Welcome to Kestrel Class
Have you seen the Kids’ Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites.
Class Teacher: Mrs Henderson
PPA/NQT Cover: Mrs Humphreys
Teaching Partner: Mrs Sabatini / Mrs Lewis
French Teacher: Madame Lawson
End of Summer Term
Well done Kestrel Class and your families; you’ve worked really hard to continue your education through extremely challenging times. I have especially enjoyed seeing all your work and activities, which have made me very proud of all of you and a little jealous of some of the things you have been able to do.
Have a wonderful Summer Holiday. You all deserve it. Come back to Bromet in the Autumn refreshed and ready to learn again.
Don’t forget to keep up your reading using books from home, the library (if it is open) or Borrow Box to access online books from the library, Oxford Owl Website and Amazon.
Well done to Gabi, Diggory, Nazar, George, Tommy G, Lauren, Amelie, Aaron, Emilia, Otis, Qasim and Max who have all used TTRockstars to practise their times tables this week. This will be available to access over the Summer Holidays along with Mathletics too.
Have fun.
Year 3 Team
Week Commencing 13th July 2020
Well done, you have reached the final week of this academic year and you have all worked so hard. Please let me know about any final activities you complete this week; I really enjoy seeing what you have been up to.
Weekly Timetable for this week will be available on the Class Pages and Google Classroom by Sunday. This week is all about reflecting on this school year and looking forward to the new one.
If you haven’t joined already. Look at Borrow Box to access online books from the library. I’m starting to work my way through the Year 3 Recommended Read list and would like to hear your children’s thoughts on any of these books. Maybe they can persuade me to try a book they’ve read from the list.
Well done to Nazar, Gabi, Alfie, Lauren, Diggory, Amelie and Qasim who have all used TTRockstars to practise their times tables this week.
Keep up the hard work on Mathletics too.
Remember, you can access books to read on the Borrow Box, Oxford Owl Website and Amazon.
Have fun
Year 3 Team
How Many Words Can You Find in the Word - IMPORTANT?
Find as many words as you can hidden within the word.
For example, in the word ‘explanation’ I could offer the following words:
explanation (plan)
explanation (an)
explanation (at)
Let me know how many you found and what they were.
Week Commencing 6th July 2020
Just two more weeks until the end of term. Please keep sending your messages and work in; I really enjoy seeing what you have been up to.
Weekly Timetable for this week will be available on the Class Pages and Google Classroom by Sunday.
Keep checking Google Classroom and the Class Page because if I find any interesting extra optional activities I will upload them on both these areas. Next week there is so far a spelling challenge. Enjoy.
If you haven’t joined already. Look at Borrow Box to access online books from the library. I’m starting to work my way through the Year 3 Recommended Read list and would like to hear your children’s thoughts on any of these books. Maybe they can persuade me to try a book they’ve read from the list.
Well done to Gabi, Nazar, George, Qasim, Amelie, Lauren, Alfie and Otis who have all used TTRockstars to practise their times tables this week.
Keep up the hard work on Mathletics too.
Remember, you can access books to read on the Borrow Box, Oxford Owl Website and Amazon.
Have fun
Year 3 Team
How Many Words Can You Find In The Word - Favourite?
Find as many words as you can hidden within the word.
The words can only be formed by letters that are consecutive in the word.
For example, in the word ‘explanation’ I could offer the following words:
explanation (plan)
explanation (an)
explanation (at)
You can't have ‘it’ because it would require a rearrangement of the letters ‘i’ and ‘t’.
Let me know how many you found and what they were.
Week Commencing 29th June 2020
Please keep sending your messages and work in; I really enjoy seeing what you have been up to.
Weekly Timetable for this week will be available on the Class Pages and Google Classroom by Sunday.
Keep checking Google Classroom and the Class Page because if I find any interesting extra optional activities I will upload them on both these areas. Next week there are so far two Natural History Museum Online Live clips, a Mindfullness breathing activity, First News Newspaper to read and a spelling challenge. Enjoy.
If you haven’t joined already. Look at Borrow Box to access online books from the library. I’m starting to work my way through the Year 3 Recommended Read list and would like to hear your children’s thoughts on any of these books. Maybe they can persuade me to try a book they’ve read from the list.
Our free access to the First News website has finished now. Look out this week for the file with the First News newspaper on our Class Page and Google Classroom. Enjoy reading.
Well done to George, Nazar, Gabi, Walter, Emilia, Lauren, Rosie W, Faith, Amelie, Diggory, Alfie and Qasim, who have all used TTRockstars to practise their times tables this week.
Keep up the hard work on Mathletics too.
Remember, you can access books to read on the Borrow Box, Oxford Owl Website and Amazon.
Have fun
Year 3 Team
Week Commencing 22nd June 2020
Please keep sending your messages and work in; I really enjoy seeing what you have been up to.
Weekly Timetable for this week will be available on the Class Pages and Google Classroom by Sunday.
Keep checking Google Classroom and the Class Page because if I find any interesting extra optional activities I will upload them on both these areas. Next week there is so far a Science activity, Natural History Museum drawing and nature activity and a reading challenge. Enjoy.
If you haven’t joined already. Look at Borrow Box to access online books from the library. I’m starting to work my way through the Year 3 Recommended Read list and would like to hear your children’s thoughts on any of these books. Maybe they can persuade me to try a book they’ve read from the list.
Our free access to the First News website has finished now. Look out this week for the file with the First News newspaper on our Class Page and Google Classroom. Enjoy reading.
Well done to Rosie W, Nazar, Katherine, Gabi, Diggory, Tommy G, Lauren, Amelie, George, Qasim and Alfie, who have all used TTRockstars to practise their times tables this week.
Keep up the hard work on Mathletics too.
Remember, you can access books to read on the Borrow Box, Oxford Owl Website and Amazon.
Have fun
Year 3 Team
Week Commencing 15th June 2020
Please keep sending your messages and work in; I really enjoy seeing what you have been up to.
Weekly Timetable for this week will be available on the Class Pages and Google Classroom by Sunday.
Our free access to the First News website has finished now. Look out this week for the file with the First News newspaper on our Class Page and Google Classroom. Enjoy reading.
Well done to George, Diggory, Lauren, Qasim, Nazar, Alfie, Amelie, Emilia and Tommy G, who have all used TTRockstars to practise their times tables this week.
Keep up the hard work on Mathletics too.
Remember, you can access books to read on the Oxford Owl Website and Amazon.
Have fun
Year 3 Team
Summer Reading Challenge
Visit the Summer Reading Challenge at https://summerreadingchallenge.org.uk/ to find out about this year's reading challenge and the new way they are operating it this year.
Week Commencing 8th June 2020
Look out for the International Challenge Sheet on Google Classroom on Monday and send me any photos of activities you take part in towards this.
Please keep sending your messages and work in; I really enjoy seeing what you have been up to.
Weekly Timetable for this week will be available on the Class Pages and Google Classroom by Sunday.
Well done Kestrel Class, we are fourth on the school leader board for reading 45,165 words. Well done to Gabi, Max, Alfie and Qasim for completing reading tasks on The First News Website. Access First News to read topical news stories and practise your reading comprehension. This is the last week we have access.
Well done to Rumaysa, Walter, George, Diggory, Lauren, Qasim, Nazar, Alfie, Amelie, Fredric, Aaron, Tommy G and Rosie W, who have all used TTRockstars to practise their times tables this week.
Keep up the hard work on Mathletics too.
Remember, you can access books to read on the Oxford Owl Website and Amazon.
Have fun
Year 3 Team
Bromet School is currently trying to gain re-accreditation for the International School Award. The International Challenge Sheet can be completed to go towards gaining this award. Children can complete the actitivites over this term and send evidence via Google Classroom or School Admin Email. Should enough children complete it, this will count as an international activity towards our award.
The Wildlife Trust
Use the link below to watch live footage of wild animals with your adult.
Child Safety Week – 1st-7th June 2020
The British Red Cross have created loads of educational activities to complete on their Website for Child Safety Week. Below are a few links to some you may like to try or explore the whole of the Website for other activities.
Spot the Dangers
Investigate the picture in this 360° view of a house. Then see if you can answer the questions.
Watch the clip about an asthma attack in a child and see if you can answer the quiz questions.
Watch the clip about a burn injury on a child and see if you can answer the quiz questions.
Watch the clip about managing a bleed injury on a child and see if you can answer the quiz questions.
Have a go at the quizzes and see how much you know.
Week Commencing 1st June 2020
Welcome back for the Summer Term. I hope you have all had time to relax and enjoy the Half Term Break. We have been very lucky with the weather.
