Prospective Reception Visits available 12th and 26th November. Please contact the school office to arrange a visit
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Bromet Primary School Excellence, Enjoyment and Achievement for All


Dear Parents and Carers,

From September we are asking children to come to school in their Bromet PE Kit on their PE days. This will minimise the amount of bags brought into school and the amount of bags kept in classrooms.


PE for the first Half Term will be outdoors as much as possible, therefore the children can wear trainers on their PE days along with their PE Kits. However, as government guidelines still recommend social distancing between staff and pupils please ensure, if your child has laces, they can tie them up themselves. As always please ensure all jewellery is removed. If your child has earrings they can cover with tape but this must be provided by yourselves and they must be able to use the tape independently.


Below is the PE timetable for all classes on the Autumn Term. PE will begin from Monday 7th September.



PE Timetable for the Autumn Term
Commencing 7th September

PE will be afternoon sessions

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Sparrow Swift Kestrel Robin Eagle
Nightingale   Falcon Woodpecker Kingfisher

Agora Learning Partnership

Erasmus Parent Meeting Presentation 10.10.18

Check this page for any letters that we have sent home regarding trips, school clubs or other important notices.

NSPCC Assemblies and Workshops Yrs1-6

Talent Show

Term Dates 2018/19

Academy Presentation

EGM 20th April 2017


7:00-7:10 Introduction


Apologies for absence

Welcome from Headteacher

Aims and objectives of the group

Approval of AGM Minutes (distributed prior to meeting)

Declaration of any conflicts of interest

Notification of AOB

7:10-7:15 Adoption of constitution (PTA UK model constitution)


Committee Structure

7:15-7:30 Election of Officers and Committee members (Trustees)


·         Chair

·         Treasurer

·         Secretary

7:30-7:45 Appointment of non-committee roles, eg


Communications Officer

Event Co-ordinators

Gift Aid Co-ordinator

Sponsorship Co-ordinator

Fundraising Opportunity Co-ordinator

Key contact for PTA UK, who will register for members only part of

7:45-8:00 Appointment of an Independent Examiner of Accounts for the year ending 31st December  
  Signatories for Association bank account  
  Events and fundraising calendar  
  Date of next meeting  
  Any Other business (please notify in advance)  

Registered Charity

The PTFA is a registered charity and has to adhere to the charity commission regulations. The constitution details how the charity must be run to make sure that it is fulfilling it’s legal obligations.


As a registered charity, all the elected committee members (Officers and Ordinary) automatically become Trustees of the association (charity) and have a legal duty to ensure that the association (charity) acts lawfully and is managed properly.

More details on the role of a trustee are available from the Charity Commission:


Updated to the PTA-UK model constitution which has been approved by the Chairty Commission. Once agreed at this meeting, the minutes from this meeting need to be approved at the next meeting and minuted. The minutes and the new constitution can then be sent to the Charity Commission.


All parents and carers are automatically members of the association. The school governors are also members as Friends of the association who are also working to support the school and the children.

Help and Support

There is a wide variety of help and support available to members and the committee. PTA-UK are a national PTA organisation with advice and support on all aspects of running a PTFA.

Membership also includes public liability insurance which is necessary to run events. We have included a lot of advice here that they provide on their website.

All members (committee members, helpers, parents etc) can have a login to the site to access all of the support. There are samples and templates availale  for a wide variety of events, and support available by phone an email on any topic related to the PTFA.

To register as a member, visit the following page:


The PTFA has traditionally run with a main committee running all events. The workload on those committee members is increasing with changes to legal and financial requirements, as well as the changes in our families lifestyles. Many parents work during the day making it difficult to make every meeting and be part of the core committee.

We have a very supportive parent body who have lots of ideas about how we can fundraise.

The suggestion is that the workload for events, activities, and fundraising opportunities is spread out across more roles, each requiring less time, and that can be run independently reducing the need for long meetings and allowing more volunteers to get involved.

