At Bromet School we follow the Hertfordshire Agreed Syllabus of Religious Education. We use and adapt the Hertfordshire Scheme of Work to ensure that the following recommendations are addressed in our mixed year group classes:
EYFS: children will encounter Christianity and religions and beliefs represented in the class, school or local community. RE will support a growing sense of the child's awareness of self, their own community and their place within this.
Years 1 and 2: Christianity and at least one other religion to be studied. Judaism and Islam are recommended (or the predominant local religions and beliefs represented). Children may also learn from other religions in thematic units.
Years 3 to 6: A minimum of four religions are to be studied chosen from Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Sikhism. Children may also learn from other religions and worldviews in thematic units.
The Syllabus has been amended for covering eight areas of teaching and learning: Beliefs and practices; Sources of wisdom; Symbols and actions;
Prayer, worship and reflection; Identity and belonging; Ultimate questions; Human responsibility and values; Justice and fairness. We have a rolling 2 year programme( Year A and B) which enables children in all classes to be exposed to as many religious concepts as possible. Every unit in KS2 starts with a big question, which children regularly revisit to make connections in their learning.
We are fortunate to have an RE specialist, Mrs Bastable, who comes in and teaches the subject in Upper KS2. Also, she leads some thought-provoking assemblies. We welcome visit from representatives of all faiths and beliefs. We will be starting to visit different places of worship as our aim is for children to have been exposed to different worship rituals by the time they are 11.