staying so positive and working so hard! Enjoy your home schools and I'll see you all soon!

Getting involved in some netball fun to finish the week!

Please bring in trainers tomorrow (Wednesday) as we will be going outside for PE this week!

Week Commencing 16th March

Last week was very busy with some of our highlights be investigating separating sand and salt and creating our own trees for science week! A big well done to Khaim who is our star of the week for being physically active and always getting stuck in in PE!


Maths - decimals / percentages and assessments

English - SPaG and reading assessments and discussion texts

Science - experimenting with separating materials

Art - surrealism

History - Shang dynasty

Jigsaw - Healthy Me - emergency situations

Computing - 3D images

Investigating and creating our own experiments to separate sand and salt!

Getting stuck into creating a tree for science week!

Week Commencing 9th March 2020

We had a fantastic week last week with our highlights being World Book Day and our class assembly. I am so proud of the whole class and how well they did, thank you to everyone who came to watch! This week we have another busy week with parents evening on Wednesday and Thursday evening.


A big well done to Tommy who was our Star of the Week!


Maths - decimals, percentages and fractions

English - The Strange Case of Origami Yoda - comprehension, suffixes, drama, debates and diary entries!

Science - Earth and Space - investigations!

PSHE / Jigsaw - healthy lifestyles

Computing - animations

DT - evaluating our cam mechanisms

PE - performances

Geography - plastic pollution


We've had a fantastic World Book Day in Falcon Class!

Getting Creative with Reading Rivers and Book Characters!

Our Brilliant World Book Day T-shirts of our Favourite Books!

T-shirt designing of our favourite book cover is underway!

Please note that the children should be completing both Mathletics and TTRockstars tasks weekly!


Reminder: Tomorrow is World Book Day - children should bring in their favourite book and are invited to wear their pyjamas!

Mother Tongue Day!

Garden of Dreams!

​​​​​​Week commencing 2nd March 2020

We have had a great week in Falcon Class with Mother Tongue Day being a highlight! It was lovely to learn about the different backgrounds of the class. A big well done to our last two Stars of the Week: Bobbi and Luka.


This week we have Maths morning on Wednesday where we hope to see lots of parents for fun and games related to the work we have been doing in class! Thursday is World Book Day where children are invited to wear pyjamas to school and bring a copy of their favourite book in! We have lots of fun activities planned, including designing our own t-shirts with the cover of our favourite books!


Maths - decimals and percentages - converting between fractions, decimals and percentages and rounding decimals

English - we are looking at the book Origami Yoda and focusing on grammatical structures as well as comprehension.

Science - Earth and space - solar system models!

History - Tudor houses and their features

Computing - animations - planning our own!

PSHE - Healthy Me - understanding the risks of alcohol misuse

PE - gymnastics performances - working as a team to create performances to share with the class!




Week Commencing 24th February 2020

I hope you all had a brilliant and restful half term! 

We have lots of exciting things planned for this half term, including Mother Tongue Day on Thursday and our class assembly next Friday (6th March).


If any parents are interested in sharing your home language or food from your home country on Mother Tongue Day (Thursday 27th), please do let me know!


Maths - Decimals and fractions

English - The Strange Case of Origami Yoda! - instruction writing

Science - The movement of the moon

Art - Surrealism

Computing - Producing a live film!

PSHE - Healthy me! - the health risks of smoking

PE - Gymnastics routines


Week Commencing 10th February 2020

We had a brilliant week in Falcon Class, with some of our highlights being Number Day and talent show auditions! A massive well done to all those that auditioned, I was so impressed by the confidence and talent that everyone showed! 


Congratulations to this weeks star of the week, Mary, for being a supportive friend and helping others to achieve their goals.


Maths - We are continuing to look at fractions, in particular multiplication.

English - We are continuing to look at the book 'Hidden Figures', looking particularly at biographies. 

Science - Earth and space - movement of the moon

DT - completing our mechanical systems

Jigsaw - Hopes and dreams

PE- Gymnastics routines

Computing - Advantages and disadvantages of video sharing websites

Geography - Understanding the uses of the sea

Some of our Gratitude Jars!

Week Commencing 3rd February

A big well done to this weeks star of the week, Ava, for always having a positive attitude!


Maths - Fractions - multiplying and dividing

English - Hidden Figures

Science - Earth and Space - Night and Day

Geography - Oceans and seas - UK Marine Life

Jigsaw - Hopes and dreams for the future

PE - Gymnastics 

DT - Cam mechanisms

Music - Music of the sea - listen and respond

Computing - Making our own 3D Models

Week Commencing 27th January

A big well done to this weeks start of the week, Eila, for always working well in a group or with a partner.


Maths - Adding and subtracting fractions

English - Hidden Figures: reading comprehension and character descriptions

Science - Earth and Space - night and day

History - Vikings

Computing - 3D images

PE - Gymnastics - leaps, jumps and rolls

Music - Evaluating compositions 

DT - Cam mechanisms

Jigsaw - Hopes and dreams


Homework and reading records in on Monday please!


Gymnastics - Looking at movement and jumps!

Week Commencing 20th January

We had another great week in Falcon Class. One of our highlights this week was a visit from Affinity Water where we took part in many experiments about rocks and soils! Well done to this weeks star of the week - Sophie - for always staying motivated even when faced with challenges.


Maths - Fractions, including comparing and ordering

English - Flotsam - letter writing

Science - Earth and Space

Geography - Oceans 

Music - Composers and our opinions on them

PE - Gymnastics

Computing - Morphing images

DT - Cam mechanisms


Please remember homework is due in on Monday and reading records must be signed three times in order to be a star reader! PE is on Tuesday so please have kits in school for then.

Affinity Water Visit

Week Commencing 13th January

A big well done to Jessee-Lee who was our first star of the week of 2020!


Maths - Fractions

English - 'Flotsam' 3rd person setting descriptions

Science - Earth and space, looking at the different planets

PE - Gymnastics, focusing on jumps and levels

History - The Vikings

Art - surrealism linked to 'Flotsam'


Please ensure home learning books are in tomorrow along with reading records!

Please also remember PE is now on Tuesday so ensure kits are in school.

Week Commencing 6th January 2020!

I'm looking forward to welcoming you all back for the start of 2020! We have a busy week planned, with the start of our 3 week Flotsam project commencing this week. I hope you have all had a restful and enjoyable Christmas break and I will see you all on Tuesday!


Maths - Multiplication and division

English - Vocabulary building linked to Flotsam

Science - Earth and Space

Geography - Oceans and seas

Computing - E-Safety

Music - Oceans

DT - Cam mechanisms

PE - Gymnastics


Please remember homework books and reading records as new home learning grids will be handed out on Wednesday! Homework and reading records are expected in the following Monday with one piece completed and reading records signed! I understand that sometimes this is not possible, and in these situations please leave a note or email me! Many thanks.



Merry Christmas everyone! The children have all gone home feeling very full after our party and very excited!! I just wanted to say a massive thank you for all the lovely gifts, and a thank you to the class for being so wonderful for my first term at Bromet! I hope you all have the best Christmas holidays and I will see you in the New Year!

Week Commencing 16th December

We have had a great penultimate week of the Autumn term. Some of our highlights include the incredible Christmas Performance at St Matthews and making our T-shirts in French! Thank you to all the parents/carers and friends who came to watch us on Tuesday night. Both classes worked so hard and it was great to see their hard work pay off! Well done to Meadow who is this weeks Star of the Week!


Maths - Perimeter and area

English - Persuasive letters

DT - Cam mechanisms

History - Vikings

PE - Netball

Computing / DT - Food nutrition

...and lots of Christmas fun!!


A reminder that this week we have Santa's Breakfast and Christmas Jumper Day on Wednesday. We have Christmas lunch on Wednesday too. On Thursday afternoon we will be watching the Jack and the Beanstalk PantomimeAwards assembly is on Friday too! 


I look forward to see you all for our last week before Christmas! School finishes at 1:30 on Friday!

Some examples of our fabulous French T-shirts!

Week Commencing 9th December

This week in Falcon Class, we have been hard at work preparing for our Christmas performance at the Church on Tuesday evening! We are very much looking forward to it and hope to see you there at 6:30pm to begin the festivities with us! A big congratulations to our star of the week Jasmine-Rose!


Maths - Statistics, line graphs

English - Persuasive writing

Jigsaw - Does money matter?

History - Tudors 

PE - Ball skills

DT - Cam mechanisms

French - Making our t-shirts!


Reminder - we will be walking to the church on Monday afternoon for our dress rehearsal of the Christmas performance. If you haven't done so already, please make sure the permission slip is handed to me on Monday morning, otherwise children will not be allowed to walk with us to the church.


Week Commencing 2nd December

We have had another great week in Falcon Class with the highlights being our preparation for the Christmas performance and beginning to make our cam mechanisms! Well done to Maisie for being our Star of the Week and Caleb for winning this hot chocolate Friday!


Maths - Statistics, line graphs

English - Guided reading focus alongside play scripts

History - Tudors and Stuarts

PE - Our last session with Watford Football Club!

Music - Choir and Christmas preparation

DT - Cam mechanisms

Computing - Digital footprints and spreadsheets

French - Designing our slogan t-shirts!


Reminder - The TTRockstars boys vs girls battle is under way!!


Have a great weekend, see you in December!


Week Commencing 25th November

We have had another fantastic week in Falcon Class, where we have started practising for our Christmas performance. The children are very much enjoying learning the new songs! The class have produced wonderful work including the dissection of a flower and play scripts! 


Maths - Division, looking at both short division and remainders as both decimals and fractions.

English - We are continuing to look at play scripts.

Geography - River features

Jigsaw - Rumours and name-calling, what to do if we see this happening.

PE - Watford Football Club, possession and passing

Music - Choir and Christmas!!

DT - Making cam mechanisms

Spellings - Hyphenated words

French - Things we can do to help save our environment


Things to remember - Thank you to everyone who has brought in a shoe box for our DT lessons. If you have any arts and crafts bits and pieces at home, if you would like to, please bring these in to decorate our boxes with! The children have all been sent home with a copy of the songs for our Christmas performance, please get learning the lyrics!!


See you Monday! 

Week Commencing 18th November

We had a great week in Falcon Class last week, with some of our highlights being odd socks day, Children in Need pyjama day and learning about Remembrance.

Maths - Fractions, including adding and subtracting

English - Play scripts, both performing and writing

Science - Parts of a flower

Geography - Rivers and streams

Jigsaw - Celebrating difference

PE - WFC movement and dribbling

Music - Choir - performance practice

Spellings - Plurals and contractions

DT - Making cam mechanisms (please remember your shoe boxes!!)


Week Commencing 11th November

This week we will be considering both Remembrance Day and Anti-Bullying Week and recognising the importance of both. We will have a Remembrance Day assembly on Monday where there will be a minutes silence to pay our respects. 