Job Descriptions

All roles can be shared between multiple persons so feel free to stand as a group for a role. Please consider if you could take on any of these roles, or if there is something else you think you could help with do let us know. If there is anything you would like to set up or start that isn’t mentioned here it can always be added.

Other than the core committee roles, all others are simply suggestions and can be filled or not as the members decide. They do not have to run for whole years, and new ones can be created at any time to suit the needs.

It can be difficult for parents to make every meeting, but there are many ways that people can get involved and help from home at times that suit their lifestyles.

Chair (Committee Role)

Main purpose of the role

The Chair directs the general meetings, making sure everyone’s views are heard and everyone is involved in the meeting. They should make sure all committee members are familiar with the association’s constitution, and their role and responsibilities as a committee member and trustee (all committee members are automatically trustees of the association).

Duties and key responsibilities

  • Prepares for meetings (with the Secretary)
  • Invites committee members, trustees, parents, and staff
  • Suggests items for the agenda
  • Identifies outstanding items from last meeting
  • Prepares introductions for any new members attending
  • Sets the ground rules for meetings and makes sure they are inclusive and efficient
  • Delegates tasks to other members and volunteers, and checks they are completed
  • Liaises with the school and requests a ‘wish list’ for the committee to agree what to fund
  • Ensures the committee fulfils its role in respect of governance of the association as set out in the constitution, for example
    • holding an AGM,
    • election of committee,
    • ensuring annual returns are completed and submitted to Charity Commission
    • ensuring accurate records are kept
  • Ensures any decisions made are clear, fit the objects of the constitution, and by agreement of the committee
  • Writes the annual report for the association (with the Secretary)
  • Is a signatory on the PTA bank account (along with at least one other committee member)
  • Ensures the Charity Commission details are maintained and up to date.
  • Undertakes to handover all files and processes regarding the role when deciding to step down from this role

Key skills

  • Confident and assertive –able to control meetings and call to order when necessary, making sure everyone has an opportunity to speak.
  • Ability to remain impartial – make sure contributions are brief and ensure everyone’s views are respected.
  • Calm, friendly and approachable – as the main point of contact for the PTA for the school and parents the Chair must be inclusive and make sure everyone feels welcome.
  • Organised and able to delegate – most PTAs have lots of activities going on and the Chair should make sure the workload is shared and tasks are complete as agreed.

Treasurer (Committee Role)

Although all committee members have equal responsibility for the control and management of PTA funds, the treasurer has an important role, making sure these duties are carried out properly.

Main purpose of the role

The Treasurer ensures accurate financial records are kept and best practice procedures are followed for counting money, banking and making payments. He or she should keep the committee updated with regular reports, and ensure end of year reports are completed for the association’s AGM and submit the Charity Commission annual return.

Duties and key responsibilities

  • Keeps up to date and accurate financial records.
  • Presents financial updates at each committee meeting.
  • Manages the PTA bank account and holds the association cheque book.
  • Arranges changes of signatories on the association bank account.
  • Ensures best practice procedures for counting and banking money after events are in place and followed.
  • Makes approved payments.
  • Ensures procedures for making approved payments and claiming approved expenses are followed by all members.
  • Prepares annual treasurers report for AGM
  • Arranges an independent examination of the association accounts.
  • Completes the Charity Commission annual return.
  • Overseeing Event Treasurers
  • Maintains Handbook to pass on
  • Undertakes to handover all files and processes regarding the role when deciding to step down from this role

Key skills

  • Basic understanding of book keeping– able to maintain accurate records of income and expenditure.
  • Organised with an eye for detail– big events involve counting a lot of small change. The Treasurer leads the ‘money’ team, making up floats and collecting money from various stalls.
  • Calm, approachable and a team player– it’s a busy role. The Treasurer must be able to remain calm during busy times, and ensure he or she does not work in isolation by communicating regularly with the rest of the committee.

Secretary (Committee Role)

As one of the three key committee roles, it’s best practice to have the role of Secretary filled. If you are finding it hard to recruit, you could consider splitting the duties between two committee members.

