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Bromet Primary School Excellence, Enjoyment and Achievement for All

Kingfisher - Year 2

Class Teacher: Mr T Libberton

PPA Teacher: Mrs M Humphreys

Teaching Partner: Mrs S Quint, Monday to Friday morning

Teaching Partner: Mrs B Shah, Wednesday to Friday afternoon


Our Classroom

Summer 2022


Curriculum Information


Recommended Reading 

11th -15th July


In English we will be writing reports, writing instructions and letters. 

In Maths we are continuing our learning on telling the time. 

In History we will be learning about the Titanic.

In RE we will be asking ultimate questions- What is Good? What is Bad?

In DT we will be finishing and evaluating our moving pictures.

In PE we are learning to develop throwing for accuracy. 


On Friday we will be bringing our Maths and English books home so if the children could have a bag for then it would be great. 

Monday will be final time this year we change book bags. Book bags will still come in and out of school as I know they are handy to carry things in. 

4th July- 8th July


In English we will be finishing writing our Story 'Toys in Space'. We will then be starting a new book all about Dinosaurs.

In Maths we will finish learning about capacity and move onto telling the time.

In DT we will be making our moving mechanisms pictures.

In RE we think about ultimate questions including 'Who is God?'.

In PSHE we will be learning to understand and respect changes they see in others.

In PE we are learning to develop throwing for distance.

In Geography we wil be learning about the Polar climate.


i Grapheme (Yellow I)

This is also a high-frequency grapheme.

Example words: find, kind, mind, behind, child, wild

200 HFWs

different, pulled, live

grandad, morning, rabbit, that’s, things, king, across, along

27th June- 1st July


In English this week, we will be starting to plan a story similar to 'Toys in Space'. 

In Maths, this week will be reading scales for thermometers and starting capacity. 

In Science, we ask: How can we describe the pitch of sound. 

Our key question in History is: What have we found out about the Great Fire of London?

In PE we will develop technique when jumping for height.

In Computing we will be using Scratch Jr. to follow an algorithm. 

We will be making our moving pictures in DT.


In Phonics our focus is ti which makes the sh sound

station, motion, national, fiction, section, competition, collection, potion 


200 HFWs

gone, horse, which, pulled

fly, why, cried, find, giant, narrator

20th June 24th June


We have had a really busy week in Kingfisher class, we have had lots of different lessons and our School Trip.


We return to our English  unit and this week we will be writing a letter of advice and a space log.

In Maths, we will be weighing and comparing mass. 

In Science, we will be asking the question: What makes animals different?

In RE, we will be asking the question: What is an Imam? This is linked to our special people unit of work. 

In Art, we will be starting to make our 3D birds. 

In PE, our focus is to develop jumping for distance.



13th- 17th June


On Friday we will write a recount of our Trip

In Maths we are describing movements and turns and then learning about patterns made up of different shapes. 

In Science we are learning about food chains. 

In PE we are learning to develop the sprinting action.

In History we are enquiring as to why the fire spread across London so quickly. 

In DT we are designing a picture that has moving parts. 

In Phonics we are learing the 

  • s (zsh) Grapheme and Suffix Recap
  • 200 HFWs
    • because, we’re, everyone
    • town, how, through, eyes, boy, again


Tuesday: PE lesson

Thursday: School Trip 

Children will need to wear their green Bromet PE top or jumper and dark
leggings/dark tracksuit bottoms/green PE shorts. They will need sensible shoes for
walking around, or old trainers in case it’s muddy.
Depending on the weather, they should also wear a sunhat and sun cream.
The children will need to bring at least 2 drinks with them and a small rucksack for
their lunch.

7th June - 10th June


In English, we will be writing a diary entry, writing advice and space logs. 

In Maths, we will be describing movements and turns. 

In Computing, we are using Scratch Jr to make a musical instruments. 

In Science, we  are looking at habitats for animals. 

In Art, we will be manipulating paper from 2D to 3D paper.


Notes for the week:

  • Reading Morning is on Tuesday.
  • We visit the park on Thursday afternoon.

In English, we start a new book called 'A walk in London'

In Maths, we will be using + or - to work out length questions. Then we will be describing movements on a grid.