Please keep sending your messages and work in; I really enjoy seeing what you have been up to.
A new Home Learning Grid has been uploaded to the Kestrel Class Pages and Google Classroom. Please feel free to continue to use the last term’s one as well if you still have activities to complete.
Work is available from Monday if you wish to complete it, even though we have an Inset Day in school. Don’t feel you have to if you wish to have another day off.
Well done Kestrel Class, we are fourth on the school leader board for reading 43,412 words. Congratulations to Gabi who is in top place on the class leader board with 3,345 words read. Access First News to read topical news stories and practise your reading comprehension.
Well done to Aaron, Alfie, Amelie, Diggory, Emilia, Faith, Fredric, Gabi, Katherine, Lauren, Nazar and Qasim, who have all used TTRockstars to practise their times tables this week.
Keep up the hard work on Mathletics too.
Well done to those children who designed and created a Lego model for the Natural History Museum Lego Life Form activity and received a Tweet back from them.
Remember, you can access books to read on the Oxford Owl Website and Amazon.
Have fun
Year 3 Team
Week Commencing 18th May 2020
Week 5 of Home Schooling. I hope you've had a fun week of learning.
Well done to Emilia, Diggory and Otis who took part in this week’s Natural History Lego Life Form Challenge and were lucky enough to receive a Tweet back from them about their designs.
Thank you to those of you who have uploaded work to Google Classroom. (If you’re struggling there’s a ‘How to Guide’ on the Kestrel Class Page.) It’s lovely to see the children’s work. Please keep sending it in along with photos of any activities your child has completed. They might even make it into Bromet’s Weekly Newsletter.
Please continue to check Kestrel Class Page and Google Classroom for updates, class weekly timetables and work. Each week (by 9am on Monday), a timetable and work for Maths, Writing, Reading, Spag and PE will be published on Kestrel Class Pages and in Google Classroom. Please use your Exercise Book to complete work.
Remember, if you want any more work, a ‘Home Learning Plan’ for the first half of the Summer Term has also been uploaded on Kestrel Class Pages and Google Classroom along with any documents to help with the learning.
Well done Kestrel Class, we are second on the school leader board for reading 37,553 words. Congratulations to Gabi who is in top place on the class leader board with 3,777 words read. Access First News to read topical news stories and practise your reading comprehension.
Well done to Alfie, Amelie, Emilia, Fredric, Gabi, Lauren, Nazar, Otis, Qasim, Rumaysa and Rylee, who have all used TTRockstars to practise their times tables this week.
Keep up the hard work on Mathletics too.
Lots of creative work going on this week. See the photos on our pages.
Remember, you can access books to read on the Oxford Owl Website and Amazon.
The Natural History Museum, London has a page on dinosaur facts abd activities to complete.
Have fun
Year 3 Team
Week Commencing 11th May 2020
Week 4 of Home Schooling. I hope you enjoyed your VE Day Bank Holiday Friday.
Well done to Otis and Rylee who took part in this week’s Natural History Lego Life Form Challenge and were lucky enough to receive a Tweet back from them about their designs.
Thank you to those of you who have uploaded work to Google Classroom. (If you’re struggling there’s a ‘How to Guide’ on the Kestrel Class Page.) It’s lovely to see the children’s work. Please keep sending it in along with photos of any activities your child has completed. They might even make it into Bromet’s Weekly Newsletter.
Please continue to check Kestrel Class Page and Google Classroom for updates, class weekly timetables and work. Each week (by 9am on Monday), a timetable and work for Maths, Writing, Reading, Spag and PE will be published on Kestrel Class Pages and in Google Classroom. Please use your Exercise Book to complete work.
Remember, if you want any more work, a ‘Home Learning Plan’ for the first half of the Summer Term has also been uploaded on Kestrel Class Pages and Google Classroom along with any documents to help with the learning.
Well done Kestrel Class, we are second on the school leader board for reading 29,245 words. Congratulations to Qasim who has held top place of the class leader board with 3,781 words read. Access First News to read topical news stories and practise your reading comprehension.
Well done to Alfie, Amelie and Otis, who have all use TTRockstars to practise their times tables this week.
Keep up the hard work on Mathletics too.
Lots of creative work going on this week. See the photos on our pages.
Remember, you can access books to read on the Oxford Owl Website and Amazon.
The Natural History Museum, London is offering live online learning opportunities which are then available on YouTube. This week at 10.30am on 15th May the chat is on Hope the Blue Whale.
Keep safe.
Year 3 Team
Week Commencing 4th May 2020
Starting Week 3 of home schooling and hopefully you are getting into a bit of a routine. This is a strange week as Monday would normally be a Bank Holiday however due to the 75th Anniversary of VE Day it has been moved to this Friday 8th May.
Thank you to those of you who have been able to upload work to Google Classroom. (If you’re struggling there is a ‘How to Guide’ on the Kestrel Class Page.) It’s been lovely to see the work the children have completed. Please keep sending it in. Any photos of activities you have been getting up to are welcomed too so I can included some more on Bromet’s Weekly Newsletter.
Please continue to check Kestrel Class Page and Google Classroom for updates, class weekly timetables and work. Each week (by 9am on Monday), a timetable and work for Maths, Writing, Reading, Spag and PE will be published on Kestrel Class Pages and in Google Classroom. Please use your Exercise Book to complete work.
Remember, if you need any more work, a ‘Home Learning Plan’ for the first half of the Summer Term has also been uploaded on Kestrel Class Pages and Google Classroom along with any documents to help with the learning.
Well done Kestrel Class, we are second on the school leader board for reading 12,000 words. Congratulations to Gabi who has held top place of the class leader board with 1,327 words read. Access First News to read topical news stories and practise your reading comprehension.
Well done to Otis, who maintains his lead with an average speed of 1.9 seconds to answer his timetables in the Studio games on TTRockstars.
Keep up the hard work on Mathletics too.
Fantastic work from Rosie W who has completed some beautiful artwork and Brooke who wrote some brilliant diary entries, to name but a few.
Remember, you can access books to read on the Oxford Owl Website and Amazon.
The Natural History Museum, London is offering virtual tours of their galleries. You have to sign up to take part.
Keep safe.
Year 3 Team
Week Commencing 27th April 2020
One week of home schooling completed. I hope it hasn’t been too stressful for you and your children. I spent this week in school and therefore experienced your frustration when the links failed. However, by the end of the week we had settled into a good routine.
Thank you to those of you who have been able to upload work to Google Classroom. (If you’re struggling there is a ‘How to Guide’ on the Kestrel Class Page.) It’s been lovely to see the work the children have completed. Please keep sending it in. Any photos of activities you have been getting up to are welcomed too.
Please continue to check Kestrel Class Page and Google Classroom for updates, class weekly timetables and work. Each week (by 9am on Monday), a timetable and work for Maths, Writing, Reading, Spag and PE will be published on Kestrel Class Pages and in Google Classroom. Please use your Exercise Book to complete work.
Remember, if you need any more work, a ‘Home Learning Plan’ for the first half of the Summer Term has also been uploaded on Kestrel Class Pages and Google Classroom along with any documents to help with the learning.
Well done Kestrel Class, we are top of the school leader board for reading 7961 words in the last week on First News. Congratulations to Gabi who is top of the class leader board with 2682 words read. Access First News to read topical news stories and practise your reading comprehension.
Well done to Otis, who maintains his lead with an average speed of 1.94 seconds to answer his timetables in the Studio games on TTRockstars.
Keep up the hard work on Mathletics too.
Fantastic work from Alfie who has completed and uploaded 3 pieces of the Home Learning Work and Aaron who wrote some entertaining diary entries, to name but a few.
Remember, you can access books to read on the Oxford Owl Website and Amazon.
Keep safe.
Year 3 Team
Free eBooks Library
Register and login, for free, to access tablet-friendly eBooks at your child’s reading level at the link eBooks.
First News - Reading Comprehension
Well done Kestrel Class, a total of 1,789 words read today on First New and we are 2nd on the Class Leader Board. Keep up the good learning.
Well done to Otis who is 25th on the School Leader Board for speed of answering the times table questions – 1.94 seconds.
We are 6th on the Class Leader Board for average speed to answer the times table questions.
Week Commencing 20th April 2020
Welcome back to school – home education style. I hope you and your family managed to enjoy a different kind of break from school and that the Easter Bunny was still able to make a visit to your household.
From this week, school timetables and work will be set and made accessible via Kestrel Class Pages and Google Classroom.
