Check back frequently to see weekly updates on our learning!
Class Teacher: Miss Evans
Supported by: Mrs Adoum and Mrs Shah
PPA Cover (Monday PM): Mrs Humphreys
Madame Lawson teaches French
Hi all! I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and are keeping well.
I can't believe we only have 3 more weeks of the academic year!
Thank you for those sending in photos. Please continue to send to as I would love to share all your hard work on the newsletter.
Please also look at the schools Twitter page as some photos are shared on there too.
Please find home pack learning below.
Keep smiling and have a good week :)
Home Learning
Week beginning 18.05.20
I hope you have all had a good week.
Please continue to email admin with photos
This weeks home learning will be based on the story of The Gingerbread Man!
You will find below attachments and instructions for learning from home activities.
I hope to see you all very soon!
Try to get outside, keep creative and enjoy the lovely sunshine this week!
Keep safe and look after each other.
Home Learning
Week beginning 11.05.20
Hello! I hope you are all keeping well. Missing you all lots! It is lovely to hear that some of you are continuing to do Show and Tell on Zoom!
Please do not become anxious about home learning, all children are individuals and learn at different rates. Relax as much as possible, enjoy the weather and do creative activities.
Please continue to email admin with photos
This weeks home learning will be based on the story of Goldilocks and The Three Bears!
Please kindly note that the story has been uploaded into 3 parts as the file was too large to upload as one.
You will find below attachments and instructions for learning from home activities.
Keep smiling!
Home Learning
Week beginning 04.05.20
I hope you are all doing okay, keeping busy and staying healthy.
Please continue to email admin with photos. I have loved seeing all your work! I will be putting up photos onto the weekly newsletter.
This weeks home learning will be based on the story of The Enormous Turnip!
You will find below attachments and instructions for learning from home activities.
Home Learning
Week beginning 27.04.20
Hi all! I hope you enjoyed your first week of home learning.
Can you please ensure you check all web links for suitability before use. Please remember to only do 1-2 hours maximum per day.
Please email admin if you have any queries
It would be great if you could continue to email admin with photos.
This weeks home learning will be based on the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff!
You will find below attachments and instructions for learning from home activities.
Take care!
A little message from all of us... we miss you all! Keep smiling
Home Learning
Week beginning 20.04.20
Hello Robin Class! Missing you all! I hope you are all doing okay and keeping safe.
Each week I will add 'Home Learning' for the week here. Can you please ensure you check all web links for suitability before use. Please remember to only do 1-2 hours maximum per day. I understand that this is all very different and do not want to add any extra pressure. Please email admin if you have any queries
It would be great if you could continue to email admin with photos.
This weeks home learning will be based on the story of The Three Little Pigs!
You will find below attachments and instructions for learning from home activities.
Take care of yourselves, be kind, be happy, be healthy!
Miss Evans
Week 10 (16.03.20)
English: We will be continuing with our story Little Red. We will be creating story mountains and making adverts for Ginger Beer including the fact that it keeps wolves away but that you also need to be careful as it can make you belch!
Maths: We will be finishing our 3D shape hunts and introducing the vocabulary of time where we will be sequencing and ordering simple events.
Phonics: Our phonics this week will be based on the story The Little Red Hen. The children will be writing sentences on strips of paper. A pig likes to ... grunt. A dog likes to … woof. A rat likes to … sniff. A hen likes to … peck.
Show and Tell (Wednesday)
Key Dates/news:
No reading morning or stay and play til the end of term
Unfortunately, our class assembly on Friday has been cancelled due to the current situation. This will be postponed to the summer term.
Have a good week!
Week 9 (09.03.20)
English: This week we will be continuing with the story 'Little Red'. The children will be writing their own 'Talking Trees' warnings/advice to Little Red.
Maths: Continuing with 3-D Shapes
Phonics: This week our phonics we will be based on the story The Gingerbread Man. The children will be writing action cards for the characters in the story.
Show and Tell (Wednesday)
Key dates/news:
RELAX KIDS - Wednesday PM
Parents Evening - Wednesday and Thursday
Week 7 (24.02.20)
Welcome back, I hope you have all had a lovely and restful break.
English: For the next 2/3 weeks we will be focusing on the book 'Little Red' by Lynn Roberts. The children will make predictions about what will happen and about a main character based on prior knowledge. They set up ‘The Belch Inn’ in class – a place that sells ginger beer, just like the one in the story, Little Red. They share a traditional tale with a twist, where Little Red convinces the wolf to drink the delicious ginger beer (for which the children write an advert) instead of eating humans, before the inn in class changes ownership and becomes ‘The Pop Inn’. But then a bear arrives and ransacks the inn…can the children’s Banana Berry Burst save the day? The sequence culminates in the invention of a new character - Little Blue - and the writing of an innovated version of the original.
Maths: 3-D shapes
Phonics: This week we will be re-capping phase 3 and phase 4 sounds and writing simple sentences.
Topic: Shrove Tuesday
Show and Tell (Wednesday)
Key dates/news:
Thursday is Mother Tongue Day where the children can share their heritage with each other. On Friday you can come and have a look at our whole school Garden of Dreams displays that will be in the Hall from 2:45pm
Week 6 (10.02.20)
I hope you have all had a lovely weekend! Not long til half term!
English: We will be continuing with our story 'The Magic Paintbrush'. We will be designing our own Monsters to save Shen and labelling its features, sequencing the story and begin to draw a sequence of pictures for their own version of the story.
Maths: Number bonds to 10
Phonics: Final blends: -lp, -lk, -lb, -ld
Show and Tell
Key dates/news:
Talent show on Friday
No library this week
Week 5 (03/02/20)
English: We will still be focusing on our story 'The Magic Paintbrush'. This week we will be writing thank you letters to Shen for painting useful things with her brush.
Maths: In maths we will be still focusing on numbers 6 and 7. Using different ways to show these numbers e.g. on a bead string, a tens frame and numicon.
Phonics: sm-, sk-, sn- tw-
Show and Tell
Week 4 (27.01.2020)
English: For the next 2/3 weeks our focus story will be 'The Magic Paintbrush' By Julia Donaldson. The children will discover a magic paintbrush and are asked what they would paint with it. Then, through the story of The Magic Paintbrush, they meet Shen who loves to paint and draw. Shen is presented with a magic brush but she is to only use it for good. In the story, she overcomes a greedy Emperor who sets his dragon upon Shen. The children create their own dragon-like monsters through playing Mix and Match Monsters and record ideas by drawing and labelling a diagram. They then write an own-version narrative by changing the items that their main character paints and including their own monster that the main character overcomes.
Maths: To introduce the numbers 6 and 7 and understand that they are formed of smaller numbers and to begin to count irregular arrangements of objects.
Phonics: sc-, sl-, sk-, sm-, sn-, sp-, st-, sw
Show and Tell (Wednesday)
Week 3 (20.01.20)
English: This will be our last week looking at our focus book 'Flotsam'. The children have really enjoyed it so far. This week we will be writing postcards! If you have any postcards at home that your child could bring in to share with the rest of the class that would be fantastic!
