Prospective Reception Visits available 12th and 26th November. Please contact the school office to arrange a visit
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Bromet Primary School Excellence, Enjoyment and Achievement for All

Swift - Year 1 and Reception

Welcome to Swift Class!


Class Teacher: Miss Langley Higgs

Supported by: Mrs Warner, Mrs Turner, Mrs Kelly and Mrs Shaw. 

Schools Direct: Mrs Ali / Miss Kelly

PPA Teacher: Mrs Humphreys


Madame Lawson teaches French

Swift Wider Curriculum Overview 2019/20

Swift Spring Timetable

Swift Autumn Timetable 2019

Y1 Spring Home Learning Grid

Reception Spring Home Learning Grid

Y1 Swift Autumn Home Learning 2019

Reception Meet the Teacher

Show and Tell Rota - Autumn Term

Welcome to our Classroom

Monster Phonics Presentation

Final Home Learning - Year 1 and Reception WB: 13.07

Reception Home Learning WB: 06.07.20

Swift Learning Week 10

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and didn't get caught in all those rain showers we had! 

Please find the Year 1 and Reception Home Packs below.

 Thank you to those who have been sending in pictures of their learning! Please send more in as I love putting this on the newsletter and class page! Send to

I can't believe there is only 3 weeks left of the academic year! Have a good week! 


Miss LH laugh

Reception Home Pack 5 - WB 29.06.20

Year 1 home learning 29th June

Hello All!

Enjoy the sunshine this week and don't get too hot! 

Miss LH smiley

Year 1 Home Pack - Week 4 WB 22.06

Reception Home Pack - Week 4 WB 22.06

Happy Monday! 

I  hope you all enjoyed reading your Swift Class reports last week. The children have worked so hard and I am very proud of all of them! I am so sad that I do not get to finish the whole year with them but they have made it a wonderful year.

Also it is with great sadness that we are saying goodbye to Mrs Warner this Friday as she retires. If you have any messages please send them in! 


Please also send in pictures if you are still home schooling- let us see what you are up to!


Have a great week. 

Keep Safe. Keep Smiling laugh

Miss LH

From Mrs Warner

Week 8 Learning

Week 7 Learning -Home & School

Another week begins! Who heard the thunder and lightning this weekend? It certainly made me jump! 

If you are returning to school this week I look forward to seeing your smiling faces around! 

If you are home learning please keep sending in the things you have been up to! I love to see what you have been busy doing!  Please email any pictures that you have! 


Remember to follow the links for your year group. The activities in school will be similar to the ones set for you at home. 


Keep Safe!  Keep Smiling sadlaugh 

Miss LH

Year 1 Home Pack Week 2 WB: 08.06.20

I love Tiffany's spiral snails and doesn't she look proud!

I hope you all had a wonderful half term and are enjoying the sunshine as much as I am! 

This week is certainly a big change for us all! For the Year 1s returning to school, you are with wonderful teachers and there are lots of great activities planned for you! If you are staying at home continue to stay safe and I hope you enjoy the activities planned! 

Please know that I am missing you all crazy amounts!  


Home Learning has changed from now on. There is a Year 1 Home Learning pack and a Reception Home Learning pack. Please follow the pack that is for your year group. The activities planned in these packs are the activities that the children will be completing in school.  


Stay Safe. Stay Smiling. 


Miss LH laugh



Have a sunny and safe Half Term all! laugh

Week 5 (WB: 18.05)


I hope you are all safe and well! 

Here is this week's home learning.  Please remember that everyone learns at different rates and to do what you can when you can! You are all doing an incredible job with home schooling and the children are doing fantastically! Make it work for your family! smiley

Just a reminder to check the week that is set for the Maths as we are working behind the current published week on White Rose for Year 1 and so for this week you still can access the documents. Next week I will be attaching any documents that you need on here. 


This week I am also attaching our "Joy of Moving Festival" pack sent to us by Watford FC.

There are lots of games and activities for you to complete and the key worker children of Bromet will be completing on Friday afternoon. 

Watford FC would love to see how you get on so please tweet to @BrometPrimary or @WFCTrust as well as using the hashtag #JOMHomeFestival or send pics in to

I can't wait to see how you get on! 


Stay Safe. Stay Smiling! 

Miss you all! 

Miss LH

Hello Everyone! 

Hope you all enjoyed celebrating VE Day in the glorious sunshine!

Did anyone spot the Red Arrows? Or have a socially distanced street party? 

Keep sending pictures of what you have been up to- especially any  VE day pics! 

Keep Safe. Keep Smiling! 

Miss LH laugh

Week 3 Home Learning

Hello All! May the fourth be with you! 

Another week of home learning for us all! 

It has been great to see the new learning taking place- please keep sending things in to! I miss you all tremendously!

Updates to TT rockstars and Matheletics coming soon for Year 1 and I hope Reception got their writing books this week! 

Keep Safe, Keep Smiling! 

Miss LH

Here is my art appreciation... could you pick a piece of art and recreate your own using random materials?

Big hellos to you all! 

I hope that your first week back at home school after Easter went well! I have loved seeing some of the learning activities that you have been up to, especially all the wonderful writing! Keep it up! Please remember to send any photos of your work to so that I can pop them on our page! I love seeing what you are all up to as I am missing you all incredible amounts. 

Keep Safe. Keep Smiling laugh 


Some learning from Week 1

Hello All! 


I hope you are keeping well and safe!

I have uploaded our first week's learning packs. 

Please read through these two documents and complete the different activities.

Phonics and Maths will be updated weekly with links to the learning sites. 

A comprehension book for Year 1 will also be coming home at some point.  


Stay safe! 

Miss you all! 

Home Learning Pack - Week 1

Madame Lawson has also recommended Babelzone if you would like to keep up your French or Spanish learning:   (user and password both: bromet) 

Charlotte working hard on her Maths skills!

Wonderful learning at home

Look at Harry's wonderful Easter bonnet!

Missing you all!

Hope everyone is keeping safe and well! 

Keep smiling! 



Last few days of school- missions to space, rocket making, astronaut finding,chicks hatching and even an egg hunt!

Our DT Planes! Inspired by the Wright Brothers.

Home Learning Packs are coming home today. 

Year 1 Mathletics logins went home last week and TTRockstars are coming out today.  

Free Access at the moment for lots of different sites so please have a look. 


Some useful links as suggested in the packs: 


  • Monster Phonics has some games so the children can continue practising phonics and Phonics Play has free access.
Teach Your Monster to Read App is temporarily free @ iOS App Store



  • Cosmic Kids Children yoga videos:


  • Super Movers has educational fun songs and videos

Week Beginning 16.03.20

Thank you for the amazing support on Friday for our Class assembly- I was a very proud teacher! Also it was lovely seeing so many of you at Parents Evening. It was great to share how well the children are doing. Year 1s were given Mathletics logins last week. From Wednesday I will starting to set tasks on here to complete linked to our learning. Any problems with logins let me know.  Please keep checking class pages for updates on the current situation. 


News and Dates:


  • NO Reading Morning  on Tuesday.
  • NO Stay and Play  for Reception on Friday.


  • Please see the Show and Tell Rota for Spring Term. This will take place on Thursdays. NO TOYS. 
  • Book Bags will go home every day and should be returned everyday.  Books will be changed twice a week.  Please sign and write a comment in the reading journals when you have read the school reading book with your child. We cannot change unless we have it signed. Star Readers are for children who have had their book signed at least 3 times each week. Please remember children should be reading books more than once to help develop their fluency. 
  • Library is on Tuesday. 
  • Home Learning Books will be coming home on Wednesday. These are returned on Monday.
  • Water bottles will be kept in school and be sent home every Friday to be washed. Please make sure they come back to school on Monday and are named. 
  • Please do not come through the gate before 8:45am. We will open this and then encourage your children to go through and hang up their coats themselves (they do it 3 times a day already!). No adults should be coming through the gate or into the classroom in the morning as this will help their independence. 
  • Please ensure that all Lunch choices are made online on Parent Pay. This is really important even if your child is having packed lunch from home. Please speak to the office if you do not know your login details. Please make sure that all lunch boxes are named and contain healthy options. 


Our Learning

In Maths we are learning about mass and weight. We will be using balancing scales to measure different objects. 

In English we are finishing our work on Dinosaurs and All that Rubbish. We will be ordering the story to retell it as well as making a pamphlet  to help tell the man how to look after the world! 

In Phonics we are learning au and air graphemes as well as  the prefix un. 

In Curriculum we are learning about Neil Armstrong and starting to introduce Space. We will also be painting the background for our Tiger in a Tropical Storm picture. There may also be some card making for a special event on Sunday....

Well done to all the children for their fantastic Class Assembly!!!

They spoke clearly and with confidence and we are very proud of all of them! 

They truly are SUPER SWIFTS! 

Thank you to all of you that came along to support. 




Star of the Week: 


Congratulations to...


for his super moving during Wake and Shake.

Week Beginning 09.03.20

Thank you to those of you who were free to come to Maths Morning. The children really enjoyed playing the games with you all. I must say they all looked great in their PJs on Thursday and it was lovely to see some of their favourite books. 

This week we are very busy rehearsing our class assembly. Please practise with your children so that they are confident with their lines.

Mrs Humphreys is teaching on Tuesday PM and Mrs White is teaching on Wednesday PM. 


News and Dates:


  • Reading Morning  on Tuesday.
  • Parents Evening on Wednesday and Thursday after school. Please come to see the children's work in the classrooms! 
  • Class Assembly on Friday at 9am. Please queue up at the office.
  • NO Stay and Play  for Reception on Friday.


  • Please see the Show and Tell Rota for Spring Term. This will take place on Thursdays. NO TOYS. 
  • Book Bags will go home every day and should be returned everyday.  Books will be changed twice a week.  Please sign and write a comment in the reading journals when you have read the school reading book with your child. We cannot change unless we have it signed. Star Readers are for children who have had their book signed at least 3 times each week. Please remember children should be reading books more than once to help develop their fluency. 
  • Library is on Tuesday. 
  • Home Learning Books will be coming home on Wednesday. These are returned on Monday.
  • Water bottles will be kept in school and be sent home every Friday to be washed. Please make sure they come back to school on Monday and are named. 
  • Please do not come through the gate before 8:45am. We will open this and then encourage your children to go through and hang up their coats themselves (they do it 3 times a day already!). No adults should be coming through the gate or into the classroom in the morning as this will help their independence. 
  • Please ensure that all Lunch choices are made online on Parent Pay. This is really important even if your child is having packed lunch from home. Please speak to the office if you do not know your login details. Please make sure that all lunch boxes are named and contain healthy options. 


Our Learning

In Maths we are continuing to learn about measurement. We will looking at rulers and will be using these to measure objects. We will also talk about cm and m and think about which we would use to measure with. 

In English we are working on our Speaking and Listening Skills whilst practising for our class assembly. Please help to learn their lines. 

In Phonics we are learning or, ore and aw graphemes. 

In Curriculum we are creating postcards from the city of Edinburgh for Geography. We will be learning about the physical and human geography of this place. In Jigsaw we are learning about exercise and how this affects our bodies. 

Star of the Week: 


Congratulations to...


 who always has a healthy snack and knows what food to eat to keep her healthy. 

World Book Day- Woodpecker Visit, Guest Readers, Make a Character and Designing T-shirts

Week Beginning 02.03.20

Welcome to mad March! 

Thank you to all of you that came to see our Garden of Dreams Display on Friday. The children were very proud of their work. It was also lovely to see the traditional dress of the children on Mother Tongue Day as well as learning some of the languages that they speak at home! This week is very busy with Maths Morning and World Book Day! I will also be sending home lines for our Class Assembly this week. Please keep practising ready for next Friday! 


News and Dates:


  • Reading Morning  on Tuesday.
  • Sign up to Parents evening on Tuesday. 
  • Wednesday is Maths Morning. Please come play some Maths games with us 8:45-9:15am. 
  • World Book Day on Thursday- £2 donation, PJs and bring in your favourite book! We are doing some learning based on this as well as designing our own t-shirts! 
  • Stay and Play  for Reception on Friday.
  • Eramus Cake sale after school on Friday. 
  • Please see the Show and Tell Rota for Spring Term. This will take place on Thursdays. NO TOYS. 
  • Book Bags will go home every day and should be returned everyday.  Books will be changed twice a week.  Please sign and write a comment in the reading journals when you have read the school reading book with your child. We cannot change unless we have it signed. Star Readers are for children who have had their book signed at least 3 times each week. Please remember children should be reading books more than once to help develop their fluency. 
  • Library is on Tuesday. 
  • Home Learning Books will be coming home on Wednesday. These are returned on Monday.
  • Water bottles will be kept in school and be sent home every Friday to be washed. Please make sure they come back to school on Monday and are named. 
  • Please do not come through the gate before 8:45am. We will open this and then encourage your children to go through and hang up their coats themselves (they do it 3 times a day already!). No adults should be coming through the gate or into the classroom in the morning as this will help their independence. 
  • Please ensure that all Lunch choices are made online on Parent Pay. This is really important even if your child is having packed lunch from home. Please speak to the office if you do not know your login details. Please make sure that all lunch boxes are named and contain healthy options. 


Our Learning

In Maths we are learning about measurement. We will be learning about height and length and will be ordering objects based on this. We will also measure objects using non standards measures. 

In English we are continuing our text:  Dinosaurs and all that rubbish by Michael Foreman. We will be learning about nouns and verbs as well as similes. We are thinking carefully about the message behind the story and will use apostrophes on a poster to show that our world belongs to all. We will also be celebrating World Book Day by writing reviews of our favourite books and sharing these with others. 

In Phonics we are learning the ie grapheme's different sounds  and igh grapheme.

In Curriculum we are beginning to build our structures of planes inspired by the story of the Wright brothers for DT. In Geography we will be learning about two UK cities of Edinburgh and Cardiff.  We will start to learn about animals in Science with Mrs Humphreys as well as introducing our new Jigsaw unit of Healthy Me. 

Garden of Dreams Display

Star of the Week: 


Congratulations to...


for working hard in Wake and Shake. 

Mother Tongue Day- Spanish with Senora Lawson, Mapping our Families and Traditional Dress

Week Beginning 26.02.20

Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely half term and didn't get blown away by all the storms! We have a very busy half term coming up! 

Mrs Ali is back on Tuesday afternoons to do some reading with the children and Miss Kelly has now returned to her other placement school. 


News and Dates:


  • Mother Tongue Day on Thursday. If you would like to come in to teach the children or share some special foods please let me know. 
  • Reading Morning  on Tuesday.
  • Stay and Play  for Reception on Friday.
  • Our Garden of Dreams Display is on Friday. Please come to the hall from 2:45pm to see our learning. 
  • Next week is World Book Day- children will be able to come in PJs and bring their favourite book (please make sure they are named) 
  • Please see the Show and Tell Rota for Spring Term. This will take place on Thursdays. NO TOYS. 
  • Book Bags will go home every day and should be returned everyday.  Books will be changed twice a week.  Please sign and write a comment in the reading journals when you have read the school reading book with your child. We cannot change unless we have it signed. Star Readers are for children who have had their book signed at least 3 times each week. Please remember children should be reading books more than once to help develop their fluency. 
  • Library is on Tuesday. 
  • Home Learning Books will be coming home on Wednesday. These are returned on Monday.
  • Water bottles will be kept in school and be sent home every Friday to be washed. Please make sure they come back to school on Monday and are named. 
  • Please do not come through the gate before 8:45am. We will open this and then encourage your children to go through and hang up their coats themselves (they do it 3 times a day already!). No adults should be coming through the gate or into the classroom in the morning as this will help their independence. 
  • Please ensure that all Lunch choices are made online on Parent Pay. This is really important even if your child is having packed lunch from home. Please speak to the office if you do not know your login details. Please make sure that all lunch boxes are named and contain healthy options. 


