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Bromet Primary School Excellence, Enjoyment and Achievement for All

Swift - Year 1 and Reception

laughWelcome to Swift Class 2020-2021laugh


Class Teacher: Miss Langley Higgs

Teaching Partner: Mrs Morris

PPA Cover: Mrs Humphreys (Weds AM) 

MfL: Madame Lawson 

Hello Everyone and welcome to our class page! 


We are looking forward to a new and exciting year ahead of us in Swift Class! Lets get learning together! laugh

Come and see our Classroom...

A guide to your 1st day...

Access our Remote Learning through:

Summer Term Home Learning Grid

Our final week 


WOW. How have we got to the final week of our school year! Mrs Morris and I are incredibly proud of all the hard work everyone has put in this year and are excited for what the future holds for Swifts! 

Few reminders: 


School Registers are open until 10:15am on Monday

Party on Thursday PM. 

School finishes at 1:30pm on Friday 


In Maths we will be consolidating all our learning in some special challenges. 

In English we will finish our poetry and will be writing some facts about ourselves for our next teacher. 

In Phonics we will be consolidating all the sounds we have learnt this year by practising flashcards of real and alien words. 



Self Isolation WB 12th July

Our Star of the Week is...

Aaron and Aston

for thoughtfully sharing their excitements and worries for next year! 

Week Beginning - 28.06.21

A very busy week this week with lots of visitors and webinars! 

On Monday we have a visit from 2 Olympic Atheltes: Team GB 100m sprinter and Commonwealth Champion Reuben Arthur and Team GB Gymnast and World champion Dominic Mensah. 

On Tuesday we have a webinar with author Bethan Woolvin  and on Wednesday Year 1s have a webinar with Jeremy Strong. 

On Wednesday it is a non-uniform day in which the children can wear Engtland shirts or red or white to vcelebrate England's match in the Euros. 

Thursday is our transition day and if the weather stays dry we will get to meet our new classes and teachers. It is also my birthday so the children will also join in a mini party! 

On Friday it is our final Flip Theatre session. It is also a non-uniform for GOSH! 

Mrs Adoum will be teaching Swift Class on Tuesday. 



In English are continuing our learning on 'Julian is a Mermaid.' We will be making our own carnival costumes, and will read some poetry which will inspire us to write our own 3 verse poem. 

In Maths we are continuing learning all about time. We will tell the time to the half hour, write time and compare times. 

In Phonics we will be revising the sounds: o-e, u-e (Cool Blue) , u-e (U-Hoo) anda are. Our focus HFW are all of the 200 HFW for Year 1. 



In Curriculum this week we are learning: 

In History we will learn more about Mary Anning and will me making our own fossils. 

In PE we will be practising all our Athletics skills. 

In DT we will be building our bridge designs using all the techniques we have learnt. 

In PSHE we will be discussing our feelings about moving on to our next classes, thinking about the things we are excited for but also talking about our worries. 

We will also be learning all about Brazil ready for our Olympic Dance workshop next week. 



Some Reminders: 

  • Book bags should be in every day. We will be changing physical books on a Monday and a Thursday.
  • Home Learning will be sent out on a Wednesday and should be in on Monday. 
  • If your child is self isolating please look at the Self Isolation task document for their learning.

Self Isolation Tasks WB 5th July

Our Star of the Week is...




for being respectful in our Jigsaw session


Week Beginning - 28.06.21

We have plenty of recycling and tissues now! Thanks for all your donations! 

On Thursday Mrs Bridgman will be teaching Swift Class. We also have Flip Theatre and a Road Safety Webinar this week. 


In English we are starting our new book called 'Julian is a Mermaid.'  We will be writing about our dreams, will use different verbs and write instructions to be a mermaid as well making inferences based on the text. 

In Maths we are learning all about time. We will be thinking about the language of before and after as well introducing a clock, reading time to the nearest hour. 

In Phonics we will be revising the sounds: oy, a-e, e-e, i-e.   Our focus HFW are: 

thought, through, magic, great, narrator, once, air, I’ve, I’ll


In Curriculum this week we are learning: 

In Geography we will be making our own weather instruments to complete some fieldwork to record the weather this week. 

In Science we will be investigating what materials float and sink. 

In PE we will be practising our throwing skills. 

In Art we will be creating Monet inspired art using water colours. 

In PSHE we will be discussing Boys’ and Girls’ Bodies with the Learning objective of: I can identify the parts of the body that make boys different to girls and can use the correct names for these. I respect my body and understand which parts are private. ( Reception and those children who have withdrawn will be visiting the garden when this lesson is taking place).



Some Reminders: 

  • Book bags should be in every day. We will be changing physical books on a Monday and a Thursday.
  • Home Learning will be sent out on a Wednesday and should be in on Monday. 
  • If your child is self isolating please look at the Self Isolation task document for their learning.

Self Isolation Tasks WB 28th June

Our Star of the Week is...


for showing great pride in her achievements this week! 




Week Beginning - 21.06.21

Thank you for all the boxes of tissues and recycling that we have had sent in!

Happy Fathers Day to all those who celebrated at the weekend! 

This week we have individual photo day on Thursday 24th.


In English we are continuing to learn about our new text: Iggy Peck, Architect. We will writing our own guide to Buckingham Palace. 

In Maths we are learning all about money, identifying coins and notes as well as counting amounts. 

In Phonics we will be revising the sounds: ve, ay, oi and ai.   Our focus HFW are: 

giant, find, laughed, again, friends, different, door, jumped, stopped


In Curriculum this week we are learning: 

In Geography we will be making our own weather instruments to complete some fieldwork next week. 

In History we will be learning about who Mary Anning, why she was important and will be making our own fossils. 

In Science we will be recapping all our learning on everyday materials. 

In PE we will be 

In RE we will be learning about a local special and holy place that religious families can visit. 