Maths: We will be continuing to look at our number bonds to 5. The children have really grasped the understanding of the part-part whole model. We will now begin to measure in simple ways and record measurements e.g. recording on a 5 frame.
Phonics: fl, pl, gl, bl, sl, cl
Topic: Chinese New Year
If you have any items/objects/dressing up (e.g. chopsticks) that we could borrow for this week and next to help enhance our role play area that would be much appreciated! Thank you in advance.
Show and Tell (Wednesday)
Key dates/news:
Please kindly note that I will be out all day tomorrow and Thursday morning. Mrs Adoum will be covering.
Have a lovely week!
Week 2 (13.01.20)
I hope you have had a lovely weekend!
English: We will be continuing our unit on 'Flotsam'. The children enjoyed role playing the beginning of the story last week. This week we will be focusing on 'How to keep our beaches clean'.
Maths: To understand that numbers are made up of smaller parts. We will be looking at the part-part-whole model and our number bonds to 5.
Phonics: Phase 4 initial blends br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr, thr, shr, str, scr
Show and Tell (Wednesday)
Key dates/news:
Monday and Tuesday AM - Reception screening
Reading Morning and Stay and Play begins this week
Week 1 (07.01.20)
Welcome back!
I hope you all had a relaxing break and are ready for the Spring term.
English: We will be starting our unit on Flotsam by David Wiesner with a focus on prediction and talk for writing this week. The children will be using role play and musical instruments to reenact the story.
Maths: To consolidate and assess last term's learning: number recognition 1-5; 1-10
To practice the concept of one more and one less, to understand that numbers are made up of smaller parts
Phonics: We will be recapping all of the phase 2 and phase 3 sounds and continuing with short sentence writing. Next week we will be moving onto phase 4.
Show and Tell (Wednesday)
Key dates/news:
Reading Morning and Stay and Place will begin from next week (13th)
We will now be having French on Tuesdays AM taught by Madame Lawson
PE on Friday AM
Week 15 (16.12.19)
Well done to all the children for their Christmas performances last week. They were all fantastic angels!
This week we will be completing our letters to Father Christmas and we will be reading and discussing the Nativity Christmas story. On Tuesday afternoon we will be making gingerbread cookies - please speak to me if you have any concerns.
In Phonics we have begun writing short simple sentences on white boards. This week we will focus on finger spaces between the words.
Show and Tell
Key dates/news:
No reading morning
Gingerbread cookies PM - all ingredients will be provided.
Christmas Jumper day!
Santa's Breakfast 7:45-8:45
Christmas dinner day!
Panto AM
On Thursday Morning we will be having a class 'Christmas Breakfast' to celebrate the end of term. It would be great if each child can bring in something for everyone to share. This can include croissants, fresh fruit, brioche, pancakes, bread, spreads (jam etc.), orange juice etc. Please NO NUTS due to allergies. Please come and speak to me if there are any concerns.
No stay and play
Finish at 1:30
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I hope you all have a wonderful and relaxing break. Thank you again for all your generous gifts.
Week 14 (09.12.19)
English: This week we will be writing Christmas lists to Father Christmas.
Maths: Addition and Subtraction - Change within 5. We will be encouraging the children to use a five frame to represent numbers and then make one more. The children should be able to see the link that one more than a number is the next number they say when they are counting.
Phonics: We will be recapping all the sounds we have learnt this term and continuing to blend and read simple sentences.
Show and Tell
Week 13 (02.12.19)
English: This week our focus story is 'The Jolly Postman' By Janet & Allan Ahlberg with a focus on Christmas. We will be looking at the tradition of sending Christmas cards and reading/discussing common greetings used. The children will be having a go at writing their own cards!
Maths: Number and Place Value - Comparing Groups When comparing two groups, children should be encouraged to line the items up to make direct comparisons. Using five frames can support them with this. They should also be encouraged to count each set carefully which helps them to link names of numbers, their value and their position in the counting order.
Phonics: We will revisiting learned graphemes and beginning to look at Initial Blends CCVC+ Words r blends (br -, cr-, dr-, fr-, gr-, pr-, tr-, thr-, shr-, scr-)
Show and Tell
Key dates/news:
If you have not already done so please remember to bring in your child's costume for the Christmas production by Wednesday.
- An oversized white t-shirt
- White or black or grey bottoms/leggings
- Gold/silver tinsel
Flu jabs - Thursday 5th
Week 12 (25.11.19)
Hope you all had a nice weekend. We have a
very busy week ahead rehearsing for the Christmas production!
English: This week our focus story will be 'Goldilocks and the three bears'. We will be looking at the patterns in the story e.g. One item is too __, one is too __ and the last is just right. We will be discussing how the children would feel if someone went into their house and ate their breakfast or damaged their toys and what would make them feel better? What could Goldilocks do to make amends? The children will discuss and record these ideas as a list, e.g. Cook some porridge/Fix the chair/Make the bed.
Maths: Sorting into groups
Children learn that collections of objects can be sorted into sets based on attributes such as colour, size or shape. Sorting enables children to consider what is the same about all the objects in one set and how they are different to the other sets.
Phonics: We will be learning the sounds th (v), th, ng.
HFW: play, day, away, see, look
Show and Tell (Wednesday)
Key dates/news:
Please make sure all children have a warm coat and hat in school that is named.
We are currently in the process of enhancing and developing our outdoor area. When sorting through the toys we have noticed that a lot of our equipment/toys from over the years are sadly now old and broken. We would be very grateful for anyone that can kindly donate any unwanted toys that you may have. Toys that we are in need of replacing are:
- barbies/dolls
- garden equipment
- puzzles
- toy cars
- instruments
Thank you in advance - much appreciated!
Week 11 (18.11.19)
I hope you have all had a lovely weekend!
English: This week we will be discussing about our weekends and beginning to write in sentences with support. We will also be continuing our topic on 'The Three Little Pigs'.
Maths: Counting fixed objects and actions, counting back and matching numerals.
Phonics: sh , j, x. HFW: this for come all look
Show and Tell
Key dates and news:
Homework due in
Reading Morning: 8:45-9:10
Homework goes out
Show and Tell
Stay and Play: 8:45 - 9:10
Week 10 (11.11.19)
This week is National Anti-Bullying week and the children will have a Kindness drama workshop on Wednesday. Friday is Children in Need Day!
English: This week our focus story will be 'The Three Little Pigs'. We will be identifying the repetitive phrases in the story 'I'll huff and I'll puff...', creating lists of new silly materials the houses could be made out of and writing one or more new story sentences e.g. The first pig built his house out of jelly.
Maths: In maths we will be continuing with addition and saying the next number.
Phonics: We will be learning the sounds 'z,w,y,ch,sh'. HFW: this, for, come, all, look.
Show and Tell
Key dates/news:
Homework due in
Reading Morning until 9:10
Odd Socks Day to celebrate difference (no donation)
Maths Morning until 9:10
Drama Kindness workshop
Show and Tell
Children in Need Day - wear pyjamas and donate £1
Stay and Play until 9:10
Have a lovely week!
Week 9 (04.11.19)
Welcome back! I hope you have all had a lovely and relaxing half term. I look forward to hearing all about the exciting things you got up to!