Our Learning

In Maths we are continuing to learn about place value of numbers up to 50. We are thinking about ordering numbers and will be counting in 2s and 5s. 

In English we are starting our new text: Dinosaurs and all that rubbish by Michael Foreman. We will be thinking about our dreams, predicting about the story using conjunctions and using adjectives to describe the settings. 

In Phonics we are learning the ew and k grapheme, thinking about the rules. 

In Curriculum we are looking at the work of Henri Rousseau. On Tuesday we are learning about the four countries of the UK and how they celebrate Shrove Tuesday. Mrs Humphreys will be helping us to create our own garden of dreams caterpillar display ready for Friday. 


Star of the Week: 


Congratulations to...


for his great discussions in Jigsaw about his hopes and dreams. 


WOW- we had lots of talent this afternoon! We enjoyed break dancers, ballet dancing, singers and joke telling! We have voted and Swift's winners are...





Week Beginning 10.02.20

We are really looking forward to the talent show auditions this Monday! I cannot wait to see the talent that Swifts have.  Thank you for your support on Number Day. The children looked fantastic and you were very generous with your donations.  Thank you also for those of you who came to see our boats! The children did all of the making themselves and were very proud of their creation! 


Miss Kelly is teaching phonics this week, all day on Tuesday and on Thursday afternoon. 


News and Dates:


  • Talent Show Auditions on Monday PM. 
  • Talent Show Finals on Friday PM. 
  • Reading Morning  on Tuesday.
  • Stay and Play  for Reception on Friday.
  • Please see the Show and Tell Rota for Spring Term. This will take place on Thursdays. NO TOYS. 
  • Book Bags will go home every day and should be returned everyday.  Books will be changed twice a week.  Please sign and write a comment in the reading journals when you have read the school reading book with your child. We cannot change unless we have it signed. Star Readers are for children who have had their book signed at least 3 times each week. Please remember children should be reading books more than once to help develop their fluency. 
  • Library is on Tuesday. 
  • Home Learning Books will be coming home on Wednesday. These are returned on Mondays
  • Relax Kids has now finished for this term. We will begin our PE lessons again next half term. 
  • Water bottles will be kept in school and be sent home every Friday to be washed. Please make sure they come back to school on Monday and are named. 
  • Please do not come through the gate before 8:45am. We will open this and then encourage your children to go through and hang up their coats themselves (they do it 3 times a day already!). No adults should be coming through the gate or into the classroom in the morning as this will help their independence. 
  • Please ensure that all Lunch choices are made online on Parent Pay. This is really important even if your child is having packed lunch from home. Please speak to the office if you do not know your login details. Please make sure that all lunch boxes are named and contain healthy options. 


Our Learning

In Maths we are continuing to learn about place value of numbers up to 50. We are learning about one more/less, comparing objects and numbers up to 50. 

In English we are continuing our text ‘Stanley’s Stick’ by John Hegley. This week we are thinking about our use of adjectives and will be writing our own story. 

 In Phonics we are learning the ew and ue grapheme, thinking about the different sounds  that they make. 

Miss Kelly is teaching us 2 lessons of Science this week. We will be designing our own tree, looking at trees from around the world as well looking at our cress seeds! Mrs Humphreys will be helping us to create our own garden of dreams caterpillar display! 


Star of the Week: 


Congratulations to...


for helping others after finishing his learning. 

Week Beginning 03.02.20

I have been really impressed with the progress in the children's learning the past few weeks. Their reading is becoming much more confident and they are getting more independent in their Maths! Well done Swifts! 

Miss Kelly is teaching Tuesday and Thursday this week as I am out of class. 


News and Dates:

  • Number Day is on Friday. The children can come dressed in outfits all to do with numbers. We will also be celebrating Place2Be's Children's Mental Health Week on Friday too. 
  • Film Night after school on Friday.
  • Thursday please come along to Swift and Sparrow's boat regatta! 3:15-3:30 in Swift room. 
  • Reading Morning  on Tuesday.
  • Stay and Play  for Reception on Friday.
  • Please see the Show and Tell Rota for Spring Term. This will take place on Thursdays.
  • Book Bags will go home every day and should be returned everyday.  Books will be changed twice a week.  Please sign and write a comment in the reading journals when you have read the school reading book with your child. We cannot change unless we have it signed. Star Readers are for children who have had their book signed at least 3 times each week. Please remember children should be reading books more than once to help develop their fluency. 
  • Library is on Tuesday. 
  • Home Learning Books will be coming home on Wednesday. These are returned on Mondays
  • Relax Kids on Wednesday and PE will be on either Tuesday or Friday. Please have full kits in school.
  • Water bottles will be kept in school and be sent home every Friday to be washed. Please make sure they come back to school on Monday and are named. 
  • Please do not come through the gate before 8:45am. We will open this and then encourage your children to go through and hang up their coats themselves (they do it 3 times a day already!). No adults should be coming through the gate or into the classroom in the morning as this will help their independence. 
  • Please ensure that all Lunch choices are made online on Parent Pay. This is really important even if your child is having packed lunch from home. Please speak to the office if you do not know your login details. Please make sure that all lunch boxes are named and contain healthy options. 


Our Learning

In Maths we are learning about place value of numbers up to 50. We will be completing number tracks and building/representing numbers in lots of different ways 

In English we are continuing our text ‘Stanley’s Stick’ by John Hegley. This week we are ordering the story and retelling it. We will also start to plan ideas for writing our own story. 

In Phonics we are learning the ou and ow graphemes looking at the different sounds they will make. 

In Curriculum we will be introducing our artist for this term of Rousseau as well as writing an evaluation for our boats. Miss Kelly is teaching us 2 lessons of Science this week continuing to look at plants and trees- there may be a nature trail adventure in store!

Our sail boat- cut, stuck and painted all by Swifts!

Star of the Week: 


Congratulations to...


for his positivity in his Show and Tell about his swimming achievements! 

Today we went on a stick hunt to find our magic sticks inspired by Stanley's Stick by John Hegley

Albie was so inspired by our Chinese New Year learning that he went to China Town this weekend! Check out his Show and Tell!

Week Beginning 27.01.20

I will be out of class on Tuesday and Wednesday Afternoon this week. Mrs Humphreys and Mrs White will be teaching the children. Miss Kelly will be teaching some phonics, Maths and Science this week to the children!  


News and Dates:

  • Please do not come through the gate before 8:45am. We will open this and then encourage your children to go through and hang up their coats themselves (they do it 3 times a day already!). No adults should be coming through the gate or into the classroom in the morning as this will help their independence. 
  • Reading Morning  on Tuesday.
  • Stay and Play  for Reception on Friday.
  • Please see the Show and Tell Rota for Spring Term. This will take place on Thursdays.
  • Book Bags will go home every day and should be returned everyday.  Books will be changed twice a week.  Please sign and write a comment in the reading journals when you have read the school reading book with your child. We cannot change unless we have it signed. Star Readers are for children who have had their book signed at least 3 times each week. Please remember children should be reading books more than once to help develop their fluency. 
  • Library is on Tuesday. 
  • Home Learning Books will be coming home on Wednesday. These are returned on Mondays
  • Relax Kids on Wednesday and PE will be on either Tuesday or Friday. Please have full kits in school.
  • Water bottles will be kept in school and be sent home every Friday to be washed. Please make sure they come back to school on Monday and are named. 
  • Please ensure that all Lunch choices are made online on Parent Pay. This is really important even if your child is having packed lunch from home. Please speak to the office if you do not know your login details. Please make sure that all lunch boxes are named and contain healthy options. 


Our Learning

In Maths we are finishing off our unit focusing on addition and subtraction. We will be using tens frames, part whole models and bar models to think about fact families up to 20 .

In English we are starting a new text ‘Stanley’s Stick’ by John Hegley. We will be reading the story and thinking about what our own magical stick could do as well as writing our own alternative ending using adverbs.

In Phonics we are learning how to add the suffixes er and est to adjectives, learning the oe grapheme  and we are reviewing our learnt graphemes of ea, er, ir, ur, oo and oa.

In Curriculum we are learning about the significant person of Amy Johnson, we will be building our sail boats in DT and will introduce our artist for this term of Rousseau. Miss Kelly is teaching us all about the structure and function of plants in Science. Mrs Humphreys is encouraging us to think about things we would like to get better at and how we can do this, thinking about our Garden of Dreams Display.




Using technology to create images- I have never seen Swift Class more focused and quiet!

Star of the Week: 


Congratulations to...


for helping to teach others how to do things. 

Week Beginning 20.01.20

We are heading for a cold patch this week so make up tight! Miss Kelly will be teaching some phonics this week to the children!  


News and Dates:

  • Our role play this half term is: Under the Sea/ Aquarium. If you would like to donate/lend any items that we could use  please send them in! Also if you have an older camera that would need the film developed we would love to be able to have a closer look at this. We promise to keep it safe! 
  •  Please do not come through the gate before 8:45am. We will open this and then encourage your children to go through and hang up their coats themselves (they do it 3 times a day already!). No adults should be coming through the gate or into the classroom in the morning as this will help their independence. 
  • Reading Morning  on Tuesday.
  • Stay and Play  for Reception on Friday.
  • Please see the Show and Tell Rota for Spring Term. This will take place on Thursdays.
  • Book Bags will go home every day and should be returned everyday.  Books will be changed twice a week.  Please sign and write a comment in the reading journals when you have read the school reading book with your child. We cannot change unless we have it signed. Star Readers are for children who have had their book signed at least 3 times each week. Please remember children should be reading books more than once to help develop their fluency. 
  • Library is on Tuesday. 
  • Home Learning Books will be coming home on Wednesday. These are returned on Mondays
  • Relax Kids on Wednesday and PE will be on either Tuesday or Friday. Please have full kits in school.
  • Water bottles will be kept in school and be sent home every Friday to be washed. Please make sure they come back to school on Monday and are named. 
  • Please ensure that all Lunch choices are made online on Parent Pay. This is really important even if your child is having packed lunch from home. Please speak to the office if you do not know your login details. Please make sure that all lunch boxes are named and contain healthy options. 


Our Learning

This week in English we are finishing our study of Flotsam by David Wiesner. We will be finishing our fantastic recounts of findig the camera and this week we will be focusing on using interesting vocabulary as we look closely at the fantasy settings, describing them as well as designing our own. 

In Maths we are learning about subtraction. We will be using tens frames to help us as well as using 'Think 10' to support. We will also introduce bar modelling. 

In Phonics we are learning the oo, oo(u) and oa graphemes. 

In Curriculum we are creating a collage display inspired by Flotsam. In Geography we are going to think about the features of a coast. We will also be thinking about Chinese New Year. 



Captain James Cook, the famous explorer. We will be designing our own boat as well in DT, thinking about what we will need to create it. We will also be revisiting our collage skills to make a display based on Flotsam! In Jigsaw we are thinking about our hopes and dreams. 

Star of the Week: 


Congratulations to...


for trying really hard in phonics when reading his alien words and for working really hard on his writing and sounds! 

Week Beginning 13.01.20

The children settled back in well last week and made it through the yawns of adjusting back to school routine. They have all now been given their class jobs for this half term and have fulfilled these excellently so far! 

We want to welcome Miss Kelly to our team. She has swapped school placements with Mrs Ali for this half term and will be teaching Swift class for some lessons. 


News and Dates:

  • Our role play this half term is: Under the Sea/ Aquarium. If you would like to donate/lend any items that we could use  please send them in! Also if you have an older camera that would need the film developed we would love to be able to have a closer look at this. We promise to keep it safe! 
  •  Please do not come through the gate before 8:45am. We will open this and then encourage your children to go through and hang up their coats themselves (they do it 3 times a day already!). No adults should be coming through the gate or into the classroom in the morning as this will help their independence. 
  • School Nurse in for Receptions on Tuesday and Wednesday. 
  • Reading Morning starts again on Tuesday.
  • Stay and Play  for Reception starts again on Friday.
  • Please see the Show and Tell Rota for Spring Term. This will take place on Thursdays.
  • Book Bags will go home every day and should be returned everyday.  Books will be changed twice a week.  Please sign and write a comment in the reading journals when you have read the school reading book with your child. We cannot change unless we have it signed. Star Readers are for children who have had their book signed at least 3 times each week. Please remember children should be reading books more than once to help develop their fluency. 
  • Library is on Tuesday. 
  • Home Learning Books will be coming home on Wednesday. These are returned on Mondays.
  • We are starting Relax Kids again for 6 weeks on Wednesday afternoons 
  • Friday is PE. Please have full kits in school.
  • Water bottles will be kept in school and be sent home every Friday to be washed. Please make sure they come back to school on Monday and are named. 
  • Please ensure that all Lunch choices are made online on Parent Pay. This is really important even if your child is having packed lunch from home. Please speak to the office if you do not know your login details. Please make sure that all lunch boxes are named and contain healthy options. 

Our Learning

This week in English we are continuing our study of Flotsam by David Wiesner. We are going to be taking part in role play , imagining we are the little boy and will be thinking about speech and thought bubbles for him. We will also be writing a first person recount as the boy, finding the camera. 

In Maths we are practising our addition and subtraction using tens frames and think 10. We will be using our number bonds a lot this week! 

In Phonics we are learning different ways of making an errr sound. We are looking at the spellings of 'er', 'ur' and 'ir' for this. 

In Curriculum we are learning about Captain James Cook, the famous explorer. We will be designing our own boat as well in DT, thinking about what we will need to create it. We will also be revisiting our collage skills to make a display based on Flotsam! In Jigsaw we are thinking about our hopes and dreams. 


Star of the Week: 


Congratulations to...


who loves a challenge and doesn't give up! 

Week Beginning 06.01.20

Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas break, eating lots and having a well deserved rest! We are now in a new year and a new decade with lots of learning to take place! Bring on Spring Term! 


News and Dates:

  • INSET Day on Monday. 
  • School begins on Tuesday 7th January. Please try and encourage your children to go through the gate and hang up their coats themselves (they do it 3 times a day already!). No adults should be coming through the gate or into the classroom in the morning as this will help their independence. 
  • Reading Morning starts again next Tuesday (14.01).
  • Stay and Play  for Reception will start again next Friday (17.01).
  • Please see the Show and Tell Rota for Spring Term. This will take place on Thursdays
  • Book Bags will go home every day and should be returned everyday.  Books will be changed twice a week.  Please sign and write a comment in the reading journals when you have read the school reading book with your child. We cannot change unless we have it signed. Star Readers are for children who have had their book signed at least 3 times each week. Please remember children should be reading books more than once to help develop their fluency. 
  • Library is on Tuesday. 
  • Home Learning Books will be coming home on Wednesday. These are returned on Mondays.
  • We are starting Relax Kids again for 6 weeks on Wednesday Mornings. 
  • Thursday is PE. Please have full kits in school.
  • Water bottles will be kept in school and be sent home every Friday to be washed. Please make sure they come back to school on Monday and are named. 
  • Please ensure that all Lunch choices are made online on Parent Pay. This is really important even if your child is having packed lunch from home. Please speak to the office if you do not know your login details. Please make sure that all lunch boxes are named and contain healthy options. 

