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Bromet Primary School Excellence, Enjoyment and Achievement for All

Woodpecker - Year 4 and Year 3

Welcome to

Woodpecker Class!





Class Teacher: Miss Hickey

Supported by: Mrs Ridout

PPA: Mrs Bastable teaches R.E. 

Madame Lawson teaches French




We Miss You!

Home Learning Week 12 - 13.07.20


Hello Woodpecker Class!


This is your last week before the summer holidays! A very different end of term this year! I have uploaded a weeks worth of transition activities for you to work through to help prepare for your return to school in September.


If you would like to carry on with Maths and English then head over to BBC Bitesize. They have some great lessons you can choose from.


You should all know your new classes by now. I hope you are all okay with them. A lot of thought and consideration went into the decision and I know you are all going to fit in so well and have an amazing year with your fantastic new teachers. Mrs Burns and Miss Charalambous are super fun, super caring, super kind and very talented at what they do.


Thanks again ever so much for the video, it really was one of the nicest gifts I've ever received. It meant SO much to me.


Have a good week Woodpeckers and I will check in again with you all later on in the week.


Miss Hickey

Home Learning Week 11 - 06.07.20


Hello Woodpecker Class!


This is your last week of Maths and English from me! Next week I will be uploading a weeks worth of transition activities to prepare you for coming back to school in September. You will be finding out your new classes this week.


Lots more of you on TT Rockstars this week so well done, keep it up! Well done to George, Grace and Joshua who earned themselves over 5000 coins!


Keep on sending in photos via Google Classroom or email. I love to see what you are getting up to as I miss you all very much.


Have a great week.


Miss Hickey

Home Learning Week 10 - 29.06.20


Hello Woodpecker Class!


Only 3 more weeks of virtual learning left! You have all blown me away with how hard you have been working. Keep sending photos so I can put them onto the newsletter and the blog!


Well done this week to Elizabeth who has earned over 5000 coins on TT Rockstars. Lets have some more names next week! 


In English you are going to be writing an explanation text all about the digestive system! Try and include pictures with labels.


Have a good week!


Miss Hickey :)

Home Learning Week 9 - 22.06.20


Hello Woodpecker Class!


I hope you are all well. You've been at home for a very long time now and I understand some of you may be finding it hard to keep yourselves motivated but I am so impressed with the work I am seeing so keep on trying your best. It's normal to have good days and rubbish days but remember this won't be forever! You're all amazing!


Here is this weeks work. For English, you will be looking at poetry seeing as we haven't done this yet. There is a fabulous set of lessons on BBC Bitesize for you to work through. Try both of the punctuation worksheets as the two star one is quite simple. Follow the links on the timetable for the Maths videos.


I found a really cool Covid time capsule activity pack for you to complete. It has lots of good activities you can complete such as writing a letter to yourself, talking about what you have been up to at home etc. You can then put it away to look at when you're a little older.


Have a wonderful week!


Miss Hickey :)

Home Learning Fun

Home Learning Week 8 - 15.06.20


Hello Woodpecker Class!


Here is this week's work. As you know I am teaching Year 6 at the moment so may not be as quick to reply on Google Classroom but I promise I am still reading your wonderful pieces of work and enjoying seeing your photos so keep them coming!


This week, I have used some lessons from BBC Bitesize for your SPAG. They are superb! All you need to do is read through them, watch the videos and then complete the activities at the end of the page (you don't have to complete all of the activities). I have asked you all to write a story again for English this week as this is something we need to practice. For Maths, I have downloaded the alternative worksheets as you have already completed the others. I have attached a PDF document with all of the video links you will need.


Unfortunately our First News trial has now expired. Well done to everyone who used it and I do hope you enjoyed it. Remember, you still have TT Rockstars and Mathletics that you can use. Please please do whenever you have a chance!


You should have all received your reports now. I hope you have enjoyed reading them. I am so very proud of all of you and everything you have achieved. Well done! Please email admin with any replies.


Have a lovely week and happy learning!


Miss Hickey :)

Home Learning Fun

Home Learning Week 7 - 08.06.20


Hello Woodpecker Class!

I hope you are all keeping well. I can't believe it has been 13 weeks since I've seen you! You have all been working so so hard and I am so impressed with you all. Thank you to everybody who is sending their work in. I have loved reading your autobiographies this week. Some of you are so kind! 

Adam is nearly on 100 activities for First News! Unfortunately though our free trial is ending on Wednesday. So go on it whilst you can! 

A reminder to keep on using TT Rockstars. Year 4's, you should be fluent with all of your times tables by the end of the term (which is only a month away). Why don't you have a go at challenging me? 

Again, keep on sending photos so I can put them on the blog, the newsletter or even twitter. If you bake a cake or do some craft etc then let me see! I'm going to think of another challenge that we can do this week as the toilet roll challenge was such a success. If you can think of any then I would love to know!

Take care

Miss Hickey

Home Learning Fun

Home Learning Week 6 - 01.06.20


Hello Woodpecker Class!
I hope you enjoyed your half term in the sun. How lucky we are to be blessed with this beautiful weather. Back to virtual learning this week!

Adam is still at the top of the First News leader board for the Year 3's and for the Year 4's it is Joshua so well done! Can anybody beat them this week?

Do keep on sending photos/ videos in. It is the only way we can see each other at the moment and it is lovely to see what you are getting up to.

Have a lovely week!

Miss Hickey :)

Home Learning Week 5 - 18.05.20


Hello Woodpecker Class!


Onto week 5! Keep going, you're doing great! I have uploaded your Maths sheets again for the week but remember the videos are still on the White Rose website so do watch them!


Well done to Adam who has made his way to the top of the leader board on First News with 44 activities completed! Another well done to the children who logged on this week. Keep it up!


Don't forget about the home work grid with wider curriculum activities for you to complete. I uploaded it along with the week 1 timetable. 


Keep those photos coming in! Thank you to those children who sent me their non-chronological reports to read. I was very impressed. I would love to see your stories this week if you can! Remember you can hand it in privately to me on Google Classroom if you prefer or email. 


Take care


Miss Hickey smiley

Home Learning Fun

Home Learning Week 4 - 11.05.20


Hello Woodpecker Class! 


Here comes another week of virtual learning! For Maths this week, you will see that it asks you to contact the school for the worksheets. I have downloaded them all and uploaded them along with the timetable for you to access. The video is still available for you to watch. 


I hope you all had a lovely day on Friday celebrating VE Day. I certainly did. We had a socially distant street party with yummy tea and scones. We also decorated our house with Union Jack bunting. What lovely weather we were blessed with too!


Keep those photos coming my way. It can be of school work or just of you having lots of fun! Either upload them onto Google Classroom or email You may see them appear on the class blog, the newsletter or even Twitter!


Try to use the First News website if you can every now and then. It has some great resources and you can earn yourself points and gems! Well done to Elizabeth who is now at the top of the leader board! Don't forget about Mathletcis and TT Rockstars too. Now is the perfect time to really learn all of your times table by heart. 


I really do miss you all! Lots and lots!


Take care


Miss Hickey 

Home Learning Fun

Home Learning Week 3 - 04.05.20


Hello Woodpecker Class!


Onto week 3! I hope everything is going well and you are keeping busy and having fun! It is so lovely to see what you are getting up to at home with the pictures/ videos you are posting onto Google Classroom so keep it up! You can also email your pictures to and they will be forwarded straight to me. Here is this week's timetable.


Take care


Miss Hickey smiley

Home Learning Fun

Home Learning Week 2 - 27.04.20


Hello Woodpecker Class.  I hope your first week of virtual learning went well. Here is this week's timetable. Keep referring back to the home learning grid which I uploaded last week for activities to do with the wider curriculum. Please keep taking photos and adding them to Google Classroom. I love to see what you are getting up to! 


Take care


Miss Hickey :)

Home Learning Fun

Week 1 Timetable 20.04.20

Home Learning Week 1 - 20.04.20


Hello Woodpecker Class! I hope you have had a lovely Easter (despite these difficult circumstances) and enjoyed lots of yummy chocolate. 


I am going to upload a weekly timetable with Maths, English and reading tasks for you to complete. I will also upload a home learning grid for you to work through with tasks linked to the wider curriculum. Both timetables and any worksheets will also be uploaded onto Google Classroom. 


Do email with any queries but I hope it's okay and simple to follow!


Thinking of you all!


Miss Hickey 


Useful Websites (31.3.20)


Hello all! Below are some useful websites which have some very good free home learning resources that you can use.

Maths Hub have a great selection of worksheets for Years 3 and 4 to help consolidate their learning

Twinkl is offering some great resources and even some live lessons

Listen to David Walliams reading some of his stories from the World's Worst Chilldren! Perhaps you could write your own.


I will be uploading work to Google Classroom after Easter however if you have been doing any extra learning and would like me to see then feel free to upload Power Points, pictures etc onto the class page. Please double check your login works and comment on my most recent post. 


Stay safe


Miss Hickey



School Closure (20.3.20)


As you are aware, primary schools across the United Kingdom have been shut to avoid the spread of Covid-19. The children have been sent home with home learning packs with enough work to cover the first two weeks up until Easter Holidays. This includes one English and one Maths activity a day as well as reading, Times Table Rockstars and Mathletics. If the school is still shut after Easter, I will be uploading work onto Google Classroom where the children can access it and submit it back. If you have a problem with accessing this, then please do contact admin. 

The children have been sent home with a school guided reading book. Please keep a reading log of what they have been reading. It is a nice idea for the children to write a short comment about what they have been reading.


Stay safe


Miss Hickey 


World Book Day 2020

Woodpecker Weekly News (9.3.20)


Update: We've had a fantastic week with world book day on Thursday. It was lovely to see everyone's favourite books. In Geography, the children learnt about fossil fuels and wrote a letter to the Prime minister reminding him about renewable sources of energy. In history, they learnt about the history of Oxhey Park and how it has changed from 1836 up until now. 


English: We are continuing reading Until I Met Dudley 


Maths: We are looking at decimals and rounding decimals in Year 4 and Year 3s will be revisiting fractions 


Things to remember: Swimming again for Year 4 this week. Parents evening on Wednesday and Thursday this week. If you haven't signed up please ring the office for a slot. Reading records, books and homework.

Mother Tongue Day

Woodpecker Weekly News (2.3.20)


Update: A good first week back! We hope you enjoyed our Garden of dreams. We sure enjoyed making and painting our fish using clay! What a success Mother Tongue day was! A big thank you to Aiden and Elizabeth's mums for coming in and teaching the children all about their mother tongue and sharing some yummy traditional food with us. This term in Science we are learning about All living things starting with habitats this week. 


English: We are reading the book All About Dudley which is a non-fiction book about how every day items work. The children will be practising note taking, writing explanation texts and creating posters. 


Maths: The Year 3 children are learning about capacity and volume. They will be comparing, measuring, adding and subtracting. The Year 4 children will be learning about hundredths


Things to remember: It is world book day on Thursday so please send your child in their pyjamas with their favourite book. We will not be going swimming. Maths morning on Wednesday. Homework and reading records please. 

Woodpecker Weekly News (24.2.20)


Update: I hope you all had a restful half term and are ready to put your learning hats back on! I am looking forward to hearing about all of the things you have been up to.


Maths: In Maths, we will be learning about measuring, different units of measurements and how to use a scale


English: In English, the children will be starting to look at the book Until I met Dudley


Things to remember: Mother tongue day is on Thursday! Any parents who can speak an additional language, if you can help, offer any simple workshops or food tasting, then please grab me on the playground or email admin. We have our garden of dreams on Friday and of course please remember homework, reading books and records and swimming on Thursday for Year 4.

Talent show and number day!

Woodpecker Weekly News (7.2.20)


Update: We have had another good week. We had our talent show today which was a lot of fun! What talent we have! Well done to everyone who took part and Brigida and Kiara and Lara and Eliza who are through to next weeks final. We had also had number day today and the children drew out their own mazes for their friends to work their way through. In Geography, the children learnt about the different types of precipitation. In Art, the children created their own Pop Art style words.


English: We will be carrying on with the Book Cinnamon next week which is about a little blind princess who does not talk. The children are all extremely engaged in this book and have produced some high quality pieces of writing based on the text. 


Maths: We have done lots of work on fractions and next week, we will be moving onto looking at tenths and decimals. 


Things to remember: Reading records, homework and swimming on Thursday. 

Woodpecker Weekly News (24.1.20)


Update: Another great week of learning! Thank you to all who came to watch our class assembly. We hope you enjoyed hearing about the things Woodpecker Class have been learning. This week the children learnt about reversible and irreversible changes in Science, tectonic plates in Geography and they looked at famous Dome buildings from around the world in DT. In Jigsaw, we talked about how our hopes and dreams don't always come true and different ways of dealing with our feelings if this ever does happen. 


Maths: In Maths, we are moving onto fractions again and the children will be learning how to convert improper fractions into mixed numbers! They will also be adding and subtracting fractions which will equal to over 1 whole.

English: We have finished Flotsam and we will now be reading a book called Cinnamon. This week, the children will be predicting what they think is going to happen in the story and using inference.


Things to remember: Homework, reading records and swimming kits!

Woodpecker Weekly News ( 17.1.10)


Update: The children have learnt lots of new things this week. They started their Ancient Greece topic in History, learnt about how to separate mixtures in Science, researched Andy Warhol and discussed their hopes and dreams for the future. Lots of the children wanted to start a charity when they are older which shows which shows that they have great compassion! The Year 4's are getting on well at swimming and Year 3's are having fun with Nightingales.


English: We're finishing Flotsam this week. We will be doing some persuasive writing in the form of an advert.


Maths: The children will be learning what area is and how to measure it by counting squares within a shape.


Things to remember: Homework, reading records and we have our class assembly on Friday!

Welcome Back (03/01/2020)


Update: I hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas break filled with lots of joy! I can't believe it is already time to return to school! We will be having a student teacher join us for the Spring term. His name is Mr Allet and we are all looking forward to welcoming him to Woodpecker Class. 


English: As a school, we will be looking at the picture book Flotsam. It is about a little boy who finds a mysterious camera on the beach where he is playing with his friends. We will be using this as a writing stimulus for the next 3 weeks. 


Maths: We will be starting off by looking at multiplication and division. 


Things to remember: Year 4 will be starting swimming from the first Thursday back (9th January). Please don't forget to send your child in with their swimming kit and please ensure everything is labelled so we don't misplace anything (swimming costumes only please for the girls). If your child has their ears pierced, it is a good idea they don't wear earrings on a Thursday to avoid losing any. Year 3's will be doing PE with Nightingale Class whilst the Year 4 children are swimming. 


Please ensure reading records and reading books are brought into school every day! Your child will be sent home with a new home learning grid on Wednesday and it is very important and only fair that they bring their homework back in the following Monday. I understand that there are some circumstances where homework cannot be completed and if this is the case then a note or an email just to let me know is fine! If I do not receive this however, they will be doing it at lunch time. 


Have a good weekend! 

Merry Christmas!


And just like that, Christmas is here! I would just like to say a huge thank you for all the lovely gifts. I hope the children enjoy theirs (sorry parents)! The children have all worked super hard this term and have learnt lots of new things in all subjects! Enjoy your break and I look forward to seeing you all when you return in the new year! Merry Christmas


Miss Hickey :) 

Woodpecker Weekly News (16.12.19)


Update: 4 and a half more days to go! The children were FANTASTIC in their Christmas performance last week. I was one super proud teacher. Hard work does pay off! This week the children are going to be filming a short film in French with Madame Lawson.


Maths: We are learning about perimeter in Maths after having a successful week looking at different units of measurements.


English: We will be writing news reports, character descriptions and doing some Christmas Grammar in English this week. 


Things to remember: Reading records, reading records! Thank you to those who regularly sign your child's reading record. I need to be seeing reading records in school every day please. Christmas jumper day on Wednesday. Pantomime on Thursday. 

Fruit Salad, Science and Speed Stacking!

Woodpecker Weekly News (2.12.19)


Update: Can't quite believe it is nearly Christmas already! This term has flown by. We have had fun practising our Christmas songs this week. I am super impressed with how well they have learnt the lyrics. We've had two very fun afternoons making a non-Newtonian fluid in Science using cornflour and water and making a delicious fruit salad in Food Technology. Our Speed Stacking tournament was a great success! We have some super talented Speed Stackers in Woodpeckers with Bromet A coming first and securing a place in the finals which will happen after Christmas. 


English: Next week in English we are continuing our Roman Myths topic. The children will be writing character descriptions, diary entries and a summary.


Maths: We will be returning to place value in Maths and will be looking at negative numbers and Roman Numerals.


Things to remember: Please can you ensure your child has a pair of plimsolls in their PE kit for use in the hall. Reading records must be signed by an adult so we can monitor how often your child is reading at home. Reading is a vital part of their learning. 


Angle Hunting!

Woodpecker Weekly News (25.11.11)


Update: We have had lots of fun practising our songs for the upcoming Christmas performance. The children have been sent home with the song lyrics so they can practise at home. 


Maths: In Maths, we will be returning to fractions after having a very successful week learning about Angles.


English: We have finished off publishing our 'For the Birds' stories and have had fun learning about Roman Gods and Goddess and how Venus was born. We have been using fiction and non-fiction books to find out information. Next week, we will be carrying on with Roman Myths.


Curriculum: We have continued learning gymnastics in PE and in science we learnt about solids, liquids and gases. We will be practising lots for our Christmas performance next week. 


Things to remember: We have our speed stacking competition on Tuesday. We will be leaving school at 12:30 and back for the end of the day. Reading books must be in school EVERY day please. Please can you remind your child to practise the songs for our performance.

Children in Need!

Woodpecker Weekly News (18.11.19)


Update: We had a super interesting trip to Affinity Water on Thursday! Now we know exactly where our tap water comes from and how it is treated to make it clean enough for us to drink. We had a very fun day wearing our pyjamas and raising money for Children in Need. 


Maths: The children did very well learning about equivalent fractions. We will be taking a break from fractions and moving onto angles next week. 


English: The children wrote some fantastic stories based on the short clip For the Birds. I am very impressed with their use of fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases and their punctuation of speech! We will now be covering Roman Myths for the next 3-4 weeks.


Curriculum: The children will be learning about the water cycle in Geography following on from our school trip on Thursday and in DT we will be carrying on with food nutrition. We are doing gymnastics in PE. 


Things to remember: Please send your child in with a strong bag on Monday so they can bring their books from last year home.

Woodpecker Weekly News (11.11.19)


Update: We had a great week learning last week! We did lots of research in history about how the Roman's lived. We looked at their family life, their homes and houses and how they built roads. We started gymnastics in PE which we will be doing until the end of term, and in art the children showed off their fantastic shading skills.


Maths: This week, we will be continuing fractions and learning about equivalent fractions using lots of pictorial representations and concrete resources


English: The children will be writing stories this week with a focus on anti-bullying week. They will be writing their stories in pairs


Curriculum: In history, we will be remembering our soldiers and creating our own poppy wreath. We are going on our school trip to Affinity Water on Thursday. In science, we are learning about states of Matter.


Things to remember: Most of you have consented for your child to attend the trip on Thursday. Please to this urgently if you have not. 

Woodpecker Weekly News (18.10.19)


Update: This week the children had their last Relax Kids session with Natasha. She will be missed by all of us! In History, the children learnt about the Roman invasion and we had fun re-enacting this as a class. First, the children had the task of putting events in British History onto a timeline in chronological order. They did very well! In art, the children learnt about mixing colours and had a go at painting a water lily impressionist style. They learn about the tache technique to get the desired effect. I am very impressed with how much reading the children are doing at home with their adults, keep it up!