Main purpose of the role

The Secretary supports the Chair to build effective communication links between the school and the association and maintains accurate records (see below).

Duties and key responsibilities

  • Prepares for meetings (with the Chair)
  • Arranges a suitable venue
  • Invites committee members, parents and staff
  • Suggests items for the agenda
  • Circulates the agenda and reports before the meeting
  • Identifies outstanding items from last meeting
  • Helps the Chair keep meetings on track
  • Takes minutes at meetings, recording attendance, action points, decisions and proposals
  • Circulates approved minutes, along with a reminder of any actions agreed
  • Maintains association records
  • Committee member contact details
  • Minutes of meetings
  • Updates trustee details with Charity Commission (as appropriate)
  • Assists the Chair writing the annual report for the association
  • May be a signatory on the PTA bank account (along with at least one other committee member)
  • Handles written and email correspondence received for the association
  • Undertakes to handover all files and processes regarding the role when deciding to step down from this role

Key skills

  • Organised and efficient – keeps accurate records in a format that can easily be handed over to successor.
  • Good listener – able to identify key discussion points, actions and agreements at meetings to accurately record in minutes.
  • Calm, friendly and approachable –able to communicate confidently with the school and committee.

Optional – Vice-Chair (Non-Committee Role)

The support provided by the Vice-Chair is invaluable. Deputising for the Chair when necessary, the Vice-Chair helps to ensure that the Committee and all of the events continue to run smoothly.  As with the Chair, leadership, enthusiasm and energy are necessary qualities for this post.

Main Purpose of the Role
To support the chair in all aspects of their role, to ensure that the business of the PTA is conducted in accordance with the wishes of the representatives of the PTA and to uphold the constitution of the PTA.

Duties and key responsibilities

  • To chair meeting in the absence of the Chair
  • To draw up annual PTA programme in consultation with the Chair.
  • To prepare meeting agendas by consulting with the PTA Chair.
  • To welcome and involve other parents into the PTA.
  • To lead parent and wider school community engagement in PTA (class representatives, use of local contacts and skills).
  • To prepare with the Chair the PTA annual report for the Annual General Meeting.
  • Undertakes to handover all files and processes regarding the role when deciding to step down from this role

Key skills

  • Confident and assertive –able to control meetings and call to order when necessary, making sure everyone has an opportunity to speak.
  • Ability to remain impartial – make sure contributions are brief and ensure everyone’s views are respected.
  • Calm, friendly and approachable – as the main point of contact for the PTA for the school and parents the Chair must be inclusive and make sure everyone feels welcome.
  • Organised and able to delegate – most PTAs have lots of activities going on and the Chair should make sure the workload is shared and tasks are complete as agreed.

Optional – Communications Officer (Non-Committee Role)

A vital role within the PTA is promoting and communicating work of the PTA. The publicity officer must be an excellent communicator both in writing and in person.

Main Purpose of the Role

To communicate and promote the work of the PTA. To ensure all parents, carers, and members are kept up to date with events and activities

Main duties:

  • Manage and Maintain group logo, letterhead, communications images and templates
  • Work closely with the school office to circulate information to parents via email, website or text alerts
  • Publicising PTA events and fundraising initiatives,
  • Liaising with the local press to get press coverage of PTA events.
  • Ensuring posters are displayed around the school in good time.
  • Ensuring all information on PTA work is kept current and up to date
  • Producing regular newsletter
  • Electronic communications: email account names and passwords, web hosting information, domain name information, social media usernames, logins and passwords, webmaster contact information.
  • Calendar of events and contact information for PTA officers and chairmen.
  • Names and contact information for local media contacts.
  • Undertakes to handover all files and processes regarding the role when deciding to step down from this role

Key skills

  • Excellent Communication Skills
  • Organised and able to delegate – working with variety of event co-ordinators, multiple events, keeping to deadlines to publish event details and newsletters

Optional – Gift Aid Co-ordinator (Non-Committee Role)