In PSHE we will be discussing how humans change as they grow up. 



Some Reminders: 

  • Book bags should be in every day. We will be changing physical books on a Monday and a Thursday.
  • Home Learning will be sent out on a Wednesday and should be in on Monday. 
  • If your child is self isolating please look at the Self Isolation task document for their learning.

Self Isolation WB 21st June

Our Star of the Week is...


for always talking openly about how he feels.

Week Beginning - 06.06.21

I hope everyone enjoyed the sunshine and the start of the Euros this weekend! The children were all very excited about their sweepstake on Friday so we will be following the games and the winner will get a special prize! 



In English we are continuing to learn about our new text: Iggy Peck, Architect. 

In Maths we will becontinuing our learning on place value, comparing numbers and thinking about one more, one less. 

In Phonics we will be revising the sounds: ff, ll, zz, ss, ck, nk and tch.    Our focus HFW are: 

which, head, dragon, animals, would, couldn’t, eyes


In Curriculum this week we are learning: 

In Geography we will be learning about weather forecasting and will be making our own weather instruments. 

In Science we will be investigating which materials are waterproof. 

In PE we will be working on the skill of overarm throwing. 

In Art we will be continuing to be inspired by Monet and will work on our painting skills. 

In PSHE we will be talking about rhings we can do to keep our bodies healthy. 



Some Reminders: 

  • Book bags should be in every day. We will be changing physical books on a Monday and a Thursday.
  • Home Learning will be sent out on a Wednesday and should be in on Monday. 
  • If your child is self isolating please look at the Self Isolation task document for their learning.

Self Isolation WB: 14th June

Our Star of the Week is...


For knowing that everyone is special and unique and celebrating this! 

Week Beginning - 06.06.21

Welcome back everyone! I hope you all got to enjoy the sunshine and had a wonderful half term! I look forward to hearing all about what the children have been up to. 

Bookbags will be changed on Tuesday this week as we have no Mrs Morris on Monday and Tuesday. 

I will be out of class on Wednesday AM, Thursday PM and Friday AM. 



In English we are starting our new text: Iggy Peck, Architect. We will be learning about proper nouns, using 'but' in our sentences, making inferences and using the suffix -ing. 

In Maths we will be starting our new block of place value. We will be practising counting to 100 and will be build these numbers as well as ordering. 

In Phonics we will be learning the sounds: 'wh', 'e' (Green Froggy) and 'o' (Miss Oh No).  Our focus HFW are:  love, something, coming, fly, why, new, use, there, where, boy

In Curriculum this week we are learning: 

In History we will be looking at different sources to find out about our new significant person Mary Anning. 

In PE we will be working on the skill of overarm throwing. 

In Computing will be receiving and email and responding to it. 

In RE we will be thinking about places that are special to the community.

In PSHE we will be talking about the different parts of our body and their uses.



Some Reminders: 

  • Book bags should be in every day. We will be changing physical books on a Monday and a Thursday.
  • Home Learning will be sent out on a Wednesday and should be in on Monday. 
  • If your child is self isolating please look at the Self Isolation task document for their learning.

Self Isolation Tasks: WB 7th June

Our Star of the Week is...


for sharing and being a good friend. 

Week Beginning - 24.05.21

We are coming to the end of our Summer Term 1 and it has been so wonderful to have the children working so hard in their learning.  I hope you all have a great half term break and we look forward to our final half term together in Swift class! 

I will be out of class on Wednesday AM and Thursday PM. 



In English we are finishing our focus text: Yeti and the Bird. We will be finishing our retelling of the story, thinking about the problems and solutions of the story and focusing on our use of adjectives. 

In Maths we will be learning about position and movement. We will be focusing on our vocabulary use to describe the turns, position and routes of objects. 

In Phonics we will be learning the sounds: 'are', 'y' (Green Froggy) and 'ph'.  Our focus HFW are: us, has, white, inside, liked, can’t, didn’t

In Curriculum this week we are learning: 

Science- We will be testing different materials to find out if they are waterproof.

DT- We will be creating free standing frame structures  as well as learning how to join materials together. 

RE- We will be thinking about special places and talking about the special places we have in school. 

PSHE- We will be thinking about what we can do when we feel angry. 

PE- We will be practising our skills in Athletics 



Some Reminders: 

  • Book bags should be in every day. We will be changing physical books on a Monday and a Thursday.
  • Home Learning will be sent out on a Wednesday and should be in on Monday. 
  • If your child is self isolating please look at the Self Isolation task document for their learning.

Self Isolation WB 24th May

Our Star of the Week is...


for being kind to others. 

Week Beginning - 17.05.21

I hope all of our families celebrating had a wonderful Eid! It was lovely hearing what they had been up to on the Friday. I will be returning to teaching full time this week.  We are are supporting Walk 2 School Week so ditch those cars and walk to school! (maybe with an umbrella and some wellies!)




In English we are continuing our focus text: Yeti and the Bird. We will be learning about possessive apostrophes, will be writing a character description as well as sequencing the story ready to retell it. 

In Maths we will be learning about quarters. We will be quartering shapes and then will learn how to quarter amounts. 

In Phonics we will be learning the sounds: 'ear' making a long er sound and also an air sound. Our focus HFW are: floppy, any, many, every, everyone, baby, only, suddenly

In Curriculum this week we are learning: 

Science- We will be thinking about why different materials are better for their jobs than others.  

History- We will be learning about the current Royal Family and will create their family tree. 

DT- We will be creating free standing frame structures  as well as learning how to join materials together. 

RE- We will be thinking about special places and talking about the special places we have in school. 

PSHE- We will be thinking about what we can do when we feel angry. 



Some Reminders: 

  • Book bags should be in every day. We will be changing physical books on a Monday. Rising Stars Online Books will be changed on a Thursday.
  • Home Learning will be sent out on a Wednesday and should be in on Monday. 
  • If your child is self isolating please look at the Self Isolation task document for their learning.

