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Bromet Primary School Excellence, Enjoyment and Achievement for All

Falcon - Year 5 and Year 6

Welcome to FALCON CLASS 2020/21

Falcon Class Staff 2020/21

Class Teacher - Miss Charalambous

Teaching Partners - Mrs Lewis, Mrs Bridgeman, Mrs Shaw

RE Teacher - Mrs Bastable

French Teacher - Madame Lawson

Falcon Class Topic Overview 2020/21

For Children Who are Self-Isolating

Home Learning Grid Summer 2021

Home Learning Grid Autumn

Year 5/6 Statutory Spellings

Useful Questioning Resource when Reading with Your Child

Our Classroom

Athlete Visit

Week Commencing July 5th

Only two weeks until summer - how time is flying! This week we have a range of exciting activities planned.

Monday - virtual visit from athlete Dominic Mensah (PE kit is NOT NECESSARY)

Tuesday - Chartwell Smoothie Bike

Wednesday - Dance lesson and performance POSTPONED

Thursday - Transition Day

Friday - Flip theatre, author visit and non-school uniform (with a £1 voluntary donation for Great Ormand Street Hospital)


This week we will be linking our wider curriculum subjects to Spain. We will be thinking about Spanish culture, places in Spain and will be enjoying some Spanish dancing! 

Over the weekend, it would be fantastic if you could find out some interesting facts about Spain!


Our learning:

Maths - volume and capacity

English - formal letter writing

Science - forces - air and water resistance

Geography - human and physical features


PE - Rounders and Spanish dancing

Music - traditional Spanish music

DT - Spanish themed to be revealed!! If you have any 1p and 2p coins, it would be fantastic if they could be donated for our activity. Please be aware that they won't be usable after!


A big well done to this weeks Star of the Week - Maria - for being understanding and respectful of others. Keep up the good work!

Week Commencing 28th June

We have had a fantastic week in Falcon Class, full of fun activities including A-Life fitness circuits and multi-sports for year 6! 


A big well done to this weeks Star of the Week - Karim - for being respectful and understanding.


This weeks learning:

Maths - imperial and metric units of measure

English - narrative writing linked to Boy in the Tower, including proofreading and speech

Science - magnets and forces, including experimenting with attraction and repelling 

Spanish - animals

History - Early Islamic Civilisations - the First Caliphs

DT - textiles and sewing

Computing - variables and programming 

PSHE - RSE and changing me 

PE - rounders and the rules!

Music - classical music appreciation


Reminders - please remember to wear suncream to school on days where it is hot. Sun hats can be worn outside. PE kits to be worn to school on Tuesday for PE.

Week Commencing June 21st

This week, we have lots of exciting activities planned!

On Monday, we will be food tasting during Spanish!

On Tuesday, remember to wear PE kits for rounders.

Thursday is school photo day, so please attend in full school uniform. However, PE kits will need to be brought in ready for PE activities!

Year 6 can wear hoodies with Bromet PE bottoms all week, apart from Thursday, where uniform is necessary for photos.


Well done to this weeks Star of the Week - Joshua C - for expressing how he feels when change happens, including his upcoming transition to secondary school. Keep up the good work!


This weeks learning:

Maths - conversion of units, including kg, km, mm, ml

English - narrative writing linked to Boy in the Tower, including character descriptions and speech

Science - forces, including gravity and newtons 

Geography - pacific attolls

DT - textiles

PSHE - Jigsaw, changing me

PE - rounders including fielding

Computing - variables


A reminder to wear suncream and bring sun hats if we get anymore hot weather (fingers crossed!!) Boxes of tissues would be gratefully received during hay fever season!


See you all Monday for a fun-filled week!

Week Commencing 14th June

A big well done to this weeks Star of the Week - Taylor - for understanding and celebrating everyone's differences.

This week is looking like temperatures will be nice and warm so please remember sun cream and sun hats!


This weeks learning:

Maths - position and direction including shape translation

English - The Boy in the Tower - including formal letter and narrative writing

Science - sound recap

DT - textiles

PSHE - changing me

PE - athletics 

Computing - robotics and systems

History - Early Islamic Civilisations - Islamic Art

Week Commencing 7th June

I hope you all had a fantastic half term! I am looking forward to welcoming you all back on Monday for the first week of our final half term together in Falcon Class.


