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Bromet Primary School Excellence, Enjoyment and Achievement for All

Woodpecker - Year 4 and Year 3

Woodpecker Class 2020/2021

Our Classroom


Class Teacher: Miss Hickey 

Teaching Partner: Mrs Blakey

PPA: Madame Lawson (French) and Mrs Bastable (RE)

Learning for Children Self Isolating

Weekly News (11/7/21)


Update: We've made it to the end of a very strange year with many challenges to overcome. I am so proud of each and every one of you for all you have achieved this year! This week, we will be winding down and enjoying our last week together. We will be watching a film, having our own sports afternoon and of course having our well deserved party! 


Things to remember: Homework (for the last time), reading books, reading records and water bottles please. PE is still on Wednesday. Also if you haven't already, please bring in your French Food tasting form for Madame Lawson.


Enjoy the football tonight, it's coming home! 

Weekly News (28/6/21)


Update: We only have 3 weeks to go now! We've had a busy week this week with our school photos, the FLIP theatre and our last lesson with WFC. The children had a fantastic time making their moving monsters in DT.


English: The children will be writing stories

Maths: Statistics

Guided reading: The Ice Palace

Geography: Ocean currents

Computing: Decomposition

PE: Rounders

PSHE: Changing me

Science: Teeth hygiene (egg shell experiment)

Music: Body percussion

Art: Painting


Things to remember: Homework and water bottles on Monday please. Reading books and reading records every day. Once you have read with your child, pleasure ensure you write a short comment and leave a signature in their reading record. This way we can monitor how they are reading at home. 

Weekly News (21/6/21)


Update: The children have enjoyed having FLIP theatre come in and carrying out some fun drama workshops. We have our summer assessments this week.


English: Grammar and reading assessments and narrative writing 

Maths: We have our Maths assessments this week 

History: Ancient Egyptians

Computing: Programming and games


PSHE: Feelings

Science: Teeth

Music: Music appreciation 

DT: Moving monsters


Things to remember: Homework and water bottles on Monday. Reading books and reading records everyday. PE on Wednesday. 

Weekly News (7/6/21)


Update: I hope you all had a lovely half term and I can't wait to see you all back to start our final term together. At least we don't need to keep on wearing our winter coats anymore!


English: We are beginning a new book in English called Cinnamon. This week, we will be making predictions, comparing and using persuasive language

Maths: We are starting our topic on geometry: properties of shape. This week we are learning about turns and angles

History: Egyptian pyramids

Computing: Solar system simulations


Jigsaw: Unique me (understanding genes)

Science: Endangered species

Music: Crotchets and quavers

DT: Mechanisms 


Things to remember: Please remember your homework and water bottles on Monday. Reading books and records need to come into school every day with at least 3 adult signatures. PE on Wednesday.



Weekly News (24/5/21)


Update: We have finally made it to the end of a very long half term! We are looking forward to our virtual visit from Cressida Cowell on Wednesday, break the rules day and our film on Friday.  


English: Explanation texts

Maths: Money

History: Egyptian pharaohs

Computing: Learning what can and can't be ignored in simulations


Science: Living things and their habitats

Music: Let It Be music appreciation

Jigsaw: RSE 


Things to remember: Homework, water bottles on Monday. Reading records and reading books every day please with an adult's signature. PE day is Wednesday. We are teaching our RSE lessons on Thursday so please notify the office if you would like to withdraw your child. On Friday afternoon, we will be watching a film which is the childrens' marble prize. It is break the rules day on Friday, please see your emails for more information. 


Weekly News (17/5/21)


Update: We've had a great week. The children enjoyed the virtual visit from the Imam and had lots of questions to ask. We were also fortunate to have a virtual visit from author Floella Benjamin. What an inspirational woman! 