Self Isolation Task WB: 17th May

Our Star of the Week is...


for being kind and helpful to others. 

Eid Mubarak to all our families! 


Week Beginning - 10.05.21

These weeks are flying by! Happy Eid to all of our families celebrating this week! 

Mrs Humphreys will be teaching Swift Class in the morning this week and I will be teaching Swifts again in the afternoon.


In English we are starting to learn our new focus text: Yeti and the Bird. We will be thinking about using adjectives, comparing places using 'but' as well as learning about possessive apostrophes. 

In Maths we will be learning about wholes and halves. We will be halving shapes and will then move on to practically halving amounts. 

In Phonics we will be learning the sounds: 'au' , 'air'  and the prefix 'un' as well as the focus HFW: sea, tea, eat, each, really, please, other, mother, another

In Curriculum this week we are learning: 

Science- We will be  describing materials according to their properties.

Geography- We will be looking at different weather patterns around the world. 

Art- We will be using paint to create a Monet inspired piece of art. 

RE- We will be thinking about special places and talking about the special places we have in school. 

PSHE- We will be thinking about friendships and ways to solve problems. 



Some Reminders: 

  • Book bags should be in every day. We will be changing physical books on a Monday. Rising Stars Online Books will be changed on a Thursday.
  • Home Learning will be sent out on a Wednesday and should be in on Monday. 
  • If your child is self isolating please look at the Self Isolation task document for their learning.

Self Isolation Tasks WB: 10. 05. 21

Our Star of the Week is...


for respecting others


Week Beginning - 03.05.21

I hope you all enjoyed your bank holiday weekend! Mrs Humphreys will be teaching Swift Class in the morning this week and I am hoping to be teaching Swifts again in the afternoon.


In English will be finishing our unit, writing our own leaflet about looking after a rabbit based on our story texts.

In Maths we will be focusing on sharing and making equal groups.

In Phonics we will be learning the sounds: 'or' , 'ore'  and 'aw' as well as the focus HFW he’s, we’re, even, began, before, because, girls, birds, first

In Curriculum this week we are learning: 

PSHE- We will be thinking about the feeling of loneliness and what we look for in a friend. 

History- We will be comparing two famous British Queens 

DT- We will be looking at cylinders and brick patterns, making our own paper bridges. 

RE- We will be thinking about special places and talking about the special places we have in school. 




Some Reminders: 

  • Book bags should be in every day. We will be changing physical books on a Monday. Rising Stars Online Books will be changed on a Thursday.
  • Home Learning will be sent out on a Wednesday and should be in on Monday. 
  • If your child is self isolating please look at the Self Isolation task document for their learning.

Self Isolation Tasks Week 4

Our Star of the Week is...


for working well as part of a group


Week Beginning - 26.04.21

I know the children loved the Nick Sharratt workshop last week and there were some fantastic pictures drawn! Mrs Humphreys will be teaching Swift Class this week again. I am missing all the children immensely and loved their pictures they made! 


In English we will continuing our 'Pig the Pug' unit and will be reading 'How to be a Dog'. We will be thinking about prepositions and verbs using +ing as well as planning our writing for a non fiction text. 

In Maths we will be introducing arrays and will be practising our doubles. 

In Phonics we will be learning the sounds: 'ie' (Yellow I/ Green Froggy), igh a== as well as the focus HFW: going, most, over, cold, told, soon, food, room, school

In Curriculum this week we are learning: 

Science- We will continue learning about materials. We will be finding different objects and deciding what materials they are. 

Music- We will be practising a song ready for our Watch Party of the London Philharmonic Orchestra's "Elephants in the Custard"

Geography- We will be learning about the weather in the UK, recording the weather for the week as well as making our own forecast. 

PSHE- We will be celebrating Sir Tom Moore Day! We will be facing different challenges as well designing our own Stamp. 




Some Reminders: 

  • Book bags should be in every day. We will be changing physical books on a Monday. Rising Stars Online Books will be changed on a Thursday.
  • Home Learning will be sent out on a Wednesday and should be in on Monday. 
  • If your child is self isolating please look at the Self Isolation task document for their learning.

Self Isolation Tasks 26th April

Our Star of the Week is...


for trying to solve friendship problems


Week Beginning - 19.04.21

I hope you had a good weekend and have made the most of the beautiful sunshine!

Mrs Humphreys will be teaching Swift Class this week again. 


In English we will continuing to work on our focus text of 'Pig the Pug'. We will be creating our own story book based on Pig the Pug using our planning mountain from last week. 

In Maths we being our learning on multiplication. We are counting in 10s and will be creating equal groups and adding these together. 

In Phonics we will be learning the sounds: 'ew' (U-Hoo) and the rules behind k before i and e as well as the focus HFW: good, took, book, looks, looking, car, dark, park, hard, garden, found, round, around, mouse, shouted

In Curriculum this week we are learning: 

Science- We will start our learning on materials. This week we will be learning different types of materials. 

History- We will be learning about different British kings and queens and will be focusing on what makes them royal. 

Art- We will introduce our new focus artist of Monet and will be working on our drawing skills. 

PSHE- We will be starting our Relationships unit.  We will be talking about our families and the jobs that they do. 

On Wednesday we are very excited to be having a webinar with Nick Sharratt who will be talking to us about his books and illustrations! 


Some Reminders: 

  • Book bags should be in every day. We will be changing physical books on a Monday. Rising Stars Online Books will be changed on a Thursday.
  • Home Learning will be sent out on a Wednesday and should be in on Monday. 
  • If your child is self isolating please look at the Self Isolation task document for their learning. 

Self Isolation Tasks WB 19th April

Week Beginning - 12.04.21

Welcome back and I hope you all had a wonderful Easter break! I hope you all enjoyed a chocolate egg or too!