English: The children worked on their Dish and Spoon performances and performed these on Friday. They were very entertaining. They worked very hard on their acting skills and stage presence. This week, they will be writing up their final play scripts to match. 


Maths: The children were learning different techniques to help them with their multiplications. This week, the children will be scaling and working with fractions. 


Things to remember: As Relax Kids is now over for our class, we will be starting PE on Wednesday afternoons. Please ensure your child has the correct PE kit in school. All children should have a pair of trainers to keep in school for outdoor use and plimsolls for indoor use. Please login to Parent Pay to consent and make the voluntary contribution for our trip to Affinity Water, the deadline is October 31st. Please make sure those reading books and records are coming in every day!

Woodpecker Weekly News (11.10.19)


Update: We've had a good week learning. In geography, the children learnt about settlements and what natural resources were needed to be able to start a settlement.  We had our African Drumming workshop with some African Djembe drums. It was super fun and the children showed some wonderful musical talents. We looked at why countries have different time zones in Science and worked out what time it would be in one country when it is another time somewhere else. 


Maths: The children have been learning different techniques to learn and memorise their times tables. We will be continuing this and looking at fact families using arrays.


English: We continued to learn about play scripts and the children had the opportunity to fill in some missing stage directions with actions and adverbs and were able to write their own play scripts based on the famous poem The Owl and the Pussycat.


Things to remember: Children should be bringing in their book bags every day now. The children will put their reading books onto their tables when they come into the classroom in the morning so it is readily available to read whenever they require. Please login to Parent Pay to consent for our upcoming school trip to Affinity Water. The deadline for the voluntary contribution is the 31st October. Unfortunately, if we do not receive enough funds to cover the costs, the trip will have to be cancelled.

Woodpecker Weekly News (4.10.19)


Update: Another busy week in Woodpecker Class! October is the start of Black History Month in the UK and so the children researched Barack Obama and made some informative posters about him. We spoke about why it is important to celebrate Black History Month and how important it is to treat everyone with respect. 


English: We started to look at play scripts in English this week which has been super interesting. The children have learnt about the features of a play script and what the words in brackets mean. We have had lots of drama opportunities too. We will be continuing this next week.


Maths: After learning about mental addition, the children started to learn different methods for how to subtract mentally such as regrouping and equal difference.


Things to remember: Next week, the children have the African Drumming workshop as part of our Black History Month celebrations. I have arranged a trip to Affinity Water in Bushey which covers our topic on water cycles and rivers which we have been covering in Geography. A letter will be sent out at the beginning of next week. Please ensure your child is bringing in their reading record on a Monday so we can check who has been reading with an adult and give out our star readers. Their reading record must be signed 3 or more times by an adult in one week to be a star reader. I am super impressed with home learning as the whole class is managing to bring in their homework books on a Monday. Keep it up!

Woodpecker Weekly News (27.9.19)


Update: We have had a very busy week learning. We looked at the features of a river in Geography and had a follow up lesson on structures. The children learnt the techniques to be able to build a strong and stable freestanding structure. We practised mental addition in Maths and Finished writing up our poems in English.


Maths: We will be continuing to work on mental addition and using efficient strategies to be able to add up bigger numbers without having to use a written method such as equal sum.


English: We will be starting our play script unit in English looking at two stories. Alice in Wonderland and The Adventures of the Dish and the Spoon.


Things to remember: Well done to everyone for bringing in their homework on Monday. I am very impressed. All free readers must bring in their reading records with at least 3 boxes with comments about what they have read. These don't have to come in again until the following Monday.

Our Structures

Woodpecker Weekly News (13.9.19)


Update: We had a busy first week back and lots of fun learning. The children have worked super hard and I am very proud of them all. We started Relax Kids with Natasha which the children thoroughly enjoyed. We had a really fun DT lesson looking at structures. The children had to build to tallest free standing tower they could using just 15 pieces of paper and a roll of tape.


Maths: The children will be learning about number magnitude and how to round to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000


English: We will be looking at poetry for a second week. The children will be writing their own poems based on A Small Dragon. They will be creating their own creatures.


Curriculum: We will be looking at local history and in Science we will be learning about the planets in our solar system.


Things to remember: Year 4 children will be starting their choir this Wednesday with Ivelina. All homework must be in on Monday. Please write a note if this cannot be done 


Woodpecker Weekly News (6.9.19)


Update: We have had a busy first 3 days back as I'm sure you have been told! We had a big focus on PSHE and covered topics such as the British Values and Mental Health. The children were very mature and showed a brilliant understanding of both topics.


Maths: We will be looking at place value this week. We will be working with 4 digit numbers.


English: We are starting our poetry scheme of work looking at two famous poems. A Small Dragon by Brian Patten and Overheard on a Saltmarsh by Harold Munro. This week, we will be developing our vocabulary and reading poems with great expression.


Curriculum: In Geography, we are locating rivers within the UK. In DT, we will be looking at different bridge structures. Our PE for the term will be Relax Kids. The Year 4 and 5 children will be forming a choir this term with a specialist from outside delivering practices.


Things to remember: Please make sure your child has a water bottle in school!



Welcome Back!


Hello, welcome back! 

We hope you all had a lovely break and are ready for your time in Woodpecker Class. 

Our first three days back will be based around SEMH (Social, Emotional and Mental Health). 


Please ensure all of the children bring in their water bottles and PE kits throughout the week.

Lets have fun learning!


Miss Hickey 

Star of the Week: 


Congratulations to...


for being open and honest about his feelings.

This Week (10.06) 


 Mrs Henderson will be teaching English, Geography, Art and Music this week. 

In English we are writing explanation texts thinking about expanded noun phrases and prepositions and prepositional phrases to provide more detail for the reader.  

Our spelling rule this week is word families with the root words of ‘scop’ and ‘spect’.

In Maths we are finishing our measurement unit and will be solving different word problems, including scaling, using all the different measurements we have learnt.  

In Curriculum Mrs Henderson is going to be teaching us art, looking at tints and shades. In Music we are revisiting the sea shanties. 

In Computing we are going to learn about search engines.

We are going to introduce our final topic in Science which is ‘All Living Things.’ 


  • On Monday we have our A Life Healthy living workshop.
  • Some of our class are also taking part in an Able Writers Workshop on Monday.
  • This week we are starting Move and Learn project with Watford FC on Thursday. PE Kits must be in school as we are doing a practical and theory session.
  • On Friday afternoon there is a Fathers’ Day sale by the PTFA.
  • Any tissue boxes would be very much appreciated as we are nearly out! 
  • Library on a Wednesday. 
  • Y4 Children who are swimming in Summer Term are swimming on Thursday. 
  • Water bottles in school every day! This is very important in the hot weather. 
  • New Homework grid has started. Remember homework is in on Monday and is returned on Wednesday. If you have lost any of the documents they are on the class page. 
  • Please remember to not have your mobile phones out when within the school building. 
  • If you need to speak to staff in the morning, please go to the office who will call down. Alternatively, send an email and I will get back to you as soon as possible. 
  • Please ensure the children are wearing the correct school uniform. Jewellery is not allowed apart from small studs in ears.
  • Next week there will be Maths Games Morning on Wednesday (19th) and entries for our baking competition will need to be in.


This Week (03.06) 


I hope you all enjoyed your half term. 

We cannot believe it is the final part of our school year together! Let's make it a great one!

FYI: I am not in school on Friday. A supply teacher will be taking the class. 



Mrs Henderson will be teaching English, Geography, Art and Music this week. 

In English we are starting a new topic of explanation texts. We will be reading 'Before I Met Dudley' and 'The First Charlie Small Journal- Gorilla City' as inspiration and will be writing our own explanation of how a TV works using fronted adverbials and conjunctions. 

Our spelling rule this week is based on the orgin of 'struct' and 'uni'. 

In Maths we are looking at measurement this week with lots of hands on learning. We will be estimating, comparing and measuring length, width, mass and capacity using different equipment and scales. 

In Curriculum Mrs Henderson is going to getting us to locate different countries and thinking about where the coasts are on these places. We will also be creating a colour wheel and beginning to improve our paint mixing skills. 

In Jigsaw we are going to be creating a tile for a class display about people or animals that are special to us. 


  • Welcome back to our last half term! 
  • Any tissue boxes would be very much appreciated as we are nearly out! 
  • Heritage Boxes and Soil investigations will be coming home this week. 
  • Next week we are starting Move and Learn project with Watford FC. PE Kits must be in school. 
  • Library on a Wednesday. 
  • Next week we are removing the carpet to practice for the rest of KS2. 
  • Y4 Children who are swimming in Summer Term are swimming on Thursday. 
  • Water bottles in school every day! This is very important in the hot weather. 
  • New Homework grid has started. Remember homework is in on Monday and is returned on Wednesday. If you have lost any of the documents they are on the class page. 
  • Please remember to not have your mobile phones out when within the school building. 
  • If you need to speak to staff in the morning, please go to the office who will call down. Alternatively, send an email and I will get back to you as soon as possible. 
  • Please ensure the children are wearing the correct school uniform. Jewellery is not allowed apart from small studs in ears.

Star of the Week: 


Congratulations to...


for being kind to others and supportive of her friends!

We LOVED our street dance workshop with Urban Strides!

Stone Age Pottery

This Week (20.05) 


Mrs Henderson will be teaching English this week. 

In English we are writing our own myths! We are going to use all the features and language we have learnt over the last few weeks to create our own fantastic stories. 

In Maths we are still looking at decimals but this week we are going to completing rounding, addition and subtraction with up to 2dp.  

In Curriculum Mrs Henderson is teaching us about Stone Age art and we will be making our own pots. The children will also have the choice if they wanted to use chicken bones as their tools, just like the Stone Age! 

In Science we are doing a soil investigation. PLEASE HAVE A JAR OF SOIL BY WEDNESDAY. 

In Jigsaw we are going to be discussing animal rights and why animals are special to us. We are going to have a debate about vegetarianism v meat eaters. 




  • Thank you for all the support last week on Friday- It was great to see the Watford colours worn proudly (despite the result) 
  • On Wednesday we have a special Street Dance Workshop. 
  • Sports Day on Friday PM. The children need to come into school in their PE kits but with a top of their house colour. Please join us from 1:30pm and cross everything for no rain! 
  • Family Fun Afternoon is after school on Friday. 
  • Half Term next week! 
  • Library on a Wednesday. 
  • PE kits need to be in school. Trainers will be needed as we will be going on the field. 
  • Y4 Children who are swimming in Summer Term are swimming on Thursday. 
  • Water bottles in school every day! This is very important in the hot weather. 
  • New Homework grid has started. Remember homework is in on Monday and is returned on Wednesday. If you have lost any of the documents they are on the class page. 
  • Please remember to not have your mobile phones out when within the school building. 
  • Please ensure the children are wearing the correct school uniform. Jewellery is not allowed apart from small studs in ears.

Watford may not have won the FA Cup, but Woodpeckers had great fun making their own!

Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...


for always being respectful of others and for her role as human dictionary in English this week!

Fossil Making in Science - A Mixture of Trace and Mold Fossil created!

This Week (13.05) 



Mrs Henderson will be teaching English this week. 

In English we are working on myths thinking about using vivid and figurative language. We will be reading The City of Dreams and Romulus and Remus, writing a  a news report and summary. 

For Maths we are continuing to work on decimals thinking about the place value of the different parts of decimals, how to regroup them and order them to 2dp. 

In Curriculum Mrs Henderson is going to be teaching us about changes in the food and way that Stone Age people collected this. 

For Science we are going to be learning about fossils and potentially making our own! 

In Jigsaw we are going to be discussing animal rights and why animals are special to us. 



  • Well done to all the children for presenting their wonderful heritage boxes. We have all enjoyed learning about where our classmates have come from and their family traditions. The class chose Lily, Jaabir, Joshua H and Nabeelah as their favourites to be shared at the exhibition. 
  • Y6 SATs tests are taking place this week so everyone must be very quiet when moving around the school. 
  • Non-uniform day on Friday. The PTFA are collecting chocolates, sweets, bottles, teddies and jazzy jars for our Family Fun Afternoon. 
  • Library on a Wednesday. 
  • PE kits need to be in school on Mondays** Trainers will be needed as we will be going on the field. 
  • Y4 Children who are swimming in Summer Term are swimming on Thursday. 
  • Water bottles in school every day! This is very important in the hot weather. 
  • New Homework grid has started. Remember homework is in on Monday and is returned on Wednesday. If you have lost any of the documents they are on the class page. 
  • Please remember to not have your mobile phones out when within the school building. 
  • Please ensure the children are wearing the correct school uniform. Jewellery is not allowed apart from small studs in ears.

Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...


for always being inclusive and supportive of others!

This Week (06.05) 


I hope you enjoyed the bank holiday weekend.

This week I am on a course on Tuesday and Wednesday so Mrs Henderson will be teaching on Tuesday and a supply teacher will be in on Wednesday.  


Mrs Henderson will be teaching Maths this week. The children will be recapping division and the long method as well as moving on to decimals and thinking about place value. 

In English we have continued our Myths unit. Reading the "The Taming of Venus" and imagining ourselves as the character of Venus as we write a letter and diary entry. 


In Jigsaw we are thinking about memories and the memories people create. On Wednesday please can the children be ready to talk about / bring in a souvenir or memento they have of a special event or occasion, perhaps a holiday, trip or visit, or a special experience of some kind. The reminder could be a photograph or a souvenir object, item of clothing.

In Curriculum Mrs Henderson is going to be teaching Stone Age Art and the children will create their own Stone Age paintings. 

In Science, after spending 2 weeks learning about Rocks and their properties we will be conducting experiments to establish the most appropriate rocks for particular jobs.

We will also continue to share our Heritage Boxes this week and some favourites will be chosen to go on display. 



  • Thank you to anyone who came to see all the wonderful heritage boxes on Friday! 
  • Library on a Wednesday. 
  • PE kits need to be in school on Mondays** Trainers will be needed as we will be going on the field. 
  • Y4 Children who are swimming in Summer Term are swimming on Thursday. 
  • Water bottles in school every day! This is very important in the hot weather. 
  • New Homework grid has started. Remember homework is in on Monday and is returned on Wednesday. If you have lost any of the documents they are on the class page. 
  • Please ensure the children are wearing the correct school uniform. Jewellery is not allowed apart from small studs in ears.

Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...


for his excellent attitude to mindfulness which helps him to think and solve friendship problems.

This Week (29.04) 


Mrs Henderson will be teaching Maths this week. The children will be learning about division and we will start to learn how to use the long division method. 

In English we are learning about possessive apostrophes with plurals and will be starting a new topic all about myths! We will look at a variety of myth texts.

We will be updating our One Page Profiles this week, thinking about our strengths in school. 

In Jigsaw we are going to look at loss through a story of a pet passing away. Next week the children will need to talk about / bring in a souvenir or memento they have of a special event or occasion, perhaps a holiday, trip or visit, or a special experience of some kind. The reminder could be a photograph or a souvenir object, item of clothing.


In Curriculum we are going to look at different Stone Age dwellings and how they changed throughout the Stone Age. 

In Science we are going to be comparing the different types of rocks further. 

In PE we will start to practice our netball skills. 

We will also continue to share our Heritage Boxes. 



  • Maths Games Morning on Wednesday- please come and join us for some Maths Games. 
  • Children are going to be sharing their Heritage Boxes this week. Please come and see them on Friday from 2:45pm on display in the hall. 
  • Library on a Wednesday. 
  • PE kits need to be in school on Wednesdays. Trainers will be needed as we will be going on the field. 
  • Y4 Children who are swimming in Summer Term are swimming on Thursday. 
  • Water bottles in school every day! This is very important in the hot weather. 
  • New Homework grid has started. Remember homework is in on Monday and is returned on Wednesday. If you have lost any of the documents they are on the class page. 
  • Please ensure the children are wearing the correct school uniform. Jewellery is not allowed apart from small studs in ears.

Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...

Joshua H

for being helpful and welcoming Mrs Henderson into our class.

This Week (22.04) 


Welcome Back! I hope you all had a wonderful Easter break and got to enjoy the beautiful sunshine we had this Bank Holiday weekend! 

We have got lots to do this last term!

Mrs Henderson is joining our class for 9 weeks and will be teaching throughout the weeks. We are very excited to have her! 



Mrs Henderson will be teaching Maths this week. In Maths we are focusing on multiplication and will be looking at formal methods of this along with some problem solving. 

In English we are having a Grammar refresh. We will write a recount of our Easter Break and then will be looking at types of sentences as well as apostrophes for both contractions and possession. 

Challenge A has now gone from our Times Tables Challenge! We will also be practicing on the Chrome books ready for the Times Table Check. 

We will be updating our network hands in Jigsaw and thinking about our goals for this final term. 

In Curriculum we will begin to look at our Topic - Beginnings. This term it will be a focus on Stone Age, Rocks and Soils, Coasts as well as looking at artists and designers. 



  • No School Monday due to Bank Holiday. 
  • Mrs Henderson is starting with us this week.  
  • I will be sending out a rota for children to present their Heritage Boxes to the class. (these all look fantastic and I can't wait to share them!) 
  • Library on a Wednesday. 
  • PE kits need to be in school please. Trainers will be needed as we will be going on the field. 
  • Swimming will begin again for certain children. You will be contacted if this is your child. 
  • Water bottles in school every day! This is very important in the hot weather. 
  • New Homework grid is coming home this week. Remember homework is in on Monday and is returned on Wednesday. If you have lost any of the documents they are on the class page. 
  • Please ensure the children are wearing the correct school uniform. Jewellery is not allowed apart from small studs in ears.

Our Awards for the Term:


Congratulations to...


for always being calm, cool and collected!

Our Awards for the Term:


Congratulations to...

Jaabir - Behaviour

Louis- Resilience

Ashleana - Role Model

This Week (01.04) 


I cannot believe we have reached our final week of Spring Term! The children have been working really hard and deserve their upcoming break! 


Maths this week is all about multiplicative reasoning thinking about multiplying and dividing different numbers. This week will focus on doing this by 10/100 using different methods and equipment. 

In English we will finally plan and write our play script. We will also be making a card, all about ourselves to send to our link school in Tenerife which Madame Lawson will deliver for us! 

With Mr Lao in Computing we are going to be introduced to how to use 'Sheets' on the Chromebooks. 



  • Wagamamas Trip on Tuesday. We will be leaving at 8:45am promptly so please try to be in school on time.
  • Heritage Boxes/ Easter Raffle/ Easter Art all due this week please.  The art competition will be judged on Thursday. 
  • Y4 final Swimming is on Thursday. I will contact those children who are going to continue in Summer term. 
  • Awards Assembly on Friday- Congratulations to Jaabir, Louis and Ashleana! Parents/Carers please come along for 9am. 
  • Mrs Chandoo will teaching Friday morning. 
  • END OF TERM on Friday. Pick up at 1:30pm. 
  • Please bring in a photo of the children reading in an interesting place. We want to create a fantastic display in our library! 
  • Water bottles in school every day. 
  • Remember homework is in on Monday and is returned on Wednesday. If you have lost any of the documents they are on the class page.
  • Please ensure the children are wearing the correct school uniform. Jewellery is not allowed apart from small studs in ears.

Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...


for always being kind and a good friend to others!

This Week (25.03) 


A very busy week this week! 


In Maths we are learning how to find the area of shapes, looking at different strategies to make this quicker than counting squares. We will be applying our times tables knowledge to this as well as we multiply 3 numbers together. 