Maths: Time 

English: Explanation texts and apostrophes

Music: Chocolate rhythm raps

History: Egyptian Pharaohs

Computing: Computer simulations 


Jigsaw: Celebrating my relationships with people and animals

Science: Endangered species 

Art: Pharaoh art


Things to remember: It's walk to school week! We are encouraging the children to walk to school this week. If it is too far to walk, why not park further away from the school. Please remember homework and water bottles on Monday. Reading books and records should come into school every day. Please ensure you are listening to your child read and signing their record. PE day is Wednesday. Our times tables test is on Thursday. The children have bought home their tests from last week in order to practise. 

Weekly News (10/5/21)


Update: A good week learning in Woodpecker Class. The children have really enjoyed our new story called 'Varmints'. On Monday we have a virtual session with an Imam who will be discussing Ramadan with the children and on Tuesday we have a virtual session with Floella who is an author. 


English: We will be continuing Varmints. This week the children will be re-writing the narrative in first person


Maths: We will be learning about time this week in Maths


Geography: Physical processes

Music: Music appreciation (You've Got a Friend in Me)


Jigsaw: How to cope with loss

Science: Habitats

Computing: Programming

DT: Mechanisms 


Things to remember: Library books are due back this week. Homework for Monday please. Reading records and reading books need to be bought in every day. Please ensure you are listening to your child read and signing their reading record so we can monitor how often they are reading to an adult. 


Landscape Drawing

Weekly News (3.5.12)


Update: We've come to the end of Pride The Story of the Rainbow Flag. The children have been amazing and have produced some wonderful work. We had such fun on Captain Sir Tom Moore Day. The children wrote letters of gratitude to his family which I shall send off. They also produced some fantastic match stick art using 100 matchsticks! 


English: We will be starting a new story this week called Varmints. It comes with a 24 minute film on Youtube which we will be watching alongside. This week the children will be doing some descriptive writing. 


Maths: We will be focusing on decimals this week, comparing, ordering and rounding. 



Jigsaw: Talking about friendships

Science: Classification keys

Computing: Ingenious images

Music: Listen & Appraise

Art: Landscapes


Things to remember: Homework books and water bottles on Monday please. Reading records and reading books every day. PE is on Wednesday. 

Weekly News (26/4/21)


Update: We have had a lovely week learning all about the Pride Flag and the importance of treating everyone equally and with respect. I have been really proud of the whole class and their maturity to the subject. 


English: This is our last week focusing on Pride. We will be writing a biography about Harvey Milk and his legacy.


Maths: We will be learning about decimals and fractions.


History: Ancient Egypt

Music: Tempo


Jigsaw: Talking about loss

Science: Invertebrates

Computing: Pixels

Art: Landscapes


Things to remember: We will be in the hall on Monday and Tuesday whilst we have our windows replaced. Please bring in homework, water bottles, reading books and records on Monday. PE is Wednesday. 

Our Learning

Weekly News (19/4/21) 


Update: The children have settled back well after the Easter holidays. We had an Easter egg hunt on the Monday and a Krispy Creme each to make up for the days we had to shut early. We had our first week with Watford Football Club which was great fun! The children practised their dribbling skills.


Maths: Following on from learning about tenths last week, year 4 will be learning about hundredths. Year 3 will be focusing on multiplication and division. 


English: We will be reading a book called PRIDE for the next couple of weeks and learning about the inspiring story of the Gay Pride Flag!


Geography: Climate zones around the world


Jigsaw: Relationships

Science: Living things and their habitats

Computing: Bringing images to life

DT: Mechanisms 


Things to remember: Homework on Monday please along with water bottles, reading records and reading books. PE is now on a Wednesday.

Weekly News (22/3/21)


Update: One more week to go until Easter holidays. The children have settled back into school amazingly. I am very proud. They have all been able to keep up and share their worries or concerns if they have any. This week we will be having lots of fun and doing a selection of Easter activities.


English: The children requested we practise writing newspaper reports so that is what we will be doing this week. 


Maths: The children will be doing an arithmetic and reasoning paper this week so I can assess where they are and what further teaching they may need. 


