Prospective Reception Visits available 12th and 26th November. Please contact the school office to arrange a visit
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Bromet Primary School Excellence, Enjoyment and Achievement for All

Sparrow - Year 1 and Year 2

🌟Welcome to Sparrow Class! 🌟

Class Teacher: Miss J Weyer

PPA/Management Cover: Mrs M Humphreys

Teaching Partner: Ms L Devane, Monday to Friday mornings

Teaching Partner: Mrs B Shah, two afternoons

Sparrow Class Timetable 2021-22

Home Learning Grid - 2021 -2022

Our Classroom!

Our Week!

The children have coped so well with the heat and we will make sure their last 3 days will be as 'cool' as possible! Please ensure your child has a hat and water bottle with them.

There will be popcorn/ice-pop snacks at some point in the classroom this week. 

Congratulations to Gemma for being our star this week! smiley

Monday: Everything from their drawers will be going home today, please bring their book bags in. 

Tuesday: Circus skills day!

Wednesday: School ends at 1:30pm!

Our Week!

The children have enjoyed meeting their new teacher and behaved brilliantly for them! 

Congratulations to Bram this week for being our Star! 🌟


Week W/C 11th July 

Maths: Place Value  On Mathletics I have opened up all the units 

English: We will be focusing on sentence structure and punctuation. 

Phonics: This week we are focusing on colours, contractions and compound words

Computing: To create a program

PSHE: Looking forward to change

Geography: Weather

History: Travel and Transport


Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Book Bags and Water Bottles will go home each evening) 

Tuesday - Book Bags, Homework and Water Bottles due in. Reading Morning 8:30-9:00

Wednesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. 

Thursday - Book Bags and water bottles are due in. Reading books will be kept from today. 

Friday -  Book Bags and water bottles are due in, old school books will go home today PE KITS TO BE WORN


Our Week!

The children have worked very hard on their assessments and I am very proud of them! Next week we welcome a new year 1 child called Daniel, I know we will all make him feel very welcome.

Congratulations to Inaaya this week for being our Star! 🌟


Week W/C 4th July 

Maths: Place Value  On Mathletics I have opened up all the units 

English: We will be focusing on sentence structure and punctuation. 

Phonics: This week we are focusing on numbers, contractions and compound words

Computing: To create a program

PSHE: Understand and respect changes they see in others

RE: What is a langar meal?  

Geography: Weather

History: Knights and Castles 

DT: To follow a plan and make a fruit kebab


Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Book Bags and Water Bottles will go home each evening) 

Tuesday - Book Bags, Homework and Water Bottles due in. Reading Morning 8:30-9:00

Wednesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. Homework will go out 

Thursday - Book Bags and water bottles are due in. Children will meet their new teacher today. 

Friday -  Book Bags and water bottles are due in, reports will go out today. PE KITS TO BE WORN


Our Week!

The children planted flowers in the garden and examined vegetables and fruit in their DT session!

Congratulations to Hugo this week for being our Star! 🌟


Week W/C 27th June

Maths: Assessment Week  Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be focusing on sentence structure and punctuation. 

Phonics: This week revises o (long O) grapheme, the k before i, e, y and prefix un spelling rules and 2-syllable words.

Computing: To program a device

PSHE: Understand and respect changes they see in others

RE: Why is the Qur’an a holy book for Muslim people?  


Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Book Bags and Water Bottles will go home each evening) 

Tuesday - Book Bags, Homework and Water Bottles due in. Reading Morning 8:30-9:00

Wednesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. Homework will go out 

Thursday - Book Bags and water bottles are due in.

Friday -  Book Bags and water bottles are due in. PE KITS TO BE WORN


Our Week!

The children have coped really well with the weather this week and started their DT unit on fruits and vegetables! 

Congratulations to Elena this week for being our Star! 🌟


Week W/C 20th June

Maths: Weight and Mass. Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be continuing our new unit based on the book ‘The Bear and the Piano’. The children will be writing our own news reports. 

Phonics: This week revises o (long O) grapheme, the k before i, e, y and prefix un spelling rules and 2-syllable words.

Geography: Weather in Watford

Computing: To plan and follow a set of instructions

PSHE: Understand and respect changes they see in themselves 


Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Book Bags and Water Bottles will go home each evening) 

Tuesday - Book Bags, Homework and Water Bottles due in. Reading Morning 8:30-9:00

Wednesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. Homework will go out 

Thursday - Book Bags and water bottles are due in.

Friday -  Book Bags and water bottles are due in. PE KITS TO BE WORN


Our Week!

The children loved visiting the park on Thursday and doing their bit for the community! 

Congratulations to Holly this week for being our Star! 🌟

Don't forget Jazzy Jars! 


Week W/C 10th June

Maths: Weight and Mass. Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be continuing our new unit based on the book ‘The Bear and the Piano’. The children will be writing our own news reports. 

Phonics: This week revises the y and e graphemes which makes the long E sound and the ph and wh graphemes.

y (Green Froggy) Grapheme Revision

Example words: very, happy, funny, party, family

ph Grapheme Revision

Example words: dolphin, alphabet, phonics, elephant

wh Grapheme Revision

Example words: when, where, which, wheel, while

e (Green Froggy) Grapheme Revision

Example words: be, he, me, she, we, because

Computing: To create a video using a Bee-Bot

RE: Why is the Torah a holy book for Jewish people? 

PSHE: To understand that everyone is unique and special 


Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Book Bags and Water Bottles will go home each evening) 

Tuesday - Book Bags, Homework and Water Bottles due in. Reading Morning 8:30-9:00

Wednesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. Homework will go out 

Thursday - Book Bags and water bottles are due in.

