Prospective Reception Visits available 12th and 26th November. Please contact the school office to arrange a visit
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Bromet Primary School Excellence, Enjoyment and Achievement for All

Robin - Reception

Welcome to Robin Class!


Teacher: Miss H Evans
Teaching Partner (am): Mrs S Quint
Teaching Partner (pm): Ms A Kelly
PPA Cover: Mrs M Humphreys
MFL: Mme J Lawson


Our Classroom

Self-Isolation 05.07.21

Week beginning 12.07.21

I can't quite believe we're in our final week of school! Where has the time gone!

Phonics: CVC+ HFW

English: We will be writing letters to our future teacher and discussing and writing what we loved about this year. 

Maths: We will be consolidating what we have learnt this term. 

Topic: Our favourite memories

On Friday we will be having a mini party to celebrate all the children's hard work smiley


Week beginning 05.07.21

A very busy week this week!

On Monday we have a visit from 2 Olympic Athletes: Team GB 100m sprinter and Commonwealth Champion Reuben Arthur and Team GB Gymnast and World champion Dominic Mensah. 

On Tuesday we have a webinar with author Bethan Woolvin.

On Friday it is our final Flip Theatre session. 

Phonics: CVC+ HFWs

English: We will be continuing with our story 'Willy the Wimp'. We will be talking about the things Willy did to become bigger and stronger and less wimpy. He became brave. 
We will be asking the children do they have a favourite item of clothing that they feel good in? Why? What is it about the item of clothing? e.g. Sparkly glasses will help you see and look good! A hat can make you feel confident.

Maths: The children will be engaging in extended problem solving to develop their critical thinking skills. One activity that the children will be taking part in is to make boats out of a given material such as tin foil or modelling clay. How many marbles will their boat hold whilst staying afloat? Whose boat will hold the most marbles? Could they adapt their design so their boat holds more marbles?

Topic: We will be continuing with our summer theme. We will be making lighthouses!

Have a great week!

Week beginning 28.06.21

Phonics: CCVCC with previously taught diagraphs

English: We will be continuing with our story Willy the Wimp. This week the children will be writing letters to Willy to give advice about how to be brave and less of a wimp. 

Maths: Problem solving

Topic: We will be learning all about how to keep safe during Summer.

Reception Screening will be taking place Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th.

Week beginning 21.06.21

Phonics: CCVCC with previously taught diagraphs

English: We will be focusing on a new story 'Willy the Wimp' By Anthony Browne. The children will think about what it means to be brave and meet a character – Willy the Wimp – who is anything but brave. They write letters of advice to Willy, infer his feelings and talk about being confident as well as brave. They explore Costumes for Confidence, making links to the text Halibut Jackson before finally helping Willy to write ‘Willy’s Guide to Being Brave’. 


Maths: Spatial reasoning: Children understand that places and models can be replicated and need to experience looking at these from different positions. The children will have opportunities to replicate simple constructions, models, real places and places in stories. They will be using positional language to describe where objects are in relation to other items.

Topic: All things Summer!

The children have really enjoyed FLIP THEATRE so far which takes place every Thursday morning. 

A gentle reminder to please label all school clothing.
Individual photo day Thursday 24th June

Have a lovely week!

Week beginning 14.06.21

Phonics: CVC+ and Polysllabic words

English: We will be continuing with our story 'Oi Frog!'. The children will be creating new characters for the story and looking at rhyming words. 

Maths: Odd and Even

Topic: We will be creating 3D frogs and naming different body parts.

Week beginning 07.6.21

I hope you all had a fantastic half term and enjoyed the sunshine!

Phonics: CCVC blending

English: This week we will be focusing on a new story 'Oi Frog!'. The children will be creating questions and choose different characters for the story. They will begin to spot, read and write split-vowel diagraphs. 

Maths: Sharing and Grouping

Topic: 'Growing'. We will be creating human growth timeline!


Week beginning 24.05.21

Phonics: CCVCC

English: This week we will be continuing with 'The Night Pirates'. The children will be learning all about pirate ships and labelling the different parts. They will also be writing a 'How to be a pirate' guide. 

Maths: Doubling 

Topic: 'Growing' baby animals

Please could I kindly ask you all to bring in a baby picture of your child and a current photo of them by this Friday 28th. These will be used for our topic lesson on Monday after half term. Our topic is 'Growing' and we will be looking at the photos and observing similarities and differences of when we were a baby. These photos will be returned and only shared within class. Thank you!

Have a lovely week!

Week beginning 17.05.21

I hope you all had a great weekend. Lets hope we get some sunshine this week!