English: This week our focus story will be 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' By Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe. We will be reading and retelling the story together, sequencing the story and begin to sentence build.
Maths: In maths this week we will be counting and adding: saying the next number and reading addition. This is a game that we will be playing in groups this week that you may want to play with your child at home. All you need is some building bricks and a dice!
Take in turns to roll a 1-6 numerical dice. Then make a tower of that number of bricks, and say how many will be in the tower if you add one more brick. Then take the extra brick, check, and, if correct keep all the bricks. If wrong you give the bricks back. Have six goes each, then build a model with your bricks!
Phonics: We will be recapping the sounds we have learnt so far and begin to move onto Phase 3. We will be learning the sounds 'v d r f h'. HFW: can, yes they, like said. We will be introduced to the monster Angry A.
PE: PE will be on Friday and will be based around Three Billy Goats Gruff. We will be creating movements for the different characters and events in the story.
Show and Tell (Wednesday)
Please try and bring in a photo or something you may of made over the half term to share with the rest of the class.
Key Dates/News:
We are currently changing our role play into a supermarket due to the children's interests. If you can kindly collect any empty food boxes/cartons etc. it would be much appreciated to help bring the supermarket to life! Thank you in advance.
(Please no boxes that would have contained nuts due to allergies).
Any junk modelling is always appreciated to use in our arts and crafts area.
Homework will be sent out every Wednesday and due back every Monday. Please spend no longer than 5/10 minutes on the activities. Your children will be very tired!
Reading Morning and Stay and Play will begin this week. Please sign in and take a sticker when you come in.
Reading Mornings: Every Tuesday 8:45-9:10
Stay and Play: Every Friday 8:45-9:10.
Book bags due in every day. The books will be changed twice a week either Monday or Tuesday and Thursday or Friday. Please read your book more than once with your child to help develop fluency and understanding. Ensure reading records are signed every time you share the book with your child.
PE bags to stay in school at all times. PE will be every Friday morning.
As the weather is getting colder please make sure your child has a named coat/hat in school.
Please kindly note that all lunch orders need to be placed online even if your child has a packed lunch.
Please note that I am on a course Wednesday morning.
Thanks! Have a lovely week!
Week 8 (21.10.2019)
English: This week our focus story is 'Owl Babies' by Martin Waddell.
Maths: This week we will be using lots of numicon! We will also be looking at repeating patterns.
Phonics: This week we will be recapping all of the sounds we have learnt so far! We will also be looking at the sounds 'd, v and r'. HFW are no, go, going, are, ,my.
Show and Tell (Wednesdays)
Week 7 (14.10.19)
English: This week our focus story will be 'Farmer Duck' By Martin Waddell. We will be writing lists of animals that we might find on a farm and creating story maps. Once the children are familiar with the story, we will be adding speech bubbles to add speech to the story. Sounding out words, such as the animal sounds and using blue tack to add them to the story.
Maths: In maths this week we will be describing and naming 2D shapes.
Phonics: Sounds of the week are 'o e u'. HFW are 'dog, cat, big, get you'. Please practice these at home with your child.
Show and Tell (Wednesday)
Week 6 (07.10.19)
The children were fantastic bakers last week!
English: This week our focus story will be 'We're going on a bear hunt'. We will be doing a lot of role play based around the story and discussing the different settings seen in the story. The children will be helping create a bear cave for our role play area!
Maths: In Maths we will be using numicon. The children will be matching and making 10 by stacking the numicon.
Phonics: Sounds of the week are 'c l k qu'. HFW words are mum, dad, went, to. We will be meeting the monster Cool Blue!
Show and Tell (Wednesday 9th)
Week 5 (30.09.2019)
I hope you have all had a lovely weekend! The children very much enjoyed "The Enormous Turnip" focus story last week and I hope they were able to retell the story to you with the actions they helped come up with!
English: This week our focus story will be 'The Little Red Hen'. We will be reading the story, creating story maps and acting out the story! We will also be making lots of red hen arts & crafts and making bread on Friday!
Maths: We will be continuing to count and order numbers using bead strings and numicon to help us.
Phonics: Sounds of the week are 'b and p'. HFW are 'he she me we the is'
Please practice these at home with your child.
Key dates/news
Week 4 (23.09.19)
English: This week our focus will be on the story 'The Enormous Turnip'. We will be predicting what may happen in the story by observing the front cover. Retelling the story with actions and creating story maps! Hopefully by Friday the children will be retelling the story over and over to you!
Maths: In Maths, we will be continuing to count, match 1:1 and concentrate on numbers 1-20.
Phonics: Our sounds for the week are 'm and g'. We will also be recapping s, a, t, p, i, n. High frequency words of the week are 'on am up was'.
Key news/dates:
Show and Tell this week for Wednesday are:
Have a lovely week! Any questions please do come and see me.
Week 3 (16.09.19)
English: This week we will be looking at our topic 'Ourselves and our Families'. We will be sharing the book Do you like? and discussing children's likes/dislikes. We will also be practising writing our names. Please can all the children bring in a photo of themselves as a baby for Thursday please. These will be shared as whole discussing how we are all different but that's what makes us special!
Maths: In Maths we will be counting, matching one-to-one and recognising numbers 1-10.
Phonics: s a t p i n graphemes and high frequency words 'a at in it is I'. Please practice these at home with your child.
Key dates/news:
Thursday 19th: Meet the Teacher 3:30pm in Robin class.
Please kindly note that Show and Tell will now be every Wednesday afternoon.
This week the 5 children are:
Have a lovely week! :)
Well done to all the children settling in fantastically into Robin class! :) I hope they enjoyed their first week.
The children will now be in full time 8:45 - 3:15.
News & Key Dates:
Phonics: This week we will be learning the sounds s, a, t, p, i and n and the high frequency words a, at, in, is, it and I. Please practice these with your children over the week.
Please kindly note that we are currently assessing the children's phonic abilities. Book bags will not be going out until week 6.
Have a lovely week! :)
Welcome to Robins!
We hope you have all had a lovely holiday and are now excited for the year ahead.
We are!
The start and end of the day
The gate will open at 8.45am and will close at 8.55am. Children need to be in school by this time. Myself or another member of the reception team will greet the children at the gate by the classroom. If you arrive after this time you will need to come through the main office and sign your child in and get a late mark.
At ‘home time’ we will line the children up and hand them over directly to you from the classroom gate. Please do not come through the gate. Please can you let the office know if your child is to be collected by someone different. We will not let them go with anyone else unless we have been notified beforehand. It is always helpful if you give us a wave when your child is at the front of the line.
This week the children are in from 8:45am - 11:30am.
Each child has been allocated a peg with their name on in order to hang up their coats and PE bags. Under their names will be a picture that begins with the letter of their name. Please show your child their pictures to encourage them to be able to find their peg and hang up their coats independently.
Water bottles
Please ensure that your child has a named bottle of water in school everyday. We will ensure that they are given the opportunity to have regular water breaks throughout the day. These bottles will need to be named as they are kept in the same area and MUST ONLY CONTAIN WATER! Water bottles should not be put in book bags as we have had many reading records and books damaged by leaking bottles.