Reminder: Children should bring a plastic bag into school tomorrow (Monday) to take last years books home. Also, shoe boxes for our DT project can now be brought into school! Many thanks.

Maths morning is on Wednesday and we look forward to seeing lots of parents/carers!


Maths - Fractions, looking particularly at equivalence as well as mixed numbers and improper fractions.

English - Remembrance cinquain poetry.

Science - Classification

History - Remembrance 

Jigsaw - Anti-bullying with links to computing

Spellings - Plurals 

PE - Watford Football Club

Music - Choir

DT - Designing and making (cam mechanisms)

French - Animals



Week Commencing 4th November

After a brilliant first half term, I am very much looking forward to welcoming everyone back for the countdown to Christmas! This is a very exciting week for Falcon Class as we have our residential trip to Woodrow on Thursday and Friday! I look forward to seeing you all on Monday!

Maths - Multiplication and fractions

English - Newspaper Reports

French - Classification of animals

Geography - Biomes

PE - Watford Football Club

Music - Choir



Week Commencing 21st October

Maths - Multiplicative Reasoning

English - Newspaper reports linking to Black History Month and Nelson Mandela

Science - Classification

PE - Watford Football Club 

Music - Preparing for a performance - choir

Art - Contemporary Art designs

French - Animals and classification

Jigsaw - Democracy and our learning charter

We are hugely proud of Lola who is in Falcon Class and her sister Olivia Morris, who won 2 golds, 1 silver and 2 bronze medals at the P.A.K.T Shogun Karate Tournament on Sunday. The competition was tough, but they showed determination and strength which is proven by their fantastic results. Well done girls!

Week Commencing October 14th

Please remember Monday is our school trip to Cassiobury Park. Please wear clothes suitable for wet weather and a spare change of clothes as the forecast isn't looking promising!!

Maths - Number properties including prime and composite numbers.

English - Diary writing with link to Nelson Mandela and black history month.

Science - Mammal life cycles

DT - Designing cam mechanisms

Music - Choir practice

French - Animals with links to our science work

PE - WFC - possession and dribbling


Week Commencing October 7th

Maths - Number properties including prime and composite numbers.

English - Explanation texts - we will be completing our Explorer's Guide of the Amazon Rainforest.

History - Black History Month - Nelson Mandela.

Art - Designing our own contemporary art.

French - Classifying animals.

PE - Watford Football Club

Music - Choir practice

Science - Vertebrates and invertebrates.

Week Commencing September 30th


Maths - This week in maths we will be looking at addition and subtraction strategies (both mental and written).

English - We will be continuing to look at explanation texts and creating our own Explorers' Guide of the Amazon Rainforest.

Science - We will be looking at plants, in particular, seed dispersal.

Geography - We are continuing to look at map skills.

PE - Watford FC

Music - The children will be continuing their choir practice in preparation for their final performance.

DT - We will be looking again at cam mechanisms and beginning to design our own.


Week Commencing 23rd September

Maths - This week we will be looking at multiplication, in particular multiplying by 10/100/1000.

English - We will be focusing on the explanation text of 'The Explorers' Guide' and developing a similar non-fiction text ourselves.

Science - We are continuing with our work on plants and how they grow.

History - We will be beginning to look at the Shang Dynasty.

PE - Watford Football Club will be continuing to work with the children during our PE sessions.

Music - Year 5 children will be taking part in choir on a Wednesday afternoon.

RE - The children will be looking at religious celebrations in the Jewish faith.

Art - This week, we are developing our sketching skills, looking particularly at tone and shading.

Spellings - Our spelling focus this week are words with silent letters.

PSHE/Jigsaw - We are focusing this week on our rights within our school.


Week Commencing 16th September

Maths - This week in maths we will be continuing to look at place value.

English - In English we will be looking, in detail, at the poem 'A Mother Cries'.

Science - This week in science we will be looking at what plants need to grow!

DT - In DT we will be beginning to look at cam mechanisms and our design brief for the term!

PE - We are very lucky to have Watford FC supporting our PE lessons starting on Wednesday so please remember kit!

Geography - In geography we will be looking at map skills, in particular how to read a key.

Jigsaw - In PSHE we will be looking at our community and how we can make it a better place.

Music - Year 5 will be beginning their choir practice!

Reminder: Falcon Class will be open to parents/carers between 3:30-4pm tomorrow (Friday 13th September). Please come along and say hello!

We have had a fantastic start to our year in Falcon Class and have already been very busy! I'd like to thank everyone who handed in their work from the summer and to those who shared some of their lovely diary entries and journals with us! Leila and Max have been elected as this years school council representatives and they are very much looking forward to getting stuck into their new roles! We also have new sports representatives for the year - Tommy and Tabitha will be taking on these roles!


Week Commencing 9th September

English - We are beginning with a lovely poetry unit that looks in particularly at vocabulary building.

Maths - We are focusing on place value. I will be handing out logins for both TTRockstars and Mathletics this week.

History - We will be looking at the local history of Cassiobury Park.

Jigsaw - Helping others to feel welcome.

Computing - We will be investigating 'big data'.

Art - Will we be looking at contemporary art and beginning some sketches based on this!

Science - We will be looking at the functions of flowering plants.

PE - Watford FC

2018 - 2019

Week 12   15 July


This is our final week and I would like to wish you all good luck as you move on to either secondary school or into year 6.  It has been a pleasure and I have enjoyed teaching you all this year.


This week we will be finishing our Fair Grounds and writing our poems.  We will also be listening to each others sports projects.  There are a few still outstanding, please have them in school by Tuesday please.


Final reminders

Cycling proficiency for those year 6 who signed up will begin on Monday.  Remember to dismount your bike at the school gate.  Remember your helmet and padlock.

There is a 'Thank you' assembly on Thursday morning.

Year 6 Leavers assembly is at 2.30pm on Thursday.

Awards assembly on Friday morning.

Year 6 BBQ on Friday, please bring your own allergy aware choice if necessary.


End of term for all pupils Friday 1.30pm. 

Week 11   8 July


Well done Chloe - Star of the Week.


This week we will be revisiting aspects a maths in preparation for transition.

In writing we will be reading and writing a variety of poetry.  We will also be sharing the fabulous books the children wrote last week.

Please make sure that all PE kits are in school all week.

Year 6 will be visiting their secondary schools on Thursday and on Friday the rest of the school will meet their teacher for next year.


On Thursday afternoon, year 5 children will be joining Kingfisher class and taking part in the Dance Festival.


Our DT work this week will include the construction of a Theme park, so please sent in your recycling materials (no glass) to enable the children to complete the task.

The children will also be presenting their sports projects over these next two weeks, I am very impressed with some of the projects that have already been handed in, great work.

WEEK 10   1st July


Well done Ellie, star of the week.


This week we will be creating our own picture books and later sharing them with the younger children in the school.

In Maths we will be using all the four operations to complete word problems.


As we enter the final few weeks of the year please check the school website and twitter feeds regularly for dates and times of meetings and events.


Thursday 4 July - 6-7.30pm RSE information to parents, please make sure you have signed up to attend.


Friday 5 July - Year 6 will hold their Tuck Shop afternoon.

Thursday 11 July - Year 5 will attend the Dance Festival at Queens'.

Friday 12 July - Film night - The Greatest Showman.  3.15-5pm.

Thursday 18 July - Thank you assembly 9am.

Friday 19 - End of term awards assembly 9am.

Year 6 Parents - 

Tuesday 9 July - Year 6 end of year performance, 2.30pm and 6pm.

Thursday 11 July - Year 6 Transition Day to secondary school.

Week commencing 15 July - Cycling Proficiency for those who have signed up.

Thursday 18 July - Year 6 Goodbye assembly 2.30pm.


Week 9  24 June


Good luck to all year 6 this week as they attend Northern Heights, let's hope the sun shines.


This week we will be saying goodbye to Miss Podro, she is off to start her new teaching career, we wish her every success.  She will be missed.


Well done to all those who entered the cake competition, in particular the winner Haani, and Ellie and Martha coming second.


Well done to Maya, star of the week.


This week we will be continuing our persuasive writing and also creating a theme park.

Week 8   June 17

Art and DT week

During this week we will be exploring, designing and using persuasive writing around theme parks.  

In Maths we will be conducting investigations.

In Science we will continue designing and building bridges.

Don't forget to bring in you cakes for the baking competition on Thursday.

On Friday is our Fun Run.



Year 6 Trip PowerPoint

Week 7   10 June


In English we will be continuing our writing focusing the book Tuesday.

In Maths we will be using all our knowledge through investigation and problem solving.

We will be looking at the mechanisms used when building bridges including the use of pulleys, levers and gears.


On Monday 10th we will be taking part in a workshop run by A Healthy Life

Wednesday 12th is the Y6 school journey meeting at 3.30pm in Eagle Classroom - Please make sure that all medical forms have been completed and returned.

Friday 14th is the PTFA Father's Day sale.


Don't forget to bake your cake for the competition on Thursday 20th, ready for the sale and fun run on Friday 21st.


Week 6 - 3 June


We hope you have enjoyed the break and made the most of the sunshine.


This week year 5 will be visiting France on Friday.  Please make sure that you take enough food and drink for the whole day.  Please check all the timings for the trip as we must leave on time in order to board our scheduled departure at the Euro Tunnel.


In English we will be focusing our work around a book called Tuesday by David Wiesner, looking at reports and journalistic writing.

For Maths we will be solving problems involving multiplication and division including using factors and multiples, squares and cubes.

For our topic work we will be completing our Travel information document using computing skills.

We will also be using cookery skills to create some of the delicious recipes from the heritage boxes.  If anyone is interested in helping with these DT (Cookery) sessions place come and see me and we can arrange a suitable time. Thanking you in advance.


Please make sure that you all have a water bottle and sun hat in school every day.



Week 5   20 May


Well done to year 6 on the completion of their SATs test, you should all be very proud of yourselves.

Also well done to Lenny for star of the week.

In writing we will be completing the work for our visual literacy and also looking at instructions and persuasive writing.


This week we begin on Monday with our trip to Wenzels bakery, don't forget your pack lunch.

On Wednesday we will be taking part in a dance workshop

Friday is sports afternoon followed by the PTFA family fun afternoon.


Half Term 27 - 31 May

Week 4    13 May


Well done Ted, star of the week.


This week in writing we will be continuing our work about visual literacy.

Maths will be focusing on perimeter and area.

Topic work will be producing a holiday leaflet about Greece using the chrome books.


On Friday there is a non-uniform day, remember to bring in chocolates, sweets, bottles, teddies and jazzy jars.

Wear red, yellow and black as we look forward to the events of the weekend.