Mrs Humphreys will be teaching Swift Class this week as unfortunately I am unwell. 


In English we will be reading our new focus text of 'Pig the Pug'. We will be thinking about the different characters and how we can describe them and will begin to plan ideas for our own story based upon this. 

In Maths we are consolidating our learning from last term with a focus on addition and subtraction to 20 as well as counting in 2s and 5s. 

In Phonics we will be learning the sounds: 'ue' (Cool Blue & U-Hoo) and 'ew' as well as the focus HFW: snow, grow, know, window, more, horse, gone, live, ever, never, river, under, better, after

In Curriculum this week we are learning: 

PSHE- We will have a circle time to share our Easter experiences. 

Music- We will be learning about different musical instruments beginning with percussion. 

Geography- We will start our learning on weather, thinking about the types of weather that we know and have in the UK. 

DT- We will introduce our new topic of structures with a Lego Bridge building challenge. 

RE- We are thinking about changes in seasons and will be completing a Spring Hunt walk around the school, collecting inspiration for our Spring pictures.




Some Reminders: 

  • Book bags should be in every day. We will be changing physical books on a Monday. Rising Stars Online Books will be changed on a Thursday.
  • Home Learning will be sent out on a Wednesday and should be in on Monday. 
  • If your child is self isolating please look at the Self Isolation task document for their learning. 

Self Isolation Tasks 12th April

Our Star of the Week is...


for her positive attitude to her learning! 

Spring Term Home Learning Grid

Week Beginning - 15.03.21

Happy Monday! Only 2 more weeks to go until we are at the end of Spring Term! 


In English we will be continuing our learning on the story 'The Colour Monster. ' We will be thinking about different, interesting language we could use, writing about our own experiences and creating our own ideas for the story.  

In Maths we are  learning all about volume and capacity. We will be exploring different containers and will be measuring the capacity of these. 

In Phonics we will be learning the sounds  oo(Cool Blue), oo (Tricky Witch) and oa as well as using our alien words and revising the HFW we have learnt this term. 

In Curriculum this week we are learning: 

PE- Spring Dance linked to Science's Plants 

DT- we will be looking at staying safe in the Kitchen. We will be given a list of foods we have and then making our recipe for our healthy breakfast.

Computing -recap directional language and sequencing and use this to program a Bee Bot. RE- What made Jesus' friends happy and unhappy at Easter Time. 

PSHE- Red Nose Day



Some Reminders: 

  • Red Nose Day is on Friday. You can wear non-uniform (with Red if possible) and please give a donation of £1. Try to learn a joke too that we will share for our Class Joke Book.  
  • A labelled water bottle needs to be brought in to class.  These will stay in school until Friday. 
  • Tuesday is our PE day. Please come into school in PE kits on this day. 
  • Book bags should be in every day. We will be changing physical books on a Monday. Rising Stars Online Books will be changed on a Thursday.
  • Home Learning will be sent out on a Wednesday and should be in on Monday. 
  • If your child is self isolating please look at the Self Isolation task document for their learning. 

Self Isolation Task WB 15th March

Our Star of the Week is...



for trying really hard in his writing and using his phonics. 



Don't forget to get your tickets for our School Disco!

Week Beginning - 08.03.21

We are so excited to welcome back all the children to school this week! It honestly has not been the same without you all! This week we will focus on the transition from remote learning back to being in the classroom environment with a strong emphasis on the children's wellbeing.


In English/PSHE we will be introducing our new story 'The Colour Monster. ' We will be talking a lot about feelings and emotions, including writing about our own feelings. 

In Maths we are continuing to learn about measure and this week we will be focusing on weight and mass, understanding using scales and what makes something heavier/lighter. 

In Phonics we will be learning the sounds er, ir and ur as well as using our alien words and our new set of focus HFW: Mr, Mrs, what, their, little, called. 

In Curriculum this week we are learning: 

PE- Spring Dance

Art- how use thick/thin paint brush strokes

Computing -using directional language that can be used in programming

RE- What makes me happy and unhappy



Some Reminders: 

  • A labelled water bottle needs to be brought in to class.  These will stay in school until Friday. 
  • Tuesday is our PE day. Please come into school in PE kits on this day. 
  • Book bags should be in every day. We will be changing physical books on a Monday. Rising Stars Online Books will be changed on a Thursday.
  • Home Learning will be sent out on a Wednesday and should be in on Monday. 
  • If your child is self isolating please look at the Self Isolation task document for their learning. 

Self Isolation Tasks WB 8th March

Food Face Collages!

Fun in the Snow!

Week Beginning 25th Jan (week 4) 


Hello Everyone! Have you had a good look outside?

IT'S SNOWED! Snow is one of my favourite types of weather! 

I hope you got a chance to go and play in the snow! Did you make a snowman? Did you have a snowball fight? Maybe you made a snow angel! Send in some pictures so we can see what you have been up to! 


I hope you enjoy this week's learning! 

 Keep submitting any work that you do onto the classroom. 


Good Morning Everyone and wishing you a very happy new year!

I hope you managed to have a rest over the holidays and lots of fun! Thank you again for your kind cards and gifts and Mrs Morris are overwhelmed by your kindness! 


This Term we begin with our Remote Learning. Remember all lessons will be posted onto our Class Site with links to Google Classroom documents on there. I will be doing some live sessions each day but please keep in contact through pictures/work as I love to see what you are up to at home. 


Please read through all the guidance previously sent through email for logins and there are many guides on our website to help with logging in. Remember the children have to be logged in to their google account ending with to access the learning. 


Remember to keep practising reading and you can register for free here to access colour banded books.


Keep Safe and Keep Smiling! 

I hope to see you all soon! 