Well done, if you have already managed to complete and submit work on Google Classroom. If you haven’t, don’t worry you can start accessing it now. For those of you who need extra support to do this, please find guides, above, on ‘How to Access Google Classroom’ and ‘How to Submit Work via Google Classroom’. Any problems just email school with your query.
Each week (by 9am on Monday), a timetable and work for Maths, Writing, Reading, Spag and PE will be published on Kestrel Class Pages and in Google Classroom. Please use your Exercise Book to complete work.
A ‘Home Learning Plan’ for the first half of the Summer Term has also been uploaded on Kestrel Class Pages and Google Classroom along with any documents to help with the learning.
If you wish to share any of your learning with me, please upload it via the relevant Assignment on Google Classroom.
Please ensure your children are safe whilst accessing the internet. Remind them about guidelines for internet safety by watching this clip together and discussing the points raised, before they start learning online.
CEOP KS1 Film : ‘Lee and Kim Cartoon Suitable 5 yrs – 7 yrs.
This is going to be a strange few weeks. If there is anything I can do to make it easier please let me know via email to: admin@bromet.herts.sch.uk
Look after each other.
Year 3 Team
Look at the results for your group's experiment.
What can you see on each piece of bread? What do your results suggest? Can you come to any conclusions about the most effective way for cleaning hands? Did you expect these results?
Write a short Conclusion in your writing exercise book.
Google Classroom / Mathletics / TTRockstars
Passwords for all the above programmes were sent out with the children on Friday. Please keep them safe.
Google Classroom
The children need to make sure they can log in to Google Classroom. This can be done by clicking on the link below:
The children then need to enter their email address and password. This will then log them into Google Classroom. Please ask your child to send me a message in Google Classroom to confirm they have accessed it from home.
Thank you
Week Commencing 16th March 2020:
Congratulations to Mia for being our Star this week!
This week we will be completing informal assessments along with continuing our writing task using The Black Dog by Levi Pinfold and Fractions in Maths.
Our weekly times table test is on Monday. Remember to logon to TTRockstars to practice times tables. This has been updated to reflect the tables your child needs to work on.
This term as part of Music we will be listening to compositions written by the local singer, songwriter, pianist and composer Elton John.
In Science we will continue our topic on Forces and Magnets and monitor our Bread Experiment.
For Computing we are learning about programming.
This Half Term in PE we are developing our gymnastic skills. Please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school for Monday. If your child has pierced ears, they must either bring tape to cover their earrings, remove them for PE or not wear earrings on a Monday.
In Spelling we will be learning about the prefixes – super and auto.
In Geography we are learning about clouds.
In RE we will continue our topic about Jesus by looking at his stories.
In Jigsaw this term the children are thinking about the topic Healthy Me. This week thinking about being safe.
PE kit due in. (No earrings or tape in school to cover them.)
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Water Bottles Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Book Bags Go Home
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Homework Goes Home
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Reading Books and Reading Record (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Book Bags Go Home
Water Bottles Go Home
Have a good weekend.
Week Commencing 9th March 2020:
Congratulations to Gabi for being our Star this week!
In English we will continue to read Black Dog by Levi Pinfold to inspire our writing.
In Maths we will continue with our topic on fractions.
Our weekly times table test is on Monday. Remember to logon to TTRockstars to practice times tables. This has been updated to reflect the tables your child needs to work on.
This term as part of Music we will be listening to compositions written by the local singer, songwriter, pianist and composer Elton John.
In Science for ‘Science Week’ we will complete an experiment linked to the importance of washing hands properly and constructing a tree from paper only.
For Computing we are learning about programming.
This Half Term in PE we are developing our gymnastic skills. Please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school for Monday. If your child has pierced ears, they must either bring tape to cover their earrings, remove them for PE or not wear earrings on a Monday.
In Spelling we will be completing spelling tests on words we have learnt in school and learning about the prefixes – super and auto.
In History we are learning about Romans and the impact they had on towns and cities in England.
In RE we will continue our topic about Jesus by looking at his stories.
In Jigsaw this term the children are thinking about the topic Healthy Me. This week they are discussing what they know about drugs and their attitude to them.
PE kit due in. (No earrings or tape in school to cover them.)
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Water Bottles Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Book Bags Go Home
Parents Evening 3.30 – 6.20pm
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Homework Goes Home
Parents Evening 4.15 – 6.50pm
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Reading Books and Reading Record (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Book Bags Go Home
Water Bottles Go Home
Have a good weekend.
Week Commencing 1st March 2020:
Congratulations to Ishan for being our Star this week!
Well done Kestrel Class for winning the class cup for attendance this week.
In English we will be using Black Dog by Levi Pinfold to inspire our writing.
In Maths we will start looking at fractions.
Our weekly times table test is on Monday. Remember to logon to TTRockstars to practice times tables. This has been updated to reflect the tables your child needs to work on.
This term as part of Music we will be listening to compositions written by the local singer, songwriter, pianist and composer Elton John.
In Science we will continue learning about forces and magnets.
For Computing we are learning about how moving images are made up of lots of still pictures.
This Half Term in PE we are developing our gymnastic skills. Please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school for Monday. If your child has pierced ears, they must either bring tape to cover their earrings, remove them for PE or not wear earrings on a Monday.
In Spelling we will be completing spelling tests on words we have learnt in school and learning about the prefixes – super and auto.
In Geography we are learning about precipitation and using graphs to answer questions.
For Art we are sculpting a turtle out of soap, linked to our Pop Art topic.
In RE we will continue our topic about Jesus by looking at his stories.
In Jigsaw this term the children are thinking about the topic Healthy Me. They will be setting themselves a fitness challenge.
PE kit due in. (No earrings or tape in school to cover them.)
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Water Bottles Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Parents Evening Sign up in the KS1 Playground from 8:15- 8:45am and 3:00-3:30pm
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Book Bags Go Home
Maths Morning - 8:45-9:30am for KS2
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Homework Goes Home
World Book Day – Wear Pyjamas and Bring in Your Favourite Book (£2 donation)
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Reading Books and Reading Record (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Book Bags Go Home
Water Bottles Go Home
Have a good weekend.
Mother Tongue Day
Thank you to all the parents who were able to help with Mother Tongue Day, by providing food and or talking to the children about their country and language.
The children really enjoyed the opportunity to try out food and words from different cultures. They also learnt that the children in our class have a variety of different countries that their families come from, when we stuck dots on the world map.
During the day the children also were able to play a Maths game from a different country.
HELP NEEDED - Plastic Bottle Tops Request
For our sculpting session in our Art lessons we will need a large supply of plastic bottle tops. Milk, juice, water, fizzy drinks - all needed.
Please collect and send in any you have this Half Term.
Thank You
Food Tasting - Mother Tongue Day
The labels are proving impossible to photograph. If you are concerned about the foods please pop into the classroom tomorrow before school and you can have a look at the labels.
Week Commencing 24th February 2020:
Congratulations to Alfie for being our Star this week!
Mother Tongue Day – Thursday 27th February
Thank you to those parents who have kindly offered to supply food from their native countries, which the children will have an opportunity to taste. (As soon as I have ingredient details I will post them on the website. Please let me know if there are any issues.)
During the day, the children will also have a Spanish lesson.
Please ensure your child knows which country their family originates from, so that we can mark it on a world map during the day.
In English we will be using Black Dog by Levi Pinfold to inspire our writing.
In Maths we will finish length and look at perimeter.
Our weekly times table test is on Monday. Remember to logon to TTRockstars to practice times tables. This has been updated to reflect the tables your child needs to work on.
This term as part of Music we will be listening to compositions written by the local singer, songwriter, pianist and composer Elton John.
In Science we will continue learning about forces and magnets.
For Computing we are looking at digital images and how they are made up.
This Half Term in PE we are developing our gymnastic skills. Please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school for Monday. If your child has pierced ears, they must either bring tape to cover their earrings, remove them for PE or not wear earrings on a Monday.
In Spelling we will be completing spelling tests on words we have learnt in school and learning about the prefixes – super and auto.
In History we are using maps to research about the history of Oxhey Park, based on the children’s request to learn more about it.
For Art we are sculpting a turtle out of soap, linked to our Pop Art topic.
In RE we will continue our topic about Jesus by looking at his stories.
In Jigsaw this term the children are thinking about the topic Healthy Me. This week they are concentrating on the importance of exercise and the effects on their body.
PE kit due in. (No earrings or tape in school to cover them.)
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Water Bottles Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Book Bags Go Home
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Homework Goes Home
Mother Tongue Day – Food Tasting and Language Activities
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Garden of Dreams
Reading Books and Reading Record (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Book Bags Go Home
Water Bottles Go Home
Week Commencing 10th February 2020:
Congratulations to Max for being our Star this week!