Phonics: CCVC blending

English: This week we will be looking at a new story 'The Night Pirates' By Peter Harris and Deborah Allwright. The children will write in role as pirates and then learn a song about being a pirate before being invited to join the Night Pirates - a job for which the children apply by writing letters. Once accepted, they are asked to help a character write a 'How to be a Pirate' guide.

Maths: Spatial Reasoning (2) The children will understand that shapes can be combined and separated to make new shapes. This week we will be investigating how many different ways a given shape can be built using smaller shapes. 

A gentle reminder that book bags need to be in school every day. Homework is due in on a Wednesday. 

Have a lovely week!

Self-Isolation 10.05.21

Week beginning 10.05.21

I hope you all had a lovely weekend!

Phonics: CCVC blending

English: We will be carrying on with our focus story 'Where the wild things are'. The children will be creating their own versions of the story, they'll be thinking of a magical island they would like to visit and thinking about what creatures they might see. We will also be writing fact cards for the Wild Things.

Maths: The children will use real objects to see that the quantity of a group can be changed by adding more. The first, then, now structure will be used to create mathematical stories in meaningful contexts. We will be representing the number stories using 10 frames, number tracks and fingers. 

On Tuesday 11th May we will be having a very exciting zoom event with Baroness Floella Benjamin, a truly inspirational speaker.

Have a lovely week! 

Self-isolation 03.05.21

Week beginning 03.05.21

I hope you have all had a lovely bank holiday weekend!

Phonics: CCVC blending

English: We will be continuing with our story 'Where the Wild things are'. The children will be writing postcards to Max from The Wild Things.

Maths: Spatial Reasoning. The children will be making simple shape arrangements and matching their arrangements. They will be thinking about which shapes to select and where to place them in relation to the other shapes.

Topic: We will be creating our 'Wild Things' role play area by making large scale trees and painting our own wild things!

Have a lovely week!

Self isolation 26.04.21

Week beginning 26.04.21

Phonics: CCVC blending

English: We will be looking at our new story 'Where the wild things are' By Maurice Sendak. Through song, role-play and activities such as Monster Meet and Greet, the children will devise their own Wild Thing characters to create their own version of the story. 

Maths: Spatial Reasoning (1) The children will be given opportunities to select and rotate shapes to fill a given space. Encouraging them to explain why they chose a particular shape and why a different shape wouldn't fit. They will be asked to use positional language to describe where the shapes are in relation to one another. 

Topic: African safari animals
PSHE- Relationships

Have a lovely week!

Self-isolation 19.04.21

Week beginning 19.04.21

Phonics: CCVC blending

English: We will be continuing with our story Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain. This week the children will be writing captions for different scenes, describing an eagle from the story and sequencing the story. 

Maths: Counting patterns beyond 10. This week we will be encouraging the children to count or or back from different starting points, to say what comes before or after a given number and to place sequences of numbers in order. 

Topic: African safari animals
PSHE- We will be starting our Relationships unit.  We will be talking about our families and the jobs that they do. 

On Wednesday afternoon we are very excited to be having a webinar with Nick Sharratt who will be talking to us about his books and illustrations! 

A gentle reminder that homework books will be going out on Wednesdays and are due back in on Mondays. 
Thank you!


Self-isolation 12.04.21

Week beginning 12.04.21

Welcome back! I hope you have all had a lovely Easter break!

Phonics: CVCC blending

English: Our focus story this week will be Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain by Verna Aardema. In this ten-session sequence, the children begin by locating Kenya on a map and learning a traditional Kenyan song. Then a bird appears with an instruction around his neck! This leads them discovering a book telling the story of Kapiti Plain where there is no rain... They meet the hero - Ki-pat - who shoots the arrow that is to burst the rain cloud. After creating a musical score to re-tell a section of the text, a letter arrives asking the children to help write a tourist information leaflet. Phonics teaching will be embedded throughout. 

Maths: To 20 and Beyond - We will be encouraging the children to build and identify numbers to 20 (and beyond) using a range of resources. Resources such as 10 frames, number shapes, towers of cubes, rekenreks and bead strings will support the children to see that larger numbers are composed of full 10s and part of the next 10. 

Topic: 'Growing' parts of a plant

Self-isolation 15.03.21

Week beginning 15.03.21

I hope you all had a restful weekend! This week we will be beginning our topic Spring. 

Phonics: ear

English: We will be focusing on the book 'Little Red' an adaptation of the story Little Red Riding Hood. Linking to the story the children will be creating adverts for Ginger Beer and include the fact that it keeps wolves away but that you also need to be careful as it can make you belch! 

Maths: Building 9 and 10


Topic: SPRING The children will be creating blossom paintings, planting cress seeds and looking at what plants need to grow. 