This weeks learning:

Maths - properties and position of shape, including polygons and position on a quadrant

English - The Boy in the Tower - predicting and journalistic writing

Science - sound, experiment time!

PE - athletics 

Computing - robotics and systems / E-safety

Geography - the Great Barrier Reef

Music - understanding notation

PSHE - changing me

DT - textiles


A few reminders:

  • Homework and spelling journals should be handed in on Monday
  • PE kits to be worn on Tuesday
  • Please remember pencil cases, water bottles and a sun hat / cream for the hot weather!
  • If you could supply a box of tissues for hay fever season, it would be appreciated

Week Commencing 24th May

A big well done to this weeks Star of the Week - Wasema - for understanding what makes a good relationship and showing what a great friend and member of Falcon Class that she is. 


On Wednesday we will be joined by children's author, Cressida Cowell, for a live-streamed event to speak about her work as a writer.


This weeks learning:

Maths - properties of shape including angles 

English - first person narrative writing linked to the Unforgotten Coat

Science - sound focusing on acoustics

History - The Early Islamic Civilisation, in particular Baghdad

Art - Street Art and the work of Banksy

Jigsaw - RSE on Thursday

Computing - debugging

Week Commencing May 17th 2021

A reminder that this week is walk to school week! A big well done to this weeks Star of the Week - Ali-Reza - for persevering and knowing what to do if he, or someone else, is hurt. 


Our learning this week will be:

Maths - angles and shape

English - narrative writing linked to the Unforgotten Coat

Science - Sound, focusing on amplitude

PE - athletics (PE kits on Tuesday!)

Computing - robotic and systems

Geography - Coral Reefs

Art - Street Art

Jigsaw - Relationships


Week Commencing 10th May

A big well done to this weeks Star of the Week - Eliza - for being resilient and being a great friend.

This week we are lucky enough to be attending a live session on Tuesday with the author of 'Coming to England', Floella Benjamin.


This weeks learning:

Maths - decimals including multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000

English - The Unforgotten Coat

Science - sound and amplitude

PE - athletics

Art - street art

Jigsaw - relationships 


Please remember PE kits on Tuesday and reading records and homework should be in on Monday morning please!

Week Commencing 3rd May

Last week we enjoyed celebrating Captain Tom Moore and his legacy with a range of '100' challenges! If anyone continued with these challenges at home, I would love to see pictures!

A big well done to this weeks Star of the Week - Mariam - for being a supportive friend and working well with her talk partner.


This weeks learning:

Maths - decimals, including problem solving involving addition and subtraction

English - discussion texts, poetry and the start of our new text!

Science - sound and how we hear

Geography - coral reefs

PE - athletics (PE kits on Tuesday)

Jigsaw - relationships

Art - Banksy designs



Week Commencing April 26th

Last week we had lots of fun making our own pizzas in DT. I hope everyone enjoyed eating them when they got home!

A big well done to our Star of the Week - Harrison - for working really hard and being a great friend.


This weeks learning:

Maths - decimals, including place value and addition

English - The Strange Case of Origami Yoda - discussion texts

Science - Sound, focusing on pitch and volume

PE - athletics (Bromet PE kits on Tuesday please)

History - Islamic civilisations

Art - Banksy 

Jigsaw - being in an online community


On Friday we will be celebrating Captain Tom Moore with a day dedicated to him where we will be taking on some 100 piece challenges!


Watford FC Young Minds Filming!

W/C 19th April 2021

A big well done to this weeks Star of the Week - Sina - for knowing how to make friends. 

This weeks learning:

Maths - multiplication and division revision and consolidation

English - The Strange Case of Origami Yoda - inference and balanced arguments

Science - sound

Jigsaw - relationships and online safety

DT - food nutrition

PE - athletics - sprinting (PE kits Tuesday)

Computing - robotics and systems - sensors


Google Slides Presentations

Week Commencing April 12th

Welcome back, I hope you have had a lovely Easter break and managed to spend lots of time outdoors, enjoying both the sunshine and snow!!


This weeks learning:

Maths - focusing on multiplication and division as well as decimals, fractions and percentages.

English - this week we are looking at a new book (title to be revealed soon), looking particularly at inference skills.