Thursday 3.30pm year 5 meeting for the France Day Trip .

Please make sure that you have completed consent on ParentPay for the trip to Wenzels.


Good Luck to all the year 6 this week sitting their SATs test.

Week 3 - 6 May


Well done to Jake, pupil of the week.


What a great display of heritage boxes in the hall on Friday, some amazing family stories to share and items which hold fond memories of achievements and remembrance.


This week in writing we will be continuing our work on visual literacy, focusing on 'The Eye of the Wolf' and the painting by Henri Rousseau 'Tiger in a tropical storm'.  The grammar focus will be on the use of dashes in sentences.


We will be continuing our work on graphs, drawing our own and making sure that they are set out and labelled correctly.


Dates to remember

13 May begins SATs week for year 6

Thursday 16 May, France Trip meeting for year 5 in Falcon Class at 3.30pm.

Friday 17 May, non-uniform day - collection of chocolates, sweets, bottles, teddies and jazzy jars for the family fun day.

Monday 20 May - 3 of our class jet off to Tenerife - have a great time.

Monday 20 May - Falcon trip to Wenzels bakery, remember you will all need to have a home packed lunch for this day.

Friday 24 May - Sports Day followed by Family Fun afternoon.


Well done to Arianna, star of the week.


This week in maths we will be focusing on extracting and interpreting information from graphs and tables.

Our writing unit is called visual literacy, looking at paintings including 'The Lion Hunt' by Peter Paul Rubens and 'Tiger in a tropical storm'/'Surprised!' by Henri Rousseau.  We will be developing our descriptive writing and justifying a viewpoint.


Wednesday 1 May

Maths Games Morning, please do come along and try out some maths activities with your children. 8.45 - 9.30am

Friday 3 May

Visit the hall to see the impressive work completed by the children on their Heritage Boxes from 2.45pm



Please remember to have your water bottle and sun hat in school as the weather begins to become warmer.

Remember to apply sun cream.



Welcome back after the Easter break, I hope you have enjoyed the sunshine.


Well done to Jake, being the referee's mascot at the Watford v Arsenal game during the break.  Look at the pictures on the twitter page.


This term our Topic work will be focusing on Greece.  We will be looking at the country and how holidays have developed both at home and abroad.  If you are able to bring in travel brochures that would be great.


In Maths we will be focusing on time, both analogue and digital, and looking at timetables.

In English we will be completing our Explorer's Guide then moving on to visual literacy, how paintings tell us a story, including 'A Lion Hunt' and 'The Tiger'.


Some of our DT this term is cookery and it would be great to include some of the recipes from the great heritage boxes that have been brought in.

HELP  - If you are able to help with cookery activities in the afternoons please let me know, as we would love to try all the different tastes of the world.


Our PE lessons will be on Friday this term, please make sure you have the full and correct kit in school at all times.


As the warmer weather approaches please make sure you have a water bottle and hat is school.  Please apply sun cream before school to last for the day.  Also as it is the hayfever season please could you supply boxes of tissues.


Our final week of the term.


This week we will be welcoming a student teacher Miss Podro, who will be working in the class for the summer term.


In writing this week we will be continuing to create our own explorer's guide.

In maths we will be focusing on Roman numerals.



Don't forget your money for the Easter raffle £1 a strip.

Easter art competition entries to be in by Wednesday please.

Homework books in

All completed heritage boxes in by Wednesday please.  Some have already been brought in and they are looking very impressive. Great work everyone.


Friday 9am is the end of term awards assembly, to which the parents of the following children are invited.

Haani - Behaviour for Learning

Chloe - Resilience

Maya - Excellent Role Model


School finishes for the end of term on Friday at 1.30pm


Enjoy the Easter break, let's hope the sun shines.    




25 March 

What a busy week we had preparing our road safety leaflets to hand out to the public on Friday.  The children really enjoyed their experience completing the Mini Police Project ending with the street patrol on Friday.  Their shouting certainly had an impact on the drivers passing school.  A huge thanks to PC 513 Green and PCSO 6521 Hartley, PCSO 6479 Cunningham and others.


Well done to Niam, pupil of the week this week.

Also well done to Max for being our first Times Table Rock Hero in the school.


This week we will be continuing our writing and beginning to write our own explorer's guide, looking at all aspects of survival in the Amazon.

In maths we will be focusing on problems solving using long multiplication and long division.

During our topic lessons we will be continuing creating our own carnival costumes.

If you have any unwanted materials, buttons, ribbons, feathers etc lying around that we could use, we would be grateful of the donation.


A reminder that it is Maths Morning on Wednesday

Thursday morning is the Spanish Breakfast, make sure you have placed your order.

Friday is the PTFA Mother's Day Sale

18 March


Well done to Ellis, star of the week.


A BIG well done to all the class for a great assembly about the Mini Police Project, Graham, Lindsay and Adam were very impressed.

Watch out for us patrolling outside the school this Friday.


In Maths this week we will be looking at problem solving using fractions.

In writing we are beginning a new unit about explorers, survival and how this information is presented eg tourist guides, documentaries etc.

Assembly and looking at the Police Car

11 March 

Well done to Leo Fr, star of the week Friday 8 March.

The children have completed some great work for book week.  They their own books focusing on Flood by Alvaro F Villa, wrote about the Thames Water Barrier, and during science looked at the water cycle.


This week we will be preparing for our class assembly, Friday 15 at 9am.

In maths we will be looking at reflection and translation of shapes in four quadrants.


Please check that you have completed your Mathletics homework tasks as well as the TT Rock Stars work.


Don't forget Parent Consultations are on Wednesday and Thursday of this week.

Getting our marching orders

Well done Max for Star of the Week.


I hope you had a chance to look at the great work produced for our class Garden of Dreams display on Friday.


Could everyone please make sure that they have all equipment for learning in school at all times, as over the last few weeks children have not had pens or PE kits.


Please make sure that you have signed up for Parent Evening, these are on Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 March.


Our class assembly is on Friday 15 March at 9am and will include work we have been completing with the Mini Police Project.


This week is book week, remember to take and bring in a photo or you reading your book for the school display.

On Thursday is dress up day, as you book character, prize for the best dressed.

Books will be on sale throughout the week on KS1 playground.


English - We will be focusing on 'Flood' by Alvaro F Villa, writing our own version focusing on speech and thoughts.

Science - We will be focused on the water cycle.

Maths - We will be learning about internal and external angles of regular shapes.

Week 7


Welcome back, I hope you enjoyed the break and the sunny weather we have had recently.


This week we will be completing our art work for the class display  for 'Garden of Dreams' which you are welcome to come and see on Friday at 2.45pm in the hall.

In writing we will be completing our fiction writing and then focusing our learning around the book 'Flood' by Alvero Villa for book week 4 - 8 March.

Remember, it would be great if you could take a picture of you reading your book for our display in the library, the more unusual the place the better.

Math learning will be about scaling, including shapes and recipes.


Don't forget to bring back your PE kits and water bottles.

As we now leave the colds behind, we now enter the hayfever session please bring in boxes of tissues.

Week 6


This week we will be completing our writing, creating our own narrative using all the techniques we have looked at over the last few weeks.

In maths we will continue our work with fractions and finding out how these are related to ratio and scaling.

Both Mathletics and TT Rock Stars homework has been set, well done to those who completed the last set of Mathletics there were some really impressive results.  Everyone is working hard to improve their times on TT Rock Stars and we currently have 10 Rock Legends in the class  -  Who will be our first Rock Hero?


Congratulations to those who took part in the talent show auditions, those representing the class will be Maya, who will be singing, and Haani and Hamzah with the help of Aaron and Malek performing some magic tricks.


Congratulations also to Maya as star of the week, which will be announced in assembly on Monday.



Early notice - What's your favourite book?

We would like to create a whole school display in the library of children reading their favourite book with their parents and/or their relatives.

Week 5


This week we will be focusing our writing on our action narrative, combining all our learning over the last few weeks.

In maths we will be finishing our work associated with perimeter and area, then moving on to multiplying fractions making sure we can represent these in pictorial, concrete and abstract ways.

We will be learning about Chinese New Year as we enter the year of the pig.  It is also Safer Internet Day on Tuesday.  On Friday we will be reflecting on Well-being and working on the Mini Police Project.


Try some of these 😀☃️


English- write a description of a snowy view/ write an adventure that takes place in the snow/ write a recount of playing in the snow.
D+T- build a snow person/igloo
PE- dance in the snow
Maths- estimate and then measure how deep different areas of snow are
Art- take your best pictures
Science- observe how long it takes the snow to melt


Week 4


Well done to Sonny as star of week for working well during class discussions both as a group and his talk partner.smiley

Also Hot Chocolate Friday went to Olivia for always following the school rules smiley


The class enjoyed their first session with PC 513 Green and PCSO 6521 Hartley, the start of our Mini Police Project.  We are the first school in Watford to take part in this project.


This week we will be continuing our fiction writing focusing on description of action and looking at modal verbs.

In maths we will be completing work associated with area and perimeter.


Don't forget to check Mathletics and TTRockstars and complete your homework.


NSPCC Number Day is on Friday, remember to dress up in something related to maths, cover your t-shirt or jumper in numbers, create a costume perhaps a calculator, let your imagination go wild!


Wednesday 30th is our Maths Games Morning, come and join us between 9am and 9.45am.

Week 3


Well done to Chloe for being Star of the week.


This week in writing we will be continuing our focus on identifying features of fiction writing looking at action, speech and feelings.  In maths we will be looking and the difference between short and long division, investigating the different remainders used.


Please make sure you have the correct PE kit in school including outdoor kit.


Thursday 24 January at 3.30pm there is a meeting for the year 6 parents giving all the information regarding the SATs tests in May.

Don't forget to join in with the Bromet Lottery


Week 2


Well done to Haani for being star of the week for week 1 and all those children who had extra play for having 100% attendance last term.


This week the new homework for the term will be sent out.  Mathletics and TT Rockstars will be set weekly.


We will be working with PC Green this Friday and for the following 7 weeks completing our Mini Police Project.  We are the first school to take part in this project in the area.  Watch out for more news.


Please make sure that indoor and outdoor PE kits are in school ready for our work with Watford FC.



Welcome back, and on behalf of Mrs Andrews and myself we would like to thank you for all your generous gifts and words of appreciation.  We would like to wish you a very Happy and Healthy New Year.


This term we will be looking at the geography of South America, in particular Brazil.  Work will include comparing different types of housing, South American art, and plants and animals of the rainforest.


We will be working with Watford FC this term for our PE lessons.  These will be outdoor lessons so please ensure that suitable outdoor PE kit is in school.


We will also be taking part in a Mini Police project with Hertfordshire Constabulary.  This helps the children address policing priorities, increase confidence and reduce perceived barriers, enabling the children to learn about community safety, in a fun way, giving the children a voice.