Friday -  Book Bags and water bottles are due in. PE KITS TO BE WORN


Our Week!

What a fab end to a great week! The children have worked so hard this half term and I hope you all have a relaxing break. 

Congratulations to Jamie this week for being our Star! 🌟


Week W/C 6th June

Maths: Weight and Mass. Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be starting our new unit based on the book ‘The Bear and the Piano’. The children will be writing their own predictions and posing relevant questions.

Phonics: This week revises several tricky graphemes: air, ear (air) and are that make the same sound. It also revises the ear grapheme that makes the lone E-r sound.

Computing: To explore a new device

RE: Why is the Bible a holy book for Christians? 

PSHE: To understand that everyone is unique and special 


Tuesday - Book Bags, Homework and Water Bottles due in. Reading Morning 8:30-9:00

Wednesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. Homework will go out 

Thursday - Book Bags and water bottles are due in. WALK TO OXHEY PARK 1pm-2pm

Friday -  Book Bags and water bottles are due in. PE KITS TO BE WORN


Our Week!

The children have found out some great facts about Queen Victoria and sketched outside in the style of William Morris. We are looking forward to Victorian Day, Jubilee Day and Sports Afternoon!  

Congratulations to Jasper this week for being our Star! 🌟


Week W/C 23rd May

Maths: Weight and Mass. Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be finishing our unit based on the book ‘The Journey Home’. The children will be writing their own version of the story.

Phonics: This week teaches the ew grapheme that makes the long U sound, the ie and the igh graphemes that makes the long I sound and the ie grapheme that makes the long E sound.


Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Book Bags and Water Bottles will go home each evening) Victorian Day!

Tuesday - Book Bags, Homework and Water Bottles due in. Reading Morning 8:30-9:00

Wednesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. Homework will go out 

Thursday - Book Bags and water bottles are due in. Jubilee Day, dress in Red, White and Blue! 

Friday - Sports Afternoon, dress in House Colours  Book Bags and water bottles are due in. 


Isolation Tasks for Individuals 23-27th May

Our Week!

The children have really enjoyed their printing unit and were very excited to have an artist visit (Miss Embley’s mum) to show them how to print using print tools. 

Congratulations to Aston this week for being our Star! 🌟

Looking forward to READING MORNING 8:30-9:00 am on Tuesday!

Week W/C 13h May

Maths: Time then moving on to weights. Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be continuing our unit based on the book ‘The Journey Home’. The children will be writing their own version of the story.

Phonics: ‘ow’ ‘ue’ ‘ue’ ‘ew’ grapheme revision 

Art: Printmaking and  William Morris

History: Who was Queen Victoria? 

Science: Living things

Geography: Comparing Tokyo and London

PSHE: Knowling how to help themselves and others when they are hurt

P.E. For this term we are focusing on Gymnastic skills as Miss Embley is a qualified Gym coach

Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Book Bags and Water Bottles will go home each evening) 

Tuesday - READING MORNING 8:30-9:00 am Book Bags, Homework and Water Bottles due in. 

Wednesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. Homework will go out 

Thursday - Book Bags and water bottles are due in.  

Friday - DANCE THROUGH THE DECADES DAY! Book Bags and water bottles are due in PE Kits to be worn today!


Isolation Tasks for Individuals w/c 16.05.22

Our Week!

The children have really enjoyed their printing topic so far and this week printed in the style of William Morris!

Congratulations to Bilal this week for being our Star! 🌟


Week W/C 9th May

Maths: Time. Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be continuing our unit based on the book ‘The Journey Home’. The children will be beginning to infer and write in role

Phonics: ‘oa’ ‘oe’ ‘ou’ ‘ow’ grapheme revision 

Art: Printmaking and  William Morris

Science: Who was Linda Brown Buck?

History: Who was Amy Johnson? 

PSHE: Show respect in how they treat others 

P.E. For this term we are focusing on Gymnastic skills as Miss Embley is a qualified Gym coach

Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Book Bags and Water Bottles will go home each evening) 

Tuesday - Book Bags, Homework and Water Bottles due in. 

Wednesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. Homework will go out 

Thursday - Book Bags and water bottles are due in.  

Friday - Book Bags and water bottles are due in PE Kits to be worn today!


Isolation Tasks for Individuals 9th-13th May

Sparrow Class Trip!

Our Week!

I was so proud of the children on Thursday. They were perfect on our school trip and loved every minute!

Congratulations to everyone this week for being Stars! 🌟


Week W/C 3rd May

Maths: Time. Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be continuing our unit based on the book ‘The Journey Home’. The children will be beginning to infer and write in role

Phonics: ‘ir’ ‘ur’ ‘oo’ graphemes 

Art: Printmaking and  William Morris

History: Who was Amy Johnson? 

PSHE: Help others to feel part of a group

P.E. For this term we are focusing on Gymnastic skills as Miss Embley is a qualified Gym coach

Tuesday - Book Bags, Homework and Water Bottles due in. 

Wednesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. Homework will go out 

Thursday - Book Bags and water bottles are due in.  

Friday - Book Bags and water bottles are due in PE Kits to be worn today!


Isolation Tasks for Individuals Isolating 3rd-6th May

Our Week!

The children have had a great first week back, they have revisited their network hands and learnt about the Dodo! They are very excited about their trip on Thursday!

Congratulations to Mia for being our Star! 🌟


Week W/C 25th April

Maths: Position and movement. Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be continuing our unit based on the book ‘The Journey Home’. The children will be converting verbs into different tenses

Phonics: ‘ee’, ‘ea’, ‘er’ graphemes

Art: Printing in the style of William Morris

Science: Living, non living plants or animals

History: Who was Amy Johnson? 