In English we are revisiting some grammar- thinking about clauses and punctuation.  We will also create some work to send to our partner school in Tenerife. 

In Science we are going on our sound walk and making string telephones, exploring how sound travels. 

With Mr Lao in Computing we are going to make our own branching database on the Chromebooks. 



  • I am on a course on Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs Doonan will be teaching in the morning on Tuesday and a supply teacher is in on Wednesday. 
  • Maths Games Morning on Wednesday. Please come along from 8:45-9:30 to join in some maths fun! 
  • On Wednesday afternoon the children are having a cultural workshop led by some of our own parents! 
  • Thursday is Spanish Breakfast (8-8:30am). The children will also be learning some Spanish on this day! 
  • On Friday is our Mothers Day Sale. 
  • Easter Egg Raffle is still happening! £1 per strip for the chance to be our class winner!
  • Easter Art and Heritage Boxes due next week please!  
  • Y4 Swimming is on Thursday.
  • Please bring in a photo of the children reading in an interesting place. We want to create a fantastic display in our library! 
  • Water bottles in school every day. 
  • Remember homework is in on Monday and is returned on Wednesday. If you have lost any of the documents they are on the class page.
  • Please ensure the children are wearing the correct school uniform. Jewellery is not allowed apart from small studs in ears.

Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...


for always making the right choices!

This Week (18.03) 


In Maths we will be learning about data handling, looking at different graphs/charts, interpreting them and creating our own. We will have a focus on bar charts. 

In English we are writing up our news paper reports and then will move on to finally planning and writing our own play scripts. 

As we ran out of time last week, we will also be having a Sound Day- complete lots of different investigations to do with sound and vibrations.

We will also be learning about Anglo-Saxon homes and what a typical village looked like. 

On Tuesday the children will also take part in a special workshop led by Dog's Trust thinking about how to be safe around dogs. 



  • Class Photos on Tuesday. 
  • Y4 Swimming is on Thursday. 
  • Disco on Friday.
  • Please bring in a photo of the children reading in an interesting place. We want to create a fantastic display in our library! 
  • Water bottles in school every day. 
  • Remember homework is in on Monday and is returned on Wednesday. If you have lost any of the documents they are on the class page.
  • Please ensure the children are wearing the correct school uniform. Jewellery is not allowed apart from small studs in ears. 
  • Look out for our class trip to Wagamamas letter coming soon!
  • Also some children will be getting their pen license this week! 

Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...


for always giving her maximum effort during our Daily Mile.

We had great fun on our Anglo Saxon Day! Here are some of the highlights!!

This Week (11.03) 


This week in Art and Curriculum we will be completing our cloud artwork inspired by our book ‘Flood’ and John Constable’s work.

We will be going through our Maths and Reading papers to look at areas that we need to continue to develop. 

In English we will be planning, setting the scene and writing our own play scripts based on The Adventures of the Dish and the Spoon.

In Maths we will be learning about data handling, looking at different graphs/charts, interpreting them and creating our own.

Topic sessions will tie into our Anglo-Saxon Day on Wednesday and we will be creating our own Anglo-Saxon shields in preparation for this.

We will also be having a Sound Day- complete lots of different investigations to do with sound and vibrations.



  • Anglo-Saxon Workshop on Wednesday. Come in your best Anglo-Saxon outfit! If you haven't done so already, please pay for the Anglo-Saxon Workshop. If we do not have enough funds we will have to cancel.  
  • Parents Evening on Wednesday and Thursday. I look forward to seeing you all and the children sharing their excellent learning with you.
  • Y4 Swimming is back on Thursday. 
  • Comic Relief is on Friday. Please dress in something red and bring £1 donation.
  • Please bring in a photo of the children reading in an interesting place. We want to create a fantastic display in our library! 
  • Water bottles in school every day. 
  • Remember homework is in on Monday and is returned on Wednesday. If you have lost any of the documents they are on the class page.
  • Please ensure the children are wearing the correct school uniform. Jewellery is not allowed apart from small studs in ears. 

Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...


for working hard during a Fitter Futures work out, pushing himself even when he was tired!

World Book Day - Great Costumes, Lots of Reading and Story Telling

New News: 


We will shortly be selling raffle tickets for our annual Easter Raffle! School Council will be selling the tickets and the children will be able to buy these to be in with a chance to win themselves some Easter eggs! 


Also our Easter parade assembly is on the 4th April where we will be judging KS1 bonnets and KS2 artwork. Prizes for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd best artwork!

Any entries for the artwork competition need to be in school by April 1st. 


This Week (04.03) 


This week is our Book Week. We are going to be studying the book 'Flood' by Alvaro F. Villa, a story book without any words. 

Image result for the flood alvaro villa

In English we will be describing settings, using powerful vocabulary, writing our on diary entry as though we are one of the characters from the book affected by the flood as well as working in partners to write our own class version of the story. 

As the story features a storm, we will be looking at the water cycle and the different types of clouds that are formed. 

Art will be inspired by some of the illustrations and we will be looking at the work of artist John Constable, creating our own cloud painting.  

In Computing we are looking at data loggers, linking it to weather recording. 


For Maths we will be completing our Spring Term assessment as well as looking at data handling. 



  • Book Fair will be taking place throughout this week.  
  • Thursday is World Book Day. Please come dressed as your favourite book character. Prizes for the best dressed! 
  • NO Y4 Swimming on Thursday. 
  • If you haven't done so already, please pay for the Anglo-Saxon Workshop. If we do not have enough funds we will have to cancel.  
  • Please bring in a photo of the children reading in an interesting place. We want to create a fantastic display in our library! 
  • Water bottles in school every day. 
  • Remember homework is in on Monday and is returned on Wednesday. If you have lost any of the documents they are on the class page.
  • Please ensure the children are wearing the correct school uniform. Jewellery is not allowed apart from small studs in ears. 


Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...

Joshua C 

for his excellent effort during swimming lessons!

This Week (25.02) 


Welcome back! I hope you all had a great half term and enjoyed the lovely weather this weekend!


In Maths we are learning about perimeter and will be working out the perimeter of different shapes. 

In English we are finishing writing a persuasive piece based on our visit to Vicarage Road and will continue to look at play scripts.  We will be turning a poem into a play script and planning for our own play script. 

In Jigsaw we are going to work in groups to make our own garden ornament ready for our garden of dreams display on Friday! 

In Science we will be going on a sound walk around the school. 




  • As attendance winners we get to wear non-uniform on Friday! Well done everyone .
  • Parent Positive Mental Health & Well being Workshop on Wednesday  2:30pm and 6:30pm. 
  • Y4 Swimming on Thursday. 
  • Garden of Dreams Display on Friday from 2:45pm. Please come and see our creations! 
  • Water bottles in school every day. 
  • Remember homework is in on Monday and is returned on Wednesday. If you have lost any of the documents they are on the class page.
  • Please ensure the children are wearing the correct school uniform. Jewellery is not allowed apart from small studs in ears. 

Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...


for working hard improving his subtraction skills!

Talent Show - Congratulations to Ibrahim who was Overall winner 2019 and well done Ave-Rose!

Place2Be Show and Tell, Talent Show Auditions and Children's Mental Health Week Activities

This Week (11.02) 


In Maths we are learning about formal column method for subtraction.

In English we are looking at pronouns and our comprehension skills. We will also be writing a persuasive piece based on our visit to Vicarage Road. 

In Jigsaw we are going to work in groups to design our own garden ornament ready for our garden of dreams display later this term. 

In Science we will be going on a sound walk around the school. 




  • Thank you to those of you who donated on Friday for Place2Be! It is a really good cause that you have supported. 
  • Well done to all the children who took part in our Feel Good Show and Tell. It was wonderful to hear how their objects made them feel good and was brave of them to share something personal with us all. 
  • Last auditions for Talent Show will take place today and we will be voting for our class winners! 
  • We are visiting Vicarage Road on Wednesday Morning. Fingers crossed for no snow this time! 
  • Talent Show Final on Friday.
  • Y4 Swimming on Thursday. 
  • Water bottles in school every day. 
  • Remember homework is in on Monday and is returned on Wednesday. If you have lost any of the documents they are on the class page.
  • Please ensure the children are wearing the correct school uniform. Jewellery is not allowed apart from small studs in ears. 


Enjoy Half Term everyone! 

Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...


for supporting others in her group during drama!


This Week (05.02) 


In Maths we are learning about formal column method for addition. 

In English we are continuing to look at play scripts, thinking about their features and comparing narrative, play script and a live performance. 

In Jigsaw we are going to work in groups to design our own garden ornament ready for our garden of dreams display later this term. 

For Computing this week we are thinking about internet safety as we are celebrating Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 5th Feb! 



  • Feel Good Show & Tell on Friday. Please bring in £1 donation for the mental health charity Place2Be.  
  • Talent Show auditions on Friday- We are ready to be amazed!  
  • Y4 Swimming on Thursday. 
  • Water bottles in school every day. 
  • Remember homework is in on Monday and is returned on Wednesday. If you have lost any of the documents they are on the class page.
  • Please ensure the children are wearing the correct school uniform. Jewellery is not allowed apart from small studs in ears. 

Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...


for always looking on the bright side of things!

Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...


for being a wonderful work partner and supporting her class mate.

Enjoying a little bit of snow at the end of the day...

We were really disappointed that our Vicarage Road trip was cancelled today due to the icy weather conditions but we will be rearranging soon! Watch this space...

This Week (21.01) 


In Maths we are continuing to learn about fractions. We will look at word problems including fractions and then move on to equivalent fractions. 

In English we will be practising our speaking and listening skills for our class assembly and will be also completing some persuasive writing linked to our Vicarage Road visit. 

In Jigsaw we are going to think about our dreams for the future and create our own dream catcher ready for the garden of dreams. 

In Curriculum we are going to introduce the Anglo Saxons, thinking about who they were and when they were around. 

In Music we are going to look at notation and learn about crotchets, quavers and rests.



Reminders: . 

  • Class Assembly lines are coming out on Monday. Please practice at home. 
  • Our Vicarage Road trip is on Wednesday. Please give your permissions through ParentPay. Children need to be in full school uniform. Helpers please come at 9am. 
  • Y4 Swimming on Thursday. 
  • Water bottles in school every day. 
  • Remember homework is in on Monday and is returned on Wednesday. If you have lost any of the documents they are on the class page.
  • Please ensure the children are wearing the correct school uniform. Jewellery is not allowed apart from small studs in ears. 



Please set your Baselines on Times Table Rock Stars! 


Go to PLAY

Click on STUDIO 

Play 10 games to set your baseline.

If you are not sure on answers have a guess. 


Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...


for not giving up and attempting all her tasks in our grammar lessons even though she found them really tricky!

This Week (14.01) 

We are already on our 2nd week! The children have settled back in well so let's keep up the hard work! 


In Maths we are continuing to think about shape, looking at quadrilaterals. We will also move onto fractions. 

In English we are going to be thinking about the structure of a sentence, looking at what is a clause.  

In Jigsaw we are going to think about our dreams for the future and create our own dream catcher. 

For Science this week we will begin our topic of Sound and for Curriculum we are going to introduce the Anglo Saxons, thinking about where in History they were.  




  • Y4 Swimming starts again on Thursday. 
  • A letter is coming out this week about our Vicarage Road trip. Please give your permissions as soon as possible.  
  • Water bottles in school every day. 
  • Remember homework is in on Monday and is returned on Wednesday. If you have lost any of the documents they are on the class page.


School Lottery!

Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...


for staying motivated when completing her extended writing.

Home Learning has changed slightly this term after listening to parents feedback. 


Home work consists of our Heritage Box Project, Mathletics, Times Table Rock Stars and Reading plus linked comprehension activities. 

Each week the children must complete one of the activities on the grid. Please sign and date these so we can check each week.

  • Writing activities linked to comprehension are to be completed in the book. The comprehension task could be linked to the book bag book, a library book or a home reading book. 
  • If you are completing a project piece that week please write what activity you completed e.g. interview/recipe/ photos and sign one of the boxes. I do not expect to see any work in the book if this is the case. 
  • Mathletics should be completed weekly, with some weeks having more activities than others dependant on what we are learning. Please do use this resource as it really reinforces our mathematics learning and shows the children test style questions! 
  • Times Tables Rock Stars every week! We need to continue to become much quicker at our recall of multiplication and division facts. 



Home Learning is due in on Monday and will be given out on Wednesdays. 

This Week (7.01) 

INSET on Monday

Children are back in Tuesday. 


This week we will be recapping our class rules as well as updating our network hands. 

In English we will be recounting our break and practising our use of proper nouns. 

In Maths we are thinking about 2D shapes and using lots of different vocabulary to do with shape properties. 

We will introduce our Science topic of Sound and think about what we already know. 

For Music we are beginning to look at notation- introducing crotchets and quavers. 

In Jigsaw we are beginning our unit of Hopes and Dreams, thinking about our goals for 2019 as well as our dream for the future. We will also talk about how to make our goals S.M.A.R.T!



  • Water Bottles should be in every day please. 
  • Please make sure you are wearing the correct uniform- no big hair bands or jewellery. 
  • Year 4 Swimming starts next Thursday (17th) 
  • Application Forms for Play Leading will be coming out this week and need to be in by Friday. 
  • New Home Learning is being set.  I will post this up on the website too! 


Glad to have you all back! 


Welcome Back!!


I hope you have all had an enjoyable Christmas break and are ready and raring to go for 2019 and Spring Term!!!

Once again on behalf of all the adults that work with the children thank you so much for your generous gifts and I hope you were spoilt too! 


Image result for 2019

Home Learning Grid for Autumn Term



If you can spare any ‘Cup a Soup’ or ‘Instant Porridge’ please drop it in to school as the New Hope Trust can use it for those staying at their emergency winter night shelter. Each night, up to 15 people will be given a bed in the safety of local churches, away from the freezing temperatures and dangers of the street. A hot cup of soup will bring comfort to those in need of support and porridge will give them energy and warmth the next morning. Thank you.

Year 6 will collect from our classroom! 

Congratulations to our End of Term Award Winners-

Muhammad Mahdi, Dexter and Nabeelah! 

Image result for award


Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...


for  giving lots of compliments and making others feel good!

Well done everyone for your excellent performance yesterday! 

You were fantastic and should be very proud of yourselves! 

Good job! 

Next Week:

Monday PM- KS2 Dress rehearsal at the church. We will be leaving school at 1:15pm and back by the end of the day. Lets make sure we have our words known perfectly! 

Tuesday Evening is our Production day. Please be at the church by 6:20pm ready for our performance at 6:30pm.

Mrs Whittingham will be teaching on Wednesday Afternoon. It is our last Relax Kids session. 

Thursday PM- Our John Lewis Carols. We will be performing at 1:30pm in John Lewis, ususally by the escalators. Please come and watch us if you are free! 

Friday- Flu Vaccinations for those children who signed up for this. The disco is also after school. 


We will also be in Christmas mode making calanders and cards as well as watching the dress rehearsals of KS1 productions. 

Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...


for always being polite to others and giving compliments that make us smile!

Well done to our A Team who came 6th out of all our Partnership at Speed Stacking Finals!

This Week:

In Maths we will be going through our Maths paper to see where we could have improved on our scores. 

In English we are learning about adverbs and are learning the spelling rules around these. 

We are completing our Science experiment this week into tooth decay. We will be planning and observing the changes that happen to egg shells in different liquids that have been suggested by the children. 

More practice is going on for our Christmas Production. Pleas keep practising your lines. 

On Friday we will be having our annual Christmas tree assembly so the children will be creating their own decorations ready to hang on the tree. 



Last swimming session this week.  

Please return any permission slips for Relax Kids or for our dress rehearsal. 

Thank you to all of you that offered to help with the dress rehearsal! Please be at school for 1:15pm to walk to the church with KS2. Please spread out along the line. 


Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...


for being very caring and thoughtful about others' feelings!

Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...


for always being supportive and inclusive of others and making good choices.

Yesterday we were very fortunate to have a special visit from Ian who has lived in Watford for around 50 years. 

He talked to the children about his life and how things were back when he was a child. 

We couldn't believe you weren't allowed to write with your left hand, food was rationed, people didn't have phones as well as how people went on bikes their holidays. 

The children particularly enjoyed his stories about the pranks at school and finding out about the smog! 

Huge thank you to Ian & well done to the children who Ian described as "delightful"! 

Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...


for her thoughtful questions for our special visitor.

Our workshop with Helen from Historic England celebrating Sportsman from WW1.

We were very lucky to have the Mayor of Watford, Mr Peter Taylor who came and gave an assembly and then visited our classroom for some extra questions!

We had some excellent questions from the children as well as Mr Taylor asking us what we would do to make Watford better. 

Some of our suggestions were:

"Stop single use plastic"- Daisy

"Make more electric cars"- Lola

"More litter picking"-  Ibrahim

"Share money with the poor " - Joshua C

"Make more homeless shelters"-Leila-May

Remembrance Day Display

Yesterday we took part in a Speed Stacking Competition against 5 other schools. 

The children were fantastic and had very speedy hands, determination and fantastic sportsmanship. They were certainly the loudest at cheering on their team mates! 

All 4 teams did excellently and especially well done to 'A Team' who came 1st! and B Team who came 5th! 

This means A Team move onto the Partnership Final later on this term! 


A HUGE well done to all the children!!! I was a very proud teacher! 



Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...


for being different from everyone else in his poppy design and being determined until the very end!

Hot Choc Friday- Callum 

Our "First Relax Kids" Session with Natasha. Some very chilled children!

Thank you to all of you who came to Maths Games Morning!

The children really enjoyed themselves again! 


Reminder: Y4 Swimming tomorrow and we will be taking part in a Speed Stacking competition before! 

Welcome Back! I hope you had a wonderful half term and enjoyed the week off! 

It is already a busy first week back so a couple of reminders: 

Wednesday- the return of Maths Games Morning (8:45-9:30am). Please come along and join in the fun! 

Thursday- Year 4 Swimming restarts. We are also taking part in a speed stacking competition 1-2pm. 

Friday- Visit from the Mayor in the afternoon. Poppy Display from 2:45pm. 



This Week: 

  • In Maths we are looking for patterns in times tables and then moving on to division using equipment to help us. 
  • In English we will be keeping with the important dates this week, looking at comprehension skills, grammar and reading instructions with the theme of Bonfire Night and Remembrance. 
  • We are getting arty this week, making our poppy display as well as a fireworks inspired picture. 
  • Lots of practice for our Speed Stacking competition. We are learning 3-3-3 and 3-6-3 stacks! 
  • On Wednesday we are taking part in our first Relax Kids session. We will be working on self-esteem as well as doing some yoga! 

Have a great week! 



Kindness Afternoon- Kindness is Cool... A slice of nice makes a mile of smile!

Nick Butterworth Visit- It all starts from a doodle!

It was lovely to meet so many of you at Parents Evening this week. 

You should be very proud of how the children have settled in and worked hard these past 8 weeks.  

I hope you have a wonderful half term and a well deserved rest! 

See you on the 5th!

 Image result for well done

This Week: (22.10.18)


  • Our Curriculum and English lessons will be joined this week as we continue to look at the history of Vicarage Road Stadium whilst thinking how we can be persuasive. We are very lucky to have Nick Butterworth visiting on Wednesday so we will also be reading and sharing some of his books throughout the week. 
  • In Maths  we looking at multiplication and will be searching for patterns within our times tables! Our focus will begin on x6 tables. 
  • In Jigsaw we are going to be acting out scenarios and discussing what options we have as well as thinking about who makes decisions in different situations. 
  • We are having a Kindness Assembly on Thursday with Home Start. This is a non- uniform day to collect £1 for Home Start! We will then be planning ideas for our kindness afternoon on Friday. Please bring in a stone/pebble to decorate! 