In Science, we are asking 'How does the weather change across seasons?

In Computing, we will be coding using Scratch Jr. 


We have a busy week with lots of different activities planned throughout the week. The timetable has a plan for the week for you to see. 



16th- 20th May


In English we are going to be writing a recount as Toby from the great fire.

In Maths we are going to be comparing lengths.

In Science we are thinking about how our senses help us and what happens if we lose one of them.

In Geography we are going to be learning about the Mediterranean climate zone. 

In Music we will listen and appraise That's What Friends Are For sung by Gladys Knight, Stevie Wonder, Dionne Warwick with Elton John. 

In PE we are continuing invasion games. 

In DT we will be creating a wheel mechanism.

In RE we will be learning about the important people in religious groups. 

Our Phonics will be a continuation from last week and starting to look at:

w-or (er) Grapheme

There are not many of these words.

Example words: word, work, worm, world, worth


9th May-13th May


In English, we are finishing our Great Fire of London fact file and will be starting our next writing unit. 

In Maths, we will be comparing lengths and measuring lengths.

In Science, our question is, 'How could you try to revive plants that are not growing?'In History, we are continuing our learning based on the Great Fire of London. We will be focussing on where it started and how people would be feeling. 

In Art, we will be drawing feathers, developing skills of drawing from observation. 

In Computing, we will be exploring the app Scratch. 

In PE, we will be continuing our invasion games.

In Music, our song is 'You give a little love' from the film Bugsy Malone. 

In Phonics/ Spellings:


w-a (o) Grapheme 

This is the most common spelling for the ‘o’ sound after w and qu.

Example words: want, watch, wander, quantity, squash

200 HFWs

thought, laughed, magic, animals, I’ve, I’ll, who, two

3rd-6th May


In English we will be writing certificates imagining we are King Charles II. We want to give out special awards to those Londoners who helped out during the great fire. 

In Maths we are looking at equivalences fractions 1/2 = 2/4. Finding 3/4s.

In Science, we are looking at what is inside a seed and what is the difference between a seed and bulb. 

In Geography, our enquiry question is: What is the weather like in the UK?

In DT, we will be making moving mechanisms using leavers.

Our song this week is 'We go together' from the 'Grease' Soundtrack. We will be continuing to learn the 'Friendship Song'

In PSHE, we will be thinking about how we play and how we can make it the best time for everyone.

In Phonics/ Spelling:

ey Grapheme

The long E sound spelt ey. The plural of these words is formed by the addition of ‘s’ (donkeys, monkeys, etc.).

Example words: key, donkey, monkey, chimney, valley

Year 2 CEWs

Mr, Mrs, who, eye

200 HFWs

he’s, we’re, can’t, didn’t, couldn’t, jumped, stopped

25th- 29th April 


In English, we will be writing a diary entry. 

In Maths, we are learning about thirds and unit and non-unit fractions. 

In Science, we are learning about Eva Crane and her work.

In RE, we are thinking about special people.

In History, we are learning about how the great fire started.

In Art, we will be drawing birds from images. 

In PE, we are learning to understand what being in possession means and support a teammate to do this.

In Music, we will be listening and appraising count on me by Bruno Mars 

In Phonics/ Spelling 

o (u) Grapheme 

The u sound spelt o.
Example words: other, mother, brother, nothing, Monday

Year 2 CEWs

water, parents, beautiful

200 HFWs

gave, take, place, began, before, because, even

19th-22nd April


In English, we are starting our learning on the Great fire of London, this week focussing on the current places we could visit if we went there.

In Maths, we are learning about how to find quarters and thirds. 

In PSHE, we will be revisiting our 'Network Hand'- thinking abut who we can talk to when we have different problems. We will also be completing our one-page profiles, which is all about how we learn best. 

In Science, we will be planting in our garden and learning about wild plants and what they look like. 

In Geography, we are using atlases and maps, learn the names of countries, continents and oceans.

In DT we are learning to be able to create a sliding mechanism.

In music, we are listening to our song of the half-term  'Friendship Song'

In Phonics/Spelling 

formal, mammal, signal, general, carnival, rival

Year 2 CEWs

after, sure, again, sugar

200 HFWs

head, door, which, friends, would, different



Spring 2022

28th March - 1st April


English: We will be finishing our Wolves leaflets and will be editing and improving them.