Science - sound

Geography - coral reefs


DT - food nutrition

Computing - robotics and systems

PSHE - goal setting for the term ahead



Just a few reminders:

  • If you are able to supply a box of tissues as the hayfever season begins, it would be greatly appreciated.
  • Have a water bottle in school every day.
  • Sun cream and hat as the weather warms up!
  • PE kits worn on TUESDAY.
  • Home learning and star readers will begin again from Monday.
  • Reading record book in school everyday.

W/C 22nd March

A big well done to this weeks Star of the Week - Alfie - for making a great effort across the curriculum and always volunteering answers.


We have made it to our final week of Spring term! 

This weeks learning:

Maths - decimals and fractions

English - narrative writing linked to Macbeth

Science - all living things

Computing - google slides and delivering presentations

PE - netball 


Reminders - this week we have parents consultations on Monday and Wednesday. I will be calling all those who have booked a time slot - please be aware phone calls may show 'No caller ID'. Please remember PE kits on Tuesday and Google Slides homework to be completed by Wednesday at the latest. We finish the term at 1:30pm on Friday. 

W/C 15th March

A big well done to this weeks Star of the Week - Ashleana - for working hard and always being a fantastic role model! 


This weeks learning:

Maths - decimals and fractions

English - Macbeth and character descriptions

Science - asexual plant reproduction

DT - food nutrition 

Computing - google sites and how to create a webpage

Music - body percussion and music appreciation

PSHE - understanding our world including climate change

PE - netball - centre passes


Reminders - this week I would be grateful if everyone could bring in a packaged item of food for Friday's DT session. Please ensure the product does not contain nuts! PE is on Tuesday so please come in PE kit. We will also be having a non-school uniform day on Friday for comic relief with a voluntary £1 contribution for the fantastic cause!


See you all Monday!

W/C 8/3/21

I am so excited to welcome you all back to school this week! I understand that you might be feeling a little nervous about returning to school, but I want to reassure you that we will be doing lots of activities to ease us back in to school life. 


This week:

Maths - continuing our work on fractions and consolidating our understanding through problem solving activities

English - Macbeth and setting descriptions

Science - All living things - parts of plants

DT - food nutrition and what makes a healthy, balanced diet

PSHE - Our Wonderful World! Climate change

PE - Netball

Spellings - tricky homophones

Geography - geographic zones

And of course, art linked to Mother's Day!


REMINDERS - Please remember a fully equipped pencil case, water bottles, reading records and packed lunches.

PE IS ON TUESDAY - you may come to school in PE kit. 


A big well done to this weeks Star of the Week - Grace - for her hard work throughout the lockdown period!


I hope you are all as excited to get back to school as I am!

See you Monday,

Miss Charalambous

W/C 1/2/21

Welcome back to week 8 and our FINAL WEEK OF HOME SCHOOL!!! I am so proud of how hard you have all worked during this lockdown period and I can't wait to welcome you back in real life, next week (w/c 8th March).


A big well done to Daisy H, who was this weeks Star of the Week, for her continued hard work both in school and at home!


For our final week of home school, we will be continuing our work on fractions in maths.


In English, we are going to be completing a series of workshops from the author Camilla Chester. We are lucky enough to be having a live session with Camilla on Wednesday morning where we will be able to ask her any questions that we have!


In guided reading, we are going to be looking at a range of poetry ahead of World Book Day on Thursday, where we will be performing a poem.


On World Book Day we will be having a live session in the morning where we can have breakfast together and share our favourite books! Remember that you can come to school (or home school) in your pyjamas on Thursday!


Live sessions continue to be at 9am and 2:40pm.


I look forward to seeing you all Monday at 9am.

Miss Charalambous

W/C 22/2/21

Welcome back to week 7 and our first week back after half term! I hope you all managed to get some rest and enjoy some time away from your screens and work! I'm looking forward to welcoming you all back to (virtual) school tomorrow! 


This week in English we are looking at one of Shakespeare's most famous plays - Macbeth. We will be focusing on new vocabulary and understanding the genre of the play.


In maths, we will be continuing our work on fractions. We will be focusing on subtracting fractions and moving onto multiplication later in the week.


Our live sessions will continue to be at 9am and again at 2:40pm for our class reader.

Please do check that all links and submission points are working for you and don't hesitate to leave a comment in the classroom if you have any questions!