Reminder for Year 6 that the trip to the Houses of Parliament is on Monday 14 January.

Week 15


Well done to Ellie as 'Star of the Week' for always listening and speaking kindly of others.

Well done also to those who are to receive end of term awards.  This is always a difficult decision to make.

Behaviour for Learning - Leonard

Resilience - Umar

Excellent Role Model - Sienna

Parents and family of Leonard, Umar and Sienna are welcome to the awards assembly this Friday at 9am.


This week our maths and English learning will be linked to Christmas celebrations.


Wednesday is Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day, please donate £1.


Thursday we will be having our Class Christmas Breakfast.  Please bring in snacks that the class can share including vegetarian options.  NO NUTS  due to allergies.

We will also be watching the Pantomime in the afternoon.


Helping others over this festive time.

If you can spare any ‘Cup a Soup’ or ‘Instant Porridge’ please drop it in to school as the New Hope Trust can use it for those staying at their emergency winter night shelter.


Term ends on Friday at 1.30pm.


I hope you have a very merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you in the New Year.

Happy Christmas.



Week 14


This week is a busy week as we perform our Christmas productions in St Matthews  Church.

Our dress rehearsal in on Monday 10th in the afternoon, thank you to those who have offered to help by accompanying us on the walk to the church.

Falcon and Eagle will present their production on Wednesday 12th starting at 6.30pm.  We would like the children to be at church for 6.15pm to enable us to have a prompt start.

Friday the year 5 children will be having their flu vaccinations during the day.  In the evening it is the Christmas Disco.


In English we will be looking at another book by Michael Morpurgo called 'Coming Home', this being linked to the Christmas festivities, and our writing will include descriptive vocabulary.


Other dates before the end of term include

Wednesday 19th - Christmas lunch and Christmas Jumper Day

Thursday 20th - Pantomime in school

Friday 21st - End of term at 1.30pm


Week 13


Well done to Nathan, Jigsaw star of the week.


This week we will be completing our writing about 'The Piano' and we will be continuing to work with fractions in maths.


Please all have a go at the Times table rock stars, we are half way through the trail period.

Well done to those who have been using Fitter Futures, keep up the good work.


Please make sure that you have returned the consent form for walking to Church on 10th December.  If you are able to walk to the church with us on that afternoon please email the school through the admin email.


Keep checking the twitter feed and the news letter for important dates coming up to Christmas.

Falcon and Eagle will be performing at St Matthew's Church on Wednesday 12th December at 6.30pm, we would appreciate that all children arrive at the church by 6.15pm, thank you.

Week 12


Thank you to all those who supported the Tea Party on Friday, the children from Eagle and Falcon class worked hard and raised £330.  Thank you also to Kingfisher class for making the sandwiches.






Pupil of the week is Martha for always being kind and helpful.


This week we will be adding and subtracting fractions in maths.   In writing we will be continuing our work looking at 'The Piano'.  Our science will be looking at Evolution and Inheritance. 


Don't forget to have a go at Times Table Rock Stars.  Go to the Studio section, complete the ten tasks and generate your baseline assessment and your average speed in answering the questions.

Also there are homework tasks set on Mathletics associated with fractions.


Check out the Historic England website for Falcon work completed about the memorials in St Matthew's Church



Week 11


Well done to Umar, star of the week, for making a new member of the class welcome and help them settle into the school routine.


This week we will be focusing our writing on the animation 'The Piano'.  We will be focusing on how the film expresses emotions.

In maths we will be comparing and ordering fractions as well as finding fractions nearest to 0 or 1 whole.

During the week the children will be baking cakes in preparation for the Tea Party on Friday.  Make sure you place your order before the day.



Complete and return the Flu Vaccination for to the office. 

Return your order form for the Tea Party for this Friday.

Week 10


Last week we had an inspiring visit to the Town Hall, were the children asked the Mayor some extremely challenging questions.  We look forward to hearing his response to some questions he has said he will research. Check out the Watford Observer and twitter @WatfordMayor.

On Thursday and Friday year 5 visited Woodrow High House, they had a great time building fires, orienteering, climbing Jacobs Ladder, and taking part in archery.  The children were extremely well behaved and we a pleasure to take away.

This week we will be completing our writing based on 'War Horse'.  The children will be writing a recommendation, using quotes from the book.

In maths we will be finding equivalent fractions, moving on to  converting improper fractions to mixed numbers.

On Tuesday the class will be visiting St Matthew's church looking at the history of the war memorial and church.


Diary Dates

14 November Wednesday - How Maths has Changed 2.30pm and 6.30pm in the hall.

15 November Thursday - Quiz Night, have you booked your table? See the PTFA


Welcome back after the half term break.

This week, on Wednesday, Falcon class will be visiting the Mayor at the Town Hall.  We will be having a look around the building and then asking the Mayor questions regarding his work in the Watford community and about local issues.

On Thursday and Friday year 5 will be taking part in their residential visit to Woodrow High House.  Could I please remind you that the children need to take a packed lunch on the Thursday.

On Friday there is a display in the hall of work completed to commemorate Remembrance Day.  

In English we will be continuing our work on 'War Horse'

In Maths we will be completing work on multiplication, short and long including decimals.

Well done to Olivia being our star of the week, always working hard and supporting others in class, and also to Ellis who had hot chocolate with Mrs Pace.


This week we will completing work with the Metro Bank during our maths lessons and then visiting the bank of Thursday, looking at how the bank is set up and what happens behind the scenes.

In writing we will be continuing our work about WWI focusing on the book 'War Horse'.


Diary Dates

Monday 15 October - Sign up through Arbor for Parent's Evenings.

Wednesday 17 October - KS2 Childrens' University Assembly 9am, parents of interested children welcome.

Wednesday 17 October - Parents meeting for Year 5 Woodrow residential trip.

Thursday 18 October - Visit to the Metro Bank - thank you to those who stated they could help, if you could be at school for 12.50 and we can leave promptly at 1pm.

Monday 22 October - 'Positive Minds' meeting for year 6 Parents, 6pm.

Wednesday 24 October - Author Nick Butterworth visiting school, including workshops throughout the day for the children and a book signing after school.

Wednesday 24 October - Parents Evening

Thursday 25 October - Parents Evening 

Friday 26 October - School photos.

Star of the week this week is Chloe for always thinking of others and being helpful.

Well done to Leo Fr for his distance running and winning his medal.

Also to all our cross country runners this week against other schools in the area, great sportsmanship was displayed by all.


This week and the following weeks we will be focusing our writing on the Michael Morpurgo book 'War Horse'.   If you have your own copy of this please feel free to bring it into school.


In maths we will be working on multiples, factors, products and prime numbers.


Please make sure you have completed the consent on Parent Pay for your child to visit the Metro Bank.


Diary Dates

Wednesday 10 October - Maths morning, join your child in class 8.50-9.30am to try some maths activities.

Wednesday 10 October - Erasmus Parent Meeting with Mme Lawson 6.30pm

Friday 12 October - PTFA film night 'Peter Rabbit' 3.15-5.10pm.

Monday 15 October - Sign up through Arbor for Parent's Evenings.

Wednesday 17 October - KS2 Childrens' University Assembly 9am, parents of interested children welcome.

Wednesday 17 October - Parents meeting for Year 5 Woodrow residential trip.

Thursday 18 October - Visit to the Metro Bank - helpers required please.

Monday 22 October - 'Positive Minds' meeting for year 6 Parents.

Wednesday 24 October - Parents Evening

Thursday 25 October - Parents Evening 


We had a great walk around the Heath on Friday, a huge thanks to Mrs Forty for sharing her local knowledge with us.  Thanks also to Mrs Blakey, Mrs Brett and Mrs Fearnside for their help, it is greatly appreciated.


Well done to Leanna, star of the week, for always being helpful and supportive when working with others.

Well done to all the class for winning the attendance cup for the second time this term.


This week we have several year 5 children taking part in the Cross Country competition on Tuesday, good luck to you all.


This week in English we will be continuing our theme of poetry, looking at the composition of cinquain poems and the power of vocabulary.   In maths we will be focusing on addition and subtraction using decimals, then using these skills to problem solve.


Sunday 7 October - Car boot sale CANCELLED 

Wednesday 10 October - Maths morning, join your child in class 8.50-9.30am to try some maths activities.

Wednesday 17 October - KS2 Childrens' University Assembly 9am, parents of interested children welcome.

Wednesday 17 October - Parents meeting for Year 5 Woodrow residential trip.

Thursday 18 October - Visit to the Metro Bank - helpers required please.

Wednesday 24 October - Parents Evening

Thursday 25 October - Parents Evening 

Thanks for the WW1 cakes

Well done to all year 5 for their assembly welcoming their 'Buddies' to the rest of the school and their parents.

Our 'Stars of the Week' have been:

Amy, for being positive to her learning and always smiling and Honey for her mature and compassionate attitude when working with her Buddy, well done girls.


This week, on Friday, we will be completing our local walk, taking notes about the surrounding area including the use of land, age and appearance of houses. Please make sure your child has their coat in school as we will still complete the walk if there is light rain.

In maths we will be multiplying and dividing by powers of ten including decimals.

In English we will be focusing on the power of vocabulary in poetry.


During the week we will be collecting food for our Harvest Assembly, this will be donated to The Red Trust Bushey Food Bank.


Our next class trip will be on Thursday 18 October to the Metro Bank, I would be grateful if anyone could help.  This is a morning visit and we will be walking into the town centre.  Please let me know if you would like to help.


Diary Dates

Friday 28 September - Falcon class local visit walk.  

Sunday 7 October - Car boot sale 9am-12pm, £10 per car.

Wednesday 17 October - KS2 Childrens' University Assembly 9am, parents of interested children welcome.

Wednesday 24 October - Parents Evening

Thursday 25 October - Parents Evening 


Author Nick Butterworth will be visiting the school in October.  Watch out for more details later.  

What a busy week

We had a visit from WFC, meeting Harry the Hornet, Helen Ward the WFC Ladies first team captain and received sports equipment from the Premier League 'Back to School' campaign.

Then we took part in a Yoga relaxation session, in which several children were 'really' relaxed.  We will be taking part in these sessions for a further 5 weeks.


This week we will be continuing our writing of biographies.  In maths we will be comparing, rounding and ordering decimals up to 3 decimal places.



Thursday 20 September - Volunteer Safeguarding 9am, 2.30pm, 4pm for all those who wish to help in school and on trips.

Friday 28 September - Macmillan Cake Sale

Friday 28 September - Falcon class local visit walk.  Thank you to Mrs F and Mrs B for offering to help, we really need one more parent for this walk. Please let me know if you can help.

Sunday 7 October - Car boot sale 9am-12pm.