Computing: E-Safety

PSHE: Know how to sort out friendship issues

P.E. For this term we are focusing on Gymnastic skills as Miss Embley is a qualified Gym coach

Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Book Bags and Water Bottles will go home each evening) 

Tuesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. 

Wednesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. Homework will go out 

Thursday - Book Bags and water bottles are due in.  IT IS OUR TRIP DAY!

Friday - Book Bags and water bottles are due in PE Kits to be worn today!


Isolation Tasks for Individuals - 25/04/22

Our Week!

The children have had a great final week and loved sharing their learning with you all. Have a lovely break and we will see you in April 

Congratulations to Bram for being our Star! 🌟


Week W/C 19th April

Maths: Position and movement. Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be starting a new unit based on the book ‘The Journey Home’. The children will be writing expanded noun phrases.

Phonics: This week introduces the Phonics Screening Test. The lessons focus on reading real and nonsense words, as a whole class. 

Art: Printing in the style of William Morris

P.E. For this term we are focusing on Striking and Fielding  


Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Book Bags and Water Bottles will go home each evening) 

Tuesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. 

Wednesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. Homework will go out 

Thursday - Book Bags and water bottles are due in

Friday - Book Bags and water bottles are due in PE Kits to be worn today!


Isolation Tasks for Individuals - 19th-22nd April

Our Week!

The children have had a great time taking photos of each other and decorating their clay chairs. They are really enjoying their gym sessions led by Miss Embley! 

Break The Rules Day 31st March 

Congratulations to Eleanor for being our Star! 🌟


Week W/C 28th  March 

Maths: Geometry and Shape. Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be finishing our unit based on the ‘Bear Under the Stairs!’ We will focus on questions, exclamations and statements. We will also write our own version.

Science: Venus Flytraps!

Geography: Antarctic virtual field trip

Computing: Editing photos 

Phonics: This week reviews the oy grapheme and the split digraphs a-e, e-e and i-e.

Example words: boy, toy, enjoy, annoy, made, came, same, take, safe.

PSHE: Know how to keep calm in difficult situations 

P.E. For this term we are focusing on Gym 

Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Book Bags and Water Bottles will go home each evening) 

Tuesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. 

Wednesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. Homework will not go out of Easter

Thursday - Book Bags due in, they will be kept in school over Easter. Break the Rules Day!

Friday - Term ends at 1:30pm. PE Kits to be worn today!


Tasks for children self isolating w/c 28/03/22

Our Week!

The children have had a great time taking photos of each other and decorating their clay chairs. They are really enjoying their gym sessions led by Miss Embley! 

PE is back to  FRIDAY next week (25th) 

Mother’s Day Sale is on Friday

Congratulations to Emily Gl for being our Star! 🌟


Week W/C 21st  March 

Maths: Geometry and Shape . Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be continuing our unit based on the ‘Bear Under the Stairs!’ We will focus on questions, exclamations and statements. We will also write letters

Art: Mother’s Day

Geography: Antarctic virtual field trip

RE: Holy Week 

Phonics: This week reviews the ve ai oi and oy Grapheme Revision. English words hardly ever end with the letter v, so if a word ends with a v sound, the letter e usually needs to be added after the ‘v’. Example words: have, live, give ai Grapheme Revision The digraphs ai and oi are virtually never used at the end of English words. Example words: rain, wait, train, paid, afraid oi Grapheme Revision Example words: oil, join, coin, point, soil ay Grapheme Revision ay and oy are used for those sounds at the end of words and at the end of syllables. Example words: day, play, say, way, stay

PSHE: Know how to be a good friend and have healthy relationships 

P.E. For this term we are focusing on Gym 

Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Book Bags and Water Bottles will go home each evening) 

Tuesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. 

Wednesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. Homework will go out today

Thursday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in.

Friday - Book Bags due in. Mother’s Day Sale PE Kits to be worn today!


Isolation Tasks - Week Commencing 21/03/22

Van Gogh Sunflowers!

Our Week!

The children are very proud of the books they wrote based on ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers. They created chairs in the style of Van Gogh using clay which they will paint soon. 

PE is THURSDAY next week (17th) 

Comic Relief is on Friday, non school uniform, £1 for Comic Relief and £1 for Ukraine


Congratulations to Tiago for being our Star! 🌟

Congratulations to Elena who had Hot Chocolate with Mrs Pace! 


Week W/C 14th March 

Maths: Geometry and Shape . Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be starting our new unit based on the ‘Bear Under the Stairs!’ We will focus on questions, exclamations and statements. 

DT: Evaluating our Fabric Bags

History: Robert Falcon Scott

Science: How hear different sounds

Computing: Taking photos

Phonics: This week is revision ear (long E-r) ear (air) are y (long E) ph wh e (long E) o (long O). ff zz ll ss ck Graphemes Revision Example words: very, happy, funny, party, family. nk Grapheme Revision Example words: bank, think tch Grapheme Revision Example words: catch, fetch, kitchen, notch, hutch

PSHE: Have tried to keep themselves and others safe

P.E. For this term we are focusing on Gym 

Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Book Bags and Water Bottles will go home each evening) 

Tuesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. 

Wednesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. Homework will go out today

Thursday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. PE Kits to be worn today!

Friday - Book Bags due in.Comic Relief, and Ukraine donations 


Isolation Tasks 14th-18th March

Antarctica Display

Our Week!

The children have loved learning all about the book ‘The Queen's Knickers’ for World Book Day and wrote great newspaper reports!on! They have enjoyed drawing penguins to go on our Antarctica display. 