Maths: This week we will be recognising halves and quarters.

Science: Listing and naming wild and garden plants

Computing: Online safety-being kind online.

PE: In dance this week, we will be dancing as a flying dragon, gliding through the rainforest tress searching for ants!

DT: Making fruit kebabs

Music: Performing 'Your imagination'

PSHE: decide which foods to eat to give my body energy


Yellow I - Y

fry, cry, fly, dry, reply, July, sky, try spy, flying

Year 2 CEWs

bath, path, father, plant

200 HFWs

right, night, use, new, us, has


21st- 25th March


In English this week, we will be starting to write a non-chronological report about Wolves. 

In Maths, we will be learning all about 3D shapes. 

In Science, we will be making and fixing electrical circuits.

In RE, we will be learning about how Christian celebrate Easter.

In History, we will be learning about William Caxton. 

In Art, we will be using Clay to create a Mona Lisa tile.

In Music, we will be listening and appraising A whole new world from Aladdin. 

In PE, we will be learning to copy, repeat and create actions in response to a stimulus.



In Phonics/ Spelling:

The le spelling is the most common spelling for this sound at the end of words.

Example words: table, apple, bottle, little, middle

il Grapheme

There are not many of these words.

Example words: pencil, fossil, nostril

el Grapheme

The el spelling is much less common than le. The el spelling is used after m, n, r, s, v, w and more often than not after s.
Example words: camel, tunnel, squirrel, travel, towel, tinsel


Year 2 CEWs

grass class pass past fast last

200 HFWs

soon, food, room, school, air, where, there


Notes for the week:

  • Mrs Burns covering PPA Thursday morning. 


14th-18th March


We will be finishing our fantasy stories in English this week, the openings are already fantastic.

In Maths, we will be focussing on arithmetic and problems solving skills.

In Science, we are learning about how the seasons affect the amount of sunlight we have.

In Geography, we are going to compare Chinese Schools to UK Schools.

In PSHE, we will be sorting foods onto the eat well plate. 

In DT, we will be designing fruit kebabs. 

In Music, we are listening and appraising 'Rainbow Connection' from The Muppet Movie. Then learning our song 'Your imagination'.  

In Computing, we will be creating a poetry book using online sources 

In PE, we are learning to be able to mirror a partner and create ideas

In Spellings/ phonics:

le Grapheme

The le spelling is the most common spelling for this sound at the end of words.

  • Example words: table, apple, bottle, little, middle

Year 2 CEWs

  • busy, hour, Christmas, money

200 HFWs

  • sea tea eat, each, really, please, birds, girl, first


Notes for this week:

  • Virtual parents evening Tuesday and Wednesday 
  • Mrs Burns covering PPA Thursday morning
  • Red nose day and Ukraine fundraising collection- £2 donation

7th- 11th March


In English, we are going to describe our own fantasy setting and starting to think about what we could meet in our own version of Ocean meets Sky. 

In Maths, we are continuing our learning about shapes, this week sorting shapes based on criteria.

In DT, we will be looking at pop art, making a Mona Lisa portrait.

In History, we are continuing our learning about William Caxton. Our big question is: How did Caxton help to change the way books were made?

In RE, we are learning about the Easter story. 

In Science, we are learning about day and night and how the sun can help us identify what time of day it is. 

In PE, our THEME: The Circus. We are learning to perform in unison, creating shapes with a partner.

In Music, we are listening and appraising 'Daydream Believer' sung by The Monkees. We will then be continuing to learn our song 'Your imagination' 

In PSHE we are learning about medicine safety. 

Phonics/ Spelling:

wr Grapheme

The r sound spelt wr at the beginning of words probably also reflects an old pronunciation.

  • Example words: write, written, wrote, wrong, wrap

Year 2 CEWs

  • old, clothes, child, whole, climb

200 HFWs

  • over, most, going, cold, told, love, something, dragon



  • PPA Cover: Mrs Burns Thursday AM
  •  £1 donation to wear  something red for Comic Relief, 18th March 

28th February- 4th March 


In English, we will be writing instructions

In Maths, we will be sorting and organising 2D and 3D shapes. 