In English we will continue using Escape from Pompeii to inspire our story writing.
In Maths we will move onto length and perimeter.
Our weekly times table test is on Monday. Remember to logon to TTRockstars to practice times tables. This has been updated to reflect the tables your child needs to work on.
This term as part of Music we will be listening to compositions written by a Greek composer Yiannis Chryssomallis.
In Science we will continue learning about forces and magnets.
For Computing we are looking at digital images and how they are made up.
This Half Term in PE we are learning about dance linked to our History topic of the Roman Empire. Please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school for Monday. If your child has pierced ears, they must either bring tape to cover their earrings, remove them for PE or not wear earrings on a Monday.
In Spelling we are practising spelling some more Year 3 / 4 words, learning about the suffixes less / ly and looking at spelling root words by adding suffixes and prefixes.
In Geography we are learning about tectonic plates.
For DT we are continuing our topic on complex structures.
In RE we will continue our topic about Jesus by looking at his stories.
In Jigsaw the children will be thinking about obstacles that may hinder their achievements and how to overcome them.
PE kit due in. (No earrings or tape in school to cover them.)
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Water Bottles Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Book Bags Go Home
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Homework Goes Home
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Reading Books and Reading Record (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Book Bags Go Home
Water Bottles Go Home
Have a good weekend.
Talent Show Auditions
Well done to all those children who took part in the auditions to represent Kestrel Class in the talent show next week. We had a variety of acts taking part including magicians, dancers, singers and musicians.
The children voted for their favourite acts to put forward to the school talent show next week.
Congratulations to:
Rylee and Nazar
Walter, Bader and Tommy K
who were the talented winners of the auditions.
Number Day - Friday 7th February
Children can come to school dressed up in an outfit. Remember the theme is numbers.
Look around you for inspiration - dice, cards, phones, characters with numbers on them, calendars, watch, road sign etc. Numbers are all around us.
Don't forget your £1 donation too.
Kestrel Class Talent Show Auditions
The auditions for our class will take place in the classroom on Thursday afternoon. Those children who wish to audition will have the chance to do so then.
The class will vote for their two favourite acts to represent us in the school talent show next Friday.
Week Commencing 3rd February 2020:
Congratulations to Otis for being our Star this week!
In English we will be working on speaking and listening by practising for our class assembly.
In Maths we will finish learning about money and move onto statistics.
Our weekly times table test is on Monday. Remember to logon to TTRockstars to practice times tables. This has been updated to reflect the tables your child needs to work on.
This term as part of Music we will be listening to compositions written by a Greek composer Yiannis Chryssomallis.
In Science we will be moving onto a new topic about forces and magnets.
For Computing we are looking at digital images and how they are made up.
This Half Term in PE we are learning about dance linked to our History topic of the Roman Empire. Please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school for Monday. If your child has pierced ears, they must either bring tape to cover their earrings, remove them for PE or not wear earrings on a Monday.
In Spelling we are learning about the different letters for the ‘sh’ sound, looking at 5 more words from the Year 3 / 4 spelling list and suffixes –less and –ly.
In Geography we are learning about tectonic plates.
For DT we are continuing our topic on complex structures.
In RE we will continue our topic about Jesus by looking at his stories.
In Jigsaw the children will be thinking about obstacles that may hinder their achievements and how to overcome them.
PE kit due in. (No earrings or tape in school to cover them.)
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Water Bottles Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Book Bags Go Home
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Homework Goes Home
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Class Assembly 9am
Reading Books and Reading Record (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Book Bags Go Home
Water Bottles Go Home
Have a good weekend.
Week Commencing 27th January 2020:
Please note, this week only, the Reading Records will be checked on Thursday for those children who have read 3 times and books changed.
We are still in need of tissue boxes if you haven’t already sent a box in this academic year.
Congratulations to George for being our Star this week!
In English we will be reading Pompeii by Christina Balit to practise our comprehension skills, extend our vocabulary and inspire our writing.
In Maths we are start to learn about money.
Our weekly times table test is on Monday. Remember to logon to TTRockstars to practice times tables. This has been updated to reflect the tables your child needs to work on.
This term as part of Music we will be listening to compositions written by a Greek composer Yiannis Chryssomallis.
In Science we will be learning about the effects of diet and exercise on our bodies.
For Computing we are manipulating digital images linked to our Art topic of Pop Art.
This Half Term in PE we are learning about dance linked to our History topic of the Roman Empire. Please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school for Monday. If your child has pierced ears, they must either bring tape to cover their earrings, remove them for PE or not wear earrings on a Monday.
In Spelling we are learning about the use of apostrophes in contracted words, another spelling strategy and practising Year 3 / 4 spelling words.
In History we are comparing the Ancient Greek political system with ours.
For Art we are drawing a turtle in the style of Pop Art.
In RE we continue our topic about Jesus by looking at his stories.
In Jigsaw the children will be thinking about breaking down goals into small steps to make them achievable.
PE kit due in. (No earrings or tape in school to cover them.)
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Water Bottles Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Book Bags Go Home
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Homework Goes Home
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Book Bags Go Home
Reading Books and Reading Record
Book Bags Go Home
Water Bottles Go Home
Have a good weekend.
Week Commencing 20th January 2020:
Our PE day has changed to Monday, so please make sure your child’s PE Kit is in for this day.
If you haven’t had a chance to send in a box of tissues this academic year, please do, as we are in need of some more boxes for all those sniffly noses.
Also, please ensure your child has a water bottle in school every day as they all wish to drink during the day and this is difficult if they do not have a water bottle in class.
Congratulations to Halo for being our Star this week!
In English we will continue to use Flotsam by David Wiesner to inspire our writing, this time to write a persuasive letter.
In Maths we are learning about written division methods and then moving onto scaling.
Our weekly times table test is on Monday. Remember to logon to TTRockstars to practice their times tables. This has been updated to reflect the tables they have learnt and are working on.
This term as part of Music we will be listening to compositions written by a Greek composer Yiannis Chryssomallis.
In Science we will be learning about reproduction of flowering plants.
For Computing we are manipulating digital images linked to our Art topic of Pop Art.
This Half Term in PE we are learning about dance linked to our History topic of the Roman Empire. Please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school for Monday. If your child has pierced ears, they must either bring tape to cover their earrings, remove them for PE or not wear earrings on a Monday.
In Spelling we learning about the suffixes ‘sub-‘ and ‘tele-‘.
In History we are comparing the Ancient Greek political system with ours.
For DT we are continuing our topic on complex structures looking at bridge structure and local bridges.
In RE we continue our top about Jesus by looking at his stories.
In Jigsaw the children will be thinking about being motivated and enthusiastic about achieving a new challenge.
PE kit due in. (No earrings or tape in school to cover them.)
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Water Bottles Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Book Bags Go Home
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Homework Goes Home
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Reading Books and Reading Record (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Book Bags Go Home
Water Bottles Go Home
Have a good weekend.
Week Commencing 13th January 2020:
Our PE day has changed to Monday, so please make sure your child’s PE Kit is in for this day.
If you haven’t had a chance to send in a box of tissues this academic year, please do, as we are in need of some more boxes for all those sniffly noses.
Also, please ensure your child has a water bottle in school every day as they all wish to drink during the day and this is difficult if they do not have a water bottle in class.
Congratulations to Walter for being our Star this week!
In English we will be working towards writing a setting description based on one of the pictures in our book - Flotsam by David Wiesner.
In Maths we are continuing to learn about formal written multiplication methods and then moving onto division methods.
On Monday we will complete our weekly times table test. Remember to logon to TTRockstars to practice their times tables. This has been updated to reflect the tables they have learnt and are working on.
This term as part of Music we will be listening to compositions written by a Greek composer Yiannis Chryssomallis.
In Science we will be learning about Life Cycles of plants and animals.
For Computing we are learning about digital images and how they can be easily manipulated.
This Half Term in PE we are learning about dance linked to our History topic of the Roman Empire. Please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school for Monday. If your child has pierced ears, they must either bring tape to cover their earrings, remove them for PE or not wear earrings on a Monday.
In Spelling we will practise another spelling strategy and learn about words ending with ‘gue’ and que’.
In History we are starting our topic on Ancient Greece.
For Art we are starting our new topic on Pop Art by looking at Andy Warhol and his works.
In RE we continue our top about Jesus by looking at his stories.
In Jigsaw the children will be thinking about their Dreams and Ambitions.
PE kit due in. (No earrings or tape in school to cover them.)
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Water Bottles Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Book Bags Go Home
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Homework Goes Home
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Reading Books and Reading Record (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Book Bags Go Home
Water Bottles Go Home
Have a good weekend.
