The Sparrow Class Team would like to thank everyone for their lovely gifts. I would like to thank you all for your hard work and support over the past year. Have a lovely and see you in September.
Mr Libberton and the Sparrow Team
Class Teacher: Mr Libberton
Teaching Partner: Mrs Shah PM
English - We are finishing our fantasy stories linked to Send for a Superhero
Maths - We will be focusing on capacity and measurements. We will also have our daily times table quiz and this week it will be focusing on 5x Table
PSHE: Know who to ask for help if they are worried about change
RE: Religious stories
DT: Making our playgrounds
PE: Hockey
Monday - Book Bags will be kept in school until September
Friday - School Ends at 1:15pm
This week we have Olympic athletes visiting and two exciting author workshops. We will also be meeting our new classes on Thursday.
English: We will be creating and writing about our own superheroes. Later in the week we will be planning our very own superhero story.
Maths: Capacity. Daily 5 x tables
Art: Self Portraits
Computing: Scratch activity
History: What sort of person was Mary Anning?
Science: Scientists and Inventors: Mae Jemison
PE: Hockey skills
English: we will start our new learning this week based on the book by Michael Rosen Called Send for a superhero! The baddies in the book need to be found, and we will be creating wanted posters to describe them.
Maths: WE are going to be learning about reading measures- capacity and temperatures
Science: Using online software, we will be making simple electrical circuits
RE: We will be learning about an important Bible Story, 'The good Samaritan'
DT: This week will be drawing our designs for a new piece of play equipment.
Geography: Our local area- Oxhey Park Focus
PSHE: Boys’ and Girls’ Bodies – I can identify the parts of the body that make boys different to girls and can use the correct names for these. I respect my body and understand which parts are private. (Those children who have withdrawn will be visiting the garden when this lesson is taking place).
Music: Zoo Time and our favourite songs we have listened to this term.
We have flip Theatre and an online road safety webinar this week too.
Monday 21st June
In English, we will be writing a persuasive advert, describing the house in our story.
In Maths, we are continuing with time, telling the time to half hour, writing the time and comparing time e.g. who is faster, which route is quickest.
In Science, we are learning about sound and pitch, we will hopefully (weather permitting) walk around the school grounds listening for different sound sources.
In Computing, we will be using BeeBots to program.
In History, we are continuing our learning about Mary Anning finding out more about her life.
In Art, we are continuing Clause Monet inspired art but this time using water colours.
In PSHE, we are thinking ways we have changed since we were a baby.
Monday 14th June
In English this week we will be writing poems about special objects in our lives. Using the book 'If all the world were' as a starting point to our learning.
In Maths, we are learning about the time, we will be making clocks, revising months of the year and o'clock times.
In Science, we will be investigating what material is best for curtains. Learning about shadows, opaque, transparent and translucent.
In Geography, we are learning about our local area with a focus on Oxhey Park. Looking and the human and physical features in the local area.
In DT, we are making playground models that could go into Oxhey Park such as a see-saw.
In RE, we are learning about the Torah and its importance.
In PSHE we are thinking about how we changed from a baby, toddler, child.
In music, we continue our zoo time theme and will be composing our own zoo time songs this week,
In English, we are thinking about our dreams and things that are special to us. We will be focussing on our adjectives and noun phrases to describe. Our story is about friendships within our friends and family.
In Maths, we are continuing to partition numbers in tens and ones and will be comparing these using base 10 and base 10 counters. We will be looking at one more and one less using pictorial representations later that week.
In Science, we are going to be investigating 'Which material makes the best umbrella'.
Our History this week is learning about Mary Anning, using pictures for clues about her.
In Art, we will be painting bridge paintings by Monet, we will use masking tape to make the bridge and choose colours to make a watercolour effect.
In Computing we are making Avatars, thinking about why we must stay safe online.
Our Music continues to be themed around the Carnival of the animals.
Our PE this term is Hockey we will start with basic skills this week.
In PSHE we are learning about the life cycles of animals and humans. Looking at animals when they are a baby and when they are grown up.
Mrs Lewis will also be joining us from Tuesday 8th June as Mrs Adoum will be spending some time in Falcon Class.
In English, this week we are finishing off writing our Journey home stories, we will also be writing a persuasive letter to the National History Museum . We will also be taking part in a campaign about why we need to save endangered animals.
In Maths, we will be working with place value and partitioning numbers. Thinking about Hundreds, Tens and Ones.
In Science, we will find out how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching.
In Geography, we are continuing our learning about the weather. We are looking in detail at the equator this week.
In RE, we previously gained knowledge about the Qur'an now we are learning about the Bible.
We will be making bridges in DT this week. But this time we will be having fun making food bridges!
Our final lesson of Basketball means we will have mini-games using the skills we have learnt this term.
In English we will be writing our Journey home stories
In Maths this week we are learning about position and directions. Thinking about left and right up and down and making different routes.
In Science, we are learning about animals and their animals habitats.
In Computing we are looking at weblogs and the usefulness of them.
In History, we are learning about Queen Elizabeth II.
In our Art lesson we are learning to collage a Claude Monet .
In English, we are starting to look at the book The journey home, we will be thinking about what the animals have in common. Writing a postcard to tell people of their journey.
In Maths, we are learning about quarters of objects and numbers.
Our Science next week we will be investigating the basic needs of humans and animals.
In Geography, we are learning about different weather near the North and South Pole and around the equator.
In RE, we will be learning about why the bible is important for Christian people.
In DT, we will be making our structures (bridges) using a variety of different animals.
In PE, we are continuing Basketball with throwing and catching.
In English, we are starting our theme based on the book The Journey Home. We will be investigating and describing footprints, making missing posters and writing a fact file.
In Maths, we are focussing on problem-solving position and direction and gaining knowledge about fractions, in particular half.
In Computing, we are learning about emails, how we send them and how to stay safe when using emails.
We are continuing our study of Monet in Art, and will be using the skill of painting to interpret some of his work.
In History, we will be recapping the knowledge of the three Queens we looked at in our previous lessons and focussing on gaining knowledge about Queen Elizabeth II.
Our music theme continues to be based around the wonderful piece of music 'The carnival of the animals'
In Maths, we are, making equal groups by sharing and grouping. We are also going to be working on dividing by 2. Count in 2s 5s and 10s
In English, we will be writing our own magic stories, we will have our own piece of furniture that will be magic. We will spend the week on each part of the story.
Our Science this week is all about living things and their habitats. We will investigate and compare the differences between things that are living and dead and have never been alive
In Geography, we are learning about the weather and will have dun carrying out our own weather forecast!
Our Design and Technology lesson will be designing a bridge.
In RE, we are learning about different faiths and which books are Holy and precious to religious people.
We will also be continuing our music learning about different animals. Last week we listened to the wonderful Swan piece. Next week we are listening to a piece about Wild horses
This week we will be in the hall on Monday and Tuesday. This is because we will be having new windows in the classroom.
In English, this week we will be coming up with our setting of where we could travel in our very own magic bed!
In Maths, we are learning about arrays, making doubles and halving numbers
In Science, we are organising animals into groups according to what they eat: Herbivore, Omnivore and Carnivores.
Our Computing this week focusses on communication. We will be learning about how communication has changed in time and how technology can help us to communicate with each other.
In Art, we will be looking at Monet and drawing our Monet inspired pictures. We also are very lucky to have author and illustrator Nick Sharratt doing a live webinar with us.
In History, we are learning about the royal family and finding out about different Monarchs.
Our music continues to be based on different carnivals. Last week was the cuckoo bird.
In English, this week we are starting a new story called 'The magic bed'. In this story we will be thinking about where our dreams can take us, predicting what will happen and sequencing the events of the story. I
In Maths the Year 1 children will be working on their counting skills 2,5s and 10s. The Year 2 children will be working on place3 value and adding skills.
In Science, we will be revising the names of both plants and trees and the different components that make these.
Our Design and Technology learning starts with an introduction to structures, we will start by making basic structures.
Geography this week focusses on weather, what is weather and the different types of weather we have experienced.
In RE this week we are looking at special and precious books. We start by asking 'Which books are special and precious to me?'
In PE, we will introduce the children to Basketball. We will be working on bouncing the balls in different ways and playing a game partner-based game.
Our Music objectives are
In English, this week we will be writing our version of Lost and Found with new characters too!
Year 1 children in Maths are revising the 2 and 10 times tables. Year 2 children will be continuing their work on fractions looking at 3/4 this week.
Our final Geography for the term will be comparing everything we know about Towns and Countrysides.
In History, we will continue our learning about Brunel, what impact has he made to us today?
Our RE learning is all about the Easter story.
In Art, we will be making a collage
On Friday, we will be making our breakfast pots this will be our snack on Friday!
The PTFA have also organized for us to a have an Easter Panto on Thursday.
In English, we will be writing instructions and non-chronological reports. The focus is on our Story Lost and Found, Will the penguin get home?
In Maths, Year 1s will be focussing on capacity with Mrs Adoum. Year 2 will be working on fractions 1/3 1/4
In PSHE we will be making worry dolls, to help us with our worries!
In Geography, we will be talking about our local town and looking at the geographical features that make Watford.
In DT, we will be looking at staying safe in the Kitchen. We will be given a list of foods we have and then making our recipe for our healthy breakfast.
In Science, we are going to be looking at electricity and having another look at making electrical circuits.
In Music, we will be singing and moving with music. Drawing musical notes and tracing the treble clef.
Our phonics this week is revising -tch, ai and oi.
In our PE lesson we will be playing some tennis games, working on passing the ball to each other.
💐 Thank you to the PTFA who generously donated our Mother's Day Gifts 💐
Week Beginning 8th March
Welcome Back To School, I am so pleased to have you back. Come in on Monday with your PE kit on.
Our first week will be focussing on the transition from remote learning to being school, focussing on the well-being of your children.
English: Our story is Lost and Found. We will be noun phrases for a mysterious animal.
Year 1: Measuring capacity- practical activities included
Year 2: Fractions- Practical activities included
Science: Sound, we will be making string telephones.
RE: Jesus Feeds the 5000- We will be making the loaves and fishes!
Art: Painting fruit pictures
History: Brunel, looking at photos what do we see?
PE: Tennis games
PSHE: We will listen to the story of Willy the Wimp who learns to be brave and to stand up to the Suburban Gorilla Gang. Would you do the same if you were in Willy’s position?
Please Note: Rising Stars books issued on a Thursday
14th December
English- Finishing off our Non-fiction factfiles all about Space
Maths- Using a 100 square. Money recap
History- Recap of the terms learning
DT- Finishing our christmas bag sewing and decorating. Christmas Cards and other fun Christmas activities
Computing- Art on the computers using scratch.
Monday - Christmas Poem filming on Monday - children need to be in school uniform but can wear ‘festive’ headwear if they wish.
Tuesday- PE today
Wednesday - Christmas Dinner / Christmas Jumper day is on Wednesday, school uniform and Christmas top please. There is no homework over Christmas just have fun! Popcorn and film morning.
Thursday - Virtual Christmas Panto. No book bags will be going home over Christmas.
7th December
English: Writing about Astrid and what her dream is in the story 'Astro Girl'. We will then start to plan our own factfile
Selecting money
Finding the total of a sum of money
Find the difference of a sum of money
Find Change
Two-step problems
Science: We are taking part in a live lesson from Chester Zoo. We will be learning about different animals. We will find out the information to some of these questions: Why can a chameleon camouflage? Why does a tiger have stripes? And why is a butterfly so beautifully bright?
History: A recap and overview of our learning in term we will be creating a factfile to show our learning
Computing: Creating video clips and finding images.
RE: The story behind Advent
Week 1: This week teaches the ue and the ew graphemes which make the long oo sound and the ue grapheme that makes the long U sound.
ue Grapheme (Cool Blue)
Example words: blue, clue, true
ue Grapheme (U-Hoo)
Example words: rescue, Tuesday
ew Grapheme (Cool Blue)
Example words: grew, flew, drew, threw
30th November
English: This week we are starting new learning with the story Astro Girl. We will be greeted with a mysterious backpack with space related goodies in it. This will be the start to our adventure into space!
Maths: Line of symmetry, vertices of 2D and 3D shapes. Count money and notes
Science: We will make electrical circuits and learn about the safety of electricty
Geography: Recap and consolidation of the United Kingdom. Thinking about the capital cities, national flowers and what is different about them.
Computing: Soundworks, using software on the chromebooks to make simple beats.
Design and Technology: Continuting with our bag designs, we will finish the cardboard designs and hopefully start sewing them together.
23rd November
English- I want my hat back- We will be making our own version of the story!
Maths- 2-D and 3D shapes. Year 2s will be talking about vertices and faces. Year 1s naming and sorting 2-D shapes.
Science- Naming and grouping electrical and non-electrical items. Thinking about how electricity work. Staying safe around electricity.
PE- Tennis
Art- The skill of Collage- We will be collaging portraits in the style of Picasso.
RE- How and Why light is used in Christianity
History- Changes beyond our living memory. Childhood now and then.
16th November
English- I want my hat back!- Writing in role as Rabbit. What might have happened, how did he get the hat? We will also write letters to Rabbit. Making lists and writing conversations
Year 1- Comparing additon and subtraction sentences. Starting to learn about 3D shapes
Year 2- Column addition and subtraction (no borrowing) and naming 2D and 3D shapes
Science- Sources of Sound and how we hear
Geography- Our final country for our visits around the UK- Northern Ireland
Design and Technology- Evaluating our puppets
Computing- Logging on, accessing google sites and using googledraw on the chromebooks.
PSHE- Anti-bullying week activities throughout the week.
9th -13th November
English- I want my hat back is the book we are reading this week. The children will be reading this and asking questions about it. They will also be writing speech and performing a rap about the story on Friday
Maths-Subtraction- crossing out, counting back and using the subtraction symbol
Science- The children will be reading a story called The King who banned the dark and then predicting what light sources will give us the most light
History- The children will be reading The Poppy Story and learning about why we remember.
Art- This week we will be focussing on drawing skills
Phonics- er ir ur spelling patterns
RE- The Jewish Festival of Hanukkah
2nd November
English- This week we will be all themed around magic! We will be writing our own spells and coming up with our own potions!
Maths- Adding by making 10, finding the part of a whole number, adding a 2 digit and 1 digit number.
DT- Completing the design of the puppet faces
Geography- All about Scotland
RE-Making Diwali Laterns
Science- Introduce a range of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water and rock.
Computing- Logging onto google chrome
19th October
English- We will be writing our own version of Billy and the Beast, coming up with new characters and new problems throughout their journey.
Maths- Addition facts
History- Lilian Bader and Mary Seacole
Art- Painting skills
RE- Why light is important for different religions
Science- Introduce parts of the human body and associate parts of the body with the five senses
PE- Basketball skills- passing skills
12th October
English- This week we will be creating a recipe book. This is a recipe book for the Terrible Beast! Hopefully we will persuade him to eat some nicer food than the one he had planned to cook!
Maths- The part whole model to help us when adding
Science- Naming groups of animals
DT- More of us this week will have to opportunity to sew our puppets.
Computing- Logging in to a Chromebook using our username and password. Then joining Sparrow Google classroom.
Geography- We have been learning about the countries that make up the UK. This week we learn about Wales.
PE- Bat and ball skills- This is on Thursday this week
5th October
English- We will finally find out What the terrible Beast has been up to in our story. We will be writing a letter to Billy to help her our. Using conjunctions and, but, so and because. Sequencing the story.
Maths- Numberlines to 20 (year 1) 100 (year 2)
Ordering numbers
Tens and ones
Science- Naming different types of animals such as mammals, birds, reptiles etc
History- The history of the School. Looking at pictures Old and New and placing them on a timeline
Art- Drawing skills- Linked with local artist Lucy Kemp Welch
RE- How do Jewish people show they are thankful for the natural world
On Friday is HELLO YELLOW. Wear something yellow and if you are able to, donate £1 for the charity.
28th September
English- Billy and the Beast- A wanted poster, writing questions, writing a perfect day for Billy, using adjectives to describe
Maths- Comparing numbers to 20 (Year 1) to 100 (Year 2)
Science- investigating and finding out about different types of trees
Geography- Our first lesson on the countries that make up the UK we will be learning about England.
DT- Designing our hand puppets that we will be sewing this term.
Computing- Hardware, keyboard layout and logging on to a chromebook
PE- Football skills
A message from the School Council: We are collecting bottles and jars for Harvest from Mon- Thursday - Trolley will be on KS1 playground.
21st September 2020
Welcome to our weekly learning update:
In English this week we will be using adjectives to describe Dinosaurs. They will be learning about noun phrases and writing sentences using capital letters and fullstops.
In Maths we will be learning about place value using the part whole model. Year 1 will be looking at numbers to 50 and Year 2 numbers to 100.
Phonics/spelling: oi, ay, oy spelling pattern
In Science we are learning about wild flowers and their names. We will be sorting them using ‘yes’ and ‘no’ questions.
In History we will be learning about changes since we were born, talking about our family tree.
In Art will be creating a self portrait and learning how pencils can be used to make different shades of colour and line thickness.
In RE we will be learning how Christians show they are Thankful for food.
If you need to contact me you can send an email to
Mr Libberton
14th September
I would like to start this week's information post off by saying how hard everyone has worked this week.
English- we will be researching and writing fact files about the moon.
Maths- counting on and back, tens and ones and counting in tens.
Phonics/spelling- silent t in tch silent e in ve
Science- sorting and finding out about wild plants.
Geography- our local area, where we live and our school. We will be writing our address too.
Design and Technology- handling food and safe preparation of food.
PE- Monday- moving around a space building on out jogging skills we worked on last week.
Computing- looking at digital and non digital stories.
Music- moving on from our body percussion compositions, we will be learning about percussion instruments
Monday 7th September- Friday 11th September
English: The moon has gone missing! We will be writing 'Lost' posters and thinking about how we would make a moon.
Maths: Read and write numbers in numerals up to 100. Partition a two-digit number into tens and ones. Sort objects, Count objects and Represent objects
Phonics: ff, zz, ck, ll, ss, nk
Science: What is science. We will be reading Cece Loves Science.
PE: To move at a steady pace for a length of time.
RE: Which aspects of the natural world do some people find wonderful
Art: Colour wheel
History: Then and Now- What History is
PSHE- Safe place and my network
Music: Percussion instruments