For the first few weeks we will be getting to know the children. They will become familiar with the rules and routines of the classroom. The topic focus for this half term will be ‘All About Me’.
I will be updating our blog every week to inform you of our classroom activities and adventures. The class page will also be used as a means of giving announcements and news so please check this at least once a week.
We are looking forward to an exciting year and hope that your child enjoys their first year at school. If you or your child have any worries or concerns please do not hesitate to come and speak to us so that we can work together to resolve any issues (however small, we know that they are important to you and your child). If you have any exciting news please feel free to share with us. Our positive partnership is paramount to your child’s successful learning journey.
Kind Regards,
Miss Evans and the Reception Team :)
Summer 2019 Week 12
Week of 15th July 2019
What a wonderful year Robins have had! They have worked extremely hard and have shown improvement in many areas. Each and every child should feel proud of themselves for finishing their first year of primary. It has been a pleasure working with this class for the past two terms, and I thank everyone involved for their hard work. Well done to all!
In English, we will continue sentence writing to practice capital letters, finger spaces, phonics, and full stops. We have been writing sentences every day!
In maths, we will be going over some topics we have already covered; this will serve as a final refresher before the summer.
Monday 15th reminders: Water bottles and book bags in. Jigsaw PM.
Tuesday 16th - Reading Morning - reminders: Book bags will not be given back out. No MFL. P.E./outdoor activities on playground PM.
Wednesday 17th reminders: Homework will not be given back out. Breakfast party AM.
Thursday 18th reminders: No outdoor learning PM.
Friday 19th reminders: Celebration assembly (no Stay & Play) AM. End of term 1:30PM. Water bottles and other items to go home.
Let's have an excellent final week! :)
Have a wonderful, safe summer! Relax, have fun, and don't forget to brush up on some reading every now and then! ;)
Summer 2019 Week 11
Week of 8th July 2019
In English, we will continue sentence writing. Our sentences will include: a capital letter at the beginning, finger spaces, capital letters for names, and a full stop. We will continue going over tricky words and phonics to help with this.
In maths, we have been practising number formation and will continue to do so this week (numbers up to 20).
Monday 8th reminders: Water bottles and book bags in. Jigsaw PM.
Tuesday 9th - Reading Morning - reminders: Book bags will be given back out. MFL (French) AM (no literacy). P.E. PM.
Wednesday 10th reminders: Homework will be given out. Topic PM.
Thursday 11th reminders: Book bags are due in. Outdoor Learning TBD.
Friday 12th - Stay and Play - reminders: Book bags and water bottles to go home. Show & Tell + Topic PM.
Let's have an excellent week! :)
Summer 2019 Week 9
Week of 24th June 2019
In English, we will be writting summer-themed prompts. We will also be frequently going over our phonics and tricky words to help with this. We are also doing more one on one reading every day.
In maths, we will begin to look back at things we've already learned that may have been a bit tricky, so that they are very secured with the class. This week we will start doing this by going over +1 and -1.
Monday 24th reminders: Water bottles and book bags in. Jigsaw PM.
Tuesday 25th - Reading Morning - reminders: Book bags will be given back out. MFL (French) AM (no literacy). P.E. PM.
Wednesday 26th reminders: Homework will be given out. Topic PM.
Thursday 27th reminders: Book bags are due in. Outdoor Learning PM.
Friday 28th - Stay and Play - reminders: Book bags and water bottles to go home. Show & Tell + Topic PM.
Let's have an excellent week! :)
Summer 2019 Week 8
Week of 17th June 2019
English will be the same as last week: In English, we will continue phonics. We will be moving onto phase 5, and going over more tricky words as well. We will also practice letter formation and do some extra reading everyday.
In maths, we will go over counting by 2s and 5s, as these were tricky last week.
Our storybook for the week is: Summertime Bounce! - (we did not get a chance to check this out last week)
Monday 17th reminders: Water bottles and book bags in. Creative week lessons PM.
Tuesday 18th - Reading Morning - reminders: Book bags will be given back out. MFL (French) AM (no literacy). Creative week lessons PM.
Wednesday 19th reminders: Homework will be given out. Creative week lessons PM.
Thursday 20th reminders: Book bags are due in. Creative week lessons PM. Outdoor learning TBD.
Friday 21st - Stay and Play - reminders: Book bags and water bottles to go home. PM TBD.
Let's have an excellent week! :)
Summer 2019 Week 7
Week of 10th June 2019
In English, we will continue phonics. We will be moving onto phase 5, and going over more tricky words as well. We will also practice letter formation and do some extra reading everyday.
In maths, we will start learning to count in 2s (2, 4, 6, 8 ect). By Wednesday, we will look at counting by 5s (5, 10, 15, 20 ect), and by the end of the week, we will count by 10s (10, 20, 30, 40, ect).
Our storybook for the week is: Summertime Bounce! -
Monday 10th reminders: Water bottles and book bags in. Jigsaw PM.
Tuesday 11th - Reading Morning - reminders: Book bags will be given back out. MFL (French) AM (no literacy). P.E. PM.
Wednesday 12th reminders: Homework will be given out. Topic PM.
Thursday 13th reminders: Book bags are due in. Show and Tell (Butterflies) and topic PM.
Friday 14th - Stay and Play - reminders: Book bags and water bottles to go home. Topic PM.
Let's have an excellent week! :)
Summer 2019 Week 6
Week of 3rd June 2019
Menu: Week 3
Welcome back Robins! I hope you all had a lovely break! I'd love to hear all about what you did in class.
For English, on Monday, we'll talk about how our half-term went. For the rest of the week, we'll have a bigger focus on phonics and tricky words. We'll revisit earlier phases to really make sure we've got them down-packed.
In maths, we will begin learning about doubling and halving using easier numbers like 2, 5 and 10. If we get through that, we'll starting learning to count by 2s (i.e. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ect.)
Our storybook for the week is: TBD.
Monday 3rd reminders: Water bottles and book bags in. Jigsaw PM.
Tuesday 4th - Reading Morning - reminders: Book bags will be given back out. MFL (French) AM (no literacy). P.E. PM.
Wednesday 5th reminders: Homework will be given out. Topic PM.
Thursday 6th reminders: Book bags are due in. Show and Tell (Snails) and topic PM.
Friday 7th - Stay and Play - reminders: Book bags and water bottles to go home. Topic PM.
Let's have an excellent week! :)
Summer 2019 Week 5
Week of 20th May 2019
Menu: Week 2
In English, we will continue writing sentences and narratives without adult help. We have been going over phase 4 for phonics and every now and then we review all of phase 3. We will continue our topic about the Great Outdoors. Last week we did animal habitats and endangered species; we will be continuing this as well.
For maths, we will use water to measure capacity. Children will get a chance to practice relevant vocabulary, and will have a hands-on experience using the water tray outside to fill up measuring jugs.
Our storybook for the week is: Hog in the Fog by Julia Copus
Monday 20th reminders: Water bottles and book bags in. Jigsaw PM.
Tuesday 21st - Reading Morning - reminders: Book bags will be given back out. MFL (French) AM (no literacy). P.E. PM.