  • Nick Butterworth visiting on Wednesday. There is a chance to buy and have some of his books signed by the author himself! 
  • Parents Evening on Wednesday and Thursday. Please sign up through Arbor. I will put the times up on the evenings as a reminder and please visit the classroom to have a look at their work. 
  • Non Uniform on Thursday collecting £1 for Home Start.
  • No Swimming on Thursday! We start again on 8th November. 
  • Friday is kindness afternoon. Please remember your stone/pebble! 
  • Book bags are in on Monday and Thursday and will be sent home on Tuesday and Friday.  
  • Home Learning is handed in on Monday. 
  • Water Bottles must be in school every day. 
  • Please check that jumpers/cardigans are named.
  • HALF TERM starts Friday- See you on the 5th!  


Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...

Muhammad Mahdi

for always following our school/class rules and demonstrating excellent behaviour for learning!

Hot Choc Friday- Callum 

his Week: 


  • In English we continue with our persuasion unit. This week we are focusing in on our topic of our persuasive writing which is going to be convincing people to visit Vicarage Road. We will research the stadium, linking to our curriculum and potentially plan some ideas for writing, using a structure from a modelled piece. 
  • In Maths  we are still looking at mental subtraction. This week we will cover equal difference and will complete some problem solving activities linked to subtraction. 
  • In Curriculum this week we are thinking about our local area and are going to look more at the history of Vicarage Road, thinking about it's location and how it has changed over the years. 
  • For Science this week, we are making our own human skeleton using the scientific names for the bones. 



  • KS2 Children's University Assembly at 9am- any interested parents are welcome to come and watch the assembly. 
  • Swimming for Year 4 on Thursday. Please practice putting on swimming hats. NO EARRINGS TO BE WORN ON THIS DAY OR PLEASE PRACTICE TAKING THEM OUT. 
  • Book bags are in on Monday and Thursday and will be sent home on Tuesday and Friday.  
  • Home Learning is handed in on Monday. 
  • Water Bottles must be in school every day. 
  • Please check that jumpers/cardigans are named. 

Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...


for his fantastic effort in his swimming lesson!



Please remember any money for Tuck Shop tomorrow.

Any orders that aren't paid for means less profit for our school and you will not be included in future ordering!  

Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...


for always being kind and caring to others

This Week: 


  • We are starting a new topic in English- Persuasion. We will be listening to the story- 'The Day I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfish' and discussing how we can be persuasive, beginning to look at and use techniques. 
  • In Maths  we are moving on to think about how we can use our knowledge to solve mental subtraction problems. We will be revisiting some of the strategies we have learnt last week but using these with subtraction. 
  • In Curriculum this week we are thinking about our local area and are going to look more at the history of Vicarage Road, thinking about it's location. 



  • Maths Morning on Wednesday. (8:50-9:30am). Please come along and play some Maths games with us! 
  • Erasmus parent meeting on Wednesday at 6:30pm. This is a very exciting opportunity so please come along to find out more. 
  • Film Night on Friday after school. (3:15-5:10pm)  watching Peter Rabbit. 
  • Swimming for Year 4 on Thursday. Please practice putting on swimming hats.
  • Book bags are in on Monday and Thursday and will be sent home on Tuesday and Friday.  
  • Home Learning is handed in on Monday. 
  • Water Bottles must be in school every day. 
  • Please check that jumpers/cardigans are named. 

This Week: 


  • In English we will continue to focus on our vocabulary  choices in our unit of poetry. We will be using all our learning over the past few weeks to draft and write our own version of 'A Small Dragon.' In grammar we are learning about determiners. 
  • In Maths we are developing our regrouping knowledge even further and will be Thinking 1000! We will discuss equal summing and do some problem solving with this. 
  • In Science think week we are going to discuss the different types of skeleton we can have. We will sort vertebrates and invertebrates out even further by endoskeletons, exoskeleton and hydrostatic skeletons! 
  • For Jigsaw we are revisiting the topic of Children's rights and responsibilities.
  • On Wednesday we have garden time again. 



  • Swimming for Year 4 on Thursday. Please practice putting on swimming hats.
  • Book bags are in on Monday and Thursday and will be sent home on Tuesday and Friday. Sorry for any confusion with this. 
  • Home Learning is handed in on Monday. 
  • Water Bottles must be in school every day. 

Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...


for always being ready to learn and for his positive approach to his work.

Our spellings for this week:  Using long /a/ sound with 'ey' spelling. 

hey, they, obey, grey, prey, whey, survey, convey, disobey,  purvey

This Week: 


  • In English we will focusing on our vocabulary  choices and continuing our unit of poetry. We will be rereading our poems of 'Overheard on a Saltmarsh'  and 'A Small Dragon,' writing our own reviews. As well as this we will begin to think of ideas ready for our writing of our own poem next week.  
  • In Maths we are learning how to use the 'Think 10' and 'Think 100' methods. We will develop our knowledge of regrouping numbers. 
  • In Science we are thinking about the food groups and nutrients, discussing why we need these things for our bodies. Have a look at the food you are eating this week! 



  • Swimming for Year 4 on Thursday. Please practice putting on swimming hats.
  • Mrs Bastable will be delivering our Harvest Assembly on Friday. This year we will collecting for the food bank at The Red Trust Bushey. Find out more information here: 
  • Book bags are in on Monday and Thursday and will be sent home on Tuesday and Friday. Sorry for any confusion with this. 

Friday feeling hit us this afternoon- we all forgot the book bags! 

Our apologies and these will come out on Monday. We had lots not handed in so these will get changed ready to come out too. 

Have a great weekend! 

Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...


for her enthusiastic approach to being a school council rep.



Our First garden Visit- Lots of weeding and preparing the beds

Our spellings for this week:  Using 'ei' for a long /a/ sound. 

eight, eighth, eighty, weight, neighbour, vein, veil, beige, sleigh, freight

This Week: 


  • In English we will focusing on our vocabulary  choices and beginning our unit of poetry. We will be performing different poems including 'Overheard on a Saltmarsh'  and 'A Small Dragon,' thinking carefully about the characters. 
  • In Maths we are continuing to work on our place value knowledge. We will be adding and suctracting 10, 100 and 1000 from different 3 and 4 digit numbers as well rounding and ordering these numbers. 
  • In Science we are introducing our topic and thinking about questions we would like to answer throughout the unit of 'Animals and Humans'. 



  • Meet the Teacher on Monday straight after school. 
  • Volunteer Assembly on Thursday.
  • Swimming for Year 4 on Thursday. Please practice putting on swimming hats. 
  • Tuck Shop Orders to be in school for Wednesday. Orders will be ready on Friday break. 
  • Mathletics logins will be sent home as soon as they have been allocated to our new class.
  • Mrs Bastable will be delivering our Harvest assembly 28th September This year we will collecting for the food bank at The Red Trust Bushey. Find out more information here: 


Our Star of the Week...



for settling in well to Bromet and making lots of new friends. 


Hot Choc- Nabeelah! 


  • Please remember swimming kit including towel, costume/trunks, goggles and hat. 
  • Please return your permission slips by tomorrow. 
  • We will return to school at approx 3:30pm. 



  • Year 4s will begin their swimming lessons this Thursday (13th Sep). 

The children will be leaving school at  2pm and will return at approx 3:30pm. 

They will each need a swimming kit bag, ideally a drawstring, containing their swimming costume/trunks, a swimming hat, goggles and a towel. They will need these items every week. 

  • Meet The Teacher on Monday 17th September straight after school. I won't keep you too long and will attach my PowerPoint to our class page if you can't make it. 

Welcome to Woodpecker Class!!!


A warm welcome back to all the children and it is lovely to have them joining Woodpeckers for this year.  I hope you all had a wonderful break and are ready for the year ahead! 


The adults working in our room are:  

Miss Langley Higgs - Class Teacher

Ms Sabatini- Teaching Partner (AM)

Mrs Bastable- RE Teacher (Tues PM) 

Madame Lawson- French Teacher (Tues PM) 

Mrs Bridgman- Interventions (Tues/Wed PM)


Points to Note: 


  • If you ever need to contact me please go to the office before 8:45am or wait after school and once the children have all been collected I will be available then. Alternatively please email and they will forward any messages on to me. 
  • Please check our class page regularly for updates and reminders. 
  • Named Water Bottles in school every day. These are returned on a Friday. 
  • PE kits must be in school, fully named. We will be doing occasional PE sessions on Wednesdays. The Daily Mile will take place everyday. 
  • Year 4 will be swimming on Thursday PM and Year 3 will be joining Nightingale Class at this time. Please note that we return from Swimming at around 3:30pm. 
  • School uniform needs to also have names, especially cardigans and jumpers.
  • Small pencil cases are allowed in school but they must be able to fit into the children's tray. 
  • Thank you for the tissue donations! They will be very much appreciated, especially in the coming cold months.


We are very excited to be working with the children and I am sure it will be a learning-filled fantastic year! 


Our Classroom

Woodpecker Curriculum Map 2017-18

Woodpecker Summer Term Overview 2018

I cannot believe we are on our final week of term! 

I hope you enjoyed reading your children's reports. They should be very proud of what they have achieved this year. Please return your report reply slips ASAP. 

Any library books also need to be returned. 


Here are some of the things we are up to this week: 

Writing letters to our next class teacher, writing about our year in Woodpecker Class,  taking part in maths investigations, exploring light and designing/ making a torch and circle times about change. 

Some key dates: 

Wednesday- Volunteer Assembly

Thursday- Awards Assembly, Class Party and games afternoon! 

Friday- Year 6 leavers Assembly


Remember we break up on Friday at 1:30pm. 


Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...


for being more willing to ask for support in class when she needs it.

This week: 

Another warm week- please ensure the children have their hats and water bottles in school. 

In English we are we are finishing off our Poem based on 'A Small Dragon'.

In Maths we are learning about the properties of triangles, coordinates and translation.

I will not be teaching on Thursday- Mrs Michaels and Mrs Sullivan will be taking the class. 

On Friday it is Year 6 Enterprise Afternoon- Please come along from 3pm and help them raise some money! 

Please note Year 4 will be watching our PSHE Living and Growing Video during this week. 

A group of Bromet children attended Hertfordshire Big Hit celebration day award ceremony at Hatfield university. They had their boxing assessments followed by awards given out by Hertsfordshire area mayors and boxing champions John Conteh MBE and Ted Cheeseman (the big cheese) super welterweight WBA international champion. Well Done Tommy!

Circus Workshop!!!

Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...


for being an excellent and respectful buddy to our new classmate!



for settling in to Bromet so well!

Hot Choc Friday- Mayra 


 We are collecting items for the Summer Fete. 


We will also be completing the Sponsored run in the afternoon! 




Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...


for always being polite and respectful to others- both children and adult

Hot Choc Friday- C.J. 


Next  Week: 

Next week is assessment week so the children will be completing their end of term assessment checks. 

In English we will be continuing to learn about poetry, thinking about writing our own review. We will also be thinking about synonyms and antonyms. 

Roman Numerals is our focus is Maths next week. 

For Science we will be looking at the results of our cress growing experiment to decide which condition is most needed for healthy plant growth. 


Reminders and News:

  • On Monday we are completing some World Cup activities - Our focus will be Group E! On Friday you are receiving a special World Cup Challenge Sheet to complete. 
  • Monday Afternoon is our rearranged Sports Afternoon. Children need to come in their house colour. Please join us from 1:30pm. 
  • School Trip Meeting is on Wednesday at 3:30pm.  
  • On Friday we are having a well-being day. The children are also invited to come in non-uniform collecting for the fete. We will also be taking part in our sponsered run in the afternoon. 
  • SPAG mats are now going to be stuck into the home learning books. Please complete Home learning and bring in for Monday
  • As the hot weather hopefully continues all the children need to have their water bottles and a sunhat in school. If they would like to bring sun cream they can do so but this must be applied themselves.
  • Year 4 Swimming on Thursday- You must have a swimming costume/trunks, towel, goggles and swimming hat! PLEASE PRACTICE PUTTING ON YOUR HATS. 


Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...


for his improvement in dealing with situations in a calm and mature manner.

Hot Choc Friday- Tabitha 

Science Week- Bug Hunt and Mad Science Assembly!

This Week: 

This week is Science Week and we will be learning lots of in different scientific activities. On Monday we are have a special assembly from Mad Science in which we will learn about different reactions in Science. We are also taking part in the Great Bug Hunt 2018 as well as thinking about how we can save the bees! 

On Tuesday we are learning how to make our own rockets with Eagles and on Wednesday we are having a workshop on antibiotics as well as a special Night Bird assembly. 


Mrs Gibbs is also going to do some computer science with us on Friday! 


Reminders and News:

  • SPAG mats are now going to be stuck into the home learning books. Please complete Home learning and bring in for Monday
  • As the hot weather hopefully continues all the children need to have their water bottles and a sunhat in school. If they would like to bring sun cream they can do so but this must be applied themselves.
  • Year 4 Swimming on Thursday- You must have a swimming costume/trunks, towel, goggles and swimming hat! PLEASE PRACTICE PUTTING ON YOUR HATS. 
  • If you wish to watch the Year 4 PSHE video this is on Wednesday 13th June at 2:30pm. 


Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...


for being accepting and inclusive of others.



Congratulations Woodpeckers on winning the attendance cup! Keep it up! 






We have really enjoyed our Metro Bank Experience. 

On our workshops we discussed what a bank does, what are savings and how can we achieve them as well as budgeting- we even saved £80 instead of £50! 

The highlight was definitely our visit to Metro Bank Watford's Grand opening today. 

The children got to use the Magic Money Machine, go inside the vault, open safety deposit boxes with a surprise inside as well as meeting Metro Man and all the wonderful staff!

Thanks to  Mrs M, Mrs H, Mrs A and Mr B for your help! 

Our Magnificent Metro Bank Experience


Metro Bank Visit tomorrow morning- We are leaving at 8:50am so please be in on time. 

Helpers please go to reception and we will meet you there. Thanks again! 


Metro Bank have asked for permission to take photographs. Please return your slip or write a note on this to say you do not give permission. Any child without this permission will not be able to take a photo with Metro Man! 


PE Kits must be in school tomorrow for our sport afternoon with Falcon Class. 



Our Star(s) of the Week

Congratulations to...


for always being supportive of others and is considerate of others' feelings.





for making new relationships and showing the qualities of a good friend.


Special Shout Out- Whole Class for their hard work on long division! 


Here is the grammar game that we were playing earlier!



The  children looked wonderful today and really enjoyed their tea party! 

Congratulations to Violet and Masroor who won "Best Dressed" for Woodpecker Class. 

Next Week: 


In Maths we are moving on to learning how to use the formal written method of division. We will be discussing what remainders are, and how to set out these questions. 

In English we will be having a grammar focus week- we will be working on the areas highlighted in the SPAG mats that the children found challenging e.g. adverbs

In Science we will be setting up an experiment and planting some of our seeds. 

On Wednesday and Thursday we are fortunate to have Metro Bank coming in to do workshops with the class. 



Reminders and News:

  • Friday we are going to Metro Bank. Please be in school on time as we are leaving at 8:50am. 
  • Mad Hatters Tea Party Menu on Tuesday. 
  • SPAG mats are now going to be stuck into the home learning books. Please complete Home learning and bring in for Monday
  • As the hot weather hopefully continues all the children need to have their water bottles and a sunhat in school. If they would like to bring sun cream they can do so but this must be applied themselves.
  • Year 4 Swimming on Thursday- You must have a swimming costume/trunks, towel, goggles and swimming hat! PLEASE PRACTICE PUTTING ON YOUR HATS. 
  • We will be have our last drama workshops led by students from Merchant Taylors School on Tuesday afternoon. 


  • Science Week is WB: Monday 11th June. If you have any Scientific skills or job please come and talk to me about how we could share this with the children! 

Have a great weekend!!

REMINDER: THIS FRIDAY- Come in 'Best Dress' non-uniform

. There will be prizes for the best dressed boy and girl. If you have designed a hat please also bring these in. 

We will be taking part in a special tea party to celebrate the Royal Wedding 



Image result for harry and meghan




Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...


for always being kind, thoughtful and respectful to others..


Special Shout Out- Violet for her improved handwriting! 

Hot Choc Friday- Maryama


Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...


for always being willing to work in a group and include others.


Special Shout Out- Max and Maya for their participation in the Music Challenge cup in which they came 3rd! 

Hot Choc Friday- Max & Amy


Next Week: 


In Maths we are being to look at multiplying using the formal method. We will begin by multiplying ten by one-digit  numbers and then move on to how to use the formal written method. 

In English we are finishing or editing our explanation text about our own invention to do homework making sure to use conjunctions and prepositions. 

Again in Jigsaw, are looking at the relationship that humans have with animals and will be discussing and debating about vegetarianism. 


Reminders and News:

  • On Friday we will be celebrating the Royal Wedding. The children can come into school in their 'best dress' look. Remember any allergies for cakes, please bring an alternative in to school in the morning on a plate. 
  • Year 6s are completing their SATs next week so please remember not to walk through the hall. Try to be on time so we do not disturb them. 
  • SPAG mats are now going to be stuck into the home learning books. Please complete Home learning and bring in for Monday
  • As the hot weather hopefully continues all the children need to have their water bottles and a sunhat in school. If they would like to bring sun cream they can do so but this must be applied themselves.
  • Year 4 Swimming on Thursday- You must have a swimming costume/trunks, towel, goggles and swimming hat! PLEASE PRACTICE PUTTING ON YOUR HATS. 
  • We will be continuing our fun filled drama workshops led by students from Merchant Taylors School on Tuesday afternoon. 
  • Science Week is WB: Monday 11th June. If you have any Scientific skills or job please come and talk to me about how we could share this with the children! 

Have a great weekend!!

Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...



for her excellent independent work on adding fractions and for always trying to play and include new children as well becoming more mature when dealing with situations.


Special Shout Out- Masroor- for his awesome push and glide in swimming! 

Hot Choc Friday- Caleb



Next Week: 


In Maths we are continuing to look at fractions but will be moving on to scaling fractions and finding fractions of quantities. 

In English we will continue to read about Charlie Small's adventures and will be writing an explanation text about our own invention making sure to use conjunctions and prepositions. 

Jigsaw are looking at the relationship that humans have with animals and will be discussing and debating about vegetarianism. 


Reminders and News:

  • Monday is a Bank Holiday- enjoy your day off!
  • SPAG mats are now going to be stuck into the home learning books. Please complete Home learning and bring in for Monday
  • As the hot weather hopefully continues all the children need to have their water bottles and a sunhat in school. If they would like to bring sun cream they can do so but this must be applied themselves.
  • Year 4 Swimming on Thursday- You must have a swimming costume/trunks, towel, goggles and swimming hat! PLEASE PRACTICE PUTTING ON YOUR HATS. 
  • We will be continuing our fun filled drama workshops led by students from Merchant Taylors School on Tuesday afternoon. 
  • I will be out of class all of Wednesday. 
  • Science Week is WB: Monday 11th June. If you have any Scientific skills or job please come and talk to me about how we could share this with the children! 

Have a great weekend!!

Congratulations to Tommy who won 'Boxer of the Week' at his boxing club. 

What a trophy!




Today we had our first Drama session with some students from Merchant Taylors. 

