Welcome to Kestrel class 2021-2022!
Class Teacher: Miss S Karkanevatou
PPA Cover: Mrs M Humphreys( Tue am)
Teaching Partner: Mrs A Blakey
Update 11th July
English: We will be creating our own myth based on the Pied Piper of Hamelin.
Maths: We will continue to explore capacity( measure, compare, add, subtract)
DT: Create your own pencil cases.
RE: The importance of a prayer mat to Muslims.
P.E: Athletics/throwing
Science: Plants
Computing: Scratch
Spelling: Y3/4 spellings accident, actual, address, answer, appear
Have a great week!
4th July
I am very proud of the way Kestrels coped last week and looking forward to this week with them.
English Pied Piper of Hamelin report, advert, letter
Maths mass
RE mosque Islam
PE athletics
Science plant life cycle
Computing designing a computer game
27th June
It's been another busy week for Kestrel class. I was very impressed with the children's attempts at sculpting. Well done!
English: Pied Piper of Hamelin writing in role speech bubbles
Maths: assessment/ mass
Spelling: year 3/4 statutory spellings
DT: textiles pencil cases
Science: plants
pshe: friendship
music: year 3 rewind
re: festivals of Islam
Note: As I will be accompanying year 6 on their residential trip, Mrs Humphreys and Mrs Bridgeman will be teaching Kestrel class this week.
Have a great week!
Week 20th June
It's been a great week for Kestrel class. I have been very pleased with the way they approached direction and how hard they worked on their first sewing lesson!
English: Tin Forest writing a persuasive/informative leaflet
Maths: shapes
History: Ancient Greece
RE: 5 pillars of Islam
P.E: Athletics
Art: Abstract art painting
Have a great week!
Week 13.6
English: We are continuing our work on the Tin Forest: postcards, expanded noun phrases.
Maths: Turns and angles
Geography: Effects of Earthquakes on Humans
R.E : Five pillars of Islam: Zakat
PSHE: What Babies need to grow
Computing: Scratch- Creating a Game
P.E: Athletics
Notes: P.E: Thursday
Have a great week!
Week 7.6
Welcome back!
English: Tin Forest- leaflet, persuasive poster
Maths: Time-24 hour clock, seconds, duration
History: Ancient Greece
PSHE: Changing Me
Science: Variables
In English, we will be finishing our stories based on The heart and the bottle.
In Maths, we are continuing our learning on time.
In Science, we are investigating shadows.
In Geography, we are learning about earthquakes.
We had a great time at St Albans and cannot wait for Victorian day, Jubilee celebrations and sports afternoon. Here's to a great last week before half term :)
Weekly News 16/05/22
Update: School trip week! We are all excited to visit the Verulamium on Monday. Last week the children very much enjoyed the Eid assembly on Friday and getting to decorate their own stars. I was also very impressed by their abstract art, their shading and different geometrical patterns. Have a great week!
Maths: Time
English: The heart and the Bottle( planning and beginning to write our own version of a dilemma story)
PSHE: Relationships
Science: Shadows
RE: Five pillars of Islam
Computing: Programming
DT: Sewing skills
Things to remember: It's our school trip on Monday so please remember to send your child in with a pound for entry to the Roman theatre as part of our walking tour. The children are allowed to wear trainers as we will be doing a fair amount of walking. Homework/ water bottles/ reading books and records on Monday.
9th May
English: The Heart and the Bottle. Outcomes: Multiclause sentences/ character description/ retelling a narrative.
Maths: Ordering fractions, Adding and Subtracting Fractions with a common denominator
Science: Shadows
History: Romans in Britain
Art: Abstract
PE: Handball
Computing: Programming
Y3 and Y4 Statutory Spellings
build | busy | calendar |
caught | centre |
3rd May:
English: We will start reading our new book The Heart and the Bottle. Outcomes: Predictive questions, character descriptions.
Maths: Equivalent fractions, Order and Compare Fractions.
Science: Light and Darkness
Geography: Effects of Volcanoes on Humans
DT: Textiles Investigation
PSHE: Friendship skills
Computing: Programming
Words that contain a short /i/ sound spelt using a ‘y’.
25th April:
English: This week we are continuing our learning with performance poetry.
Maths: Fractions of a set of objects and equivalent fractions
Science: Light
History: VE Day
PE: Handball
RE: The five pillars of Islam : Sawm
Art: Abstract
Suffix -ly
bravely | happily | frantically | gently |
calmly | hungrily | logically | fiddly |
Update 19th April:
Welcome back :) Hope everyone enjoyed a relaxing break and we are all ready for a wonderful summer term! See you on Tuesday!