Our Learning:

This week we are beginning our whole school focus text which is Flotsam written by Davd Weisner. Flotsam is a wordless picture book so we will be looking closely at the pictures. We will be predicting what the story is about from the front cover and will be labelling different flotsam.

In Maths we are practising our addition skills. We will be revisiting number bonds. 

In Curriculum this week we are learning about the different oceans of the world and will be listening to a song to remind us! We are also talking about our Christmas holidays and the special things that we have been up to. This week we also start Relax Kids and will be talking about our feelings.  We will also be updating our network hands, thinking about the people we talk to when we have a worry. 

On behalf of all of Swift Team- a HUGE thank you for your generosity with our Christmas Gifts. We are overwhelmed by your kindness! 

Have a wonderful Christmas break and we will see you in 2020! 

Star of the Week: 


Congratulations to...


for often using kind words and being positive towards others.

Week Beginning 02.12.19

It is officially December and the count down has begun! This week we will be practising our production lots so I hope everyone has learnt their lines! Thank you to those who have brought in the costumes. If you haven't done this, we need their outfits in a labelled bag asap please.  


News and Dates:


  • Year 1 children need to keep learning their lines please!! 
  • All costumes to be in school please. 
  • Reading Morning for all children on Tuesday. Please come into the classroom and enjoy a book with the children. 
  • Stay and Play  for Reception has now finished for the term. 
  • Please see the Show and Tell Rota for Autumn Term. This will take place on Thursdays
  • Book Bags will go home every day and should be returned everyday.  Books will be changed twice a week.  Please sign and write a comment in thee reading journals when you have read the school reading book with your child. We cannot change unless we have it signed. Star Readers are for children who have had their book signed at least 3 times each week. Please remember children should be reading books more than once to help develop their fluency. 
  • Library is on Tuesday. 
  • Home Learning Books will be coming home on Wednesday. These are returned on Mondays.
  • Thursday is PE. Please have full kits in school.
  • Water bottles will be kept in school and be sent home every Friday to be washed. Please make sure they come back to school on Monday and are named. 
  • Rain Coats should be in school and named every day. 
  • Please ensure that all Lunch choices are made online on Parent Pay. This is really important even if your child is having packed lunch from home. Please speak to the office if you do not know your login details. Please make sure that all lunch boxes are named and contain healthy options. 



Star of the Week: 


Congratulations to...


for sharing her resources so that others were included.

Week Beginning 25.11.19

Christmas has begun! We are currently turning our role play into a winter wonderland so if you have anything you would like to donate for this please send it in! 

This week we have Mrs Turner and Mrs Shaw working with us in the morning. 


News and Dates:


  • Year 1 children need to keep learning their lines please!! 
  • Mrs Ali is teaching the children on Tuesday afternoon as I am on a course. 
  • Disco on Friday after school. 
  • Reading Morning for all children on Tuesday. Please come into the classroom and enjoy a book with the children. 
  • Stay and Play  for Reception parents on Friday. (8:45-9:10) 
  • Please see the Show and Tell Rota for Autumn Term. This will take place on Thursdays
  • Book Bags will go home every day and should be returned everyday.  Books will be changed twice a week.  Please sign and write a comment in thee reading journals when you have read the school reading book with your child. We cannot change unless we have it signed. Star Readers are for children who have had their book signed at least 3 times each week. Please remember children should be reading books more than once to help develop their fluency. 
  • Library is on Tuesday. 
  • Home Learning Books will be coming home on Wednesday. These are returned on Mondays.
  • Thursday is PE. Please have full kits in school.
  • Water bottles will be kept in school and be sent home every Friday to be washed. Please make sure they come back to school on Monday and are named. 
  • Rain Coats should be in school and named every day. 
  • Please ensure that all Lunch choices are made online on Parent Pay. This is really important even if your child is having packed lunch from home. Please speak to the office if you do not know your login details. Please make sure that all lunch boxes are named and contain healthy options. 


Our Learning This Week: 

In Phonics we are learning about how to change singular words into plurals using s or es as well as looking at the split digraph a-e. Focus words are: where, were, they, says, are, ask, put, push, pull & full thinking all about their linked monsters! 

In English, Mrs Ali is continuing to teach us about recounts. 

In Maths we are learning place value. We are looking at different ways we can represent numbers up to 20 and will be learning about one more/less. We will also be using different equipment such as tens boards, numicon and Base 10. 

In Curriculum we are learning about London Landmarks and will be writing a letter to Father Christmas.  We have also begun our Christmas production practise so will be singing lots of our songs.  Year 1 will be saying their lines later this week and Reception will be learning their dance. 

Star of the Week: 


Congratulations to...


for being a supportive friend to others!

Week Beginning 18.11.19

The weather has certainly turned chilly this week! Please remember to have warm coats/hats/gloves in school that are labelled. 


News and Dates:


  • Mrs Chandoo is teaching the children on Tuesday morning. 
  • Please return disco forms by this week. 
  • Reading Morning for all children on Tuesday. Please come into the classroom and enjoy a book with the children. 
  • Stay and Play  for Reception parents on Friday. (8:45-9:10) 
  • Please see the Show and Tell Rota for Autumn Term. This will take place on Thursdays
  • Book Bags will go home every day and should be returned everyday.  Books will be changed twice a week.  Please sign and write a comment in thee reading journals when you have read the school reading book with your child. We cannot change unless we have it signed. Star Readers are for children who have had their book signed at least 3 times each week. Please remember children should be reading books more than once to help develop their fluency. 
  • Library is on Tuesday. 
  • Home Learning Books will be coming home on Wednesday. These are returned on Mondays.
  • Thursday is PE. Please have full kits in school. (hopefully smelling a tad fresher this week!) 
  • Water bottles will be kept in school and be sent home every Friday to be washed. Please make sure they come back to school on Monday and are named. 
  • Rain Coats should be in school and named every day. 
  • Please ensure that all Lunch choices are made online on Parent Pay. This is really important even if your child is having packed lunch from home. Please speak to the office if you do not know your login details. Please make sure that all lunch boxes are named and contain healthy options. 


Our Learning This Week: 

In Phonics we are learning the graphemes oi, ay, oy, thinking about where they are found in words and will be practising reading and writing these in words.  Focus words are: the, said, of,one, once, house, our, thinking all about their linked monsters! 

In English, Mrs Ali is beginning a new topic of recounts. We will be reading two new stories of 'Voices in the Park' and 'Where's my Teddy' linking these to our own experiences. 

In Maths we are learning shape and data. We will be learning about different 2D shapes, their properties and thinking of ways to sort them. 

In Curriculum we are learning about the London Underground and will continue to practice our drawing skills by revisiting how to draw a train. We have also begun our Christmas production practise so will be singing lots of our songs! 

Star of the Week: 


Congratulations to...


for always playing with different children and including them!

Week Beginning 11.11.19

Another week and the weather is definitely getting colder! 


News and Dates:

  • This week is Anti-Bullying week. We will be talking a lot about being a good friend and being an individual. 
  • Odd Socks Day on Tuesday. Children can wear odd socks. 
  • Maths Morning is on Wednesday (8:45-9:15).  Please come into the classroom in the morning and enjoy some maths games with the children. 
  • Children in Need is on Friday. The children can come in PJs or non-uniform for a donation of £1. 
  • Reading Morning begins for all children on Tuesday. Please come into the classroom and enjoy a book with the children. 
  • Mrs Chandoo is teaching on Tuesday Morning.
  • Stay and Play  for Reception parents on Friday. (8:45-9:10)
  • Please see the Show and Tell Rota for Autumn Term. This will take place on Thursdays
  • Book Bags will go home every day and should be returned everyday.  Books will be changed twice a week.  Please sign and write a comment in thee reading journals when you have read the school reading book with your child. We cannot change unless we have it signed. Star Readers are for children who have had their book signed at least 3 times each week. Please remember children should be reading books more than once to help develop their fluency. 
  • Library is on Tuesday. 
  • Home Learning Books will be coming home on Wednesday. These are returned on Mondays.
  • Thursday is PE. Please have full kits in school.
  • Water bottles will be kept in school and be sent home every Friday to be washed. Please make sure they come back to school on Monday and are named. 
  • Rain Coats should be in school and named every day. 
  • Please ensure that all Lunch choices are made online on Parent Pay. This is really important even if your child is having packed lunch from home. Please speak to the office if you do not know your login details. Please make sure that all lunch boxes are named and contain healthy options. 


Star of the Week: 


Congratulations to...


for teaching us Tamil and celebrating a difference.

Week Beginning 04.11.19

Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful half term break and got to have a rest! Perhaps you got to celebrate Diwali, enjoy some trick or treating or saw some fireworks? We can't wait to hear about it!  

It was also great to meet so many of you at Parents Evening too! 

It was a hectic end to the week before half term so the children will be coming home with PE kits this week in order for them to be freshened up! 


News and Dates:

  • School is back on Monday! 
  • Reading Morning begins for all children on Tuesday. Please come into the classroom and enjoy a book with the children. 
  • Stay and Play begins for Reception parents on Friday. (8:45-9:10) 
  • On Wednesday I am out on a course. 
  • Home Learning begins for Receptions on Wednesday
  • Please see the Show and Tell Rota for Autumn Term. This will take place on Thursdays
  • Book Bags will go home every day and should be returned everyday.  Books will be changed twice a week.  Please sign and write a comment in thee reading journals when you have read the school reading book with your child. We cannot change unless we have it signed. Star Readers are for children who have had their book signed at least 3 times each week. Please remember children should be reading books more than once to help develop their fluency. 
  • Library is on Tuesday. 
  • Home Learning Books will be coming home on Wednesday. These are returned on Mondays.
  • Thursday is PE. Please have full kits in school.
  • Water bottles will be kept in school and be sent home every Friday to be washed. Please make sure they come back to school on Monday and are named. 
  • Rain Coats should be in school and named every day. 
  • Please ensure that all Lunch choices are made online on Parent Pay. This is really important even if your child is having packed lunch from home. Please speak to the office if you do not know your login details. Please make sure that all lunch boxes are named and contain healthy options. 


Our Learning This Week: 

In Phonics we are learning the graphemes ck, ss, ll, ff  zz, nk, thinking about where they are found in words and will be practising reading and writing these in words.  Focus words are: be, he, me, she, no, go, so, do, to, today, I, by and my, thinking all about their linked monsters! 

In English we are looking at labels, lists and captions. We will be making our own success criteria for these and making our own examples. 

In Maths we are learning about place value of numbers, using bead strings to show where numbers are as well as comparing/ordering. 

In Curriculum we will be thinking about our local area in connection to the railways in geography as well as drawing railway inspired art. 

Star of the Week: 


Congratulations to...


for making the right choices in his learning.

Week Beginning 21.10.19

Who can believe we are at the end of our first half term already?!

I am looking forward to meeting most of you this week at Parents Evening on Wednesday and Thursday! 


News and Dates:

  • Parents Evening on Wednesday and Thursday. Timings will be up in the classroom if you need to check these.  Please come into the classroom and look at some of the children's work. 
  • We are having an Indian Dance Workshop on Thursday. 
  • Photos on Friday. 
  • Please see the Show and Tell Rota for Autumn Term. This will take place on Thursdays. 
  • Reading Morning for Year 1 children on Tuesday. Please come into the classroom and enjoy a book with the children. 
  • Book Bags will go home every day and should be returned everyday.  Books will be changed twice a week.  Please sign and write a comment in thee reading journals when you have read the school reading book with your child. We cannot change unless we have it signed. Star Readers are for children who have had their book signed at least 3 times each week. Please remember children should be reading books more than once to help develop their fluency. 
  • Library is on Tuesday. 
  • Home Learning Books will be coming home on Wednesday for Year 1. 
  • Relax Kids is on Wednesday.
  • Thursday is PE. Please have full kits in school.
  • Water bottles will be kept in school and be sent home every Friday to be washed. Please make sure they come back to school on Monday and are named. 
  • Rain Coats should be in school and named every day. 
  • Please ensure that all Lunch choices are made online on Parent Pay. This is really important even if your child is having packed lunch from home. Please speak to the office if you do not know your login details. Please make sure that all lunch boxes are named and contain healthy options. 


Our Learning This Week: 

In Phonics we are continuing to practise reading and writing CCVCC, CVVCC and CCVVC words. We will continue to practise blending through the reading of well know stories that have special Monster Phonic twists! 

In English we are focusing on the story of Rama and Sita. We will be ordering the story and story boarding this. 

In Maths we are learning mental addition and subtraction. We will be writing our number sentences and solving word problems! 

For our curriculum this week,  we are going to be focusing on Diwali. We will be learning about who celebrate this festival, how they celebrate it and why they celebrate it. We will be making our own clay lamps as well as lanterns to help celebrate it! 

Star of the Week: 


Congratulations to...


always being kind and helpful in the classroom.




Books will be changed twice a week.  These will not be on set days but we will aim to have them changed by Tuesday/Friday each week. 

Week Beginning 14.10.19

Thank you for all your kind donations to the food bank! Thank you to those of you who have signed up for Parents Evening- if you would like an appointment please speak to the office. 


News and Dates:

  • This week I am out of class on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday afternoon.
  • Please see the Show and Tell Rota for Autumn Term. This will take place on Thursdays. 
  • Reading Morning for Year 1 children on Tuesday. Please come into the classroom and enjoy a book with the children. 
  • Book Bags will go home every day and should be returned everyday.  Books will be changed on Tuesday and Friday. Please sign and write a comment in thee reading journals when you have read the school reading book with your child. We cannot change unless we have it signed. Star Readers are for children who have had their book signed at least 3 times each week. Please remember children should be reading books more than once to help develop their fluency. 
  • Library is on Tuesday. 
  • Home Learning Books will be coming home on Wednesday for Year 1. 
  • Relax Kids is on Wednesday.
  • Thursday is PE. Please have full kits in school.
  • Water bottles will be kept in school and be sent home every Friday to be washed. Please make sure they come back to school on Monday and are named. 
  • Rain Coats should be in school and named every day. 
  • Please ensure that all Lunch choices are made online on Parent Pay. This is really important even if your child is having packed lunch from home. Please speak to the office if you do not know your login details. Please make sure that all lunch boxes are named and contain healthy options. 


Our Learning This Week: 

In Phonics we are learning  about consonants and vowels. We will then be reading and writing CCVCC, CVVCC and CCVVC words. We will be practising our blending of these words whilst reviewing all our learnt sounds. 

In English we are finishing our unit on stories with repetitive phrases. We will be writing our own version of Little Rabbit Foo Foo with new creatures to bop! I will also be seeing if the children can remember the story off by heart!

In Maths we are learning about measures and symmetry. We will be making our own symmetrical pictures! 

For our curriculum this week, in DT we are going to be making beach hut structures like those found in Jamaica, Mrs Ali is going to be teaching the children about George Stephenson and in Computing we will think about the uses of technologies. 



Star of the Week: 


Congratulations to...


for making good choices in his behaviour and for always being ready for his learning when on the carpet.

Week Beginning 07.10.19

Thank you to all of you that came to the phonics workshop. We hope you found it useful. 