Week Commencing 7th January 2020
Happy New Year and Welcome Back.
Our PE day has changed to Monday, so please make sure your child’s PE Kit is in for that day.
In English, for the next 3 weeks, we will be looking at the book Flotsam by David Wiesner and using this for our writing inspiration. The focus this week is drama and vocabulary development.
In Maths we are concentrating on multiplication and will starting to learn the formal method.
For our Music we will be listening to music by a Greek composer Yiannis Chryssomallis.
In Science we are starting our All Living Things topic with sorting and classifying.
In RE we are thinking about Christians and specifically Jesus.
As part of Jigsaw the children will be revisiting their Network Hand and thinking about the people who they can turn to if they need to talk to someone.
In Spelling we are practising words with y making an ‘i’ sound, commonly misspelt words and proof reading for spelling errors.
In Geography we are learning about food trade in the UK.
In DT we are focusing on nutrition – specifically how the food we eat is produced.
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Book Bags Go Home
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Homework Goes Home
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Reading Books and Reading Record (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Book Bags Go Home
Water Bottles Go Home
Thursday 19th December
We will be having a movie morning with lightly sea salted popcorn. The children have voted for the Nativity Rocks film.
This Week
I hope you enjoyed the Christmas Performance as much as the children liked taking part. It was lovely to see so many of you.
Congratulations to Katherine for being our Star this week!
Congratulations to the following children for earning our end of term awards.
Sienna for Empathy
Yaseen for Curiosity
Bader for Determination
Parents of these 3 children are welcome to attend our Awards Ceremony on Friday 20th December at 9am.
Week Commencing 16th December:
In English we are finishing our fables unit.
In Maths we will finish our topic on multiplication and division. . On Monday we will complete our weekly times table test. Remember your children can use TTRockstars to practice their times tables.
For our Music we will be listening to Christmas Songs.
In Science we are investigating the change of state caused by temperature.
In Art, we will be making a Christmas Card.
We will also be completing some Christmas activities, watching a Christmas Film and on Friday the Children can bring a game in from home to play.
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Water Bottles Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Book Bags Go Home
Santa’s Breakfast
Christmas Jumper Day
Christmas Lunch
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Pantomime at School
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Reading Books and Reading Record (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Bring a Game to Play (optional)
Book Bags Go Home
Water Bottles Go Home
School finishes at 1.30pm
Have a good holiday.
KS2 Production St Matthew’s Church
Wednesday 11th December
Children can arrive from 6pm but should arrive no later than 6.15pm.
Please drop your child off, with a member of Bromet School staff, via the main door of the church.
The children will change into their costumes once they arrive at the church. At the end of the evening the children will change back into their home clothes before leaving.
We look forward to seeing you Wednesday.
This Week
Thank you to the parents who have kindly volunteered to help us walk the children to St Matthew’s Church on Monday at 1pm.
Congratulations to Finley for being our Star this week!
Week Commencing 9th December:
In English we are continuing to learn about Fables and the children will be creating their own imaginary world out of food. If you have any spare magazines with images of food could you please send them in.
In Maths we will continue our topic on multiplication and division. . On Monday we will complete our weekly times table test. Remember your children can use TTRockstars to practice their times tables.
For our Music we will be listening to Traditional Christmas Carols.
For PE we continue to focus on invasion and attacking skills. Please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school for Wednesday. If your child has pierced ears, they must either bring tape to cover their earrings, remove them for PE or not wear earrings on a Wednesday.
In Science we are investigating the change of state caused by temperature.
In Art, we will be finishing off constructing a lily out of paper as our final piece of work on this area.
In RE we are thinking about how Christmas is celebrated by Christians.
In Jigsaw we are giving and receiving compliments and to think about how this feels for the giver and receiver.
Christmas Performance Afternoon Dress Rehearsal at St Matthew’s Church
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Water Bottles Due In
Homework Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Book Bags Go Home
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
PE Kits Due In For PE
Homework Goes Home
Book Bags Go Home
Christmas Performance at St Matthew’s Church
Reading Books and Reading Record Due In
Book Bags Go Home
Reading Books and Reading Record (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Book Bags Go Home
Water Bottles Go Home
Have a good weekend.
This Week
Congratulations to Sienna for being our Star this week!
Congratulations to Alfie who was nominated for the Premier League Primary Stars Weekly Award by WFC in our PE lesson this week.
Week Commencing 2nd December:
In English we are going to learn and write about Fables.
In Maths we will continue our topic on multiplication and division. . On Monday we will complete our weekly times table test. Remember your children can use TTRockstars to practice their times tables.
For our Music we will be listening to Christmas Songs from other countries.
For PE we continue to focus on invasion and attacking skills. Please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school for Wednesday. If your child has pierced ears, they must either bring tape to cover their earrings, remove them for PE or not wear earrings on a Wednesday.
In Science we investigating the change of state caused by temperature.
In Art, inspired by the impressionist work of Claude Monet, we will be constructing a lily out of paper as our final piece of work on this area.
In History, we will be looking at the impact of the Romans on the roads in Britain.
In RE we are writing an advent poem and creating a candle to go with an advent promise.
In Jigsaw we are problem solving bullying scenarios in groups.
Outfits for Christmas Performance Due In
Reading Books and Reading Record
Water Bottles are due in
Reading Books and Reading Record (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Book Bags go home.
Reading Books and Reading Record
PE kits are due in for PE.
Homework goes home.
Flu Vaccination
Reading Books and Reading Record
Book bags are due in.
Record (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Book bags and water bottles go home.
Have a good weekend.
KS2 Christmas Concert
Details about your child's part and outfit requirements were sent out in their book bag today (Thursday). Please send outfits in by Monday 2nd December. Thank you for your help with this.
This Week
The weather has turned colder this week and our PE lessons take place outside unless it is raining. Please ensure your child has a school tracksuit to wear to keep warm. Thank you.
Congratulations to Sonny for being our Star this week!
Congratulations to Walter who was nominated for the Premier League Primary Stars Weekly Award by WFC in our PE lesson this week.
Week Commencing 25th November:
In English and Maths we will be completing assessments for Reading, Grammar / Punctuation and Arithmetic and Verbal Problems.
For our Music we will be listening to Christmas inspired music written by different composers and practising our Christmas Songs.
For PE we continue to focus on invasion and attacking skills. Please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school for Wednesday. If your child has pierced ears, they must either bring tape to cover their earrings, remove them for PE or not wear earrings on a Wednesday.
In DT, we will be making our Fruit Salad. Please ensure you have returned the consent form so your child may take part.
In RE we are thinking about the morals we learn from the stories The Blind Man and The Boy Who Cries Wolf.
In Jigsaw we are thinking about how to help people who have been bullied feel better.
Reading Books and Reading Record
Water Bottles are due in
Reading Books and Reading Record (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Book Bags go home.
Reading Books and Reading Record
PE kits are due in for PE.
Homework goes home.
Reading Books and Reading Record
Book bags are due in.
Record (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Book bags and water bottles go home.
Have a good weekend.
This Week
We have had a busy week. The children have made red and white poppies for remembrance; thought about bullying and being different by wearing odd socks; visited Affinity Education Centre and worn pyjamas for Children in Need Day. All of which they have thoroughly enjoyed. Thank you for your donations for Children in Need.
Congratulations to Emilia for being our Star this week!
Week Commencing 18th November:
In English the children will be writing their own Roman Myths.
In Maths we are starting to learn about formal written subtraction methods and the language involved with subtraction. On Monday we will complete our weekly times table test. Remember your children can use TTRockstars to practice their times tables.
For our Music we will be listening to classical Christmas music written by different composers and starting to learn our Christmas Songs.
In Science we will be learning about Non-Newtonian Fluids.
For PE we continue to focus on invasion and attacking skills. Please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school for Wednesday. If your child has pierced ears, they must either bring tape to cover their earrings, remove them for PE or not wear earrings on a Wednesday.
In Spelling this week we will learn about the prefixes mis- and re-.
In Art, inspired by Claude Monet’s Water Lilies, we will be making a lily out of paper.
In Geography we are learning about the Water Cycle.
In DT we are learning about nutrition.
In RE we are learning about the 99 names for Allah and what they mean then the children are thinking about the meaning of their name.
In Jigsaw we are thinking about solutions to everyday set scenarios.
Reading Books and Reading Record
Water Bottles are due in
Reading Books and Reading Record (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Book Bags go home.
Reading Books and Reading Record
PE kits are due in for PE.
Homework goes home.
Reading Books and Reading Record
Book bags are due in.
Record (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Book bags and water bottles go home.