Miss Langley Higgs laugh

Autumn Term Timetable

Year 1 Autumn Home Learning Grid

Reception Home Learning Autumn

Our Star of the Week is...



for his positive outlook, how he often gives compliments about other's learning and how he made us all smile with his awe and compliments of the classroom after he returned to school this week


Week Beginning - 14.12.20

We made it! Our last week of our first term in Swift Class. Well done to everyone for their hard work this term! 


In Phonics this week we will working with the story The Three Billy Goats Gruff and will practise reading and writing simple sentences.

In English and Maths we are going to have Christmas related challenges, practising the learning we have done this term as well as making our Christmas cards.

In Curriculum this week we are learning:  how to create art using the chrome books, will make a Christmas decoration and will work as a group to build a nativity scene. 


Some Reminders: 

  • Monday- we will be filming our Christmas Poem. Please bring in festive head wear- antlers, hats or tinsel! Details of when this is ready to be viewed will be sent asap.  
  • Tuesday- PE day and Mrs Humphreys is teaching us in the afternoon. 
  • Wednesday- Christmas Lunch and Jumper Day. Please wear a Christmas jumper on top and normal school clothes on your bottom half. We will also be enjoying a Movie and Popcorn. 
  • Thursday- Panto in the afternoon. 
  • Friday - Non-uniform day for Swift Class for winning the term's attendance! End of Term and finishing at 1:15pm.  
  • Bookbags will be kept in school from Thursday. No home learning over Christmas- enjoy yourselves and have a rest! 
  • Self Isolation tasks are found below. Our Google Site is only for a bubble closure. 

Self Isolation Tasks WB 11.12.20

Our Star of the Week is....


who is kind to others and supports them if they are worried! 

Swifts loved creating some Art on Ipads

Week Beginning - 07.12.20

I cannot believe we are so close to the end of our first term! Still lots of learning and the children will be very busy practising their production this week so keep perfecting those lines. 


In Phonics this week we will working with the story The Little Red Hen and will practise writing simple sentences using CVCC and CCVC words. 

In English we will also be our lines for our Christmas Production and will be looking at the poem 'The Night Before Christmas'. 

In Maths we are learning about place value within 20. We will be ordering numbers and comparing them, thinking about their value. 

In Curriculum this week we are learning:  how to  create art on the computer, yoga, all about Northern Ireland , how Christians celebrate Jesus's birthday & will be taking part in a special BBC Teach Live with Chester Zoo on Monday afternoon. 


Some Reminders: 

  • Please Please Please keep practising our Christmas Production Lines. Return the permission form also for the video recording. 
  • A labelled water bottle needs to be brought in to class.  These will stay in school until Friday. 
  • Tuesday is our PE day. Please come into school in PE kits on this day. 
  • Book bags should be in every day. We will be changing books on a Monday and Thursday. Please ensure you sign the reading journal when you have read as we check for our star readers on a Thursday. A star reader has read 3 times a week at home and will feature on the newsletter. 
  •  Home Learning is now being sent out on a Thursday and should be in on Monday. 
  • Self Isolation tasks are found below. Our Google Site is only for a bubble closure. 

Self Isolation Task WB 07.12.20

Our Star of the Week is....


who is polite and often compliments people. 

Week Beginning - 30.11.20


Last day of November! Who's got their deccies up at home?! Our school production will soon be upon us, so keep practising those lines! 


In Phonics this week we will working with the story The Gingerbread Man and will practise writing simple sentences using CVCC and CCVC words. 

In English we will be publishing our stories, creating their front covers, ready to share. We will also be practising our lines for our Christmas Production and will be looking at the poem 'The Night Before Christmas' 

In Maths we are learning about numbers 11-20. We will be reading and writing the numbers and words and will be representing these numbers in different ways and will be thinking about 1 more, 1 less. 

In Curriculum this week we are learning:  typing skills as well as creating art on the computer, Mary Bromet and the Watford Peace Memorial,yoga, Scotland & vertebrates and invertebrates. 


Some Reminders: 

  • Please Please Please keep practising our Christmas Production Lines. Return the permission form also for the video recording. 
  • A labelled water bottle needs to be brought in to class.  These will stay in school until Friday. 
  • Tuesday is our PE day. Please come into school in PE kits on this day. 
  • Book bags should be in every day. We will be changing books on a Monday and Thursday. Please ensure you sign the reading journal when you have read as we check for our star readers on a Thursday. A star reader has read 3 times a week at home and will feature on the newsletter. 
  •  Home Learning is now being sent out on a Thursday and should be in on Monday. 
  • Self Isolation tasks are found below. Our Google Site is only for a bubble closure. 

Self Isolation Tasks WB 30th Nov

Our Star of the Week is...


for always being helpful and trying to solve problems but also for all her hard work in COOL time this week. Good job Hila! 

Week Beginning - 23.11.20


In Phonics this week we will be recapping all of the sounds we have learnt so far and will be practising reading and writing CCVCC and CVVCC words. 

In English we will be finishing the learning on our text of: "I Will Not Ever Never Eat a Tomato." We will be writing our own version of the story, creating our own character and trick fruit or vegetables. 

In Maths we are learning about shapes. We will be recognising and sorting 2D and 3D shapes as well as making patterns with them. 

In Curriculum this week we are learning:  keyboard skills in computing, yoga, the history of Bromet School, All about Mary Bromet and thinking about the Watford Peace Memorial. 


Some Reminders: 

  • A labelled water bottle needs to be brought in to class.  These will stay in school until Friday. 
  • Tuesday is our PE day. Please come into school in PE kits on this day. 
  • Book bags should be in every day. We will be changing books on a Monday and Thursday. Please ensure you sign the reading journal when you have read as we check for our star readers on a Thursday. A star reader has read 3 times a week at home and will feature on the newsletter. 
  •  Home Learning is now being sent out on a Thursday and should be in on Monday. 
  • Self Isolation tasks are found below. Our Google Site is only for a bubble closure. 