Key reminders
2 books will be issued every Monday
PE on Thursdays (come into school in PE kit)
Comic Relief this Friday - Wear non-uniform and bring in £1

Have a lovely week!

Week beginning 11.01.21

Good morning! I hope you have all had a good weekend. I have been very impressed with the work emailed so far. Please keep sending in photos/work to office - these will be forwarded to me. I am teaching in the classroom as well so will respond to any queries as soon as I can. 
Scroll down to the calendar on our Google Site page to find the link for the 'live' story each day!

Have a great week!

Miss Evans

Week beginning 04.01.21

A very happy new year to you all! I hope you all had a good and restful break in these different times. Thank you for all your kind words and gifts at the end of term. 

We are now completing online learning, another new challenge for us to try! I will be adding our lessons to the Google Sites/Classroom - see information previously emailed out for logins etc. 

Please keep on top of the reading. You can register for free here to access colour banded books.


Take care, stay safe.

Miss Evans 


Week beginning 14.12.20

Phonics: ow     We will be recapping all the sounds we have learnt so far this term.

English: This week the children will be designing and writing Christmas cards. They will also be labeling parts of a snowman.

Maths: We will be concentrating on number 5 where the children will be counting or subitising sets of up to 5 objects to find how many and make their collections of objects. In particular we will be arranging objects of 5 and looking at the small patterns made. 

Please come into school in your Christmas jumper on Wednesday for our Christmas lunch and jumper day!

We will be finishing at 1:15 on Friday.

Self-Isolation task 7.12.20

Week beginning 07.12.20


Phonics: oo (u)     ow

English: This week will be 'Christmas' themed. The children will be discussing and writing Christmas lists, letters to Santa and Christmas cards. 

Maths: We will be continuing concentrating on numbers 4 and 5 where the children will be counting or subitising sets of up to 4 and 5 objects to find how many and make their collections of objects. In particular we will be arranging objects of 4 and 5 and looking at the small patterns made. 

Gentle reminders
Home work is due on Monday and given out on Thursdays.

Have a great week!

Self-Isolation task 30.11.20

Week beginning 30.11.20


Phonics: oo      oo (u)     ow

English: This week we will be having a new focus story 'SO much!' By Trish Cooke where we will be concentrating on past tense sentences, writing in role and performance/ narrative poetry.

Maths: We will be concentrating on numbers 4 and 5 where the children will be counting or subitising sets of up to 4 and 5 objects to find how many and make their collections of objects. 

Self-Isolation Task 23.11.20

Week beginning 23.11.20

This week we welcome our new student teacher Miss Giggins who will be completing her school based training with us in Robins. She will be in full time from the 23rd November to the 4th December and will be returning for another block period in February. Miss Giggins will be helping support the children in the classroom.

Phonics: ar     oo

English: We will be continuing our story on 'The Magic Paintbrush'. The children are really enjoying the story so far. This week the children will be writing 'thank you' scrolls. sequencing the story and changing parts of the story. 

Maths: In maths this week we will be looking at geometry and spatial thinking. Children will learn that circles have one curved side and triangles have three straight sides. They will begin to recognise these shapes on everyday items in the classroom and outside. The children will be building their own circles and triangles, going on a classroom shape hunt and creating circle and triangle art work based on the artist Kandinsky. 


Week beginning 16.11.20


Phonics: ch   sh   th(v)   th   ng

English: We will be continuing with our story 'The Magic Paintbrush'. 

Maths: We will be exploring the different compositions of 2 and 3. For example 3 can be composed of 1 and 1 and 1 or 2 and 1 or 1 and 2. 


Week beginning 09.11.20

Phonics: v   x   y   z    zz

English: This week our focus story is 'The Magic Paintbrush'. Through the story of The Magic Paintbrush, they meet Shen who loves to paint and draw. Shen is presented with a magic brush but she is to only use it for good. In the story, she overcomes a greedy emperor who sets his dragon upon Shen. The children create their own dragon-like monsters through playing mix and match monsters and record their ideas by drawing and labelling a diagram. They then write their own-version narrative by changing the items that their main character paints and including their own monster that the main character overcomes. 

Maths: This week the children will begin to understand that as we count, each number is one more than the number before. Similarly as we count back, each number is less than the previous number. We will be using a range of representations to support this understanding and encourage the children to represent the one more and one less patterns as they count. 

Please note that home learning will be given out on Thursdays and is to be returned on Mondays.

Week beginning 02.11.20

I hope you have all had a restful week! 
I look forward to hearing what fun things you got up to.

Phonics: f   ff   l   ll   s   ss

English: Our focus story this week will be 'Owl Babies'. The children will be creating name labels using capital letters for the three owls in the story. We will also be creating a class map of mummy owls journey.