In Geography, we will be recapping the continents and oceans and then the 4 countries that form the UK and their capital cities. 

In computing, we will be learning how to add images into a Google document. 

In DT we will be making biscuits. The ingredients we will be using are: 

  • unsalted butter
  • white caster sugar
  • egg
  • plain flour

The children will bring these home to eat. 

In Science, we will be learning about materials and their properties.

In PE, we will be learning to create actions and accurately copy other's actions.

In Music, we will be listening and appraising 'Pure imagination' from the Willy Wonka soundtrack. We will then be continuing to learn our song 'Your imagination'. 

Phonincs and spelling:

gn Grapheme

The n sound is spelt kn and (less often) gn at the beginning of words. The kn grapheme was taught last week. The ‘k’ and ‘g’ at the beginning of these words was sounded hundreds of years ago.
Example words: gnat, gnaw

Year 2 CEWs

most every both everybody only

200 HFWs

need feet keep queen tree other mother another coming



Thursday is world book day. 

21st- 25th February


In English, we are to start our new learning  on 'Oceans meets sky'. We will be writing diary entries and character descriptions. 

In Maths, we will be interpreting pictograms and bar graphs

In RE, we look at Churches and ask of what do Christians do when they go to church.

In Science, we are learning about what plants need for growth.

In Art, we will be drawing the Mona Lisa.

In History,  we will be asking, What did William Caxton do that was so important to us today?

Our PE this half-term is set around dance, this week we will be  exploring space and travel to repeat, link and choose actions.

In Music, we will be learning to sing 'Your Imagination' and appraising 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' from Mary Poppins.


Phonics and Spelling:

kn Grapheme and Suffix Recap

know, knock, knee, knuckles, knew, knife, knit, knight

Year 2 CEWs

any move prove many improve pretty

200 HFWs

gone, more, horse, live, lived, pulled, want, wanted

7th February-11th February


In English this week, we will be finishing off our Jim and the beanstalk stories and starting to write our own version.

In Maths, we are looking at tallies and pictograms 

In Science, compare the types of food that different animals require.

In Geography, we are reviewing our knowledge about the 7 continents and 5 oceans.

In Computing, we are learning the skills of touch typing and using Google Docs.

In PE we are learning to develop rolling and sequence building.

In Music, we will be listening and appraising Johnny B. Goode by Chuck Berry and singing our song 'I wanna play in a band'. 

In PSHE we are learning to work as part of a group.

In Phonics/ Spellings, we are learning about:

c Grapheme

The s sound is spelt c before e, i and y.

Example words: race, ice, cell, city, fancy


Suffixes – complete the + ing Machine, Time Machine, More than One Machine


Year 2 CEWs

would, door, floor, could, poor, should

200 HFWs

our, found, round, around, mouse, shouted

good, took, book, looks, looking



Notes for the week:

Mrs Burns covering PPA on Thursday morning 

Non-uniform day on Friday

Safer Internet Day Tuesday

31st January-4th February


In English this week, we are retelling the story of 'Jim and the Beanstalk'

In Maths, we are learning to divide by 5 and 10. We will also be focussing on knowing all about odd and even numbers.

In Science this week, we are looking at the differences and similarities between amphibians and mammals.

In History, we delve a little deeper into the life of Grace Darling. We will be creating a character profile for her. 

In PSHE, we will be set a challenge to work as a team and reflect how well we worked afterwards.

In Art, we will be drawing an outfit for the Mona Lisa.

In PE, we are learning to demonstrate different shapes, take off and landings when performing jumps.

In Music, this week will be listening to 'Rockin' all over the world' by Status Quo and performing our song 'I wanna play in a band' 

In Phonics and spelling 

g Grapheme and Suffix Recap

huge age gem energy danger magical giant gigantic pages angel germs 

Year 2 CEWs

old, wild, hold, child, gold, climb, cold, told

200 HFWs

grow, snow, know, window, car, dark, park, hard, garden


Notes for the week:

  • Mrs Humphreys in class Monday AM
  • We have a virtual author workshop on Wednesday this week. ALEX FALASE-KOYA. Alex will talk about his brand new series ‘MARV AND THE MEGA ROBOT’ and ‘MARV AND THE DINO ATTACK’
  • Our Class Talent Show is on Friday. 