Geography: How coastal erosion is effecting coastlines around the UK

Music: Rhythm 

Science: States of matter

PSHE: Network hands

PE: We have our Panto instead of PE this week 


Things to remember: We have out parent phone calls this week on Tuesday pm and Thursday am. You can book a slot by logging onto your child's Google Sites. The call will be from an unknown number. Please remember any library books you may still have at home. The memories of lockdown project is due in this Friday 26/2/21. 

Weekly News (15/3/21)


Update: I have been so impressed with the children as they have settled back into the school routine this week. They have been able to keep up amazingly! 


English: We will be continuing Weslandia. This week we will be planning and writing non-chronological reports. 


Maths: We will be revisiting learning they carried out at home on fractions. 


History: Iron Age Hillforts

Music: Chords

Science: States of matter, melting and freezing points

Computing: Bringing images to life

PE: Hockey - moving with the ball

DT: Pencil cases


Things to remember: Water bottles, reading books and reading records. PE is on Thursday. Non-school uniform day for Comic Relief on Friday. Voluntary contribution of a pound :)

We did it! (8/3/21)


Update: And we're done with home learning! I would like to say thank you so much for all of your support, I will take over from here :) If you haven't already, you can book a parent consultation with me through Google Sites.


Maths: We will be recapping what the children learnt at home. This week we will be focusing on multiplication and division.


English: We will be reading the book Weslandia (finishing off from the lessons we didn't complete during home learning) We will also be writing a lockdown poem! 


Curriculum: In Geography, we are looking at coastal defenses. In music, we will be learning to sing in harmony. In Science, we will be continuing with states of matter and looking at heating and cooling. In computing, we are bringing images to life. In PE, we will be learning passing and receiving skills in hockey and in DT, we will be practising our stitches. 


Things to remember: There were quite a few things left behind from before lockdown (lunch boxes, water bottles etc) which the children will bring home (if they left anything). Please make sure your child brings in a clean water bottle. PE day is still on Thursday. Please bring in any reading books and reading records. If you have any school resources/ text books you were using throughout lockdown, please bring those in too.

Home Learning Fun

Weekly News (22/2/21)


And we're back! I hope you have all had a good half term without worrying about having to complete any school work! Hopefully we only have 2 more weeks of remote learning to go.


All children will be learning the same Maths this week. This is under Maths Y4 on Google Sites.


Remember to comment on Google Classroom if you have any queries and I will get straight back to you!


Miss Hickey smiley

Weekly News (1/2/21)


I hope you have all had a good weekend and are ready for week 5! Please check your emails regarding our UK Parliament virtual session I have booked for Monday morning at 10-11am. All of the joining details are on Google Classroom. 


It is Children's Mental Health Week this week. The theme is 'Express Yourself'. Instead of our usual curriculum subjects on Monday, Wednesday and Friday in the afternoon, I have assigned the children a task relating to the theme. 


I fully appreciate how hard it is on you parents as well and your mental health. I hope you are able to find the time to relax with your child and even complete some of the activities in the afternoon with them! You're all amazing! 


Miss Hickey smiley

Weekly News (25/1/21)


Another week down and 3 more to go until half term. Again thanks so much for all of your support. I hope you managed to enjoy the snow this weekend. 


We have a live session with the Blue Cross on Wednesday at 1:30pm. I will post the meet link onto Google Classroom. Mrs Blakey has resent some reading invites as we have had to alter the times so please check your child's email. If there is no new time that is because they are going to stay at their original time. 


All work is now on Google Sites! 


Miss Hickey :)

Weekly News (18/1/21)


Hello, I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. Thank you again for your support with your child's remote learning. It is really appreciated. This weeks learning is now on Google Sites. Just a reminder that the live reading sessions with Mrs Blakey are starting this week, please ensure your child has book ready suitable to their reading level. You can visit Oxford Owl, which has a variety of books they can choose from. 