News and Dates: 

  • We are now collecting food for the Red Trust Food Bank. All donations welcome. Please send this in with your child and school council will collect from the classroom.
  • Please see the Show and Tell Rota for Autumn Term. 
  • Reading Morning for Year 1 children on Tuesday. Please come into the classroom and enjoy a book with the children. 
  • Book Bags will go home every Tuesday and Friday and need to be returned every Monday and Thursday. Please sign and write a comment in thee reading journals when you have read the school reading book with your child. We cannot change unless we have it signed. Star Readers are for children who have had their book signed at least 3 times each week. 
  • Home Learning Books will be coming home on Wednesday for Year 1. 
  • Relax Kids is on Wednesday.
  • Thursday is PE. Please have full kits in school.
  • Water bottles will be kept in school and be sent home every Friday to be washed. Please make sure they come back to school on Monday and are named. 
  • Rain Coats and sunhats should be in school and named every day. This weather is truly unpredictable! 
  • Please ensure that all Lunch choices are made online on Parent Pay. This is really important even if your child is having packed lunch from home. Please speak to the office if you do not know your login details. Please make sure that all lunch boxes are named and contain healthy options. 


Our Learning This Week: 


In Phonics we are learning  to read and write CVCC and CCVC. We will be practising our blending of these words whilst reviewing all our learnt sounds. 

Our review words are: this, for, come, all, look and our focus words are: play, day, away, see, of.

In English we are finishing our unit on stories with repetitive phrases. We are finishing our own versions of Handa's surprise and will be reading Little Rabbit Foo Foo. 

In Maths we are learning about measures and shapes. We will be comparing lengths and making patterns. 

For our curriculum this week we will be comparing and contrasting the UK to Kingston Jamaica in Geography linking to Black History Month. We will also be taking part in an African drumming workshop on Wednesday.  We will be designing a structure in DT and looking at Harvest Festival again in RE. 

Star of the Week: 


Congratulations to...


for being supportive and caring to others.

Week Beginning 30.09.19

Goodbye to September and hello to October! Show and Tell begins this week. Please see the Show and Tell Rota for Autumn Term. 


News and Dates: 

  • Special Menu change on Thursday!
  • Parent Phonics Event on Thursday at 2:30 / 6:30pm. I cannot recommend coming to this session enough! 
  • Reading Morning for Year 1 children on Tuesday. Please come into the classroom and enjoy a book with the children. 
  • Book Bags will go home every Tuesday and Friday and need to be returned every Monday and Thursday. Please sign and write a comment in thee reading journals when you have read the school reading book with your child. We cannot change unless we have it signed. 
  • Home Learning Books will be coming home on Wednesday for Year 1. 
  • Relax Kids is on Wednesday.
  • Thursday is PE. Please have full kits in school.
  • Water bottles will be kept in school and be sent home every Friday to be washed. Please make sure they come back to school on Monday and are named. 
  • Rain Coats and sunhats should be in school and named every day. This weather is truly unpredictable! 
  • Please ensure that all Lunch choices are made online on Parent Pay. This is really important even if your child is having packed lunch from home. Please speak to the office if you do not know your login details. Please make sure that all lunch boxes are named and contain healthy options. 


Our Learning This Week: 


In Phonics we are learning the th (v), th and ng sounds and will be practising blending. Our review words are: this, for, come, all, look and our focus words are: play, day, away, see, of.

In English we are continuing our unit on stories with repetitive phrases. We are planning and writing our own version of Handa's Surprise if it was set in the UK, turning these into a book. 

In Maths we are learning about money. We will be recognising different coins and thinking about how we can add these together to make amounts. 

For our curriculum this week we will be introducing Black History Month, with our focus in History on the significant individual Mary Seacole. In Art we will be using paint to create our own sunflower pictures. In Science with Mrs Humphreys we are going to be learning about different wild British trees. 

Star of the Week: 


Congratulations to...


for his positive attitude to his learning and demonstrating good behaviour for learning.

Week Beginning 23.09.19

Welcome to our new week. I jut wanted to say well done to the reception children for their assembly last week- they did us proud. Thank you to all those reception parents who came to the Meet the Teacher. The PP is on our class page. 


News and Dates: 

  • Reading Morning begins for Year 1 children on Tuesday. Please come into the classroom and enjoy a book with the children. 
  • Book Bags will go home every Tuesday and Friday and need to be returned every Monday and Thursday. Please sign and write a comment in thee reading journals when you have read the school reading book with your child. We cannot change unless we have it signed. The journals are child friendly but I do not expect the children to be writing in them just yet. 
  • Home Learning Books will be coming home on Wednesday for Year 1. 
  • Relax Kids is on Wednesday.
  • Thursday is PE. Please have full kits in school.
  • Water bottles will be kept in school and be sent home every Friday to be washed. Please make sure they come back to school on Monday and are named. 
  • Rain Coats and sunhats should be in school and named every day. This weather is truly unpredictable! 
  • Please ensure that all Lunch choices are made online on Parent Pay. This is really important even if your child is having packed lunch from home. Please speak to the office if you do not know your login details. Please make sure that all lunch boxes are named and contain healthy options. 


Our Learning This Week: 


In Phonics we are learning the ch, sh, and j sounds and will be practising blending. 

In English we are starting our unit on stories with repetitive phrases. We will be writing our own versions of Bears in the Night as well as sharing Handa's Suprise, thinking about how this story would be if it was set in Britain. 

In Maths we are learning about teen numbers, beginning to look at addition as well as counting on and back.

For our curriculum this week we will be learning about the different continents again; learning the different oceans around the world. In DT we are practising our cutting skills to making some sunflowers and in RE we will introduce our religions we are looking at this term. 



Star of the Week: 


Congratulations to...


for always being helpful in the classroom, especially at tidy up time!

Week Beginning 16.09.19


It's our second full week as Swift Class! 


News and Dates: 

  • On Thursday there is a 'Meet the Teacher' for Reception parents. This will be from 3:30pm in Robin Classroom. Miss Evans and I will be going through expectations and routines for Reception children. 
  • Friday at 9am is our Welcome Assembly for Receptions. Reception parents are invited to watch the buddies introduce Reception to the school. 
  • Book Bags will go home every Tuesday and Friday and need to be returned every Monday and Thursday.
  • Y1 parents please sign and write a comment in thee reading journals when you have read the school reading book with your child. We cannot change unless we have it signed. The journals are child friendly but I do not expect the children to be writing in them just yet. 
  • Reception parents- We are currently assessing reading and will be sending home reading books when the children are ready. 
  • Home Learning Books will be coming home on Wednesday for Year 1. 
  • Relax Kids is on Wednesday. Natasha from Relax Kids will be teaching us ways to keep ourselves calm and confident over the next few weeks.
  • Water bottles will be kept in school and be sent home every Friday to be washed. Please make sure they come back to school on Monday and are named. 
  • Rain Coats and sunhats should be in school and named every day. This weather is truly unpredictable! 
  • Please ensure that all Lunch choices are made online on Parent Pay. This is really important even if your child is having packed lunch from home. Please speak to the office if you do not know your login details. Please make sure that all lunch boxes are named and contain healthy options. 


Our Learning This Week: 


In Phonics we are learning the f, h, w, z, y sounds and we are meeting Angry Red.

In English we are starting our unit on stories with repetitive phrases. We will be reading the book Bears in the Night and We're Going on a Bear Hunt. 

In Maths we are learning about counting correctly, estimating numbers and adding on 10 to make teen numbers. 

For our curriculum this week we will be learning about Florence Nightingale, thinking about what is means to have healthy eating and how to keep ourselves safe online. In Science we are going to go on a walk around school to see what plants we can see. 


Star of the Week: 


Congratulations to...


for being a positive and bubbly character who is very excited to be our school council rep.

Week Beginning 09.0919


Welcome to your first full week back at school everyone! Receptions will be in for full days of 8:45-3:15pm from this week. I have no doubt we will have a class full of very tired children (and adults) this week! 


News and Dates: 


  • Book bags will be going out this Tuesday. For Year 1 children they will have your reading journal and reading book. Please ensure you are signing when you have read with the children otherwise we will not be able to change the book. For Receptions we are currently assessing their reading/phonic understand and therefore they will not have a reading book just yet. When we are confident the children are ready for these we will start to send them home. We will be sending home a library book that you can enjoy instead. 

Book Bags will go home every Tuesday and Friday and need to be returned every Monday and Thursday. 

  • Home Learning Books will be coming home on Wednesday for Year 1. These will include your comprehension books/home learning books and also some year group information sheets. 
  • French begins for Year 1 on Tuesday
  • Relax Kids begins on Wednesday. Natasha from Relax Kids will be teaching us ways to keep ourselves calm and confident over the next 6 weeks.
  • On Friday after school please feel free to pop into the classroom. I will be in there if there is anything you wish to speak to me about. This is replacing our Meet the Teacher. 
  • For Reception Parents we will have a Meet the Teacher along with Robin Class. This is next week.
  • Please ensure that the children are all bringing in a coat with them that is named. It is becoming much colder and is ever changing. 
  • Water bottles will be kept in school and be sent home every Friday to be washed. Please make sure they come back to school on Monday and are named. 
  • Please ensure that all Lunch choices are made online on Parent Pay. This is really important even if your child is having packed lunch from home. Please speak to the office if you do not know your login details. Please make sure that all lunch boxes are named and contain healthy options. 


Our Learning This Week: 


In Phonics we are learning the v, d, r as well meeting Miss Oh No. 

In English we are writing about our summer holidays and thinking about writing all about ourselves.

In Maths we are learning about position and ordinal numbers. 

For our curriculum this week we will be learning about the 7 continents of the world, thinking about healthy eating and how to keep ourselves safe online. 

Mrs Humphreys is going to be teaching us about garden plants. 




Star of the Week: 


Congratulations to...


for making other children feel included and making lots of new friends!

Welcome Back to Swift Class 2019/20!

Swift Class Team are so excited to have you all starting with us this year. We hope you all had a wonderful summer break and are ready and raring to get going with our school year! 


Here is some quick information about our class: 


The Beginning and End of a School Day

The gate will open at 8.45am and will close at 8.55am. Children need to be in school by this time. A member of the Swift Team will greet the children at the classroom gate.  If you arrive after this time you will need to come through the main office and sign your child in and get a late mark. Please do not come through the gate and into the classroom in the mornings. The team will look after anyone having a wobble. 


At the end of the day we will line the children up and hand them over directly to you from the classroom gate. Please do not come through the gate. Please can you let the office know if your child is to be collected by someone different. We will not let them go with anyone else unless we have been notified beforehand. Please give us a wave at the start of the year so we get to know faces. 


On 4th, 5th and 6th September Reception Swifts will be in the following times: 8:45am - 11:30am. From Monday 9th September they are in full days of 8:45am-3:15pm. 


The class coat trolley will be put outside at the start and end of the day. These have 2 pegs labelled for your child (top and bottom). Please encourage your child to hang their coats here each day. PE kits should be brought into school and can stay in school. Please encourage the children to do this independently. 


Book Bags will be given out on Tuesday and Fridays however these will stay in school on the first 3 days and will begin from Tuesday 10th September. 


Every child must have a named water bottle which we will keep in school. These are to be brought in on a Monday and will be returned on a Friday to be washed. Water bottles must only contain water.  Please do not put water bottles in book bags as leakages can occur. 



Our Learning this week 

This week our learning will be focused around SEMH (Social, Emotional and Mental Health) as well as getting to know the children. We will be exploring our classroom and deciding on some class rules as well as learning all about them and what makes them special. 




I will be updating the Class Page weekly with updates on our learning, pictures and important news and announcements so please check it regularly. Also keep an eye on our Twitter account @BrometPrimary


Our door is always open and if you have any questions or worries please come and talk to us no matter how ever big or small! 


We are really looking forward to a fun and learning filled year! 


Miss Langley Higgs and Swift Team  


Week 7 (15.07.19)
Our final week! What a wonderful year we have had!

English: The children will be writing pirate stories independently. 

Maths: We will be revising and recapping what we have learnt this year. We will be practising number formations and writing numbers in words. 

Phonics: This week we will be recapping all the sounds we have learnt this year.
Please continue to read over the summer holidays :) 

Key news/dates:
Please can the children bring in a named carrier bag so they can take their artwork home with them.
There will be no reading morning this week.

On Thursday afternoon we will be having a small party to celebrate the children's hard work this year! Please bring in some healthy vegetarian snacks for the class to share.  


Thursday am - Thank you Assembly 
Friday am - Awards Assembly 

End of term - Friday 1:30pm
Good Luck to each and everyone of you as you move on to your new classes, it has been a privilege to have taught you!

I hope you all have a wonderful and restful summer holiday!

Week 6 (07.07.19)

English: This week will be our final week looking at the book The Pirates Next Door. The children will be retelling the story, describing pirates and writing their own messages in a bottle!

Maths: Revising numbers 1-20

Topic: Under the Sea

Key dates/news:
Monday am - Ms Henderson covering 
Tuesday am - Mrs Humphreys covering 

Friday - Children meet their new class teacher! Film night after school




Week 4 (24.06.19)

English: We will be focusing on the book 'The Pirates Next Door' By Jonny Duddle. The children will be constructing sentences based on a discussion, understand and write how a story is planned and create an advert for the setting. 

Maths: Recognise, find and name a half as one of two equal parts of an object, shape or quantity. 

Science: Light and Sound


Week 3 (17.06.19)

English: We will be continuing looking at the book The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson. The children will be finishing writing their own versions of the story and writing thank you letters.  

Maths: Halves and Quarters

Science: Light and Sound 


Key dates/news:

This week the whole school is having a Creative Week. The children will be spending the afternoons doing all things fun and creative with different teachers from around the school. 

A gentle reminder that the children will be doing outdoor learning on Wednesday afternoons so will need their outdoor learning clothes in school. 
PE will also still be on Monday afternoons.

All children must have a water bottle and sun hat in school.

Please kindly note that book bags are due in Mondays and Thursdays so the children can be heard read in school and books can be changed. Books will not be changed if book bags are not in on those days. 

Friday: Sponsored run 


Week 2 (10.06.19)

What a fantastic first week back!

English: We will be continuing looking at 'The Snail and the Whale' By Julia Donaldson this week. The children will be creating story maps and writing their own versions of the story!

Maths: Halves and Quarters

Science: Light 

Topic: Under the Sea 


Summer 2
Week 1 (03.06.19)

Welcome back! I hope you have all had a lovely and relaxing half term :)


English: We will be focusing on the book 'The Snail and the Whale' By Julia Donaldson.

Maths: Tell the time to the hour and half past the hour and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times


Phonics: Preparing for phonics screening test.

PE: Throwing and Catching


WEEK 4 (13.05.19)

No Reading Morning this week.

English: We will be focusing on the book 'Through the Magic Mirror' By Anthony Browne. The children will be writing there own versions of the story!

Maths: Solving one step problems involving multiplication and division 

Topic: Under the Sea

Phonics: This week we will be focusing on spilt diagraphs o-e, a-e, e-e 

PE: Throwing and catching 


Please note that now the weather is getting warmer all children must have a sunhat and water bottle in school.

Week 3 (06.05.19)


We hope you all enjoyed the long bank holiday weekend!


English: This week we will be focusing on the book 'WHAT IF...?' By Anthony Browne.

The children will be writing party invitations and thank you letters.

Maths: Solve one-step problems involving multiplication and division, by calculating the answer using concrete objects, pictorial representations and arrays. There will be a focus on repeated addition and they will make connections between arrays, number patterns, and counting in twos, fives and tens. 