24th- 28th January


In English we are finishing our learning by publishing our leaflet as to how to look after the wrold, animals and ourselves. 

In Maths we are learning about sharing equally by making equal groups.

In Science we will be looking at real life plants and finding out about the different parts of a plant. 

In Geography we will be focussing on our local area and looking at roads, houses, shops, schools, and  railway.

In PSHE we are working on creating our own goals and thinking about the sucesses we ahve had

In DT we will be looking at the 'eatwell plate' and thinking about how we could make our picnic balanced. 

In Computing we are learning how to use google docs to write.

In Music we will be listening and appraising Smoke On The Water by Deep Purple. We will then be singing our song I Wanna Play In A Band

In PE we are learning to be able to link travelling actions and balances using apparatus.

In Phonics we are reviewing the dge grapheme and adding suffixes to dge words. 

knowledge that they have learnt. 

dge Grapheme and Suffix Recap

bridge lodge sledge dodge budge wedge splodge badge


Year 2 CEWs

find, great, kind, steak, mind, break, behind

200 HFWs

may, say, way, away, play, never, ever, river, under, better, after


Notes for this Week:


Mrs Shah and Mrs Quint Teaching Monday Morning as I am attending a training course

Mrs Burns will be covering my PPA on Thursday Morning. 


17th-21st January


In English, we are continuing to read Here we are'. We will be writing leaflets this week. 

In maths, we are learning about:

  • using arrays
  • making doubles (recap lesson)
  • 2 times table
  • 5 times table
  • 10 times table

In History, we will be starting our studies based around Grace Darling. We will be putting her life events in time order. 

In RE, we will be understanding the significance of special places.

In Science, we will be thinking of some ways to categorise plants. 

In Art, we will be completing as basic sketch outline of the Mona Lisa. 

In PE, our learning objective is to be able to use shapes to create balances.

In PSHE, our learning objective is "I carry on trying (persevering) even when I

find things difficult"

In Phonics/Spelling:

Possessive Apostrophe

This possessive apostrophe is for singular nouns.
Examples: Megan’s, Ravi’s, the girl’s, the child’s, the man’s

Revision of the following:

y (long I), al (or), o (u), ey, w-a (o), w-or (er), w-ar (or), ti, i (CEW)

Revision of Adverbs formed by the addition of the ly suffix

Common adverbs are useful sentence openers.

For example: finally, actually, certainly, generally, suddenly, normally, highly, carefully

Revision of Contractions


Class Assembly 


Our Class assembly has been uploaded to our Google Classroom. The audio is out of sync with the video, I do apologise, I have tried many things to try to make it work! It does share what we have been learning in Kingfisher Class, though. I hope you still enjoy. 



10- 15th January


This week we will be recording our class assembly. It will be available on our Google Classroom page on Friday.


In English this week, we start our learning based on the book 'Notes for living on planet earth' By Oliver Jeffers. This week will be writing an information text based on ideas from the book. 


In Maths:

  • Recognise equal groups
  • Make equal groups
  • Add equal groups
  • multiplication using the x symbol
  • multiplication using pictures


In Geography we will link our learning to local area eg Local Area Watford Town Centre (roads, houses, shops, railway, amenities)


In Science we will be learning about famous Scientist Jane Colden. She was the first female botanist in America


In PE we are learning to perform gymnastic shapes and link them together.


In Phonics/ Spellings:

Consonant Suffixes. The suffixes ment, ness, ful, less and ly. Example words: enjoyment, sadness, careful, playful, hopeless, plainness, badly

Contractions. For example: can’t, didn’t, hasn’t, couldn’t, it’s, I’ll


In Music, we are learning the song "You've got a friend in me" and "Hands, Heart, Feet". 


In Computing, we will be learning about:


 In PSHE we will be making goals and working out how we achieve them. 


In DT we will be designing picnic food.

6th-7th January 


Welcome back, and I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year!


The first few days of term will be us reconnecting as a class. We will be focussing on PSHE thinking about British values, feeling safe, network hands and emotional wellbeing. 