Wednesday 22nd reminders: Homework will be given out. Topic PM.
Thursday 23rd reminders: Book bags are due in. Show and Tell (Caterpillars) and topic PM.
Friday 24th - Stay and Play - reminders: Book bags and water bottles to go home. Topic PM.
Let's have an excellent week! :)
Summer 2019 Week 4
Week of 13th May 2019
Menu: Week 1
In English, we will write sentences and narratives without adult help. This means we will also focus really hard on our phonics as well, to make sure our writing makes sense. Simple sentences are short and sweet and have a capital beginning and a full stop. Narratives have a beginning and end, and connectives (i.e. "next", "and then"). Robins will have to try their best to use their phonics and produce some lovely writing they can brag about considering they did it all by themselves!
In maths, we will start subtraction/taking away. We will begin by taking away only 1, but as the week progresses, we will take away more numbers up to 10. We will do this with numerals, words, and images. If you practice at home, feel free to bring in some of your wonderful work.
We're continuing our topic of the Great Outdoors in the P.M. We will begin looking at various animals and their different habitats.
Our storybook for the week is: Should I Share My Ice Cream? by Mo Willems
Monday 13th reminders: Water bottles and book bags in. Jigsaw PM.
Tuesday 14th reminders: No reading morning. Book bags will be given back out. MFL (French) AM (no literacy). P.E. PM.
Wednesday 8th reminders: Homework will be given out. Topic PM.
Thursday 9th reminders: Book bags are due in. Show and Tell (Caterpillars) and topic PM.
Friday 10th - Stay and Play - reminders: Book bags and water bottles to go home. Topic PM.
Let's have an excellent week! :)
Summer 2019 Week 3
Week of 6th May 2019
Menu: Week 3
In English, we will be learning about ice cream. We've made an ice cream parlour in the roleplay section of the classroom, and the children have been having fun using it! This week, we'll learn how ice cream is made, how it came to be, and we'll even have fun creating our own ice cream flavours. We'll be writing lists of ingredients, writing full sentences, and coming up with names for our made-up flavours.
In maths, we'll be re-visiting 2D shapes, but with a focus on how many sides and corners they have. We will be sorting shapes by how many sides they have, how many corners, if they are round, if they are long/short, ect. Towards the end of the week, we will try to do the same thing but with 3D shapes.
We're continuing our topic of the Great Outdoors in the P.M. We will begin looking at various animals and their different habitats.
We also did not get the chance to "plan" our own holiday yet, so we will be completing that this week as well.
Our storybook for the week is: Should I Share My Ice Cream? by Mo Willems
Monday 6th reminders: Bank holiday -- school closed.
Tuesday 7th - Reading Morning - reminders: Water bottles and book bags in. Book bags will be given back out. MFL (French) AM (no literacy). P.E. PM.
Wednesday 8th reminders: Homework will be given out.
Thursday 9th reminders: Book bags are due in. Show and Tell (Butterflies) and topic PM.
Friday 10th - Stay and Play - reminders: Book bags and water bottles to go home.
Let's have an excellent week! :)
Summer 2019 Week 1
Week of 22nd April 2019
(NEW) Menu: Week 1
Welcome back Robins! I hope you all had a wonderful break filled with fun and (some) learning! I know I did! What did you guys do? Rest? Visit London? See friends and family? Eat lots of yummy food? I can't wait to hear all about it! I hope everyone is ready to get back into the swing of things! Summer is here and the weather is warming up, so make sure you bring in your water bottles on Tuesday.
In maths, we'll review our months of the year and days of the week by looking at calendars. We'll look at important dates like birthdays and holidays, and learn what they look like on a calendar. We'll also look at 2019 as a whole and see how many special days we can identify on a big, 12-month calendar.
In literacy, we'll be talking about what we did over the break. We'll have class discussions, write sentences, and toward the end of the week, we'll "plan" our own holiday by choosing a destination, food, and a means of transportation. What kind of vacations can Robins come up with?
Our storybook for the week is: Back-to-School Rules by Laurie Friedman
Monday 22nd reminders: Easter Monday; no school.
Tuesday 23rd - reminders: Everything due back in (P.E. kits, water bottles, and book bags). No Reading Morning. No MFL (French).
Wednesday 24th reminders: Homework TBD. Topic PM.
Thursday 25th reminders: Book bags are due in. Show and Tell (Dragonflies) and topic PM.
Friday 26th - Stay and Play - reminders: Book bags and water bottles to go home.
It's so good to be back! Let's start summer off with an excellent first week!
Spring 2019 Week 12
Week of 1st April 2019
Menu: Week 3
Wow, what an amazing term! Robins have definitely proven to be young, aspiring learners. They've all made their own progress since January, and it's heartwarming to see! what a wonderful experience all around. Can't wait to see what progress we can make after the break!
Because of the many practices for class assembly last week, we're going to continue some of the English and maths we were meant to complete last week. This means writing full sentences in English about what we've experienced in spring so far, and for maths, this means comparing numbers up to 20. We'll also do some review on coins up to 10p, and will start learning about time.
Our storybook for the week is: Happy Easter, Curious George by A.P. Anderson
Monday 1st reminders: Water bottles and book bags are due in. Jigsaw PM.
Tuesday 2nd - Reading Morning - reminders: Book bags will be given out. MFL (French) AM (no literacy). P.E. PM.
Wednesday 3rd reminders: Maths morning until 9:10. Homework will be given out.
Thursday 4th reminders: Book bags are due in. Show and Tell (Snails) and topic PM.
Friday 5th - Stay and Play - reminders: Book bags and water bottles to go home. Finish at 1:30PM.
Have a wonderful and safe Easter break, Robins! You've earned it! See you in two weeks! :)
Spring 2019 Week 11
Week of 25 March 2019
Menu: Week 2
In English, we've been working on writing full sentences. Robins have since began to try and write words on their own--without adult help. We will continue doing this this week by having children write about their spring experiences so far, in just a sentence or two.
In maths, we will begin comparing numbers up to 20. This means children will get a look at different numbers, compare which are bigger/smaller, and see if there are any differences/similarities between these numbers.
Our storybook for the week is: Mouse's First Spring by Lauren Thompson
Monday 25th reminders: Water bottles and book bags are due in. Jigsaw PM.
Tuesday 26th - Reading Morning - reminders: Book bags will be given out. MFL (French) AM (no literacy). P.E. and assembly practice PM.
Wednesday 27th reminders: Maths morning until 9:10. Homework will be given out. Assembly practice PM.
Thursday 28th reminders: Book bags are due in. Show and Tell (Butterflies) and assembly practice PM.
Friday 29th - Stay and Play - reminders: Class assembly! Book bags and water bottles to go home.
Let's have an excellent week!
Spring 2019 Week 10
Week of 18 March 2019
Menu: Week 1
NOTES: Show & Tell has been given a rota. This week, only Caterpillars can bring something in on Thursday, thank you! Also, we are still accepting photos of your children reading in unusual places to display in the library.
As part of our spring theme, we will be looking at ponds and fish for literacy this week. We will explore different types of fish, how they live, and what makes them different from other animals we see in spring (mammals)!