Topic: 'Under the Sea'. We will be creating stormy sea paintings inspired by J.M.W Turner.


Don't forget that PE still takes place on Monday afternoons so all PE kits are to be brought in - thanks!


Have a lovely week! 


Week 2 (20.04.19)

What a fantastic first week back!

English: Stories about feelings - We will be focusing on the book Silly Billy by Anthony Browne. The children will be working collaboratively when discussing worries and fears. There will be a focus on composing sentences/phrases orally before setting down on paper this week to enhance writing. We will also be designing and making worry dolls!

Maths: This week we will be focusing on repeated addition and arrays.

Topic: 'Under the Sea'

Please note that PE is still on a Monday afternoon. Please remember to bring in PE kit.
Reading morning/Stay & Play begins this week. 

Summer Week 1 (23.04.19)

Welcome back!

I hope you have all had a fun and relaxing Easter break. I can't wait to hear all about the exciting things you got up to!

Please note there will be no reading morning this week.


This term our topic will be focused on Oceans and Seas and our learning will be based on the theme Under the Sea. Through a series of lively and interesting activities the children will build their knowledge of oceans and seas around the world.

We will be learning about the seas that surround the UK, develop knowledge of the oceans and continents of the world and investigate how waves are caused and how they move. Inspired by the stormy seascapes of J. M. W. Turner, we will be using a variety of techniques to create textured watercolour paintings and turn them into sea-storm collages!
We will also be learning all about the famous ocean explorer Captain James Cook. 

English: Poetry - based on the theme of colour. 

Maths: Multiplication and Division

Key dates/news: 


Reading morning will begin next week (30.04.19)
As the weather is getting warmer please ensure your child has a labelled water bottle in school.
Please remember to bring in book bags in order for reading books to be changed.

Please note there will now be a Show & Tell rota which will be up on the door. This rota will be in register order and every child will have a go. Show & Tell will take place on Wednesday afternoons with Mrs Humphreys. 

If your child goes to breakfast club please ensure they know what colour they are for lunch.

Lets have a great week! :)



Week 12 (01.04.2019)

We will be having a fun-filled Easter week!

English: We will be looking at our five senses and creating poems based on a satsuma! What does your satsuma taste and feel like? The children will have the chance to come up with lots of exciting adjectives! We will also be writing instructions on how to make Easter egg nests.


Maths: Subtraction

Art: We will be making Easter baskets and creating lots of Easter art work!

This week the children will have the chance to do some cooking. We will be making Easter egg nest cakes :)


Key dates/News:

Heritage boxes due in by the end of the week please.
Easter bonnet competition and raffle will take place on Thursday 4th.
School finishes at 1:30 on Friday.

Happy Easter! Hope you all have a lovely break!

Miss Evans and Mrs Warner 


Week 11 (25.03.2019)


English: Traditional Tales - We will be listening to the oral story 'Dragon Dinosaur' where the children will retell parts and share opinions. We will be writing extended sentences and begin to use exclamation marks!

Maths: Adding and subtracting one-digit and two digit numbers to 20, including zero.

Topic: We will be learning all about Antarctica! 

RE: Good Friday

Key dates/news: 

Maths Games Morning on Wednesday (27th) . Please come along from 8:45-9:10.
On Wednesday afternoon the children are having a cultural workshop led by some of our own parents! 
Thursday (28th) is Spanish Breakfast (8-8:30am). 
On Friday is our Mothers Day Sale. 
Easter Egg Raffle is still happening! £1 per strip for the chance to be our class winner!
Easter Art and Heritage Boxes due next week please!  
Please bring in a photo of the children reading in an interesting place. We want to create a fantastic display in our library! 


Week 10 (18.03.19)

English: Non-Fiction 'Letters'. We will be focusing on the book Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell. The children will be writing letters to the zoo asking for a new pet! 

Maths: Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s

Topic: Wonderful Weather

Key Dates/News:

KS1 School Disco - Friday 22nd 4:30-5:40 


Week 9 (11.03.19)

Well done again to all the children for putting on a brilliant class assembly on Friday. I was very impressed with how loud and clearly the children spoke. I hope you all enjoyed it!

English: Various Genres - We will be focusing on the text Here comes Mr Postmouse by Marianna Dubuc, that allows for exciting opportunities to develop the children’s reading, writing and spoken language and apply across a range of genres. 

Maths: Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s

Topic: Wonderful Weather

Science: Humans - We will be looking at growth, basic needs, exercise, food and hygiene.

PE: To develop balance and co-ordination.
To perform dances using simple movement patterns with changes of speed and shape to represent an object.

Week 8 (04.03.19)

This week is our Book Week. We are going to be focusing on the book 'Flood' by Alvaro F. Villa.

Image result for the flood alvaro

This is a wordless book and therefore we will be looking at the different illustrations; predicting what may happen next and how each of the characters may be feeling at different parts of the story. We will be also creating lots of art based on the illustrations and looking at 'floods' as part of our topic 'Wonderful Weather'. 

Maths: Sequencing Events - Days of the Week and Months of the Year

Key Dates and News:

Please could your child bring in a photo of them reading a book in an unusual place, for instance, on the beach or in the garden. This will be used for the library display - thank you.

Thursday 7th is World Book Day. Please come dressed as your favourite book character. Prizes for the best dressed! 

Friday 8th: Swift Class Assembly - 9am. 

Week 7

Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely half term. 

English: We will be focusing on the story 'The Enormous Turnip'. The children will
be creating their own actions to retell the story and perform to the class.

Maths: Sequencing Events - Days of the Week and Months of the Year

Science: Animal Habitats. We will be continuing with making our shoe box animal habitats.

Topic: Wonderful Weather


Week 6

English: This week we will be looking at bossy verbs and writing instructions. We will be writing instructions on how to make jam sandwiches and using

them to make our own!

Maths: 2-D and 3-D shapes. We will be going on a shape hunt!

Science: Animal habitats 

Topic: Weather forecasts

PE: Dance - We will be becoming waves! We will be learning the terms 'unison' and 'canon'.

RE: Special places


Week 5 
Positive Mental Health Week 
We will be having lots of circle times focusing on mental health. 

English: This week we will be looking at Non-fiction: Instructions with a focus on the book Don't Let The Pigeon Stay Up Late! By Mo Willems. 

Maths: Naming and describing squares, rectangles, circles and triangles

Science: Animal Habitats - We will be designing our own habitat!
Next week I would like the children to start making their own animal habitat using their designs from this week. I would really appreciate if each child could please bring in a box/shoe box (no bigger than a shoe  box) over this week which can then be used to make their habitat. Thanks!

PE: Dance - We will be becoming raindrops!

Topic: Wonderful Weather

Key Dates:
On Friday 8th we will be auditioning for the talent show in the class. All children are welcome to audition - Please bring in any music/props they need for Friday.

Thank you 

Week 4 

English: We will be continuing with our topic PETS.

Maths - Counting in 2's and Doubles and halves.

Topic: Wonderful Weather

Science: Habitats

In RE we will be looking at things that are special to us. Mrs Humphreys has requested that could your child please bring in something that is special to them e.g. a small object, a photograph, small teddy for Tuesday - Thank you

Please note that on Friday 1st we will be having a whole school 'Number Day' for NSPCC. The children can dress up, wearing numbers; make a costume e.g. a calculator. Please bring in a £1 donation. Thank you. 

Week 3

English: (Non-Fiction) In English we will be focusing on 'Pets'. The children will have the opportunity to look at Kingfishers class snail Shelly and discuss ways we can look after her and keep her happy and healthy.
If applicable, please can your child bring in a photo of their pet for Fridays lesson so they can discuss their pets to the rest of the class. Thank you

Maths: Numbers to Twenty - Estimating and Ordering, 1 More and 1 Less

Topic: Wonderful Weather

Science: We will be looking at food chains.

PE: Dance -  'Ice Dancers'  

As a gentle reminder, due to the weather getting a lot colder please can you ensure your child has a warm coat in school and a hat/scarf/gloves.

Thank you 

Week 2

English - We will continue focusing on the book 'Where The Wild Things Are' By Maurice Sendak. 

Maths - Numbers to Twenty: Making 10 and some more

Science - Animal habitats 

Geography - Wonderful Weather: How Does the Weather Affect Us? 


Spring Term
Week 1

I would like to thank everyone for their wonderful gifts and cards we received before the Christmas break. I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and I wish you all a very Happy New Year. I am looking forward to Spring term in Swift Class.

English - We will focusing on the book 'Where The Wild Things Are' By Maurice Sendak. We will be retelling the story and creating story maps. 

Maths - Equality and Balance. We will be using language to express equivalent ways of making the same total. 

Science - We will be focusing on Habitats. We will be looking at the suitability of environments and at food chains. 

Topic - Our Topic for this term is Weather.

Please kindly note that Reading Morning and Stay and Play will begin from next week (14th January).
PE will take place on Monday Afternoons. 

Week 15 
We will be having a very Christmas filled week!
We hope you enjoy our Christmas production - the children have worked really hard and are very excited to perform. 

Please note on Thursday 20th we will be having a Swift Christmas party in the class to celebrate the children's hard work this term. Please bring in a snack (fruit, crisps, biscuits etc.) for all the children to share (suitable for vegetarians). Please NO NUTS due to allergies. 

Week beginning 17th December 

Monday: We will be performing our Christmas production to Key Stage 2. 
Tuesday: Sparrow and Swift Christmas production morning/afternoon.  
               No Reading Morning
Wednesday: Santa's Breakfast
                    School Christmas lunch
                    Christmas jumper day! All children to come in their Christmas jumpers. 

Thursday: Pantomime (in school)
                Swift Christmas party in class

Friday: School finishes at 1:30PM for all children. 
           No Stay and Play 


We wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Miss Evans and Mrs Warner 


Week 13

English: We will be focusing on the book 'The Jolly Postman' By Janet and Allan Ahlberg. 

Maths: Numbers to Ten - Comparison. We will be exploring the language of comparison such as more, fewer and less. 

Phonics: This week we will be revising the sounds we have learnt so far this term. 

Topic: War and Remembrance 

A gentle reminder that Stay and Play will not be on this week (Friday 7th) due to our Christmas assembly. 

Thank you! 

Week 12

English: Pattern and Rhyme

Maths: Numbers to Ten - Solving Problems Using Part or Whole Unknown

Topic: War and Remembrance 

Phonics: We will be looking at the sounds wh and ph. 

As a gentle reminder please can you make sure all costumes for the Christmas production are in by Monday 3rd December and to keep practicing lines ready for rehearsals from Monday. 

As the weather is getting colder please make sure your child has a warm coat, hat/scarf/gloves in school. 

Please kindly note books are changed Monday and Thursday so please make sure book bags are in on these days. 

Also Reception Stay and Play will not be on next week (Friday 7th December) due to Christmas Assembly. 

Thank you! 

Week 11

English: This week we will be focusing on Pattern and Rhyme. We will be looking at the poems 'Clocks and Watches', 'This Little Cow', 'Hot Dogs Forever' and 'If you ever & I can...'

Maths: Numbers to Ten - Solving Problems Using Part or Whole Unknown 


Topic: War and Remembrance

PE: Watford Football Club

Phonics: We will be learning the graphemes 'ir', 'ea' and 'aw'


Week 10

English: Vocabulary building. We will be focusing on the books 'Who's Our New Teacher?' By Jeanne Willis and 'Aaaarrgghh Spider!' By Lydia Monks. 

Maths: Numbers to Ten - Part Whole Addition and Subtraction

Topic: War and Remembrance Day

Phonics: We will be looking at the spilt diagraphs 'u_e' and 'e_e'
Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely half term.

Week 8

English: Vocabulary building. We will be focusing on the book 'Class Two at the Zoo' By Julia Jarman. 

Maths: Numbers to Ten - Part Whole Addition and Subtraction

Phonics: We will be learning new graphemes i_e, o_e, a_e, u_e.

Topic: War and Remembrance

Please note that on Wednesday 7th November we will be having another Maths Morning 8:45-9:15
Week 7

English: Patterns and repetitive phrases. We will be focusing on the story 'Little Rabbit Foo Foo' By Michael Rosen.

Maths: Numbers to Ten - Regrouping the Whole

Phonics: We will be looking at the sounds 'ur, ow and oi'

Science: Everyday Materials

Please kindly note that PE bags will now be stored inside the classroom rather than on the pegs. If you wish to take your child's PE kit home to wash then please just ask and we can hand it to you. Thank you

Week 6 

English: Patterns and repetitive phrases. We will be focusing on the story Handa's Suprise by Eileen Browne.

Maths: Numbers to Ten - Estimating and Ordering

Phonics: We will be looking at the sounds 'oo', 'ar' and 'or'. Tricky words - no and go

Topic: Our local area - Oxhey Park. 

Science - Everyday Materials 

On Wednesday 10th October we will be having a 'Maths Morning' from 8:45 - 9:15 in which all parents/guardians are welcome. 

Please can we make sure that all uniform and P.E kits are labelled with your child's name in to prevent anything getting lost - thank you. 


Have a lovely week!


Week 5

Thank you for all your donations for Harvest. 

English: Patterns and repetitive phrases. We will be focusing on the book 'Bears in the Night' By Stan and Jan Berenstain. 

Maths: Numbers to Ten - Estimating and Ordering

Phonics: We will be looking at the sounds 'ai', 'ee', 'igh' and 'oa'.

Science: Everyday Materials

Topic: Our Local Area - Focusing on Oxhey Park. 

Week 4

English: Recounts. We will be focusing on the book Dogger by Shirley Hughes. 

Maths: Numbers to Ten - Counting and Comparison (more, less, fewer)

Phonics: We will be looking at the phonemes 'y, z, and qu'. We will be learning to read and spell the tricky words 'he, she, the, to, and, no, go' - please practice these at home. 

Science: Everyday Materials

Key Dates and Information: 
Reading morning will be starting this week (Every Tuesday 8:45 - 9:10) 
- Please sign your name onto the white board outside the classroom and take a reading morning sticker. 
Stay and Play for Reception only will be starting this week (Every Friday 8:45 - 9.10)

- Please kindly note that no children are allowed onto the castle unless there is an adult.

Just a reminder for all children to please have named water bottles in school.

Please can the children bring in their favourite teddy from home for Friday. We will be using these for our Friday English lesson - Thank you. 

Show and Tell will be every Wednesday.


Week 3

English: Recounts. We will be focusing on the story 'Voices in the Park' by Anthony Browne.

Maths: Numbers to Ten - Finding Patterns in Numbers (including subitising) 

Phonics: Revisit Phase 2 sounds. We will be looking at the phonemes j, v, w and x and learn alphabet song. 

e: Everyday Materials. Play 'I-Spy the Material' game in the classroom, before discussing why different materials have been used. Sort items according to their properties and consider what it would be like if the tables were made of jelly or the chairs were chocolate!

Key Dates:

Monday - Book bags in
Tuesday - Book bags home
Wednesday - Mrs Humphreys covering 
                   Meet the Teacher - Swift Class 3:30pm
Thursday - Book bags in
Friday - Book bags and water bottles home


Swift Class

Mrs Bastable will be delivering our Harvest assembly 28th September. This year we will collect for the food bank at The Red Trust Bushey. Find out more information here:

Autumn Term Week 2

Week Beginning: 10th September 2018

Class News

We would like to welcome you all to start your journey at ‘Swift Class’.