Please bring in book bags for Thursday as we can then issue new books. 



Autumn 2021

20th- 21st December 

13th-17th December


In English this week, we will be writing job adverts for a conductor for the Polar Express. We will also be writing poems and letters. 

In Maths, we will be working on our number skills. These activities will be based around Christmas. We will also be completing the 2 5 and 10 times tables in a daily challenge. 

In RE, we will be learning about the reason Christians give gifts at Christmas. 

In PE, we will be learning to move from the ready position to track the ball. Point your hand in the direction you want the ball to go in. 


On Monday, we will be having a dress rehearsal for our performance. This will be recorded on Tuesday. 

Christmas jumper and Christmas dinner day is Wednesday.

We also have our Pantomime on Friday.




6th - 10th December


In English this week we will start our new learning based around the story The Polar Express. 

We will be continuing with our daily guided reading sessions, the themes of the text are seasonal texts. 

In Maths, we continue to look and multiplication and division. 

Our Science learning will be continuing to learn about electricity and making predictions about electrical circuits. 

In Computing, we will be focussing on keeping safe online. 

We will be working on the skill of moving to where the ball is in PE. 

Phonics/ Spelling: 

ti (sh) Grapheme 

This is a high-frequency grapheme.

Example words: television, treasure, usual

i Grapheme (Yellow I)

This is also a high-frequency grapheme.

Example words: find, kind, mind, behind, child, wild


We will also be rehearsing our Christmas play, ready for recording on Monday 13th December. The children have been stars so far when rehearsing, each day becoming more confident in the delivery of their lines. 


I'd also like to say a well done for all the hard work the children put into their tests this past  week. 


29th November- 3rd December

This week in English we are finishing off our stories, writing the ending and then editing them to improve them. We will then start making an explanation leaflet about Frogs.

In Maths, we are learning about dividing and sharing. 

Our Science this week is all about electrical circuits and adding different components to them. 

In RE, we are thinking about Christmas and why people give gifts at Christmas. 

In DT, we will evaluate our bags that we have made and think about what we like and how we might make them different if we made them again. 

We continue in PSHE we will be continuing to learn about breaking stereotypes and this week we will be making a Christmas list for different people. 

In PE, we will be playing games and trying to win points on a court. 

Phonics and Spelling: 

w-ar (or) Grapheme 

There are not many of these words.

Example words: war, warm, towards

s (zsh) Grapheme

In words with ‘sion’ and ‘sure’ endings. Also includes ‘usual’ and related words.

Example words: television, treasure, usual

Year 2 CEW

water, parents, beautiful

22 -26th November


In English, this week we will be writing our own stories called Chameleon's Promise.

In Maths we are continuing to learn about money, adding amounts and choosing the correct coins and notes

In Science, we are looking at electrical items, and we will be categorising and comparing them.

In Computing, we are going to be making a supermarket! We will be understanding the roles computers have in shops. 

In DT, we will be making our bags. 

In PE, we are learning to develop returning a ball using a racket.

We will be continuing to learn about China, looking at the continent it is in. 

Phonics/ Spelling:

w-a (o) Grapheme 

This is the most common spelling for the ‘o’ sound after w and qu.

Example words: want, watch, wander, quantity, squash

w-or (er) Grapheme

There are not many of these words.

Example words: word, work, worm, world, worth

Year 2 CEW

after, again, sure, sugar


15th- 19th November


Anti- Bullying week


In English this week, we will be getting to know the story Tadpole's Promise really well. We will be making storyboards to sequence it and making story maps.

In Maths, we will be learning about money and adding money. 

Our PE is focussed on tennis. 

In Science, we will be observing and name a variety of sources of sound, noticing that we hear with our ears.

In Geography, we will be learning about China. 

In  Art, we will be focussing on collage.

In RE, we will be looking at symbols in the Sikh faith. 

Phonics/ Spelling: 

The ‘or’ sound spelt as ‘al’.

  • Example words: all, ball, call, walk, talk, always

The u sound spelt o.

  • Example words: other, mother, brother, nothing, Monday

The long E sound spelt ey. The plural of these words is formed by the addition of ‘s’ (donkeys, monkeys, etc.).