The children really enjoyed taking part in a variety of games such as Zip-Zap-Boing, Splat and challenges for ordering themselves without talking. 

We are really looking forward to the next 3 weeks! 

Don't forget: 

Meet Lola Ogunsola our school family support worked on Wednesday 2nd May at 9am! 


Also- last week's home learning has an extension this week- 2 pieces need to be completed by Monday 7th May. 



Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...



for making lots of strong friendships since starting at Bromet and understanding what are the different types of relationships in our lives.


Special Mention: Ed-for his improved attitude to his learning! 

Hot Choc Friday- Lily 



Next Week: 


In Maths we are looking at fractions- recognising and calculating with them. 

In English we will continue to read about Charlie Small's adventures and will be working on our use of conjunctions and prepositions. 

In Science we will be dissecting a plant and looking at the different parts and what their roles are. 

Jigsaw will continue to think about loss but we will be discussing and thinking about memories. 


Reminders and News:

  • Violet and Leo took part in the PE challenge cup and came 1st out of 6 schools. Well done guys! 
  • Apologies for the delayed home learning books! There was a mix up our end! I am not expecting children to complete their home work by Monday however I do expect them to complete 2 pieces by the following Monday (7th May). 
  • SPAG mats are now going to be stuck into the home learning books. 
  • Thank you for your donations to the WWF on Friday. The children looked very animalistic! 
  • As the hot weather hopefully continues all the children need to have their water bottles and a sunhat in school. If they would like to bring sun cream they can do so but this must be applied themselves.
  • Year 4 Swimming on Thursday- You must have a swimming costume/trunks, towel, goggles and swimming hat! PLEASE PRACTICE PUTTING ON YOUR HATS. 
  • Our drama workshops led by students from Merchant Taylors School are starting on Tuesday afternoon. 

Have a great weekend!!

I hope you have enjoyed the sun over the weekend!


This Week:


In English we are starting a new unit: explanation texts. We are going to be reading two texts- 'Until I Met Dudley' by Roger McGough and 'Charlie Small: Gorilla City' by Nick Ward. We will begin to look at what is needed in explanation texts and create our own flow charts. 

In Maths we are continuing our learning of decimals. We will be adding and subtracting numbers with 2 decimal places and will be exploring this knowledge in the context of money problems. We will be revisiting our understanding of bar modelling also.

We begin our topic of Ancient Greece this week, discovering what the children already know and what they want to find out.

In Jigsaw we are thinking about our relationships, deciding which relationships we have and putting them on a relationship circle.

On Thursday Year 4 are swimming whilst Year 3 begin their Stone Age Projects.


Reminders and News:

  • SPAG mat and Home Learning books due in on Monday. 
  • Friday is non-uniform day raising money for the World Wildlife Fund. Please come into school in non-uniform that has a picture of an animal and £1.
  • As the hot weather hopefully continues all the children need to have their water bottles and a sunhat in school. If they would like to bring sun cream they can do so but this must be applied themselves.
  • Challenge Cup on Wednesday Afternoon for some of Woodpeckers.
  • Year 4 Swimming on Thursday- You must have a swimming costume/trunks, towel, goggles and swimming hat.
  • From next week we are fortunate to be taking part in drama workshops led by students from Merchant Taylors School. These will be every Tuesday afternoon for 4 weeks.

Have a great week! 

Welcome back! smiley

I hope you all had a wonderful break (despite the not so great weather) and are ready and raring to go for our Summer Term. 

Please have a look at the Summer Term Overview to see what we are going to be learning this term. 

As always, I will update our class page weekly sharing with you reminders and updates about what we are up to in class. 


This Week: 

In English we are writing a recount of our Easter Holidays. We are also using our computing skills to turn our persuasive writing from last term into a PowerPoint Presentation. We will then present our work in small groups. 

Calculating with decimals is our topic this week in Maths. We are going to be adding, subtracting as well as multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. During our Maths lessons we are going to recap what 'complements to' means and use lots of equipment. 

This week we have started our daily mile! We will be running 3 laps of the field every day aiming to improve our health and fitness. 

We will be reviewing our profiles as well as updating our safety network hands 

On Thursday we are lucky to be taking part in an Earth Day workshop! 



Thursday is Year 4's first swimming lesson! All the children need to bring in a swimming kit bag with their swimming costume/trunks, towel, swimming hat and goggles. Remember this will be a slightly later pick up from school.  

Friday is Spring Term Award assembly. If your child won an award please come along for the assembly at 9am. 

Water bottles must be in school every day, especially now that the weather is heating up. 

PE kits, including trainers also need to be in school every day. 

WOW- another term complete!

Well done everyone for your hard work!


The Easter bunny visited us for a hunt in the garden today (before the rain hit)


Have a great Easter break and see you in 2 weeks! 

Miss LH and Mrs S nofrown

Rapid Fire Cricket County Finals! Well done Amy, Max, Bobbi, Ed, Ava, Luca, Maya & Adrian!!! Thanks Mrs M and Mrs T too!

I was very impressed with the mature and thoughtful discussions that the children have been having during our Jigsaw lessons. In the past 2 sessions we have discussed smoking and alcohol, thinking about how to keep our bodies healthy. 


Woodpeckers have continued to impress us with their thoughtful and deep thinking, their ability to take risks in their learning and their independence! They have had a really fantastic term and I cannot believe it is nearly our last term together. 



Next Week: 

Maths- Continuing with decimal numbers and exploring how to add and subtract them. 

English- We will edit and improve our persuasive writing and then turn this writing into a presentation using PowerPoint. 

Science- Investigation into different soil types. 

DT- Levers and Linkages to make a moving picture. 


  • Remember we finish next week on Thursday at 1:30pm. 
  • End of Term Award will be on the newsletter and the assembly after the Easter break. 


Our Star of the Week

Congratulations to...



for making much better decisions in his learning to ensure he achieves his best in lessons. 



  • The KS2 Easter Art competition will take place on our special Easter assembly on 28th April. Please can all entries be in for Monday 26th April. This was a piece of your home leaning. Father David will be judging the entries and there will be prizes so get creative! 
  • We are still collecting money for our Easter Egg Raffle. See Jess & Luca for your tickets. (£1 a strip) 
  • Class Photographs are taking place tomorrow (Tuesday).
  • Rapid Fire Cricket Team need to be in school for 8:10am on Friday. 


Next Week: 

  • Maths- we will moving on to decimal numbers.
  • English- Using our research we collected this week, we will begin to write our persuasive piece about our chosen local place of interest. 
  • On Friday our 8 selected children will represent Bromet at the Cricket Final

                                (Remember to be in school for 8:10am!) 

  • Photographs will be on Tuesday 20th. 
  • At the weekend it is Watford Harriers Fun Run!
  • Easter Artwork is due the following week (WB:26.03) 


Have a great weekend! 

Our star of the Week

Congratulations to...



For her thoughtful and sensitive suggestions in Jigsaw about solving friendship problems. 

Well done to the children for their participation in our 6T Rapid Fire Cricket Practice! It was a great new fast action sport and we will definitely be playing again! I wish I could have chosen all of them but well done to the 8 children chosen for the finals- please return your letters ASAP and if anyone is able to help please let me know. 


The children also took part in a conscience alley to persuade Captain Sullivan whether she wants to go off to sea in search of the treasure! We will then be writing postcards with our ideas! 


Please check your timings for Parents Evening and I look forward to seeing you all! 



Congratulations Woodpeckers on joint winning the attendance trophy last week! Keep it up! 




This Week: 


Maths- We are learning about symmetry this week. We will continue to revisit our shape vocabulary and will be investigating the number of lines of symmetry in regular and irregular polygons. 


English- We are returning to our topic of Persuasion this week. The children will be taking part in a conscience alley to decide if they will go on a pirate treasure hunt as well as beginning their research into a local place of interest which will be their focus for writing next week. 

In grammar we looked at determiners and will also revisit writing multi clause sentences.  


Science- An investigation into soils awaits us! 


PE- Lots of sports happening this week! On Tuesday we will be holding try outs for our 6T Rapid Fire Cricket tournament as well as having 2 sessions with Watford FC. Please ensure ALL kit is in school. 



Parents Evening on Wednesday and Thursday. 

Raffle Tickets sold by School Council for our class Easter egg raffle. 




  • School Council are selling raffle strips for our Easter Egg raffle. Each strip is £1! 
  • Mothers Day Sale on Friday afternoon! 
  • Sign up for Parents Evening on Arbor. 
  • Please remember PE Kits for every Thursday. 

Our Star of the Week is...



For his pure determination and incredible speed during our Sports Hall Athletics which won his events! 


Hot Chocolate Friday - Eila 

We came 4th in our Sports Hall Athletics!!


The children were competitive, determined and showed excellent sportsmanship throughout, clapping and cheering on their team mate. 

Thank you to all the helpers that came along! 

This Week: 

  • This week is assessment week so the children will take part in a variety of assessment activities. 
  • In Our English we are finishing writing our own poems using rhyming based upon the poem 'Preferences' by our visiting poet Stewart Henderson. 
  • In Maths we are recapping our shape vocabulary, comparing and contrasting properties.
  • We will also be celebrating World Maths Day and completing a special challenge set on Mathletics. 
  • Our topic in Jigsaw of 'Healthy Me' will also begin this week. 

Our Star of the Week


For his dedication during a double Fitter Futures even in the snow! 



  • Please sign up for Parents Evening through Arbor. Thank you to those who have already done so. 
  • Sports Hall Athletics on Tuesday. Remember to come in kit. 
  • Mothers Day Sale on Friday. 


Our Star of the week is... 


for working well in her group and leading them to create a great Garden of Dreams design. She worked hard to achieve her goal. 


Hot Choc Friday winner is Varali- for her fantastic helping this week. 

Our Woodpecker Finalists- Super proud of you all. Huge congratulations to Luca on becoming the Talent Show Overall Winner!!

This Week:

We have been finishing our play scripts to make final edits and then peer assessed our work.  

In Maths we have been learning all about perimeter and played Dicey Perimeter!

We have also been working in our groups showing cooperation and compromise to design our garden of dreams items which will be displayed in the hall on Friday after half term.  

Good Luck to Luca, Tommy & Leo who are entered into the Talent Show Finals Friday afternoon! 


Mrs Sullivan and I wish you a happy half term. Have a good rest and we will see you back on Monday 19th for our second part of Spring Term. 

Garden of Dreams Designing- Great Teamwork shown by all!

Our Star of the Week





For being positive about other's ideas and helping others to achieve their goals. 


Hot Choc Friday- Maya for making me smile lots this week! 

Star of the Week




for always being happy and smiling plus she always has a positive, can-do attitude! 


Hot Choc goes to Leo! 


I am so incredibly proud of Woodpeckers and their fantastic assembly this morning. 

You all did amazingly well, speaking loudly and clearly and with enthusiasm! Well done all. 




  • Talent Show Heat is next Friday Afternoon! 
  • Any Watford FC consent forms to be handed in please. 



Star of the Week


Congratulations to....


For always being happy and positive which allows you to work well with others no matter the task. 


Hot Choc- Sienna 

Please remember to come along to our class assembly tomorrow! 

The children have worked really hard and we are looking forward to sharing our learning with you! 

Come to the hall after drop off. Assembly begins at 9am. 

We look forward to seeing you there! 

We've had an excellent and informative Viking Day!

A few bits and bobs:

  • Viking Workshop on Wednesday. I'm looking forward to seeing your costumes! 
  • Class Assembly on Friday- Please come along for 9am start. 
  • Keep practising your class assembly lines! 
  • Practice the Viking Rock song- lyrics are on the link below. 
  • Please return the Watford FC consent form as soon as possible. If you need a new copy let me know.  

Viking Rock Lyrics

What have we been learning? 


English- Play scripts- learning the features, turning play script into narrative and poems into play script. We have really been working hard on our language and our use of adverbs. Our words of the week include indignant, meekly and curious.


Maths - Measurements- we have been learning our conversions between different units  and have begun to compare and explain the difference between units. On Friday we will be comparing and estimating mass & capacity in an investigation! 


Science- Rocks- This week we have studied different samples of rocks and drawn observational pictures, thinking about their properties. 


History- We looked at the home lands and settlements of the Vikings and have started to learn a Viking song! 


Our Star of The Week

Congratulations to...


For her improved and risk-taking attitude to learning and for not giving up when she finds things difficult .


Our star of the week is...


for staying motivated in our challenging converting measurements lesson. 


Congratulations to Caleb on earning his Level 5 Swimming Badge! We are very proud!

1st Week of Watford FC Premier Stars- Dribbling

Please remember to have outdoor PE kit in school ready for our first training session with Watford FC tomorrow. 

Our Viking Workshop Letter

It was great to see everyone back and the children came in with a positive and ready to learn attitude! I have enjoyed reading their letters that they wrote with Mrs Austen about their holidays.


Mrs Sullivan and I want to say a huge thank you for all our gifts and vouchers! Your generosity is overwhelming and they were much appreciated! 

We hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and New Year. Bring on an exciting 2018!!!



Please keep checking the Class Page weekly. I will continue to put weekly messages, reminders and updates about things happening in class. 


Spring Term Overview 2018

Woodpeckers love their Christmas Present!

Beautiful Carol singing from Woodpeckers this morning! Thanks all that came to support us!


  • John Lewis Carols taking place inside the shop at 11am. Helpers please be at school at 10am!
  • Class Party Monday afternoon! Please bring food and games!
  •  End of Term is 1:30pm on Tuesday! 

If you are able to help with our John Lewis Carols please let me know.  

Thank you to those who have already offered! 


On Monday afternoon we are going to be having our Christmas Party.

The children can bring in some food and toys/games if they would like to.

Please remember no nuts! 

Christmas is here! We enjoyed our Christmas lunch and booing the baddies at the Pantomime Aladdin!

I hope you all enjoyed your snow day and kept yourselves safe in the snow!

Reminders for this week: 

Wednesday- Christmas Jumper and Christmas Lunch day. I look forward to the amazing festive outfits! 

Thursday- We will be watching the Panto. Mrs Michaels will also be teaching in the morning. 

Friday- It is our Christmas Fair after school! Please come along and support the PTFA! 


As we were unable to perform at John Lewis today we are hoping to rearrange for next Monday! I will keep you updated. 


Woodpecker Star of the Week 


Congratulations to... 




For always being supportive and positive about others and their work.  


Hot Choc Friday goes to... Ed! 


Speed Stacking Prep

Our practising for the speed stacking competition has begun!

Today we practices our up and down stacking as well as a 3-3-3

Woodpecker Star of the Week 9

Congratulations to…


for always being inclusive and for making others feel welcomed. She always allows others to join her games on the playground.


Children’s University – parent information

The children had an assembly earlier in the term. This is the link for more information, we have a lot of KS2 children register for this every year, all who take this opportunity find it worthwhile. Please return application forms to Miss Weyer


Year 5 Cross Country

I wanted to say a HUGE congratulations to the children that took part in our (slightly wet) cross country competition this afternoon.

All the children completed the 1500m course and represented the school fantastically, showing good sportsmanship to the other runners.  I was incredibly proud!

We did very well, with Zoe coming 3rd in the Girls race and Ben coming 2nd both winning medals!  They, along with Rosie and Tom, will be taking part in county finals soon!

Once again, WELL DONE to all of the runners!

Our learning this week…

The children have already been busy this week preparing their Remembrance display items.  Please remember to come along to the hall from 2:45pm to view the Remembrance displays each class has made. 

The children have written some Remembrance themed poems, created clay tiles as well as decorating poppies-pictures to follow!

In Maths this week we are learning all about factors and correspondence problems.

Later in the week we are going to be testing our home learning cars that we made in a friction investigation!


Woodpecker Star of the Week 8

Congratulations to…


for accepting that everyone is different and respecting these differences.

Woodpecker Star of the Week 7

Congratulations to…


for making good choices in his behaviour and following our class charter.


Kingfisher Plea for Construction 

Hello, if you are intending to make space for Santa to drop off toys before Christmas Kingfisher Class would be very grateful for any unwanted construction (Lego , Knex etc) We have a small box at the minute and even though they are very good at sharing the children would like some more. 


Happy World Smile Day 2017

A smile cost nothing, but gives much. 

It enriches those who receive, 
without making poorer those who give. 
It takes but a moment, 
but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. 

None is so rich or mighty that he can get along without it, and none is so poor but that he can be made rich by it. 

A smile creates happiness in the home, 
fosters good will in business, 
and is the countersign of friendship. 
It brings rest to the weary, 
cheer to the discouraged, 
sunshine to the sad, 
and is nature’s best antidote for trouble. 

Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, 
for it is something that is of no value to anyone 
until it is given away. 

Some people are too tired to give you a smile. 
Give them one of yours, 
as none needs a smile so much as he who has no more to give.


To celebrate World Smile Day we each designed our own smile and then wrote a message to a class mate to make them smile!

We had a mixture of compliments, well wishes and jokes!

Thank you

Eagle Class ‘Black History Month’ Poster

Eagle Class your posters are fantastic I can see how much detail is in the posters. Well done!


Miss Shah History coordinator


Sparrow Class ‘Black History Month’ Posters

Well done Sparrow Class your posters are fantastic, you have learnt loads.



Miss Shah History coordinator


Falcon Class Black History Month Posters

Well done Falcon Class your ‘Black History Month’ posters look really fantastic and I can see how much detail you have added.



Miss Shah History coordinator


Star of the Week

Congratulations to…



For always being kind and caring to everyone! She is always caring of other people’s feelings and brightens up our day!

Science Learning

Over the last two weeks we have been learning all about forces and how they make things move.

This week we worked in groups of 4 to plan and conduct an investigation into how the size of a windmill blade will affect the speed or amount of time it will spin for.

The children really enjoyed making their windmills so here are the instructions:

Celebrating Black History Month Poster!


Kingfisher Class Black History Month Learning

Kingfisher Class have started their learning to mark the start of ‘Black History Month’. I am really impressed with your research on ‘Katherine Johnson’ keep it up!

Miss Shah

History coordinator


Moor Park Run

Well done to all the children that took part in the Moor Park run!

We are very proud of all of them!

Jessica, Ellie and Maya all with their medals & Leo too!



Star of the Week 4

Congratulations to…



For being a fantastic talk partner and supporting others to edit and improve their writing thus respecting everyone’s right to learn!

Garden Visit

Today we visited the garden for the first time. It was great fun!

We were very busy doing lots of autumnal jobs such as weeding the flower beds, digging up the corn and sunflowers, picking some yellow raspberries, planting new strawberries, picking tomatoes & lots more…

Sports Afternoon 2017

Just a reminder:

  • Please bring cakes in Thursday or Friday for our Peace Hospice cake sale.

  • Children need to come to school in their PE kits with a coloured top of their house colour (the colour they sit in at lunch) on Friday. If they do not have a top in that colour their teacher will give them a coloured sticker.

  • Please come and watch Sports Afternoon from 1:30pm. We will be having a parent and teacher race at the end of the results.

  • The children will return to their classrooms at the end of the day and you will collect them from the playground as normal.

    Thank you.              Miss LH


Woodpecker Star of the Week

Congratulations to…


For her great representation of our class at school council and for respecting and listening to other people’s ideas about how to improve our school.


Map Work

We been continuing our map skills today by exploring some Ordnance Survey Maps. Many of the children located our school and their houses. We then talked about the different symbols that you can find on the maps!

Here is the link to the MapZone website! (as promised Amy!)

 Have an explore and see if you can find any more symbols on the maps!