Wednesday 24 October - Parents Evening

Thursday 25 October - Parents Evening 

What a great start to the term,100% attendance, so we win the cup this week, fantastic.


We have been busy getting to know each other, what similarities and differences we have, finding out what our likes and dislikes are, how we like to work and what we would like to achieve by the end of the year.

We also enjoyed some chill time, reading.



Week 2 (10 September)

Year 5 will be meeting their Reception Buddies and will be working with them throughout the year.

In English we will be focusing on fronted adverbials and cohesion.  Our work is all about recount, in particular biographies, and we are discussing the life of Mary Anning who was a palaeontologist.

In maths we will be ordering numbers in millions, ordering and rounding decimals ad interpreting negative numbers inn context and count forwards and backwards in decimals.

Our topic work is comparing Watford and surrounding area with an area in Lancashire, focusing on housing, industry and land use.  If you have any interesting facts, photos or articles please bring them in to share.


Diary Dates

Wednesday 12 September - Meet the teacher, Falcon classroom at 3.30pm

Thursday 20 September - Volunteer Safeguarding 9am, 2.30pm and 4pm

Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25 October - Parents Evening.



We hope you have had a great summer break.  As you can see the classroom is all ready.

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday morning.  smiley



Curriculum Overview for Falcon Class



ENGLISH:  To complete our English Unit we will be using journalistic styles to create a 'gossip column'  linked to Macbeth's sighting of Banquo's ghost. We will then be watching a short animation of the whole play which we will be reviewing, using the  grammatical features covered in this unit.

MATHS:  We will revise arithmetic skills and conversion graphs.


THERE ARE 2 SESSIONS OF PE ON MONDAY- Please bring  your kit.

We will also be practising The Thank You Assembly that year 5 have prepared for Wednesday.




We say goodbye to Year 6 on Friday. We wish them every success in their respective  Secondary Schools and know they will continue to work hard to achieve their dreams!



 Report Slips due 17th please. Term ends at 1.30pm on Friday.

Congratulations to Priyanka, Louis and Gracie who are this term's End of Term Award Winners. You should be extremely proud of your achievements. Assembly 9am Thursday.


The weather looks great for the next week too. Remember to keep hydrated, wear your hat and apply cream!

Week 12 


English: Relative clauses, more work linked to Macbeth

Maths: Arithmetic Skills

P.E. Watford Community Sports-KITS NEEDED!

Geography: London topic

Jigsaw: Changes

D.T. We will be researching Fairtrade and doing some baking!

Music: Dance

Other News:

On Monday afternoon, we will have a chance to watch the puppet rehearsal. Year 6 parents don't forget to order your tickets!


On Thursday you will be visiting your new classes, year 6 will be spending the day at their new secondary school! Good Luck.


Reports out on Friday!


Congratulations, year 6 Enterprise Afternoon raised £375 towards school funds!

And finally.......


 What a great result. Fingers Crossed for Wednesday!

Lucy S. You are this week's star. Thoroughly deserved!

Well done Falcon Class, I hear you all worked well last week!


As I'm sure you are aware it's going to be very hot again next week. You must have a hat and water bottle in school. Apply sun cream before you come in to school.

Week 11

English: Macbeth

Maths: Pie Charts and Roman Numerals

P.E. Watford Community Sports + ATHLETICS on Tuesday afternoon, make sure you have the correct kit.

History: Information report summing up the Battle of Britain and it's impact on our life today. (English Links)

Science: Separating Solids

JIGSAW: PART 2 of Girls Talk


Don't forget Year 6 Enterprise afternoon is on Friday.

We hope the sun continues to shine for them.


What a lovely day last Friday! A quote: 'I wish we could have Well-Being day everyday!'

Week 10

Maths: Statistics with Mrs Austen and Mrs Michaels. Revision of fractions and decimals, compound shapes and line graphs with Mrs Forty

English: Macbeth

The afternoons this week will be Geography. A week  spent looking at the features of a local area- London.

Madame  Lawson and Mrs B will be in as usual on Tuesday.




It's going to be very hot plenty of water and sun-cream will be needed next week!


Have fun, I will see you 2nd July!


Congratulations Emma, Star of the Week.

Week 9

Monday is House Morning and Sports Afternoon - 1.30pm start.

The forecast is good, please put sun cream on in the morning, bring a hat and water bottle.

English: This week we will be editing out letters and writing an 'interview' with a WW2 pilot

Maths: Using known facts to calculate angles in a polygon

History: Information text linked to the Battle of Britain

Art: Looking at art and design from Panama (one of our World Cup Countries) and using this to inspire our own work

French and RE on Tuesday as normal.





Friday is Well- Being Day at Bromet. The day will comprise of drama, yoga, mindfulness and celebrating how unique and special we all are. It will end at 2.30pm with a sponsored run and refreshments sale. With all the practise, running our daily mile, the children should do well. 

See you there!


Congratulations to Emmanuel who became this week's star and Priyanka who shared hot chocolate at break time.

Hello Falcons.

A busy Science Week ahead!

On Monday we have an hour Mad Science Assembly. Our English will be letters and posters linked to out tuck- shop idea. PE and Science activities in the afternoon.

On Tuesday in maths we will be looking at shape. After break we have a visit from a parent to talk about her profession, linked to Science. After which we will be taking sketch books up to the garden and taking part in The Big Bug Hunt 2018! French and RE as usual.

Wednesday will include a Night Birds assembly and class photo. Maths and English (Macbeth) as normal. A visit from a BBC Engineer before lunch, music and computing in the afternoon.

THURSDAY. We are visiting Merchant Taylors School, to take part in science investigations. Thank you to the parents/carers who have offered their time. On Thursday afternoon we will be completing a rather messy Science activity, involving vinegar and bicarbonate of soda!

Friday Maths before break, followed by computing with Mrs G, after which we will be completing a class Fitter Futures, before writing up the effect on our bodies. The afternoon will comprise of collating our work and choosing pieces to add to our Science display before presenting to the parents in the hall!



Another successful trip to La Boulangerie! The children were all extremely well- behaved and a credit to Bromet!

Congratulations Rhea D!

Week 7- A very short week!

Our Learning

Maths: Problem Solving

English: Macbeth. Literacy from our heritage

History: The Battle of Britain- A recount from a pilot’s point of view

French: Preparing for our trip

R.E. With Mrs B





Zoe and Darcey- Our joint Stars of the Week. Well Done to both of you.

Colour Runners, Amelia and Bethany, took part to raise money for The Peace Hospice.

Week 6

Our Learning

Maths: Time-intervals and timetables

English: The Diary of Anne Frank

P.E. Coaches from WFC Learning. Don’t forget PE Kits needed.

Science: Boiled sweet investigations- planning our own!

History: The Battle of Britain- The Pilots

French: Tourism

R.E. With Mrs B

Jigsaw: New Unit. Relationships. Keeping Safe on The Internet

Monday: Our Year 6 visit The Houses of Parliament – have a fabulous day

Friday afternoon: PE with Woodpecker Class





Congratulations Lilia! Someone who works well with anyone in every subject.

Outdoor Learning Day- We measured the field and then used scaling to draw it on to a piece of A3 paper

Don't forget Royal Wedding Tea Party and non-uniform on Friday.

Week 5

Our Learning

Maths: Fractions, decimals and percentages

English: The Diary of Anne Frank

P.E. Coaches from WFC Learning. Don’t forget PE Kits needed.

Spellings and Grammar: Editing our news report looking at past perfect and present continuous

Science: Boiled sweet investigations- planning our own!

History: The Battle of Britain- Radar

ART: London Skyline

French: Tourism

R.E. With Mrs B

Jigsaw: New Unit. Relationships.

Please Note: YR5 French Trip Meeting- 3.30pm  on 23rd May in Falcon Class

Have a good week! 😊

Reasons to Celebrate Zainab for her sporting achievements, Lucy who always gives 100% and Livvie our Star of the Week!


Ria C- Someone who knows how to help solve problems

Our Learning

Week 4 

Maths: Conversion of Imperial and Metric measure

English: Suspense writing continued.  Part Two!!

P.E. Coaches from WFC Learning. Don’t forget PE Kits needed.

Spellings and Grammar: Using the grammar we have been learning in our chapter

Science: Boiled sweet investigation

History: The Battle of Britain- looking at the route Hitler took across Europe

D.T. ‘Snacks for Sale’

French: Tourism

R.E. Why is God important to people?

Jigsaw: New Unit. Relationships. Making friendship groups successful


Check out 'Grammarsaurus' great ideas for learning grammar skills!


Have a good week! 😊

 Congratulations Darcey, our 'hot choc star' for this week!




 And Deane, a great friend indeed!


Week 3

Our Learning

Maths: Scaling

English: Suspense writing continued. Featured book ‘The Boy in the Tower’

We will be writing a live broadcast, a persuasive note and thinking about the how to begin the next chapter

P.E. Coaches from WFC Learning. Don’t forget PE Kits needed.

Spellings and Grammar: Reported and direct speech, present perfect verbs

Science: Reversible and irreversible change investigations

History: The Battle of Britain

Art: Completing work for our Royal Wedding Tea Party

French: Cafe

R.E. Why is God important to people?

Jigsaw: Relationships

Have a good week! 😊




Congratulations to all who received  a special award last Monday: Lilia, Saphie and Ben Well done!







Week 2

Our Learning

Maths: Division and multiplication, presenting one calculation in different ways


English: Suspense writing continued. Featured book ‘The Boy in the Tower’


P.E.  P.E Coaches from WFC Learning. Don’t forget PE Kits needed.


Spellings and Grammar: Modal verbs, nouns and pronouns


Science: Introduction to materials topic


History: The Battle of Britain- research of key facts


Art: Completing Blitz pictures


French: Revision of previous work. Cafe


R.E. Why is God important to people?


Jigsaw: New Unit. Relationships


Have a good week! 😊


Earth Day display is taking shape.

Recycling Workshop. Thank you Dale and Jo.


PGL year 6 trip to Bawdsey is rapidly approaching. Please be aware of instalment due dates as detailed in the initial trip information letter.

Many thanks.

Summer Term in Falcon Class

 Summer Week 1


Maths:  Measuring and calculating angles through 360 degrees

English: Mystery and suspense writing

Spellings and Grammar: Past perfect progressive tense

Science: Materials

History/ Art: The Blitz- London skyline

Geography: Earth Day- Plastic pollution and  a workshop on Thursday afternoon

French: Begins week 2

R.E. Begins week 2

Jigsaw: New Unit. Relationships!


WFC  Learning will be teaching our PE from week 2, for 10 weeks.

 Full PE kits must be in school each Monday 



So proud of all of you and congratulations to our winning future advertising agents!