  • Example words: key, donkey, monkey, chimney, valley

Year 2 CEW

bath, path, father, plant




A selection of learning from last week

8th-12th November


English: We start our new book Tadpoles promise, thinking about using apostrophes.

Maths: Subtraction crossing ten, number bonds to 100 and adding three 1-digit numbers

Science: Light and how it travels

Computing: Inventing our own helpful robot 

History: Remembrance 

DT: Trialling our bag designs

Phonics/ spelling:

This week introduces the y (long I) grapheme and the al grapheme that makes an or sound.

y Grapheme (Yellow I)

The long I sound spelt y at the end of words is by far the most common spelling for this sound at the end of words.
Example words: cry fly

al Grapheme

The ‘or’ sound spelt as ‘al’.
Example words: all, ball, call, walk, talk, always

Year 2 CEW

grass, class, pass, past, fast, last


On Tuesday, we have a virtual author workshop to look forward too as well 

1-5th November


In English this week, we will be writing our own versions of Goldilocks and the tree bears. It might be we change the characters or setting of the story.

In Maths, we will be subtraction using different methods, including column.

In Science, we will be learning about how glass is made. 

In RE, we will be learning about Diwali.

Our Geography lesson will be learning about what we could do near a coastal area.

In Art, we will be making collages.

On Tuesday we will be focussing on our environmental impact. All activities on this day we will based upon making a brighter future.


In Phonics and Spelling we are introducing the ‘change y to an i’ rule for adding vowel suffixes and reviews all of the spellings rules for adding vowel suffixes. This is the rule for adding ed, ing, er and est to a root word ending in y with a consonant before it. The y is changed to i before ed, er and est are added, but not before ing as this would result in ii. The only ordinary words with ii are skiing and taxiing.

Example words: copied, copier, happier, happiest, cried, replied

This rule does not apply to adding ‘copying’, ‘crying’, ‘replying’ and other similar words.

Year 2 CEW

busy, money, hour, Christmas

18th- 22nd October


English: We will be reading a different version of Goldilocks and comparing the two we have read so far.

Maths: This week we will be focusing on addition. We will be crossing 10 and looking at different methods of representation.

History: We will be learning about Rosa Parks. 

Science:  living things, and things that have never been alive.

Art: Frida Kahlo, editing pictures of ourselves, making them with her iconic artistic style


Adding Vowel Suffixes –  Double Consonant Rule

Adding ing, ed, er, est and y to words of one syllable ending in a single consonant letter after a single vowel letter. The last consonant letter of the root word is doubled to keep the vowel ‘short’.

Exception: The letter ‘x’ is never doubled: mixing, mixed, boxer, sixes

Example words: patting, patted, humming, hummed, dropping, dropped, sadder, saddest, fatter, fattest, runner, runny

 There is no homework set over Half Term

11th- 15th October


English: We will be making wanted poster for Goldilocks, writing as goldilocks and sequencing the story. 

Maths: adding and subtracting methods 

Science: Learning about animals and what we call their young.

RE: Symbols in the Christian Faith

Geography: We will be looking and finding out about some beaches across the UK

DT: We will be using online software to design our tote bag

PE: Ball skills

Adding Vowel Suffixes – Drop e Rule

Examples: hiking, hiked, hiker, nicer, nicest, shiny

Adding Vowel Suffixes –  Double Consonant Rule

Example words: patting, patted, humming, hummed, dropping, dropped, sadder, saddest, fatter, fattest, runner, runny

Year 2 CEW

even, people, whole, clothes




4th- 8th October


English: This week we finish our stories based on Lights on Cotton rock. They are already coming along very nicely. We will then be starting our new learning involving a mystery case of who has been eating all the porridge!

Maths: add and subtracting tens and ones

History: Why did the Wright brothers succeed where others failed? How do we know it happened if we were not there?

Science: Show how carnivores, herbivores and omnivores are similar and different. 

Computing: To recognise how technology is controlled

Art: Frida Kahlo inspired art through the medium of painting

Phonics/ Spelling: 

This week introduces al graphemes and reviews all the graphemes that make the ‘ul’ sound at the ends of words. Homophones and near-homophones are also introduced.

al Grapheme

Not many nouns end in –al, but many adjectives do.