Meet the Teacher

Thank you to all of you that came. It was lovely to meet you.

Here is the PowerPoint.

Just to clarify- One Home learning task needs to completed every week. Some will have specific dates whereas the others are free choice for when you wish to hand them in. Please sign each completed task.

We will have a great year!

Meet the Teacher

Looking forward to seeing you all this afternoon!

Please come along to the classroom straight after school.

Have a great day!

Miss LH


Star of the Week W2

Congratulations to…


He is someone that always includes other children and makes them feel welcome!


Geography Learning

Today we were beginning to learn about map work and our focus was using a compass.

We identified the different points on the compass, read directions to find different locations and then wrote our own directions.

After this we used the Ipads to play different direction games!

Working hard…

We have been working really hard in our first 2 weeks!

We tested our creativity and worked as a team to think of as many ways to use a paper clip as we could!

We wrote about our summer holidays, creating recipes to follow to have a great time.

We are proud of our new class name and learnt a little about the beautiful birds, woodpeckers. This inspired us to write an acrostic poem about the hopping, knocking, noisy little birds!

We then drew some woodpeckers, looking closely at details.

Check out our classroom display!


Take a look at our classroom….

The walls are starting to fill up!

Star of the Week 1

Congratulations to….


Who always makes others feel welcome and included!


Bedtime Story Competition 2017

Do you know a child aged between 5 and 11 years old who has a brilliant idea for a bedtime story? Would they love to see it published as a fantastic picture book? Book People, in association with Little Tiger, are on the lookout for the nation’s best storyteller!

 Any child living in the UK aged between 5 and 11 years old can take part in Book People’s Bedtime Story Competition. Schools, libraries and community groups are welcome to submit entries for their children, too. All they will need to do is:

  • Write a 200-800 word bedtime story about friendship
  • Have a parent or guardian submit their entry using the link below
  • All entries must be submitted by 11:59pm on Monday 2 October

One winner will be selected from each age category and one overall winner will be chosen to have their book illustrated by Alison Brown, published by Little Tiger and sold exclusively through Book People!

To find out more, go 

Mr Libberton


Hertfordshire Library Services

Here are some events at local Hertfordshire Libraries. Click the link to find out about different events and activities on offer.

Weekend Stories – story time for under 8s

Weekend Stories are story time sessions in the library aimed at children under 8 years old. Come along to Saturday Stories or Sunday Stories and enjoy listening to old favourites and discovering new stories too.

This is a family event and all ages are welcome.

  • £1 voluntary donation per family

Hertfordshire Weekend Stories


Chatterbooks – reading groups for 8-12 year olds
Whether your child is already an avid reader or needing some inspiration, joining Chatterbooks is a great way to encourage them to have fun with books.

Please find more information about when the groups meet and to apply for a space in the link

Hertfordshire Chatterbooks


If you take part in any of these activities please let us know at school it would be great to share experiences at the Library.
Many Thanks
Mr Libberton


Welcome Back Woodpeckers!

Hello and Welcome to

Woodpeckers 2017/18!

I hope that you all had a fantastic summer and enjoyed the sun (what we had of it). The time has whizzed by! I know Mrs Sullivan and myself are looking forward to hearing all about your time off and the exciting things that you have been up to.

In our first week we will be deciding on our class rules and thinking about out Jigsaw charter; creating some Woodpecker inspired art; writing all about your summer; exploring some investigations in Maths and beginning our times table challenge as well as plenty more! I hope you are ready and have got your growth mindsets switched on!



Below is an outline of some of the things we are going to be learning in this Autumn term:

English– Through our study of fiction, non-chronological report writing and poetry we will develop our writing skills, including the use of correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, vocabulary choices and text layout.

Maths- In Maths we will be looking at the place value of 4 digits numbers as well as thinking about decimals. We will study addition, subtraction, multiplication and division methods. We will develop our reasoning and mastery through problem solving and mastery challenges. We will begin to explain the different methods we could use to reach an answer. Times Tables and division facts up to 12 x 12 will be practised each week.

Science– Our topic in Science this term is forces and magnets. We will learn how to identify pushes and pulls as forces and explore how things move on different surfaces. We will find out about attraction and repulsion by magnetic forces and which materials are magnetic. Look at compasses and uses of magnets. Also we will carry out some enquiries using magnets.

Jigsaw – Puzzle 1 (Being Me in My World), gives the class a process for everyone to be involved in the production or review of the class positive behaviour policy. Rights, responsibilities, rewards and consequences are built on the belief that each child has the right and the capacity to make his/her own

History– In History we will be learning about our local area of Bushey and will be considering how the local area has changed over the years using a variety of sources as well as going on local walks.

Geography-  This term we will be learning about the different points on a compass and using this to help us think about the geography of our local area of Bushey.

Computing-  We will be learning how to select, use and combine a variety of software(including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a presentation.

Art-  In Art we will improve our mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials (e.g. pencil, charcoal, paint, clay). In addition to learning about great artists, architects and designers in history.

PE: In games we will develop our skills in athletics We will use Yoga to allow us  consider our core strength breathing and balance. We will be learning the game of Tag Rugby. We will also be taking part in Fitter Futures challenges to help improve our fitness.

Music– In Music we will develop skills relating to composing, performing and listening. We will be exploring sounds and rhythmic pattern. We will be learning a variety of songs and using these to enhance our musical skills.

D&T – In DT we will be considering what a healthy diet is, looking at The Eat Well plate and what a balanced, healthy diet means.  We will learn some ways to prepare ingredients safely and hygienically whilst using equipment and utensils to prepare and combine ingredients to make a product.

RE– Mrs Bastable will be teaching RE this year. She will be teaching about Sikhism including understanding further about the sacred book for Sikhs, the Guru Granth Sahib, linking it to the beliefs and practices of Sikhs.

French– Madame Lawson will be teaching French. Her topics will include: my town and school, local area, simple directions, transport and school.


Remember school starts on Tuesday! See you all then.

Miss LH


Thank you for Woodpeckers

Thank you all for your gifts and good wishes for the summer.

It has been such a pleasure teaching you all.

Stay safe, have fun and relax!


Woodpecker’s last week of term

We have made it to the end of a very busy, happy year together!

Let’s see what’s in store for this week:

Maths: Money and division

English: writing to persuade- advertise your friend!

PE kits needed for Wednesday, then home for a wash!

ART: Thank you cards to be made

Last garden visit is Wednesday, bring a hat!

On Thursday you are invited to bring in a toy or game from home

( nothing electronic, hand- held,fidget spinner or breakable)

Mrs Sullivan and I will make you a slice of toast and a cup of squash!


Have a safe, happy and relaxing summer!

It has been such a pleasure teaching you all!

See you in September!


Visit your local Library over the Summer

Woodpecker Week Ahead


I hope you all had a lovely long weekend!

We have really enjoyed our 2 minute teacher presentations and hope to complete these on Tuesday after French.

Our Learning will be:

Maths: Statistics

English: Leaflet writing

Art/Science: We will come to the end of our Science topic creating posters of our learning

PSHCE: We will discuss keeping safe and what we should do in different situations

History: James Cook

Garden Visit

No swimming this week

On Wednesday you are invited  to  come in to look at your children’s’ books 3.15-4.00. On Thursday children will be spending time in their new classes, with their next teacher and teaching partner.

I cannot believe our time together is nearly over- it has been such a pleasure!

Have a good week.



Star of the Week Woodpeckers

What a heartfelt 2 minute teacher presentation. It made us all think about how we would feel!


Week 11

What a lovely time had by all for Round the World Day!

Next week- don’t forget packaging due in Monday and your 2 minute teacher presentations. We will share these on Wednesday.

Monday: Maths, English, Music, History and a Game-on activity

Tuesday: French and DT

Wednesday: 2 minute teacher presentations and DT

Thursday: Maths and stories to complete

Friday: Maths, English, Jigsaw and  DVDs in the afternoon.

Have a good week!


Woodpecker Star

Well done to this week’s Star!


Kandinsky in Woodpeckers- Round the World

Raffle Winners for Year 6 Enterprise

Winning ticket for the Wacky Face game is  – Pink 71-75

Second prize Aqua Blaster is –  Pink 106-110

Third prize a Teddy Bear is – Pink 51 – 55

Thank you for all your support


Summer Fete!


Woodpecker’s Week


It’s going to be a hot week. Please have your water bottle and hat in school.

 Maths: Capacity challenge and division methods

English: Diary writing and story planning

Science: Adaptation

P.E.  YR4 Swimming- year 3 joining year 5

R.E. Islam

History: Famous explorer- James Cook

JIGSAW: Changing Me, beginning to look at what we can do now that we couldn’t do when we were smaller.

Spelling and times- tables


Have a great week!


Water Bottles / Hats / Suncream

It looks like summer is here so please remember water bottles, hats and suncream tomorrow (if they don’t have all day suncream at home).  


Maths Workshop

Thank you to those who attended the Maths Workshop on Tuesday evening.

Attached is a copy of the PowerPoint from the evening.

Maths Calculation Information

Week 8 Woodpecker

We have already been enjoying a problem solving afternoon.

We are looking at capacity in maths and reading and comprehension in English before we get back to the brilliant Iron Man.

Don’t forget the maths workshop is tomorrow evening, come and join us to find out what we have been up to and how you can help your children.

Garden on Wednesday- a bug hunt.

Swimming on Thursday

Sponsored mile on Friday!

Any Jazzy Jars still welcome, please bring them carefully to the office.



Woodpecker Star


A person who celebrates friendships and accepts people for who they are.

Maths Problem Solving Week

This coming week is Maths Problem Solving Week.

All the children will be completing activities in their class rooms.  Reception up to Year 4 will also be taking part in a Problem Solving Workshop run by The Happy Puzzle Company.

After school, in the hall from 3.15pm, on Monday only, you will have the opportunity to purchase games and puzzles for as little as 75p.

Please see the web link below for a voucher to use when making your purchase on Monday, you can print it off yourself, to claim the Happy Puzzle Voucher, or alternatively collect one on arrival at the school hall on Monday.

There is a Problem Solving workshop of Parents only on Tuesday at 6.30pm, please complete the return slip on the letter sent out previously to indicate your interest so that we are able to cater for the numbers.

Thank you.


Summer Fete! 

Jazzy Jars are due in tomorrow. There will be tables in the playground for you to put them on. 


Woodpecker’s Clay

As part of our fun today, we spent the morning creating clay mini- beasts!

Watford Library 


Woodpecker’s Star


Congratulations to this week’s star. Someone who has worked hard throughout this half term’s Jigsaw Unit and understands the importance of relationships.


Happy half- term!

Woodpeckers- we have nearly completed our school year. Just one half- term left! I have attached an overview of our timetable for  after the holiday.

Have a lovely holiday and a rest. School ends at 3.15 as usual tomorrow and we are back Monday on 5th June.


Class Reminders


Finally, summer is here!

 Please may we remind you to send in a sun hat for your child for play times – this does not need to be a Bromet sun hat, one from home will be fine, please ensure it is named!

You may also wish to apply sun cream to your child before school, or if they are able to apply it themselves, they may bring some in with them, for their use only.

Please make sure your child has a water bottle in school every day and if they suffer with asthma, that they have an up to date inhaler in school at all times.

Thank you, let’s hope it lasts!


Week 6 Woodpeckers

Another busy week has ended, we are ready for the next!

Maths: Multiplication and Division Skills

English: Persuasive writing

Science/Art: Clay mini-beast making

Jigsaw: Relationships

P.E. Fitter Futures and Swimming

Computing: Networks and storage

Friday is our Well-Being day, the children will be participating in a variety of activities ending the day with a Mindfulness session with Mrs Pace.

HALF- TERM We are back in School  5th June!


Useful website for online safety

Have a look there are some very useful resources on this site.


Week 5 in Woodpeckers


Some great art work has been produced this week!

Week ahead

Maths: Geometry

English: Poetry and more writing our own

Science: Habitats


Geography: Mountains

P.E: Swimming

R.E. with Mrs A- Islam

Spellings and Times Tables.

Have a good weekend.


Woodpecker Star

For someone who is polite, respectful and hard working!


Woodpecker’s Star

For a real team player! Well done!




Growth Mindset Workshop 


Week 3 in Woodpeckers

We had a great time swimming and  are looking forward to going again!

MATHS: Number and problem solving

ENGLISH: This week we will be planning and writing a sports report of our own.

JIGSAW: Relationships.

R.E. Islam.

GEOGRAPHY: Mountains.

On Friday we will be studying the work of  Hokusai in  our ART lesson. See if you can research any  of his paintings.

Spellings and Timetables.



Woodpecker’s Star

This person always tries to resolve conflicts- what a great friend to know!


Woodpecker Weekly

Swimming for year 4 on Thursday. Don’t forget your kits, we return to school at approx  3.30- 3.40pm. ( Year 3 will be joining Year 5 to do P.E )

Maths: Area and Perimeter

English: Incredible Sports



Science:Life Processes

French starts again for the summer

Guided Reading: To develop reading and inference skills

Spellings, times tables and Division as usual

Enjoy your weekend, see you next week.


Earth Day Flowers by Woodpeckers

Earth Day Flowers


Woodpecker Star

For being a great friend and facing any challenge with a smile!


Welcome Back Woodpecker Class

I hope you have all had a lovely holiday.

Week One as follows…

Maths: Time graphs and decimal fractions.

English: New Unit, Most Incredible Sports.

Science: Living things, food chains and habitats.

PE: All together until next week, then Year 4 will be swimming.

Geography: Mountains.

Jigsaw: Relationships.

Don’t forget to keep practising your time tables and division facts.

See you all next week!


Happy Easter to all in Woodpecker Class



Summer Term Woodpecker Class

Each week I will be updating Our Class Blog to give you information about the coming week and important dates to remember.

This blog outlines the summer term ahead and what your children will be learning.


GEOGRAPHY:  We will learn to locate the world’s countries, using maps concentrating on their environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics.

Human and physical geography

Describe and understand key aspects of physical geography, including:climate zones,  mountains and volcanoes.


ART: The children will improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing and printing. They will begin to evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design.



We will describe the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in humans

Identify the different types of teeth in humans and their simple functions

To construct and interpret a variety of food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey. 

R.E:  We will turn our thoughts to: What makes a special book a sacred book? Why is the bible sacred for Christians?

ENGLISH: Through our study of fiction, non-chronological report writing and poetry we will develop our writing skills, including the use of correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, vocabulary choices and text layout.


MATHS:This term number will involve factors and square numbers. We will study addition, subtraction, multiplication and division methods. In measurement we will be looking at area and perimeter, mass and capacity. We will develop our reasoning and mastery through problem solving and mastery challenges.


HISTORY: We will continue to develop a chronologically-secure knowledge and understanding of British, local and world history.

We will use research and secondary sources to find out about the life and times of individuals in history.

P.E: Year 4 will be swimming. Year 3 will be joining Year 5 for P.E. Sessions.

After half term we will have our weekly garden visits on a Wednesday.


KS2 Choir

New school choir – sign up now!

The choir will be open to all KS2 children with no auditions needed. Rehearsals will take place at school on Thursdays from 3.15 to 4.00pm with Mrs Williams and Miss Langley Higgs.

The choir will provide a valuable opportunity for the children to develop their vocal technique and build confidence in their abilities, gaining knowledge of music theory and performance skills and, most of all, to enjoy singing together.

Please sign up now on the School Gateway!


Can you help with the choir?

We are looking for a volunteer piano/keyboard accompanist for occasional rehearsals and termly concerts.

We would also like to hear from any parents who want to help with the choir in other ways, whether by supporting children’s engagement during rehearsals, contributing ideas or helping to organise concerts – no musical experience necessary.

If you are interested in any of these roles, or you know someone else who might be, please contact Miss Langley Higgs.


Woodpecker Weekly

WOW! WHAT A GREAT SHOW-Thank you  to all who entered the talent show today.We know Bromet children are amazing, you were all so brave.

We raised over £240 pounds towards Comic relief- thank you for all your donations.

It will be a busy week as usual next week just a few reminders.

Easter Posters in on Monday- Easter Bonnets on Tuesday, in time for our Easter Parade.

On Thursday we will be having an Easter Assembly and hold the Easter Egg Raffle.

Friday is an assembly that includes the end of term awards, well done if it’s you.

School finishes at 1.30pm next Friday.

Have a good weekend.

Woodpecker Star

A great  friend,to  know and to have- Well done!


Week 10 Woodpeckers

We had a wonderful time learning about food origins and healthy eating on Wednesday. After which the children were able to make fruit kebabs and flavour their own water. No room for lunch as you can imagine.

Thank you to all who walked with us.

Our learning ( we have a teaching student with us for the next two weeks)

MATHS: Finishing off measure moving into formal methods of subtraction.

ENGLISH: Completing SPIDERWICK- next chapter, written by the children.

SCIENCE: Separating solids and liquids.

HISTORY: Anglo Saxons.

P.E. Tag Rugby.

FRENCH: Last session for this term- directions.

JIGSAW: Healthy Me.

Spellings and times tables.



Pupil Progress Evenings Tuesday and Wednesday.

HFL  Meeting Thursday.


KS2 Easter Posters due in Monday 27th March.

Have a good weekend.


Woodpecker’s Star

Star of the week goes to a great tag rugby player!


Woodpecker Star

For a positive and healthy attitude to your learning- well done!


Woodpecker’s Star

Well done to someone who has listened carefully this week and used  new ideas in their work!


Woodpeckers- 6th March

Another busy week ahead.Thank you for all you hard work this week I will enjoy reading your stories linked to our book week.

Maths: Fractions are back!

English: Spiderwick and work linked to grammar skills.

Science: Melting and cross- curricular writing.

Jigsaw:Healthy Me- balanced diet.

History: Anglo Saxons.

P.E. Tag rugby and Fitter Futures.

As usual spellings and times tables and don’t forget….

TALENT SHOW HEATS on 6th and 10th March.

GOOD LUCK to all who enter.


Swift and Woodpecker Garden of Dreams 


Woodpecker Week 7

Don’t forget it’s Thursday 2nd March!

Maths: Formal Methods of Multiplication

English: We will be doing lots of things ‘booky’!!!

Science: Melting Investigation

Art: Linked to Book Week

History: Anglo Saxons

Jigsaw: The new Healthy Me unit begins.

And of course….Spellings, Guided Reading and times tables!


Star of the Week Woodpeckers

To someone who has been working hard to achieve their own goals.


Thank you for your homework Woodpeckers

World Book Day 2017


This year World Book Day is on Thursday 2nd March to celebrate reading books, authors and illustrators. It is held in more than 100 countries around the world. A key aim is to give every child in the UK a book of their own to keep. Every child is eligible to receive a £1 World Book Day Token which can be exchanged for one of ten exclusive £1 World Book Day Books, or if you prefer, use it to get £1 off any full-priced book or audio book. Tokens must be redeemed by the end of March 2016.


We will be celebrating this great event on Thursday, 2nd March, by asking children to come dressed as their favourite book character. There will be prizes for the most original costume in each class and every child will receive their £1 World Book Token.

If you would like to find out more information about World Book Day, there are ideas, activities and resources at:

Swift Class Request

Hello, we are looking for empty shoe boxes for after half term. Any donations gratefully received! 


Woodpecker’s Star of the Week




Woodpecker Week 5

Dont forget:

Wear something red next Friday and donate £1 to our local charity!


Maths:  Subtraction skills

English: Reports and Poetry

Science: Melting Solids

RE: Sikhism

PE: Circuits

X tables, as always!