Self Isolation Task: 23.11.20

The children enjoyed painting their divas today. #glittermakesitbetter

Our Star of the Week is...


for always being kind to others and checking on them if they are sad. 

Week Beginning - 16.11.20


Thank you for supporting Children In Need on Friday. Swift class definitely enjoyed being in our PJs for the day! 


In Phonics this week we will be recapping all of the sounds we have learnt so far and will be practising reading and writing CVCC and CCVC words. 

In English we will be continuing on our text of: "I Will Not Ever Never Eat a Tomato." We will be writing a shopping list, planning our own character as well as planning our story and writing our own version. 

In Maths we are learning about  comparing number statements. We will we be revisiting how to add and subtract to 10 and will then compare both sides of the = symbol using greater or less than. 

In Curriculum this week we are learning: how to make a clay diva lamp, All about Wales,  Yoga, decorating our hand puppets and the skeletons of animals. We will also think about Anti-Bullying Week on Odd Sock day and how to be a good friend. 


Some Reminders: 

  • A labelled water bottle needs to be brought in to class.  These will stay in school until Friday. 
  • Tuesday is our PE day. Please come into school in PE kits on this day. 
  • Book bags should be in every day. We will be changing books on a Monday and Thursday. Please ensure you sign the reading journal when you have read as we check for our star readers on a Thursday. A star reader has read 3 times a week at home and will feature on the newsletter. 
  •  Home Learning is now being sent out on a Thursday and should be in on Monday. 
  • Self Isolation tasks are found below. Our Google Site is only for a bubble closure. 

Self Isolation Tasks WB: 16.11.20

Today we planted our bulbs ready for Spring time- we can't wait to see the tulips, crocus and daffodils blooming!

Children in Need 2020

Our Star of the Week is...




for always including others in his play and being very helpful. 

Remembrance Day - Collage Poppies and Paint/Printing

Reminder for our fundraising events: 


This Friday (13th) wearing PJs for Children in Need with a £1 donation. 

Next Monday (16th) wearing odd socks for the Anti-Bullying Alliance with a £1 donation.  

Week Beginning - 09.11.20


In Phonics this week we will be learning the sounds ear, ure and oi. 

Please note we are learning a recovery curriculum and so these are some revisited sounds to ensure the children are secure in their learning. 

In English we will be working on our new text of: "I Will Not Ever Never Eat a Tomato." We will be putting ourselves in the role of a character, creating a front cover for our own story and will be writing a list.

In Maths we are continuing to learn about subtraction. We will revisit fact families of 8, we will be counting back using a number track as well as a number line and will introduce finding the difference. 

In Curriculum this week we are learning: the story of Rama and Sita,  Yoga, Remembrance, a Remembrance collage, All about Wales and a summary of plants, including planting some Spring bulbs. 


Some Reminders: 

  • Please make sure the children have a rain coat in school. We will try to go outside as much as possible. 
  • A labelled water bottle needs to be brought in to class.  These will stay in school until Friday. 
  • Tuesday is our PE day. Please come into school in PE kits on this day. 
  • Book bags should be in every day. We will be changing books on a Monday and Thursday. Please ensure you sign the reading journal when you have read as we check for our star readers on a Thursday. A star reader has read 3 times a week at home and will feature on the newsletter. 
  •  Home Learning is now being sent out on a Thursday and should be in on Monday. 

Self Isolation Tasks: 09.11.20

Today we were learning about deciduous and evergreen trees and went on a tree trail!

Our Star of the Week is...


for sharing more in class and for her excellent remote learning! 

Week Beginning - 02.11.20


Hello and Happy November! I hope you all had a wonderful half term and are feeling rested and ready for our next half term. 


A reminder that on Monday 2nd November Swift Bubble is closed and we will be completing our Remote Learning through our Swift Site . Follow the instructions sent by email on Friday 23rd October. 

We will be back in school Tuesday 3rd November!



In Phonics this week we will be learning the sounds igh and air. 

Please note we are learning a recovery curriculum and so these are some revisited sounds to ensure the children are secure in their learning. 

In English we will be writing a recount about our half term, thinking about different fruits/vegetables and we will be labelling our favourite. We will also be writing sentences about what foods we would never ever eat and begin reading our new text: "I Will Not Ever Never Eat a Tomato."

In Maths we are learning about subtraction. We will be looking at problems to find how many are left, we will be using first, then, now boards as well as finding subtraction fact families. 

In Curriculum this week we are learning: All about Guy Fawkes; different types of stitch and we will be beginning to sew our hand puppets; identifying different types of tree and we will start our new Jigsaw unit of Celebrating Differences by thinking about hat makes us special. 


Some Reminders: 

  • Remote Learning on Monday 2nd November. 
  • No toys should be brought into school from home.
  • Please make sure the children have a rain coat in school. We will try to go outside as much as possible. 
  • A labelled water bottle needs to be brought in to class.  These will stay in school until Friday. 
  • Tuesday is our PE day. Please come into school in PE kits on this day. 
  • Book bags should be in every day. We will be changing books on a Monday and Thursday. Please ensure you sign the reading journal when you have read as we check for our star readers on a Thursday. A star reader has read 3 times a week at home and will feature on the newsletter. 
  •  Home Learning is now being sent out on a Thursday and should be in on Monday. Reception Home Learning will begin this week. 

Self Isolation Tasks WB: 2nd Nov

It was great to speak to so many of you this week in our Parents Evening Phone Calls. The children have settled so well this first half term and they are really flourishing in their learning! I am a proud teacher! laugh

I hope you all have a fantastic half term and a well deserved rest- I know my duvet is calling me! 

Well done everyone and see you in November! 

Our Star of the Week is...


for always following the class rules and being a model student! 