Gift Aid allows charities to claim up to 25% of donations back from HMRC. This is a fantastic way for the PTFA to increase the amount of money it can raise at no cost to the parents or the school. More information on Gift Aid and the HMRC requirements can be found online

Main purpose of the role

  • To apply for Gift Aid from HMRC

Duties and key responsibilities

  • To work with the committee and event co-ordinators to maximise the donations that can be claimed.
  • To maintain accurate records for HMRC
  • To submit claims to HMRC on a regular basis
  • To claim any additional claims such as Small Donations Scheme
  • To manage the Gift Aid declaration forms
  • To work with the school to request completed Gift Aid declaration forms

Key skills

  • Organised with an eye for detail


Optional – Event Co-ordinator(s) (Non-Committee Role)

Examples: Discos, Film Nights, Summer Fair, Christmas Fair, Jumble Sale, Running Club, Raffles, PTA-UK Main Contact, Quiz Night, Race Night, Bake Off,Catering, Bar…

Main purpose of the role

To manage an event or group of events, sharing the workload for events across a selection of volunteers. Members may volunteer to co-ordinate a single event, or multiple events such as discos which are run multiple times per year.

Duties and key responsibilities

  • Recruit Event Treasurer to support the Treasurer
  • Write brief summary of event for the committee and annual report
  • Agree expenditure with committee / at General Meeting
  • Organise all event related activities
  • Recruit volunteers for event(s)
  • Co-ordinate with Communications Officer
  • Ensure all Risk Assessments/licences/insurances etc are in place
  • Maintain Event Handbook – guide to running the event to pass on
  • Undertakes to handover all files and processes regarding the role when deciding to step down from this role

Optional – Sponsorship Co-ordinator (Non-Committee Role)

Main purpose of the role

Seeks sponsorship, gifts in kind, and other contributions from businesses in the local community

Duties and key responsibilities

  • Co-ordinate with Communications Officer
  • Maintain records of donations and sponsorship received
  • Co-ordinate with Event Co-ordinators

Key skills

  • Confident and assertive –able to approach both local and national companies, able to accept
  • Calm, friendly and approachable – able to build relationships with key contacts

Optional – Fundraising Opportunity Co-ordinator (Non-Committee Role)

Main purpose of the role

To co-ordinate and promote other fundraising opportunities such as match funding.

Duties and key responsibilities

  • Promote Match Funding
  • Investigate fundraising opportunities identified by members
  • Be the main point of contact for fundraising opportunities with large organisations

Optional – Event Treasurer  (Non-Committee Role)

Main purpose of the role

To support the treasurer during a specified event

Duties and key responsibilities

  • Issuing guidelines to event stall-holders
  • Providing stall-holders with floats before events
  • Receiving floats/takings from stall-holders at the end of events
  • Counting the cash and notifying the treasurer
  • Reimbursing stall-holders for purchases connected with their stalls

Optional – Class Reps (Non-Committee Role)

Main purpose of the role

To co-ordinate events and communicate with all members of the class.

Duties and key responsibilities

  • Ensure all parents in class are invited to relevant meetings
  • To pass on information to class from the committee or other co-ordinators
  • To feedback to committee class ideas etc
  • To recruit volunteers for events
  • To promote the work of the PTFA to the class

Key skills

  • Friendly and approachable
  • Easy to contact

School Closure Arrangements


In the case of bad weather or other emergency school closure we will inform parents as soon as possible via the School Gateway and text message. The School Gateway message will come through to your app on your phone, and text messages to the number that we have on file. This message will be sent out to all primary contacts on our system.

We may also use twitter as a way to share information quickly.



Hertfordshire County Council also have a list of school closures. If possible we will also update their system:

Playground Update

France Film Night

Menu Update


Please find attached an update to the school menu. Starting next week (16th January which will be week 3) we will be offering a jacket potato option on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. This is in addition to the current menu. The price for the meal will remain the same. This will be the white band option.


Many Thanks