I look forward to seeing you all Monday at 9am.

Miss Charalambous

W/C 8.2.21

Wow, week 6 and our final week before half term - time really is flying! It has been an unusual half term but one full of resilience and determination. I have been so impressed with your continued hard work and I look forward to seeing the work you produce this week.


A big well done to this weeks Star of the Week - Jasmine - for exceptional home learning and her continued hard work.


This week live sessions are daily at 9am and 2:40pm. We also have live spellings on Wednesday afternoon and guided reading on Friday morning. Remember, this week we have PE on Thursday and it will be led by you guys! Come prepared with a fitness move! Please do continue to have a go at February's PE challenge and submit your pictures on Google Classroom.


To finish the half term, we will be having a fun Friday afternoon! Remember if you wish to sign up for the show and tell, talent session, you can do so on Google Classroom!

Tuesday is Safer Internet Day so there will be no guided reading, but instead an assembly and quiz for you to complete.


I look forward to seeing you all on Monday at 9am.

Miss Charalambous

W/C 1/2/21

Week 5 and the start of February - how time is flying! I am so pleased with how well you are all coping with home schooling and I am really grateful to those of you who are continuing to submit work. Please make sure you are doing this by the end of each day. 


We have another busy week ahead. This week we are focusing on mental health alongside our learning. Now, more so than ever, it is important that we talk about our feelings and look for ways to stay positive in difficult times. The theme of this weeks mental health week is 'express yourself'. We will look at this in detail in Friday's PSHE session, but in the meantime, consider how you can express yourself this week!


A reminder that live sessions are daily at 9am and 2:40pm.

This week PE will be on Thursday again - so please remember kits!

On Friday we have non-school uniform day for those who are in school. If you are at home we would love it if you would wear your school uniform to our live sessions on Friday!


Happy learning, see you Monday at 9am.

Miss Charalambous

W/C 25.1.21

Welcome back to week 4. We are officially over the half way mark and the countdown to half term is on! I am so pleased with all the work I have been receiving, keep it up! Just a reminder that the standard of work I see online should match the work that you produce in lesson.


This week we will be having PE on Thursday instead of Friday. We have an additional live session for spellings on Wednesday and a guided reading live session on Friday.


Other than that, lives will continue to be every day at 9am and 2:40pm.

See you then!


A great resource to inspire your reading! Reminder: you should be reading daily for 20 minutes and to an adult at least 3 times a week.

W/C 18/1/21

Week 3 already - how time is flying! I hope you are all well and enjoying your time at home. We definitely miss you at school but hopefully you are enjoying the work you are receiving to complete in your very own home schools! 

Thank you to those of you who are submitting work - please continue to do this after each lesson or by the end of each day.

Lives will continue to be every day at 9am and 2:40pm.

See you then!

Miss Charalambous

W/C 11.1.21

Welcome back to week 2 of home school! Thank you all for the work you are submitting - keep it up! 

Remember that you should be submitting your work after each session. This can either be to the attached google docs or via a photo of your work.

Lives will be every day at 9am and 2:40pm.

See you then!

Week Commencing 4/1/21

A big welcome back to all, to a very different start of term! I hope you all had a brilliant Christmas break and are feeling refreshed and ready for the Spring term.


As we know, the start to this term is looking a little different to usual, however, I am still looking forward to welcoming you all back on Tuesday - even if it is virtually! As we did at the end of last term, all work will be posted onto Google Sites and submitted through Google Classroom links. 


We will be having a live session at the beginning and end of each day. All times can be viewed on Google Calendar which is located at the bottom of our Google Sites page. (The link to this can be found on Google Classroom).


This weeks learning:

Maths - multiplication and division (year 5), decimals (year 6)

English - biography writing

Guided reading - 'Street Child' by Berlie Doherty

Science - rocks and fossils

Geography - comparing South America and the UK

DT - Anglo-Saxon homes

Music - music appreciation and how music makes us feel

PSHE - Money matters - employment and sectors relating to jobs

PE - live workout! (This week PE will be on Friday)

Home learning hasn't ruined our Christmas fun!

Week Commencing 14th December

We've made it! Almost the end term! So proud of all of your hard work this term and I'm really looking forward to our last week together before Christmas. A reminder that Wednesday is Christmas lunch and Christmas jumper day. Tomorrow is also the videoing of our performance so please wear something Christmassy in your hair!