Congratulations to Thanisshka- Hot Chocolate with the Head!




Last week of term already!


Thank you to everyone for your support this term,especially in my absence. The children continue to be a credit to you and all the teachers who covered the class have praised them.

Final week will be as follows.

Maths : Reflection and translation of shapes

English: Preparing final pitches to present on Tuesday ( Amazed by their ideas!)

French: Last lesson with Madame L on Tuesday morning this week

R.E. Final lesson with Mrs B for this term

D.T and drama with Mrs White on Monday afternoon

Science: Investigation day with Mrs F on Wednesday

Thursday: Last day of term. Bring in something sensible to share and play if you wish. Remember it needs to go home though!

Final reminders


End of term 1.30pm on Thursday

 Have a great holiday, stay safe, relax and have fun!



Mrs B's Easter Assembly and Star of the Week!





Week 11

English: Producing our final brief based on our advertising work shop.

Grammar: Demonstrative Adjectives.

Maths: 2D to 3D and transforming shapes.

Science: Forces.

Jigsaw: We will be talking about  influences around us in relation to our body image.

Computing: Scratch programming.
Music: Singing.

Art/R.E. Double session of Art linked to R.E.

French: Future Tense.

Please note:

  • Mrs Bastable will also be in to lead an Easter Assembly on Friday
  • Disco on Friday
  • Any entries for our 'Easter Art Competition' need to be in school on Monday 26th September
  • Raffle tickets are still on sale in all classes £1 per strip
  • Thank you to all who attended Parents' Evening

And finally congratulations to Ben. Someone who is always on the move!

We have been busy!


Congratulations to Kayden, who know the importance of starting the day with a healthy breakfast,













The Week Ahead.


English: Assembly. On Tuesday afternoon we will be learning about advertising and how to 'pitch' a new product as part of our persuasive writing unit.

Maths: More percentages. %%%%%

Science: Forces.

History/Art: Canopic Jars. Thank you to those who have sent in plastic bottles.

Jigsaw: Knowing what to do in an emergency.
Music: Singing

R.E. Double next week as we have our visitor this Tuesday.





Have a good week and I am looking forward to meeting with you again at Pupil Progress Evenings.



Week 9



Congratulations to John. This week we have been thinking about healthy choices in Jigsaw. He demonstrated  a very mature approach when discussing the risks of smoking.










 Hopefully you are all at home in the

warm enjoying a hot chocolate this weekend!




Optional Home Learning- KS2 Easter Art  Competition. Entries due in on Monday 26th March, for judging in our Easter Parade Assembly on 28th! 


Good Luck!



Week Ahead.

Maths: Percentages. If up you get out to the shops this week check out % discounts on items. Can you work them out?

English: Writing to persuade. Adverts and letters

Art/ History: Canopic Jars. We need  empty 500ml water bottles please

Science: Earth and Space

French: Future tense and poetry

P.E. Swimming and Fitter Futures

Music: Our assembly song practise

Computing: Scratch programming

 Class assembly rehearsals start soon!



Poet Stewart Henderson delivering our poetry workshop.

It has been so lovely to see you again and hear from all how hard you have been working while I was away.

I am very proud of you all. Congratulations!


And to Deane for thoroughly deserving to share  a cup of hot chocolate with the Head! 


Week 8

Thank you to Madame Lawson for looking after Falcon Class in my absence. The children had worked incredibly hard and had loads to tell me!

Our Learning

Maths: Volume and capacity

English: Persuasive writing and work linked to our poet visit.

 (Stewart Henderson on 26th)

Don’t forget World Book Day 1st March





Spellings and Grammar: Adjective challenge

Science: Why we have seasons. The Wonders of the Moon

History: The Process of Mummification

Art: Planning our Canopic jars

French: Jobs that people do. Future Tense

R.E. with Mrs B!

Jigsaw: New Unit. Healthy Me!


Please could you bring in an empty,500ml sized water bottle. We need them for an art project.


Have a good week! 😊



What fabulous artwork in Falcon Class!

Thank you all!

 Your kind donations across our two evenings at St Matthew's raised £280 towards the church fund.

Un T-Shirt Eco. Our t-shirts designed and created in French!

St Matthew's

This Week

Reminders for the week ahead

Next Week- Falcons

Our Week Ahead

Work shops in the hall throughout the week , celebrating differences

Maths: Assessments, long multiplication and fractions.

Times tables and division- against the clock

English: Poetry

Grammar and Spellings: Antonyms and doubling ‘r’

P.E. Apparatus and ways of travelling

Music: Through the ages.

Computing: Search Engines

French: Animals in Danger

RE: Religious Celebrations.

Geography: North America

We hope you enjoyed the poppies if you were able to visit.

Have a safe and relaxing weekend.


Falcons – Star of the Week

This week our star is someone who knows how to share and work with others no matter what their differences.


Well Done Joe!

Our Hot Chocolate Hero is Livvie!



Children’s University – parent information

The children had an assembly earlier in the term. This is the link for more information, we have a lot of KS2 children register for this every year, all who take this opportunity find it worthwhile. Please return application forms to Miss Weyer


Year 5 Cross Country

I wanted to say a HUGE congratulations to the children that took part in our (slightly wet) cross country competition this afternoon.

All the children completed the 1500m course and represented the school fantastically, showing good sportsmanship to the other runners.  I was incredibly proud!

We did very well, with Zoe coming 3rd in the Girls race and Ben coming 2nd both winning medals!  They, along with Rosie and Tom, will be taking part in county finals soon!

Once again, WELL DONE to all of the runners!

Stars and quick news- Falcons

Congratulations Maisie and Saphie-



beautiful art work, to begin our celebrating difference learning.

Maths: mental calculation strategies

English: Writing to persuade

Grammar: Antonyms

Science: The digestive system of a cow

French: Animals and Habitats

R.E. Celebrating Special Occassions

PSHE: Remembrance Poetry

Don’t forget garden of dreams this Friday


Secondary School Applications. 

Please remember deadline for applications is 31.10.17 For further details 


Falcon Class Week 8

Welcome back- we hope you had a good half term!

A few reminders for Woodrow. (Thursday)

Packed lunch, drink bottle, wellies and swimming kits in day bags.

On the day- Please arrive on time 8.45am in your clothes ready for our trip!

Check the weather forecast to ensure you have suitable outerwear.

Any snacks to share can be handed in to your teacher from Monday.

Don’t forget  our Talent Show is on Friday before we leave to come back to school!

However, we will be doing some work before we go.

Maths: Mental Calculation Skills for division

English: Still linked to our non- fiction book about blood

Grammar: Commas

Science: The dangers of an unhealthy lifestyle- the  effect of smoking

Art: Poppies to finish stitching

Music: Through the decades

French and RE with Madame L and Mrs B

Those not going to Woodrow you have a superheroes project to complete- more information next week.

Have a good weekend- see you soon!


Year 6 PGL

Just a reminder that the deposit for the Year 6 PGL School Journey is due by tomorrow, Friday 20 October.  If you are experiencing problems with paying online please see the ladies in the office who will help.


Falcon News


 Last week Jack from Fitter Futures helped the children to design a healthy plate using different coloured objects to represent the food groups.

This week.

Maths: Prime and Composite Investigations

English: Non- Fiction Comprehension linked to Science

Science: Pulse-rate/ exercise investigation write- ups

French: Animals and habitats

R.E. Special places

Music: Through the decades

Art: Christmas Cards and Poppies!!!

PE: Circuits

X tables and spellings ‘ent’ ‘ency’

Grammar: Using commas

I am looking forward to seeing you at Pupil Progress evenings this week.

I know the children are also looking forward to the half- term, have a good rest everybody!


Kingfisher Plea for Construction 

Hello, if you are intending to make space for Santa to drop off toys before Christmas Kingfisher Class would be very grateful for any unwanted construction (Lego , Knex etc) We have a small box at the minute and even though they are very good at sharing the children would like some more. 

Thank you 


Falcon News

A lovely  walk enjoyed by all. Thank you Mrs Bastable for arranging out church visits and to those of you that made it possible by walking with us.

Parent’s Evening sheets. If you missed sign up please come and find me at the end of the day.

WOODROW- Medical Forms please.

Our Week

Maths: Prime numbers factors and  multiples

English: New unit of work- Non- Fiction

Grammar:Continuing active and passive voice

Spelling: week 2 of ‘ant’ and ‘ance’

PE: Extra session on Monday

Science: Writing results of our enquiry into the difference in height growth between girls and boys

Jigsaw; Finishing our children’s rights Power points- These are great so far

Art: Linked to Black History Month

Have a great weekend!


Eagle Class ‘Black History Month’ Poster

Eagle Class your posters are fantastic I can see how much detail is in the posters. Well done!

Miss Shah History coordinator


Sparrow Class ‘Black History Month’ Posters

Well done Sparrow Class your posters are fantastic, you have learnt loads.


Miss Shah History coordinator


Falcon Class Black History Month Posters

Well done Falcon Class your ‘Black History Month’ posters look really fantastic and I can see how much detail you have added.


Miss Shah History coordinator


Celebrating Black History Month Poster!


Kingfisher Class Black History Month Learning

Kingfisher Class have started their learning to mark the start of ‘Black History Month’. I am really impressed with your research on ‘Katherine Johnson’ keep it up!



Miss Shah

History coordinator


Weekly info Falcons

Thank you to all of you who have supported the school this week either at the book fair, cake sale or the sadly, rained- off sports day!   ( good old British weather)

Next week in Falcons

Maths: Measure

English: Final week of The Eye of the Wolf, which is now on Wordsmith.

Spellings: ant and ance suffix

Grammar: Active and passive voice

P.E. Keeping fit

Science: Investigating how we grow

History: October is Black History Month- we will be looking at the story of Windrush.

R.E. Special Places and our walk to the Baptist Church

French: Animals

Music: Through the ages.


8.30am and after school.



Falcon Star

Congratulations to our star. Someone whose excellent behaviour shows she is aware of everybody’s right to learn. Thanisshka


Sports Afternoon 2017


Just a reminder:

  • Please bring cakes in Thursday or Friday for our Peace Hospice cake sale.

  • Children need to come to school in their PE kits with a coloured top of their house colour (the colour they sit in at lunch) on Friday. If they do not have a top in that colour their teacher will give them a coloured sticker.

  • Please come and watch Sports Afternoon from 1:30pm. We will be having a parent and teacher race at the end of the results.

  • The children will return to their classrooms at the end of the day and you will collect them from the playground as normal.

    Thank you.              Miss LH


Falcon Week 4

We had a lovely walk to the church this afternoon. Father David, as usual, was a very gracious host and invited the children to explore and ask questions.



Once we have completed our visit to Bushey Baptist Church the children will be working hard to compare these 2 special places.