In maths, we will be learning to recognise coins up to 10p. By the end of the week, we will apply our knowledge of coins to scenarios that will involve solving practical problems using coins (i.e. equally distributing a set of coins; gathering enough coins for a 'purchase').
Our storybook for the week is: One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish by Dr. Seuss
Monday 18th reminders: Water bottles and book bags are due in. Jigsaw PM.
Tuesday 19th - Reading Morning - reminders: Book bags will be given out. MFL (French) AM (no literacy). P.E. PM.
Wednesday 20th reminders: Homework will be given out. Topic PM.
Thursday 21st reminders: Book bags are due in. Show and tell (Caterpillars) + Topic PM.
Friday 22nd - Stay and Play - reminders: Book bags and water bottles to go home. Topic PM.
Let's have an excellent week!
Spring 2019 Week 9
Week of 11 March 2019
Menu: Week 3
NOTES: Show & Tell will now take place on Thursday afternoons. Please only bring items in on Thursdays! Thank you!
In literacy, our topic has moved onto spring. We will start the week off by going over seasons, then specifically spring. What kind of weather do we get in spring? How can you tell that spring is coming? We'll also be looking at some animals that may be waking up after a long winter hibernation! We'll continue practicing simple sentence writing and letter formation.
In maths, we will review 2D shapes and then learn about 3D shapes. The 3D shapes will be cube, cuboid, sphere, and cone. We will be comparing 2D vs 3D and will use description words to explain their differences. We will link shapes to ones we may see in spring; like the shapes of flower petals and fruit growing on tress.
Our storybook for the week is: That's Not a Daffodil by Elizabeth Honey
Monday 11th reminders: Water bottles and book bags are due in. Jigsaw PM.
Tuesday 12th - Reading Morning - reminders: Book bags will be given out. MFL (French) AM (no literacy). P.E. PM.
Wednesday 13th reminders: Homework will be given out. Topic PM.
Thursday 14th reminders: Book bags are due in. Show and Tell PM.
Friday 15th - Stay and Play - reminders: Book bags and water bottles to go home.
Let's have an excellent week!
Spring 2019 Week 8
Week of 4 March 2019
Menu: Week 2
NOTES: This week is book week, with World Book Day being on Thursday, March 7th! Children can come dressed up as their favourite book character, and books will be sold on the KS1 playground during the week, before and after school.
In literacy, Robins, along with the rest of Bromet, will be going over the book Flood by Alvaro F. Villa. This book is beautifully illustrated to show the impact of a flood. However, there is no writing in it. Robins will learn about what a flood is, and we will work on writing our own dialogue and short sentences to go along with the story.
In maths, we will be comparing weights. Children will learn that, for example, just because something appears larger, does not mean it weighs more. We will use a balance to show the difference in weight, and measure various items against each other to see the difference between the two.
Our storybook for the week is: Flood by Alvaro F. Villa.
Monday 4th reminders: Water bottles and book bags are due in. Jigsaw PM.
Tuesday 5th - Reading Morning - reminders: Book bags will be given out. MFL (French) AM (no literacy). P.E. PM.
Wednesday 6th reminders: Homework will be given out. Topic PM.
Thursday 7th reminders: World Book Day -- come dressed up as your favourite book character! Book bags are due in. Topic PM.
Friday 8th - Stay and Play - reminders: Book bags and water bottles to go home. Garden of Dreams (parents invited from 2:45PM onwards).
Let's have an excellent week!
Spring 2019 Week 7
Week of 25 February 2019
Menu: Week 1
WELCOME BACK ROBINS! I hope everyone had a lovely half-term break!
NOTES: Garden of Dreams on Friday 29 from 2:45PM - 3:15PM. Parents invited!
This week, in literacy, Robins will start the week off by writing a sentence about something they did during half-term break. For the rest of the week, we will be talking about dreams and aspirations. We will then write our dreams and attach them to wind-chimes to present on Friday for the Garden of Dreams!
In maths, we last looked at "one more"; now we will be doing "2 more". We will also focus on how to write numbers properly towards the end of the week.
Our storybook for the week is: When I Grow Up by Andrew Daddo & Jonathan Bentley.
Monday 25th reminders: Water bottles and book bags are due in. Jigsaw PM.
Tuesday 26th - Reading Morning - reminders: Book bags will be given out. MFL (French) AM (no literacy). P.E. PM.
Wednesday 27th reminders: Homework will be given out. Topic PM.
Thursday 28th reminders: Book bags are due in. Topic PM.
Friday Feb 29th - Stay and Play - reminders: Book bags and water bottles to go home. Garden of Dreams (parents invited from 2:45PM onwards).
Let's have an excellent week!
Spring 2019 Week 6
Week of 11 February 2019
Menu: Week 3
This week, we will continue our theme of food. Last week, things got pretty silly with funny food ingredients, like putting ketchup on Cornflakes, eugh! This week, we will be looking at yummy foods. What yummy recipes can Robins come up with?
In maths, we will be looking at pairs that add up to 10 (i.e. 5+5, 2+8, ect.) How many different ways can Robins find to add to 10 using 2 numbers? We will practice writing these down as additions and using our fingers to count them.
Our storybook for the week is: Chicken, Chips and Peas by Allan Ahlberg.
Monday 11th reminders: Water bottles and book bags are due in. Jigsaw PM.
Tuesday 12th - Reading Morning - reminders: Book bags will be given out. MFL (French) AM (no literacy). P.E. PM.
Wednesday 13th reminders: Homework will be given out. Topic PM.
Thursday 14th reminders: Book bags are due in. Topic PM.
Friday Feb 15th - Stay and Play - reminders: Book bags and water bottles to go home. Talent Show.
Let's have an excellent week!
Week of 4 February 2019
Menu: Week 2
NOTICE: This Friday, the 8th, all of Bromet will be showing off their talents in class! Each class will pick a child to then preform in front of the rest of the school next Friday, the 15th. If your child has something they want to show off, then Friday is the day to do it! (N.B. Robins are joining the KS1 category for this.)
This week, our theme is switching over to food and cooking. We will be talking about recipes, ingredients, silly foods and delicious foods! This theme will last until half-term.
In maths, we will be learning about patterns and symmetry! What kind of patterns can Robins make? Can we pose back to back symmetrically?
In literacy, we will be doing a lot of handwriting and will start writing simple sentences.
Our storybook for the week is: Ketchup on Your Cornflakes? by Nick Sharratt.
Monday 4th reminders: Water bottles and book bags are due in. Jigsaw PM.
Tuesday 5th - Reading Morning - reminders: Book bags will be given out. MFL (French) AM (no literacy). P.E. PM.
Wednesday 6th reminders: Homework will be given out. Topic PM.
Thursday 7th reminders: Book bags are due in. Topic PM.
Friday Feb 8th - Stay and Play - reminders: Book bags and water bottles to go home. Talent Show tryouts in class PM.
Let's have an excellent week!
Week of 28 January 2019
Following our theme of winter, we will be taking a look at Chinese New Year! This year is the Chinese Zodiac Year of the Pig!