English: Narrative poetry
Maths: Fractions Making a whole, tenths
Science: Light
Music: Recorders
PSHE: Network Hands
Geography: Location of volcanoes
Things to remember: Reading books will go home with children again this week. You will receive a letter this week regarding our school trip to the Verulamium museum in St Albans which will be on 16th May.
English: Creating persuasive posters and writing letters based on our new book The Tear Thief
Maths: Unit and Non Unit Fractions/ Equivalence of one half and two quarters
Science: Magnetism
Geography: Clouds
Art: Sculpture/ Easter Art
PE: Gymnastics
PSHE: Healthy Me
Don't forget to bring your Easter Art if you haven't done so already! Have a great last week of term :)
Update 21.3: I am very proud of all the hard work Kestrels put into their non chronological reports. Great facts, neat handwriting and amazing illustrations- well done :)
In English this week, we will be starting a new book called the Tear thief and writing a letter and poems.
In Maths, we will start learning about fractions(halves, quarters, thirds).
In Science, we will continue to learn about magnets.
In RE, we will be learning about how Christians celebrate Easter.
In History, we will be learning about battles in Ancient Greece.
DT: packaging
We will be writing non chronological reports about tea in English.
In Maths, we are continuing our work on length focusing on perimeter.
In Science, we are learning about magnets.
In Geography, we are going to talk about types of precipitation.
Art: Pop Art( Andy Warhol)
In Computing, we will be taking photos or videos to tell a story.
In PE, we are learning how to transition smoothly into and out of balances.
Virtual parents' evening Tue and Wed
Mrs Burns Thursday pm ( ppa)
Friday: Red nose day/Ukraine fundraising
Update 7/3:So happy that everyone enjoyed World Book Day! I really loved seeing all of you engaging in so many activities all dressed up in some fantastic costumes :)
English: Cloud Tea Monkeys using prepositions, using speech, distinguishing between facts and opinions.
Maths: Assessment week/Length
Science: Magnets
Music: Dragon Song
P.E: Gymnastics
History: Ancient Greeks
PSHE: Healthy Me
DT: Baking
RED NOSE DAY 18th March- Wear something red for £1
28/02: What a great week for Kestrel class :) Really impressed with all the children for memorising their lines and doing their best in our Class Assembly! You should all be very proud of yourselves! Looking forward to an exciting week ahead...
In English, we will be writing instructions
In Maths, we will start learning all about length.
Geography: plate tectonic introduction
In Art we will be making sculptures.
In Science, we will be learning about forces and magnets
In PE, we will be learning how to properly jump for our gymnastics lessons.
Thursday is world book day. The theme for this year's day is 'you are a reader', so of course, as usual, we will be promoting a love of literature and reading. Our school theme this year is royalty, to fit with the upcoming Platinum Jubilee. The children will be invited to dress up with this theme in mind - it could be as simple as a crown! Can't wait to see what you come up with!
Friday Meet the Author.
Monday PE: Please remember to remove or provide plasters for earrings.
Welcome back :)
Week starting 21st February
In English, we are starting a new book called Cloud Tea Monkeys. We are making predictions,inferring characters' thoughts and writing instructions and a letter.
Maths: Statistics
Science: Forces and Magnets
PE: Gymnastics
RE: What is Lent?
History: Romans
DT: Seasonality of Food
Weekly news 7/2
Another productive week for Kestrel class! I've been really impressed with how hard children worked on their maths and learning all about money. Really proud of all the effort Kestrels put into their performances for the talent show, too! Can't wait for Friday :)
English: Writing our own version of the First Drawing
Maths: Finishing money/ Introducing tally charts
Computing: Safer Internet Day
PSHE: Mental Health
Science: Soil
Geography: Fossil Fuels
Talent Show: Friday
Non uniform day: Friday
Weekly News (31/1/22)
Update: Another week of fun and learning for Kestrels. The children really enjoyed learning about the Stone Age and shared lots of facts throughout the week. Can't wait for our talent show on Friday :)
Maths: Money
English: Retelling part of the First Drawing and comparing ourselves with Stone Age children
DT: Food nutrition
Science: Mary Anning
History: Romans
PE: Dance
PSHE: Hopes and Dreams
Things to remember: PE on Monday,Reading records and reading books in school every day, homework on Monday, talent show on Friday
In English we are starting a new book called 'The First Drawing'. We will be writing a diary entry, making predictions and talking about the difference between possession and omission.
In Maths we will be continuing with division.
Science: fossils
Geography: Food trade
PSHE: Dreams and goals
Art: Pop Art
Computing: Digital Literacy
PE: Dance/ Machines
Reading books in every day/ homework in on Wed
Have a great week!
Update 17/01
In English, we are continuing to read Here we are'. We will be writing a leaflet.
In maths, we are learning about:
multiplying 2 digits by 1 digit with exchange, dividing 2 digits by 1 digit and dividing 100 into 2,4,5 and 10 equal parts.