Thank you to year 6 who helped at the New Starter’s Assembly this morning.

Week 4

English: Eye of the Wolf, final week

Grammar: Adverbials and colon revision

Spelling: Week 2 of tial cial suffix

Maths: Algebra and BODMAS (Ask the children , see if they can remember)

Science: Animal and humans

Music: Through the decades

Jigsaw:The right to learn

Computing: Data

R.E. Special Places

MFL: French- Numbers beyond 100

PE: Circuits and Year 6 Swimming

Don’t Forget! 29th September is a busy day.

We have our Harvest Assembly and Sports Afternoon to look forward to.

Have a great weekend.


Falcon Star

Well done Gracie- a great example of someone that makes our school community a great place to be!


Star of the week Falcon

Well done to Tom, a great example of how to make our younger children feel welcome into The Bromet Community.





We are reading The Eye of the Wolf, a story that is told through flashback and imagery, telling the story of a solitary boy and a blue wolf with only one eye.


Next week

English: Descriptive writing

Spellings: cial tial

Maths: Algebra

X tables: 12 x 12 + square numbers

PE: Circuits

French: Les nombres

RE: Special Places

Topic: Art – David Hockney- using oil pastel

Music: Through the Decades- listening to rhythm and lyrics

Friday: Church walk after lunch, appropriate footwear and jackets please.




Falcons information


It has been a busy week settling in. Thank you for your poetry which is now on display in the dining hall and classroom.

The week ahead

Maths- Place value and decimal fractions.

English- Eye of the Wolf- Looking  at writing, told from the main character’s viewpoint.

Grammar- Colons.

Spellings- ious, cious

Science- Animals and humans.

P.E. Circuits and year 6 swimming. ( Don’t forget your kit)



French on Tuesday afternoon.

R.E- Special places of worship.

Please return reading records for signing on Monday.

I am looking forward to seeing which homework you have chosen to complete.

Have a good weekend. 


Bedtime Story Competition 2017

Do you know a child aged between 5 and 11 years old who has a brilliant idea for a bedtime story? Would they love to see it published as a fantastic picture book? Book People, in association with Little Tiger, are on the lookout for the nation’s best storyteller!

 Any child living in the UK aged between 5 and 11 years old can take part in Book People’s Bedtime Story Competition. Schools, libraries and community groups are welcome to submit entries for their children, too. All they will need to do is:

  • Write a 200-800 word bedtime story about friendship
  • Have a parent or guardian submit their entry using the link below
  • All entries must be submitted by 11:59pm on Monday 2 October

One winner will be selected from each age category and one overall winner will be chosen to have their book illustrated by Alison Brown, published by Little Tiger and sold exclusively through Book People!

To find out more, go 

Mr Libberton

Hertfordshire Library Services

Here are some events at local Hertfordshire Libraries. Click the link to find out about different events and activities on offer.

Weekend Stories – story time for under 8s

Weekend Stories are story time sessions in the library aimed at children under 8 years old. Come along to Saturday Stories or Sunday Stories and enjoy listening to old favourites and discovering new stories too.

This is a family event and all ages are welcome.

  • £1 voluntary donation per family

Hertfordshire Weekend Stories


Chatterbooks – reading groups for 8-12 year olds
Whether your child is already an avid reader or needing some inspiration, joining Chatterbooks is a great way to encourage them to have fun with books.

Please find more information about when the groups meet and to apply for a space in the link

Hertfordshire Chatterbooks


If you take part in any of these activities please let us know at school it would be great to share experiences at the Library.
Many Thanks
Mr Libberton


Take a look at Falcons



Welcome Back from Falcon Class

I am really looking forward to seeing you all next Tuesday. I hope you have had a great summer and I am looking forward to hearing all about your holidays.
The classroom is all ready for you and Mrs D and I cannot wait to share and read your poetry!
Below is our overview for the term. I will keep you posted as to what is happening on a weekly basis. Our first day back we will be deciding and writing our class rules for the year. Our English will involve us thinking about what learning means to us and then comprehension skills for the rest of the week. In maths we will be looking at 6 digit number and number to 3 decimal places. See you on Tuesday have a great weekend. We will be thinking about how challenging ourselves helps us to learn- Great Growth Mind-set!

This outlines the autumn term ahead and what your children will be learning.

ENGLISH: Through our study of fiction, non-chronological report writing and poetry we will develop our writing skills, including the use of correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, vocabulary choices and text layout.

MATHS: This term number will involve factors and prime and square numbers. We will be using our skills to manipulate 6 digit numbers. We will study addition, subtraction, multiplication and division methods. We will develop our reasoning and mastery through problem solving and mastery challenges. We will begin to explain the different methods we could use to reach an answer. Times Tables and division facts up to 12 x 12 will be practised each week.
SPAG: Spellings, punctuation and grammar are of huge importance as we are now in Upper KS2 discreet grammar lessons will be taught alongside spelling rules. Suggested spelling rules and grammar skill can be found at–years-5-and-6 as appendix spelling and grammar files.

GEOGRAPHY: We will be learning about North America. Looking at the human and physical features of the northern states, including Mexico and Canada. As part of this topic we will spend time linked to history learning about Native Americans. A project will invite us to find out more about a different country. Watch out for this in your home learning.

Human and physical geography
Describe and understand key aspects of physical geography, including: climate zones, time zones and six- figure grid references.

ART: The children will improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing and printing. They will begin to evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design. We will look at art through the decades since 1948

SCIENCE: Living things, habitats. Animals; including humans.
We will describe the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in humans.
We will describe the simple functions of the basic parts of the circulatory system in humans and look at the effects of exercise on our heart. We will record our findings using investigative skills.

R.E: We will turn our thoughts to: What makes a place special and be comparing these.

HISTORY: We will continue to develop a chronologically-secure knowledge and understanding of British, local and world history.
We will use research and secondary sources to find out about the life and times of Britain since 1948.

MUSIC: To develop skills exploring rhythm pulse and musical elements
Link to Topics- Exploring lyrics and Melody of music through the decades.

D.T: To work to create a 3d Structure using textiles and the skills of planning consumer awareness, organisation and perseverance
To test their product against our original design criteria.

Skills and Fitness To be physically active for sustained periods of time and
compare their performances with previous ones demonstrating improvement to achieve their personal best. Year 6 will be swimming.

COMPUTING: Children investigate the concept of “big data” and its use in the world. They review file types and protection. They explore binary form and develop understanding of computer networks. They search more efficiently and investigate their digital footprints, building safe and responsible use of online spaces. They create and search flat-file databases, developing accuracy and efficiency.

JIGSAW: Puzzle 1 (Being Me in My World), gives the class a process for everyone to be involved in the production or review of the class positive behaviour policy. Rights, responsibilities, rewards and consequences are built on the belief that each child has the right and the capacity to make his/her own


Visit your local Library over the Summer

Falcon Class Weekly Learning 11

Excellent Around the World Day during last Friday! Thank you to all the teachers, parents and governors to participate and join us!

The children were enjoying the different activities:

1. Flamenco exhibition and Spanish lesson.

2. Self-portraits (inspired by Pablo Picasso).

3. Spanish facts and traditions.

4. Food Tasting.

During this week 11:

In English, the children will be able to create autobiographies and biographies. They will be presenting their final biographies on Friday.

In Maths, the children will be investigating about engineers and how they use mathematical knowledge in software and applications. The children will be designing a Maths application to help them in the future. What´s more, the children will be practising, reasoning and solving problems related to equations and algebra, percentages and number sequences added to chess puzzles.

In History, the children will be writing about the London Underground and how to travel through different lines using a tube map.

In PSHE, the children will be learning about how their attitude can affect their progress in their learning and understand how to be more efficient in their work during next lessons.


Isle of Wight Year 6

Hope you are all packed and ready to go.

Remember to bring your packed lunch for tomorrow.

Please make sure that all medication is handed to Mrs Dempsey, all named.

See you all at school between 7am and 7.15am in the morning ready for a prompt departure.

Final reminder no electronic games or mobile devices


Keep up to date with our adventures by following the twitter feed on the school website or on twitter @BrometPrimary



Congratulations to everyone for some excellent performances last week, you were all fantastic.

Stars of the week were Eun-Sung for her organisation behind the scenes and Jacob for his great characterization and voice of the Old Man.

View some of the images taken on twitter @YouthPuppetsUK


Falcon Class Weekly Learning 10

During this week 10:

In English, the children will be able to be the presenters and producers of their own radio programme. They will be doing a rehearsal on Monday to show all the work from last week. On Thursday they will present their final script to the classroom.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, they will prepare short scripts using their spontaneity without deviation, hesitation or repetition.

In Maths, the children will be finishing their mastery problems and using their reasoning to investigate and solve problems estimating the answer by different mathematical methods. On Monday and Tuesday they will be practising with several examples from chess to calculate how to check mate efficiently.

In History, the children will be writing upon how London was affected during The Blitz in the 20th Century.

In Science, the children will be identifying how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution.


Raffle Winners for Year 6 Enterprise

Winning ticket for the Wacky Face game is  – Pink 71-75

Second prize Aqua Blaster is –  Pink 106-110

Third prize a Teddy Bear is – Pink 51 – 55

Thank you for all your support


Summer Fete!


Falcon Class Weekly Learning 9

During this week 9:

In English, the children will be able to research about the radio. They will be able to explore some techniques and skills required for being a presenter or producer. At the end of the week, the students will be creating their own scripts and performing using drama and sound effects.

In Maths, the children will be practising with mastery problems and practising with geometry problems related to angles, perimeters, areas and volumes.

In History, the children will be understanding how the life was like through the 19th century.

In Science, the children will be recognising that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but normally offspring vary to their parents.


Water Bottles / Hats / Suncream

It looks like summer is here so please remember water bottles, hats and suncream tomorrow (if they don’t have all day suncream at home).   


Maths Workshop

Thank you to those who attended the Maths Workshop on Tuesday evening.

Attached is a copy of the PowerPoint from the evening.

Maths Calculation Information

Falcon Class Weekly Learning 8

Great trip to France last week!

We were dancing, making croissants and bread, buying souvenirs, playing sports and walking by the sea side and the Old Town!

Thanks to all members of the staff! You were fabulous!

During this week 7:

In English, the children will be able to research about different jobs in the 21st Century where they will be able to research about different inventors/inventions, architects and designers.

Then, all the team members in the classroom will write their articles in the classroom magazines. The teams are made up of reporters, journalists and/or producers from television.

In Maths, the children will be practising with problems related to fractions, percentages, Roman numerals and statistics between other areas.

In P.E., the children will be starting athletics due to the last week it was raining.
In D.T., the children will be continuing their designs about their own structures taking as a model buildings and structures from London.
In History, the children will be comparing about London a hundred of years ago and London from this current century.


