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Bromet Primary School Excellence, Enjoyment and Achievement for All


Monster Phonics Video

What is Monster Phonics?

Monster Phonics Acitions

This video teaches the actions for each of the long vowel sounds, the tricky letters, the silent letters and the phonetic letters.

Pure Speech Sounds

Use this video to teach the initial pure speech sounds. Monster Phonics has been designed by teachers for teachers, supported by a range of comprehensive resources and phonics books that meet the criteria of the Ofsted Primary Framework. The programme offers a systematic multi-sensory way to teach phonics allowing children to advance more quickly.

A Guide To Reading With Your Child



Our number one aim is to teach every child to read and to gain a true love of reading.  We develop fluency and accuracy in our phonics and guided reading sessions. We also aim to develop good comprehension. Their skills are important for everyday life and to support their journey in Bromet. 




Here at Bromet Primary School, we teach systematic synthetic phonics in the context of the ‘Monster Phonics’ programme. We use the set order in which graphemes and tricky words etc. are introduced. All staff have access to the Monster Phonics programme, which shares detailed lessons plans and on the day interventions for those children who may need extra support. Phonics is taught everyday in EYFS and KS1, with interactive and fast pace lessons used to engage the children. 



Activities you may see in a Phonics lesson:  


It uses colour-coding for sound to successfully accelerate learning. Multisensory teaching utilises all the senses, including the visual sense of colour, to facilitate learning. 







igh Crossword        igh Crossword Answers


wr Crossword         

Matching Pairs Games

Cut out the cards, shuffle and turn face down. Each player turns over 2 cards. If a matching pair is found then both cards are won by that player. Use the Record Sheets as an opportunity to practise spelling oa words by recording the words that have been found for each player. Try writing in colour -code! The winner is the child with the most matching pairs.

oa Matching Pairs Game       oa Record Sheet

Word searches



Online Games

More Resources

Year 1 Tricky Words

Year 2 Tricky Words

Fun & Effective Ways to help your Child Learn


Letters and Sounds Phases

The New Spelling Curriculum

The Phonics Screening Check


Through colour-coding for sound and fun monster characters, Monster Phonics overcomes stumbling blocks and unlocks the mysteries of the English language in an engaging and memorable way.





As a result of quality first phonics teaching, children make continued progress from their starting points. The majority are ready for the next stage in their education as they transfer through Early Years, Key Stage 1 and into Key Stage 2. Teachers provide reading interventions in place for those children who may still require help with decoding strategies in Key Stage 2. 


Children in Bromet enjoy class story times and foster a love of reading, due to their growing success in reading fluency. 