Miss Hickey smiley

Weekly News (11/1/21)


I hope you have all managed to have a restful weekend. Thank you so much for all of your support during this time with your child's remote learning. I really appreciate it!

Just a reminder to carry on reading with your child! You can get free e-books to suit your child's reading level here. I have uploaded all of this week's work onto Google Sites. Any queries, do contact me. 


Miss Hickey :)

Home Learning Fun

Home Learning Let's Go!


Here we go again! I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas despite the circumstances and once again, a huge thank you from Mrs Blakey and I for such thoughtful gifts. 


I sent an email out today regarding login details for Google Classroom/ Sites which I hope was of use. 


Here is the link for Google Sites. Sign into Google with your child's Bromet email address first and then click on the link otherwise it will not allow access. You must do it in this order. This link is also on Google Classroom and I will pin it to the top of our blog.  


Once you are on the home page of our Google Site, have a read of the instructions and it will tell you how to access our live sessions, see our learning for the week, how to access daily lessons and how to submit work through Google Classroom. 


I will upload this terms home learning grid onto Google Classroom. I will also update Google Classroom with any messages or information I may have. 


Fingers crossed this all goes smoothly, I wish you all the best.


Take care


Miss Hickey smiley


Weekly News (14/12/20)


Update: Well done to Otis who is the star of the week. The children have been working really hard this week practicing their Christmas performance. I am very proud of them.  


English: We will be writing stories this week.


Maths: We will be finishing off our multiplication and division unit. 


Curriculum: The children will be creating their own cereal box packaging in DT. They will be able to have a smell of Frankincense and Myrrh in RE. We have a panto on Thursday, and lots more fun Christmas activities to finish of the term.  


Things to remember: It is our Christmas performance tomorrow. The children are allowed to wear Christmas accessories with their school uniform e.g. reindeer antlers or tinsel. Christmas jumper day and Christmas lunch is on Wednesday. School uniform with a Christmas jumper. Finish at 1:30 on Friday. Reading books, reading records, water bottles and homework. 

Weekly News (7/12/20)


Update: Well done to Sienna who is our star of the week and to Rosie B who received her pen license. We had very wet Thursday so did some Yoga for our PE lesson. The children enjoyed it very much! We also performed our Tutankhamun poem for the school over Microsoft Teams. I was very proud! 


English: We are starting a new book for our last two weeks. It is called Moz the Monster and is based on one of John Lewis' Christmas advert. 


Maths: We are continuing to learn about multiplication and division and will.  


Things to remember: Homework, water bottles, reading records and reading books please. Library books need to come back this week also. 

Sequence of lessons for children self-isolating

Weekly News (30/11/20)


Update: Well done to Finley who is our star of the week and to Aahna and Theo who have earned their pen licenses! 


English: We will be writing wanted posters and start a biography on Howard Carter


Maths: We will be carrying on with multiplication and division 


Curriculum: In History, the Stone Age. In computing, e-safety. In Science, we will be making our light up Christmas cards. In PE, netball. In PSHE, celebrating differences.  


Things to remember: Reading records, reading books, homework and water bottles please. 

Weekly News (23/11/20)


Update: Well done to Rosie H who was our star of the week. We had so much fun mummifying each other this week after a successful lesson on instruction writing. The children had a lesson on Google Sites and should be familiar with this incase of our bubble closing. Their username and passwords are in the back of the their reading records. You need to put after their username which will make up the whole email address. 


English: We will be writing news paper reports and creating wanted posters. 


Maths: We are still learning about multiplication and division in Maths. 


Curriculum: We will be learning about the importance of a having a strong password in computing. In Geography, we will be learning about Stone Age settlements. In Science, we are designing our own light up Christmas cards! PE is netball and we will be designing our own cereal packaging in DT. 


Things to remember: Homework, reading books, reading records and water bottles. 

Sequence of lessons for learning for children who are self isolating

Sequence of lessons for learning for children who are self isolating

Weekly News (16/11/20)


Update: Well done to Sonny who was our star of the week! We had a very busy week remembering all of those who sacrificed their lives in the war and raising money for children in need on Friday. 


