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Bromet Primary School Excellence, Enjoyment and Achievement for All

School Council & Pupil Voice




Pupil Voice is very important to us at Bromet. Mrs Wambeek leads our School Council and the group meets to share the children’s ideas and suggestions. Two children from each class are selected to be members of the School Council, by way of a democratic vote. 


It is lovely to be able to welcome the children in their role of young leaders this year. 


School Council 2023-24


Eagle: Theo and Lucy

Falcon:  Amelia and Razell

Nightingale: Albie and Tiffany

Woodpecker: Charlotte and Archan

Kestrel: Henry and Emily

Kingfisher: Jessica and Bobby


So far this year, we have reintroduced the golden table and  Hot Chocolate Friday. We also did a book swap, where children were invited to bring in any unwanted books to swap with another student. Speaking to prospective parents, who were possibly going to introduce their children as receptions the following year, was a huge responsibility. We have also considered plans for future fundraising events (more information in the letter).


Thank you, Lucy and Theo (Year 6 School Council)




Pupil Voice is very important to us at Bromet. Mrs Wambeek leads our School Council and the group meets to share the children’s ideas and suggestions. Two children from each class are selected to be members of the School Council, by way of a democratic vote.  During the current restrictions the children will be working within their classes to collect ideas to pass on to each other  via an electronic method.


School Council 2020-21


Eagle: Ethan and Eila

Falcon: Karim and Phoebe

Nightingale: Vivaan and Aimee

Woodpecker: Nasar and Rosie

Kestrel: Brody and Masooma

Kingfisher: Annas and Zakiyya

Sparrow: Waiz and Maryam

Swift: Seth and Izzy


Our youngest members of  School Council ( Swift and Sparrow ) have been  looking at the 'Flotsam Displays'. As seen on the website front page.

They were very impressed with all of them and made some very mature comments:

'I like the shaded part'

'There is a lot of writing' 

'I like the big picture in the middle, it stands out'

'These look just like the book'

'The computer turtles are clever'

'The whole class have made this sparkly.'

'The fish with the key is very clever'

'They even made cameras'

'The best so far!' was awarded Nightingale Class- they gave it 5 plus 2 stars,which they assured me made 7!! 


Year 2 and above have been working with WFC Learning on a social action project, giving up some of their Wednesday lunchtimes. The final session will be in Eagle Class on Wednesday after half term. 

WFC are in the process of planning a trip to Wales in July, for the children. They will take part in a beach clean-up project, alongside some of the other schools taking part.

 Very exciting for all involved.

Once the project is finished the children will be planning a presentation to share with the rest of the school.


School Council Charities Assembly January 2020

November 2019


We collected nearly £400 for The Royal British Legion- thank you! Our arms were aching carrying the collection from class to class but it was well worth it. This month we have carried out a learning walk and visited classrooms to see what learning was taking place. We noticed some good behaviour for learning and that all classes have inviting and cosy reading corners for the children to use. We fed our results back to the teachers. In our final meeting of this year we will be updating our suggestion boxes  and planning a charities assembly ready for the spring term.

Thank you for all of your hard work.

October 2019


We have been busy this month, delivering a great Harvest Assembly and helping Mrs B collect  the donations for The Red Trust. This week Nancy and Malek represented Bromet at a meeting of school council reps from other schools in our MAT. They prepared and presented a presentation about Bromet and will be meeting again in December Well Done!

September 2019

We will be meeting this week to consider which 3 charirtes we should support for our token donation. At the end of each term the charity with the most tokens receives a donation from Bromet.



Pupil Voice is very important to us at Bromet. Mrs Wambeek leads our School Council who meet regularly to hear the children’s ideas and suggestions. Two children from each class are selected to be members of the School Council. They are also involved with planning and carrying out assemblies and for feeding back to the children. Parent and carer plus children’s ideas and views can be shared anytime with the staff or through our questionnaires.


School Council 2018-19


Eagle: Malek and Nancy

Falcon: Max and Leila- May

Nightingale: Alex and Phoebe

Woodpecker: Taylor and George

Kestrel: Diggory and Rosie

Kingfisher: Ethan and Ella

Sparrow: Jackson and Amy

Swift: Harley and Maisie

Pupil Voice


Pupil Voice is very important to us at Bromet. Mrs Wambeek leads our School Council who meet regularly to hear the children’s ideas and suggestions. Two children from each class are selected to be members of the School Council. They are also involved with planning and carrying out assemblies and for feeding back to the children. Parent and carer plus children’s ideas and views can be shared anytime with the staff or through our questionnaires.