Have a good weekend.
Book Bags
Please note that although the children need to bring their book bags in daily with their reading books, we will continue to change reading books on a Tuesday and Friday only.
If your child brings a letter or note in their book bag on other days please remind them to take it out and hand it in when they arrive at school.
Next Week
Next week is National Anti-Bullying week and the children will have a Kindness drama workshop on Wednesday. Friday is Children in Need Day!
School Trip
On Thursday we are off to Affinity Water’s Education Site in Bushey. Please make sure your child is suitably dressed as we will be completing activities outside. We leave school at 9.30am and will be back by the end of the day.
Congratulations to Rosie H for being our Star this week!
Week Commencing 11th November:
In English we will be continuing to learn and write about Roman Myths.
In Maths we are continuing to learn about formal written addition methods and the language involved with addition. On Monday we will complete our weekly times table test. Remember your children can use TTRockstars to practice their times tables.
For our Music we will be listening to winter inspired music written by different composers.
In Science we will be leaning about the properties of liquids, solids and gases.
For Computing we are learning more about the worldwide web.
For PE we continue to focus on invasion and attacking skills. Please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school for Wednesday. If your child has pierced ears, they must either bring tape to cover their earrings, remove them for PE or not wear earrings on a Wednesday.
In Spelling this week we will learn about the prefixes mis- and re-.
In History / DT we will learn about poppies for Remembrance and make our own Poppy Wreath.
On Friday we will be completing activities relating to Children in Need.
Reading Books and Reading Record
Water Bottles are due in
Reading Books and Reading Record (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Book Bags go home.
Maths Morning
Reading Books and Reading Record
PE kits are due in for PE.
Homework goes home.
School Trip to Affinity Water’s Education Site
Reading Books and Reading Record
Book bags are due in.
Children in Need Day - Wear pyjamas and donate £1Reading Books and Reading Record (Book Bags Checked and Changed)
Book bags and water bottles go home.
Have a good weekend.
Welcome Back
School starts normal time on Monday 4th November. I hope you have all had a good half term break and are feeling refreshed and ready to come back to school.
This term we are going to focus on the British Value - Mutual respect & tolerance of different faiths, beliefs and cultural traditions for our Show and Tell. Therefore, I would like the children to share one of their cultural traditions or beliefs.
Week Commencing 4th November:
In English we will be starting to learn and write about Roman Myths.
In Maths we are starting to learn about formal written addition methods. On Monday we will complete our weekly times table test. Remember your children can use TTRockstars to practice their times tables.
For our Music we will be listening to sleigh music written by different composers.
In Science we will be investigating different states of matter.
For Computing we are learning more about the worldwide web.
For PE we continue to focus on invasion and attacking skills. Please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school for Wednesday. If your child has pierced ears, they must either bring tape to cover their earrings, remove them for PE or not wear earrings on a Wednesday.
In Spelling this week we will continue to look at particular homophones, where words sound the same but are spelt differently and the children will complete a spelling test on the first 5 words in the Year 3/4 Spelling List, 4 of which we have looked at in class.
In History we are researching about Roman life in Britain.
In Art we are practising the skill of shading with a pencil.
In Jigsaw we are thinking about families and how they can vary.
Reading Books and Reading Record
Water Bottles are due in
Reading Books and Reading Record
Book Bags go home.
Reading Books and Reading Record
PE kits are due in for PE.
Homework goes home.
Reading Books and Reading Record
Book bags are due in.
Reading Books and Reading Record
Book bags and water bottles go home.This Week
It was lovely to meet you all at Parents’ Evening this week. Copies of your child’s Personal Target Sheet will be sent home with them today.
Thank-you to those of you who have completed and returned a new Consent Form, if you haven’t please complete and return one.
This week the children took part in an Indian Dance Workshop which they all thoroughly enjoyed. We have some amazing dancers!
Congratulations to Aaron for being our Star this week!
Congratulations to Brooke who was nominated for the Premier League Primary Stars Weekly Award by WFC in our PE lesson this week.
Have a good half term break and will see you week commencing Monday 4th November.
This Week
The children have been practising to log on to the Chromebooks this week and then went onto to develop their keyboard skills. They really enjoyed playing the touch typing games. These can be found on Typing.com website if they wish to continue working on these skills at home.
Thank-you for your support with the character drawings; the children produced brilliant pictures from these.
Congratulations to Rosie B for being our Star this week!
Congratulations to Katherine and Rosie H who was nominated for the Premier League Primary Stars Weekly Award by WFC in our PE lesson this week.
Week Commencing 21st October:
In English we will be finishing of our biographies about Anthony Joshua.
In Maths we are thinking about Fact Families in relation to addition and subtraction. On Monday we will complete our weekly times table test. Remember your children can use TTRockstars to practice their times tables.
For our Music we will be listening to music by Manuel de Falla an Impressionist composer.
In Science we are learning about the phases of the moon.
For Computing we are practising how to use the internet for research.
For PE we continue to focus on invasion and attacking skills. Please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school for Wednesday. If your child has pierced ears, they must either bring tape to cover their earrings, remove them for PE or not wear earrings on a Wednesday.
In Spelling this week we will continue to look at particular homophones, where words sound the same but are spelt differently and the children will complete a spelling test on the first 5 words in the Year 3/4 Spelling List, 4 of which we have looked at in class.
In Geography we are learning about the human feature of settlements.
In DT we are looking at complex structures.
Reading Books and Reading Record
Water Bottles are due in
Reading Books and Reading Record
Book Bags go home.
Reading Books and Reading Record
PE kits are due in for PE.
Homework goes home.
Reading Books and Reading Record
Book bags are due in.
Reading Books and Reading Record
Book bags and water bottles go home.
Have a good weekend.
This Week
Thank you to those parents who have kindly sent in donations for our Harvest Appeal and those who have listened to their children read 3 times this week.
The children enjoyed taking part in the djembe drums workshop and created some music together as a class. They also had fun in DT and learnt from building their structures they had designed.
Congratulations to Amelie for being our Star this week!
Congratulations to Walter who was nominated for the Premier League Primary Stars Weekly Award by WFC in our PE lesson this week.
Week Commencing 14th October:
In English we will be combining Black History Month, Local History and learning about biographies, when writing about the local black hero – Anthony Joshua.
In Maths we are continuing to develop the children’s mental strategies for subtraction. On Monday we will complete our weekly times table test. Remember your children can use TTRockstars to practice their times tables.
For our Music we will be listening to music by Paul Dukas an Impressionist composer.
In Science we are learning about the movement of the moon.
For Computing we are practising our computer and keyboard skills.
For PE we continue to focus on invasion and attacking skills. Please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school for Wednesday. If your child has pierced ears, they must either bring tape to cover their earrings, remove them for PE or not wear earrings on a Wednesday.
In Spelling this week we will continue to look at particular homophones, where words sound the same but are spelt differently and the children will complete a spelling test on the first 5 words in the Year 3/4 Spelling List, 4 of which we have looked at in class.
In History, as part Black History Month, we will learning about the life of Barrack Obama.
In Art we are practising our mixing skills with paint to make different colours, tints and shades then moving on to recreate a lily in an impressionist style.
On Friday, the children will be drawing an image of their favourite book character for our page in the PTFA School Calendar. Your help for this would be appreciated. Please send your child in with a book on Friday, which has an image of their favourite character, to help inspire their creation. In addition, they will be designing their own Christmas Card. Sorry to mention the ‘C’ word so early.
Reading Books and Reading Record
Water Bottles are due in
Reading Books and Reading Record
Book Bags go home.
Reading Books and Reading Record
PE kits are due in for PE.
Homework goes home.
Reading Books and Reading Record
Book bags are due in.
Reading Books and Reading Record
Book bags and water bottles go home.
Have a good weekend.
African Djembe Drumming Workshop
This afternoon, the children were lucky enough to have a djembe drum workshop, as it is Black History Month.
The hall was filled with the loud rhythm of the drums which the children were able to recreate by saying a phrase to drum to. At one point, the class even managed to play 3 different rhythms at the same time. The workshop required the children to listen to the teacher and follow his instructions and play as a group.
All the children really enjoyed themselves and their musical skills were apparent.
Harvest Appeal
A big thank-you, to those of you who have already kindly sent in donations for our Harvest Appeal this year.
We are supporting The Red Trust in Bushey. A small charity that runs a foodbank, open to all who have a need for it.
The trust is especially in need of donations of: tinned meat, custard, rice pudding, tinned vegetables, tinned chopped tomatoes, pasta sauces, tinned pulses/beans, tinned fruit, biscuits, baked beans, rice, instant noodles, coffee and toiletries.