Our week is as follow:

Monday - Christmas addition and subtraction, play writing, Spanish and RE.

Tuesday - Christmas maths quiz, play writing, science - evolution and inheritance recap.

Wednesday - Christmas maths fun, performing our plays, Christmas workout and games, Christmas cards.

Thursday - Christmas fun and virtual panto in the afternoon!

Friday - Film morning and home at 1:30!


A big well done to this weeks Star of the Week - Kiara - for always working hard and knowing how to give and receive compliments!

W/C 7th December 2020

This weeks learning:


Maths - equivalent fractions, ordering fractions, adding and subtracting fractions

English - Shakespeare's The Tempest - play writing

Science - Evolution and inheritance

DT - textiles linked to Christmas

History - Inventions during the Industrial Revolution

PE - Games - attacking and defending (remember PE kits on Wednesday)

Jigsaw - celebrating difference and mental health

Computing - Scratch


A big well done to this weeks Star of the Week - Laura - for always being a great friend and using kind words to others.


Happy Potter Virtual Lesson!

W/C 30th November

This weeks learning:

Maths - fractions and assessment week

English - The Tempest and assessment week

Science - Evolution and inheritance

Art - William Morris printing

PE - team games

Computing - Blogging and Google Classroom

History - The Industrial Revolution - child workers

Music - listening to and adapting songs to poem linked with Christmas 

PSHE - wellbeing linked to stress


A big well done to this weeks Star of the Week - Lara - for being resilient and knowing how best to solve problems in difficult situations.

W/C 23/11/2020

Our learning this week:

Maths - perimeter and area

English - we are beginning our unit of work on The Tempest by William Shakespeare

Science - evolution and inheritance 

DT - textiles

PE - our last session with Watford FC - remember to come in wearing kits on Wednesday!

Jigsaw - celebrating difference - accepting that everyone is different

PSHE - mental health and the impact of social media

Geography - South America


A big well done to this weeks Star of the Week - Louis - for always looking out for his friends and having a really positive week!

W/C 16/11/20

Our learning this week:


Maths - perimeter and area

English - Curiosity - The Story of a Mars Rover - Newspaper reports

Science - plant adaptations

History - local history, Frogmore Mill

PE - WFC team building and tactics

Art - design and print inspired by William Morris

Computing - Writing blogs using Google Sites

PSHE - mental health and social media


A big well done to our Star of the Week - Elizabeth - for always working and playing well with others.


Reminder - Monday 16th is Odd Socks Day to recognise Anti-Bullying Week.

Pyjama Day!

W/C 9/11/2020

This weeks learning:

Maths - statistics year 5, long division and mental strategies year 6

English - Curiosity - The Story of a Mars Rover

Science - Natural Selection and Charles Darwin

Geography - Human processes of North and South America

PE - WFC dribbling skills and strategy

Art - design and print in the style of William Morris 

Computing - blog writing


A big well done to this weeks Star of the Week - Joshua H - for understanding and celebrating everyone's differences as well as helping others.

Week Commencing 2nd November 2020

I hope you have all had a lovely half term. I am very much looking forward to seeing you all on Monday!


This week:

Maths - statistics including line graphs (year 5) division (year 6)

English - Curiosity - The Story of a Mars Rover - looking particularly at grammar including modal verbs, adverbs and subordinate clauses

Science - Evolution

History - The Industrial Revolution

PE - WFC - please remember to wear kit on Wednesday

DT - Mechanical systems

Computing - Blogs

PSHE - Celebrating difference, including cultural

PSHE - Mental health - Young Minds


A big well done to our Star of the Week - Jaabir - for always following the rules and being an excellent role model.

Inside Out!

Week Commencing 19/10/2020

I can't believe we have almost completed our first half term already! We have had a fantastic half term and enjoyed a lovely week last week, where we focused a lot on Black History as well as how we can stay positive!


Our learning this week will be:

Maths - Multiplication - both by 10, 100 and 1,000 and short multiplication

English - Robot Girl - focusing on writing our own science-fiction narratives

Music - Listening to Chopin a composer during the industrial revolution

History - looking at the Industrial Revolution

Art - Finishing our William Morris inspired paintings

Science - Comparing skeletons

Jigsaw - Rewards and consequences 

PE - Football skills


A big well done to our Star of the Week - Lily - for making a great effort and being a fabulous talk partner!