School Council 2018-19


Eagle: Emmanuel and Thanisshka

Falcon: Amy and Frankie

Nightingale: Ed and Tabitha

Woodpecker: Alex and Jasmine

Kestrel: Vinnie and Lara 

Kingfisher: Kika and Otis

Sparrow: Masooma and William

Swift: Devon and Oscar



The School Council have helped to create the design for an art project in year 6 and this week they have been busy judging the crafts. The winner will be announced on Monday, It was an extremely hard decision!

Welcome Back


The  first meeting of the term has been with the KS1 members. Last term,School Council Reps had mentioned about helping to keep our school tidy. As the weather was kind we went out with the litter pickers, collecting some of the rubbish that had got caught around the edge of the field and playground.

The children were all keen to help,and found lots of wrappers amongst the leaves! 

Thank you for helping to make our school look better!

Easter Assembly



Bromet School Council


This spring term, Bromet School Council have been very active helping our school to become a better place for all pupils. We have been very enthusiastic in carrying out our duties. Some of the activities we have done are as follows:


Meeting School Improvement Partner

We met with the School improvement partner. She asked us lots of questions about Bromet and told us about her role. We then had the chance to ask her some questions.


Judging Flood displays

The KS2 School Council Representatives went around the school judging all of the class Flood displays based the school book, Flood. We all gave a rating from 1-5 and the display with the highest points won. Also Thanniska and Emmanuel (Eagle Class reps) took the KS1 school council around to judge as well. It was later then announced  Kestrel Class had the best score.



For the past 2 weeks school council have been selling and collecting raffle tickets. The winner of the Easter raffle was drawn out in assembly. School Council also had the privilege to judge the KS1 Easter bonnets and the KS2 Easter art competition with Father david from St Matthew’s.



Emmanuel and Thanisshka asked KS1 School Council reps a few questions and here are their responses:

What have you enjoyed so far about being in the school council?

Devon and Oscar - Swifts : “I liked judging the Flood displays.”

Masooma and Will - Sparrows : “I liked the Flood displays too!”

Kika and Otis - Kingfishers : “I liked doing the Easter posters and also the Flood displays.”

What ideas do you have for school council in the summer?

Devon and Oscar : “We could have milkshakes instead of hot chocolate in the summer!”

Masooma and Will: “We could go litter picking! We could go on School Council trips”

Kika and Otis: “We could do a school council sponsored water fight!”

Let’s see about that idea!

By: Thanisshka and Emmanuel.

The School Council have been busy this week judging the class displays linked to book week-They took time to study the whole effect and variety of work, to give each class a score. 

Next they will begin planning their Easter Assembly with Mrs B , in preparation for 4th April.

This week we have been learning about E-safety and talking about well- being in class and at our School Council Meeting. The children decorated their network hands and designed E- safety posters.

Its great to be back for the Spring. The new lunchtime rotas are in place and the recycling bin is in KS2 playground.We are also collecting empty crisp packets in the dining hall to send away for recycling. Our projects for this term include planning e- safety advice to share with our classes and  creating positive mental health leaflets.

After half term we will be taking part in Mrs B's Easter Assembly.

Please continue to put forward suggestions to your school council class representative your voice is important to us!

This week  School Council representatives took part in a learning walk. They observed great behaviour for learning in all classes and shared their results with each other. Next week KS1 will be talking about positive mental health.

School Council Representatives will be bringing poppies to the classrooms after lunch break this week. Thank you for helping our school community support The Poppy Appeal.


On Thursday the school council met to discuss suggestions from class boxes. They shared the ideas and have made a list of suggestions to take back to the classroom to find out more information and monitor reaction. The most popular will be discussed with Mrs Pace. Well done!

Harvest Assembly

KS1 Meeting Today

Our KS1 school council members spent time today working as a team to help Will from Sparrow decorate their class suggestion box. We then went on a walk outside and the children were able to show me all the safe places they have to play at break and lunchtimes. As part of their role, looking after the school community, they helped to clear some of the paper that had blown into the bushes and tidy the pathway. Great job!

We are all looking forward to The Harvest Assembly on Friday.


School Council minutes from first meeting- Week 2

  • The children met for the first time and introduced themselves and  shared their wishes for the forthcoming year.
  • KS2 children assisted KS1 children in completing their membership forms.
  • Photographs were taken for the school notice board to inform the whole school of each class representative.
  • It was agreed that each class should have a suggestion box.
  • School Council first event will be helping with Harvest Assembly and Collection which this year will be for Red Trust Bushey Foodbank


Monday 17th September 12.30pm  for KS2 members to organise assembly duties and find out more about the worthy charity we are collecting for.