History: Romans
RE Jesus Christ significant events
Science fossils
DT food froups
PE dance
Reading books in every day/ homework in on Wed
Have a great week!
Weekly News (10/01/22)
Update: I heard that Kestrel class had a great start to the spring term! Can't wait to see all of you tomorrow :)
English: Whole school book 'Here We Are' by Oliver Jeffers. Letter writing, poetry.
Maths: Multiplication and division
Art: Pop art
Science: Rocks
Geography: Food Trade
PSHE: Dreams and goals
Computing: Online safety
PE: Dance
Things to remember: Homework will now be 3 sheets. Maths, SPAG and comprehension. These will come home on Wednesday in a folder and expected back in school on Monday. Reading records and books need to come into school with the children every day.
Welcome back Kestrel Class!
During these two days we will be focusing on PSHE, particularly reconnecting with each other, updating our network hands and British Values.
Update 20th Dec:
Well done to all Kestrels for their performances! We have made it to the end of term and I couldn't be happier with all the children's hard work and progress :)
Children can bring in toys/games for Monday and Tuesday( named and their responsibility)/ no electronic devices however. As we will have a film afternoon on Monday, pe clothes not necessary.
I hope you have a lovely Christmas with your loved ones. Stay safe and let's enjoy what 2022 brings :)
13th December
Another great week for Kestrel class! Children have been working hard on their performance and singing and it really shows how much effort and excitement they have put into our Christmas preparations :)
English: Jim a cautionary tale -writing our own poem/ Christmas ad/ diary entry
Maths: the 8 timestable/ christmas maths
PE: Dodgeball
On Monday, we will be having a dress rehearsal for our performance. This will be recorded on Tuesday.
Christmas jumper and Christmas dinner day is Wednesday.
Week 6th Dec
Kestrel class worked really hard on assessments last week and created our own prequels to 'How to live Forever'. We also made some beautiful decorations for our Christmas tree :)
Maths: the 4 timestable
English: Jim a cautionary tale/ warning poster
RE: Nativity
PE: Dodgeball
History: Romans
DT: Evaluating our moving monsters
Music: Christmas songs
Week 12: Week commencing 29th November
Maths: assessments of our learning so far/recapping the 3s timestable
English: How to live forever/writing a prequel
ART: Making the decorations for our tree assembly on Friday
French: Wednesday with Mrs Edwards. School
R.E. Advent
Geography: The Water Cycle
We all love to read- your challenge is to take a photo of you reading in a most unusual spot and send it in to school, either by email or in person!
We cant wait to see them!
Week 11: Week commencing 22nd November
Update: I've been really impressed with how hard Kestrel class worked to create their own stories based on the BFG. We were also extremely proud to share with Swift class what we know about bullying and how simple acts of kindness can change a person's day. Well done :)
Maths: The 3 timestable
English: How to live forever
Spellings: ful and ness suffixes
Science: Muscles
D.T. Moving monsters
French: Wednesday with Mrs Edwards. Birthdays
R.E. 99 names of Allah
P.S.H.E. Continuing with learning about how to deal with bullying
Music: Christmas!!!!
Things to remember: Homework books (Mon), Water bottles (Mon, home Fri), Reading books and records (every day with at least 3 adult signatures by the end of the week), PE (Mon) Christmas lyrics on website
Update 15/11: Another great week of learning for Kestrel class. Really proud of our poppies for Rembebrance Day and some fantastic team work to create our skeletons for Science. Well done Kestrel :)
English: We will be making our own stories about giants based on the BFG.
Maths: Equal groups sharing and grouping/ division.
Geography: Urban settlements
PE: Dodgeball
RE: Genesis
Art: Impressionism
Things to remember: Homework books (Mon), Water bottles (Mon, home Fri), Reading books and records (every day with at least 3 adult signatures by the end of the week), PE (Mon) Antibullying week/ Mon odd socks day.
Update: Really proud of how hard Kestrel class worked this week. They produced some excellent pieces of work for climate change day including poems about plastic in the ocean, informative posters and jellyfish in the water! Well done Kestrel!
English: We continue our learning about the BFG focus: similes, recipes, recount
Maths: Equal groups, arrays
Science: Skeletons
History: Remembrance
RE: Diwali
PE: Dodgeball
Things to remember: Homework books (Mon), Water bottles (Mon, home Fri), Reading books and records (every day with at least 3 adult signatures by the end of the week), PE (Mon).
Update 1/11
Half term flew by and now it's time for us to come back and start another week full of learning and fun! Tuesday is Climate Change Day and cannot wait to see all the amazing work we can produce to help in our small ways!