Donations should be sent into school via your child between now and Thursday 10th October, when we will be having our Harvest Assembly.
Thank-you for your support.
This Week
Thank you to those parents who have managed to find time to listen to their child read 3 times this week. Your regular support in this area really helps to develop their reading skills.
To celebrate National Poetry Day the children listened to and discussed some poems by Kenneth Grahame, Robert Louis Stevenson and James Reeves. They seemed to really enjoy the poems especially those that rhymed.
Congratulations to Max for being our Star this week!
Congratulations to Tommy G who was nominated for the Premier League Primary Stars Weekly Award by WFC in our PE lesson this week.
Week Commencing 7th October:
In English we will continue to work on our character descriptions, thinking about including expanded noun phrases and similes.
In Maths we are continuing to focus on mental strategies for adding and then starting to think about subtraction. On Monday we will complete our weekly times table test. Remember your children can use TTRockstars to practice their times tables.
For our Music we will be listening to music by Frederick Delius an Impressionist composer.
In Science we are learning about how different places in the world experience night and day at different times.
For Computing we are practising our computer and keyboard skills.
In RE we are learning about how Muhammad was protected by Allah and relating this to the children’s lives; thinking about whom and how they are protected in their lives.
For Jigsaw we will be thinking about the rewards that exist at Bromet.
For PE we continue to focus on invasion and attacking skills. Please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school for Wednesday. If your child has pierced ears, they must either bring tape to cover their earrings, remove them for PE or not wear earrings on a Wednesday.
In Spelling this week we will be looking at another spelling strategy for learning words and words from the Year 3/4 government spelling list. We will also look at homophones, where words sound the same but are spelt differently.
In Geography we will be looking at settlements.
In DT we are continuing to extend our knowledge about complex structures.
Water Bottles are due in
Book Bags go home.
PE kits are due in for PE.
Homework goes home.
Book bags are due in.
Book bags and water bottles go home.
Have a good weekend.
This Week
Thank you for your support in discussing a day in your child’s life to help with their diary writing task, it really made a difference to their work today.
The children practised their construction skills, tested the strength of different structures and designed their own building using this knowledge.
Congratulations to Faith for being our Star this week!
Congratulations to Rosie W who was nominated for the Premier League Primary Stars Weekly Award by WFC in our PE lesson this week.
Week Commencing 30th September:
In English we will be thinking about character descriptions and creating our own Superhero character ready to enter a competition.
In Maths we are focusing on units of measurement, weighing objects and mental strategies for adding. On Monday we will be completing our weekly times table test. Your support in ensuring your children practise their times tables weekly is appreciated.
For our Music we will be listening to music by Jean Sibelius an Impressionist composer.
In Science we are learning about what makes night and day.
For Computing we are learning about computer networks.
In RE we are continuing to think about the life of the prophet Muhammad, specifically ‘The Night of Power’.
For Jigsaw we will be investigating how our own behaviour brings rewards and consequences.
For PE we continue to focus on invasion and attacking skills. Please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school for Wednesday. If your child has pierced ears, they must either bring tape to cover their earrings, remove them for PE or not wear earrings on a Wednesday.
In Spelling this week we will be looking at the long ‘a’ sound and the different letters that can be used to represent it.
In History we will be looking at Watford Football Stadium, now and in the past.
In Art we are practising drawing with pencils and creating shading using different techniques.
Water Bottles are due in
Book Bags go home.
PE kits are due in for PE.
Homework goes home.
Book bags are due in.
Book bags and water bottles go home.
Have a good weekend.
This Week
Another busy week for Kestrel Class.
As part of our music appreciation sessions, we have listened to pieces by Maurice Ravel. Many of the children particularly enjoyed Bolero and we seem to have quite a few drummers in the class!
Mathletics passwords have been issued. Hopefully you have found them in the back of your children’s homework book, along with their TTRockstar logins. Work has been set on Mathletics for the children to complete, which relates to our class work. Please can you help your child to log on to these sites as many of them seem to find this process difficult.
Congratulations to Diggory and Rosie W for being our Stars this week!
Congratulations to Nazar who was nominated for the Premier League Primary Stars Weekly Award by WFC in our PE lesson this week.
Week Commencing 23rd September:
Last week in English we started reading ‘Voices in the Park’ by Anthony Browne and we will continue to use the book this week as our inspiration to produce a diary recount. It would be helpful if you could ask your child to verbally summarise one of their days ready for writing their own diary entry this week.
In Maths we are concentrating comparing numbers up to 1000. On Monday we will be completing our weekly times table test. Some children will continue to with their 2 times table whilst other children will move onto their 3 times table, if they have got 13/13 for the last 2 weeks.
For our Music we will be listening to music by Fredric Chopin an Impressionist composer.
In Science we are learning about how the planets move.
For Computing we will be practising logging onto the Chromebooks, into our TTRockstar accounts and becoming familiar with the keyboards on the chromebooks.
In RE we are thinking about life of the prophet Muhammad.
As part of Jigsaw we will be looking at why rules are needed and how they relate to rights and responsibilities.
Our PE lessons we will be focusing on invasion and attacking skills. Please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school for Wednesday. If your child has pierced ears, they must either bring tape to cover their earrings, remove them for PE or not wear earrings on a Wednesday.
In Spelling this week we will be looking at strategies to learn words, encouraging the children to have a go at spelling unknown words and the sound made by ei in the word vein.
In Geography and DT we are continuing to learn about our topics rivers and structures.
Water Bottles are due in
Book Bags go home.
PE kits are due in for PE.
Homework goes home.
Book bags are due in.
Book bags and water bottles go home.
Have a good weekend.
DT – Testing Bridges and Building the Tallest Free Standing Structure
Last week the children learnt about bridge structures and tested how to make a strong bridge.
They then tested their buildings skills, using only paper and sellotape, to construct the tallest free standing structure. This proved to be more difficult than they first thought. However, they had lots of fun experimenting and working in a team to achieve their end results.
Two structures met the criteria of being free standing, whilst the rest required the support of its builders to stand. The winner of the competition was one of the shorter structures, as the taller ones were not free standing.
Friday 13th September
We’ve had a busy week in Kestrel Class starting all our new topics. The children worked hard at performing a free verse poem and learning about place value in Maths. They also developed their construction and team work skills to build the tallest tower in DT. They thoroughly enjoyed the activity and gained new learning but found it challenging to build a structure that would remain free standing.
It was lovely to see those parents and carers who were able to come and visit us in our new classroom.
Children who read every week and practise their times tables on TTRockstars can earn a raffle ticket to enter our weekly class draw.
All clubs begin next week.
Congratulations to Brooke for being our Star this week!
Week Commencing 16th September:
This week in English we will finish off our free verse poem topic and move onto recounts.
In Maths we are concentrating on 10 / 100 more or less than a given number. On Monday we will be completing another weekly times table test. We continue to focus on the 2 times table however for some children the questions will now be out of order.
For our Music we will be listening to music by Maurice Ravel an Impressionist composer.
In Science we are learning about the planets in our Solar System .
For Computing we will be practising logging onto the Chromebooks.
In RE we are thinking about changes in our life.
As part of Jigsaw we will be looking at how we can face new challenges positively and what we can do to help ourselves.
Our PE lessons we will be focusing on invasion and attacking skills. Please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school by then. If your child has pierced ears, they must either bring tape to cover their earrings, remove them for PE or not wear earrings on a Wednesday.
In Spelling we will continue looking at the prefixes dis- and un- and apostrophes for contractions.
In History we are learning about the Palace Theatre in Watford.
This week we will start our Art lessons by looking at the work of the impressionist artist Claude Monet.
Water Bottles are due in
Book Bags go home.
PE kits are due in for PE.
Homework goes home.
Book bags are due in.
Book bags and water bottles go home.
Have a good weekend.
Friday 6th September
What a busy first few days! The children have all worked very hard. They have: thought about what it means to be part of a team and worked together to achieve a result; identified people they can talk to if they are feeling scared or uncomfortable; produced a mindfulness bookmark and created displays for our classroom and school.
We have started our class reading book: Pinocchio by Michael Morpurgo.
This is a twist on the classic tale. The children seem to be enjoying it so far.
Congratulations to Rylee for being our Star this week!
Congratulations to Rosie W and Diggory who were voted in as Kestrel’s School Council Representatives and to George and Lauren who have agreed to take on the responsibility of Kestrel’s Sports Representatives.
Week Commencing 9th September:
This week in English we will be focusing on poetry - reading, comparing, performing and writing our own poems. On Thursday, to help with our learning, we would like the children to bring in either a photo of a special occasion, a treasured object or a favourite book to stimulate vocabulary ideas .