Maths Problem Solving Week

This coming week is Maths Problem Solving Week.

All the children will be completing activities in their class rooms.  Reception up to Year 4 will also be taking part in a Problem Solving Workshop run by The Happy Puzzle Company.

After school, in the hall from 3.15pm, on Monday only, you will have the opportunity to purchase games and puzzles for as little as 75p.

Please see the web link below for a voucher to use when making your purchase on Monday, you can print it off yourself, to claim the Happy Puzzle Voucher, or alternatively collect one on arrival at the school hall on Monday.

There is a Problem Solving workshop of Parents only on Tuesday at 6.30pm, please complete the return slip on the letter sent out previously to indicate your interest so that we are able to cater for the numbers.

Thank you.


Falcon Class Weekly Learning 7

Welcome back to school Falcons!

Last week 6 (before half term) was spectacular!
In English, the children really enjoyed being journalists and they were writing essays and articles.
In Maths, the children had to design eco-friendly houses. At the end of the week, they had to prepare brochures to sell the houses using persuasive writing.
In P.S.H.E., they were learning about self-esteem.
In PE, they were having the last lesson of Cricket.
In Art, they were finishing their topic related to the Aboriginal art.

This week 7 children will be able to develop different roles such as being reporters, journalists and/or producers from a TV programme.
In English, the children will be able to create advertisements, posters, magazines and articles for their own channel.
In Maths, the children will be practising with fractions and ratios.
In P.E., the children will be starting athletics.
In D.T., the children will be able to become architects creating new structures such as buildings or monuments from London.
In History, we will be learning about the Tower of London.


Summer Fete! 

Jazzy Jars are due in tomorrow. There will be tables in the playground for you to put them on. 


Watford Library 



Today we have been busy sorting scenery, designing and preparing the canvas backdrops.  We have also had a go at moving our puppets.

Falcon Class Weekly Learning 6

It’s been a very productive week 5 in Falcon class.

In Science, the children were investigating with the computers about how some animals or plants can survive and adapt to the environment.

In English, the children started their long compositions using ICT (laptops and computers) about their graphic novels and articles.

In Maths, the children were planing, designing and measuring the dimensions of an eco-house. Finally, they were presenting some leaflets about heir houses to the classroom.

In Geography, the children were writing a report about Australia (location, population, weather conditions in different cities, etc).

In PE, the children were adapting the rules from Kwik Cricket to their games.


In English, the children will be finishing their articles about inventions and discoveries and they will be starting their essays about controversial topics. After that, the children will be writing them in a long piece of work using computers.

In Maths, the children will be measuring the dimensions of an eco-house and explaining how an eco-house can save energy.


Falcon Class Weekly learning 5

Last week, the students had been finishing their projects in English, Maths and Science.

In Science, they had been learning about fossils and how animals could survive and adapt to the environment.



In English, they had been learning about using different grammatical tenses and finishing their long compositions in computers and laptops (Australia and Noah’s Ark).



In PSHE, they had been learning how to be safe using new technologies and social media.



In English, the students will be finishing their graphic novels and they will start to write articles about inventions of the 21st century.

In Maths, the students are starting to investigate about how to design a house, measuring all its parts and sorting out difficulties. They will design and present an eco-house design to the classroom.


Year 6

Well done to all Year 6 on completion of your SATs tests.  You all did extremely well and you should be proud of yourselves.

You are ALL stars of the week.





Growth Mindset Workshop 


Week 1/2 Summer Term Falcon Class

It’s been a great end of Spring Term with lots of good news.

First of all, we finished our experiments using electrical components such as circuits.



What’s more, we finished our lighthouse designs.



Secondly, We’ve been using our homework to complete a recommendation to other students. A day in Watford.


Finally, this term we will be learning the following:

In English, we will be practising with comprehension texts and composing short fiction stories, retelling graphic novels, understanding and writing our own articles and exploring drama techniques.
In Maths, we will be practising calculations and problems with whole and decimals numbers, revising the four operations, revising common factors and common multiples, fractions, percentages, lengths and angles, 2D and 3D shapes and algebra.
In Art/DT, we will learn about the aboriginal art/Structures.
In Geography/History, we will be learning about Australia/London.
In PE, we will be practising cricket and athletics. After half term, it will be time for we dancing/fitness and rounders.
In Science, we will be learning about Evolution and inheritance.
In music and computing, we will be producing music and learning about how sound works.
In PSHE, we will be learning about relationships and changes.
In RE, we will be learning about Hinduism.

PD: This is the event of today in which the children have been given advice by an experienced and professional engineer and where they have been designing their own bridge.


KS2 Choir

New school choir – sign up now!

The choir will be open to all KS2 children with no auditions needed. Rehearsals will take place at school on Thursdays from 3.15 to 4.00pm with Mrs Williams and Miss Langley Higgs.

The choir will provide a valuable opportunity for the children to develop their vocal technique and build confidence in their abilities, gaining knowledge of music theory and performance skills and, most of all, to enjoy singing together.

Please sign up now on the School Gateway!



Can you help with the choir?

We are looking for a volunteer piano/keyboard accompanist for occasional rehearsals and termly concerts.

We would also like to hear from any parents who want to help with the choir in other ways, whether by supporting children’s engagement during rehearsals, contributing ideas or helping to organise concerts – no musical experience necessary.

If you are interested in any of these roles, or you know someone else who might be, please contact Miss Langley Higgs.


Year 6

Well done to all Year 6.

Stars of the Week.

So proud of you all last night at the theatre.



Year 6 Lion King Trip


The trip to see The Lion King takes place this Thursday.

The children are to be dressed smart but casually.  They are allowed to bring sweets and drinks (not fizzy) and the sweets must not be chocolate or contain any nuts.  There should not be any cameras or mobile phones taken on the trip.  As staff we will have the school mobile with us if you need to contact us in the event of an emergency.

The children should be back at school for 5.15pm so that we can leave promptly at 5.30pm.


Falcon class weekly learning – Spring Term Week 8

Thank you for your effort during last week!

The assembly was a success and thank you to the parents for coming.

During this week 8, we will be learning the following:

In Maths, we will start to know how to calculate the mean average, to interpret distance/time line graphs and to understand pie charts as a way of representing data.

In English, we will be improving our writing using coordinating and subordinating conjunctions and we will start a new topic related to our body (Blood).

In Geography, we will be investigating about Watford.

In Science, we will carry on learning more about electricity and circuit components.

After finishing Art (William Morris Unit), we will start Design and Technology. The students will need a pringles can (cylinder) and cereal boxes (to simulate the bricks) to create a lighthouse for the next Thursday.

Please could you make sure that every student bring a writing pen to school? Some of them are still bringing a pencil instead of a pen during the last 2 days.


Falcon Class Weekly Learning – Spring Term Week 7

Well done Falcons for your effort last week!

The learning walls are really helpful now and the classroom is being more organised to find any resources easier.

During this week 7, we will be learning the following:

In Maths, we will start adding and subtracting with decimal numbers.

In English, we will be detectives guessing the meaning of different words and including them in our compositions.

We will start Geography. In this Unit we will know something more about Watford.

In Science, we will carry on learning more about electricity and circuit components.


Falcon Garden of Dreams 


Falcon Class Weekly learning – Spring Term Week 5 / 6

It´s been a very intense week 5 (before Half Term)!!

In Maths, we´ve been solving additions and subtractions up to 7-digits through the column method and mental strategies. We commenced our Mastering activities for extra work.

In English, we made a great effort making predictions in fiction stories and writing in different genres. The special guests were the fronted adverbials, conjunctions, punctuation and exciting adjectives.

In History, the differences between rich and poor children during the Victorian period were specially mentioned.

In Science, we said goodbye to our experiments with prisms and torches (Light Unit) and we started the Eletricity Unit. We talked about a problem in a Lighthouse and how we could fix it.

On the other hand, we have started a very exciting week 6.

In Maths, we have started to learn about common multiples and common factors and we will carry on learning about how to solve short and long divisions.

In English, we have started to create suspense to our fiction stories (fantasy, crime, ghosts, science fiction, futuristic, historical stories…). We have included a starter activity for improving our writing skills. We carry on reading our fiction books (Matilda, The Wizard of Oz, The Mistery of Thomas Kempe and New Tales).

In History, we will finish the Unit about the Victorians. We will be exploring facts about The Royal Family and we will be able to observe and explore images from The Victoria and Albert Museum.

In Science, we will step up through circuits and their main components.


World Book Day 2017


This year World Book Day is on Thursday 2nd March to celebrate reading books, authors and illustrators. It is held in more than 100 countries around the world. A key aim is to give every child in the UK a book of their own to keep. Every child is eligible to receive a £1 World Book Day Token which can be exchanged for one of ten exclusive £1 World Book Day Books, or if you prefer, use it to get £1 off any full-priced book or audio book. Tokens must be redeemed by the end of March 2016.


We will be celebrating this great event on Thursday, 2nd March, by asking children to come dressed as their favourite book character. There will be prizes for the most original costume in each class and every child will receive their £1 World Book Token.

If you would like to find out more information about World Book Day, there are ideas, activities and resources at:

Swift Class Request

Hello, we are looking for empty shoe boxes for after half term. Any donations gratefully received! 


Grammar and Punctuation Workshop


Please remember Friday 10th February is “Wear a heart or something red for Home-Start” and donate £1


Falcon Class Weekly Learning / Spring Term Week 4


This week we start a new topic in Maths: Geometry. We will practice with different shapes such as quadrilaterals, triangles or circles.

We will carry on improving our writing and comprehension through different fiction stories.

In Science, we will be learning more experiments related to Light. We will find some evidence thanks to what Isaac Newton discovered.

In Art we will finish our own designs using the William Morris patterns from the nature.

In History, we will be comparing our classroom with Victorian classrooms.

In computing, we will create our own dialogue between different characters using Scratch program.

In P.E. we will be doing athletics using our own activities in a circuit (year 6 students)/ or going to swim (year 5 students).

And in Music we will be singing and playing different instruments.


Junk Modelling Materials Needed In Robin Class


he children in Robin class are very creative! We need lots of boxes, plastic containers (not milk cartons), rolls of cardboard for our fantastic creations. The children love to make and invent, last week we had Robots, Planes and many more inventive ideas! If you have any of these we would be greatly appreciative.

Many Thanks,

Mr Libberton and Mrs Warner


Watford Junior Challenge Run 2017

The Watford Junior Challenge Run, organised by Watford Harriers, will take place on Saturday 18 March 2017 at Cassiobury Park from 11.15am.

There will be races for U8, U10, U12 and U14.

If your child is interested in entering ask them to collect an entry form from Mrs Burns


Saracens Tickets!


For every ticket bought by a Bromet Family the school receives ‘cashback’