I would like to welcome you to the ‘Swift Team’:

Swift class teacher: Miss Evans

Teaching Partners: Mrs Warner and Mrs Turner

PPA cover: Mrs Humphreys


Please ensure everything is labelled from school uniform, P.E. Kits, water bottlers, sunhat and book bags. Water bottles need to be handed in on Monday and will be sent home every Friday. P.E Kits will stay in school and is sent home during half term. If the kit needs to be sent home for a reason then we will hand it over to you. Outside Swift Class there is a notice board and on there is the lunch menu for the week please use the register to mark in your child’s lunch using the codes and this can be done for the whole week.

The codes follow:

R-Meat Option

G- Vegetarian Option

B-Roll/Sandwich Option

P- Jacket Potato Option

• H- Home Packed Lunch


Key dates:


Mrs Warner in class all day

PE PM- This will start from next week

Book bags back to school
Water bottles brought into school


Mrs Warner in class all day
Madame Lawson teaches French
Book bags sent home


Mrs Humphreys in class all day
Homework sent home


Book bags back to school


Mrs Turner PM
Book bags sent home
Water bottles sent home

Our Learning:

This week our main purpose is to continue to welcome and settle the children in.


English: Labels, lists and captions. The story we are focusing on is 'Plenty of Love to Go Round’ By Emma Chichester Clark.

Maths: Positional language, directional language


Computing: E-safety

Topic: Our local area, focusing on Oxhey Park.


Our School Council members are Devon and Oscar.

I have really enjoyed getting to know all the children and I hope they all enjoy their first full week back in school.

Thank you 

Swift Class Spring Term 4 Learning


Class News

Just another quick reminder each week I will set maths homework (Year 1s) on the mathletics website, the username and password is inside the reading journals. Please continue practise reading the words sent each week and practise writing the tricky words taught in phonics for the week. See down below in the phonics section.

Thank you for all of your support!


In Swift Class this week we are learning:


In Maths this week the children are learning doubling and halving numbers to 20.


In English this week the children are looking at the features of a non-chronological report, please explore a range of texts at home: leaflets, newspaper, booklets and so on. Please bring one in to share if you like.The children will be writing information about a postman and this week we will be collecting information and make notes.


In Phonics this week we are looking at Phase 5 sounds: wh  and ph( wheel, graphics), ew ( blew), oe (toe), au (launch) and the following tricky words: said, so, have and like.

Phase 3 practise GPCs s a t p i n m d g o c k ck e u r h b f f l ll ss, phoneme w  and  x with actions.


The children are describing simple properties of everyday materials.


To know computer software can help us with our reading.


In History this week we are going to look at the developments of cars and create a class timeline of cars.


The children are attending Forest School this term every Thursday. Children must wear long sleeves and long trousers in all weathers, as well as sturdy shoes or wellies, to protect them, for example, against stings, bites, scratches, and reactions from foliage. They will need warm layers(preferably including thermals) & coats for cold weather & waterproofs, including for the lower body/limbs, for wet conditions.


In Art the children are creating storm pictures.

Physical Education



The children are learning about their ‘Dreams and Goals’.

Key Dates:

  • Monday- Book bags (all) homework if due (see date) water bottles to be handed in
  • Tuesday- Reading Morning is on after the children are registered and Reading books to be handed (out)
  • Wednesday-  Homework books to be handed out
  • Thursday- Year 1s to hand in book bags only and Forest school in the afternoon
  • Friday- P.E please make sure your child’s kit is in school and books bags and water bottles to be handed out / Stay and Play at 14:30 for the receptions only

Swift News w/c 04/12/17

Phonics Support in Swift Class


To support your child at home with their phonics (Year 1s phase 3 and Receptions phase 2) we have some websites:


Phonics Play



Letters and Sounds



Our tricky words songs/ You Tube



Other phonics related songs we play



Swift Class Week 10

Celebrating Anti-Bullying Week!

The children have all been issued a library book and this will be changed every Tuesday, so please keep the book for the week and hand it on every Monday. Please hand in book bags on the designated days Monday and Thursday morning as Mrs Warner is given time only on these day to change book. If the book bags are not handed in these days the books will not be changed. If there is any questions please do speak to me.

Also we are changing the books for the reception once a week now to support them to develop their reading and understanding of the text. The children books will be changed and handed out on Tuesday and please keep them for a week and hand it on the following Monday.

The children are working really hard to develop their reading, handwriting , phonics to support them write labels and simple sentences. We really appreciate the support please carry on supporting them at home. If you need any support for ideas to help your child please contact me after school.

Thank you for cooperating with Swift Class


This week in Swift Class:


English- In English this week we are reading the book ‘PLENTY OF LOVE TO GO AROUND’ by Emma Chichester Clark and the theme around this week will be pets. If the children have any pets at home please bring us some pictures in.

Maths- In Maths this week we learning about addition and subtraction

Jigsaw- The children will be creating a display for ‘Anti-Bullying Week’ and will be participating in a drama workshop

Science- In Science this week the children will be categorising animals into groups

Art- The children will be creating a face using fruit

PE- Yoga


Dates to Note:

  • Monday- All to hand in book bags, water bottles and library books in
  • Tuesday- Book bags to be handed out and library books
  • Wednesday- Homework to be handed in
  • Thursday- Year 1s to hand in books only
  • Friday- Book bags and water bottles to be handed out

This Friday is ‘Children in Needs’ day to support the charity the children can come in their non- uniform for £1 donation to support the charity.


Thank You

Miss Shah & Mrs Warner


Swift Class Star of the Week

This week star of the week is Rumaysa for working hard and participating in class.


Year 5 Cross Country

I wanted to say a HUGE congratulations to the children that took part in our (slightly wet) cross country competition this afternoon.

All the children completed the 1500m course and represented the school fantastically, showing good sportsmanship to the other runners.  I was incredibly proud!

We did very well, with Zoe coming 3rd in the Girls race and Ben coming 2nd both winning medals!  They, along with Rosie and Tom, will be taking part in county finals soon!

Once again, WELL DONE to all of the runners!

Swift Class Week 9


Welcome Back

The children have had a fantastic first week back in school. The children are enjoying our ‘Post Office’ role play, if you have any old postcards, envelopes or boxes  (please cross out address details) please bring them in and  we can use them in our role play.

Please note that the lunch menu options have changed.

This week in Swift Class:

English- In English we are exploring Non-Fiction texts and writing labels and captions

Maths- In Maths we are learning to regroup ten

Science- We are continuing with our Human and Animals topic

Geography- Comments and ask questions about aspects of their familiar world such as the place where they live or the natural world

Science and Geography link- Recycling workshop

PE-  Yoga

Jigsaw- Celebrating differences

Dates to be noted:

  • Monday- Book bags and water bottles to be sent in
  • Tuesday- Book bags to go home 
  • Wednesday-Homework due in
  • Thursday- Book bags to be sent in
  • Friday- PE today and book bags and water bottle to be sent home 


Swift Class Star of the Week

Yaseen is star of the week for working hard.


Star of the Week

Faith is star of the week for consistently following class rules.


Information Requested


I have the information for you as reminders as requested during the parents evening consultation.

Book Bags

  • Handed in every Monday and Thursday
  • Handed out every Tuesday and Friday
  • Please read the book with your child and sign and date in their ‘Reading Journals’ if you would like to make a comment please do about how your child has read to you


  • In the box explaining the task the date is mentioned when the homework is due
  • If it says due in ‘November’ for example then it can be completed on any date during the month
  • If it says Due end of ‘November’ for example then its due in the last week
  • Please hand in homework in on Mondays when it is due so it is marked and returned by Wednesday


  • Reception are taught Phase 2
 Set 1 s / a / t / p
 Set 2  i / n / m / d
 Set 3  g / o / c / k
 Set 4 ck / e / u / r
 Set 5  h / b / f, ff / l, ll / ss


  • Year 1s are taught Phase 3


(as in chip)



(as in shop)



(as in thin)



(as in then)



(as in ring)



(as in rain)



(as in feet)



(as in night)



(as in book)



(as in boot)



(as in farm)



(as in for)



(as in hurt)



(as in cow)



(as in coin)



(as in dear)



(as in fair)



(as in sure)



(as in her)

  • High frequency ‘tricky’ words to be learnt during Phases 2 and 3


the to I go
no he she we
me be was my
you they her all


Role Play


In our ‘Role Play’ corner we are changing it to a ‘Post Office’ inspired by the children writing letters! If you have any unwanted envelopes with stamps on them, or packaging boxes that you have received through the post. The children can bring them in for our role play area.

Thank You 

Miss Shah & Mrs Warner


Swift Class Star of the Week

Mia is star of the week for working really hard to develop her confidence!


Fruit Tasting

Hello Parents and Guardians,

As part of our English and Science unit the children will taste the fruits from ‘Handa’s Surprise’. They will taste the following fruits: oranges, bananas, avocado pear, pineapple, passion fruit, mangos and guava. If there is any problems please let me know by Wednesday.

Miss Shah


Swift Class Traffic Lights for Black History Month


Swift Class for their homework were asked to make traffic lights for ‘Black History Month’ inspired by Garrett Morgon the man who invented them.


Eagle Class ‘Black History Month’ Poster

Eagle Class your posters are fantastic I can see how much detail is in the posters. Well done!



Miss Shah History coordinator


Sparrow Class ‘Black History Month’ Posters

Well done Sparrow Class your posters are fantastic, you have learnt loads.


Miss Shah History coordinator


Falcon Class Black History Month Posters

Well done Falcon Class your ‘Black History Month’ posters look really fantastic and I can see how much detail you have added.



Miss Shah History coordinator


Swift Class Star of the Week 5


Star of the week is Max for supporting and caring for his peers.


Celebrating Black History Month Poster!


Kingfisher Class Black History Month Learning

Kingfisher Class have started their learning to mark the start of ‘Black History Month’. I am really impressed with your research on ‘Katherine Johnson’ keep it up!



Miss Shah

History coordinator


Swift Class Star of the Week 5


George is Swift Class star of the week for his positive and caring attitude in his learning and towards his peers


Swift Class Week 5


  • Please wait outside the gate when you drop and collect your child from our class
  • If there is any questions please allow the children to go in and we will speak to you
  • Please don’t forget to sign in for your child’s lunch even if they are packed lunch, this can be done for the whole week on Monday
  • Every week we are focusing on learning a new way to say hello in another language so far we have done: French, Arabic, Spanish and Cantonese
  • This week we are learning to say hello in Italian
  • If you speak another language please share this with us so we can use this as our greet of the week too

Thank you for cooperating with Swift Class, we appreciate it.


This week we are learning:

English- In English we are reading the story of ‘William’s Bucket’

Maths- In Maths we are counting and adding numbers to 5 and 10

Phonics- Receptions phase 2 and Year 1s phase 3

Science- In Science we are continuing with our learning about the humans

PE- Gross Motor Skills

Art/EAD-  Exploring making paint dark

History- Ourselves and family


Key Dates:

October-Black History Month begins

Monday- Book bags to be handed in and water bottles

Tuesday-Book bags to be handed out

Wednesday- Homework folder will be handed out if any homework is handed in on Monday

Thursday-Book bags to be handed in

Friday- PE kits to be brought in, please check that your child has everything in their kit.

Miss Shah & Mrs Warner


Sports Afternoon 2017

Just a reminder:

  • Please bring cakes in Thursday or Friday for our Peace Hospice cake sale.

  • Children need to come to school in their PE kits with a coloured top of their house colour (the colour they sit in at lunch) on Friday. If they do not have a top in that colour their teacher will give them a coloured sticker.

  • Please come and watch Sports Afternoon from 1:30pm. We will be having a parent and teacher race at the end of the results.

  • The children will return to their classrooms at the end of the day and you will collect them from the playground as normal.

    Thank you.              Miss LH


Swift Class Week 4

This week in Swift Class:

English- In English this week we are looking at ‘Non Fiction, Labels, Lists and Signs’

Phonics- Phase 2 (Reception) and Phase 3 (Year 1)

Maths- In Maths this week we are learning about ‘2D Shapes’

Please bring in 2D shaped objects in (please label if you need it returned)

Science- In Science this week the children name human body parts & senses & compare them with those of common animals

ICT- To understand that digital texts can include words, numbers, graphics, film and sound

Child Initiated Learning- Encouraging independent learning of the different subjects that we are covering in the week

History- Remember significant events in our lives

PE- Continue to develop gross motor skills


  • Monday- Book bags and water bottles to be handed in
  • Tuesday- Reception children’s individual photos to be taken and book bags to be handed out including the Reception children
  • Thursday- Book bags to be handed in
  • Friday- Book bags and water bottles to go home

Swift Class please bring in a………….

Hello Swift Class,

Please bring in your favourite toy (not electronic and please label) to inspire our own story about a lost toy for our ‘English’ lesson. We also need a photograph of you as a baby and a toddler (labelled) for our ‘History’ lesson. This can be brought in by Friday or Monday.

Thank You


Bedtime Story Competition 2017

Do you know a child aged between 5 and 11 years old who has a brilliant idea for a bedtime story? Would they love to see it published as a fantastic picture book? Book People, in association with Little Tiger, are on the lookout for the nation’s best storyteller!

 Any child living in the UK aged between 5 and 11 years old can take part in Book People’s Bedtime Story Competition. Schools, libraries and community groups are welcome to submit entries for their children, too. All they will need to do is:

  • Write a 200-800 word bedtime story about friendship
  • Have a parent or guardian submit their entry using the link below
  • All entries must be submitted by 11:59pm on Monday 2 October

One winner will be selected from each age category and one overall winner will be chosen to have their book illustrated by Alison Brown, published by Little Tiger and sold exclusively through Book People!

To find out more, go 

Mr Libberton


Swift Class Autumn Term Learning!


Welcome to Swift Class



I hope that you all had a fantastic summer and a good rest. Me and Mrs Warner are really excited to meet you all on Tuesday. In our first week we will be coming up with class rules and supporting the children to settle into their new classroom environment.

This is an outline of the things that will be taught in the Autumn Term:

English-  Through our study of a fiction texts we will develop writing simple sentence using patterned language, words and phrases taken from familiar stories. The children will write labels and simple first person recounts based on personal experience, using adverbs of time to aid sequencing. They will read, write and recite familiar poems by heart.

Science-  Our topic is ‘Animals including humans’ the children will identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. They will identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. Then name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense.

ICT-  Our topic is ‘Let’s Create’ Children begin to explore digital texts, using varied devices and software to create digital content.  They investigate differences between input and output and hardware and software.  They explore the idea of a network related to computers at home and school, logging on to their area with support. They use unplugged computing approaches to explore the devices they use.

History- In History the topic is ‘Ourselves’ the children will look into changes in their lives, families and others.

Geography- In Geography we will be looking at ‘Journeys’ through distance, fieldwork and developing observational skills and reading maps.

Music- In Music the children will be uses voices expressively and creatively by singing songs, speaking chants and rhymes.

PE- In PE we will cover yoga, aerobics and our dance is linked to Christmas.

Jigsaw- In Jigsaw we will be looking at  ‘Being Me in My World’ firstly, we will establish our classes and will be doing much of the; welcoming, class social bonding and getting to know each other, introducing the new systems, expectations and routines.

RE-  Mrs Humphreys will be teaching RE the children will be studying the religious festivals of Christmas and Diwali.

French-  Madam Lawson will be teaching French the children will be learning  the animals names, number names, families members and to greet in French.