Fab writing by Aaron at home prepping for his holiday

Week Beginning- 12.10.20

Who can believe we are in the last week of our first half term!? It has certainly flown by! I look forward to speaking to some of your this week during Parents Evening calls! Have a fab week and enjoy your half term break when we get there! 


In Phonics this week we will be learning the sounds , oo(u), ai, or and er. We will also be reviewing the sounds we have learnt this half term whilst practising our blending.  

Please note we are learning a recovery curriculum and so these are some revisited sounds to ensure the children are secure in their learning. 

In English we have will be finishing our learning on our focus book Anansi the Spider. We will be writing prepositional phrases as well as creating a leaflet all about spiders.

In Maths we are continuing to learn  about Addition and Subtraction.  This week we will focus on number bonds, particularly number bonds to ten and we will be adding on more to numbers in different ways. 

In Curriculum this week we are learning: all about England, using paint to create artwork based "The Artist who Painted a Blue Horse", identifying wild plants as well as labelling parts of desktops and laptops. 


Some Reminders: 

  • Our Parents Evening slot is on Wednesday 20th October between 11:20-18:00. 
  • No toys should be brought into school from home.
  • Please make sure the children have a rain coat in school. We will try to go outside as much as possible. 
  • A labelled water bottle needs to be brought in to class.  These will stay in school until Friday. 
  • Tuesday is our PE day. Please come into school in PE kits on this day. 
  • Book bags should be in every day. We will be changing books on a Monday and Thursday. Please ensure you sign the reading journal when you have read as we check for our star readers on a Thursday. A star reader has read 3 times a week at home and will feature on the newsletter. 
  • Year 1 Home Learning is now being sent out on a Thursday and should be in on Monday. 

Our Star of the Week is...


for making the right choices and always being kind to others. 

We have been learning about different types of computers. What have you got at home?

Hello Yellow!

Week Beginning- 12.10.20

Thank you for all your support last week in "Hello Yellow." The children certainly brightened up the day and we raised lots of money for Young Minds charity. 


In Phonics this week we will be learning the sounds ar, oo, oo(u), ow, ee, ur, ai,or, oo and er 

Please note we are learning a recovery curriculum and so these are some revisited sounds to ensure the children are secure in their learning. 

In English we have begun our new book of: Anansi the Spider, a folk story from Ghana. We will be writing captions, learning a song to help us sequence the story, as well as taking part in role play to make an important decision. 

In Maths we are learning about Addition and Subtraction.  We will introduce part-whole models and will think about how we can find number bonds systematically, showing this with equipment. 

In Curriculum this week we are learning: what are computers, how to play a game using our movement and ball skills, sewing skills and the history of Bromet Primary School. 


Some Reminders: 

  • You can book Parents Evening calls on Thursday 15th between 9:30am-2:30pm by calling the office. Our Parents Evening slot is on Wednesday 20th October between 11:20-18:00. 
  • No toys should be brought into school from home.
  • Please make sure the children have a rain coat in school. We will try to go outside as much as possible. 
  • A labelled water bottle needs to be brought in to class.  These will stay in school until Friday. 
  • Tuesday is our PE day. Please come into school in PE kits on this day. 
  • Book bags should be in every day. We will be changing books on a Monday and Thursday. Please ensure you sign the reading journal when you have read as we check for our star readers on a Thursday. A star reader has read 3 times a week at home and will feature on the newsletter. 
  • Year 1 Home Learning is now being sent out on a Thursday and should be in on Monday. 



Our Star of the Week is...


for always including others and being kind towards them. 


Week Beginning- 28.09.20

Good Morning! I hope no one got washed away this very week weekend! Did anyone put on their wellies and go puddle splashing?! Thank you all for your kind donations for the Red Cross Bushey. This week is Hello Yellow on Friday. Read below for more details! 


In Phonics this week we will be learning the sounds y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th and ng.

Please note we are learning a recovery curriculum and so these are some revisited sounds to ensure the children are secure in their learning. 

In English we will be finishing our book Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy. We will be publishing a page each to create a class book filled with our design cat characters and featuring our mean dog! We will also be learning about some traditions from Africa, in particular Ghana, ready for our next book. We will focus on the k and ck sounds. 

In Maths we are learning about ordering numbers to 10 and ordinal numbers. We will also be using number lines to help sequence our numbers. 

In Curriculum this week we are learning about Harvest Festival and why people celebrate it; we will be introducing our artist Mary Bromet and will be drawing a horse and we will be looking at a map of our local area, identifying key features. 


Some Reminders: 

  • On Friday please come to school in something yellow and bring in £1 to donate. We are supporting the YoungMinds charity. 
  • Please make sure the children have a rain coat in school. We will try to go outside as much as possbile. 
  • A labelled water bottle needs to be brought in to class.  These will stay in school until Friday. 
  • Tuesday is our PE day. Please come into school in PE kits on this day. 
  • Book bags should be in every day. We will be changing books on a Monday and Thursday. Please ensure you sign the reading journal when you have read as we check for our star readers on a Thursday. A star reader has read 3 times a week at home and will feature on the newsletter. 
  • Year 1 Home Learning is now being sent out on a Thursday and should be in on Monday. 

Our Star of the Week is...


for being a kind friend when someone was upset. 

Week Beginning- 28.09.20

Welcome to our next week of learning!


In Phonics this week we will be continuing to learn our Black Cat sounds and will focus on the sounds: f, ff, l, ll, ss, j, v, w and x. We will also be practising our blending. 

In English we will be carrying on with our book Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy and this week will begin to create our own book however with a cat inspired twist! We will be designing characters, writing facts and thinking about rhyme. 

In Maths we are learning learning comparing numbers. We be thinking about what numbers look like and will start to use the symbols < > and = to compare these. 