History: Anglo- Saxons

Art: Stitching


Half- term begins Monday 13th February- have a good break!



Please remember Friday 10th February is “Wear a heart or something red for Home-Start” and donate £1


Junk Modelling Materials Needed In Robin Class


The children in Robin class are very creative! We need lots of boxes, plastic containers (not milk cartons), rolls of cardboard for our fantastic creations. The children love to make and invent, last week we had Robots, Planes and many more inventive ideas! If you have any of these we would be greatly appreciative.

Many Thanks,

Mr Libberton and Mrs Warner



Thank you to all of you that were able to attend our assembly on Friday. I am very proud of the children.

Our week ahead will include

Maths: Place value including negative numbers. (Appropriate for the current weather.)

Times Tables Challenges.

English: Continuing the research stage of our report writing.

History: Anglo Saxons.

Art: Story-boarding our textile design.

Science:Solids, liquids and gases- linking to measure and volume.

Don’t forget to walk to school on Wednesday- we will record our travel.




Congratulations Woodpeckers, what a great example of working together as a group! A lovely assembly, well done!


Class Assembly

We are all looking forward to seeing you at our assembly tomorrow morning!

9am, please stay for a cup of tea or coffee if you are able.


Woodpeckers: WEEK 3


Our learning for the week ahead.

MATHS: Time.

ENGLISH: Report writing.

HISTORY: Anglo Saxons.

FRENCH: Where we live.

JIGSAW: Hopes and Dreams.

P.E. Tag Rugby.

RE: Sharing.

SCIENCE: The difference in particles.


Woodpecker Star of the Week


Well done to someone who has worked really hard to understand different methods of multiplication.


Watford Junior Challenge Run 2017

The Watford Junior Challenge Run, organised by Watford Harriers, will take place on Saturday 18 March 2017 at Cassiobury Park from 11.15am.

There will be races for U8, U10, U12 and U14.

If your child is interested in entering ask them to collect an entry form from Mrs Burns


Saracens Tickets!


For every ticket bought by a Bromet Family the school receives ‘cashback’


Week 2

Our Week ahead will include…

Maths:Formal methods of multiplication.

English: Report writing.

Topic/Art: Looking at how pictures tell a story.

Assembly: The children are beginning to plan ideas, in preparation for our Class Assembly, on 27th January.

Jigsaw: Thinking about our Hopes and Dreams.

Science: Solids, Liquids and Gases and the difference in how the particles are packed.

Computing: Internet safety reminders.

Spellings and Times Tables: Keep Practising!

Have a great weekend!


Star of the Week


Well Done to someone who never gave up in Maths!


Welcome to 2017

Happy 2017 to one and all!

Each week we will be updating our blog to give you information about the coming week and important dates to remember.

Our first blog tells you about the term ahead.

Your children will be learning.


Maths: This term number will be finding factors and square numbers. We will study addition, subtraction, multiplication and division methods. In measurement we will be looking at converting units of time and using 12 and 24 hour clocks.


English: Through our study of fiction, report text writing and poetry we will develop our writing skills, including the use of correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, vocabulary choices and text layout.

Geography: To name and locate counties and cities of Europe, geographical regions and their identifying human and physical characteristics, key topographical features (including hills, mountains, coasts and rivers.

Art: To improve our mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and textiles To learn about great artists, architects and designers in history. To begin to show an awareness of objects having a third dimension.

Science: To compare and group materials together, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases. To observe that some materials change state when they are heated or cooled, and measure or research the temperature at which this happens in degrees Celsius (°C) To identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle and associate the rate of evaporation with temperature.
Computing: To explore simulations, investigating the structure and exploring how they might be programmed. To decompose tasks, creating and debug algorithms and understanding how algorithms support the programming process. 

R.E. To understand why it is important to share food. To know how food is shared as part of Christian Worship. To know how Jesus shared his last supper.

History:To use a range of sources to find out about the history of the Anglo Saxons. To discuss and understand the meaning of the terms ‘invaders’ and ‘settlers’.

D.T: To select and use a range of appropriate tools with some accuracy e.g. cutting, joining and finishing. To select fabrics and fastenings according to their functional characteristics e.g. strength, and aestheticqualities e.g. pattern.To test their product against their original design criteria.

Music: To develop skills relating to composing, performing and listening. To explore rhythmic pattern.

Jigsaw: Hope and Dreams. to share our hopes and dreams and discuss and plan ways we can achieve these using a growth mindset approach to tackling a challenge.




Don’t Forget.

MONDAY: 1.45pm Church Performance. 6.oo pm, return to church in school uniform for 6.30pm performance.7.15 collection.

Tuesday: Sandwich making- carrier bags needed for books.

Wednesday: Awards Assembly. 1.30pm Finish for Christmas.




Thank you for your support this term.

Week 14 – Nearly Christmas!


Amazing art paying attention to detail!

Next Week- Please return permission slips for Friday and Monday walk to church.

What a busy Christmas- filled week ahead.

Monday: Writing up our Spooky Tales for display and JACK and the BEANSTALK.

Tuesday: Maths test on measure and making Christmas Cards in the afternoon.

Wednesday: Christmas Dinner- Wear your Christmas Jumper Day!

Thursday: DT – Sandwich making and watching KS1 Dress Rehearsal.

Friday: Dress Rehearsal to school- Church rehearsal in the afternoon.

 Good Luck to all.

Have a good week!


Week 13


What a great team effort at The Speed Stacking Event. We are through to the finals.


Wishing our team of 8 GOOD LUCK on Tuesday.












Don’t Forget

Saracen’s info below

Click on link



Week 11

An enthusiastic learner during our Science week.

What a great time we all had during Science Week. We were very busy and the children managed really well, when moving around the school to take part in a variety of activities. Well done!



Our week

English: This unit will involve the children writing and telling a story based on a short story they have listened to in class.

Maths: Addition and Decimals

Geography: Completed

History: We will be discussing Bushey then and now and looking at how and why a place has to change. (Geog Links)

Art: We will be looking at the work of Hubert Herkomer the famous proprietor of The Herkomer Art School.

Science: Electricity.

French: Telling the time.

Don’t forget… this Friday…

Have a good week!



starCongratulations a great poet in the making!

This week it’s our Science week with lots of additional activities and visitors linked to Science.

On Monday we  have Science workshop in the afternoon.

Mrs M will be teaching Science all afternoon on Tuesday

On Wednesday  a dentist will be visiting us to talk about their job and keeping our teeth healthy.

On Friday there will be a Recycle Workshop in our class for the afternoon.

FINALLY- Congratulations to year 3 who came first place in

The Challenge Cup!


Week 9

Welcome to Week 9

Another busy week ahead. Don’t forget school photos on Friday!

Year 5 and myself off to Woodrow until Wednesday.

The children thoroughly enjoyed The Drum Workshop on Friday and gave a fabulously loud performance at the end of the day! Well Done!

Well Done! A times tables  success.

Maths: Assessments and Co-ordinates.

English: Assessments and Poetry.

Geography: Land use.

Computing: Welcome to the Web.

Science: Electricity.

Spellings: Test as usual.

Times Tables Challenge:


Welcome Back to week 8


For having a real Growth Mind-set and embracing the ‘I cant do it…..YET!’ approach, when facing a new challenge.

We hope you have had a restful half- term and are ready for more learning together.

Maths: Position and direction.

English: Poetry- Wordsmith will be loaded at the end of the week.

Spellings: The BIG TEST!

Times Tables: Challenges continue and get trickier for some- well done!

Science: Sound continues.

P4C: 4 of our Year 3 children will be taking part in The Challenge Cup next week- TBC.

French: Tuesday morning.

Thank you to all of you who came to parents evening, it was lovely to meet with you.

Special Event: On Friday we have been invited to take part in a Drum Workshop, linked to Black History Month. The children will all take part with their individual class groups and then be treated to a performance at the end of the day.



WEEK 7 Nearly half term!

We are looking forward to meeting you on Tuesday or Wednesday if you are able to attend Parents’ Meetings.


Well done to someone who is always striving to improve their work.







Maths: Finishing fractions and fun with Roman Numerals.

English: Science writing and book blurbs.

Science: Writing up our investigation.

P.E. Speed-stacking and gym.

Computing: What is the internet?

Geography: Mapping.

Art: African landscapes.

Spellings and X-table challenge.

HALF-TERM- Stay safe and have a great break!


Week 6


For improved listening and helping others- Fantastic News!

Thank you to those of you that signed up for Pupil Progress Evening. If you were unable to do so please come and see me so we can arrange an appointment.

Don’t forget e-safety on Tuesday- 2.15-3.15

A busy week ahead.

Maths: Fractions.

English: Grammar linked to Christophe’s Story- allocated chapter 1-4 is on Wordsmith.

P.E. Speed Stacking and Gym- STOMP WORKSHOP!

Science: Sound investigation.

Topic: Bird’s Eye View Maps


Times tables against the clock. Test yourself in 10 minutes.

Circle Time: Improving.

R.E. Different religious beliefs continued.

Computing: Designing e-safety posters.

Work hard and enjoy our week.


Date for your diary



Well done to someone who understands the importance of editing to improve a piece of work!

Many Congratulations to Yellow House Team. A great day and thank you to all of  you that came and supported your children and the school.

We raised nearly £300 for Macmillan too- AMAZING!


Week Ahead: There will be a work experience student with us this week.

MATHS: X tables all week – focus 6 and 9.

ENGLISH: We begin a new unit. The story of a boy who has come from Africa as an asylum seeker. A good link to Black History Week.

 BLACK HISTORY: Martin Luther King.


COMPUTING: Making rules to stay safe online.

PE: We will be starting our Speed Stacking in preparation for a competitive event- more info to follow.


RE: We continue to look at  different Religious Leaders.


Keep working hard, challenge yourself and have a great week!


Week 4


Great Maths explanation to the rest of the class- well done!


Thank you for your donations- we had a lovely Harvest Celebration last Friday.

REMINDER- Keep your fingers crossed that the weather stays kind. Sports Afternoon and MacMillan Coffee is on Friday 30th September. Please come along and support your children.


Maths: Geometry

English: We will be planning and writing a biography as this unit comes to and end.

Science: Sound

P.E. Core strength- gymnastics

Geography: Map Skills

Grammar: Pronouns and fronted adverbials

Times Tables: Time Challenges

Spellings: Keep practising please



Congratulations- incredible effort across all your learning!


Thank you to all of you that attended Meet the Teacher. If you were unable, a pack has been sent to you, via your child. Please come and see me at the end of the day if you have any further questions.


Some of our learning:

Maths: Addition and subtraction skills- estimation and inverse.

English: Planning, editing, re-writing and improving our work- A diary entry.

Science: Sound.

Spellings: Dictation test on Tuesday.

P.E and R. E: Continues with Mrs A.

Geography: Direction and co-ordinates linked to mapping skills.

Times Tables: Speed Challenges begin this week- Good Luck.

SEAL: Developing our brain.

Wednesday: Garden Visit pm.

Have a great week- I hope you are having fun with your projects!




Meet the Teacher- Room 4 ( Woodpecker Class ) 3.30pm Wednesday 14th.



Welcome to our Class Blog. This is where you will find information about our learning and other messages that you may find useful.

Great news, our first Star of the Week has been announced. A pupil who has shown great resilience when tackling new maths concepts.


Clubs start this week.

Please provide an art apron for your child- this can be an old oversized shirt or tee- shirt.

Thank you.


Our Learning.

MATHS: Place Value, Addition and Subtraction – Reasoning.

MENTAL MATHS: Place Value Problems. Times Tables.

ENGLISH: Biographies and we will be celebrating Roald Dahl’s 100th Birthday on Tuesday.

GEOGRAPHY: 8 points of the compass.

P.E. Please bring in a plain pair of track suit bottoms, as the weather gets colder.

SEAL: Growth Mind-set.


COMPUTING: Welcome to the Web.

ALSO: We will be visiting the garden on Wednesday afternoons this half term. Hopefully the weather will be kind to us.



Only 2 weeks left- we cannot believe where this year has gone.

Maths: Statistics

English: Poetry

D.T. Circuits- link to Science.

Singing: Ancient Greek song

P.E. Athletics

Last swimming for year 3! Have fun.

Geography: Human and physical features of Germany.


Woodrow letter.

New Classes on Thursday.

Reports out on Friday.

Thank you for being a great school council rep!

















Well Done! Lovely to see your hand up so much more!

This week- lots to remember.

Maths: Decimals and money.

English: Writing mini sagas for Young Writers Competition.

Geography: Field skills.

Grammar: Homonyms.

Music: Rehearsal to rest of school.

History: Greek Morning. Friday

D.T. Sandal making.


No swimming on Friday- double session again next week.

On Monday we will have an Olympic themed session led by the coaches from Game-on.

Material for Greek morning due in.

On Tuesday we will be practising and performing our singing to KS1 and KS2.

Thursday is Chorister Afternoon: Depart at 1.30 return at 6.30- Please provide snack and drink. We look forward to seeing you there at 5pm.

Friday is Greek morning, we will dress up, food taste and make thumb pots using Greek designs.


Week 9

What a great friend!


Looking forward to…

Maths: Capacity

English: Word Work

Science: Completing our plants topic

P.E. Swimming and Athletics.

Geography: European Country- Germany

History: Greek Art

Music: Singing


Permission slip for Chorister Event

Year 6 Enterprise day, this Thursday.

Have a good week.


Week 8

Maths Whizz!

Maths: Fractions

English: Word detectives and letter writing.

Science: Seed dispersal.

Art: Life cycle of a plant.

History: Greek school life.

P.E. Swimming and Athletics.

Music: Singing.

Times tables and spellings of course!

Special Events.

Game On- Euro Workshop on Tuesday- P.E  Kit needed.

Non-uniform Friday- Bottle Tombola.


WEEK 7. Our final half-term!


A reporter in the making!!

Welcome to week 7, the start of out last half- term of hard work and fun together. I hope you have had a lovely break! School starts Tuesday this week.

Maths: Multiplication and division, with Mental Maths and a problem solving challenge, added for brain exercise.

English: A newspaper report about our holiday, ending with a debate at the end of the week!

Science: Pollination and life – cycles.

History: Home life of Ancient Greeks.

Music: Singing with The Chorister Event- letter this week.

P.E: Team games. Hopefully the weather will stay fine!


Week 6

Gaelic Football Superstar!

Good luck to all taking part on 27th May!


Try this web-site, we will be too!

We will be writing letters to send to a school in Italy- we hope to get some replies before they close for summer.

On Monday we will also  look  at the work of  an Italian Artist.

On Tuesday Woodpeckers will be food-tasting French food with Madame L.

On Thursday we will learn some Spanish.

On Friday we will look at flags and customs from some other countries.

Throughout the week we will be practising our song to sing in Friday’s sharing assembly.

Don’t forget non-uniform could be a national costume!

A great week ahead and have a happy half- term!


Week 5

Reminder- Hats please, the sun has been shining!

Please remember your bottles.



Well Done- Great English!


MATHS: Shape, reflection and properties.

ENGLISH: Continuing with newspaper report features and writing.


PE: Gaelic Football and swimming.- Well Done to all those representing Bromet in St Albans.

HISTORY/ART: Painting clay theatre masks.

MUSIC: Singing.

SCIENCE: Writing up cress investigation.

Have a good week!




A maths problem solving superstar! Well done.

This week: Good Luck to any brothers or sisters in year 6 taking their SATs Tests!

Maths: Negative numbers,addition and subtraction of money.

English: Looking at features of text types, Incredible Sports on Wordsmith and writing Greek Myths.

History: Recap of  the importance of theatre and clay work to make our masks.

Science: Recap and water transportation in plants; Checking how our cress and flowering plants are growing as part of our investigation.

P.E. Swimming and Gaelic Football.

Music: Singing with Mr Martin.

Spellings and times table challenge as usual.

Hopefully we will have plenty of sunshine this week too, so we can get outside and keep healthy, running our mile.


Lovely Day for Gaelic Footie!



Year 3 are enjoying swimming each Friday.

This week

Maths: Place Value and times tables.

English: The Most Incredible Sport. A new unit that looks at the features of newspaper report writing.

History: Ancient Greek theatre.

Science: Plants.

RE: Sikh Beliefs.

PE: Gaelic football and swimming.

Spellings and Grammar.

And finally – a great shape poem- Well Done!


Week 2

Congratulations. Some lovely Poetry.


We really enjoyed all the celebrations for The Queen’s 90th Birthday. The children took part in Maypole and country dancing, then in the afternoon we shared a cake and drink and sung happy birthday to our very own cardboard Queen.

Woodpecker Class also began learning songs for The Chorister Event taking place at the end of June. More information to follow.

 Our Week Ahead.

Maths: Area and Perimeter. Nrich Maths Challenge.

English: Poetry- children will be drafting, editing and improving their own poems.

Grammar: Possessive  apostrophe .

History: Athens and Sparta- Ancient Greece.

Science: Plants- Photosynthesis.

PE: Swimming (year 3) and Gaelic Football.

Music: Singing.

Garden visit on a Friday (year 4).

Have a good week.



Happy Easter

We are nearly there! The end of our second term together.

We have had a great term and I am so pleased with the children’s’ behaviour for learning.

A big thank you to all of you for your support with home learning and reading with your children. Thank you for coming to pupil progress evenings, it was a great opportunity to talk with you.

Your generosity has already raised over £350  for Sport Relief, with sponsorship money still to add.

Next week, the last week of term, is a creative week at school, the children will be participating in a variety of creative arts. School ends at 2pm on Friday.

DONT FORGET Viking Day is WEDNESDAY, we are looking forward to seeing all your costumes.

HAVE A SUPER EASTER WEEKEND we will see you back in school on Tuesday.


Week 10

Congratulations. A carefully completed oil pastel.

Our Learning:

Art: Linked to home learning- Gambian art.

English: Iron Man. Book loaded on your Wordsmith logins.

Grammar Focus: Similes.

Maths: Statistics, including time line graphs.

Science: Write up of our permeability investigation.

History: Viking Sagas.

PE: Rock and Roll and last swimming for year 4.( Fun Session)

Don’t forget.

Library Books, last week for this term.

Pupil Progress Evenings

Viking Workshop return slips/ Year 3 swimming return slips.

Sport Relief on Friday.


Have a good week.


Week 9


Keep collecting your sponsorships! Not long to go!

A great week in Woodpeckers, well done everybody.


Thank you to those children from Year 3 who helped take part in Clean for the Queen on Friday. We were very lucky with the weather and removed bags of rubbish from Oxhey Park.



Thank you to the staff from John Lewis too!!

Maths: Addition and subtraction problem solving.

English: New Unit- based on The Iron Man.

History: Viking homes.

Art: Fossil painting.

Music: Notes B and A on the recorder.

Science: Planning an Investigation.

SEAL: Going for Goal.

Computing:  Word Processing Skills.

And finally…



Congratulations to this weeks star!




Everybody enjoyed the basketball workshop.


Don’t forget this week is World Book Day.

Maths: Addition and subtraction- 4 digit numbers.

English: Activities linked to World Book Day.

Science: Fossils.

History: More Vikings.

P.E. Rock and Roll/ Swimming.

SEAL: Going for Goals.

Music: Recorder and weekly song.

 Mothers day sale Wednesday afternoon.



This weeks Star shared some great ideas for non- fiction writing- thank you.

And finally…. Year 3 designed posters to accompany their non- chronological reports.



WEEK 7 Welcome Back


Coming soon!

Maths: Measure: Continuing to convert and round lengths.