Congratulations to Aaliyah for being our Star! 🌟


Week W/C 7th March 

This is Ms Knell’s final week with us, as she’s going to support Robin Class from Monday, 14th. 
Miss Devane will be joining us from 14th! 

We welcome Miss Embley back on Tuesday. She will join us until June. 


Maths: Measurement and length.  Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be returning to ‘Lost and Found’ focusing on sentence structure

Art: Clay in the style of Van Gogh’s chair

History: Robert Falcon Scott

Science: How we see light

RE: What does a Vicar do?  

Phonics: This week teaches the wh, the o (long ) and the e (long E) graphemes.

Example words: when, where, which, wheel, while, be, he, me, she, we, no, go, so, only

PSHE: Have been physically active

P.E. For this term we are focusing on Gym 

Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Book Bags and Water Bottles will go home each evening) 

Tuesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. 

Wednesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. Homework will go out today

Thursday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in.

Friday - Book Bags due in. PE Kits to be worn


Isolation Task - 7th-11th March

Our Week!

The children have enjoyed our new book, Lost and Found. They painted some lovely sunflowers inspired by Van Gogh and enjoyed their first Gym session! 


Congratulations to Elizabeth for being our Star! 🌟

Congratulations to Abbas-Ali who had Hot Chocolate with Mrs Pace! 


Week W/C 28th February 


Maths: Measurement and length.  Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be focusing on our World Book Day Book, ‘The Queen’s Knickers’ by Nicholas Allan

DT: Designing our fabric bags

History: Robert Falcon Scott

Science: Everyday Materials

Phonics: This week teaches the are, y (long E) and ph graphemes; Example words: bare, dare, care, share, scared, dolphin, alphabet, phonics and elephant

PSHE: Have eaten a healthy balanced diet

P.E. For this term we are focusing on Gym 

Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Book Bags and Water Bottles will go home each evening) 

Tuesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. PANCAKE DAY!

Wednesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. Homework will go out today

Thursday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in.WORLD BOOK DAY!

Friday - Book Bags due in. PE Kits to be worn


Georgie is looking forward to seeing you!

Welcome Back!

We hope you had a great week and are looking forward to the next half term including World Book Day, Comic Relief and Easter! 

Congratulations to Archan for being our Star! 🌟

Week W/C 21st February 

Maths: Measurement and length.  Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be continuing our new unit based on Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers and we will focus on sentence structure and description  

Art: Van Gogh’s Sunflowers

Geography: The Antarctic

Science: Animals and their offspring

Phonics: ear (lone E-r) and ear (air) grapheme. Example words: dear, hear, beard, near, year, bear, pear, wear. 

PSHE: Making a healthy choice

P.E. For this term we are focusing on Gym 

Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Book Bags and Water Bottles will go home each evening) 

Tuesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. 

Wednesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. Homework will go out today

Thursday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in.

Friday - Book Bags due in. PE Kits to be worn


Isolation Tasks for Individuals - 21st-25th February


Our Week!

The children have enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year and we were really impressed with all the Talent Show Auditions! Next week we have a non-school uniform on Friday as part of Mental Health Week and Talent Show Finals Friday. It is also National Internet Safety Day on Tuesday. 


Congratulations to Charlie for being our Star! 🌟

Talent Show Heat Winners: Henry, Maddie and Eleanor! 


Week W/C 7th January


Maths: Place Value within 100.  Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be continuing our new unit based on The Magic Bed by John Burningham and we will focus on sentence structure and description  

Computing: Internet Safety Monday and Tuesday pm 

Phonics: ‘au’ ‘air’ and prefix ‘un’ as in author, August, dinosaur, astronaut, air, fair, pair, hair, chair, unhappy, undo, unload, unfair, unlock

PSHE: Help others to achieve their goals

DT: Bag Designing 

Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Book Bags and Water Bottles will go home each evening) 

Tuesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. Safer Internet Day 

Wednesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. No Homework this week as it is Half Term

Thursday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in.

Friday - Book Bags due in. Non School Uniform - No PE as it is the Talent Show Finals


Tasks for Individuals Isolating, not Whole Class 07/02/22-11/02/22


Still image for this video
The children are loving their new classmate and enjoy taking it in turns to look after him!

Our Week!

The children started learning their lines for our Class Assembly, planted bulbs in the garden and made ‘Lucky Fish’ as part of their Chinese New Year lesson!


Congratulations to Ismael for being our Star! 🌟

Congratulations to Mia who had Hot Chocolate with Mrs Pace! 


Week W/C 31st  January

Maths: Place Value within 100.  Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be continuing our new unit based on The Magic Bed by John Burningham and we will focus on sentence structure and description  

DT: Bag Investigation 

Science: To look at animal groups

History: History of Chinese New Year

Phonics: ‘or’ ‘ore’ and ‘aw’ as in claw draw sport shore

PSHE: To have a positive attitude 

P.E. For this term we are focusing on Dance 

Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Book Bags and Water Bottles will go home each evening) 

Tuesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. 

Wednesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. Homework to go out today

Thursday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in.

Friday - Book Bags due in. PE KITS to be worn today 


Isolation Tasks for Individuals, not whole class W/C 31/01/22

Our Week!

The children were very proud of their recording of What a Wonderful World! 


Congratulations to Maddie for being our Star! 🌟

Congratulations to Freddie who had Hot Chocolate with Mrs Pace! 


Week W/C 24th January


Maths: Continuing our unit on division. Sharing equally, making equal groups and dividing by 2, 5 and 10 Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be starting our new unit based on The Magic Bed by John Burningham and we will focus on sentence structure and description  

Art: Van Gogh - Starry Night

Science: To identify the structure of trees 

History: Moon Landings

Phonics: ‘ie’ ‘igh’ as in light, night, pie, tie 

Computing: Online Safety - Bullying

PSHE: To work well with others

P.E. For this term we are focusing on Dance 

Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Book Bags and Water Bottles will go home each evening) 

Tuesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. 

Wednesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. Homework to go out today

Thursday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in.

Friday - Book Bags due in. PE KITS to be worn today 


Isolation Tasks for Individuals not Whole Class - Week 4

Our Week!

The children have created information leaflets about visiting planet earth and created their own planet in history alongside making moon rocks! 

Congratulations to Elena for being our Star! 🌟


Week W/C 17th January

Maths: Continuing our unit on division. Sharing equally, making equal groups and dividing by 2 Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be continuing  our whole school book ‘’Here We Are’ by Oliver Jeffers and we will focus on sentence structure and description  

Art: Van Gogh - Starry Night

Science: To identify the structure of plants 

Geography: To identify the continents 

Phonics: Assessment of phonics so far 

RE: Belonging to a group

PSHE: To keep trying even when things are difficult

P.E. For this term we are focusing on Dance 

Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Book Bags and Water Bottles will go home each evening) 

Tuesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. 

Wednesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. Homework to go out today

Thursday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in.

Friday - Book Bags due in. PE KITS to be worn today 


Tasks for Children Self Isolating, not Whole Class

Our Week

Our Week!

The children have enjoyed their first couple of days back. They write information leaflets about Georgie, our new hamster and linked this to British Values. 


Week W/C 10th January

Maths: Starting our first unit on division. Sharing equally, making equal groups and dividing by 2 Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be starting our whole school book ‘’Here We Are’ by Oliver Jeffers and we will focus on sharing, communicating and information writing  

DT: To explore different types of bags

Science: To identify the structure of plants 

Geography: To identify the continents 

Phonics: We will be learning the ‘ue’ ‘ew’ eg blew, few, blue, clue, stew

Computing: E-Safety - trusted adults 

PSHE: To explain what we are good at

P.E. For this term we are focusing on Dance 


Monday - Book Bags and water bottles to be brought in (Book Bags and Water Bottles will go home each evening) 

Tuesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. 

Wednesday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. Homework to go out today

Thursday - Book Bags and Water Bottles due in. Reading Books will be changed today

Friday - Book Bags due in. PE KITS to be worn today 


Isolation Tasks for Individuals, not a whole Class - Week 2

Happy 2022!

Welcome back and we hope you all had a lovely break and are ready for the new term ahead!

Week 6th-7th January

We will be spending the first two days reconnecting and focusing on British Values and PSHE including feeling safe, network hands and emotional wellbeing. We will also be looking at the poem My Hamster Rides a Skateboard by Kenn Nesbitt. 


Book Bags and Water Bottles are due in as reading books will go out today.


PE Kits are to be worn today 

We look forward to welcoming you back on Thursday! 

Tasks for Individual Children Self Isolating - Not a Whole Class

Our Week!

I was so proud of the children when they were recorded for their Christmas Production. They took on their new roles very quickly and tried so hard. I hope you are as proud of them as I am. 

Congratulations to Rishi for being our Star! 🌟

Week W/C 20th December

Santa's Breakfast is on Monday! Thank you to the PTFA for organising! 

We will spend Monday and Tuesday focusing on arts and crafts. There will also be a popcorn and movie session if we have time. Please continue to bring on Book Bags as they will be bringing their creations home. 

School finishes after lunch on Tuesday. 

Our Week!

Isolation Tasks for individuals - Week 15

Our Week!

The children have worked hard learning their lines for Christmas and learnt about Russian Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova!

Congratulations to Ariana for being our Star! 🌟

Week W/C 13th December 

Forest School on Tuesday!


Maths: Year 1 Recognising coins and notes  Year 2 Totalling amounts and finding change 

Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be continuing our book ‘Send for a Superhero’ by Michael Rosen and we will focus on description and sentence structure  

Phonics: We will be revision on plurals and a-e eg cave, take, brake etc 

RE: To sequence the Christmas story  

PSHE: To continue to use kind words 

P.E. For this term we are learning the rules and skill of Target Games


Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Water Bottles will go home each evening) Books will be kept in school from today. 

Tuesday - Book Bags due in. FOREST SCHOOL TODAY Christmas Production recording 

Wednesday - Book Bags due in Christmas Dinner - wear a Christmas Jumper!

Thursday - Book bags are due in 

Friday - Book Bags due in. PE KITS to be worn today PANTOMIME coming to school for KS1 


Isolation Tasks for Individuals not a whole Class Bubble

Our Learning! Building furniture in DT

Our Week!

The children have had a great week, making decorations for the school Christmas tree and were really pleased to get back to Forest School!

Congratulations to Abbas-Ali for being our Star! 🌟

Congratulations to Tiago for being chosen to have Hot Chocolate with Mrs Pace! 

Week W/C 6th December 

Forest School on Tuesday!


Maths: Year 1 Place Value within 20 and 50 Year 2 Multiplication, division and arrays- we will lead on to recognising and using coins for both Year 1 and 2 

Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be continuing our book ‘Send for a Superhero’ by Michael Rosen and we will focus on description and sentence structure  

Phonics: We will be learning the ‘ou, ow and aw’ graphemes eg mouth, out, about, own, blow, snow

Science: To understand what a scientist is and what they do.

RE: To learn about the Christmas story  

PSHE: To give and receive compliments 

History: Famous explorers 

P.E. For this term we are learning the rules and skill of Target Games


Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Water Bottles will go home each evening) Book will be changed today. 