Miss Shah

Hertfordshire Library Services


Here are some events at local Hertfordshire Libraries. Click the link to find out about different events and activities on offer.

Weekend Stories – story time for under 8s

Weekend Stories are story time sessions in the library aimed at children under 8 years old. Come along to Saturday Stories or Sunday Stories and enjoy listening to old favourites and discovering new stories too.

This is a family event and all ages are welcome.

  • £1 voluntary donation per family

Hertfordshire Weekend Stories


Chatterbooks – reading groups for 8-12 year olds
Whether your child is already an avid reader or needing some inspiration, joining Chatterbooks is a great way to encourage them to have fun with books.

Please find more information about when the groups meet and to apply for a space in the link

Hertfordshire Chatterbooks


If you take part in any of these activities please let us know at school it would be great to share experiences at the Library.
Many Thanks
Mr Libberton


Welcome back! 

Reading Morning begins Tuesday 19th September 8:45-9:10. We look forward to welcoming you to share books with the children. 

Reading books will go out on Wednesday 6th for the first week. Then back to normal (in on a Monday and Thursday, then out in a Tuesday and Friday) 

Looking forward to seeing you all Tuesday! 


Swift Summer 

Had a lovely final day with Swift Class. Have a great break everyone! 


Swift Competition Winners

As a class we entered a competition run by John Lewis to draw a ‘special person’ Kika, Aaron M and Sophia’s pictures were chosen to be in the window! 

Swift Weekly News w/c 17th July

Visit your local Library over the Summer


Swift Weekly News w/c 10th July


I hear the children have had a great week while I was on School Journey. I’m looking forward to being back, I have missed Swift Class! 
Monday 10th 


Tuesday 11th

• Homework due in

• Book Bags, Water Bottles and Hats due in

• Reading Morning (8:45-9:15)

• Book Bags will go out tonight.

Wednesday 12th

• Come to look at children’s books 3:15-4:00

Thursday 13th

• Book Bags due in

• No Stay and Play

• Children are visiting their new classes in the afternoon

Friday 14th

• Reports to go out

• Book Bags and Water Bottles to go home


Swift Weekly News w/c 3rd July 

Monday 3rd

• Game On Session

• Book Bags, Water Bottles and Hats due in

Tuesday 4th

• Reading Morning (8:45-9:15)

• Book Bags will go out tonight.

Wednesday 5th

• Our topic for this term is FAVOURITE PLACES and any Show and Tell relevant to that would be great. If your child does not wish to take part that is also fine. – Layla, Emilio and Kika this week.

• Homework went home Wednesday and is due back in on TUESDAY 11TH JULY

Thursday 6th

• Book Bags due in

• Garden visit in the afternoon

• Stay and Play 2:30-3:00 for Receptions in Robin Class

Friday 7th

• Book Bags and Water Bottles to go home


International Day 

A big thank you to Elizabeth’s mum for coming in to talk to us! 

Swift Weekly News w/c 26th June 

I will be accompanying Year 6 on their Isle of Wight Trip (3rd-7th July). Mrs Michaels (teaches in KS2) will be teaching alongside Mrs Humphreys, Mrs Marten and Mrs Adoum. I have planned a fun week for the children including making their own musical instruments!

Monday 26th

• Homework due in

• Book Bags, Water Bottles and Hats due in

Tuesday 27th


• Reading Morning (8:45-9:15)

• Book Bags will go out tonight.

Wednesday 28th

• Our topic for this term is FAVOURITE PLACES and any Show and Tell relevant to that would be great. If your child does not wish to take part that is also fine. – Sophia, Zoya and Diggory this week.

• Homework goes home Wednesday and is due back in on TUESDAY 11TH JULY

Thursday 29th

• Book Bags due in

• Stay and Play 2:30-3:00 for Receptions in Robin Class

Friday 30th 

• INTERNATIONAL DAY – the children will be visiting different classes.

• Book Bags and Water Bottles to go home


Swift Star

Well done Sherali for being a kind friend 


Raffle Winners for Year 6 Enterprise

Winning ticket for the Wacky Face game is  – Pink 71-75

Second prize Aqua Blaster is –  Pink 106-110

Third prize a Teddy Bear is – Pink 51 – 55

Thank you for all your support


Swift Class in the Garden

Summer Fete!


Swift Class Visit to Tesco! 

Swift Class had a great visit to Tesco. We had a fish lesson at the fish counter, had a fruit and vegetable hunt, followed by a visit to the freezers! After a buffet brunch the children brought back a goodie bag!

Water Bottles / Hats / Suncream

It looks like summer is here so please remember water bottles, hats and suncream tomorrow (if they don’t have all day suncream at home).  


Swift Week 19/06/17

Monday 19th 

Book Bags and Water Bottles due in 

Tuesday 20th

No Reading Morning

Trip to Tesco (school uniform please) 

Book Bags to go out 

Wednesday 21st 

Homework to go out -due in on Monday 

Show and Tell – Katherine, Thomas and Eliza 

Year 6 Enterprise afternoon 

Thursday 22nd 

Book Bags due in 

Garden time 

Stay and Play 2:30pm 

Friday 23rd 

Book Bags and Water Bottles to go out 

Collecting old crockery for Summer Fete 


Swift Star of the Week

Well done George, great phonics! 


Swift News

Swift Class took the sponsored run seriously


Maths Workshop

Thank you to those who attended the Maths Workshop on Tuesday evening.

Attached is a copy of the PowerPoint from the evening.

Maths Calculation Information

Maths Problem Solving Week

This coming week is Maths Problem Solving Week.

All the children will be completing activities in their class rooms.  Reception up to Year 4 will also be taking part in a Problem Solving Workshop run by The Happy Puzzle Company.

After school, in the hall from 3.15pm, on Monday only, you will have the opportunity to purchase games and puzzles for as little as 75p.

Please see the web link below for a voucher to use when making your purchase on Monday, you can print it off yourself, to claim the Happy Puzzle Voucher, or alternatively collect one on arrival at the school hall on Monday.

There is a Problem Solving workshop of Parents only on Tuesday at 6.30pm, please complete the return slip on the letter sent out previously to indicate your interest so that we are able to cater for the numbers.

Thank you.


Swift Weekly News w/c 12/06


Monday 12th

• Homework due in

• Book Bags, Water Bottles and Hats due in


Tuesday 13th

• Reading Morning (8:45-9:15)

• Book Bags will go out tonight.

Wednesday 14th 

Our topic for this term is FAVOURITE PLACES and any Show and Tell relevant to that would be great. If your child does not wish to take part that is also fine. – Henry, Aron M and Rosie this week.

• Homework goes home Wednesday and is due back in on Monday

Thursday 15th

• Book Bags due in

• Stay and Play 2:30-3:00 for Receptions in Robin Class

Friday 16th 

• Sponsored Run – Non School Uniform, please bring in Sweets, Chocolates and or bottles for the Fete!

• Book Bags and Water Bottles to go home


Swift Class Maths

Line Dancing as a way of understanding position, movement and turns. 

Summer Fete! 

Jazzy Jars are due in tomorrow. There will be tables in the playground for you to put them on. 

Swift Weekly News w/c 5th June 


Monday 5th

• Jazzy Jars due in for Summer Fair! 

• Book Bags, PE Kits Water Bottles and Hats due in


Tuesday 6th

• Reading Morning (8:45-9:15)

• Book Bags will go out tonight.

Wednesday 7th

Our topic for this term is FAVOURITE PLACES and any Show and Tell relevant to that would be great. If your child does not wish to take part that is also fine. – Daisy, Kiara and Aiden this week.

• Homework goes home Wednesday and is due back in on Monday

Thursday 8th

• Book Bags due in

• Stay and Play 2:30-3:00 for Receptions in Robin Class

Friday 9th

• Book Bags and Water Bottles to go home


Swift Forest School

Monday is our final Forest School session. The children have really enjoyed the experience.


Swift Relationships

To finish off our Relationships Unit in Jigsaw we wrote about people who are special to us. 


Swift Star

Well done Joshua for being a good friend. 

Swift Well Being Day! 

We had great fun focusing on the book “Have You Filled Your Bucket Today?” We then had a treasure hunt!


Watford Library


Swift Weekly News

We hope you are having a lovely week. Thank you for all your support this Half Term, have a lovely break! Our last Forest School is the first Monday back after Half Term.
Year 1

• Writing stories

• Addition and Subtraction

• In phonics we are focusing on Revision of Phase 5 


  • Writing stories
  • Addition and subtraction 

• Dictation of CCVC Words spot, step, stop, skip, trip, plan, from, frog, twin, swim

 There is no Homework over Half Term but please keep up the reading. If your child would like to write about their Half Term break it would be lovely to share with the class.

Monday 22nd

• Homework due in

• Book Bags, Water Bottles and Hats due in


Tuesday 23rd

• Reading Morning (8:45-9:15)

• Book Bags will go out tonight.

Wednesday 24th

Our topic for this term is FAVOURITE PLACES and any Show and Tell relevant to that would be great. If your child does not wish to take part that is also fine. – Daniel, Grace and Naomi this week.

• No Homework over half term, please keep up the reading

Thursday 25th

• Book Bags due in

• Stay and Play 2:30-3:00 for Receptions in Robin Class

Friday 26th

• Book Bags PE Kits and Water Bottles to go home


Swift Star of the Week

Well done Zoya for being so helpful to her friends 


Swift Fete Donations 

Swift Class wrote letters asking for donations for the fete raffle. Well done to Rosie, Emilio and Henry who have been the first to receive replies! 

Thursday in Swift Class is Castle Day! 

Swift Class Forest School

It looks like rain tomorrow so please make sure the children have suitable clothing.  Unless it is torrential we will still be taking part. 


Swift News w/c 15.05.17

Year 1

• Information – Dear Greenpeace

• Patterns/Multiplication

• In phonics we are focusing on Alternative spellings: /oa/ /m/

• Forest School


• Information – Dear Greenpeace

• Patterns/Multiplication

• Dictation of CVCC Words tent, damp, lump, bend, mend, fump, hent, yend

• Forest School

Home Learning – Reception and Year 1 – consolidation tasks based on this week’s learning

Please remember to spend no more than 5 minutes on a task unless your child wishes to continue. I will be sending home a Handwriting Booklet for the children. I do not expect it to be completed in a week; it is for the child to complete before the end of term (July). Please send in when completed.


Maths: Repeating Patterns

English: Sentences/Reading


Maths: Repeating Patterns

Phonics: Reading and writing sentences linked to this week’s phonics

English: SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar)

Monday 15th

• Homework due in

• Book Bags, Water Bottles and Hats due in


Tuesday 16th

• Reading Morning (8:45-9:15)

• Book Bags will go out tonight.

Wednesday 17th

Our topic for this term is FAVOURITE PLACES and any Show and Tell relevant to that would be great. If your child does not wish to take part that is also fine. – Aimee, Elizabeth and Sacha this week.

• Homework goes out today and is due in on Monday.

Thursday 18th

• Book Bags due in

• Stay and Play 2:30-3:00 for Receptions in Robin Class

Friday 19th

• Book Bags and Water Bottles to go home


Swift Star 

Well done Layla for always being polite and respectful. 



Swift Week 

The children have made some amazing Family Trees/Important People in Their  Life Posters!

Swift News w/c 08/05


Monday 8th 

Homework, Book Bags and water bottles due in


Tuesday 9th 


Book Bags go out tonight 

 Wednesday 10th 

Show and Tell – Sherali, Bobby and George (Favourite Places) 

Homework goes out today and due in on Monday 

Thursday 11th 

Book Bags due in 

Stay and Play for Receptions 2:30-3:00 in Robin Class

Friday 12th 

Book Bags and Water Bottles to go home   


Swift Star of the Week

Well done Luis for being a great friend! 

Our Week In Swift Class

We retold the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff! 



Growth Mindset Workshop 


Swift Weekly News w/c 2.05


Tuesday 2nd

• Reading Morning (8:45-9:15)

• Book Bags will go out tonight.

Wednesday 3rd

Our topic for this term is FAVOURITE PLACES and any Show and Tell relevant to that would be great. If your child does not wish to take part that is also fine. – Inaaya, Luis and Sonny this week.

• Homework goes out today and is due in on Monday.

Thursday 4th

• Book Bags due in

• Stay and Play 2:30-3:00 for Receptions in Robin Class

Friday 5th

• Book Bags and Water Bottles


Swift Star!

Well done Eliza for being a good friend! 


Swift Weekly News 2

We have started our MFL unit Le Corps! Then we learnt “Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” in French!



Swift Weekly News

We have been very busy starting Forest School!

Swift Weekly News w/c 24.04

Year 1• Studying traditional tales and character descriptions

• Addition and Subtraction

• In phonics we are focusing on Alternative spellings: /ee/ /ch/

• Forest School


• Studying traditional tales and character descriptions

• Addition and Subtraction

• Revising Phase 3 including rhyming

• Forest School 


Monday 24th

•Maths and Phonics Homework due in

• Book Bags, Water Bottles and Hats due in


Tuesday 25th

• Reading Morning (8:45-9:15)

• Book Bags will go out tonight.

Wednesday 26th 

Our topic for this term is FAVOURITE PLACES and any Show and Tell relevant to that would be great. If your child does not wish to take part that is also fine. – Nya, Joshua and Aaron B this week.

• 2 Week Homework went out last week and is due in on Tuesday 2nd May

Thursday 27th

• Book Bags due in

• Stay and Play 2:30-3:00 for Receptions in Robin Class

Friday 28th

• Book Bags and Water Bottles to go home

Swift Star

Well done Aaron for being a good friend! 

Swift Class This Week

We have had a very busy first week back and we welcome Grace to our class and hope she enjoys her time with us. 

We celebrated Earth Day by creating these recycling pictures. 


Swift Weekly News w/c 18.04

Swift Learning this week

Year 1

• Studying traditional tales and rewriting a version of Cinderella

• Finding 10 more and 10 less

• In phonics we are focusing on Alternative spellings: /ai/ /c/

• Starting Plant Topic


• Studying traditional tales and retelling a version of Cinderella

• Counting in 10’s

• Revising Phase 3

• Starting Plant Topic

Home Learning – Reception and Year 1 – consolidation tasks based on this week’s learning


We would like the children to create either a Family Tree Poster or a Very Important People in Our Life Poster. We have enclosed some paper to use if you would like. These need to be back in school on Tuesday 2nd May 2017


Maths: Counting in 10’s


Ten more ten less

Reading and writing sentences linked to this week’s phonics

Weekly News  


Tuesday 18th

I am  teaching in the morning and Mrs Austin is teaching in the afternoon 

• Book Bags, Water Bottles and PE Kits due in

• NO Reading Morning 

• Book Bags will go out tonight.

Wednesday 19th

I’m teaching in the morning

• Mrs Humphreys is on a course, Mrs Sabbatini will be with me in the morning.

Our topic for this term is FAVOURITE PLACES and any Show and Tell relevant to that would be great. If your child does not wish to take part that is also fine. – this starts next week

• 2 Week Homework goes out today and is due in on Tuesday 4th May

Thursday 20th

• Book Bags due in

• Stay and Play 2:30-3:00 for Receptions in Robin Class

Friday 21st 

• Book Bags and Water Bottles to go home

• Film Night after school


Swift Classroom Summer Ready!

Swift Summer Term Overview 


Summer Term!Each week we will be updating our blog to give you information about the coming week and important dates to remember. This blog post tells you about the term ahead and what your children will be learning.