Example words: metal, pedal, capital

il/el/al Grapheme Review

Recap the spellings and sets of words for each of these graphemes.

Homophones and Near-Homophones

It is important to know the difference in meaning between homophones.
Example words: there/their/they’re, here/hear, quite/quiet, see/sea, bare/bear, one/won, sun/son, to/too/two, be/bee, blue/blew, night/knight

Year 2 CEW

most, both, only, every, everybody

27th September- 1st October

English: Planning and starting to write our own stories based on 'Lights on Cotton Rock'

Maths:  fact families, checking calculations, comparing number sentences and number bonds.

Science: Point out and explain the main differences between birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and invertebrates.

Geography: labelling maps of our local area

RE: To find out how symbolic food can be used to remember important events

DT: Designing a bag that a friend would like

Music: Listen and Appraise - The Click Song sung by Miriam Makeba

Phonics/ Spelling: 

le Grapheme

Example words: table, apple, bottle, little, middle

il Grapheme

Example words: pencil, fossil, nostril

el Grapheme

Example words: camel, tunnel, squirrel, travel, towel, tinsel

Year 2 CEW

any, many, pretty, move, prove, improve

20th September- 25th September

English: Writing letters, logs and making posters. 

Maths: Counting patterns- 2s,3s,5s and 10s.

Science: What is the difference between evergreen and deciduous trees?

History: Who were the Wright Brothers, and how did they become famous?

Music: Beat and Pulse 

Computing: Recognising parts of a computer

Art: Frida Kahlo. Focus on drawing

PSHE: Rewards and consequences/ positive and negative choices 

PE: Multi-skills ball skills


Phonics/Spelling:  This week introduces the gn (silent g) and the wr (silent w) graphemes.

gn Grapheme
Example words: gnat, gnaw

wr Grapheme

Example words: write, written, wrote, wrong, wrap

Year 2 CEW

would, could, should, door, floor, poor

13th- 17th September

Notes for this week


Tuesday we start our forest school sessions. We ask that children have clothing that covers legs and arms due to brambles etc.   You may wish to bring in a change of shoes as well, depending on the weather.


If your child needs to change, please put the clothing in a bag. We will have time before the session. 


Please note: if your child is wearing school uniform jumpers/cardigans and trousers they will not need to get changed. 


Our Learning this week


English: This week we will be writing diary entries and letters

Maths: Tens and Ones. Place Value charts

Geography: Using Geographical words to describe our local area

Science: We will be finding out what type of scientist we would like to be 

DT: Designing and making fruit smoothies

RE: Signs and symbols that we recognise

Music: Musical appreciation Hands, Feet, Heart 


This week introduces the soft c and the kn (silent k) graphemes.

c Grapheme

The s sound is spelt c before e, i and y.
Example words: race, ice, cell, city, fancy

kn Grapheme

The n sound is spelt kn and (less often) gn at the beginning of words. The gn grapheme is taught next week. The ‘k’ and ‘g’ at the beginning of these words was sounded hundreds of years ago.
Example words: knock, know, knee

Year 2 CEW

wild, child, climb, behind, old, gold, hold, cold, told



6th-10th September

I am eagerly awaiting our first week together in Kingfisher class. On Monday, we will be reading First Day Jitters written by Julie Danneberg. We may even get to try some Jitter Juice. We will also be starting our PE lessons on Monday.

In English, we are asking questions, labelling items, making predictions and describing something extraordinary. Our learning is all linked with the story Lights on Cotton Rock. 

In Maths, we will be counting objects to 100, representing numbers and partitioning numbers into 10s and 1s.

Our Art lesson this week will be drawing ourselves using pencils. 

In Phonics this week introduces the dge and g graphemes, which make a j sound. 

dge Grapheme

  • Example words: badge, edge, bridge, dodge, fudge

g Grapheme

  • Example words: gem, giant, magic, giraffe, energy, age, huge, change, charge, bulge, village

Year 2 CEW

  • great, break, steak, find, mind, kind, behind

Throughout the week we will be taking part in lots of PSHE activities, well being at the heart of the curriculum. 