Maths: Representing 1, 2 and 3. We will be identifying representations of 1, 2 and 3. The children will be counting up to 3 objects in different arrangements by touching each object as they count and recognise that the final number they say names the quantity in a set. They will use their own mark making to represent 1, 2 and 3 for example to record their score during a game. 

Topic: Autumn 

A few reminders

  • Please ensure you have chosen your child's lunch online even if it is a packed lunch option.
  • PE will be on Thursday afternoons. Please come to school on Thursdays in PE kits.
  • Water bottles are to be in school everyday. These will now be going home at the end of each day.
  • Please can all children have a spare change of clothes in their book bags or in a separate bag that can be left in school on their pegs. We have a very low supply of spare clothes. 
  • Please leave a comment in their reading records when you have read/shared a book with your child. 

    Thank you - have a great week! 


I am so impressed with all the children's learning this half term. They have worked so hard and settled in so nicely. They are a delight to teach! I hope you all have a restful and lovely half-term and will see you all on the 2nd November. 

Shelly the Snail

Kingfisher Class pet snail Shelly has come to Robin Class for a holiday! The children are really enjoying looking after her and learning all about what a snail needs! We have done some observational drawings and also given her a shower using the water spray!

Our Three Little Pigs learning

The children have really enjoyed learning about The Three Little Pigs. They have had fun making houses using junk modelling in the creative area, acting out the story in the role play area and creating brick houses using construction toys!

Week beginning 19.10.20


Phonics: e   u    r   h   b

English: Our story this week will be 'The Three Little Pigs'. We will be sequencing the story and the children will have opportunities to retell the story during Play & Learn.

Maths: Recognising numbers and counting objects up to 10. 

Enormous Turnip painting

The children explored how to make the colour purple. We learnt that blue and red make purple! The children enjoyed painting their turnips using the purple paint they created. The painted turnips are hanging beautifully the classroom. 

Week beginning 12.10.20

Phonics:   o   c   k    ck

English: Our focus book will be 'The Enormous Turnip'. The children will be creating story maps and retelling the story. We will also be adapting the story by changing parts. 

Maths: We will be looking at the language of big, small, long, short and tall. 

Week beginning 05.10.20

Phonics: m   d    g
English: Creating story maps and retelling the story of We're going on a Bear Hunt.
Maths: Number Formations
 Topic: Bears

PE is on Thursday.
Reading books will be changed on Monday and Thursday. 

On Friday is HELLO YELLOW. Wear something yellow and if you are able to, donate £1 for the charity.

Have a great week!

Week beginning 28.09.20

Phonics: i  n This week we will begin to blend sounds together using 'satpin' 
e.g. sat, pin, pat, sit
English: Creating story maps and retelling the story of The Little Red Hen
Maths: Sorting Groups
Topic: All About Me
PE is on Thursday
Reading books will be given out this week.

Have a great week!
Look out for photos from the week!

Week beginning 21.09.20

Our first full week in school!

Phonics: s  a  t  p i
English: We will be beginning our topic on the Little Red Hen.
Maths: Match & Sort
Topic: All About Me

P.E will begin on Thursday 24th. Please come into school in your PE kit.

Have a lovely week!

Congratulations on your first week at school!

I am so proud of how well you have all settled into Robins. I hope you have all enjoyed your first week in Reception! 

Have a wonderful weekend and I will see you all at 9:15 on Monday. Full day will begin on Friday 18th.
A gentle reminder that water bottles stay in school all week and go home on a Friday. Water bottles are emptied daily and filled with fresh water. Reading books will begin to go out after next week once we have assessed the children. 

Star of the Week
Penelope: For helping others to feel welcome.
Well done Penelope! 

Below are some pictures of the fun we have had in our first week. The children have played so nicely with one another and have already made lovely friendships. 
I will be adding more photos next week. 


Welcome to Robin Class!

We hope you have all had a lovely break. 
We are really looking forward to meeting you all on the 7th and welcoming you into Robin Class. 

Just a few reminders before you start school


  •  School starts at 9:15 and finishes at 11:30 (7th-17th).
  • Your first full day will begin on the 18th.
  • Please say your goodbyes to your parents/carers at the main gate.
    You will be greeted by a member of the team at the brown gate. 
  • Please bring in your own labelled water bottle and fruit/vegetable snack everyday.
  • Please bring in a labelled sunhat and raincoat. The weather is always changing!
  • PE will be every Thursday afternoon. PE will begin from the 24th. Please come into school in your PE kit on PE days.
  • Our priority for the first 2 weeks will be making sure you have settled well into Robins Class, gotten to know your peers and for us to get know one another. 

    We hope you are as excited to start your school journey as much as we are!

    x Robins Team x