Using our knowledge of multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1,000 to investigate and problem solve!

W/C 12/09/2020

This weeks learning:

Maths - Square and cube numbers, multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1,000

English - We will be looking at the book Robot Girl and discussing characters in detail

Science - Skeletal system

Music - music appreciation

Geography - human and physical features of North and South America

DT - Mechanisms linking to the Industrial Revolution

PSHE - Mental health

PE - Football skills


A big well done to our Star of the Week - Inaaya - for caring for others, including her friends, and always being a helpful member of the class.

Wearing something yellow for Young Minds

W/C 5/9/2020

This week we will be considering mental health and wellbeing. To celebrate this, on Friday you can wear something yellow and donate £1.


This weeks learning:

Maths - addition and subtraction

English - The Man Who Walked Between the Towers - including blurb writing

Science - the digestive system

History - industries during the Industrial Revolution

Art - drawing inspired by William Morris

PSHE - mental health and having respect for others

PE - movement and finding space (Remember to wear PE kit on Wednesday)


A big well done to this weeks Star of the Week - Kishan - for working well with his talk partner and always trying his best.

W/C 28/09/2020

This week we will be collecting tins and bottles for our Harvest. These can be left on the trolley of the KS1 playground. Thank you in advance!


This week:

Maths - addition and subtraction, including rounding for estimation and inverse operations

English - autobiographical writing as well as poetry (National Poetry Day)

Grammar - colons and semi-colons

PE - WFC passing skills, wearing PE kits on Wednesday please!

Geography - physical features of North and South America

DT - the use of levers and pulleys 

PSHE - mental health and wellbeing

Science - the digestive system and completing our cardiovascular system experiment!


A big well done to Phoebe for being this weeks star of the week for contributing to the wider school community and always being helpful.

W/C 21/9/20

English - Biographical and autobiographical writing around the book 'The Man Who Walked Between the Towers'

Maths - Year 5 Place Value, Year 6 Addition and Subtraction

Science - We will be learning about the digestive system

PSHE - We will be joined by Watford Football Club Young Minds

PE - WFC team building skills (please remember to wear kits on Wednesday)

History - We will be looking at the life of Martin Luther King

Art - William Morris and sketching designs


A big well done to our Star of the Week - Nabeelah - for being a great friend and helping others to feel welcome.



Our Happiness Display!

Creating our own workouts in PE!

Talking about kindness!

W/C 14/9/2020

We had a brilliant week in Falcon Class last week with some of our highlights being creating our own workouts in PE and learning about the World Trade Centre in English. A big well done to our first star of the week - Daisy D - for always helping others and being a great friend!


This week:

Maths - we are continuing to look at place value and negative numbers

English - we will be writing newspaper reports on our book 'The Man Who Walked Between the Towers' as well as biographies about Philippe Petit

Science - the circulatory system

D.T. - mechanisms including gears, cams, pulleys and leavers

Geography - North and South America

Music - listening and feelings boards

R.E. - Hinduism 

P.E. - WFC Primary Stars

Jigsaw - Being Me in my World


Please remember to bring in homework on Monday morning as well as reading records. Reading records should be signed 3 times by an adult in order to be a star reader with a special mention in the newsletter!

W/C 7/9/2020

It was lovely to meet you all last week and I hope you are all looking forward to your first full week in Falcon Class!


This week:

Maths - we will be focusing on number and place value

English - we will be beginning to look at the book 'The Man Who Walked Between the Towers'

Science - circulatory system

History - an introduction to the Industrial Revolution

PE - team building 

PSHE - Jigsaw - safe place activities


Please remember to bring in 2 photos of things that make you happy! We will be discussing and using them this week.




W/C 31/08/2020

I am very happy to be welcoming you all back on Thursday to Falcon Class! Whilst it has been a very unusual year so far, I hope that you are all excited for the new school year and I am very much looking forward to a brilliant Autumn term! This week we will be doing lots of transition and return to school work. Please remember your fully equipped pencil cases and any reading books that you borrowed over the summer. Please also remember any work that I set for you during the holidays. I have received some lovely postcards already! 

See you all on Thursday,

Miss Charalambous