English: We will be writing up our instructions on the mummification process and writing a diary entry.


Maths: Y3's will be moving onto multiplication and division whilst Y4's carry on looking at perimeter and learning about km.


Curriculum: The children will have a lesson on Google sites so they are familiar with it in case of our bubble closing. We will be learning about how people from the Stone Age survived in history. In science, we will be designing our own light up Christmas cards as part of our electricity topic. In art, we will be painting our pyramids in the pointillism style. In Jigsaw, we are celebrating difference. PE is netball and music appreciation in music.


Things to remember: Odd sock day on Monday! Reading books, reading records, water bottles and homework please. 

Sequence of Lessons for Learning for Children Who Are Self Isolating (9/11/20)

Weekly News (9/11/20)


Update: Well done to George who was our star of the week and to Otis and Qasim who received their pen licenses. On Tuesday, we were all archeologists and went hunting for Ancient Egyptian artefacts in the playground. This told us what our new book was going to be about. It is called The Story of Tutankhamun. Please see attached timetable for this week's learning if you need to self-isolate. 


English: Instruction writing and non-chronological report writing


Maths: Length and measurement 


Things to remember: Homework, water bottles, reading records and reading books please. Reading books must be brought into school every single day and put on your desk. Please ensure you remember this. Books are changed and records checked on a Monday and a Thursday. 

We were archeologists!

Sequence of Lessons for Learning for Children Who Are Self Isolating (2/11/20)

Weekly News (2/11/20)


Update: Well done to Lucy who was our last star of the week and Hollie who received her pen license! I hope you have all had a restful half term and I look forward to seeing you all again. I will now be uploading this weeks learning as a PDF along with any attachments you may need for those of you who are required to self-isolate. 


Things to remember: Please remember to bring in any library books. Homework, reading books, reading records and water bottles in for Monday please. 

Weekly News (19/10/20)


Update: Well done to Tommy K who is our star of the week and to Max who received his pen license. 


English: In English, the children will be writing explanation texts. 


Maths: In Maths, we will be continuing with addition and subtraction and learning how to estimate and check answers. 


Curriculum: In History, we will be learning about Nelson Mandela. In computing, the children will be logging onto Google Classroom. In science, we will be continuing to look at electricity. In Pe, we will be combining all aspects of Athletics. In art, the children will be creating their own Pointillism paintings.  


Things to remember: Homework, reading books, reading records, water bottles and library books for Monday please. 

Weekly News (12/10/20)


Update: Another good week learning. Well done to Faith who is our star of the week for always caring about other people's feelings. 


English: We've sadly finished Sally Jones. The children all wrote Sally Jones 2 and I was very impressed with their writing. This week, we are looking at a non-fiction book called Until I Met Dudley. The children will be designing their own inventions!


Maths: We will be learning about subtraction this week.


Curriculum: In Geography, we will be continuing to compare Watford with Brighton and work on our map skills. In DT, the children will be designing their own healthy lunches. In PE, we are continuing Athletics and learning different jumping techniques. In Science, we will be continuing with electricity. In Jigsaw, we are continuing our Celebrating Me topic. 


Things to remember: Water bottles, reading books, reading records and homework on Monday please. Library books to come in next Monday (19/10/20)

Wear something yellow to support young people’s mental health

Weekly News (5/10/20)


Update: Another great week learning. Well done to Max who is our star of the week and to Lucy who earned her pen license for consistently neat handwriting. 


English: It is our last week of Sally Jones. This week the children will be writing the next chapter of Sally Jones adventure. They will be planning, writing and editing. 


Maths: We will be learning column addition this week. 


Curriculum: In Geography, we will be learning about map skills and compass directions. In Music, we will be learning about rhythm and tempo. In PE we will be jumping as part of our athletics. In computing, the children will be learning how to access the chrome books. In art the children will be learning about Pointillism. 