In Maths we are concentrating on place value and what it digit in a number is worth. On Monday we will be completing the first of our weekly times table tests. This week’s focus is the 2 times table. Can you complete it accurately in under 2 minutes?
For our Music we will be listening to music by Claude Debussy an Impressionist composer.
In Science we are starting our Earth and Space topic with looking at the Earth.
For Computing we will be revisiting E-safety and practising logging onto the Chromebooks.
In RE we are thinking about what we already know about Christians and Muslims.
As part of Jigsaw we will be setting ourselves learning goals.
Our PE lessons start on Wednesday with WFC and we will be focusing on invasion and attacking skills. Please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school by then.
In Spelling we are looking at suffixes: -s, -es, -er, -ed and –ing as well as prefixes un- and dis-.
In Geography we are learning about rivers in the UK and for DT we are starting our topic on structures.
Water Bottles are due in
Book Bags go home.
PE kits are due in for PE.
Homework goes home.
Book bags are due in.
Book bags and water bottles go home.
Open door for children to bring their adults in to see their new classroom.
Have a good weekend.
Welcome Back
We hope you have had a good break and are ready to work hard in Kestrel Class this year.
Our first three days back will be based around SEMH (Social, Emotional and Mental Health). As part of this we will be thinking about being a global citizen and team player, as well as British Values.
Please ensure the children bring in their water bottle, sun hat and PE kit on the first day. Reading Books and Homework will go out week commencing 9th September.
Looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday 4th September.
Have you seen the Kids’ Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites.
Class Teacher: Miss Hickey
Supported by: Mrs Lewis, Mrs Dempsey and Mrs Sabatini
Our Curriculum:
Madame Lawson teaches French
Kestrel Weekly News (12.7.19)
Update: 1 more week to go! The children found out which class they will be going into today. Mrs Burns will be the Nightingale teacher and I will be moving up with those going into Woodpeckers.
Woodpeckers and Kestrel Class shared their wonderful projects on the Jurassic Coast with each other this afternoon. I am super impressed with all of the hard work that has been put into all of them. Well done!
As it is our last week in Kestrel Class, we will be celebrating. On the last day (Friday 19th) I will be providing the class with a goodbye breakfast, including a selection of breakfast foods. The children can bring in a suitable toy which must be labelled to play with afterwards.
Maths: We have been looking at different measurements this week and had a revision session on the long division method. We are also working hard on our times tables!
English: The children have finished publishing their Ottoline stories and wrote their own blurbs focussing on persuasive writing.
Things to remember: There will be no clubs next week. All book bags in on Monday please. Mrs Lewis will be getting these ready for September. Please send your child in with a plastic bag so they have something to take everything home with on Friday.
Kestrel Weekly Update (5.7.19)
Update: We had an amazing trip to Southend! The children were fascinated by all of the sea life they saw at the Aquarium and had lots of fun playing on the beach! Please enjoy the photos! We will be leading the thank you assembly on Thursday morning. We will be reading some poems, singing a song and handing out cards to all of the helpers from this year.
Maths: We will be looking at different measures in Maths including m, cm and mm and l and ml.
English: The children will be practicing their story writing before they go into Year 4, remembering to use paragraphs to structure their writing.
Things to remember: Please hand your report reply slip to the office by Wednesday!
Kestrel Weekly News (28.6.19)
Update: Only 3 more weeks left! This year has gone so quickly and the children have all made such wonderful progress. This week in PE we started to learn how to play tennis. We are continuing to look at coasts in Geography. They learnt about how beaches are formed and erosion. We used rich teas to see how erosion works!
Maths: We have been doing lots of decimal work and the children have been introduced to tenths and decimal points. Next week we will be continuing to learn about decimals with a focus on rounding and estimation.
English: This week, the children learnt about the features of a limerick poem and wrote their own. They enjoyed sharing them with the class and having a giggle!
Things to remember: Please make sure your child has a sun hat and a water bottle in school now that the sun has decided to make an appearance finally! We have our trip next Friday. The children will be able to bring 2 pounds for the Aquarium gift shop. Thank you to all of those who have made the contribution.
Kestrel Weekly News (14.6.19)
Update: We've had a busy week this week. The children have started to learn about coasts and have been able to use the atlases to locate seaside resorts in the United Kingdom. We will be talking about erosion next week. We made our fathers day cards and the children were able to go and put their learning into action buy spending their money in the fathers day sale. We also carried out our soil experiment. We had plenty of jars so thank you! The children were able to see what soil is made up from.
Maths: We have been doing lots of work with money this week. We have added two amounts together and found change from a given amount. Next week they will be learning about decimals!
English: We have done lots of work on grammar this week and will be continuing with poetry next week.
Things to remember: Our school trip is creeping up on us. Please do make sure you have given permission for this and paid the voluntary contribution otherwise we will have to cancel.
Kestrel Weekly News (7.6.19)
Update: Can you believe we are now in our final term! We had a wonderful but wet time at our golf competition on Tuesday with Bromet 3 coming 4th place out of 12. We have now finished our Relax Kids sessions but hopefully the children can start using some mindfulness techniques they have learnt over the past 6 weeks at home. Thanks to Natasha for delivering this.
Maths: The children have been learning about time duration this week and using different methods of adding and subtracting minutes and hours.
English: The children have finished writing their mystery stories and will be going through these 1 to 1 with Mrs Bridgeman before writing them up in neat. This week they focussed on replacing boring verbs with exciting ones and next week we will be looking at poetry.
Things to remember: On Monday, the children will be having an A-life healthy workshop. Please make sure all children have their PE kits back in next week. We will be carrying out a science experiment on Tuesday so please can you send your child in with a clean straight sided jar. Thank you!
Kestrel Weekly News 17.5.19
Update: This term has gone very quickly! We had a fantastic afternoon celebrating Watford in the FA Cup final! The children created some wonderful artwork with all of the Watford colours.
Maths: We have been very busy learning the long division method this week. Hopefully the children can teach you at home. Next week, we will be looking at time on a digital and analogue clock.
English: The children have planned their mystery stories with their own problems. We will be writing these up next week with a focus on punctuating speech correctly and using paragraphs.
Things to remember: A form regarding peer massage has been emailed out. Please fill this out and return to me asap so the children can take part in this on a Wednesday afternoon. If you cannot find the email or do not have a printer, let me know and I will send home a paper copy for you. Sports day is next Friday 24th.
Kestrel Weekly News 3.5.19
Update: A great week of learning in Kestrel Class. We hope you enjoyed coming in and seeing the heritage boxes on Friday! We've learnt all about the three different passes in netball in PE and had fun practicing these. The children have been learning all about the Stone Age with Miss Weyer.
Maths: We are still working on division this week. We will be using bar models to help us work out problems involving fractions!
English: We are still looking at Ottoline and the Yellow Cat as a class. The children have written postcards last week as Ottoline and this week we will be finishing the book and starting to think about writing our own mystery stories!
Things to remember: Homework please and sunhats now the sun is making more of an appearance!
Miss Hickey :)
Kestrel Weekly News 26.4.19
Update: A good first week back. The children have started to present their heritage boxes which has been really fascinating. They are clearly very passionate about their heritage. Every Wednesday afternoon, the children will be taking part in Relax Kids which is a mindfulness session. The theme is superheros. Every Friday, Miss Weyer will be teaching the children topic as I will be teaching Kingfishers Gymnastics.
Maths: This week the children have learnt the short multiplication method. Next week the focus will be on division as this is an area we need to practice.
English: We have started to read the book Ottoline and the Yellow Cat as a class which is a mystery story. The children will be writing their own mystery stories at the end of the unit.
Things to remember: Homework MUST come in every Monday! One reading task, Mathletics and spellings. We have done a lot of spelling practice in class with our rule 'ch' as the 'sh' sound within words. Hopefully the sun will be making more appearances this term so please can you send your child in with a sun hat.
Have a great weekend!
Miss Hickey :)
Kestrel Weekly News 5.4.19
Update: Spring term is complete! Can you believe we are already two thirds of the way through the school year? We have learnt lots of new things this term in all subjects! We loved our trip to Wagamamas this week and were lucky enough to eat some yummy noodles that we prepared. Next term, I will be starting to give out pen licenses to those children with consistently legible handwriting. They will receive a certificate and a special license card to keep so keep practicing! We will be presenting our heritage boxes after the holidays which I am really looking forward to seeing. They are super impressive!
Thank you for all of your support and hard work this term and have an eggcellent Easter break!
Miss Hickey :)