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow :)
English: Starting a new book the BFG /noun phrases/similes/word classes
Maths: Addition/ subtraction/ word problems
Science: Skeletons
RE: What is God?
PE: Dodgeball
Art: Impressionism
Geography: Earth day
Things to remember: Homework books (Mon), Water bottles (Mon, home Fri), Reading books and records (every day with at least 3 adult signatures by the end of the week), PE (Mon).
Update 18/10: Another week of super learning for Kestrel class. We started planning our own versions of the Black Dog and I cannot wait to see all the children's creative ideas on paper. Also super impressed on how hard everyone has worked on column subtraction :)
English: We will be writing our version of Black Dog.
Maths: This week we will be focusing on addition and subtraction using column and finish with some word problems.
Science: living things
PE: tennis matches
History: presentations
Update 11/10: We had another fun week in Kestrel class :) We role played as characters from our new book Black Dog, started experimenting with impressionist art and even performed our poem for National Poetry Day :)
English: Speech, expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials.
Maths: Column addition
Geography: Urban settlements
Science: Food groups and nutrients
PE: Tennis
RE: Leaders
Things to remember: Homework books (Mon), Water bottles (Mon, home Fri), Reading books and records (every day with at least 3 adult signatures by the end of the week), PE (Mon), Forest School(Tue). Please remember to bring book bags in during week 6 and 7 for children to take their old books home before half term.
Update 4/10: Another great week for Kestrel class! We finished writing our stories based on Leon and the Place Between, started addition and subtraction and experimented with pneumatic systems.
English: We start a new book 'The Black Dog' this week.
Maths: Addition and Subtraction
History: Barack Obama
Science: Digestive system
PE: Tennis
RE: Muhammad- The Spider and the Cave
Things to remember: Homework books (Mon), Water bottles (Mon, home Fri), Reading books and records (every day with at least 3 adult signatures by the end of the week), PE (Mon), Forest School(Tue).
Update 27/9: It's been a very good week for Kestrel class! We explored how we can use speech marks correctly, revised our learning about parts of a plant and experimented with different shading techniques :)
English: Writing our own version of Leon and the Place Between
Maths: Finishing Place Value and Moving onto addition
Geography: Rivers of the Uk
Science: Digestive system
PE: Tennis
RE: Muhammad- The Night of Power
Things to remember: Homework books (Mon), Water bottles (Mon, home Fri), Reading books and records (every day with at least 3 adult signatures by the end of the week), PE (Mon), Forest School(Tue).
Update 20/9: Kestrel class worked really hard this week and I couldn't be more impressed with all the effort they have put into their learning. We also enjoyed 5 ways to well being and Forest School which will continue for the next few weeks.
Music: Let Your Spirit Fly
Science: Parts of a plant
History: Local History
Jigsaw: Being Me in My World
PE: Tennis
Art: Impressionism
Things to remember: Homework books (Mon), Water bottles (Mon, home Fri), Reading books and records (every day with at least 3 adult signatures by the end of the week), PE (Mon), Forest School(Tue).
Update: It's been a great first week for Kestrel class! We have started to bond as a team, did some fantastic writing using our senses and remembered place value! Really proud of all of you :)
Week 13th-17th Sep
Maths: Place value
English: Descriptive passage, letter of advice.
Music: Let Your Spirit Fly
Computing: Inside of a computer
Geography: Rivers
Science: Plants recap
PE: Tennis
PSHE: Being Me in My World
DT: Mechanisms
Things to remember: Homework books (Mon), Water bottles (Mon, home Fri), Reading books and records (every day with at least 3 adult signatures by the end of the week), PE (Mon), Year 3 have scooterbility , 5 ways to wellbeing workshop on Tue am.
This week we start our forest school sessions. We ask that children have clothing that covers legs and arms due to brambles etc. You may wish to bring in a change of shoes as well, depending on the weather.
If your child needs to change, please put the clothing in a bag. We will have time before the session.
Please note: if your child is wearing school uniform jumpers/cardigans and trousers they will not need to get changed.
Hello everyone,
I hope you had a spectacular summer and are now ready to return to school for an exciting year 3! I can't wait to see your faces and hear everything you have to share with the class after the summer break!
For the first couple of days back, we will spend some time getting to know one another and settling back into the school routine. We will talk about feeling safe, create our class rules and build our team skills! We will start our usual subjects from Wednesday.
See you soon!
Maths: Place Value
English: We will start exploring the amazing book 'Leon and the place Inbetween.'
Science: Plants
Geography: What is Geography the study of?
Art: Self portraits
French: Wednesday with Madame Edwards
PE: Tennis
Things to remember: Homework will go out on a Wednesday and needs to return to school on Monday. PE is on Monday so please come to school in your PE kit. Please try and read with your child and sign their record at least three times a week. Reading records and books should come into school every day.