Times Table Challenge: 8mins!!! Keep trying.

English: Planning our report for Friday’s extended writing.

Art: Sketching from different aspects.

Music: Learning the parts of the recorder.

Geography: Mountain posters to share our learning.

History: Viking Clothes.

P.E. Swimming and dance!


Great use of vocabulary! Well Done!


Happy half- term!

Have a great holiday – See you all on the 22nd February!





A Week of Celebrations ahead.

On Monday we will be looking at this year’s Chinese New Year Celebrations, followed by a discussion about why we eat pancakes on Tuesday!



This week’s British Value is Diversity.

Maths: Fraction problems and length.

English: More information to support our report writing. The Shang Dynasty.

Geography: Mountain ranges in Europe.

Science: An investigation into the hardness of rocks.

History: Boats to Float!- This will be Tuesday. Watch out! The Vikings are coming.

Computing: Recording using ipads.

PE: Handball and swimming.

Mental Maths: 12 x 12 multiplication and division.

 – Congratulations to our fraction expert this week!

And a great half term to you all!



Congratulations- fantastic times table recall!


Due in next Monday


Value of the week- INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY

Maths: Fractions and of course speed tables!

English: New Unit, we will be using the history of the Shang Dynasty of China to develop a non- chronological report.

Geography: Mountain climates.

History: Why the Vikings became settlers.

Science: Making rock types

P.E: Handball, swimming- don’t forget your kits.

SEAL: Setting a personal target and discussing how we might achieve these.

Computing: Filming and interviewing.

Have a good week.



Don’t forget we will be taking part in The Fruit Workshops.

Year 4 on Thursday  and Year 3 on Friday afternoons.





Our learning will be:

English: A letter to the author, planning a setting and character for our own chapter of Spiderwick!

Maths: Revision of Roman Numerals and multiplication skills, including formal multiplication.

History: A bit of creative work to make a mini Viking.

Geography: Looking at the different types of mountain forms

Science: Using chocolate to learn more about igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks-  wait and see!

P.E. Handball and Swimming.





I hope you had a chance to have a little fun in the snow!

Well done- excellent use of punctuation when writing direct speech!

It was lovely to see all the children enjoy their swimming- whatever stage you are at in learning this important life – skill, it was smiles all around! Well Done!

Our Learning.

Maths- we will be looking at acute and obtuse angles.

English- we will be looking at more grammar and punctuation and practising our assembly for FRIDAY  9AM!

History- more sharing of homework and learning about THE VIKINGS.

Geography- we will be learning more about how mountains are formed and begin to understand that there are different types of mountain forms.

Science- to learn more about igneous rock formations, in other words volcanoes.

P.E.- handball and swimming.

Computing- developing our success criteria for our presentations.

D.T. Cooking- Rock Cakes, of course!

Spellings, x tables and mental maths.

Please make sure you have your library book in for Monday and your  slips for  The Fruit Workshop and Spiderwick DVD are returned- Thank you.


Week 2

Swimming for Year 4 – Friday

Don’t forget your hats. ( and Goggles if you need them)

Monday: We will be looking at grammar skills and working with negative numbers in Maths. In the afternoon we begin the introduction to our Viking topic. Thank you to those of you that have already completed some research.

Tuesday: French begins again for this term. In English we continue with The Spiderwick Unit. In the afternoon we will discuss the different layers of the earth and rock formation. Weather permitting we will take a walk around the school to look at the types of rock in our own environment.

Wednesday: Maths involves estimation and using the inverse in formal methods of subtraction. Our English continues. In the afternoon we will be using  an atlas to look at and locate mountain ranges of the world.

Thursday: Computing will continue looking at making TV presentations, we will consider success criteria for good presentation. PE and RE in the afternoon- Don’t forget your PE kits need to be in school everyday!

Friday: Maths involves estimation and using the inverse in formal methods of subtraction with numbers of up to 4 digits. In English we will compare The Spiderwick Chronicles to an extract of another book set in an imaginary world.     Swimming in the afternoon.


Finally, congratulations to our Star of the Week- excellent times table recall!



Welcome back everyone we hope you all had a good break and a Happy New Year.

Reminders for this week.

Monday – INSET for staff only

Welcome back to all. We will be starting a new English unit and revisiting place value in Maths. Our Science, Geography and History Projects are new this term. Rocks, Mountains and Vikings respectively.

Please remember to return your PE Kits and Water Bottles. You will also continue to need a coat for outside break-times.

Swimming starts next Friday, January 15th, for all year 4 children. Year 3 will be completing tasks set in school.

We would also like to welcome a new pupil to Woodpecker Class and of course our new Head Teacher to Bromet. We know you will both be very happy here with us.

Have a good week.



Congratulations – a great poet in the making!


BOTH MRS Bs, MISS L and I are very proud of you all!

We will have a busy week this week:

Monday: Rehearsing and starting our ‘Sounds Spooky’ in English. Maths is revision of time.

Tuesday: Look out he’s behind you- we are off to Watersmeet for the pantomime-

Wednesday: We will begin making our Christmas cards and calendars.

It’s Christmas dinner and jumper day.

Thursday: Dress rehearsal at the church- thank you to those who offered to walk with us.

Friday: More singing and Christmas Creativity!



Well Done- such a positive attitude to Maths from our Star of the Week!

Another busy week ahead.

Monday: Singing,Speed Stacking practise, Maths= time and poetry composition.

Tuesday: Singing, Speed Stacking Practise, Maths – time conversions and poetry writing!

Wednesday- Heat 1  in the morning- GOOD LUCK TO ALL!

Thursday- More work on time in Maths- Editing and writing our poems in English.



DONT FORGET! Year 6 Enterprise Event- from 2.30 pm.

Ration Tea- Party- The children have been busy baking for you, it has smelt delicious all week.

Friday- Final Poetry and maths for week. We will be practising for our Christmas concert too. If your child has a reading part please help them to rehearse they do not need to learn it off by heart but a loud , clear and  fluent voice is needed! – Thank you.


Thank you for your continued support!





Wk 11


Congratulations to our poetic star this week!


We will be busy learning our Christmas Songs this week,  lets hope we are all in good voice.

Thank you to all who came to our jumble on Saturday- don’t forget The Christmas Extravaganza is our next event.

We have  received your generous donations for our hamper raffle but please  continue to donate if you are able. Woodpecker theme is Cheese and Wine.

Maths: We continue to look at formal methods of multiplication and in English are coming to the end of our poetry unit, which we have all enjoyed!

The Pizza making was a great success- I hope you were given a taste, the children demonstrated some of the skills they had been developing this term. Kneading, rolling, spreading, chopping, slicing, considering food groups and of course eating!

Have a good week!


Week 10


A true Star of the week, who showed real determination when trying something new!



Thank you all- £272 for Children in Need.

Film Night raised over £450.

Week ahead, some things to look forward to.

Maths- multiplication and division.

English- poetry

D.T. – pizza

Science- ramp investigation.


Please return any outstanding pantomime permission slips and where possible send in your donations for jumble  21ST NOVEMBER (and cheese and wine for our class hampers.)



Week 9

Welcome to week 9



A fantastic Star this week who has such a positive attitude to all learning.

Maths- Measure

English- Poetry

History- Remembrance



Art- Poppies

Science- Making magnetic fish game

P.E. Basketball , yoga and speed-stacking!

Don’t forget Children in Need is Friday





Welcome back- We hope you all had a good half-term.



We spent a great day at the museum. The staff commented on the behaviour and enthusiasm of the children. Well done to you all.



Well done to our star. A great piece of homework. The posters were all fabulous and we had a good time evaluating each other’s work.




Maths- Decimal Fractions

English- Grammar Skills

Science- Forces investigation, write up next week.

Music- Miss Lawson teaches music this half -term.

P.E.- We will be learning the benefits of Yoga on our core strength and continuing our running, weather permitting!

Topic- Local area study continues.

Homework- As discussed at Pupil Progress, there will be an arithmetic and handwriting task included each week.

Don’t Forget- PHOTOS 5th November.

Have a great week.


Last week of Autumn Half- term

WOW! What a great event- you helped to raise over £450. Thank you!

A well deserved award, to someone who has shown great confidence with their reading this week.


Our walk is this Friday. Thank you if you offered to accompany us. Your support is greatly appreciated. I will catch up with you next week to confirm whether you are still available.   (Permission slips asap please.)

The rest of the week is as follows:

Isaac Newton posters due Monday

Maths- Calcuation skills

English- Last week of Christophe’s Story, letter writing task to complete at the end of the unit.

Art-Looking at the work of Lucy Kemp Welch

Geography- Weather permitting some compass/ orienteering fun!

Don’t Forget- All single consonant spellings.

Have a great week Woodpeckers! We hope you and your families have a restful holiday.

Mrs W and Mrs B!


Week 6


Another fantastic week!

Congratulations to our Star this week. Someone who is always willing to help others and be a great friend!

Thank you to all who managed to sign up for pupil progress evening.If you still need to book an appointment please let us know.

Maths- Translation of shapes.

English- Christophe’s Story continues.

Science- We continue our investigations into forces and magnets.

Art- We are all designing a Christmas/winter card, to be entered into a competition.

PE- I have seen some super gymnastics with Mrs B and we are having great fun building our confidence and developing our skills in rugby.

History and Geography- Letter to follow our topic is local area- A possible trip to Watford Museum.

The children have been running every day as part of our healthy life-style initiative. Well done!


Thank you for your continued support.


Week 4


For your information.




Your projects and hard work were brilliant! Well Done to all of you.

This weeks star drafted,edited and produced an excellent diary extract.

We will begin a new unit in English- to be loaded to Wordsmith once introduced.

Maths is looking at equivalent fractions and decimals. Equal parts of one whole!

I am hoping to arrange a visit to Watford Museum, linked to local history, more information to follow.

Science- we are learning more about magnets.

Reminder- please remember suitable footwear and spare socks for P.E. We had lots of soggy socks! (Including mine)

Sign up for Pupil Progress in the hall on Friday.


Week 4

Thank you to everyone that bought cakes last week.

 You raised over £205 for Macmillan Cancer!


Congratulations to our Star this week-  A fantastic example of good manners!

Don’t forget projects due in on Monday. We will be sharing them in the afternoon. From what I have seen so far, I am very excited by all the hard work and effort that has gone in to producing them.

Library books also due in Monday please.

Maths- we are looking at multiplication, focusing on 6 and 9 x tables.

English-  this is the final week of this unit- a diary entry and biography to be written this week.

Wednesday is our class garden visit, please keep your eye on the weather and make sure your child/ children have coats.It can get chilly up there.

In DT the children will be bread-tasting and comparing tastes and textures of different types of bread. Homework is linked to this.

Have a great week!


Week 3


Don’t Forget coffee morning this week.

Congratulations to our Star of the Week and Neat Writers who received their certificates last Friday.

Well Done Woodpeckers- 100% attendance!

A busy week ahead. We have to keep our fingers crossed that the weather is kind to us for our sports/ Macmillan Coffee afternoon. Thursday 24th.

English continues with non-fiction. I am looking forward to receiving you projects next Monday – 28th September.

In maths we are looking at shape, symmetry and refection.

Library begins on Monday, thank you parent helpers. May I request that your child returns their book as soon as it is finished, they will not be able to change a book until the previous selection is returned.

In Science we will be setting up a ramp investigation linked to our forces topic, reinforcing our investigative skills.

In art the children will begin to look at the work of Herkomer our featured artist, who first opened an art school in Bushey.

Enjoy the week!


Week 2

A busy first week back!

Congratulations to our star of the week. A great first week in a new class and school!

Our English continues looking at key events in the life of Neil Armstrong. We will be looking at the features of biography writing in the near future. I hope you are enjoying your research for your project. Maths this week is re- visiting and extending our addition and subtraction skills.

History and Geography continues with looking at the local area. We are hoping to take the children on a few walks around the local are please let me know if you are able to help.

Regarding this, if you are able to come in on a Monday at 2.30 to help us with our library slot we would be extremely grateful.

Bromet PFA work tirelessly to plan events to support the school and raise money. They are holding a coffee morning , if you are interested in finding out more see below.



Week 1

Welcome back everyone. We hope you had a great summer! 

This week we will be going through rules and routines, sharing homework ( please email or bring this in ) and beginning new units of english and maths. 

Timetables, newsletters and curriculum webs will be sent out this week too.

We are looking forward to being in Woodpeckers with you!

                             Mrs Wambeek and Mrs Bridgman. 


Last week

We made it Woodpeckers!
Cannot believe it’s our last week- you have all worked incredibly hard and have been such a caring class.
Mrs Bridgman and I would like to say thank you and wish you every happiness and good luck for next year.
Well done all of you!



Week 11

The children coped very well with the heat last week. May I remind you of the importance of them having a water bottle at this time of year.

This week year 3 will finish swimming.
We will be watching the year 6 dress rehearsal on Monday.
Our maths is decimal notation and in English we will be writing letters to the characters of our thought provoking Christophe’s Story.

Thursday is the garden open event -2.45pm and open evening – 3.15pm, in the classrooms- a chance to see your children’s work, before it comes home.

Reports go out on Friday, may I request the reply slips are returned the following Monday? Thank you.

Finally don’t forget Saturday is pop up circus day – there will also be other stalls and activities , so please come along, even if you aren’t attending the circus. We hope you can make it!



Week 9

A great week – we had a busy day at the museum, everyone really enjoyed the day.
On Friday we all took part in dress up and dance- some great moves
from the children!

This Friday the children will take part in their Young Enterprise Activity- our City.
It is a programme run by volunteers who give up their time to come in and work with the children.



Don’t forget year 6 also have their enterprise sale on Friday – 2.30 pm.




A few tickets left!

Our trip is Wednesday- school uniform and sensible shoes please. Don’t forget to bring a snack. It should be a great day.

Father”s Day sale and dress up and dance on Friday.

In between we will continue our poetry unit and be looking at capacity in Maths, a. busy week ahead.


Week 7

Don’t forget Beat the Street, we are 4th, which is excellent!
This week we will be starting a new unit in English looking at poetry and working with fractions in maths.
A new topic begins in French and your French booklets are being sent home from last half term to complete for Madame Lawson. Thank you.

Friday is non uniform bring a bottle day, if you are able.


Don’t forget

Don’t forget circus tickets available- come along Saturday 11th July!


Beat the Street starts straight after half-term,


Beat the street

Take part in Beat the Street! A healthy challenge encouraging us to walk, cycle, skate or scoot,
Packs to follow after half- term.


Week 5

This week we continue to look at mountains in our Art.We will be looking at Mt Fuji and painting this using ink on to silk.
In history we will imagine the life of a sailor and write a journal entry in the style of one of Cook’s men.
The children are enjoying The Iron Man story and our English is linked to this.
In maths we return to place value, ordering and comparing numbers up to 4 digits .
It is half term next week, the children return to school on Tuesday 2nd June, for our final half term together. Have a good holiday Woodpeckers,


For your information


Week 3

We hope you enjoyed your long weekend. This week we will be looking at shape in maths. Our unit in English ends with a report writing session . Check for a new book allocation – coming soon!
In history we will all be starting a James Cook fact-file. Dance will be from a different continent- cheerleading! In French our topic is ourselves- the children had fun playing a French version of ‘Simon Says’ last week- fingers crossed we can remember the vocabulary for another go!


Week 2

This week year3 start swimming, a great life skill!
In maths we are looking at decimal numbers to 2 decimal places.
English – here we continue to discuss and read about The Shang Dynasty in preparation for our report and the wiki entry we will be writing.
Art we will be looking towards discussion and opinion of work of artists that have painted mountain landscape.

Our postponed garden visit is this Wednesday- many thanks to Mrs Turner.


A reward for hard work!


Week 10

Another week flies by- the Mother’s Day sale was a great success.
Thank you again for taking part in our Cake Sale or donating your £1.

This week we will be in the garden on Wednesday afternoon. Make sure you have a coat, although forecast doesn’t look too bad!

Keep practising your words for next Tuesday!

Spiderwick replies due 23rd- thank you.

Week 9

I hope you all enjoyed the sunshine this weekend.
Thank you to all, who made it to the jumble!!
Pupil Progress Meetings this week. We are looking forward to meeting with you all again. This year seems to be racing past!
The children are starting to learn our class assembly therefore the timetable may have a few changes as the weeks go by. I will try to keep you posted.
Good luck to those taking part in the gymnastics competition on Tuesday, two members of Woodpecker Class are in The Bromet Team – Well done!


Week 8

Don’t forget swimming starts again this week for year 4.
Homework due in Mondays.

Thank you if you were able to sign up for parents evening. The appointment sheet will be in the classroom if you weren’t able. Please come in and ask.

The chicks have hatched hopefully they will be able to pay us a visit.

Remember jumble sale on Saturday, please bring in as many bags as you can so we might win the class competition!


Nearly half term!

Week 6
Thankfully we didn’t have to stop because of the snow!
This week we will be swimming, working hard, sharing Nightingales assembly, writing a biography with a partner and learning all about Chinese New Year- we will be ready for the holiday,
Thank you once again for your support and don’t forget sign up for pupil progress meetings on 27th February.


Week 4

Welcome to week 4.
We continue to look at our ebook based on the life and times of an astronaut.
Once the book marks are completed the children will be bringing home the log in details to access this at home.
More science this week looking at properties of materials and measuring liquids.

Week 3

Another busy week, we will be starting our history topic on Wednesday and homework is linked to this- If you have any problems accessing the internet please come in to class and let me know.

Our sports partner from Queens came in last Tuesday and challenged the class to a cup stacking heat. The eight finalists will go through to The County Competition. Date, names and times to follow!

Congratulations Woodpeckers! Miss Harkness, Mrs Bedwell, Mrs Bridgman and I were all very impressed with your teamwork and skills!


Happy New Year

Hello and a warm welcome back to 2015!
We had a very busy week last week and it looks like being an extremely hard- working fun term!
Week 2 starts with swimming for year 4, year 3 will go in the Summer!
On Tuesday our sports partner from Queens will be challenging the children in preparation for The County Cup Stacking Competition. Good luck!


Week 14

We are getting very Christmassy now- this week we will be watching a pantomime and contouring with rehearsals for our Concert. On Wednesday the children will enjoy Christmas lunch and don’t forget that Friday is Christmas jumper and Christmas Fair day,


Athletics on Tuesday

Don’t forget we are taking part in indoor athletics at WGGS on Tuesday.
Please come in to school wearing your PE kit. We will be walking to the girls school and will be back by the end of the day for your parent/ career to collect you.


Star of the week

Congratulations to Katie! Well done.


Star of the Week

Keep watching – new star announced on Friday!



Another fun week in Woodpeckers- thank you to Mrs Turner for allowing us to spend time with you in the garden on Friday.


Beautiful poppies!




Monday: homework due please.

Tuesday: French today, Miss Lawson teaching in the afternoon.

Wednesday: Miss Lawson teaching this morning.PE kits needed!

Thursday: PE kits needed. Mrs Bastable and Mrs Bedwell teaching in the afternoon.


We hope you have had a great half term. A busy 2nd half ahead, including course, all the fun of Christmas!

Our Maths!



Star of the Week

Congratulations to Thomas who is our Star of the Week,

For excellent role play in English. Well done!


Woodpecker Class Expectations


 In Woodpecker Class we

Always try our hardest.

Look after ourselves and our environment.

Are honest at all times.

Dont worry if we make a mistake.

Are kind, polite and helpful to each other.

Listen to each other and take turns.