Tuesday - Book Bags due in. FOREST SCHOOL TODAY

Wednesday - Book Bags due in, homework will go home tonight. Mathletics has also been set. 

Thursday - Book bags are due in and reading books will be changed today 

Friday - Book Bags due in. PE KITS to be worn today


Isolation Tasks - Week 13, for children who are isolating, not a whole class bubble

Our Learning

Our Week!

It was great to be back with the children. They made electrical circuits, coloured their clay pumpkins and learnt about being an explorer!

Congratulations to Emily Go for being our Star! 🌟

Week W/C 29th  November 

Forest School is back on Tuesday! If you have any photos of your child reading in an unusual place, please send it in! 


Maths: Year 1 Place Value within 20 and 50 Year 2 Multiplication, division and arrays

Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be continuing our book ‘Send for a Superhero’ by Michael Rosen and we will focus on description and sentence structure  

Phonics: We will be learning the ‘oe’ graphemes eg toes, goes, heroes, potatoes and tomatoes

Science: To understand what a scientist is and what they do.

DT: To follow a design to create a house 

Computing: To understand how to layer shapes to create an image 

PSHE: To use kind words 

Geography: Cities in the UK 

P.E. For this term we are learning the rules and skill of Target Games


Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Water Bottles will go home each evening) Book will be changed today. 

Tuesday - Book Bags due in. FOREST SCHOOL TODAY

Wednesday - Book Bags due in, homework will go home tonight. Mathletics has also been set. 

Thursday - Book bags are due in and reading books will be changed today 

Friday - Book Bags due in. PE KITS to be worn today


Tasks for individual children self Isolating, not whole class.

Our Week!

The children have enjoyed all their Anti Bullying week activities this week and particularly enjoyed Odd Socks Day! 

Congratulations to Makaranth for being our Star! 🌟

Week W/C 22nd  November 

We will start learning our songs for Christmas! There is NO Forest school this week 


Maths: Place Value within 20 and 50 

Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be starting our new book ‘Send for a Superhero’ by Michael Rosen and we will focus on description and sentence structure  

Phonics: We will be learning the ‘oa’, ‘oo (u)’ and ‘oo’ graphemes e.g. food, room, pool, moon, goal, boat, coat, foot, wood and good. 

Science: To investigate electrical circuits 

RE: What is Hanukkah? 

PSHE: To try to solve problems 

History: Comparing famous people from history 

P.E. For this term we are learning the rules and skill of Target Games


Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Water Bottles will go home each evening) Book will be changed today. 

Tuesday - Book Bags due in. 

Wednesday - Book Bags due in, homework will go home tonight. Mathletics has also been set. 

Thursday - Book bags are due in and reading books will be changed today 

Friday - Book Bags due in. PE KITS to be worn today


Isolation Tasks for Individuals, not whole class

Our Recent Learning!

Our Week!

The children enjoyed making Poppies for our Remembrance Display and are looking forward to Odd Socks Day and Anti Bullying Week! This year the theme is ‘One Kind Word’ 

Congratulations to Hari for being our Star! 🌟

Week W/C 15th  November 

Odd Socks Day on Monday and Forest School on Tuesday! 


Maths: Geometry - recognising, sorting and naming 2D and 3D shapes

Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be continuing our unit based around the book Billy and the Beast by writing noun phrases, multi clause sentences and sequencing. 

Phonics: We will be learning the ‘ir’, ‘er’ and ‘ur’ graphemes 

Science: To investigate electrical appliances

PSHE: Know how to help if someone is being bullied 

Geography: Capital Cities in the UK

P.E. For this term we are learning the rules and skill of Target Games


Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Water Bottles will go home each evening) Book will be changed today. Odd Socks Day

Tuesday - Book Bags due in. FOREST SCHOOL 

Wednesday - Book Bags due in, homework will go home tonight. Mathletics has also been set. 

Thursday - Book bags are due in and reading books will be changed today 

Friday - Book Bags due in. PE KITS to be worn today


Isolation Tasks for Individuals - not a whole class

Our Week!

The children celebrated Diwali by making their own divas and enjoyed discussing the reasons behind Bonfire Night. 

Congratulations to Gemma for being our Star! 🌟


Week W/C 8th  November 

Forest School on Tuesday and Remembrance on Friday! 


Maths: Addition and subtraction, including number bonds to 10 and 20 for Year 1 and 20 and 100 for Year 2. Problem Solving for all.

Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be continuing our unit based around the book Billy and the Beast by writing questions and using the suffixes -ful and -ness 

Phonics: We will be learning the 'ee’ and ‘ea’ graphemes 

Science: To discuss electrical appliances

PSHE: Include others when working and playing

Computing: Using tools to create desired effects 

History: What is Remembrance? 

P.E. For this term we are learning the rules and skill of Target Games


Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Water Bottles will go home each evening) Book will be changed today. 

Tuesday - Book Bags due in. FOREST SCHOOL 

Wednesday - Book Bags due in, homework will go home tonight. Mathletics has also been set. 

Thursday - Book bags are due in and reading books will be changed today 

Friday - Book Bags due in. PE KITS to be worn today



Tasks for those self isolating - not a whole class bubble 8th-12th November

Week W/C 1st November 

The children worked so hard last Half Term and I hope they enjoyed their Half Term break!  

Tuesday is Climate Change Day and we will be focusing on activities linked around the book Somebody Swallowed Stanley by Sarah Roberts

On Tuesday afternoon we start our Forest School sessions, please ensure your child has brought suitable clothing and footwear with them. 


Maths: Addition and subtraction, including number bonds to 10 and 20 for Year 1 and 20 and 100 for Year 2. Problem Solving for all.

Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be starting a new unit based around the book Billy and the Beast 

Phonics: We will be learning the 'ee’ graphemes and ing ed eg hunting, buzzing, jumping, hunted, buzzed, jumped etc 

Science: To discuss sources of sound 

PSHE: Accept that everyone is different

RE: What is Diwali?  

History: Who was Guy Fawkes? 

DT: Joining parts

P.E. For this term we are learning the rules and skill of Target Games


Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Water Bottles will go home each evening) Book will be changed today. 

Tuesday - Book Bags due in. FOREST SCHOOL 

Wednesday - Book Bags due in, homework will go home tonight. Mathletics has also been set. 

Thursday - Book bags are due in and reading books will be changed today 

Friday - Book Bags due in. PE KITS to be worn today



Isolation Tasks for Individuals not whole class - 01/11/21-05/11/21

PTFA Cake Sale 22/10/21

Our Week!

The children have really enjoyed retelling the story of ‘I Want My Hat Back’ especially when they shared these with Robin Class. They have been role playing Florence Nightingale and created their own lego houses. 


Congratulations to Henry for being our Star! 🌟



Week W/C 18th October

Looking forward to seeing you at Parent Consultations next week!

Our next reading morning session is Tuesday 19th October 

Halloween PTFA Bake Sale after school on Friday


Maths: Addition and subtraction, including number bonds to 10 and 20 for Year 1 and 20 and 100 for Year 2. Problem Solving for all.

Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be writing our own versions of  'I Want My Hat Back'  

Phonics: We will be learning the 'o_e' ‘u_e’, ‘ar’ graphemes eg those, hope, cope, blue, clue etc 

Science: To observe a variety of sources of light 

PSHE: Choosing to follow the learning charter

RE: To learn how Sukkot is celebrated 

Geography: Capital cities of the UK

Art: To create art in the style of Yayoi Kusama using different techniques

P.E. For this half term we are learning the rules and skill of Target Games


Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Water Bottles will go home each evening) Book will be changed today. 

Tuesday - Book Bags due in. Reading Morning 8:30am-9:00am 

Wednesday - Book Bags due in, There is no homework set over Half Term. Parent Consultations

Thursday - Book bags are due in and reading books will be changed today Parent Consultations

Friday - Book Bags due in. PE KITS to be worn today


Isolation Tasks for individuals, not the whole class.

'Be Bright Be Seen'

Yayoi Kusama! - A selection of our art inspired by Yayoi

Our Week!

The children performed their poem really well for the rest of the school on National Poetry Day. They have enjoyed writing in role as Rabbit and Bear from ‘I Want My Hat Back’ and created artwork based on Yayoi Kusama 


Congratulations to Inaaya for being our Star! 🌟



Week W/C 11th October

We say goodbye to Miss Embley for now but she will be with us again in March! Our next reading morning session is Tuesday 19th October.

Can the children start to bring in a carrier bag that will be kept in their drawer as we will be sending home their books from last year before Half Term? 

Maths: Addition and subtraction, including number bonds to 10 and 20 for Year 1 and 20 and 100 for Year 2. 

Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be using conjunctions and reading contractions to help us in our writing linked to the book 'I Want My Hat Back'  

Phonics: We will be learning the 'e_e' ‘i_e’, ‘o_e’ graphemes eg these, theme, complete, five, ride, like, time, side, home, those, woke, hope, hole etc 

Science: To identify common materials etc 

PSHE: To work well with others

Computing: To draw using ‘sketch Pad’ 

History: Why should we remember Florence Nightingale? 

Art: To create art in the style of Yayoi Kusama 

P.E. For this half term we are learning the rules and skill of Target Games


Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Water Bottles will go home each evening) Book will be changed today. 

Tuesday - Book Bags due in. Harvest Assembly. 

Wednesday - Book Bags due in, homework will go home tonight. Mathletics has also been set

Thursday - Book bags are due in and reading books will be changed today

Friday - Book Bags due in. PE KITS to be worn today


Isolation Tasks for individuals, not whole class w/c 11th

Our Week!

The children have worked very hard creating their own 'space' fact files this week and enjoyed their little walk to the postbox to post their postcards!


Congratulations to Holly for being our Star! πŸŒŸ



Week W/C 4th October

Wear something yellow on Friday for Hello Yellow Day in aid of Young Minds Mental Health charity. It is also Miss Embley's last week with us, but do not worry she will be back with us in March! Our next reading morning session is Tuesday 19th October 

Maths: Addition and subtraction, including number bonds to 10 and 20. 

Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be using questions to help us in our writing linked to the book 'I Want My Hat Back'  

Phonics: We will be learning the 'a_e' grapheme eg cave, brave, pale, came etc 

Science: To label parts of the body including, knee, ankle, neck etc 

PSHE: To care about other people's feelings

RE: To recognise foods that are natural and processed 

Geography: Reading Maps about the local area

DT: To investigate how to join and make shapes 

P.E. For this half term we are learning the rules and skill of Target Games


Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Water Bottles will go home each evening) Book will be changed today. 

Tuesday - Book Bags due in

Wednesday - Book Bags due in, homework will go home tonight. Mathletics has also been set

Thursday - Book bags are due in and reading books will be changed today

Friday - Book Bags due in. Wear something yellow! (along with trainers please) 


Isolation Tasks for individuals, not whole class.

Our Week!

Our Week!

the children have been botanists in science this week! They have written postcards home which we will start posting next week and they created a 'space scene' in a box to help with their writing. Thanks for all the music suggestions coming in, the children love listening to these in the classroom. 


Congratulations to Aws and Wade for being our Star! πŸŒŸ

Congratulations to Charlie and Hari for being our School Council reps this year! 


Week W/C 27th September 

Reading Morning for our class only 8:30am-9:00am on KS1 playgound - Tuesday. 

Maths: Place value, including numbers to 100 ordering and comparing numbers and objects. Using the symbols < > =  using the terms less than and greater than

Mathletics is linked to this

English: We will be writing a space factfile.  

Phonics: We will be learning the 'oi', 'oy', 'ai' graphemes eg poison, paint, voice

Science: To know the terms, bird, amphibians, mammals, fish and reptiles. 

PSHE: Think about everyone's right to learn

Computing: Logging onto Google Classroom 

History: Who was Mary Seacole?

Art: The artist Yayoi Kusama

P.E. For this half term we are learning the rules and skill of Target Games


Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Water Bottles will go home each evening) Book will be changed today. 

Tuesday - Book Bags due in. Reading Morning 8:30-9:00 in KS1 playground under the canopy for our class only

Wednesday - Book Bags due in, homework will go home tonight. Mathletics has also been set

Thursday - Book bags are due in and reading books will be changed today

Friday - Book Bags due in. PE Kits to be worn 



Tasks for individual children isolating (not a whole class closure)

Our Week!

The children have worked very hard this week planting seeds outside our classroom, exploring 'olden days' technology taking part in a '5 ways to Well Being' workshop. 


Congratulations to Hugo for being our Star! πŸŒŸ


Week W/C 20th September 

The Book Fair comes on Monday and the children will have a chance to look at the books in the afternoon. 

Maths: Place value, including numbers to 100 ordering and comparing numbers and objects. Using the symbols < > = 

Mathletics is linked to this

English: We continuing with our Astro Girl and comparing fiction and non-fiction books. The children will start to write a factfile based on space.  

Phonics: We will be learning the 'tch', 'ai', 've' graphemes eg patch, itch, pain, have, train

Science: What do we know about trees? 

PSHE: Being part of a school community

RE: The natural world around us  

Geography: Introduction to the local area

DT: Homes and their structure 

P.E. For this half term we are learning the rules and skill of Target Games


Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Water Bottles will go home each evening) Book will be changed today. 

Tuesday - Book Bags due in.

Wednesday - Book Bags due in, homework will go home tonight. Mathletics has also been set

Thursday - Book bags are due in and reading books will be changed today

Friday - Book Bags due in. PE Kits to be worn 


Tasks for individual children isolating (not a whole class closure)

Our First Week!

Our Week!

We have had a great first week getting to know each other and the children have settled really well. We have been learning about worms through poetry and science. We also created our own worm farm! The children made and labelled flowers, they also made kites for the classroom. The children are looking forward to showing you their classroom on Monday after school. 


Congratulations to Freddie for being our Star! πŸŒŸ


Week W/C 13th September smiley

We have a 'five ways to well being' workshop on Tuesday afternoon.  We also welcome Miss Embley, who is a teaching student and she will be with us from Tuesday until mid October. 

Maths: Place value, including numbers to 100 ordering and comparing numbers and objects

Mathletics is linked to this

English: We are starting our new unit based on Astro Girl by Ken Wilson-Max. We will be using our prediction skills and writing using nouns and adjectives. 

Phonics: We will be learning the ck, ss, ll, ff, zz, nk graphemes eg huff, buzz, bell, miss, back, bank and think. 

Science: What do we know about flowers? 

PSHE: Helping others to feel welcome

Computing: Logging into a website 

History: Technology in our homes

P.E. For this half term we are learning the rules and skill of Target Games


Monday - Book Bags, Homework and water bottles to be brought in (Water Bottles will go home each evening) Book will be changed today. You are invited to come into the classroom between 3:30pm and 4:00pm 

Tuesday - Book Bags due in. Well being workshop in the afternoon

Wednesday - Book Bags due in, homework will go home tonight. Mathletics has also been set

Thursday - Book bags are due in and reading books will be changed today

Friday - Book Bags due in. PE Kits to be worn 





Information for children who are isolating (not whole class) 13th-17th September

Week 1 W/C 6th September smiley

We are really looking forward to welcoming you back on Monday and hope you are as excited as we are!

We will spend the first couple of days getting to know each other again, talking about our hopes and wishes for the year ahead. Together we will write our class rules, talk about how we are feeling and discuss the importance of growth mindset and teamwork. All of the other adults in Sparrow Class are really looking forward to this school year and learning with you! 

I cannot wait to see you all and hear about your holidays.


Monday: All day PSHE- Growth mindset, mental health, rules, feelings, safe places, network hands and being global citizens

Tuesday All day: PSHE- continued from yesterday.  

Maths: Place value, including numbers to 100 ordering and comparing numbers and objects

Mathletics will be set as soon as we have logins. 

English: Our first week back will be performance poetry - 'There's a Worm at the bottom of the garden!'

Phonics: Assessment and revision from the previous year

Geography: Making maps of the school and a school scavenger hunt! 

Art: Self Portrait

P.E. THIS IS ON A FRIDAY PLEASE WEAR YOUR KIT TO SCHOOL. For this half term we are learning the rules and skill of Target Games


Monday - Book Bags and water bottles to be brought in (Water Bottles will go home each evening) For this week reading books will go home on Thursday to give us time to hear each child read and assess their book band level. 

Tuesday - Water Bottles to be brought in

Wednesday - Water Bottles to be brought in, homework will go home tonight. 

Thursday - Water Bottles to be brought in, reading books and book bags will go home tonight. 

Friday - Book Bags and water bottles to be brought in. PE Kits to be worn 


Information for children isolating ( not whole class closure)