Things to remember: On Friday 9th we are asking the children to wear yellow and bring in a pound to support young people’s mental health. Please remember home learning, water bottles, reading books and records on Monday please. 

Weekly News (28/09/20)


Update: We've had another great week of learning. The children particularly enjoyed creating circuits in science (photos to be uploaded soon). We learnt about how music can make us feel different emotions. We were up dancing to some tunes and almost fast asleep with others. 


English: We're still reading the children's favourite Sally Jones. This week, they will be writing letters, explanation texts and learning about subordinate clauses. 


Maths: In Maths, we're looking at negative numbers, rounding to the nearest 1000 and learning about Roman numerals.


Curriculum: In History, we are looking at the history of sport in Watford and how it has impacted our town. In PE, we are will be learning different throwing techniques in Athletics. In DT, we are continuing looking at Food nutrition.


Things to remember: Homework, reading books, reading records and water bottles on Monday please. Reading books and records should be coming into school everyday. Please ensure you are reading with your child and signing their reading record as frequently as possible. 

Weekly News (21/09/20)


Update: Another great week of learning! Well done to Aahna who is our star of the week. The children are absolutely loving The Legend of Sally Jones which is the book we are reading in English. 


English: We are continuing with The Legend of Sally Jones and this week the children will be writing a diary entry and a leaflet. Our class guided reading book is Ottoline and the Yellow Cat. 


Maths: We are continuing with place value of four digit numbers and the children will be learning to compare and order numbers. 


Curriculum: We will be learning map skills in Geography, carrying on with electricity in Science, learning about long distance running in PE, continuing being me in my world for PSHE, and learning how to mix colours in Art. 


Things to remember: Homework, water bottles and book bags on Monday. Don’t forget your reading book please. This needs to come in every day. 

Our Mr. Men Display

Weekly News (14/09/20) 


Update: I’ve been super impressed with how well the children have all settled back into the school routine. We’ve had a great first full week back. The children have really enjoyed reading The Legend of Sally Jones and have produced some great writing. We have started our class reader this week which is I Cosmo. Well done to Sonny who is our star of the week. 


Maths: We will be continuing place value and work on rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100. 


English: We are continuing to read The Legend of Sally Jones and this week the children will be learning how to correctly punctuate direct speech, use noun phrases and write an advert and a news report. 


Curriculum: In PE, we are doing athletics. In Art, we are studying pointillism. In Geography, we will be working on maps skills. In PHSE, we are learning about working as a team. 


Things to remember: PE day is Thursday. Please remember your homework on Monday. Reading books and records to come in every day and they will be changed on a Monday and a Thursday. 

Weekly News (07/09/20)


Update: A great first few days back! I sure am exhausted so I'm sure the children are too! We've learnt about the five British Values and how we can relate them to our school life and we've spoken lots about feelings and emotions! Next week we will be starting Maths and English and continuing PHSE in the afternoons. 


English: Our English for the first half term will be based on the book The Legend of Sally Jones.


Maths: We will be learning about number and place value.


Please remember: PE day is Thursday. Water bottles and book bags in on Monday please. Star readers start again from next week if a child has three or more adult signatures in their reading record over one week. We check this from Monday to Monday. 

Our Team Shield and British Value Posters

Welcome Back (03/09/20)


Hello and welcome back! I hope you are all just as excited as I am to welcome in the new school year. It has been almost 6 months since some of you have been in school and you may be feeling a little worried or nervous and that's okay! We are going to be doing lots of transition work to help you settle into your new class and back into the school routine. Please remember to bring in your fully equipped pencil cases, a water bottle, your autobiographies you wrote over the summer and any reading books you were given before lock down in March. You may also want to bring in your book bag too. Don't worry about bringing in a PE kit as you will need to come into school wearing this on your PE day which is a Thursday however we won't be doing PE this Thursday 3rd September so please come in your school uniform. 


See you all very soon! 


Miss Hickey smiley