This week, our literacy will focus on Chinese New Year/Year of the Pig. For maths, we will start learning addition. Monday and Tuesday will be learning to add one (+ 1), Wednesday and Thursday for + 2, and Friday is Number Day! For a donation of £1, children can wear a number outfit/costume on Friday. All day long, we will be doing fun number maths activities!
Our storybook for the week is: My First Chinese New Year by Karen Katz.
Monday 28th reminders: Water bottles and book bags are due in. After lunch jigsaw.
Tuesday 29th - Reading Morning - reminders: Book bags will be given out. MFL (French). After lunch P.E.
Wednesday 30th reminders: Homework will be given out.
Thursday 31st reminders: Book bags are due in.
Friday Feb 1st - Stay and Play - reminders: Book bags and water bottles to go home. Number day £1.
Week of 21 January 2019
Following our theme of winter, we will be taking a look at Chinese New Year. This week, that means starting off with dragons! For literacy, Robins will have an ongoing project to create a dragon. By Friday, they will have completed their dragon!
Monday 21st:
Literacy: Learning about dragons and choosing a colour for our own dragon.
Maths: 2D shapes (triangles, circles, squares, and rectangles).
Reminders: Water bottles and book bags are due in.
Tuesday 22nd - Reading Morning:
Literacy: Learning more about dragons and choosing what our dragon eats.
Maths: 2D shapes continued.
Reminders: Book bags will be given out. MFL (French).
Wednesday 23rd:
Literacy: Learning about habitats and choosing one that fits our dragon.
Maths: Sorting shapes and numbers.
Reminders: Homework will be given out.
Thursday 24th:
Literacy: Choosing a power for our dragon.
Maths: Sorting shapes and numbers continued.
Reminders: Book bags are due in.
Friday 25th:
Literacy: Writing our our dragon's names to practice handwriting.
Maths: Counting backwards from 20.
After lunch, we will be doing some arts and crafts to make our dragons come alive!
Reminders: Book bags and water bottles to go home.
Week of 14 January 2019
This week, we will continue the winter topic we started last week. Dark nights and hot chocolate abound!
Reminders: Reading Morning starts this Tuesday, as does Stay and Play on Friday. We are also starting French on Tuesday.
Monday 14th:
In literacy, we will be reading a new book titled The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark. In maths, we will be looking at estimating.
Reminders: Water bottles and book bags are due in.
Tuesday 15th:
In literacy, will be working on our new story book. In maths, we will be counting actions.
Reminders: Book bags will be given out.
Wednesday 16th:
In literacy, we will be discovering the dark. In maths, we will be counting sounds.
Reminders: Homework will be given out.
Thursday 17th:
In literacy, we will be looking at what kind of activities people can do in the dark. In maths, we will be looking at ordinal numbers.
Reminders: Book bags are due in.
Friday 18th:
In literacy, we will "plan" an activity that can be done in the dark. In maths, we will continue ordinal numbers.
Reminders: Book bags and water bottles to go home.
Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely break and are looking forward to the new term.
Reading Morning begins Tuesday 15th January and Stay and Play will commence Friday 18th January
Week Commencing 8th January:
This week we are focusing on getting to know each other and writing about our Holidays.
In Jigsaw we are focusing on ‘Staying motivated when doing something challenging’
PE Kits and water bottles are due in
Book Bags to go out
Homework including Comprehension Books to go out
Book Bags are due in
Book Bags and water bottles to go home
Robin Class
Autumn Term 2
Week Beginning: 17th December 2018
Thank you for all of your support this term it has been really appreciated. The children have worked extremely hard and have made fantastic progress! I wish you all the best.
This Thursday the children are having a class party if you would like to send some party treats for your children to enjoy it will be greatly appreciated.
Please note this Friday the school closes at 13:30 and book bags or homework will not be handed out in the holidays.
.Key Dates:
We hope that you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Robin Class
Autumn Term 2
Week Beginning: 3rd December 2018
Please send in the Christmas costumes by Wednesday.
Our Learning
This week we will be practising our Christmas Production.
This week we are starting Phase 3 and this will involve forming letters and writing down words.
EAD/ English
This week we will be making our Christmas Cards and writing messages.
Physical Education
This week we are practising our dance for the Christmas Production.
All About Me
Key Dates:
Robin Class
Autumn Term 2
Week Beginning: 26th November 2018
We are now starting to collect the children’s costume for the Christmas production, if you have it ready you can send it through.
This week we are looking at the story of ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’.
Key Outcomes:
Speaking: Discussing a traditional tale and the actions of the characters
Reading: Reading a traditional tale with a twist
Writing: Writing a caption about a home, inspired by a traditional tale
In Maths this week we will be looking into ‘3D Shapes’.
We are now recapping phase 2 to ensure that the children are familiar with the sounds and with more of a focus towards writing.
Physical Education
This week we are practising our dance for the Christmas Production.
All About Me
Key Dates:
Robin Class
Autumn Term 2
Week Beginning: 19th November 2018
This week we are looking at the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’.
Key Outcomes:
In Maths this week we will be learning to measure and compare height.
We are now recapping phase 2 to ensure that the children are familiar with the sounds and a focus towards writing.
Physical Education
This week we are doing ‘Yoga’ and will start our dance for the Christmas Production.
All About Me
Key Dates:
Week Beginning: 12th November 2018
Class News
Parents evening for Robin Class will be this week on Tuesday and Wednesday the timings that you have booked will be the same. In the children’s home learning book we have attached a letter formation sheet.
This week we are looking at the story of ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’.
Key Outcomes:
Speaking: Retelling a traditional tale
Reading: Reading a traditional tale with repetitive phrases
Writing: Listing new homes where a character could live
In Maths this week we will be learning to measure and compare length.
To create bridges using different shapes and objects.
This week we are going to look at the last few sounds of the phase 2 set and we are now developing the children’s letter formation.
Understanding the World/ EAD
To make a pumpkin paper plate.
Physical Education
This week we are learning ‘Yoga’.
All About Me
Key Dates:
Congratulations to Theo for being our star!
Week Commencing 22nd October:
This week in in English we are learning the Lost Acorn by Nick Butterworth
In Maths we are focusing on counting and particularly the number 6!
In Jigsaw we are focusing on ‘Being Kind’
In Phonics we are progressing with Phase 2
Book Bags, Library Books, Homework and water bottles are due in (no library books over Half Term)
Book Bags to go out
No Homework over Half Term
Nick Butterworth Visit
Non School Uniform Day in aid of Homestart £1
Book Bags are due in
There is NO STAY AND PLAY due to Individual Photos being taken
Book Bags and water bottles and PE Kits to go home
Robin Class
Autumn Term Week 7
Week Beginning: 15th October 2018
Class News
The signing in sheet for parents evening will be available late evening, today. If there is any questions about logging onto Arbor please contact the office staff for further support. Also I just wanted to say thank you for supporting your children with their homework the effort put in by you is really amazing!
Thank You J
This week we are looking at the sensory story of ‘Leaf Man’.
Key Outcomes:
Speaking: Talking about signs of autumn
Reading: Joining in with a repeated phrase
Writing: Labelling a leaf character
In Maths this week we will be:
Set 1: s, a, t, p
Set 2: i, n, m, d
Set 3: g, o, c, k
Set 4: ck, e, u, r (completing)
Understanding the World/ EAD
To make an Autumn leaf sun catcher and to make ma picture using leafs.