In Curriculum this week we are learning how to safely prepare some foods, the festival of harvest, how to travel with a ball in different ways as well as thinking about our family tree.  


Some Reminders: 

  • We are collecting jars and bottles for the Bushey Red Cross Monday-Thursday this week. There will be a trolley on the KS1 playground for collection. 
  • School begins at 8:30-8:50am and finishes at  3pm.
  • A labelled water bottle needs to be brought in to class.  These will stay in school until Friday. 
  • Tuesday is our PE day. Please come into school in PE kits on this day. 
  • Book bags should be in every day. We will be changing books on a Monday and Thursday. Reception books begin later on in the term. 
  • Year 1 Home Learning is now being sent out on a Thursday and should be in on Monday. 
  • Remember to bring in a labelled sunhat and coat. We never know what the weather will be doing and we want to be prepared! 

Our Star of the Week is...


for always making the right choices in her learning. 

Week Beginning- 21.09.20

Good Morning! I hope you all enjoyed the wonderful sunshine at the weekend. We are looking forward to having our Reception children with us for their full days from now on! 


In our learning this week we will be continuing to learn our Black Cat sounds and will focus on o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h and b. 

In English we will be carrying on with our book Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy. We will be taking part in role play, thinking about how the characters feel and will start to make a booklet about cats. 

In Maths we are learning how to count forwards and backwards within 10 as well as thinking about 1 more/less. 

In Curriculum this week we are learning about celebrations, how to chop foods, where our school is as well as thinking about different types of plants. 


Some Reminders: 

  • School begins at 8:30-8:50am and finishes at  3pm.
  • Please follow our new morning routine and say your goodbyes at the double gate. I will be waiting to walk you to your classroom. 
  • A labelled water bottle needs to be brought in to class.  
  • Tuesday is our PE day. Please come into school in PE kits on this day. 
  • Remember to bring in a labelled sunhat and coat. We never know what the weather will be doing and we want to be prepared! 

Our Star of the Week is...


for helping others and having positive suggestions for our learning! 

Just a reminder for Reception families...


  • School starts 8:30-8:50am, saying goodbye at the gates. 
  • The day will end at 3pm. We will be waiting in our line to meet you. 
  • Please make your lunch choice before tomorrow. 


We are all looking forward to Swift Reception's first full day! 

Week Beginning- 14.09.20


Well done for getting through a tiring first full week! Lots of learning taking place again this week! Remember if you have any questions then please email and I will get back to you as soon as possible. 

In our learning this week we will be recapping some of our Black Cat sounds from Phase 3 such as SATPIN. In English we will be starting our book Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy, thinking about the characters and what they are like. In Maths we will be learning about sorting, counting and representing numbers with objects. We will also be creating our own self-portraits and introducing our new topics. 


Remember to keep checking back on our class page to see what we are up to each week. 


Some Reminders: 

  • Year 1  begin school at 8:30-8:50am arrival and finish at  3pm
  • Reception begin school at 9:15am arrival and finish at 11:30am and will start full time on Friday 18th September. 
  • Please follow our new morning routine and say your goodbyes at the double gate. I will be waiting to walk you to your classroom. 
  • A labelled water bottle needs to be brought in to class.  
  • Tuesday is our PE day. Please come into school in PE kits on this day. 
  • Remember to bring in a labelled sunhat and coat. We never know what the weather will be doing and we want to be prepared! 

Congratulations to our Star of the Week...

for welcoming the Receptions and always including others! 



Busy day for Swifts... planting, building, hand printing, being Soaperstars and meeting our Monster Phonics!

Congratulations to Isabella and Seth who are Swift School Council representatives this year! 

Week Beginning- 07.09.20


Good Morning! We are very much looking forward to welcoming our Reception classmates on Monday! The Year 1 children are ready to show you around our classroom and I can't wait to meet your smiling faces! 

This week we will be introducing our Monsters from Monster Phonics and will be starting with the sounds S, A, T, P, I, N. In English Year 1 will be thinking about their time off school, writing postcards. In Maths we will be looking to see where our learning is. We will also be learning about being a good friend and completing our Network hands.  


Remember to keep checking back on our class page to see what we are up to each week. 


Some Reminders: 

  • Year 1  begin school at 8:30-8:50am arrival and finish at  3pm
  • Reception begin term on Monday 7th September for their half days (9:15am arrival and finish at 11:30am) and will start full time on Friday 18th September. 
  • Please follow our new morning routine and say your goodbyes at the double gate. I will be waiting to walk you to your classroom. 
  • A labelled water bottle needs to be brought in to class. 
  • Please bring a fruit/vegetable snack in everyday. All that learning will make you hungry! 
  • Tuesday is our PE day. Please come into school in PE kits on this day. 
  • Remember to bring in a labelled sunhat and coat. We never know what the weather will be doing and we want to be prepared! 

Week Beginning- 31.08.20


Hello All! I hope you are looking forward to starting at school this week and next! We are really excited to meet you all and get started with your learning whilst having lots of fun on the way! Within the next 2 weeks we will be focusing on getting to know each other, learning about our classroom and settling into school life. Remember to keep checking back on our class page to see what we are up to each week. 


Some Reminders: 

  • Year 1 begin term on Thursday 3rd September (8:30-8:30am arrival and finishing at  3pm)
  • Reception begin term on Monday 7th September for their half days (9:15am arrival and finish at 11:30am) and will start full time on Friday 18th September. 
  • Please follow our new morning routine and say your goodbyes at the double gate. I will be waiting to walk you to your classroom. 
  • A labelled water bottle needs to be brought in to class. 
  • Please bring a fruit/vegetable snack in everyday. All that learning will make you hungry! 
  • Tuesday is our PE day. Please come into school in PE kits on this day. 
  • Remember to bring in a labelled sunhat and coat. We never know what the weather will be doing and we want to be prepared! 


See you on Thursday Year One! smiley