Maths: This term children will be learning more about number and place value, they should be able to read and write numbers to 100 in numerals and to 20 in words, order numbers to 50, find one more and one less and solve problems involving all of the above. Measurement– mass, 2D and 3D shapes, counting and money, multiplication– add one digit and two digit numbers to 20 and recall all use of doubles and halves of numbers to 10, division– subtract one and two digit numbers to 20. We will also focus on problem solving to further the develop their investigative skills.

English: We will be focusing on various aspects of English including speaking and listening, poetry, fiction, non-fiction and storytelling. We will be improving our reading and comprehension skills through discussion, shared, guided and independent activities. Through our lessons, we will be developing our grammar and punctuation. With support the children will begin to edit and redraft their writing.

Phonics: Reception children will move from Phase 3 to Phase 4 phonics, children will, among other things:

• Practice reading and spelling CVCC words (‘such,’ ‘belt,’ ‘milk’ etc)

• Practice reading and spelling high frequency words

• Practice reading and writing sentences

• Learn more tricky words, including ‘have,’ ‘like,’ ‘some,’ ‘little’

In Phase 5 Year 1 Children learn new graphemes (different ways of spelling each sound) and alternative pronunciations for these: for example, learning that the grapheme ‘ow’ makes a different sound in ‘snow’ and ‘cow’. They should become quicker at blending, and start to do it silently. They learn about split digraphs (the ‘magic e’) such as the a-e in ‘name.’ They’ll start to choose the right graphemes when spelling, and will learn more tricky words, including ‘people,’ ‘water’ and ‘friend’. They also learn one new phoneme: /zh/, as in ‘treasure.’ The Year 1 children will take part in ‘Phonic Screening’ in June.

Science: Children will identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including trees. Thorough this topic, the children will identify, name and draw the main parts of a range of plants. Children will grow their own flowers and vegetables from seed & harvest the food to eat! We will incorporate appropriate vocabulary within this topic and take part in investigations, using our prediction skills. We will also be taking in part in Forest School and visiting the school garden.

Jigsaw PSHE: Relationships has a wide focus, looking at diverse topics such as families, friendships, pets and animals, and love and loss. A vital part of this Puzzle is about safeguarding and keeping children safe; this links to cyber safety; children learn how to deal with conflict, their own strengths and self-esteem. They have the chance to explore roles and responsibilities in families, and look at stereotypes. All Jigsaw lessons are delivered in an age- and stage-appropriate way so that they meet children’s needs. Changing Me: deals with change of many types, from growing from young to old, becoming a teenager, assertiveness, self-respect and safeguarding. Self and body image and accepting change are diverse subjects for children to explore. We will think about looking ahead and moving year groups.

Computing: This unit introduces children to the principles of coding, using age-appropriate software. This will encourage basic understanding of algorithms and how to create precise instructions for visual working programs. It begins to develop a sense of creating, debugging and logical reasoning, which are required for further programming at KS2. Through this we will be continuing to embed the importance of E-Safety.

PE: We will be developing our ball and racquet skills through the sports of tennis, football followed by a heptathlon unit practising the various disciplines of Jessica Ennis

Art: Through different mediums we will be learning the artistic skills of sewing, weaving and using clay and collage. We will be further developing our observational skills and reflecting and evaluating our own and the art of others’

Design Technology: Children will discuss the bakery where the fire started and why it started so easily. They talk about and what a bakery is. They will bake cakes based on the recipe used by Farrinor and then bake their own bread, learning about the role of each ingredient.

Music: In this unit pupils, will learn to sing the nursery rhyme London’s Burning and compose music using tuned and untuned instruments on the theme of The Great Fire of London. Children will practise singing ‘London’s Burning’ in a round and using dynamics. They notate their compositions and decide how to organise their performance

RE: We will be focusing on special places around the school, special places to people in the community and which place is special and holy to the local community. We will do this through asking questions discussion of what is special to us and what ‘special’ means.

History: Children will learn about the Great Fire of London. Through this topic, we are going to recognise why events happened and what happened as a result. We will identify differences between ways of life at different times. Through this topic, we are going to recognise why people did things. We will find out about past from a range of sources.

Geography: In this unit pupils, will learn to identify daily weather patterns in the United Kingdom. Locate the UK on a map. Find and name the countries in the UK. Use simple compass directions. Locate London and know it is a capital city.

French: Through songs, role-play and games the children will learn simple words and phrases to complement our topics.


Happy Easter Swift Class! 


Swift Easter Bonnets 


Swift Chicks Came Out To Play!

Swift Chick Update

Think they might be hungry? 



KS2 Choir

New school choir – sign up now!

The choir will be open to all KS2 children with no auditions needed. Rehearsals will take place at school on Thursdays from 3.15 to 4.00pm with Mrs Williams and Miss Langley Higgs.

The choir will provide a valuable opportunity for the children to develop their vocal technique and build confidence in their abilities, gaining knowledge of music theory and performance skills and, most of all, to enjoy singing together.


Please sign up now on the School Gateway!


Can you help with the choir?

We are looking for a volunteer piano/keyboard accompanist for occasional rehearsals and termly concerts.

We would also like to hear from any parents who want to help with the choir in other ways, whether by supporting children’s engagement during rehearsals, contributing ideas or helping to organise concerts – no musical experience necessary.

If you are interested in any of these roles, or you know someone else who might be, please contact Miss Langley Higgs.


Swift Weekly News

Swift Has Talent! 

Well done to Aimee and Aiden, very proud! 

Swift Class This Week

We have written our own books. 


Swift Star of the Week

Well done Sacha for a great explanation on how to keep the chicks healthy. 

Robin and Swift Chick Update

Moving home! 


Swift Robin Chicks Update! 

Meet the family!! 


Swift News Week Commencing 20/03

Swift Star of the Week

Well done  Nya, great effort and helpfulness! 


Swift Week! 

We have been discussing Palm Sunday in RE and finding uses for everyday materials in Science

Swift Weekly News w/c 13th March

Swift Star of Week

Well done Emilio for a great explanation of a healthy diet. 


Swift Class this Week

This week we have finished our unit on Beegu! 

Swift Week w/c 6th 

This week in Swift Class! 

We have created a space ship for Beegu and celebrated World Book Day in French! 

Swift Star of the Week

Well done Kiara, great attitude all of the time! 



Swift Weekly News w/c 27.o2

This Week in Swift Class 

We have been studying the book Beegu! 

Swift Star of the Week 

Well done Rosie! Great effort in all areas. 


Swift and Woodpecker Garden of Dreams 


World Book Day 2017


This year World Book Day is on Thursday 2nd March to celebrate reading books, authors and illustrators. It is held in more than 100 countries around the world. A key aim is to give every child in the UK a book of their own to keep. Every child is eligible to receive a £1 World Book Day Token which can be exchanged for one of ten exclusive £1 World Book Day Books, or if you prefer, use it to get £1 off any full-priced book or audio book. Tokens must be redeemed by the end of March 2016.


We will be celebrating this great event on Thursday, 2nd March, by asking children to come dressed as their favourite book character. There will be prizes for the most original costume in each class and every child will receive their £1 World Book Token.

If you would like to find out more information about World Book Day, there are ideas, activities and resources at:

Swift Week w/c 20th Feb

Swift Class Request

Hello, we are looking for empty shoe boxes for after half term. Any donations gratefully received! 


Swift Star 

Well done Sonny for great team work and reading! 


Swift News

This week we have been studying the book Don’t Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late’ We followed instructions to draw the pigeon!

Swift Science Investigation

We have been investigating different materials to see which was the most waterproof.  We then tested it out!

Swift Weekly News w/c 6/02

Swift Star of the Week

Well done Elizabeth for such a positive attitude! 

Swift Week!

We have been very busy writing our own versions of Lost and Found! 


Please remember Friday 10th February is “Wear a heart or something red for Home-Start” and donate £1


Junk Modelling Materials Needed In Robin Class


The children in Robin class are very creative! We need lots of boxes, plastic containers (not milk cartons), rolls of cardboard for our fantastic creations. The children love to make and invent, last week we had Robots, Planes and many more inventive ideas! If you have any of these we would be greatly appreciative.

Many Thanks,

Mr Libberton and Mrs Warner


Swift Weekly News w/c 30th January

Swift Week! 

On Thursday we celebrated Chinese New Year by designing dragons. 

We wrote our own version of Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers

On Thursday Naomi told us all about Australia Day! 

Swift Star of the Week

Well done Bobby! You worked really well with partners and in groups this week!


Swift Weekly News w/c 23rd January

In English we will be writing our own versions of Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers 

In Maths we are investigating 2D and 3D Shapes 

In Science we are identifying everyday materials 

In phonics we are reading two syllable words eg windmill, sandpit, desktop etc 



Swift Star of the Week

Well done to all of Swift Class  for their Class Assembly!! 


Swift Class this Week! 

I am so proud of the children and how they performed in Assembly! 

We have been drawing Creation pictures in RE. 

Watford Junior Challenge Run 2017

The Watford Junior Challenge Run, organised by Watford Harriers, will take place on Saturday 18 March 2017 at Cassiobury Park from 11.15am.

There will be races for U8, U10, U12 and U14.

If your child is interested in entering ask them to collect an entry form from Mrs Burns



Swift and Sparrow class will be decorating wellies as part of their PSHE, any donations gratefully received.


Swift Weekly News

Our Week in Swift Class

We have created Watercolour and Salt weather pictures and started to discuss how we keep ourselves safe!

Star Of The Week! 

Well done Aiden! Staying motivated when using cursive script! 



Playing out in the snow (or what little there was of it!) 


Swift School Council for Spring Term

Congratulations to Kika and Luis who are our School Council Reps this term. A massive thank you to Daniel and Inaaya for their brilliant contribution last term! 


Weekly News


Happy  2017! 

                                                         Happy 2017 to one and all!

Each week we will be updating our blog to give you information about the coming week and important dates to remember.

Our first blog tells you about the term ahead.

Your children will be learning: 

Maths: This term children will be learning more about number and place value, they should be able to read and write numbers to 100 in numerals and to 20 in words, order numbers to 50, find one more and one less and solve problems involving all of the above. Measurement– mass, 2D and 3D shapes, counting and money, multiplication– add one digit and two digit numbers to 20 and recall all use of doubles and halves of numbers to 10, division– subtract one and two digit numbers to 20.

English: We will be focusing on various aspects of English including speaking and listening, poetry, fiction, non-fiction and storytelling. We will be improving our reading and comprehension skills through discussion, shared, guided and independent activities. Through our lessons, we will be developing our grammar and punctuation.

Phonics: children will, among other things:

• Practise reading and spelling CVCC words (‘such,’ ‘belt,’ ‘milk’ etc)

• Practise reading and spelling high frequency words

• Practise reading and writing sentences

• Learn more tricky words, including ‘have,’ ‘like,’ ‘some,’ ‘little’

Children learn new graphemes (different ways of spelling each sound) and alternative pronunciations for these: for example, learning that the grapheme ‘ow’ makes a different sound in ‘snow’ and ‘cow’. 

They should become quicker at blending, and start to do it silently.

They learn about split digraphs (the ‘magic e’) such as the a-e in ‘name.’

They’ll start to choose the right graphemes when spelling, and will learn more tricky words, including ‘people,’ ‘water’ and ‘friend’. They also learn one new phoneme: /zh/, as in ‘treasure.’

Science: Children will learn to name and identify everyday materials and have the opportunity to explore these materials. The children will also carry out a simple investigation to help decide on the most suitable material for an everyday object.

Jigsaw PSHE: Hope and Dreams. to share our hopes and dreams and discuss and plan ways we can achieve these using a growth mindset approach to tackling a challenge. Then after half term the topic will be Healthy Me, discussing being healthy inside and out 

Computing: We will be looking at data handling this term and pictograms. The children will be learning to recognise familiar programmes and devices and say what these can and can’t do, alongside e-safety.

PE: We will be developing our throwing and catching skills using various objects. We will be jumping, landing and balancing. We will be showing rhythm in our dance and creating simple moves and linking movements into a sequence.

Art: Through studying art linked to ‘weather’ the children will experiment with a variety of media; pencils, rubbers, crayons, pastels, felt tips, charcoal, ballpoints, chalk. They will also create, select and use textured paper for an image.

Design Technology: Through our Transport topic we will be exploring Mechanisms Sliders and Levers Structures and how they can help us in everyday life.

Music: In this unit pupils, will learn to be able to use voices and sing songs and chants, to explore rhythms of words, to perform rhythms to a given beat from a score and to recall and perform rhythm patterns to a steady beat.

RE: What is happening in the natural world in spring? The children will experience aspects of the natural world, develop their sense of enquiry and curiosity in the world around them. They will study Muslim Creation stories along with the Christian festival of Easter.

History: Children will explore many different forms of transport. They understand how transport has changed over time, and begin to develop a chronology of automobiles, trains and space travel. They then explore the history of space travel, recognising significant events such as the first man to orbit the earth, the first space walk and the moon landings.

Geography: In this unit pupils, will learn to identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the United Kingdom and the location of hot and cold areas of the world in relation to the Equator and the North and South Poles.

French: Through songs and games the children will learn simple words and phrases to describe weather and clothes.


End of Term

Have a great break everyone. Thank you for your kind words, cards and gifts. Your children have been a delight! See you in January! 


Breakfast Party!

Weekly News


Star of the Week

Well done to all of Swift Class for their efforts in our Productions this week! I a very proud of them. And to those who were not well, we hope get better soon! 


Christmas Dinner! 

Weekly News


Christmas Class Breakfast Tuesday 20th. Please bring in something to share, no nuts. 

Monday 12th 

Homework, Book Bags and water bottles due in. 

I’m on a course in the morning, Mrs Doonan and Mrs Humphreys will be teaching. 

We should be back from the pantomime by about 4:30. 

Tuesday 13th 

Final Reading Morning 

Book Bagsto go home. 

Wednesday 14th 

Christmas Dinner. Wear a Christmas top!

Secrets Room, please bring money in a named envelope or purse. 

No homework over the holidays except reading! 

Thursday 15th 

Book bags due in. 

KS1 Performance in the afternoon. 

Friday 16th 

Book Bags, water bottles, PE kits and costumes to go home. 

Final Stay and Play for Reception. 


Star of the Week

Well done Daniel! 


Star of the Week

Well done Daniel! 

Weekly News 


Star of the Week

Well done Sophia! 


This Week 

Weekly News 


Star of the Week

Well done Diggory! 


Skip2BFit Workshop

These might be blurry because the children were skipping so fast!! 

Saracen Tickets 



Weekly News


Star of the Week

Well done Naomi! 



A relaxing way to end Science and Anti Bullying week! 


Clinical Scientist

Lily’s mum, Mrs Andrews came in to talk to the children about bacteria and antibiotics 

Challenge Cup!


Challenge Cup

Well done Sophia, Inaaya, Emilio and Thomas who came 2nd in the PSHE round of Challenge Cup! 



Mrs Bowes (Jessica and Rosie’s mum) came in to talk about her job as a Paramedic 


Science Week

Dry Ice Workshop! 

Star of the Week 

Well done Thomas! 


Weekly News!


Our Week

Fingerprint Poppies! 



Weekly News


Star of the Week

Well done Aimee!



Our Week

We have been very busy drawing firework pictures, enjoying the drumming workshop and trialling an online workout program!