Physical Education
This week we are learning to develop our ‘Gross Motor Skills’ and building up to our ‘Mile Run’.
All About Me
Key Dates:
Thank You
Robin Class
Autumn Term Week 6
Week Beginning: 8th October 2018
Class News
Parents evening sign up will be available on Arbor 15th October if you have any questions about Arbor please contact the office staff. This Wednesday morning is our termly math morning games session and you are welcome to join us from 08:45- 09:15. Please could you sign in for lunchtime for the week if it is easier, if your child attends breakfast club pass a note and they will pass it on. Our PE day has changed to Tuesday.
Thank You J
This week we are looking at the story of ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear, Where Do You See?
Key Outcomes:
In Maths this week we will be:
Set 1: s, a, t, p
Set 2: i, n, m, d
Set 3: g, o, c, k (completing)
Set 4: ck, e, u, r (this week’s main focus)
Understanding the World/ EAD
To create pictures using natural materials.
To make animal pictures using recycled materials.
Physical Education
This week we are learning to develop our ‘Gross Motor Skills’ and building up to our ‘Mile Run’.
All About Me
Key Dates:
Thank You
Robin Class
Autumn Term 5
Week Beginning: 1st October 2018
Class News
This months is the start of ‘Black History Month’.
Thank you for attending our reading morning and stay and play!
We are in the process of making a mud kitchen for our outdoor area. If you have any old pots and pans please send them down our way. Also if you have any old boxes the children can use for junk modelling, as we always need them.
In Maths this week we will be:
This week we are looking at the story of ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’.
Key Outcomes:
For the next few weeks we will be looking at phase 2 phonics. The grid below is all the sounds within the phase 2 plans.
In Phase 2, letters and their sounds are introduced one at a time. A set of letters is taught each week, in the following sequence:
Set 1: s, a, t, p
Set 2: i, n, m, d (completing)
Set 3: g, o, c, k (this week’s main focus)
Set 4: ck, e, u, r
Understanding the World
To use our school environment to recreate scenes from the story.
Children create bear footprints using finger painting techniques.
Physical Education
This term we are learning to develop our ‘Gross Motor Skills’.
This week the children will start looking at understanding what a ‘Growth Mind-Set’ is with a character each week with Mrs Humphreys. In circle time we will continue to look at happy and sad emotions.
Key Dates:
Thank You
Robin Class
Autumn Term Week 4
Week Beginning: 24th September
Class News
This week ‘Stay and Play’ and ‘Reading Morning’ begins. ‘Reading Morning’ starts from Tuesday 08:45- 09:10 inside the classroom only, we will have a parent register please sign this and a visitor sticker must be worn.
‘Stay and Play’ is every Friday from 08:45-09:15 this is inside and outside the classroom. The castle can only be accessed if there is a member of staff near the castle. This is to ensure that we can watch all the children safely.
Inside the homework book there is a sheet full of homework activities this needs to be completed during this term. The homework is designed to give you the flexibility of when to complete the activities. Once completed please sign this and if some of the homework is discussion please just sign the section. If you want to show evidence of what your child has discussed then their discussion can be recorded inside the book by writing it down. This is optional! There is a deadline for one of the tasks which is collecting environmental print as we will be using this for our class displays.
Please don’t forget to fill in the ‘WOW’ moments and this can be anything that your child does and this is due whenever you have filled it in. As we want to celebrate their achievements at home.
‘Thank You’ for your cooperation.
In Maths this week we will be continuing to:
This week we will continue with our topic of ‘Ourselves and Families’. The children will focus on family and the story of ‘Peace at Last’.
Key Outcomes:
For the next few weeks we will be looking at phase 2 phonics. The grid below is all the sounds within the phase 2 plans.
In Phase 2, letters and their sounds are introduced one at a time. A set of letters is taught each week, in the following sequence:
Set 1: s, a, t, p ( completing )
Set 2: i, n, m, d (this week’s main focus)
Set 3: g, o, c, k
Set 4: ck, e, u, r
As soon as each set of letters is introduced, children will be encouraged to use their knowledge of the letter sounds to blend and sound out words. For example, they will learn to blend the sounds s-a-t to make the word sat. They will also start learning to segment words. Set 5: h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss
Understanding the World
The children discuss about their homes.
Children make fingerprints, handprints and explore mixing the paint.
Physical Education
This term we are learning to develop our ‘Gross Motor Skills’.
This week the children will continue looking at understanding what a ‘Growth Mind-Set’ is with a character each week with Mrs Humphreys.
Key Dates:
Thank You
Autumn Week 3
Week Beginning: 17th September
Class News
Please don’t forget to sign in your child’s lunch using the codes; this can be completed for the whole week. Thank you for waiting behind the fence in the mornings and afternoons please continue this.
In Maths this week we will be:
This week we will start our topic of ‘Ourselves and Families’ the children will focus on writing their names, drawing a self- portrait, a family portrait and writing simple labels. The activities are designed to cover all areas of the curriculum.
For the next weeks we will be looking at phase 2 phonics. The grid below is all the sounds within the phase 2 plans.
In Phase 2, letters and their sounds are introduced one at a time. A set of letters is taught each week, in the following sequence:
Set 1: s, a, t, p (this week’s focus)
Set 2: i, n, m, d
Set 3: g, o, c, k
Set 4: ck, e, u, r
As soon as each set of letters is introduced, children will be encouraged to use their knowledge of the letter sounds to blend and sound out words. For example, they will learn to blend the sounds s-a-t to make the word sat. They will also start learning to segment words. Set 5: h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss
Understanding the World
The children will explore their local environment in the school.
The children will be drawing self-portrait and a family portrait.
Physical Education
This term we are learning to develop our ‘Gross Motor Skills’.
This week the children will start looking at understanding what a ‘Growth Mind-Set’ is with a character each week with Mrs Humphreys
Key Dates:
Thank You
Week Begining: 10th September 2018
Class News
We would like to welcome you all to start your journey at ‘Robin Class’. This week the receptions will be in school for full time.
I would like to welcome you to the ‘Robin Reception Team’:
Please ensure everything is labelled from school uniform, P.E. Kits, water bottlers, sunhat and book bags. Book bags will be changed once this week and will go home on Tuesday for this week and will need to be handed over next Monday. Water bottles need to be handed in on Monday and will be sent home every Friday. P.E Kits will stay in school and is sent home during half term. If the kit needs to be sent home for a reason then we will hand it over to you. Outside Robin Class there is a notice board and on there is the lunch menu for the week please use the register to mark in your child’s lunch using the codes and this can be done for the whole week.
The codes follow:
Please kindly note from this week please allow your child to come into the classroom with our staff, this is to ensure that they are in routine and to guide them safely to their morning tasks. Lastly as we set up the outside area we kindly request that you wait outside the wooden fence to ensure the outdoor area is used by the children only during school hours.
Our Learning
This week our main purpose is to continue to welcome and settle the children in.
Key Dates: